2012-11-20 | ksrini | 8001533: java launcher must launch javafx applications | changeset | files |
2012-11-20 | jzavgren | 8000476: Memory Leaks and uninitialized memory access in PKCS11 and other native code | changeset | files |
2012-11-19 | alanb | 8003607: More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012) | changeset | files |
2012-11-19 | weijun | 8002344: Krb5LoginModule config class does not return proper KDC list from DNS | changeset | files |
2012-11-18 | xuelei | 8003587: Warning cleanup in package javax.net.ssl | changeset | files |
2012-11-17 | bchristi | 7178922: (props) re-visit how os.name is determined on Mac | changeset | files |
2012-11-16 | khazra | 8003518: (prefs) Tests in jdk/test/java/util/prefs should not be run concurrently | changeset | files |
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