2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-09 katleman Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 5e35df9fddb6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-10 amurillo Added tag hs23-b15 for changeset 323ec1849b7c
2012-02-10 amurillo Merge
2012-02-10 bpittore Merge
2012-02-06 bpittore Merge
2012-01-26 bobv Merge
2012-01-25 jiangli 7132690: InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
2012-01-26 dholmes Merge
2012-01-24 dlong 7130319: C2: running with -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly crashes the VM with assert(false) failed: bad tag in log
2012-02-10 jrose Merge
2012-02-08 roland 7119286: JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
2012-02-08 kvn 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
2012-02-07 kvn 7142167: MAC: _get_previous_fp broken on bsd with llvm-gcc
2012-02-07 fparain Merge
2012-02-06 erikj 7141242: build-infra merge: Rename CPP->CXX and LINK->LD
2012-01-31 ohrstrom 7132779: build-infra merge: Enable ccache to work for most developer builds.
2012-02-03 phh 7142586: Cannot build on Solaris 11 due to use of ia_nice
2012-02-06 amurillo 7143122: new hotspot build - hs23-b15
2012-02-09 katleman Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 5464af66b3ba
2012-02-09 katleman Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset b832ef83f076
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 0071a6d64113
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b25
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-07 lana Merge
2012-01-29 lana Merge
2012-01-25 jjh 7133314: The regression test for 7129225 fails when run with jtreg -samevm or jtreg -agentvm
2012-01-25 jjh 7129225: javac fails to run annotation processors when star import of package of gensrc
2012-01-24 jjh 7126832: com.sun.tools.javac.api.ClientCodeWrapper$WrappedJavaFileManager cannot be cast
2012-01-24 mcimadamore 7129801: Merge the two method applicability routines
2012-02-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset e320a58c5e9a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset b18da790e3ea
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset abbbbaf35c96
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset f920d3637c9f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-02-09 katleman Merge
2012-02-07 yhuang Merge
2012-02-07 yhuang 7129382: change minor unit of VND to 0
2012-02-07 lana Merge
2012-02-01 lana Merge
2012-01-31 sla Merge
2012-01-31 sla 7132199: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JvmstatCountersTest.java failing on all platforms
2012-01-31 ngmr 7133301: (process) UNIXProcess_md.c should include sys/wait.h rather than wait.h
2012-01-10 ngmr 7123229: (coll) EnumMap.containsValue(null) returns true
2012-01-30 dl 7132378: Race in FutureTask if used with explicit set ( not Runnable )
2012-01-29 lana Merge
2012-01-28 ksrini 7127906: (launcher) convert the launcher regression tests to java
2012-01-27 valeriep 7136538: typo in test/Makefile under the jdk_security3 target
2012-01-27 okutsu 7130335: Problem with timezone in a SimpleDateFormat
2012-01-27 wetmore 7126889: Incorrect SSLEngine debug output
2012-01-27 lancea 7133815: address the findbug errors in CachedRowSetImpl, SerialStruct, BaseRow, SerialInputImpl, SerialOutputImpl
2012-01-26 rbackman 7133124: Remove redundant packages from JAR command line
2012-01-26 peytoia 7017458: (cal) Multithreaded deserialization of Calendar leads to ClassCastException
2012-01-24 lancea 7132879: address Findbugs issue in WebRowSetXmlWriter
2012-01-24 ksrini 7132270: tools/launcher/DefaultLocaleTestRun.java failing (win)
2012-01-17 rbackman 7132386: makefile support for tracing/Java Flight Recorder framework phase I
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip