2014-04-08 jlahoda 8038455: Use single Context for all rounds of annotation processing
2014-04-04 pgovereau 8023945: javac wrongly allows a subclass of an anonymous class
2014-04-05 ksrini 8039231: [javadoc] test failure caused by javax.crypto fix
2014-04-03 ksrini 8037881: javax.crypto is not listed in the compact* profiles javadoc
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 bpatel 8032066: Serialized form has broken links to non private inner classes of package private
2014-04-02 pgovereau 8034933: Update documentation for Types.directSupertypes to clarify behavior
2014-04-02 igerasim 8034044: Class.getModifiers() returns "static" for anonymous classes
2014-04-02 lana Merge
2014-04-01 kizune 8031425: Two langtools/javac tests fail by timeout on Windows
2014-03-31 jlahoda 8035890: jdk8 javac -source 7 compiles test case it should not
2014-03-29 bpatel 8029143: javadoc standard doclet should add Functional Interface blurb when @FunctionalInterface annotation is present
2014-03-27 emc 8035768: Move TypeAnnotationPosition from Attribute.Compound to Attribute.TypeCompound
2014-03-27 jjg 8035104: reorder class file attributes in javap listing
2014-03-26 kizune 8035956: javac, incomplete error message
2014-03-26 jfranck 8038080: annotation processors don't visit declaration parameter annotations
2014-03-26 bpatel 8031625: javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors
2014-03-25 lana Merge
2014-03-20 kizune 7118295: javac does not explicitly close -Xstdout file
2014-03-19 pgovereau 8025505: Constant folding deficiency
2014-03-19 pgovereau 6898851: Compiling against this corrupt class file causes a stacktrace from javac
2014-04-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b07 for changeset a70a71ac79f3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-10 lana Merge
2014-04-08 mkos 8033113: wsimport fails on WSDL:header parameter name customization
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 lana Merge
2014-03-31 mkos 8038307: JAX-WS conformance tests fail when running JCK-devtools-8 suite against RI in EBCDIC emulation mode
2014-03-31 mkos 8036030: Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version
2014-04-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b07 for changeset 5d95c3684e9f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 lana Merge
2014-03-31 aefimov 8035437: Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl
2014-03-25 lana Merge
2014-03-20 joehw 8035577: Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/RangeToken.java
2014-04-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b07 for changeset 8c109399a3da
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-10 lana Merge
2014-04-09 mnunez 8039403: Write sanity tests for persistent caching
2014-04-07 sundar 8039387: Nashorn supports indexed access of List elements, but length property is not supported
2014-04-03 hannesw 8039181: Persistent code store does not use absolute paths internally
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 hannesw 8038638: Persistent store for compiled scripts
2014-04-02 sundar 8039047: Parser accepts conditional catch clauses even when --no-syntax-extensions / -nse option is passed
2014-04-02 lana Merge
2014-03-28 sundar 8038615: test262 repo is now a git repo in github
2014-03-27 sundar 8038456: improve nasgen type checks and use specific return type for @Function, @SpecializedFunctio methods
2014-03-25 lana Merge
2014-03-21 sundar 8037562: Nashorn: JSON.parse comes up with nonexistent entries if there are gaps between the keys
2014-03-19 mnunez 8037779: NoPersistenceCachingTest fails with ant test
2014-04-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b07 for changeset dd19ff015a33
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-10 lana Merge
2014-04-04 aefimov 8029073: (corba) New connection reclaimed when number of connection is greater than highwatermark
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 coffeys 8039114: Build failure: JDK-8039108 issue
2014-04-02 coffeys 8039108: Build Broken: 8035618 fix breaks corba build
2014-04-02 coffeys 8035618: Four api/org_omg/CORBA TCK tests fail under plugin only
2014-04-02 lana Merge
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