2015-02-03 amurillo Merge
2015-01-31 amurillo Merge
2015-01-29 minqi Merge
2015-01-29 minqi Merge
2015-01-28 minqi Merge
2015-01-28 dfuchs 8068730: Increase the precision of the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC()
2015-01-28 ykantser 8071582: com/sun/jdi/GetLocalVariables4Test.sh should be quarantined
2015-01-26 sspitsyn 8068162: jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
2015-01-26 ykantser 8071324: com/sun/jdi/ConnectedVMs.java should be quarantined
2015-01-26 ykantser 8044419: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/JdbReadTwiceTest.sh fails when run under root
2015-01-23 ykantser 8067945: SVC jdk/test/* should be cleaned from JRE layout dependency
2015-01-21 ykantser 8069296: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/LowMemoryTest.java should be quarantined
2015-01-27 amurillo Merge
2015-02-03 darcy 8072371: Add two failing svc tests to the problem list
2015-02-02 darcy 8072135: Add javax/xml/ws/8046817/GenerateEnumSchema.java to the problem list
2015-02-02 psandoz 8072030: Race condition in ThenComposeExceptionTest.java
2015-02-02 psandoz 8050820: Please add java.util.Optional.stream() to convert Optional<T> to Stream<T>
2015-02-02 psandoz 8059324: orElseThrow has different signatures for OptionalPrimitive and Optional<T>
2015-02-02 psandoz 8048689: Clarify documentation on BaseStream.spliterator
2015-01-30 rriggs 8068284: Missing @throws in DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendOffset
2015-01-30 rriggs 8055330: (process spec) ProcessBuilder.start and Runtime.exec should throw UnsupportedOperationException on platforms that don't support
2015-01-30 bpb 6880737: (fs) FileLock constructors don't throw NPE if the channel argument is null
2015-01-30 bpb 8067669: Documentation for methods in Number incomplete regarding too large values.
2015-02-05 katleman Added tag jdk9-b49 for changeset 6e8154707178
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-02-05 lana Merge
2015-02-04 dfuchs 8072450: 9-dev build failed on elinux-i586 and rlinux-i586
2015-01-31 amurillo Merge
2015-01-30 minqi Merge
2015-01-29 sspitsyn 8008678: JSR 292: constant pool reconstitution must support pseudo strings
2015-01-29 minqi Merge
2015-01-29 minqi Merge
2015-01-28 minqi Merge
2015-01-28 dfuchs 8068730: Increase the precision of the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC()
2015-01-28 ykantser 8071545: Tests are still excluded while the appropriate bug has been fixed
2015-01-27 ctornqvi 8071530: Update OS detection code to reflect Windows 10 version change
2015-01-26 sspitsyn 8068162: jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
2015-01-12 goetz 8068778: [TESTBUG] CompressedClassSpaceSizeInJmapHeap.java fails if SA not available
2015-01-23 ctornqvi 8069207: [TESTBUG] Exception thrown for java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.misc.Unsafe.monitorExit
2015-01-23 lfoltan 8067480: Crash in klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface when running vm.runtime.defmeth.StaticMethodsTest.
2015-01-28 thartmann 8064940: JMH javac performance regressions on solaris-sparcv9 in 9-b34
2015-01-27 dlong Merge
2015-01-26 pchistyakov 8069125: compiler/codecache/stress tests timeout in nightlies
2015-01-26 pchistyakov 8066998: [TESTBUG] compiler/whitebox/ForceNMethodSweepTest.java : sweep shouldn't increase usage
2015-01-26 zmajo 8071312: compiler/arguments/CheckCompileThresholdScaling.java fails
2015-01-24 dlong 8031064: build_vm_def.sh not working correctly for new build cross compile
2015-01-22 iveresov Merge
2015-01-22 iveresov 8071302: assert(!_reg_node[reg_lo] || edge_from_to(_reg_node[reg_lo], def)) failed: after block local
2015-01-20 fzhinkin 8069126: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMTotalCountIncrRate.java nightly failure
2015-01-22 neliasso 8069035: compiler/oracle/CheckCompileCommandOption.java nightly failure
2015-01-22 neliasso 8069389: CompilerOracle prefix wildcarding is broken for long strings
2015-01-22 thartmann 8069580: String intrinsic related cleanups
2015-01-27 amurillo Merge
2015-02-05 katleman Added tag jdk9-b49 for changeset 6a22230c068f
2015-02-05 lana Merge
2015-02-03 mchung 8069551: Move java.security.acl from compact3 to java.base
2015-01-31 amurillo Merge
2015-01-27 amurillo Merge
2015-02-05 katleman Added tag jdk9-b49 for changeset dd613dc718a1
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b49 for changeset 5b8db585a33c
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