2300 |
2300 |
2301 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2301 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2302 compiler.misc.no.unique.maximal.instance.exists=\ |
2302 compiler.misc.no.unique.maximal.instance.exists=\ |
2303 no unique maximal instance exists for type variable {0} with upper bounds {1} |
2303 no unique maximal instance exists for type variable {0} with upper bounds {1} |
2304 |
2304 |
2305 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2305 compiler.misc.no.unique.minimal.instance.exists=\ |
2306 compiler.misc.no.unique.minimal.instance.exists=\ |
2306 no unique minimal instance exists for type variable {0} with lower bounds {1} |
2307 no unique minimal instance exists for type variable {0} with lower bounds {1} |
2307 |
2308 |
2308 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2309 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2309 compiler.misc.incompatible.upper.bounds=\ |
2310 compiler.misc.incompatible.upper.bounds=\ |
2311 |
2312 |
2312 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2313 # 0: type, 1: list of type |
2313 compiler.misc.incompatible.eq.bounds=\ |
2314 compiler.misc.incompatible.eq.bounds=\ |
2314 inference variable {0} has incompatible equality constraints {1} |
2315 inference variable {0} has incompatible equality constraints {1} |
2315 |
2316 |
2316 # 0: type, 1: list of type, 2: list of type |
2317 # 0: type, 1: fragment, 2: fragment |
2317 compiler.misc.incompatible.eq.upper.bounds=\ |
2318 compiler.misc.incompatible.bounds=\ |
2318 inference variable {0} has incompatible bounds\n\ |
2319 inference variable {0} has incompatible bounds\n\ |
2319 equality constraints: {1}\n\ |
2320 {1}\n\ |
2320 upper bounds: {2} |
2321 {2} |
2321 |
2322 |
2322 # 0: type, 1: list of type, 2: list of type |
2323 # 0: list of type |
2323 compiler.misc.incompatible.upper.lower.bounds=\ |
2324 compiler.misc.lower.bounds=\ |
2324 inference variable {0} has incompatible bounds\n\ |
2325 lower bounds: {0} |
2325 upper bounds: {1}\n\ |
2326 |
2326 lower bounds: {2} |
2327 # 0: list of type |
2327 |
2328 compiler.misc.eq.bounds=\ |
2328 # 0: type, 1: list of type, 2: list of type |
2329 equality constraints: {0} |
2329 compiler.misc.incompatible.eq.lower.bounds=\ |
2330 |
2330 inference variable {0} has incompatible bounds\n\ |
2331 # 0: list of type |
2331 equality constraints: {1}\n\ |
2332 compiler.misc.upper.bounds=\ |
2332 lower bounds: {2} |
2333 lower bounds: {0} |
2333 |
2334 |
2334 # 0: list of type, 1: type, 2: type |
2335 # 0: list of type, 1: type, 2: type |
2335 compiler.misc.infer.no.conforming.instance.exists=\ |
2336 compiler.misc.infer.no.conforming.instance.exists=\ |
2336 no instance(s) of type variable(s) {0} exist so that {1} conforms to {2} |
2337 no instance(s) of type variable(s) {0} exist so that {1} conforms to {2} |
2337 |
2338 |