1 bundler.name=Mac App Store |
2 bundler.description=Creates a binary bundle ready for deployment into the Mac App Store. |
3 |
4 param.app-bundler.name=Mac App Bundler |
5 param.app-bundle.description=Creates a .app bundle for the Mac |
6 |
7 param.app-image-build-root.name= |
8 param.app-image-build-root.description=This is temporary location built by the packager that is the root of the image application |
9 |
10 param.signing-keychain.name=Signing Keychain |
11 param.signing-keychain.description=The location of the keychain to use. If not specified the standard keychains will be used. |
12 |
13 param.signing-key-name.name=Signing Key User Name |
14 param.signing-key-name.description=The user name portion of the typical "Mac Developer ID Application: <user name>" signing key. |
15 |
16 param.daemon-bundler.name=Mac Daemon Bundler |
17 param.daemon-bundler.description=Creates daemon image for the Mac |
18 |
19 param.daemon-image-build-root.name= |
20 param.daemon-image-build-root.description=This is temporary location built by the packager that is the root of the daemon image |
21 |
22 param.installer-name.name=Installer Name |
23 param.installer-name.description=The filename of the generated installer without the file type extension. Default is <App Name>-<Version>. |
24 |
25 param.config-root.name= |
26 param.config-root.description= |
27 |
28 error.parameters-null=Parameters map is null. |
29 error.parameters-null.advice=Pass in a non-null parameters map. |
30 |
31 message.could-not-retrieve-name=Could not retrieve gecos name |
32 message.app-image-requires-app-name=When using an external app image you must specify the app name. |
33 message.app-image-requires-app-name.advice=Set the app name via the -name CLI flag, the fx:application/@name ANT attribute, or via the 'appName' bundler argument. |
34 message.app-image-requires-identifier=When using an external app image you must specify the identifier. |
35 message.app-image-requires-identifier.advice=Set the identifier via the -appId CLI flag, the fx:application/@id ANT attribute, or via the 'identifier' bundler argument. |