author František Kučera <>
Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:01:34 +0200
changeset 264 d39cfc926f95
parent 258 relpipe-data/examples/
permissions -rw-r--r--
XMLTable, SQL, v0.13

# Install dependencies as root:
su -c "apt install g++ make cmake mercurial pkg-config"
su -c "apt install libxerces-c-dev" # needed only for relpipe-in-xml module
su -c "apt install guile-2.2-dev"   # needed only for relpipe-tr-guile module; guile-2.0-dev also works but requires a patch (see below)
su -c "apt install gawk"            # needed only for relpipe-tr-awk module
su -c "apt install libxml++2.6-dev" # needed only for relpipe-in-xmltable module
su -c "apt install libsqlite3-dev"  # needed only for relpipe-tr-sql module

# Run rest of installation as a non-root user:
export RELPIPE_VERSION="v0.13"
export RELPIPE_SRC=~/src
export RELPIPE_BUILD=~/build
export RELPIPE_INSTALL=~/install

rm -rf "$RELPIPE_BUILD"/relpipe-*

# Helper functions:
relpipe_download() { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_SRC" && ([[ -d "relpipe-$m.cpp" ]] && hg pull -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" && hg update -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" "$RELPIPE_VERSION" || hg clone -u "$RELPIPE_VERSION"$m.cpp) || break; done; }
relpipe_install()  { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_BUILD" && mkdir -p relpipe-$m.cpp && cd relpipe-$m.cpp && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$RELPIPE_INSTALL" "$RELPIPE_SRC/relpipe-$m.cpp" && make && make install || break; done; }

# Download all sources:
relpipe_download lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-xmltable in-csv in-filesystem in-recfile out-gui.qt out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv out-asn1 out-recfile tr-cut tr-grep tr-python tr-sed tr-validator tr-guile tr-awk tr-sql

# Optional: At this point, we have all dependencies and sources downloaded, so we can disconnect this computer from the internet in order to verify that our build process is sane, deterministic and does not depend on any external resources.

# Build and install libraries:
relpipe_install lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter

# Build and install tools:
relpipe_install in-fstab in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-xmltable in-csv in-recfile tr-cut tr-grep tr-sed tr-guile tr-awk tr-sql out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv out-asn1 out-recfile

# relpipe_install in-filesystem # requires GCC 8 or patching (see below)

# Clean-up:
unset -f relpipe_install
unset -f relpipe_download
unset -v RELPIPE_SRC

# Compute statistics of currently mounted filesystems using SQL and view them like on an 80s green screen terminal!
cat /etc/mtab | relpipe-in-fstab | relpipe-tr-sql --relation mount_statistics "SELECT type, count(*) AS count FROM fstab GROUP BY type ORDER BY count DESC" | relpipe-out-tabular