2015-03-03 serb 8039345: Strange behaviour of per-pixel translucency on linux
2015-03-02 serb 8048782: OpenJDK: PiscesCache : xmax/ymax rounding up can cause RasterFormatException
2015-02-26 serb 4958064: JPGWriter does not throw UnsupportedException when canWriteSequence retuns false
2015-02-26 serb 8073795: JMenuBar looks bad under retina
2015-02-25 prr 8073699: Memory leak in jdk/src/java/desktop/share/native/libjavajpeg/imageioJPEG.c
2015-02-25 serb 8043393: NullPointerException and no event received when clipboard data flavor changes
2015-03-17 sla 8075056: Remove Version.java.template from jconsole
2015-03-17 sherman 8074678: JCK test java_util/regex/MatchResult/index.html starts failing after JDK-8071479
2015-03-17 ihse 8075176: DISABLED_WARNINGS caused C++ compiler flags to get lost
2015-03-16 amurillo Merge
2015-03-13 amurillo Merge
2015-03-10 iignatyev Merge
2015-03-10 iignatyev 8072754: com/sun/jdi/NativeInstanceFilter.java requires adjustments to work with module boundaries
2015-03-10 jbachorik Merge
2015-03-10 jbachorik 8049696: com/sun/jdi/RunToExit fails with "ConnectException: Connection refused"
2015-03-10 jbachorik 6712222: Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java
2015-03-16 bpb 8075222: RandomAccessFile.getChannel changed to non-final in error
2015-03-16 psandoz 8075230: Optimized count operations incorrectly declare the stream shape
2015-03-16 avstepan 8028266: Tidy warnings cleanup for packages java.security/javax.security
2015-03-16 weijun 8074836: Resolve disabled warnings for libosxkrb5
2015-03-16 amlu 8075111: Mark testFlatMappingClose (from CollectorsTest) as serialization hostile
2015-03-16 psandoz 8067969: Optimize Stream.count for SIZED Streams
2015-03-14 jnimeh 6996366: convert MacAlg to an enum
2015-03-13 bpb 8075110: (prefs) CodePointZeroPrefsTest fails on certain platforms
2015-03-13 bpb 8073214: javadoc of Properties methods should specify NullPointerExceptions
2015-03-13 darcy 8075160: Add javadoc to serialver class
2015-03-13 jnimeh 8074064: OCSPResponse.SingleResponse objects do not parse singleExtensions
2015-03-13 fyuan 8061293: Update javax/xml tests to remove references of jre dir
2015-03-19 katleman Added tag jdk9-b55 for changeset 3fa4537eefef
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-03-19 lana Merge
2015-03-17 aph 8075045: AARCH64: Stack banging should use store rather than load
2015-03-16 amurillo Merge
2015-03-12 kvn Merge
2015-03-12 iignatyev 8074980: add WhiteBox API to get a flag value for a method
2015-03-12 iignatyev 8073860: [TESTBUG] compiler/whitebox/DeoptimizeFramesTest fails with exit code 1
2015-02-24 dlong 8072383: resolve conflicts between open and closed ports
2015-03-12 jwilhelm Merge
2015-03-09 sangheki 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
2015-03-09 ehelin Merge
2015-01-26 ehelin 8030646: track collection set membership in one place
2015-03-06 asiebenborn 8074561: Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
2015-03-09 stefank 8074543: Missing symbol "objArrayOopDesc::obj_at" when buiding with CPP Interpreter
2015-03-09 jwilhelm Merge
2015-03-06 jwilhelm 8051984: @ignore should be placed after @test
2015-03-06 sfriberg 8031538: G1 eden usage is sometimes higher than target eden (printed Eden size)
2015-03-05 david 8073545: Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
2015-03-10 mikael 8074726: Update source and target version used when compiling hotspot class files
2015-03-10 ctornqvi 8069124: runtime/NMT/MallocSiteHashOverflow.java failing in nightlies
2015-03-09 mockner 8013393: Merge template interpreter files for x86 _32 and _64.
2015-03-07 gthornbr 8071501: perfMemory_solaris.cpp failing to compile with "Error: dd_fd is not a member of DIR."
2015-03-06 dcubed Merge
2015-03-04 dholmes 8073861: Unused VM Options in JDK9 HotSpot
2015-03-03 kevinw 8073688: Infinite loop reading types during jmap attach.
2015-03-04 dholmes 7143664: Clean up OrderAccess implementations and usage
2015-03-13 aph Merge
2015-03-13 aph 8074723: AARCH64: Stray pop in C1 LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type
2015-03-19 katleman Added tag jdk9-b55 for changeset 18da5010f46a
2015-03-19 lana Merge
2015-03-19 simonis 8075515: AIX: cleanup xlc options and use -bernotok to detect missing symbols at build time
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