2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-23 rfield 8028739: javac generates incorrect descriptor for MethodHandle::invoke
2013-11-20 bpatel 8027977: javadoc dies on NumberFormat/DateFormat subclass
2013-11-20 jlahoda 6557966: Multiple upper bounds of the TypeVariable
2013-11-19 vromero 8028504: javac generates LocalVariableTable even with -g:none
2013-11-19 kizune 6726154: javadoc generated with incorrect version in comment
2013-11-04 ihse 8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-28 cl Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset e5aaa3cef7d2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-03 lana Merge
2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-04 ihse 8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-28 cl Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset cf588e9e7be5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-03 lana Merge
2013-11-25 mfang Merge
2013-11-21 mfang 8028803: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5 - jaxp repo
2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-04 ihse 8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-28 cl Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 26bfe9e8faa8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-03 lana Merge
2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-22 sundar Merge
2013-11-19 lagergren 8028573: Line number nodes were off for while nodes and do while nodes - the line number of a loop node should be treated as the location of the test expression
2013-11-18 lagergren 8028434: Line number nodes were off for while nodes and do while nodes - the line number of a loop node should be treated as the location of the test expression
2013-11-15 hannesw 8028210: Missing conversions on array index expression
2013-11-14 sundar 8028161: nashorn: src/jdk/nashorn/api/scripting/ScriptEngineTest.java
2013-11-04 ihse 8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-28 cl Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 6f9e2b240132
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-03 lana Merge
2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-21 msheppar 8028215: ORB.init fails with SecurityException if properties select the JDK default ORB
2013-11-04 ihse 8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-28 cl Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 140cf98df94d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-12-03 amurillo 8029421: Add java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/TestPrivateInterfaceMethodReflect.java to exclude list
2013-12-03 lana Merge
2013-11-27 lana Merge
2013-11-27 naoto 8028771: regression test java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh failed
2013-11-27 weijun 8029181: ts.sh generates invalid file after JDK-8027026
2013-11-26 jrose 8016839: JSR292: AME instead of IAE when calling a method
2013-11-26 peytoia 8029057: test/java/text/Bidi/Bug6665028.java can fail with OutOfMemoryError
2013-11-26 joehw 8027973: javax/xml/jaxp/transform/jdk8004476/XSLTExFuncTest.java hangs (win)
2013-11-25 valeriep 7200306: SunPKCS11 provider delays the check of DSA key size for SHA1withDSA to sign() instead of init()
2013-11-25 lana Merge
2013-11-25 psandoz 8028516: Java doc error in Int/Long/Double/Stream.peek
2013-11-22 jfranck 8023278: Reflection API methods do not throw AnnotationFormatError in case of malformed Runtime[In]VisibleTypeAnnotations attribute
2013-11-22 coffeys Merge
2013-11-21 aefimov 8027370: Support tzdata2013h
2013-11-15 aefimov 8027848: The ZoneInfoFile doesn't honor future GMT offset changes
2013-11-22 smarks 7174936: several String methods claim to always create new String
2013-11-21 dxu 8028628: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Size.java failed once in the same binary run
2013-11-21 dxu 7065902: (file) test/java/nio/file/Files/Misc.java fails on Solaris 11 when run as root
2013-11-21 valeriep Merge
2013-11-19 valeriep 8026943: SQE test jce/Global/Cipher/SameBuffer failed
2013-11-21 martin 6703075: (process) java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java fails with fastdebug
2013-11-21 tyan 8022212: Intermittent test failures in java/net
2013-11-21 tyan 7036666: test/com/sun/net/httpserver/Test9a.java fails intermittently
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip