2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 4061c66ba1af
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b78
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-12-17 mikejwre Merge
2009-12-16 ohair 6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-08 tbell Merge
2009-12-07 jjg 6907660: stupid typo in ZipFileIndex guarantees NPE
2009-12-03 darcy 6906748: Project Coin: Minor strings in switch cleanup
2009-11-24 tbell Merge
2009-11-20 jjg 6902337: fix langtools build to allow forward refs into jdk/ repo
2009-11-20 jjg 6903456: 6898585 drops javadoc doclet.xml from JDK
2009-11-19 jjg 6902720: javac pretty printer does not handle enums correctly
2009-11-19 jjg 6900511: javac command line help broken
2009-11-19 jjg 6902264: fix indentation of tableswitch and lookupswitch
2009-11-18 jjg 6898585: restructure langtools build.xml to facilitate more options for <build-classes> macro
2009-12-03 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 2edda439128d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-12-16 ohair 6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-03 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 8b1d8a20852f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-12-16 ohair 6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-03 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset d396d3706e0b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-12-16 ohair 6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-03 mikejwre Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset a9713976af74
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-12-17 mikejwre Merge
2009-12-16 ohair 6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16 lana Merge
2009-12-10 lana Merge
2009-12-10 peterz 6827653: Make Synth UI classes public
2009-12-09 malenkov 6905574: DOC: Introspector's javadoc contains wrong statement
2009-12-09 malenkov 4638075: DOC: Doc for java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() is incorrect.
2009-11-30 malenkov 6905516: Test failed: java/beans/EventHandler/Test6788531.java
2009-11-30 malenkov 6905515: Test failed: java/beans/XMLEncoder/6329581/Test6329581.java
2009-11-27 amenkov Merge
2009-11-27 amenkov Merge
2009-11-27 amenkov 6832063: OpenJDK fails to open the default ALSA device when PulseAudio is enabled
2009-11-27 kalli 6823449: Gervill: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when trying to play too may voices at same time
2009-11-27 kalli 6833357: Improve time-stamp support in Gervill to reduce jitter
2009-11-06 amenkov 6887318: Incorrect constant used in DirectSound Mixer implementation
2009-11-06 amenkov 6744801: JCK api/javax_sound/interactive/RecordSoundTest.html#RecordSoundTest fails on Solaris10 x64 for -d64
2009-11-27 malenkov 5102804: Memory leak in Introspector.getBeanInfo(Class) for custom BeanInfo: Class param
2009-11-27 okutsu 6904997: (tz) Windows-only: tzmappings needs update for KB976098
2009-11-25 lana Merge
2009-11-25 peterz 6888156: With GTK Look and Feel Icons cannot be rendered in Jtable Cells
2009-11-23 rupashka 6823603: Generics: JList
2009-12-10 lana Merge
2009-12-09 dav 6903893: Fix failed for CR 6834576: RemoveChild/ test fail with deadlock on rhel and sles
2009-12-09 anthony 6900622: Security warning icon is not getting displayed properly for tooltip
2009-12-08 mchung 6907568: java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java inproperly merged and lost a changeset
2009-12-07 ant 6903890: SWT_AWT focus issues when a dialog is shown/disposed, on X11
2009-12-07 dcherepanov Merge
2009-12-07 dcherepanov 6823138: Need to replace ComponentAccessor with AWTAccessor
2009-12-07 yan 5099725: AWT doesn't seem to handle MappingNotify events under X11.
2009-12-04 ant 6903354: deadlock involving Component.show & SunToolkit.getImageFromHash
2009-12-02 ant 6566375: PIT : test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/TestDialogTypeAhead.html
2009-12-02 anthony 6901021: Security Warning Icon not getting displayed properly when frame loses focus
2009-11-27 anthony 6402325: Swing toolbars vs native toolbars on Windows
2009-11-27 art 4913324: Deadlock when using two event queues
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