2014-09-18 katleman Added tag jdk9-b31 for changeset 8d0d35462d9b
2014-09-18 lana Merge
2014-09-17 weijun 8056141: Move com.sun.security.jgss into a new module
2014-09-16 amurillo Merge
2014-09-13 amurillo Merge
2014-09-12 amurillo Merge
2014-08-28 erikj 8056053: Disable HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS when building with configure
2014-09-16 erikj 8058118: Generate modules.list during the build
2014-09-15 mchung 8058367: Add verify-modules target to the default and images target
2014-09-15 ehelin 8058317: Top-level Makefiles uses deprecated target jvmg in HotSpot Makefiles
2014-09-12 lancea 8058366: Export sun.misc to java.sql
2014-09-18 katleman Added tag jdk9-b31 for changeset 2b84f4818a54
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b31 for changeset 9d0e6639a4d7
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b31
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-11 wetmore 8058180: .hgignore should be updated with webrev in all repos
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-09 vromero 8042347: javac, Gen.LVTAssignAnalyzer should be refactored, it shouldn't be a static class
2014-09-09 pgovereau 8054210: NullPointerException when compiling specific code.
2014-09-09 pgovereau 8055500: fix for 8030046 is incorrect
2014-09-08 jlahoda 8057753: Test langtools/test/tools/javac/NoClass.java is failing when run together with langtools/test/tools/javac/DuplicateImport.java
2014-09-08 mcimadamore 8055514: Wrong, confusing error when non-static varargs referenced in static context
2014-09-08 jfranck 8056021: checkin for JDK-8027262 breaks Checker Framework
2014-09-08 jlahoda 8056984: Exception in compiler: java.lang.AssertionError: isSubClass T
2014-09-08 jlahoda 8056014: Type inference may be skipped for a complex receiver generic method in a parameter position
2014-09-05 sogoel 8055079: Group 9c: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
2014-09-05 sogoel 8055075: Group 9b: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
2014-09-04 sogoel 8055996: Remove @ignore from tools/javac/T6725036.java
2014-09-11 katleman Added tag jdk9-b30 for changeset 290847867ded
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-11 wetmore 8058180: .hgignore should be updated with webrev in all repos
2014-09-11 katleman Added tag jdk9-b30 for changeset a9217d0687d5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-11 wetmore 8058180: .hgignore should be updated with webrev in all repos
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-10 martin 8058175: [XML 1.0/1.1] - Attribute values with supplemental characters are being corrupted.
2014-09-05 joehw 8056202: Xerces Update: Catalog Resolver
2014-09-11 katleman Added tag jdk9-b30 for changeset bbce32388a2d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-11 wetmore 8058180: .hgignore should be updated with webrev in all repos
2014-09-11 hannesw 8058179: Global constants get in the way of self-modifying properties
2014-09-11 attila 8058100: Reduce the RecompilableScriptFunctionData footprint
2014-09-11 lana Merge
2014-09-10 hannesw 8057021: UserAccessorProperty guards fail with multiple globals
2014-09-10 attila 8034954: Optimistic iteration in for-in and for-each
2014-09-10 lagergren 8057703: More empty classes generated by Nashorn
2014-09-09 attila 8057931: Instead of not skipping small functions in parser, make lexer avoid them instead
2014-09-09 attila 8057930: remove eval ID
2014-09-08 attila 8057148: Skip nested functions on reparse
2014-09-08 yan 8057678: Tests for let and const keywords in Nashorn
2014-09-08 sundar 8057742: ant clean test should not fail if one or more external test suites are missing
2014-09-05 lagergren 8057588: Lots of trivial (empty) classes were generated by the Nashorn compiler as part of restOf-method generation
2014-09-05 lagergren 8057611: Nashorn did not dump the JOx classes to disk when running with the -d flag
2014-09-11 katleman Added tag jdk9-b30 for changeset 00bb2442d1d6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-09-11 lana Merge
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