changeset 2451 597df8e1d786
child 8368 e05f09b8db21
equal deleted inserted replaced
1978:8b981ce05cd0 2451:597df8e1d786
     1 /*
     2  * @test %W% %E%
     3  * @bug 6504874
     4  * @summary This test verifies the operation (and performance) of the
     5  *          various CAG operations on the internal Region class.
     6  * @run main RegionOps
     7  */
     9 import java.awt.Rectangle;
    10 import java.awt.geom.Area;
    11 import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    12 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    13 import java.util.Random;
    14 import sun.java2d.pipe.Region;
    16 public class RegionOps {
    17     public static final int DEFAULT_NUMREGIONS = 50;
    18     public static final int DEFAULT_MINSUBRECTS = 1;
    19     public static final int DEFAULT_MAXSUBRECTS = 10;
    21     public static final int MINCOORD = -20;
    22     public static final int MAXCOORD = 20;
    24     public static boolean useArea;
    26     static int numops;
    27     static int numErrors;
    28     static Random rand = new Random();
    29     static boolean skipCheck;
    30     static boolean countErrors;
    32     static {
    33         // Instantiating BufferedImage initializes sun.java2d
    34         BufferedImage bimg =
    35             new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    36     }
    38     public static void usage(String error) {
    39         if (error != null) {
    40             System.err.println("Error: "+error);
    41         }
    42         System.err.println("Usage: java RegionOps "+
    43                            "[-regions N] [-rects M] "+
    44                            "[-[min|max]rects M] [-area]");
    45         System.err.println("                      "+
    46                            "[-add|union] [-sub|diff] "+
    47                            "[-int[ersect]] [-xor]");
    48         System.err.println("                      "+
    49                            "[-seed S] [-nocheck] [-count[errors]] [-help]");
    50         System.exit((error != null) ? 1 : 0);
    51     }
    53     public static void error(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b, String problem) {
    54         System.err.println("Operating on:  "+a);
    55         if (b != null) {
    56             System.err.println("and:  "+b);
    57         }
    58         if (countErrors) {
    59             System.err.println(problem);
    60             numErrors++;
    61         } else {
    62             throw new RuntimeException(problem);
    63         }
    64     }
    66     public static void main(String argv[]) {
    67         int numregions = DEFAULT_NUMREGIONS;
    68         int minsubrects = DEFAULT_MINSUBRECTS;
    69         int maxsubrects = DEFAULT_MAXSUBRECTS;
    70         boolean doUnion = false;
    71         boolean doIntersect = false;
    72         boolean doSubtract = false;
    73         boolean doXor = false;
    75         for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
    76             String arg = argv[i];
    77             if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-regions")) {
    78                 if (i+1 >= argv.length) {
    79                     usage("missing arg for -regions");
    80                 }
    81                 numregions = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]);
    82             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-rects")) {
    83                 if (i+1 >= argv.length) {
    84                     usage("missing arg for -rects");
    85                 }
    86                 minsubrects = maxsubrects = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]);
    87             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-minrects")) {
    88                 if (i+1 >= argv.length) {
    89                     usage("missing arg for -minrects");
    90                 }
    91                 minsubrects = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]);
    92             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-maxrects")) {
    93                 if (i+1 >= argv.length) {
    94                     usage("missing arg for -maxrects");
    95                 }
    96                 maxsubrects = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]);
    97             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-area")) {
    98                 useArea = true;
    99             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-add") ||
   100                        arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-union"))
   101             {
   102                 doUnion = true;
   103             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-sub") ||
   104                        arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-diff"))
   105             {
   106                 doSubtract = true;
   107             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-int") ||
   108                        arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-intersect"))
   109             {
   110                 doIntersect = true;
   111             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-xor")) {
   112                 doXor = true;
   113             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-seed")) {
   114                 if (i+1 >= argv.length) {
   115                     usage("missing arg for -seed");
   116                 }
   117                 rand.setSeed(Long.decode(argv[++i]).longValue());
   118             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-nocheck")) {
   119                 skipCheck = true;
   120             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-count") ||
   121                        arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-counterrors"))
   122             {
   123                 countErrors = true;
   124             } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) {
   125                 usage(null);
   126             } else {
   127                 usage("Unknown argument: "+arg);
   128             }
   129         }
   131         if (maxsubrects < minsubrects) {
   132             usage("maximum number of subrectangles less than minimum");
   133         }
   135         if (minsubrects <= 0) {
   136             usage("minimum number of subrectangles must be positive");
   137         }
   139         if (!doUnion && !doSubtract && !doIntersect && !doXor) {
   140             doUnion = doSubtract = doIntersect = doXor = true;
   141         }
   143         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
   144         RectListImpl rlist[] = new RectListImpl[numregions];
   145         int totalrects = 0;
   146         for (int i = 0; i < rlist.length; i++) {
   147             RectListImpl rli = RectListImpl.getInstance();
   148             int numsubrects =
   149                 minsubrects + rand.nextInt(maxsubrects - minsubrects + 1);
   150             for (int j = 0; j < numsubrects; j++) {
   151                 addRectTo(rli);
   152                 totalrects++;
   153             }
   154             rlist[i] = rli;
   155         }
   156         long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
   157         System.out.println((end-start)+"ms to create "+
   158                            rlist.length+" regions containing "+
   159                            totalrects+" subrectangles");
   161         start = System.currentTimeMillis();
   162         for (int i = 0; i < rlist.length; i++) {
   163             RectListImpl a = rlist[i];
   164             testTranslate(a);
   165             for (int j = i; j < rlist.length; j++) {
   166                 RectListImpl b = rlist[j];
   167                 if (doUnion) testUnion(a, b);
   168                 if (doSubtract) testDifference(a, b);
   169                 if (doIntersect) testIntersection(a, b);
   170                 if (doXor) testExclusiveOr(a, b);
   171             }
   172         }
   173         end = System.currentTimeMillis();
   174         System.out.println(numops+" ops took "+(end-start)+"ms");
   176         if (numErrors > 0) {
   177             throw new RuntimeException(numErrors+" errors encountered");
   178         }
   179     }
   181     public static void addRectTo(RectListImpl rli) {
   182         int lox = MINCOORD + rand.nextInt(MAXCOORD - MINCOORD + 1);
   183         int hix = MINCOORD + rand.nextInt(MAXCOORD - MINCOORD + 1);
   184         int loy = MINCOORD + rand.nextInt(MAXCOORD - MINCOORD + 1);
   185         int hiy = MINCOORD + rand.nextInt(MAXCOORD - MINCOORD + 1);
   186         rli.addRect(lox, loy, hix, hiy);
   187     }
   189     public static void checkEqual(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b,
   190                                   String optype)
   191     {
   192         if (a.hashCode() != b.hashCode()) {
   193             error(a, b, "hashcode failed for "+optype);
   194         }
   195         if (!a.equals(b)) {
   196             error(a, b, "equals failed for "+optype);
   197         }
   198     }
   200     public static void testTranslate(RectListImpl a) {
   201         RectListImpl maxTrans =
   202             a.getTranslation(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
   203             .getTranslation(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
   204             .getTranslation(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
   205         if (!maxTrans.checkTransEmpty()) {
   206             error(maxTrans, null, "overflow translated RectList not empty");
   207         }
   208         RectListImpl minTrans =
   209             a.getTranslation(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE)
   210             .getTranslation(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE)
   211             .getTranslation(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
   212         if (!minTrans.checkTransEmpty()) {
   213             error(minTrans, null, "overflow translated RectList not empty");
   214         }
   215         testTranslate(a, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false,
   216                       MINCOORD, 0, MINCOORD, 0);
   217         testTranslate(a, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, false,
   218                       MINCOORD, 0, 0, MAXCOORD);
   219         testTranslate(a, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false,
   220                       0, MAXCOORD, MINCOORD, 0);
   221         testTranslate(a, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, false,
   222                       0, MAXCOORD, 0, MAXCOORD);
   223         for (int dy = -100; dy <= 100; dy += 50) {
   224             for (int dx = -100; dx <= 100; dx += 50) {
   225                 testTranslate(a, dx, dy, true,
   226                               MINCOORD, MAXCOORD,
   227                               MINCOORD, MAXCOORD);
   228             }
   229         }
   230     }
   232     public static void testTranslate(RectListImpl a, int dx, int dy,
   233                                      boolean isNonDestructive,
   234                                      int xmin, int xmax,
   235                                      int ymin, int ymax)
   236     {
   237         RectListImpl theTrans = a.getTranslation(dx, dy); numops++;
   238         if (skipCheck) return;
   239         RectListImpl unTrans = theTrans.getTranslation(-dx, -dy);
   240         if (isNonDestructive) checkEqual(a, unTrans, "Translate");
   241         for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
   242             for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) {
   243                 boolean inside = a.contains(x, y);
   244                 if (theTrans.contains(x+dx, y+dy) != inside) {
   245                     error(a, null, "translation failed for "+
   246                           dx+", "+dy+" at "+x+", "+y);
   247                 }
   248             }
   249         }
   250     }
   252     public static void testUnion(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b) {
   253         RectListImpl aUb = a.getUnion(b); numops++;
   254         RectListImpl bUa = b.getUnion(a); numops++;
   255         if (skipCheck) return;
   256         checkEqual(aUb, bUa, "Union");
   257         testUnion(a, b, aUb);
   258         testUnion(a, b, bUa);
   259     }
   261     public static void testUnion(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b,
   262                                  RectListImpl theUnion)
   263     {
   264         for (int x = MINCOORD; x < MAXCOORD; x++) {
   265             for (int y = MINCOORD; y < MAXCOORD; y++) {
   266                 boolean inside = (a.contains(x, y) || b.contains(x, y));
   267                 if (theUnion.contains(x, y) != inside) {
   268                     error(a, b, "union failed at "+x+", "+y);
   269                 }
   270             }
   271         }
   272     }
   274     public static void testDifference(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b) {
   275         RectListImpl aDb = a.getDifference(b); numops++;
   276         RectListImpl bDa = b.getDifference(a); numops++;
   277         if (skipCheck) return;
   278         // Note that difference is not commutative so we cannot check equals
   279         // checkEqual(a, b, "Difference");
   280         testDifference(a, b, aDb);
   281         testDifference(b, a, bDa);
   282     }
   284     public static void testDifference(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b,
   285                                       RectListImpl theDifference)
   286     {
   287         for (int x = MINCOORD; x < MAXCOORD; x++) {
   288             for (int y = MINCOORD; y < MAXCOORD; y++) {
   289                 boolean inside = (a.contains(x, y) && !b.contains(x, y));
   290                 if (theDifference.contains(x, y) != inside) {
   291                     error(a, b, "difference failed at "+x+", "+y);
   292                 }
   293             }
   294         }
   295     }
   297     public static void testIntersection(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b) {
   298         RectListImpl aIb = a.getIntersection(b); numops++;
   299         RectListImpl bIa = b.getIntersection(a); numops++;
   300         if (skipCheck) return;
   301         checkEqual(aIb, bIa, "Intersection");
   302         testIntersection(a, b, aIb);
   303         testIntersection(a, b, bIa);
   304     }
   306     public static void testIntersection(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b,
   307                                         RectListImpl theIntersection)
   308     {
   309         for (int x = MINCOORD; x < MAXCOORD; x++) {
   310             for (int y = MINCOORD; y < MAXCOORD; y++) {
   311                 boolean inside = (a.contains(x, y) && b.contains(x, y));
   312                 if (theIntersection.contains(x, y) != inside) {
   313                     error(a, b, "intersection failed at "+x+", "+y);
   314                 }
   315             }
   316         }
   317     }
   319     public static void testExclusiveOr(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b) {
   320         RectListImpl aXb = a.getExclusiveOr(b); numops++;
   321         RectListImpl bXa = b.getExclusiveOr(a); numops++;
   322         if (skipCheck) return;
   323         checkEqual(aXb, bXa, "ExclusiveOr");
   324         testExclusiveOr(a, b, aXb);
   325         testExclusiveOr(a, b, bXa);
   326     }
   328     public static void testExclusiveOr(RectListImpl a, RectListImpl b,
   329                                        RectListImpl theExclusiveOr)
   330     {
   331         for (int x = MINCOORD; x < MAXCOORD; x++) {
   332             for (int y = MINCOORD; y < MAXCOORD; y++) {
   333                 boolean inside = (a.contains(x, y) != b.contains(x, y));
   334                 if (theExclusiveOr.contains(x, y) != inside) {
   335                     error(a, b, "xor failed at "+x+", "+y);
   336                 }
   337             }
   338         }
   339     }
   341     public abstract static class RectListImpl {
   342         public static RectListImpl getInstance() {
   343             if (useArea) {
   344                 return new AreaImpl();
   345             } else {
   346                 return new RegionImpl();
   347             }
   348         }
   350         public abstract void addRect(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy);
   352         public abstract RectListImpl getTranslation(int dx, int dy);
   354         public abstract RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli);
   355         public abstract RectListImpl getExclusiveOr(RectListImpl rli);
   356         public abstract RectListImpl getDifference(RectListImpl rli);
   357         public abstract RectListImpl getUnion(RectListImpl rli);
   359         // Used for making sure that 3xMAX translates yields an empty region
   360         public abstract boolean checkTransEmpty();
   362         public abstract boolean contains(int x, int y);
   364         public abstract int hashCode();
   365         public abstract boolean equals(RectListImpl other);
   366     }
   368     public static class AreaImpl extends RectListImpl {
   369         Area theArea;
   371         public AreaImpl() {
   372         }
   374         public AreaImpl(Area a) {
   375             theArea = a;
   376         }
   378         public void addRect(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy) {
   379             Area a2 = new Area(new Rectangle(lox, loy, hix-lox, hiy-loy));
   380             if (theArea == null) {
   381                 theArea = a2;
   382             } else {
   383                 theArea.add(a2);
   384             }
   385         }
   387         public RectListImpl getTranslation(int dx, int dy) {
   388             AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy);
   389             return new AreaImpl(theArea.createTransformedArea(at));
   390         }
   392         public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
   393             Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
   394             a2.intersect(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
   395             return new AreaImpl(a2);
   396         }
   398         public RectListImpl getExclusiveOr(RectListImpl rli) {
   399             Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
   400             a2.exclusiveOr(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
   401             return new AreaImpl(a2);
   402         }
   404         public RectListImpl getDifference(RectListImpl rli) {
   405             Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
   406             a2.subtract(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
   407             return new AreaImpl(a2);
   408         }
   410         public RectListImpl getUnion(RectListImpl rli) {
   411             Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
   412             a2.add(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
   413             return new AreaImpl(a2);
   414         }
   416         // Used for making sure that 3xMAX translates yields an empty region
   417         public boolean checkTransEmpty() {
   418             // Area objects will actually survive 3 MAX translates so just
   419             // pretend that it had the intended effect...
   420             return true;
   421         }
   423         public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
   424             return theArea.contains(x, y);
   425         }
   427         public int hashCode() {
   428             // Area does not override hashCode...
   429             return 0;
   430         }
   432         public boolean equals(RectListImpl other) {
   433             return theArea.equals(((AreaImpl) other).theArea);
   434         }
   436         public String toString() {
   437             return theArea.toString();
   438         }
   439     }
   441     public static class RegionImpl extends RectListImpl {
   442         Region theRegion;
   444         public RegionImpl() {
   445         }
   447         public RegionImpl(Region r) {
   448             theRegion = r;
   449         }
   451         public void addRect(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy) {
   452             Region r2 = Region.getInstanceXYXY(lox, loy, hix, hiy);
   453             if (theRegion == null) {
   454                 theRegion = r2;
   455             } else {
   456                 theRegion = theRegion.getUnion(r2);
   457             }
   458         }
   460         public RectListImpl getTranslation(int dx, int dy) {
   461             return new RegionImpl(theRegion.getTranslatedRegion(dx, dy));
   462         }
   464         public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
   465             Region r2 = ((RegionImpl) rli).theRegion;
   466             r2 = theRegion.getIntersection(r2);
   467             return new RegionImpl(r2);
   468         }
   470         public RectListImpl getExclusiveOr(RectListImpl rli) {
   471             Region r2 = ((RegionImpl) rli).theRegion;
   472             r2 = theRegion.getExclusiveOr(r2);
   473             return new RegionImpl(r2);
   474         }
   476         public RectListImpl getDifference(RectListImpl rli) {
   477             Region r2 = ((RegionImpl) rli).theRegion;
   478             r2 = theRegion.getDifference(r2);
   479             return new RegionImpl(r2);
   480         }
   482         public RectListImpl getUnion(RectListImpl rli) {
   483             Region r2 = ((RegionImpl) rli).theRegion;
   484             r2 = theRegion.getUnion(r2);
   485             return new RegionImpl(r2);
   486         }
   488         // Used for making sure that 3xMAX translates yields an empty region
   489         public boolean checkTransEmpty() {
   490             // Region objects should be empty after 3 MAX translates...
   491             return theRegion.isEmpty();
   492         }
   494         public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
   495             return theRegion.contains(x, y);
   496         }
   498         public int hashCode() {
   499             return theRegion.hashCode();
   500         }
   502         public boolean equals(RectListImpl other) {
   503             return theRegion.equals(((RegionImpl) other).theRegion);
   504         }
   506         public String toString() {
   507             return theRegion.toString();
   508         }
   509     }
   510 }