2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset 4415519b35e2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset be017e4765f7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-10 lana Merge
2010-11-03 lana Merge
2010-11-02 alanb 6996740: Yet more breakage caused by 6891766
2010-11-01 asaha 6996356: Changes for 6891766 break build
2010-10-26 asaha Merge
2010-09-25 skoppar 6891766: Vulnerabilities in use of reflection in CORBA
2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset 984109266a3d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-11 trims Merge
2010-11-04 trims Merge
2010-09-14 jrose 6982752: dynamic languages need to decorate types with runtime information
2010-09-09 jrose 6953246: JSR 292 should support SAM conversion
2010-09-09 jrose 6980096: JSR 292 reflective lookup should throw checked exceptions
2010-09-09 jrose 6964498: JSR 292 invokedynamic sites need local bootstrap methods
2010-11-10 lana Merge
2010-11-06 naoto 6997928: LocaleCategory test fails with b118 PIT
2010-11-03 lana Merge
2010-11-02 vinnie 6945529: Apply fix for CR 6921001 to platform-specific java.security configuration files
2010-11-02 alanb Merge
2010-11-02 alanb 6431343: (dc) DatagramChannel may not report its local address correctly after connect or disconnect
2010-11-02 alanb 6993126: (aio) remove AsynchronousDatagramChannel
2010-11-02 xuelei 6916074: Add support for TLS 1.2
2010-11-01 mchung 6994413: JDK_GetVersionInfo0 only expects a two digit build number
2010-11-01 ksrini 6995674: (launcher) make of jli fails on windows if directory exists
2010-11-01 xuelei 6792180: Enhance to reject weak algorithms or conform to crypto recommendations
2010-10-30 xuelei 4873188: Support TLS 1.1
2010-10-29 emcmanus 6984037: jmx/management rebranding vendor changes needed
2010-10-28 weijun 6950546: "ktab -d name etype" to "ktab -d name [-e etype] [kvno | all | old]"
2010-10-28 asaha Merge
2010-10-27 asaha Merge
2010-10-27 asaha 6993206: Removing non-functional tests.
2010-10-27 asaha Merge
2010-10-11 asaha Merge
2010-09-28 skoppar 6966692: defaultReadObject can set a field multiple times
2010-09-28 skoppar 6559775: Race allows defaultReadObject to be invoked instead of readFields during deserialization
2010-10-26 kamg 6541462: outdated specification for CCC 6339875
2010-10-25 ksrini 6989469: (launcher) compiler warnings in jli native code
2010-10-22 chegar 6994079: PlainSocketImpl should close the socket if it fails
2010-10-22 mchung 6985460: PlatformLogger throws ArrayStoreException when j.u.logging is initialized
2010-10-22 alanb 6816049: (bf) MappedByteBuffer.force() method does not flush data correctly
2010-10-22 chegar 6947677: InetAddress.isReachable() throws "java.net.SocketException:Invalid argument" on Linux if run as root
2010-10-21 chegar 6992859: InetAddressCachePolicy.setIfNotSet() fails
2010-10-21 chegar 6993490: SocketTimeoutException on HTTP keep-alive connections
2010-10-21 alanb 6993267: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/Path/InterruptCopy.java fails intermittently (win)
2010-10-19 mchung 6992121: StringBuilder.ensureCapacity(int minCap) throws OutOfMemoryError with minCap=Integer.MIN_VALUE
2010-10-19 mchung 6992968: test/java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/CollectionUsageThresholdConcMarkSweepGC.sh should not hang
2010-11-02 lana Merge
2010-11-02 naoto 6989111: Incorrect default locale for New Zealand
2010-11-02 amenkov Merge
2010-11-02 amenkov 6950553: Applet: IE process crash in OLE32.DLL when playing a sound
2010-11-02 rupashka 6432566: Replace usage of StringBuffer with StringBuilder in Swing
2010-11-02 peytoia 6996686: (tz) Support tzdata2010o
2010-10-29 rupashka 6659894: JDialog instance returns unexpected GraphicsConfiguration
2010-10-26 rupashka 6735286: javax.swing.DefaultTableCellRender.getTableCellRendererComponent() doesn't allow passing null Tables
2010-10-25 rupashka 6632810: javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.getBaseline(JComponent, int, int) doesn't throw NPE and IAE
2010-10-25 rupashka 6816582: WindowsFileChooserUI throws NullPointer when awt.useSystemAAFontSettings=false
2010-10-22 naoto 6993339: Bug4168625Test.java fails
2010-10-22 peterz 6993140: protected constructor in javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI.SynthTabbedPaneUI is needed
2010-10-21 malenkov 4358979: javax.swing.border should have a DashedBorder
2010-10-20 alexp 6989617: Enable JComponent to control repaintings of its children
2010-10-20 amenkov 6867515: Reduce impact of D3D initializion on startup time
2010-10-20 okutsu 6991380: (cal) Calendar.cachedLocaleData should be transitioned from Hashtable to ConcurrentHashMap
2010-11-02 lana Merge
2010-10-28 lana Merge
2010-10-22 dav 6659228: GridBagConstraints API typo - 'ComponentOrienation' (missing t)
2010-11-02 lana Merge
2010-10-29 bae 6670881: Phantom lines appear when rendering polygons & ellipses with antialiasing OFF
2010-10-26 dlila 6967434: Round joins/caps of scaled up lines have poor quality.
2010-10-22 bae 6663447: D3D: excessive surface data replacements
2010-11-09 cl Merge
2010-11-08 yhuang Merge
2010-11-08 katakai 4225362: localized DateFormatSymbols for fr_FR is wrong
2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset 42a9e115bd6f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-11-11 trims Merge
2010-11-04 trims Merge
2010-11-02 iveresov 6996136: VM crash in src/share/vm/runtime/virtualspace.cpp:424
2010-11-01 jcoomes Merge
2010-10-28 ysr 6995045: assert(!gch->incremental_collection_failed()) failed: Error, defNewGeneration.cpp:827
2010-10-24 ysr 6896603: CMS/GCH: collection_attempt_is_safe() ergo should use more recent data
2010-10-22 ysr 6992998: CMSWaitDuration=0 causes hangs with +ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
2010-10-16 tonyp 6991377: G1: race between concurrent refinement and humongous object allocation
2010-10-18 johnc 6988458: G1: assert(mr.end() <= _cm->finger()) failed: otherwise the region shouldn't be on the stack
2010-10-15 tonyp 6992189: G1: inconsistent base used in sparse rem set iterator
2010-10-14 tonyp 6990359: G1: don't push a stolen entry on the taskqueue, deal with it directly
2010-10-26 kamg Merge
2010-10-26 kamg 6891959: HotSpot should not throw ClassFormatError if a class has a field with '>' and/or '<' in its name
2010-10-26 acorn Merge
2010-10-25 acorn Merge
2010-10-22 acorn 6988353: refactor contended sync subsystem
2010-10-21 kamg 6991315: RedefineClasses fails with java.lang.VerifyError
2010-10-21 trims Merge
2010-10-19 iveresov 6989669: Coops: -Xshare:dump causes crash
2010-10-18 never Merge
2010-10-15 never 6992477: fix for 6991512 broke sparc barriers
2010-10-15 acorn Merge
2010-10-13 acorn Merge
2010-10-12 kamg 6392697: Additional flag needed to supress Hotspot warning messages
2010-10-07 bobv Merge
2010-10-07 bobv 6989297: Integrate additional portability improvements
2010-10-07 coleenp 6983240: guarantee((Solaris::min_stack_allowed >= (StackYellowPages+StackRedPages...) wrong
2010-10-04 acorn Merge
2010-10-04 acorn 6763959: java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkUntil(0) blocks forever
2010-09-30 zgu 6988363: Rebrand vm vendor property settings (jdk7 only)
2010-10-14 jcoomes Merge
2010-10-12 jcoomes 6989448: G1: refactor and simplify G1ParScanThreadState
2010-10-12 johnc 6971296: G1: simplify G1RemSet class hierarchy
2010-11-04 trims Added tag hs20-b02 for changeset 9353ae6eae7d
2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset fa3a454c72a6
2010-11-04 cl Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset 0a086f450822
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b117 for changeset 228e73f288c5
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b117
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-10-28 cl Added tag jdk7-b116 for changeset 661f6dc7e63b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-10-28 cl Added tag jdk7-b116 for changeset 4e762faec132
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