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To run Font2DTest:
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% java -jar Font2DTest.jar
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% appletviewer Font2DTest.html
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These instructions assume that the 1.7 versions of the java
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and appletviewer commands are in your path. If they aren't,
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then you should either specify the complete path to the commands
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or update your PATH environment variable as described in the
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installation instructions for the Java(TM) SE Development Kit.
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To view Font2DTest within a web browser with Java Plugin,
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load Font2DTest.html.
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If you wish to modify any of the source code, you may want to extract
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the contents of the Font2DTest.jar file by executing this command:
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% jar -xvf Font2DTest.jar
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When Font2DTest is ran as an applet, the browser plugin/viewer needs
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following permissions given in order to run properly:
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AWTPermission "showWindowWithoutWarningBanner"
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RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob"
31 |
32 |
The program will run without these properties set,
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but some of its features will be limited.
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To enable all features, please add these permissions with policytool.
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Font2DTest is an encompassing application for testing various fonts
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found on the user's system. A number of controls are available to
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change many attributes of the current font including style, size, and
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rendering hints. The user can select from multiple display modes,
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such as one Unicode range at a time, all glyphs of a particular font,
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user-edited text, or text loaded from a file.
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In addition, the user can control which method will
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be used to render the text to the screen (or to be printed out).
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Tips on usage
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- The "Font" combobox will show a tick mark if some of the characters in
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selected unicode range can be displayed by this font. No tick is shown,
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if none of the characters can be displayed. A tooltip is shown with this
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information. This indication is available only if "Unicode Range" is
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selected in "Text to use" combobox.
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This feature is enabled by default. For disabling this feature, use
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command line flag -disablecandisplaycheck or -dcdc.
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java -jar Font2DTest.jar -dcdc
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- For the "Font Size" field to have an effect, it is necessary to press
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ENTER when finished inputting data in those fields.
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- When "Unicode Range" or "All Glyphs" is selected for Text to Use,
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the status bar will show the range of the characters that is
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currently being displayed. If mouse cursor is pointed to one of
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the character drawn, the message will be changed to indicate
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what character the cursor is pointing to.
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By clicking on a character displayed, one can also "Zoom" a character.
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Options can be set to show grids around each character,
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or force the number of characters displayed across the screen to be 16.
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These features are not available in "User Text" or "File Text" mode.
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- The default number of columns in a Unicode Range or All Glyphs drawing
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is "fit as many as possible". If this is too hard to read, then you
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can force number of columns to be 16. However, this will not resize the
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window to fit all 16 columns, so if the font size is too big, this will
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overflow the canvas. (Unfortunately, I could not add horizontal space
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bar due to design restrictions)
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- If font size is too large to fit a character, then a message will
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inform that smaller font size or larger canvas size is needed.
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- Custom Unicode Range can be displayed by selecting "Custom..."
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at the bottom of the Unicode Range menu. This will bring up
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a dialog box to specify the starting and ending index
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of the unicode characters to be drawn.
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- To enter a customized text, select "User Text" from Text to Use menu.
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A dialog box with a text area will come up. Enter any text here,
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and then press update; the text on screen will then be redrawn to
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draw the text just entered. To hide the user text dialog box,
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switch to different selection in Text to Use menu.
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(Closing the dialog box will not work...)
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If a escape sequence of form \uXXXX is entered, it is will be
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converted into the character that it maps to.
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- drawBytes will only work for characters in Unicode range 0x00-0xFF
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by its method definition. This program will warn when such text is
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being drawn in "Range Text" mode. But since there is no way to detect
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this from User Text, the warning will not be given even though
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wrong text seems to be drawn on screen when it contains any character
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beyond 0xFF.
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- In the "All Glyphs" mode which displays all available glyphs for the
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current font, only drawGlyphVector is available as the draw method.
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Similary, when "Text File" mode is used, the file will always be wrapped
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to canvas width using LineBreakMeasurer, so TextLayout.draw is used.
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- With "User Text" mode, no text wrapping operation is done.
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When displaying or printing text that does not fit in a given canvas,
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the text will overflow to the right side of the page.
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- It is also possible to display a text loaded from a file.
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Font2DTest will handle is UTF-16 and the platform default encoding.
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The text will then be reformatted to fit in the screen with
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LineBreakMeasurer, and drawn with TextLayout.draw.
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Most major word processor softwares support this format.
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- When printing, the program will ask to select 1 of 3 options.
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First "Print one full page..." will print as much
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characters/lines of text as it can fit in one page, starting from
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the character/line that is currently drawn at the top of the page.
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Second option, "Print all characters..." will print all characters
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that are within the selected range. Third option, "Print all text..."
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is similar, and it will print all lines of text that user has put in.
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Known Problems:
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- When a PostScript font is used, the characters may extend beyond the
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enclosing grid or zoom rectangle. This is due to the problem with
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FontMetrics.getMaxAscent() and getMaxDescent() functions; the functions
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do not always return the right values for PostScript fonts.
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- There are still some bugs around the error handling.
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Most of these problems will usually get fixed when some parameters
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are changed, or the screen is refreshed.
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- Many fonts on Solaris fails to retrieve outlines properly,
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and as the result, they do not align within the grid properly.
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These are mainly F3 and fonts that was returned by X server.
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- When showWindowWithoutWarningBanner AWTPermission is not given,
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the "zoom" window will look really bad because of the
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Applet warning label tacked at the bottom of the zoom window.
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To remove this, follow the "NOTE:" instruction at the top.