2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 36e1566efb55
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 461e60cdcd3e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 0447ec5a0e8c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 9b354f853d8b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-19 katleman Merge
2012-12-19 erikj 8004803: build-infra: Cannot use icedtea as boot for closed build.
2012-12-14 lana Merge
2012-12-14 dholmes 8003632: HPROF class file version java.lang.RuntimeException errors
2012-12-13 robm 8000525: Java.net.httpcookie api does not support 2-digit year format
2012-12-13 chegar 8003890: corelibs test scripts should pass TESTVMOPTS
2012-12-13 mullan Merge
2012-12-13 juh 7193792: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestECDSA.java failing intermittently
2012-12-13 chegar 8004675: Inet6Address.getHostAddress should use string scope identifier where available
2012-12-13 chegar 8004925: java/net/Socks/SocksV4Test.java failing on all platforms
2012-12-13 lancea 8004357: Implement various methods in SerialBlob/Clob/Array and specify Thread Safety
2012-12-13 weijun 8004235: Disable native JGSS provider on Mac
2012-12-12 jgish 8004651: TEST: java/util/logging/CheckLockLocationTest.java failed to delete file (win)
2012-12-12 smarks 8004748: clean up @build tags in RMI tests
2012-12-12 robm 8004337: java/sql tests aren't run in test/Makefile
2012-12-12 mullan Merge
2012-12-12 mullan 8004064: Downgrade normative references to ${java.home}/lib/security/java.security
2012-12-12 alanb 8004874: Reduce dependency on java.beans to only add/removePropertyChangeListener
2012-12-12 chegar 8004921: Trivial javadoc warnings in Base64
2012-12-12 weijun 8004904: Makefile for ntlm
2012-12-12 mduigou 8004905: Correct license of test to remove classpath exception
2012-12-11 akhil 8003246: Add InitialValue Supplier to ThreadLocal
2012-12-11 weijun 8004488: wrong permissions checked in krb5
2012-12-11 dingxmin 6512101: Incorrect encoding in NetworkInterface.getDisplayName()
2012-12-10 mchung 4819681: Typo in http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/api/java/util/logging/LogManager.html
2012-12-10 michaelm 8003948: NTLM/Negotiate authentication problem
2012-12-10 okutsu 8000983: Support narrow display names for calendar fields
2012-12-09 dxu 7194370: (fs) WatchService fails if volume S/N is 0 [win]
2012-12-09 ksrini 8004042: Arrrghs.java test failed on windows with access error.
2012-12-07 rfield 8003881: Prevent lambda implementing inner classes from allowing the creation of new instances
2012-12-06 lancea 8004374: CachedRowSetSwriter.writeData reports wrong number of conflicts in SyncProviderException
2012-12-06 jgish 8004317: TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently, but exception not reported
2012-12-05 alanb 8004491: Build breakage on Linux due to 8004188
2012-12-04 mullan 8004188: Rename src/share/lib/security/java.security to java.security-linux
2012-12-04 jgish 8003596: TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/CheckLockLocationTest.java failing [win]
2012-12-14 lana Merge
2012-12-14 kshefov 6757986: javax/swing/JInternalFrame/5066752/bug5066752.java needs correction
2012-12-13 kshefov 7132385: [macosx] IconifyTest of RepaintManager could use some delay
2012-12-11 serb 7154778: [macosx] NSView-based implementation of sun.awt.EmbeddedFrame
2012-12-14 lana Merge
2012-12-12 jviswana 8004316: Printer - tempfile having incorrect extension
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset e56b4a0c1da8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-14 amurillo Added tag hs25-b13 for changeset a644646e04e5
2012-12-14 amurillo Merge
2012-12-14 collins Merge
2012-12-11 jiangli 8004076: Move _max_locals and _size_of_parameters to ConstMethod for better sharing.
2012-12-13 stefank Merge
2012-12-13 stefank 8004674: Add necessary .inline.hpp files to fix non-PCH build
2012-12-13 brutisso 8004661: Comment and function name java_lang_String::toHash is wrong
2012-12-08 johnc Merge
2012-10-01 johnc 8000244: G1: Ergonomically set MarkStackSize and use virtual space for global marking stack
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