2010-12-23 jjh 6982992: Tests CheckAttributedTree.java, JavacTreeScannerTest.java, and SourceTreeeScannerTest.java timeout
2010-12-23 jjh 7008869: Debug printlns accidentally added to make/build.xml
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-22 jjh 7008378: javac bootstrap launcher fails on cygwin when called via an absolute path
2010-12-18 ksrini 6567415: Neverending loop in ClassReader
2010-12-15 jjg 7006564: NPE in javac running test/tools/javac/nio/compileTest/CompileTest.java
2010-12-14 jjg 6999891: DefaultFileManager incorrect
2010-12-14 jjh 6999460: Glassfish build with JDK 6 / 7 is 5x-10x slower on Windows than on Linux
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset ae40314fa64e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 lana Merge
2011-01-13 lana Merge
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-16 ohair 7006853: Integrate JAX-WS 2.2.2 RI into JDK 7
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset a45e9dd33dbb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 lana Merge
2011-01-13 lana Merge
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-16 ohair 7007257: jaxp 1.4.5 jdk7 1st integration
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset c477817f26b9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset ad6f4daff46b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 lana Merge
2011-01-13 lana Merge
2011-01-07 lana Merge
2011-01-06 jjg 7010537: javah no longer depends on javadoc
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2011-01-04 sherman 7009618: regression test failed caused by the fix for 7003462
2011-01-04 alanb 7010192: InetAddress.isReachable hits ShouldNotReachHere with hs20-b04 (win)
2010-12-27 valeriep Merge
2010-12-23 valeriep 6924489: sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Exception: CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED
2010-12-24 dcubed 7005984: 3/3 Incorrect values of S0C and S0CMX appear with -gcnewcapacity in jstat
2010-12-23 ksrini 7002386: (launcher) fix XshowSettings
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-23 valeriep 6581254: pkcs11 provider fails to parse configuration file contains windows short path
2010-12-22 xuelei 6996365: Evaluate the priorities of cipher suites
2010-12-22 ptisnovs 6560348: PIT : java/awt/xembed/server/RunTestXEmbed.java fails
2010-12-21 kevinw 6968933: Clip loop() deadlock in DirectAudioDevice$DirectClip.run
2010-12-21 weijun 6996367: improve HandshakeHash
2010-12-20 smarks 6880112: Project Coin: Port JDK core library code to use diamond operator
2010-12-18 ksrini 7007157: (pack200) stripping attributes causes a NPE
2010-12-17 weijun 6975866: api/org_ietf/jgss/GSSContext/index.html#wrapUnwrapIOTest started to fail since jdk7 b102
2010-12-16 sundar 6980447: Rhino JavaScript engine code in jdk-7 has to updated with the latest code from Rhino 1.7R3.
2010-12-16 xuelei 7006265: Javadoc warnings
2010-12-15 alanb 6927816: Demo crash in heaptracker with Non-Sun JDK due to possible violation of JNI spec
2010-12-14 lancea 7006454: Typo in javadocs typo for Statement.executeBatch @since
2010-12-14 ksrini 7006704: (pack200) add missing file for 6990106
2010-12-14 ksrini 6990106: FindBugs scan - Malicious code vulnerability Warnings in com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.*
2011-01-07 lana Merge
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2010-12-30 amenkov 6989702: sound native code compiler warnings
2010-12-29 amenkov 7006997: A typo in MidiSystem.getTransmitter() implementation code
2010-12-28 amenkov 6842956: Assertion error in javax_sound on 64-bit RHEL 5.3 with 32-bit JDK
2010-12-27 rupashka 6532833: PIT: Metal LAF - The right side border is not shown for the Spinner after the removing the buttons
2010-12-27 rupashka 6959584: closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4847375/bug4847375.java : compilation failed
2010-12-27 okutsu 7003643: [Fmt-Me] MessageFormat.toPattern produces wrong quoted string and subformat modifiers
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