2016-01-07 lana Merge
2016-01-06 chegar 8145544: Move sun.misc.VM to jdk.internal.misc
2016-01-07 lana Added tag jdk-9+100 for changeset 92ba3900f072
2016-01-08 erikj 8146091: Configure fails to configure icecc on OEL
2016-01-08 alanb 8049422: Remove @jdk.Exported
2016-01-08 simonis 8146639: Fix detection of Cups headers during configuration
2016-01-08 simonis 8146638: Only use compiler option files if they are really supported by the toolchain
2016-01-07 lana Merge
2016-01-06 chegar 8145544: Move sun.misc.VM to jdk.internal.misc
2016-01-07 lana Added tag jdk-9+100 for changeset b4a93b4bfc5d
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+100 for changeset 4379223f8806
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+100
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-12-30 rfield 8145239: JShell: throws AssertionError when replace classes with some methods which depends on these classes
2015-12-24 lana Merge
2015-12-22 chegar 8145990: Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math
2015-12-22 sadayapalam 8145466: javac: No line numbers in compilation error
2015-12-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset d68b7daca533
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-12-24 lana Merge
2015-12-24 coffeys 8145545: Typos in Javadoc of XmlAdapter
2015-12-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset ea96eca1121e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-12-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset 995895614a53
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-12-30 sundar 8146253: jjs should look for "doc string" property to print documentation on shift-tab
2015-12-30 sundar 8146251: Avoid annotation to specify documentation for JS builtin functions
2015-12-24 lana Merge
2015-12-24 sundar 8146147: Java linker indexed property getter does not work for computed nashorn string
2015-12-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset e6f9bacfb9a4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-12-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset 1e7bf1564066
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-01-04 weijun 8146377: test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/concise_jarsigner.sh failing
2015-12-30 sebastian 8145981: (fs) LinuxWatchService can reports events against wrong directory
2015-12-30 sdrach 8144355: JDK 9 changes to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files
2015-12-29 xiaofeya 8146209: java/net/NetworkInterface/NetworkInterfaceStreamTest.java still fails after fix JDK-8131155
2015-12-28 xuelei 8146197: SignatureAlgorithms.java after push of JDK-8146192
2015-12-25 igerasim 8145388: URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream returns image/jpg for some JPEG images
2015-12-25 igerasim 8066982: ZonedDateTime.parse() returns wrong ZoneOffset around DST fall transition
2015-12-24 lana Merge
2015-12-24 xuelei 8146192: Add test for JDK-8049321
2015-12-23 ntv 8143413: add toEpochSecond methods for efficient access
2015-12-18 olagneau 8058865: JMX Test Refactoring
2015-12-23 xuelei 8133070: Hot lock on BulkCipher.isAvailable
2015-12-22 chegar 8146000: Remove sun.mics.CompoundEnumeration
2015-12-22 chegar 8146038: CleanerImpl should not depend on ManagedLocalsThread
2015-12-22 rriggs 8146012: CleanerTest fails: Cleanable should have been freed
2015-12-22 prr Merge
2015-12-22 prr Merge
2015-12-14 prr Merge
2015-12-14 prr Merge
2015-12-11 bpb 8144997: "IIOException: Field data is past end-of-stream" when calling TIFFImageReader.read()
2015-12-11 bpb 8144245: [PIT] javax/imageio/plugins/shared/WriteAfterAbort.java
2015-12-10 lbourges 8144654: Improve Marlin logging
2015-12-10 lbourges 8144445: Maximum size checking in Marlin ArrayCache utility methods is not optimal
2015-12-10 lbourges 8144446: Automate the Marlin crash test
2015-12-10 prr 8144858: HBShaper.c does not compiler with VS2010
2015-12-10 prr Merge
2015-12-10 ptbrunet 8071334: Investigate JAB changes required to support the version string change
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