2013-06-05 katleman 6983966: remove lzma and upx from repository JDK8
2013-06-04 katleman 8015644: makefile changes to allow integration of new features
2013-06-04 katleman Merge
2013-05-31 erikj 7195481: FDS: debuginfo file for libjdwp.so is missed
2013-05-30 erikj Merge
2013-05-29 erikj 8013489: New build system does not run codesign on SA-related launchers on OS X
2013-06-04 lana Merge
2013-05-29 lana Merge
2013-05-29 vinnie 7174966: With OCSP enabled on Java 7 get error 'Wrong key usage' with Comodo certificate
2013-05-29 alanb 8014928: (fs) Files.readAllBytes() copies content to new array when content completely read
2013-05-29 sla 8015440: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage.java fails with RuntimeException
2013-05-29 ewang 8009258: TEST_BUG:java/io/pathNames/GeneralWin32.java fails intermittently
2013-05-29 xuelei 8010815: some constructors issues in com.sun.jndi.toolkit
2013-05-28 naoto 6251788: (rb) PropertyResourceBundle doesn't document exceptions
2013-05-28 sherman 8001750: CharsetDecoder.replacement should not be changeable except via replaceWith method
2013-05-28 robm 7038105: File.isHidden() should return true for pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys
2013-05-28 dsamersoff 8014420: Default JDP address does not match the one assigned by IANA
2013-05-28 jbachorik 8005472: com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/TestSerializationMismatch.sh failed on windows
2013-05-27 nloodin 6470730: Disconnect button leads to wrong popup message
2013-05-27 chegar Merge
2013-05-27 chegar 8015439: Minor/sync/cleanup of ConcurrentHashMap
2013-05-27 plevart 7038914: VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
2013-05-27 uta 8014394: (fs) WatchService failing when watching \\server\$d
2013-05-25 ksrini 8007333: [launcher] removes multiple back slashes
2013-05-24 weijun 8014196: ktab creates a file with zero kt_vno
2013-05-23 dl 8014076: Arrays parallel and serial sorting improvements
2013-05-23 nloodin 8014048: Online user guide of jconsole points incorrect link
2013-05-23 darcy 8014836: Have GenericDeclaration extend AnnotatedElement
2013-05-23 dholmes 8014814: (str) StringBuffer "null" is not appended
2013-05-22 naoto 7056126: DateFormatSymbols documentation has incorrect description about DateFormat
2013-05-22 lana Merge
2013-05-22 lana Merge
2013-05-22 mduigou 8014819: set max size for jtreg testvms
2013-05-22 chegar 8010182: Thread safety of Thread get/setName()
2013-05-21 yhuang Merge
2013-05-21 yhuang 7074882: Locale data needs correction (Month names for Maltese language)
2013-05-21 alanb 8014892: More ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
2013-05-21 dholmes 8014857: Enable ergonomic VM selection in arm/jvm.cfg
2013-05-20 sherman 8004789: (zipfs) zip provider doesn't work correctly with file systems providers rather than the default
2013-05-17 plevart 8014477: (str) Race condition in String.contentEquals when comparing with StringBuffer
2013-05-19 mduigou Merge
2013-05-09 henryjen 8006884: (fs) Add Files.list, lines and find
2013-05-17 mduigou 8004015: Additional static and instance utils for functional interfaces.
2013-05-15 psandoz 8014133: Spliterator.OfPrimitive
2013-05-15 psandoz 8013334: Spliterator behavior for LinkedList contradicts Spliterator.trySplit
2013-05-18 weijun 8012261: update policytool to support java.net.HttpURLPermission
2013-05-17 dxu 8011136: FileInputStream.available and skip inconsistencies
2013-05-29 lana Merge
2013-05-29 mcherkas 8014863: Line break calculations in Java 7 are incorrect.
2013-05-29 pchelko 8009911: [macosx] SWT app freeze when going full screen using Java 7 on Mac
2013-05-28 anthony 7039616: java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java should be updated
2013-05-28 pchelko 8000422: [macosx] Views keep scrolling back to the drag position after DnD
2013-05-27 serb 8014726: TEST_BUG: java/awt/WMSpecificTests/Metacity/FullscreenDialogModality.java should be modified
2013-05-27 vkarnauk 8010721: [macosx] In JDK7 the menu bar disappears when a Dialog is shown
2013-05-24 malenkov 8013416: Java Bean Persistence with XMLEncoder
2013-05-24 ant 8013437: Test sun/awt/datatransfer/SuplementaryCharactersTransferTest.java fails to compile since 8b86
2013-05-23 alexsch 8014924: JToolTip#setTipText() sometimes (very often) not repaints component.
2013-05-23 lana Merge
2013-05-21 alitvinov 8005607: Recursion in J2DXErrHandler() Causes a Stack Overflow on Linux
2013-05-20 mcherkas 7011777: JDK 6 parses html text with script tags within comments differently from previous releases
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