changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 28801 2f1c998c3fcc
child 49158 f62d1d1c2d9c
equal deleted inserted replaced
47215:4ebc2e2fb97c 47216:71c04702a3d5
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     8  *
     9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    13  * accompanied this code).
    14  *
    15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    18  *
    19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    20  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
    21  * questions.
    22  */
    24 package propertiesparser.gen;
    26 import propertiesparser.parser.Message;
    27 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageFile;
    28 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageInfo;
    29 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageLine;
    30 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType;
    31 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType.CompoundType;
    32 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType.CustomType;
    33 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType.SimpleType;
    34 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType.UnionType;
    35 import propertiesparser.parser.MessageType.Visitor;
    37 import;
    38 import;
    39 import;
    40 import;
    41 import java.text.MessageFormat;
    42 import java.util.ArrayList;
    43 import java.util.Arrays;
    44 import java.util.Collections;
    45 import java.util.TreeSet;
    46 import java.util.List;
    47 import java.util.Map;
    48 import java.util.Set;
    49 import java.util.Properties;
    50 import;
    51 import;
    53 public class ClassGenerator {
    55     /** Empty string - used to generate indentation padding. */
    56     private final static String INDENT_STRING = "                                                                   ";
    58     /** Default indentation step. */
    59     private final static int INDENT_WIDTH = 4;
    61     /** File-backed property file containing basic code stubs. */
    62     static Properties stubs;
    64     static {
    65         //init properties from file
    66         stubs = new Properties();
    67         String resourcePath = "/propertiesparser/resources/";
    68         try (InputStream in = ClassGenerator.class.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath)) {
    69             stubs.load(in);
    70         } catch (IOException ex) {
    71             throw new AssertionError(ex);
    72         }
    73     }
    75     /**
    76      * Supported stubs in the property file.
    77      */
    78     enum StubKind {
    79         TOPLEVEL("toplevel.decl"),
    80         FACTORY_CLASS("nested.decl"),
    81         IMPORT("import.decl"),
    82         FACTORY_METHOD_DECL("factory.decl.method"),
    83         FACTORY_METHOD_ARG("factory.decl.method.arg"),
    84         FACTORY_METHOD_BODY("factory.decl.method.body"),
    85         FACTORY_FIELD("factory.decl.field"),
    86         WILDCARDS_EXTENDS("wildcards.extends"),
    87         SUPPRESS_WARNINGS("suppress.warnings");
    89         /** stub key (as it appears in the property file) */
    90         String key;
    92         StubKind(String key) {
    93             this.key = key;
    94         }
    96         /**
    97          * Subst a list of arguments into a given stub.
    98          */
    99         String format(Object... args) {
   100             return MessageFormat.format((String)stubs.get(key), args);
   101         }
   102     }
   104     /**
   105      * Nested factory class kind. There are multiple sub-factories, one for each kind of commonly used
   106      * diagnostics (i.e. error, warnings, note, fragment). An additional category is defined for
   107      * those resource keys whose prefix doesn't match any predefined category.
   108      */
   109     enum FactoryKind {
   110         ERR("err", "Error", "Errors"),
   111         WARN("warn", "Warning", "Warnings"),
   112         NOTE("note", "Note", "Notes"),
   113         MISC("misc", "Fragment", "Fragments"),
   114         OTHER(null, null, null);
   116         /** The prefix for this factory kind (i.e. 'err'). */
   117         String prefix;
   119         /** The type of the factory method/fields in this class. */
   120         String keyClazz;
   122         /** The class name to be used for this factory. */
   123         String factoryClazz;
   125         FactoryKind(String prefix, String keyClazz, String factoryClazz) {
   126             this.prefix = prefix;
   127             this.keyClazz = keyClazz;
   128             this.factoryClazz = factoryClazz;
   129         }
   131         /**
   132          * Utility method for parsing a factory kind from a resource key prefix.
   133          */
   134         static FactoryKind parseFrom(String prefix) {
   135             for (FactoryKind k : FactoryKind.values()) {
   136                 if (k.prefix == null || k.prefix.equals(prefix)) {
   137                     return k;
   138                 }
   139             }
   140             return null;
   141         }
   142     }
   144     /**
   145      * Main entry-point: generate a Java enum-like set of nested factory classes into given output
   146      * folder. The factories are populated as mandated by the comments in the input resource file.
   147      */
   148     public void generateFactory(MessageFile messageFile, File outDir) {
   149         Map<FactoryKind, List<Map.Entry<String, Message>>> groupedEntries =
   150                 messageFile.messages.entrySet().stream()
   151                         .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> FactoryKind.parseFrom(e.getKey().split("\\.")[1])));
   152         //generate nested classes
   153         List<String> nestedDecls = new ArrayList<>();
   154         Set<String> importedTypes = new TreeSet<>();
   155         for (Map.Entry<FactoryKind, List<Map.Entry<String, Message>>> entry : groupedEntries.entrySet()) {
   156             if (entry.getKey() == FactoryKind.OTHER) continue;
   157             //emit members
   158             String members = entry.getValue().stream()
   159                     .flatMap(e -> generateFactoryMethodsAndFields(e.getKey(), e.getValue()).stream())
   160                     .collect(Collectors.joining("\n\n"));
   161             //emit nested class
   162             String factoryDecl =
   163                     StubKind.FACTORY_CLASS.format(entry.getKey().factoryClazz, indent(members, 1));
   164             nestedDecls.add(indent(factoryDecl, 1));
   165             //add imports
   166             entry.getValue().stream().forEach(e ->
   167                     importedTypes.addAll(importedTypes(e.getValue().getMessageInfo().getTypes())));
   168         }
   169         String clazz = StubKind.TOPLEVEL.format(
   170                 packageName(messageFile.file),
   171                 String.join("\n", generateImports(importedTypes)),
   172                 toplevelName(messageFile.file),
   173                 String.join("\n", nestedDecls));
   174         try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(outDir, toplevelName(messageFile.file) + ".java"))) {
   175             fw.append(clazz);
   176         } catch (Throwable ex) {
   177             throw new AssertionError(ex);
   178         }
   179     }
   181     /**
   182      * Indent a string to a given level.
   183      */
   184     String indent(String s, int level) {
   185         return Stream.of(s.split("\n"))
   186                 .map(sub -> INDENT_STRING.substring(0, level * INDENT_WIDTH) + sub)
   187                 .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
   188     }
   190     /**
   191      * Retrieve package part of given file object.
   192      */
   193     String packageName(File file) {
   194         String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
   195         int begin = path.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar + "com" + File.separatorChar);
   196         String packagePath = path.substring(begin + 1, path.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar));
   197         String packageName =  packagePath.replace(File.separatorChar, '.');
   198         return packageName;
   199     }
   201     /**
   202      * Form the name of the toplevel factory class.
   203      */
   204     public static String toplevelName(File file) {
   205         return Stream.of(file.getName().split("\\."))
   206                 .map(s -> Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1))
   207                 .collect(Collectors.joining(""));
   208     }
   210     /**
   211      * Generate a list of import declarations given a set of imported types.
   212      */
   213     List<String> generateImports(Set<String> importedTypes) {
   214         List<String> importDecls = new ArrayList<>();
   215         for (String it : importedTypes) {
   216             importDecls.add(StubKind.IMPORT.format(it));
   217         }
   218         return importDecls;
   219     }
   221     /**
   222      * Generate a list of factory methods/fields to be added to a given factory nested class.
   223      */
   224     List<String> generateFactoryMethodsAndFields(String key, Message msg) {
   225         MessageInfo msgInfo = msg.getMessageInfo();
   226         List<MessageLine> lines = msg.getLines(false);
   227         String javadoc =
   228                 .filter(ml -> !ml.isInfo() && !ml.isEmptyOrComment())
   229                 .map(ml -> ml.text)
   230                 .collect(Collectors.joining("\n *"));
   231         String[] keyParts = key.split("\\.");
   232         FactoryKind k = FactoryKind.parseFrom(keyParts[1]);
   233         String factoryName = factoryName(key);
   234         if (msgInfo.getTypes().isEmpty()) {
   235             //generate field
   236             String factoryField = StubKind.FACTORY_FIELD.format(k.keyClazz, factoryName,
   237                     "\"" + keyParts[0] + "\"",
   238                     "\"" + Stream.of(keyParts).skip(2).collect(Collectors.joining(".")) + "\"",
   239                     javadoc);
   240             return Collections.singletonList(factoryField);
   241         } else {
   242             //generate method
   243             List<String> factoryMethods = new ArrayList<>();
   244             for (List<MessageType> msgTypes : normalizeTypes(0, msgInfo.getTypes())) {
   245                 List<String> types = generateTypes(msgTypes);
   246                 List<String> argNames = argNames(types.size());
   247                 String suppressionString = needsSuppressWarnings(msgTypes) ?
   248                         StubKind.SUPPRESS_WARNINGS.format() : "";
   249                 String factoryMethod = StubKind.FACTORY_METHOD_DECL.format(suppressionString, k.keyClazz,
   250                         factoryName, argDecls(types, argNames).stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")),
   251                         indent(StubKind.FACTORY_METHOD_BODY.format(k.keyClazz,
   252                                 "\"" + keyParts[0] + "\"",
   253                                 "\"" + Stream.of(keyParts).skip(2).collect(Collectors.joining(".")) + "\"",
   254                       ", "))), 1),
   255                         javadoc);
   256                 factoryMethods.add(factoryMethod);
   257             }
   258             return factoryMethods;
   259         }
   260     }
   262     /**
   263      * Form the name of a factory method/field given a resource key.
   264      */
   265     String factoryName(String key) {
   266         return Stream.of(key.split("[\\.-]"))
   267                 .skip(2)
   268                 .map(s -> Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1))
   269                 .collect(Collectors.joining(""));
   270     }
   272     /**
   273      * Generate a formal parameter list given a list of types and names.
   274      */
   275     List<String> argDecls(List<String> types, List<String> args) {
   276         List<String> argNames = new ArrayList<>();
   277         for (int i = 0 ; i < types.size() ; i++) {
   278             argNames.add(types.get(i) + " " + args.get(i));
   279         }
   280         return argNames;
   281     }
   283     /**
   284      * Generate a list of formal parameter names given a size.
   285      */
   286     List<String> argNames(int size) {
   287         List<String> argNames = new ArrayList<>();
   288         for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
   289             argNames.add(StubKind.FACTORY_METHOD_ARG.format(i));
   290         }
   291         return argNames;
   292     }
   294     /**
   295      * Convert a (normalized) parsed type into a string-based representation of some Java type.
   296      */
   297     List<String> generateTypes(List<MessageType> msgTypes) {
   298         return -> t.accept(stringVisitor, null)).collect(Collectors.toList());
   299     }
   300     //where
   301         Visitor<String, Void> stringVisitor = new Visitor<String, Void>() {
   302             @Override
   303             public String visitCustomType(CustomType t, Void aVoid) {
   304                 String customType = t.typeString;
   305                 return customType.substring(customType.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
   306             }
   308             @Override
   309             public String visitSimpleType(SimpleType t, Void aVoid) {
   310                 return t.clazz;
   311             }
   313             @Override
   314             public String visitCompoundType(CompoundType t, Void aVoid) {
   315                 return StubKind.WILDCARDS_EXTENDS.format(t.kind.clazz.clazz,
   316                         t.elemtype.accept(this, null));
   317             }
   319             @Override
   320             public String visitUnionType(UnionType t, Void aVoid) {
   321                 throw new AssertionError("Union types should have been denormalized!");
   322             }
   323         };
   325     /**
   326      * See if any of the parsed types in the given list needs warning suppression.
   327      */
   328     boolean needsSuppressWarnings(List<MessageType> msgTypes) {
   329         return -> t.accept(suppressWarningsVisitor, null));
   330     }
   331     //where
   332     Visitor<Boolean, Void> suppressWarningsVisitor = new Visitor<Boolean, Void>() {
   333         @Override
   334         public Boolean visitCustomType(CustomType t, Void aVoid) {
   335             //play safe
   336             return true;
   337         }
   338         @Override
   339         public Boolean visitSimpleType(SimpleType t, Void aVoid) {
   340             switch (t) {
   341                 case LIST:
   342                 case SET:
   343                     return true;
   344                 default:
   345                     return false;
   346             }
   347         }
   349         @Override
   350         public Boolean visitCompoundType(CompoundType t, Void aVoid) {
   351             return t.elemtype.accept(this, null);
   352         }
   354         @Override
   355         public Boolean visitUnionType(UnionType t, Void aVoid) {
   356             return needsSuppressWarnings(Arrays.asList(t.choices));
   357         }
   358     };
   360     /**
   361      * Retrieve a list of types that need to be imported, so that the factory body can refer
   362      * to the types in the given list using simple names.
   363      */
   364     Set<String> importedTypes(List<MessageType> msgTypes) {
   365         Set<String> imports = new TreeSet<>();
   366         msgTypes.forEach(t -> t.accept(importVisitor, imports));
   367         return imports;
   368     }
   369     //where
   370     Visitor<Void, Set<String>> importVisitor = new Visitor<Void, Set<String>>() {
   371         @Override
   372         public Void visitCustomType(CustomType t, Set<String> imports) {
   373             imports.add(t.typeString);
   374             return null;
   375         }
   377         @Override
   378         public Void visitSimpleType(SimpleType t, Set<String> imports) {
   379             if (t.qualifier != null) {
   380                 imports.add(t.qualifier + "." + t.clazz);
   381             }
   382             return null;
   383         }
   385         @Override
   386         public Void visitCompoundType(CompoundType t, Set<String> imports) {
   387             visitSimpleType(t.kind.clazz, imports);
   388             t.elemtype.accept(this, imports);
   389             return null;
   390         }
   392         @Override
   393         public Void visitUnionType(UnionType t, Set<String> imports) {
   394             Stream.of(t.choices).forEach(c -> c.accept(this, imports));
   395             return null;
   396         }
   397     };
   399     /**
   400      * Normalize parsed types in a comment line. If one or more types in the line contains alternatives,
   401      * this routine generate a list of 'overloaded' normalized signatures.
   402      */
   403     List<List<MessageType>> normalizeTypes(int idx, List<MessageType> msgTypes) {
   404         if (msgTypes.size() == idx) return Collections.singletonList(Collections.emptyList());
   405         MessageType head = msgTypes.get(idx);
   406         List<List<MessageType>> buf = new ArrayList<>();
   407         for (MessageType alternative : head.accept(normalizeVisitor, null)) {
   408             for (List<MessageType> rest : normalizeTypes(idx + 1, msgTypes)) {
   409                 List<MessageType> temp = new ArrayList<>(rest);
   410                 temp.add(0, alternative);
   411                 buf.add(temp);
   412             }
   413         }
   414         return buf;
   415     }
   416     //where
   417     Visitor<List<MessageType>, Void> normalizeVisitor = new Visitor<List<MessageType>, Void>() {
   418         @Override
   419         public List<MessageType> visitCustomType(CustomType t, Void aVoid) {
   420             return Collections.singletonList(t);
   421         }
   423         @Override
   424         public List<MessageType> visitSimpleType(SimpleType t, Void aVoid) {
   425             return Collections.singletonList(t);
   426         }
   428         @Override
   429         public List<MessageType> visitCompoundType(CompoundType t, Void aVoid) {
   430             return t.elemtype.accept(this, null).stream()
   431                     .map(nt -> new CompoundType(t.kind, nt))
   432                     .collect(Collectors.toList());
   433         }
   435         @Override
   436         public List<MessageType> visitUnionType(UnionType t, Void aVoid) {
   437             return Stream.of(t.choices)
   438                     .flatMap(t2 -> t2.accept(this, null).stream())
   439                     .collect(Collectors.toList());
   440         }
   441     };
   442 }