2011-02-02 ohair Merge
2011-01-28 ohair Merge
2011-01-27 ohair Merge
2011-01-16 ohair Merge
2011-01-14 ohair 6950375: Remove msvcrt.dll from the Windows JRE bundles
2011-01-14 ohair Merge
2011-01-13 ohair 7008047: remove sanity check of msival tool from JDK tree
2011-01-14 ohair Merge
2011-01-11 ohair Merge
2011-01-11 ohair 6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the install image
2011-01-11 ohair Merge
2011-01-11 ohair 7011382: Fix use of VS100COMNTOOLS when installed in non-default or non-space path
2011-01-10 ohair Merge
2011-01-08 ohair 6980024: Rebranding jre7/jdk7 License, Copyright, Readme
2011-01-05 ohair 6975326: Problem in install/make/rebase/Makefile, grep on empty pattern
2011-01-28 lana Merge
2011-01-24 lana Merge
2011-01-24 sherman 7006576: (zipfs) Path.exists() always returns false on dirs when zip/JAR file built without dirs
2011-01-22 phh Merge
2011-01-22 phh Merge
2011-01-21 phh 7013682: two test checking cpuTime filed java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean
2011-01-21 phh 6173675: M&M: approximate memory allocation rate/amount per thread
2011-01-21 zgu Merge
2011-01-20 zgu 6983248: net/net001 and net/net003 fail on WinXP with JDK7-B108
2011-01-21 mchung Merge
2011-01-21 mchung 6912013: Remove the temporary launcher fix to add modules in the bootclasspath
2011-01-21 chegar Merge
2011-01-21 chegar 7012768: InetAddress lookupTable leaks/deadlocks when using unsupported name service spi
2011-01-21 mchung 7013739: jdk_rmi target is missing in the top repo's test/Makefile
2011-01-20 chegar 7011857: java/util/concurrent/Phaser/FickleRegister.java fails on solaris-sparc
2011-01-20 lana Merge
2011-01-17 sundar 6508943: small typo in the documentation
2011-01-14 smarks 7012003: diamond conversion for ssl
2011-01-14 chegar 7010903: impl. of http.maxConnections is different from the description in JavaSE document
2011-01-14 darcy 7012279: Project Coin: Clarify AutoCloseable and Throwable javadoc
2011-01-14 mduigou 6728865: Provide a better heuristics for Collections.disjoint method
2011-01-13 michaelm 7003398: NetworkInterface equals() and hashCode() behaviors depend on permissions granted
2011-01-13 michaelm Merge
2011-01-13 michaelm Merge
2011-01-12 michaelm 6829919: URLClassLoader.close() doesn't close resource file if getResourceAsStream(...) was called before
2011-01-13 chegar 6964547: Impossible to set useV4 in SocksSocketImpl
2011-01-13 michaelm Merge
2011-01-13 michaelm 6896088: URLClassLoader.close() apparently not working for JAR URLs on Windows
2011-01-12 kamg Merge
2011-01-12 kamg 6436034: Instance filter doesn't filter event if it occurs in native method
2011-01-12 smarks 7008713: diamond conversion of kerberos5 and security tools
2011-01-12 dl 7005424: Resync java.util.concurrent classes with Dougs CVS - Jan 2011
2011-01-11 smarks 7011095: revert diamond changes from 6880112 that occur in method args
2011-01-11 lancea 7000693: java.sql.Timestamp compareTo() issues using low values
2011-01-11 smarks 7005608: diamond conversion of JCA and crypto providers
2011-01-10 lancea 6544224: Remove the need of sun.reflect.misc
2011-01-10 alanb 7002957: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo fails to load libsendfile on Solaris 64-bit
2011-01-07 smarks 7008728: diamond conversion of basic security, permissions, authentication
2011-01-07 chegar 7009760: Possible stack corruption in Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl_socketGetOption
2011-01-07 alanb Merge
2011-01-07 alanb 6993732: Remove the HPI
2011-01-07 chegar 7000511: PrintStream, PrintWriter, Formatter, Scanner leave files open when exception thrown
2011-01-24 lana Merge
2011-01-24 rupashka 6735293: javax.swing.text.NavigationFilter.getNextVisualPositionFrom() not always throws BadLocationException
2011-01-20 lana Merge
2011-01-19 rupashka 6246816: SwingSet2 should be rewritten
2011-01-17 rupashka 6342301: Bad interaction between setting the ui and file filters in JFileChooser
2011-01-13 rupashka 6990651: Regression: NPE when refreshing applet since 6u22-b01
2011-01-11 rupashka 6589952: Swing: dead links in API documentation
2011-01-24 lana Merge
2011-01-20 lana Merge
2011-01-20 dcherepanov 7011442: AppletClassLoader.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
2011-01-20 dcherepanov 7011443: ./share/classes/sun/awt/SunToolkit.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
2011-01-20 dcherepanov 7011446: ./windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WToolkit.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
2011-01-24 lana Merge
2011-01-24 bae 6999620: [parfait] potential buffer overruns in 2d and awt
2011-01-24 bae 7002766: Java2d: Changes to correct c/c++ language issues for use of parfait
2011-01-21 prr 6892138: Windows GDI platform font lookup apis affect start-up for small UI apps
2011-01-21 prr 6892493: potential memory leaks in 2D font code indentified by parfait.
2011-01-20 prr 7013646: remove obsolete fontconfig files for linux and solaris
2011-01-20 prr 6980204: closed/java/awt/font/LogicalFonts/MappingTest.java fails
2011-01-20 lana Merge
2011-01-20 prr 7013109: windows application manifest problems
2011-01-20 prr 6983037: closed/java/awt/font/FontNames/Type1Fonts.java failed due to missed font
2011-01-19 prr 6951501: EUDC character is not displayed on Swing
2011-01-19 dlila 4493128: CubicCurve2D intersects method fails
2011-01-19 dlila 4724552: CubicCurve2D.contains(Rectangle2D) returns true when only partially contained.
2011-01-14 prr 6930980: Disable TrueType hinting for fonts known not to hint well
2011-01-14 jgodinez 6939417: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Win 7 on selected printers
2011-01-14 prr 6925760: Scaled graphics can cause overlapped LCD mode strings on Windows for pixel size > 48
2011-01-14 prr 6989370: Windows platform fonts may be incorrectly marked as ineligible for the native rasteriser
2011-01-14 prr 6951086: Excessive Local References in sun.font.SunLayoutEngine.nativeLayout
2011-01-13 prr 6917884: NPE in sun.font.FcFontConfiguration.getPlatformFontNames
2011-01-13 prr 7012269: mapfile for headless awt needs getFontPathNative defined
2011-01-13 prr 7001056: JDK 7 fails on to build on Solaris 10 update 9 - updated Xrender header files
2011-01-12 prr 6958221: java.awt.Font.getFamily() leads to JVM crash on Linux on JDK7 for "custom" fonts
2011-01-28 cl Added tag jdk7-b127 for changeset a7313d21f4d1
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-02 trims Merge
2011-01-21 trims Merge
2011-01-21 iveresov 7013812: C1: deopt blob too far from patching stub
2011-01-21 trims Merge
2011-01-21 trims Merge
2011-01-20 johnc Merge
2011-01-20 tonyp 6977804: G1: remove the zero-filling thread
2011-01-19 johnc Merge
2011-01-19 johnc 7012642: G1: JumbleGC002 test aborts with segmentation violation due to uncaught stack overflow
2011-01-19 tonyp 7011379: G1: overly long concurrent marking cycles
2011-01-20 dcubed Merge
2011-01-19 kamg 7012505: BreakpointWithFullGC.sh fails with Internal Error (src/share/vm/oops/methodOop.cpp:220)
2011-01-19 never 7013008: 2/3 assert(method == NULL || check_method(method, bcp)) failed: bcp must point into method
2011-01-19 dcubed 7012493: 2/2 6849574/Test.java fails with Internal Error (src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp:3294)
2011-01-19 dcubed Merge
2011-01-14 coleenp 6811367: Fix code in HeapDumper::dump_heap() to avoid buffer overrun
2011-01-14 never 4926272: methodOopDesc::method_from_bcp is unsafe
2011-01-19 iveresov 7012766: assert(false) failed: DEBUG MESSAGE in MacroAssembler::debug32
2011-01-19 kvn 7012965: Fix failed on sparc for 7009756: volatile variables could be broken throw reflection API
2010-10-07 minqi 6966589: hs16-b08 causes java.lang.StackOverflowError
2011-01-14 trims Merge
2011-01-14 johnc Merge
2011-01-13 ysr 7011940: iCMS: SIGSEGV in SweepClosure::do_already_free_chunk(FreeChunk*)+0x360
2011-01-13 brutisso 6941122: G1: UseLargePages does not work with G1 garbage collector
2011-01-12 tonyp 6994297: G1: do first-level slow-path allocations with a CAS
2011-01-12 tonyp 7007068: G1: refine the BOT during evac failure handling
2011-01-07 ysr 7008136: CMS: assert((HeapWord*)nextChunk <= _limit) failed: sweep invariant
2011-01-13 dcubed Merge
2011-01-12 coleenp 7009828: Fix for 6938627 breaks visualvm monitoring when -Djava.io.tmpdir is defined
2011-01-12 kevinw 6994753: Implement optional hook to a Java method at VM startup.
2011-01-11 phh Merge
2011-01-11 phh 7011463: Sparc MacroAssembler::incr_allocated_bytes() needs a RegisterOrConstant argument
2011-01-11 kamg 6814943: getcpool001 catches more than one JvmtiThreadState problem
2011-01-10 kamg 6458402: 3 jvmti tests fail with CMS and +ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
2011-01-10 dcubed Merge
2011-01-09 dholmes 7010665: Misplaced membar in C1 implementation of Unsafe.get/putXXX
2011-01-13 twisti Merge
2011-01-13 iveresov 7011627: C1: call_RT must support targets that don't fit in wdisp30
2011-01-13 twisti Merge
2011-01-12 kvn 7011386: race in objArrayKlass::array_klass_impl
2011-01-11 iveresov 4930919: race condition in MDO creation at back branch locations
2011-01-10 twisti 7010913: JSR 292 ciMethodHandle does not handle MethodHandleCompiler exceptions properly
2011-01-10 twisti 7010180: JSR 292 InvokeDynamicPrintArgs fails with: assert(_adapter == NULL) failed: init'd to NULL
2011-01-07 kvn 6876037: CTW fails jdk7/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.cpp:2055. assert(bits,"Use TypePtr for NULL")
2011-01-07 kvn 7009756: volatile variables could be broken throw reflection API
2011-01-07 twisti Merge
2011-01-07 iveresov 7010618: C1: array length should be treated at int on 64bit during array allocation
2011-01-14 trims 7012348: Bump the HS20 build number to 07
2011-01-14 trims Added tag hs20-b06 for changeset abf8b0ea66cb
2011-01-28 cl Added tag jdk7-b127 for changeset afc10913decb
2011-02-02 ohair Merge
2011-01-28 ohair Merge
2011-01-27 ohair Merge
2011-01-14 ohair 6950375: Remove msvcrt.dll from the Windows JRE bundles
2011-01-14 ohair Merge
2011-01-10 ohair Merge
2011-01-06 ohair 7009969: Remove SKIP_OPENJDK_BUILD from top Makefile
2011-01-28 lana Merge
2011-01-24 lana Merge
2011-01-21 mchung 7013739: jdk_rmi target is missing in the top repo's test/Makefile
2011-01-28 cl Added tag jdk7-b127 for changeset 6485675c3e33
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b127 for changeset f83cd8bd35c6
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b127
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset ecd42a8e578e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset b3d0df94a2c9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset b1e3d8548ad2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset 99921385f9e6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset 3b85a5b1538a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset 58ca438889f6
2011-01-20 cl Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset abcb441e62bd
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b126 for changeset f1df06807698
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b126
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 lana Merge
2011-01-13 lana Merge
2011-01-05 mcimadamore 7010194: several langtools regression failures after JSR 292 changes (b123)
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2010-12-23 jjh 6982992: Tests CheckAttributedTree.java, JavacTreeScannerTest.java, and SourceTreeeScannerTest.java timeout
2010-12-23 jjh 7008869: Debug printlns accidentally added to make/build.xml
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-22 jjh 7008378: javac bootstrap launcher fails on cygwin when called via an absolute path
2010-12-18 ksrini 6567415: Neverending loop in ClassReader
2010-12-15 jjg 7006564: NPE in javac running test/tools/javac/nio/compileTest/CompileTest.java
2010-12-14 jjg 6999891: DefaultFileManager incorrect
2010-12-14 jjh 6999460: Glassfish build with JDK 6 / 7 is 5x-10x slower on Windows than on Linux
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset ae40314fa64e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-01-14 lana Merge
2011-01-13 lana Merge
2011-01-05 lana Merge
2010-12-23 lana Merge
2010-12-16 ohair 7006853: Integrate JAX-WS 2.2.2 RI into JDK 7
2011-01-14 cl Added tag jdk7-b125 for changeset a45e9dd33dbb
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