changeset 249 ce8a4be95632
child 316 d7ae02390fac
equal deleted inserted replaced
248:e76ca9f7d6cb 249:ce8a4be95632
     1 <stránka
     2 	xmlns=""
     3 	xmlns:m="">
     5 	<nadpis>Processing multiple relations with Guile</nadpis>
     6 	<perex>filter some relations and others keep unaffected</perex>
     7 	<m:pořadí-příkladu>01800</m:pořadí-příkladu>
     9 	<text xmlns="">
    11 		<p>
    12 			The <code>relpipe-tr-guile</code> is capable to process multiple relations in a single pass.
    13 			So we can filter some relations and let others flow unaffected through this pipeline step.
    14 		</p>
    16 		<m:pre jazyk="bash"><![CDATA[# define some sample relational functions:
    17 r1() { relpipe-in-cli generate seq 1 i integer 1 2 3; }             # seq
    18 r2() { relpipe-in-fstab; }                                          # fstab
    19 r3() { find /usr/share/sounds/ -print0 | relpipe-in-filesystem; }   # filesystem
    21 # put them together in a single stream function:
    22 sample-data() { r1; r2; r3; }
    24 # let them flow through our Guile transformation:
    25 sample-data \
    26 	| relpipe-tr-guile \
    27 		--relation fstab \
    28 			--where '(or (string= $type "btrfs") (string-prefix? "/mnt/" $mount_point) )' \
    29 		--relation filesystem \
    30 			--where '(and (> $size 8000) (< $size 9000) )' \
    31 	| relpipe-out-tabular]]></m:pre>
    33 		<p>Such script will generate something like this:</p>
    35 		<m:pre jazyk="text"><![CDATA[seq:
    36  ╭─────────────╮
    37  │ i (integer) │
    38  ├─────────────┤
    39  │           1 │
    40  │           2 │
    41  │           3 │
    42  ╰─────────────╯
    43 Record count: 3
    45 fstab:
    46  ╭─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────╮
    47  │ scheme (string) │ device                      (string) │ mount_point (string) │ type (string) │ options                      (string) │ dump (integer) │ pass (integer) │
    48  ├─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤
    49  │                 │ /dev/sde                             │ /mnt/data            │ ext4          │ relatime,user_xattr,errors=remount-ro │              0 │              2 │
    50  │ UUID            │ a2b5f230-a795-4f6f-a39b-9b57686c86d5 │ /home                │ btrfs         │ relatime                              │              0 │              2 │
    51  │                 │ /dev/mapper/sdf_crypt                │ /mnt/private         │ xfs           │ relatime                              │              0 │              2 │
    52  ╰─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────╯
    53 Record count: 3
    55 filesystem:
    56  ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────╮
    57  │ path                                                             (string) │ type (string) │ size (integer) │ owner (string) │ group (string) │
    58  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤
    59  │ /usr/share/sounds/Oxygen-Window-All-Desktops-Not.ogg                      │ f             │           8363 │ root           │ root           │
    60  │ /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Window-All-Desktops-Not.ogg                         │ f             │           8363 │ root           │ root           │
    61  │ /usr/share/sounds/Oxygen-Window-Close.ogg                                 │ f             │           8865 │ root           │ root           │
    62  │ /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Window-Close.ogg                                    │ f             │           8865 │ root           │ root           │
    63  │ /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Window-All-Desktops.ogg                             │ f             │           8712 │ root           │ root           │
    64  │ /usr/share/sounds/Oxygen-Window-All-Desktops.ogg                          │ f             │           8712 │ root           │ root           │
    65  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/power-plug.oga                       │ l             │           8748 │ root           │ root           │
    66  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga                             │ f             │           8495 │ root           │ root           │
    67  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/network-connectivity-established.oga │ l             │           8748 │ root           │ root           │
    68  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/device-removed.oga                   │ f             │           8500 │ root           │ root           │
    69  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/device-added.oga                     │ f             │           8748 │ root           │ root           │
    70  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/power-unplug.oga                     │ l             │           8500 │ root           │ root           │
    71  │ /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/network-connectivity-lost.oga        │ l             │           8500 │ root           │ root           │
    72  ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────╯
    73 Record count: 13]]></m:pre>
    76 		<p>
    77 			In Guile, we have filtered the <code>fstab</code> and <code>filesystem</code> relations
    78 			while the <code>seq</code> relation was kept intact.
    79 		</p>
    81 		<p>
    82 			The <code>--relation</code> option accepts a regular expression.
    83 			So it is possible to process more than one relation with it (having all needed attributes in each, of course). 
    84 			If more <code>--relation</code> options (e.g. <code>'f.*'</code> and <code>fstab</code>) matches the same relation in the stream, only the first wins and transforms that relation.
    85 		</p>
    87 		<p>
    88 			If we define some variables in the Guile context, they will stay there – so we can pass data across relations.
    89 			Thus we can do even JOIN, if we really want.
    90 		</p>
    93 	</text>
    95 </stránka>