<nadpis>Writing an output filter in Bash</nadpis>
<perex>processing relational data in GNU Bash or some other shell</perex>
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In previous example we created an output filter in Perl.
We converted a relation to values separated by <code>\0</code> and then passed it through <code>xargs</code> to a perl <em>one-liner</em> (or a <em>multi-liner</em> in this case).
But we can write such output filter in pure Bash without <code>xargs</code> and <code>perl</code>.
Of course, it is still limited to a single relation (or it can process multiple relations of same type and do something like implicit <code>UNION ALL</code>).
We will define a function that will help us with reading the <code>\0</code>-separated values and putting them into shell variables:
<m:pre jazyk="bash"><![CDATA[read_nullbyte() { for v in "$@"; do export "$v"; read -r -d '' "$v"; done }]]></m:pre>
This version will not require the last \0:
read_zero() { for v in "$@"; do export "$v"; read -r -d '' "$v" || [ ! -z "${!v}" ]; done }
at least in case when the last value is not missing.
Other values might be null/missing: \0\0 is OK.
Currently, there is no known way how to do this without a custom function (just with <code>read</code> built-in command of Bash and its parameters).
But it is just a single line function, so not a big deal.
And then we just read the values, put them in shell variables and process them in a cycle in a shell block of code:
<m:pre jazyk="bash"><![CDATA[relpipe-in-fstab \
| relpipe-out-nullbyte \
| while read_nullbyte scheme device mount_point fs_type options dump pass; do
echo "Device ${scheme:+$scheme=}$device is mounted" \
"at $mount_point and contains $fs_type.";
Which will print:
<pre><![CDATA[Device UUID=29758270-fd25-4a6c-a7bb-9a18302816af is mounted at / and contains ext4.
Device /dev/sr0 is mounted at /media/cdrom0 and contains udf,iso9660.
Device /dev/sde is mounted at /mnt/data and contains ext4.
Device UUID=a2b5f230-a795-4f6f-a39b-9b57686c86d5 is mounted at /home and contains btrfs.
Device /dev/mapper/sdf_crypt is mounted at /mnt/private and contains xfs.]]></pre>
Using this method, we can convert any single relation to any format (preferably some text one, but <code>printf</code> can produce also binary data).
This is good for ad-hoc conversions and single-relation data.
More powerful tools can be written in C++ and other languages like Java, Python, Guile etc. (when particular libraries are available).