2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-04-14 lana Merge
2009-04-09 lana Merge
2009-04-07 dcherepanov 6663040: Using com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities do not give warning while compilation
2009-04-10 tbell Merge
2009-04-03 tbell Merge
2009-03-31 jjg 6813059: replace use of JavaCompiler.errorCount with shouldContinue
2009-03-31 jjg 6817950: refactor ClassReader to improve attribute handling
2009-03-30 jjg 6819246: improve support for decoding instructions in classfile library
2009-03-25 mcimadamore 6400189: raw types and inference
2009-03-25 mcimadamore 6816548: Uninitialized register when performing casting + auto(un)boxing
2009-03-25 mcimadamore 6182950: methods clash algorithm should not depend on return type
2009-04-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b54 for changeset 892e6a06285e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-04-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b54 for changeset 629fcf301ed8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-04-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b54 for changeset 31bec7a68275
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-04-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b54 for changeset 8f61b973b389
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-04-14 lana Merge
2009-04-14 lana Merge
2009-04-10 lana Merge
2009-04-10 peytoia 6404304: RFE: Unicode 5.1 support
2009-04-07 peterz 6740974: api/javax_swing/PopupFactory/index.html#Ctor[PopupFactory2002] fails with NPE
2009-04-06 peterz 6635110: GTK problem when testing Sun Studio IDE on snv_77 with jdk1.6 using Gnome window manager
2009-03-26 rupashka 6798062: Memory Leak on using getFiles of FileSystemView
2009-03-23 peterz 4783068: Components with HTML text should gray out the text when disabled
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