2014-10-30 lana Merge
2014-10-27 amurillo Merge
2014-10-23 jwilhelm Merge
2014-10-22 jwilhelm 8061805: BACKOUT - Remove the generations array
2014-10-21 mlarsson 6979279: remove special-case code for ParallelGCThreads==0
2014-10-20 sjohanss 8058568: GC cleanup phase can cause G1 skipping a System.gc()
2014-08-22 jwilhelm 8055702: Remove the generations array
2014-10-20 jwilhelm Merge
2014-10-02 stefank 8056240: Investigate increased GC remark time after class unloading changes in CRM Fuse
2014-10-18 dcubed Merge
2014-10-17 dcubed Merge
2014-10-16 jiangli 8060256: The loop in Arguments::parse() can be enhanced.
2014-10-30 katleman Added tag jdk9-b37 for changeset 566704615ade
2014-10-30 lana Merge
2014-10-30 erikj 8062521: 9-dev glinux/elinux "configure: error: Could not find all X11 headers" since 2014-10-28
2014-10-28 rriggs 8048124: Read hijra-config-umalqura.properties as a resource
2014-10-28 erikj 8062159: Fix Xrender check to work with sysroot
2014-10-30 katleman Added tag jdk9-b37 for changeset afcbbfccf839
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b37 for changeset b409bc51bc23
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b37
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-27 sogoel 8059423: Replace references for rt.jar by temp.jar
2014-10-27 alundblad 8060715: There is a small race condition in IdleResetSjavac
2014-10-24 jlahoda 8061323: JavadocTokenizer repeatedly compiles pattern to check for deprecation
2014-10-24 jfranck 8054448: (ann) Cannot reference field of inner class in an anonymous class
2014-10-24 mcimadamore 8061778: Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors
2014-10-23 lana Merge
2014-10-23 vromero 8057800: Method reference with generic type creates NPE when compiling
2014-10-23 vromero 8059710: javac, the same approach used in fix for JDK-8058708 should be applied to Code.closeAliveRanges
2014-10-22 jjg 8061723: 8060056 breaks tests on Windows
2014-10-21 jjg 8060056: replace java.io.File with java.nio.file.Path
2014-10-21 emc 8054457: Refactor Symbol kinds from small ints to an enum
2014-10-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b36 for changeset d1480cb49283
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b36 for changeset 2a65d9f1c324
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-23 lana Merge
2014-10-21 joehw 8061686: Size limits in BufferAllocator should have been final
2014-10-16 joehw 8051561: Convert JAXP functional tests to jtreg(TestNG): javax.xml.xpath.*
2014-10-16 joehw 8051540: Convert JAXP functional tests to jtreg(TestNG): SAX and Transform
2014-10-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b36 for changeset 28c10766cfac
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-27 sundar 8062024: Issue with date.setFullYear when time other than midnight
2014-10-24 attila 8061955: asm.js idioms result in unnecessarily code emission
2014-10-23 lana Merge
2014-10-23 hannesw 8059813: Type Info Cache flag must must be documented
2014-10-23 lagergren 8061391: concat as a builtin optimistic form, had to remove NoTypedArrayData and replace it, as we throw away a lot of optimistic link opportunities with NoTypedArrayData not being Continuous
2014-10-21 attila 8058610: must not let long operations overflow
2014-10-20 hannesw 8060724: ant test262parallel in Nashorn spends a significant amount of time after almost all the tests are run
2014-10-20 attila 8059844: Implement optimistic splitter
2014-10-20 sundar 8061257: nashorn ant build script should have a sanity target
2014-10-17 attila 8059843: Make AST serializable
2014-10-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b36 for changeset bed94e5e4a68
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-23 katleman Added tag jdk9-b36 for changeset c05fb0c4c181
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-10-22 bchristi 8049373: All compact profiles builds fail following JDK-8044473
2014-09-05 bchristi 8044473: Allow for extended set of platform MXBeans
2014-10-24 valeriep 8061574: 9-dev solaris-amd64 and solaris-sparcv9 build fail on 2014-10-20
2014-10-24 vlivanov 8060483: NPE with explicitCastArguments unboxing null
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