2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-17 vromero 8011181: javac, empty UTF8 entry generated for inner class
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8010923: Avoid redundant speculative attribution
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8011392: Missing checkcast when casting to intersection type
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8011028: lang/INFR/infr001/infr00101md/infr00101md.java fails to compile after switch to JDK8-b82
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8011376: Spurious checked exception errors in nested method call
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8011377: Javac crashes when multiple lambdas are defined in an array
2013-04-15 mcimadamore 8011383: Symbol.getModifiers omits ACC_ABSTRACT from interface with default methods
2013-04-14 bpatel 8009686: Generated javadoc documentation should be able to display type annotation on an array
2013-04-13 vromero 8010659: Javac Crashes while building OpenJFX
2013-04-12 jfranck 7015104: use new subtype of TypeSymbol for type parameters
2013-04-12 lana Merge
2013-04-10 vromero 8011432: javac, compiler regression iterable + captured type
2013-04-09 bpatel 8005091: javadoc should be able to return the receiver type
2013-04-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset 29071bf3de15
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-24 katleman 8012643: JDK8 b86 source with GPL header errors
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-12 lana Merge
2013-04-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset 41918e176381
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-12 chegar Merge
2013-02-18 joehw 6657673: Issues with JAXP
2013-04-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset 6733de0488b4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-18 lana Merge
2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-17 mchung 8010117: Annotate jdk caller sensitive methods with @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive
2013-04-15 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-12 hannesw 8011885: Switch to Joni as default Regexp engine
2013-04-12 hannesw 8011884: Regexp literals are compiled twice
2013-04-11 hannesw 8011980: Allow NUL character in character class
2013-04-11 sundar 8011974: Comparator function returning negative and positive Infinity does not work as expected with Array.prototype.sort
2013-04-11 sundar 8011960: [2,1].sort(null) should throw TypeError
2013-04-10 hannesw 8011756: Wrong characters supported in RegExp \c escape
2013-04-10 hannesw 8011749: Bugs with empty character class handling
2013-04-10 hannesw 8011714: Regexp decimal escape handling still not correct
2013-04-12 lana Merge
2013-04-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset 6ee429aebbde
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset ec149fe77498
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-24 katleman 8012643: JDK8 b86 source with GPL header errors
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-18 lana Merge
2013-04-16 briangoetz 8010096: Initial java.util.Spliterator putback
2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-17 lana Merge
2013-04-17 coleenp Merge
2013-04-17 coleenp 8009531: Crash when redefining class with annotated method
2013-04-17 mchung 8004260: dynamic proxy class should have the same Java language access as the proxy interfaces
2013-04-17 mduigou 8010953: Add primitive summary statistics utils
2013-04-17 alanb 8012019: (fc) Thread.interrupt triggers hang in FileChannelImpl.pread (win)
2013-04-17 vinnie Merge
2013-04-16 vinnie Merge
2013-04-16 vinnie Merge
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