changeset 42693 6645de32a866
parent 42692 97247477b481
child 42694 53aaff453c11
equal deleted inserted replaced
42692:97247477b481 42693:6645de32a866
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    26 package sun.security.pkcs11;
    28 import java.util.*;
    29 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
    30 import java.io.*;
    31 import java.lang.ref.*;
    33 import java.security.*;
    34 import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
    36 import sun.security.jca.JCAUtil;
    38 import sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.*;
    39 import static sun.security.pkcs11.TemplateManager.*;
    40 import static sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Constants.*;
    42 /**
    43  * PKCS#11 token.
    44  *
    45  * @author  Andreas Sterbenz
    46  * @since   1.5
    47  */
    48 class Token implements Serializable {
    50     // need to be serializable to allow SecureRandom to be serialized
    51     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2541527649100571747L;
    53     // how often to check if the token is still present (in ms)
    54     // this is different from checking if a token has been inserted,
    55     // that is done in SunPKCS11. Currently 50 ms.
    56     private final static long CHECK_INTERVAL = 50;
    58     final SunPKCS11 provider;
    60     final PKCS11 p11;
    62     final Config config;
    64     final CK_TOKEN_INFO tokenInfo;
    66     // session manager to pool sessions
    67     final SessionManager sessionManager;
    69     // template manager to customize the attributes used when creating objects
    70     private final TemplateManager templateManager;
    72     // flag indicating whether we need to explicitly cancel operations
    73     // we started on the token. If false, we assume operations are
    74     // automatically cancelled once we start another one
    75     final boolean explicitCancel;
    77     // translation cache for secret keys
    78     final KeyCache secretCache;
    80     // translation cache for asymmetric keys (public and private)
    81     final KeyCache privateCache;
    83     // cached instances of the various key factories, initialized on demand
    84     private volatile P11KeyFactory rsaFactory, dsaFactory, dhFactory, ecFactory;
    86     // table which maps mechanisms to the corresponding cached
    87     // MechanismInfo objects
    88     private final Map<Long, CK_MECHANISM_INFO> mechInfoMap;
    90     // single SecureRandomSpi instance we use per token
    91     // initialized on demand (if supported)
    92     private volatile P11SecureRandom secureRandom;
    94     // single KeyStoreSpi instance we use per provider
    95     // initialized on demand
    96     private volatile P11KeyStore keyStore;
    98     // whether this token is a removable token
    99     private final boolean removable;
   101     // for removable tokens: whether this token is valid or has been removed
   102     private volatile boolean valid;
   104     // for removable tokens: time last checked for token presence
   105     private long lastPresentCheck;
   107     // unique token id, used for serialization only
   108     private byte[] tokenId;
   110     // flag indicating whether the token is write protected
   111     private boolean writeProtected;
   113     // flag indicating whether we are logged in
   114     private volatile boolean loggedIn;
   116     // time we last checked login status
   117     private long lastLoginCheck;
   119     // mutex for token-present-check
   120     private final static Object CHECK_LOCK = new Object();
   122     // object for indicating unsupported mechanism in 'mechInfoMap'
   123     private final static CK_MECHANISM_INFO INVALID_MECH =
   124         new CK_MECHANISM_INFO(0, 0, 0);
   126     // flag indicating whether the token supports raw secret key material import
   127     private Boolean supportsRawSecretKeyImport;
   129     Token(SunPKCS11 provider) throws PKCS11Exception {
   130         this.provider = provider;
   131         this.removable = provider.removable;
   132         this.valid = true;
   133         p11 = provider.p11;
   134         config = provider.config;
   135         tokenInfo = p11.C_GetTokenInfo(provider.slotID);
   136         writeProtected = (tokenInfo.flags & CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED) != 0;
   137         // create session manager and open a test session
   138         SessionManager sessionManager;
   139         try {
   140             sessionManager = new SessionManager(this);
   141             Session s = sessionManager.getOpSession();
   142             sessionManager.releaseSession(s);
   143         } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
   144             if (writeProtected) {
   145                 throw e;
   146             }
   147             // token might not permit RW sessions even though
   148             // CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED is not set
   149             writeProtected = true;
   150             sessionManager = new SessionManager(this);
   151             Session s = sessionManager.getOpSession();
   152             sessionManager.releaseSession(s);
   153         }
   154         this.sessionManager = sessionManager;
   155         secretCache = new KeyCache();
   156         privateCache = new KeyCache();
   157         templateManager = config.getTemplateManager();
   158         explicitCancel = config.getExplicitCancel();
   159         mechInfoMap =
   160             new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, CK_MECHANISM_INFO>(10);
   161     }
   163     boolean isWriteProtected() {
   164         return writeProtected;
   165     }
   167     // return whether the token supports raw secret key material import
   168     boolean supportsRawSecretKeyImport() {
   169         if (supportsRawSecretKeyImport == null) {
   170             SecureRandom random = JCAUtil.getSecureRandom();
   171             byte[] encoded = new byte[48];
   172             random.nextBytes(encoded);
   174             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[3];
   175             attributes[0] = new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY);
   176             attributes[1] = new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_KEY_TYPE, CKK_GENERIC_SECRET);
   177             attributes[2] = new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE, encoded);
   179             Session session = null;
   180             try {
   181                 attributes = getAttributes(O_IMPORT,
   182                         CKO_SECRET_KEY, CKK_GENERIC_SECRET, attributes);
   183                 session = getObjSession();
   184                 long keyID = p11.C_CreateObject(session.id(), attributes);
   186                 supportsRawSecretKeyImport = Boolean.TRUE;
   187             } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
   188                 supportsRawSecretKeyImport = Boolean.FALSE;
   189             } finally {
   190                 releaseSession(session);
   191             }
   192         }
   194         return supportsRawSecretKeyImport;
   195     }
   197     // return whether we are logged in
   198     // uses cached result if current. session is optional and may be null
   199     boolean isLoggedIn(Session session) throws PKCS11Exception {
   200         // volatile load first
   201         boolean loggedIn = this.loggedIn;
   202         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
   203         if (time - lastLoginCheck > CHECK_INTERVAL) {
   204             loggedIn = isLoggedInNow(session);
   205             lastLoginCheck = time;
   206         }
   207         return loggedIn;
   208     }
   210     // return whether we are logged in now
   211     // does not use cache
   212     boolean isLoggedInNow(Session session) throws PKCS11Exception {
   213         boolean allocSession = (session == null);
   214         try {
   215             if (allocSession) {
   216                 session = getOpSession();
   217             }
   218             CK_SESSION_INFO info = p11.C_GetSessionInfo(session.id());
   219             boolean loggedIn = (info.state == CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS) ||
   220                                 (info.state == CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS);
   221             this.loggedIn = loggedIn;
   222             return loggedIn;
   223         } finally {
   224             if (allocSession) {
   225                 releaseSession(session);
   226             }
   227         }
   228     }
   230     // ensure that we are logged in
   231     // call provider.login() if not
   232     void ensureLoggedIn(Session session) throws PKCS11Exception, LoginException {
   233         if (isLoggedIn(session) == false) {
   234             provider.login(null, null);
   235         }
   236     }
   238     // return whether this token object is valid (i.e. token not removed)
   239     // returns value from last check, does not perform new check
   240     boolean isValid() {
   241         if (removable == false) {
   242             return true;
   243         }
   244         return valid;
   245     }
   247     void ensureValid() {
   248         if (isValid() == false) {
   249             throw new ProviderException("Token has been removed");
   250         }
   251     }
   253     // return whether a token is present (i.e. token not removed)
   254     // returns cached value if current, otherwise performs new check
   255     boolean isPresent(long sessionID) {
   256         if (removable == false) {
   257             return true;
   258         }
   259         if (valid == false) {
   260             return false;
   261         }
   262         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
   263         if ((time - lastPresentCheck) >= CHECK_INTERVAL) {
   264             synchronized (CHECK_LOCK) {
   265                 if ((time - lastPresentCheck) >= CHECK_INTERVAL) {
   266                     boolean ok = false;
   267                     try {
   268                         // check if token still present
   269                         CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo =
   270                                 provider.p11.C_GetSlotInfo(provider.slotID);
   271                         if ((slotInfo.flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) != 0) {
   272                             // if the token has been removed and re-inserted,
   273                             // the token should return an error
   274                             CK_SESSION_INFO sessInfo =
   275                                     provider.p11.C_GetSessionInfo
   276                                     (sessionID);
   277                             ok = true;
   278                         }
   279                     } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
   280                         // empty
   281                     }
   282                     valid = ok;
   283                     lastPresentCheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
   284                     if (ok == false) {
   285                         destroy();
   286                     }
   287                 }
   288             }
   289         }
   290         return valid;
   291     }
   293     void destroy() {
   294         valid = false;
   295         provider.uninitToken(this);
   296     }
   298     Session getObjSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
   299         return sessionManager.getObjSession();
   300     }
   302     Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
   303         return sessionManager.getOpSession();
   304     }
   306     Session releaseSession(Session session) {
   307         return sessionManager.releaseSession(session);
   308     }
   310     Session killSession(Session session) {
   311         return sessionManager.killSession(session);
   312     }
   314     CK_ATTRIBUTE[] getAttributes(String op, long type, long alg,
   315             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attrs) throws PKCS11Exception {
   316         CK_ATTRIBUTE[] newAttrs =
   317                     templateManager.getAttributes(op, type, alg, attrs);
   318         for (CK_ATTRIBUTE attr : newAttrs) {
   319             if (attr.type == CKA_TOKEN) {
   320                 if (attr.getBoolean()) {
   321                     try {
   322                         ensureLoggedIn(null);
   323                     } catch (LoginException e) {
   324                         throw new ProviderException("Login failed", e);
   325                     }
   326                 }
   327                 // break once we have found a CKA_TOKEN attribute
   328                 break;
   329             }
   330         }
   331         return newAttrs;
   332     }
   334     P11KeyFactory getKeyFactory(String algorithm) {
   335         P11KeyFactory f;
   336         if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) {
   337             f = rsaFactory;
   338             if (f == null) {
   339                 f = new P11RSAKeyFactory(this, algorithm);
   340                 rsaFactory = f;
   341             }
   342         } else if (algorithm.equals("DSA")) {
   343             f = dsaFactory;
   344             if (f == null) {
   345                 f = new P11DSAKeyFactory(this, algorithm);
   346                 dsaFactory = f;
   347             }
   348         } else if (algorithm.equals("DH")) {
   349             f = dhFactory;
   350             if (f == null) {
   351                 f = new P11DHKeyFactory(this, algorithm);
   352                 dhFactory = f;
   353             }
   354         } else if (algorithm.equals("EC")) {
   355             f = ecFactory;
   356             if (f == null) {
   357                 f = new P11ECKeyFactory(this, algorithm);
   358                 ecFactory = f;
   359             }
   360         } else {
   361             throw new ProviderException("Unknown algorithm " + algorithm);
   362         }
   363         return f;
   364     }
   366     P11SecureRandom getRandom() {
   367         if (secureRandom == null) {
   368             secureRandom = new P11SecureRandom(this);
   369         }
   370         return secureRandom;
   371     }
   373     P11KeyStore getKeyStore() {
   374         if (keyStore == null) {
   375             keyStore = new P11KeyStore(this);
   376         }
   377         return keyStore;
   378     }
   380     CK_MECHANISM_INFO getMechanismInfo(long mechanism) throws PKCS11Exception {
   381         CK_MECHANISM_INFO result = mechInfoMap.get(mechanism);
   382         if (result == null) {
   383             try {
   384                 result = p11.C_GetMechanismInfo(provider.slotID,
   385                                                 mechanism);
   386                 mechInfoMap.put(mechanism, result);
   387             } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
   388                 if (e.getErrorCode() != PKCS11Constants.CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID) {
   389                     throw e;
   390                 } else {
   391                     mechInfoMap.put(mechanism, INVALID_MECH);
   392                 }
   393             }
   394         } else if (result == INVALID_MECH) {
   395             result = null;
   396         }
   397         return result;
   398     }
   400     private synchronized byte[] getTokenId() {
   401         if (tokenId == null) {
   402             SecureRandom random = JCAUtil.getSecureRandom();
   403             tokenId = new byte[20];
   404             random.nextBytes(tokenId);
   405             serializedTokens.add(new WeakReference<Token>(this));
   406         }
   407         return tokenId;
   408     }
   410     // list of all tokens that have been serialized within this VM
   411     // NOTE that elements are never removed from this list
   412     // the assumption is that the number of tokens that are serialized
   413     // is relatively small
   414     private static final List<Reference<Token>> serializedTokens =
   415         new ArrayList<Reference<Token>>();
   417     private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
   418         if (isValid() == false) {
   419             throw new NotSerializableException("Token has been removed");
   420         }
   421         return new TokenRep(this);
   422     }
   424     // serialized representation of a token
   425     // tokens can only be de-serialized within the same VM invocation
   426     // and if the token has not been removed in the meantime
   427     private static class TokenRep implements Serializable {
   429         private static final long serialVersionUID = 3503721168218219807L;
   431         private final byte[] tokenId;
   433         TokenRep(Token token) {
   434             tokenId = token.getTokenId();
   435         }
   437         private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
   438             for (Reference<Token> tokenRef : serializedTokens) {
   439                 Token token = tokenRef.get();
   440                 if ((token != null) && token.isValid()) {
   441                     if (Arrays.equals(token.getTokenId(), tokenId)) {
   442                         return token;
   443                     }
   444                 }
   445             }
   446             throw new NotSerializableException("Could not find token");
   447         }
   448     }
   450 }