2018-12-08 František Kučera download: links to mercurial v_0
2018-12-08 František Kučera examples: multiple relations in a single stream v_0
2018-12-07 František Kučera examples: fstab - another check v_0
2018-12-07 František Kučera just align v_0
2018-12-07 František Kučera fix typo v_0
2018-12-07 František Kučera screenshots: relpipe-out-ods v_0
2018-12-07 František Kučera implementation: relpipe-out-ods v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera screenshots: relpipe-out-gui v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera screenshots: Haiku v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera principles: streaming v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera examples: relpipe-out-xml v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera examples: relpipe-in-fstab v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera examples: relpipe-in-cli v_0
2018-12-06 František Kučera small fixes v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera emacs v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera faq: hobby v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera footer: link to GNU / Free software v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera examples: fstab formatting using -in-fstab, -out-nullbyte, xargs and Perl v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera translate the Download label (zvýraznění-syntaxe.xsl, <m:pre/>) v_0
2018-12-04 František Kučera relpipe-out-nullbyte v_0
2018-12-02 František Kučera faq: help v_0
2018-12-02 František Kučera relpipe-tr-validator: specification and examples v_0
2018-12-02 František Kučera implementation: header-only libraries v_0
2018-12-02 František Kučera macro for images with alt and title generated from the EXIF metadata v_0
2018-12-02 František Kučera macro for escaping XML using sed in scripts v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera <m:pre/>: avoid warnings v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera scripts/image-coment.sh adds image metadata: copyright and comment in EXIF v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera screenshots: kde + cli + tabular v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera add more licenses v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera license of protocol, reader and writer: GNU LGPLv3+ or GNU GPLv2+ v_0
2018-12-01 František Kučera classic pipeline example: typo v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera classic pipeline example: more great parts v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera implementation v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera faq: relation vs. table v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera faq: why c++ v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-out-ods v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-out-xml v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-out-gui v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-out-tabular v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-in-fstab v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: relpipe-in-cli v_0
2018-11-30 František Kučera specification: libraries v_0
2018-11-29 František Kučera roadmap: tasks before v1.0 v_0
2018-11-29 František Kučera license: GNU GPLv3+ v_0
2018-11-28 František Kučera specification: intro v_0
2018-11-27 František Kučera roadmap: more formats v_0
2018-11-27 František Kučera roadmap v_0
2018-11-27 František Kučera principles: Be exact and reliable v_0
2018-11-27 František Kučera faq v_0
2018-11-26 František Kučera principles v_0
2018-11-26 František Kučera new pages: principles, roadmap, faq v_0
2018-11-26 František Kučera format, structure and logical model – the relational model v_0
2018-11-26 František Kučera small fixes and improvements v_0
2018-11-25 František Kučera classic pipeline example v_0
2018-11-25 František Kučera introduction v_0
2018-11-24 František Kučera license: GNU GPLv3+ v_0
2018-11-24 František Kučera name macro v_0
2018-11-24 František Kučera create empty pages v_0
2018-11-24 František Kučera specification: empty page v_0
2018-11-24 František Kučera metadata, footer v_0
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