2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-06-07 iignatyev 8181715: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/jarbug/TestDriver.java fails after 8181335
2017-06-07 xuelei 8178728: Check the AlgorithmParameters in algorithm constraints
2017-06-07 iignatyev 8181335: remove packageless CompilerUtils
2017-06-07 amlu 8181396: Refactor shell test java/nio/file/Files/delete_on_close.sh to java
2017-06-06 naoto 8181586: DateTimeTextProvider.getInstance() returns a new instance every time
2017-06-06 xiaofeya 8181635: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/B6449504.java fails at Windows platform (after JDK-8181414)
2017-06-06 mli 8180927: refactor ./java/io/Serializable/class/run.sh to java test
2017-06-06 xiaofeya 8181413: Refactor test/sun/net/www/protocol/jar/jarbug/run.sh to plain java tests
2017-06-05 amlu 8181393: Refactor shell test Selector/lots_of_updates.sh and SocketChannel/Open.sh to java
2017-06-05 xiaofeya 8181414: Refactor misc test/sun/net/www/protocol/jar shell tests to plain java tests
2017-06-03 lana Merge
2017-06-03 lana Merge
2017-06-01 lana Added tag jdk-9+172 for changeset 5960c6c803da
2017-06-03 xuelei 8181439: Test the jdk.tls.namedGroups System Property
2017-06-02 lana Added tag jdk-10+10 for changeset df90da0c10aa
2017-05-16 mbaesken 8180413: avoid accessing NULL in jdk.jdwp.agent
2017-06-02 sballal 6760477: Update SA to include stack traces in the heap dump
2017-06-01 naoto 8176160: AbstractCalendar.getEra compares Era and String
2017-06-01 naoto 8176853: Locale.Builder.removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(null) should throw NullPointerException
2017-06-01 naoto 8176847: Calendar.checkDisplayNameParams() should check case of style == 3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-06-03 lana Merge
2017-06-01 lana Added tag jdk-9+172 for changeset ec60e7df88cd
2017-06-02 lana Added tag jdk-10+10 for changeset 4644ed4e3292
2017-06-02 sballal 6760477: Update SA to include stack traces in the heap dump
2017-06-07 iignatyev 8181335: remove packageless CompilerUtils
2017-06-03 lana Merge
2017-06-01 lana Added tag jdk-9+172 for changeset 52500c1d7f1f
2017-06-02 lana Added tag jdk-10+10 for changeset 81a039ba9344
2017-06-02 sballal 6760477: Update SA to include stack traces in the heap dump
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+172 for changeset dad6746278fa
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+172
2017-05-26 lana Merge
2017-05-24 lana 8180167: JDK9 message drop 40 l10n resource file updates
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-26 lana Merge
2017-05-24 joehw 8180349: Review JAXP Java SE 9 API javadocs
2017-05-24 lana 8180167: JDK9 message drop 40 l10n resource file updates
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-29 ihse 8175824: Adapt javadoc generation to different requirements for JDK and JavaSE
2017-05-27 mchung 8180574: tools/launcher/modules/patch/systemmodules/PatchSystemModules.java failed in upgradeHashedModule() and patchHashedModule() intermittently
2017-05-26 prr Merge
2017-05-24 serb 8066005: java.awt.event.KeyEvent.originalSource doesn't have "since" tag in Serialized Form
2017-05-26 prr Merge
2017-05-23 serb 8177628: Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO
2017-05-22 prr Merge
2017-05-19 prr 8177393: Result of RescaleOp for 4BYTE_ABGR images may be 25% black
2017-05-19 ssadetsky 8179665: [Windows] java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
2017-05-17 prr Merge
2017-05-15 mcherkas 8175915: NullPointerException from JComboBox and JList when Accessibility enabled
2017-05-12 azvegint 8178996: [macos] JComboBox doesn't display popup in mixed JavaFX Swing Application on 8u131 and Mac OS 10.12
2017-05-12 psadhukhan 8169897: [PIT] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicGraphicsUtils/8132119/bug8132119.java fails
2017-05-11 pkbalakr 8179014: JFileChooser with Windows look and feel crashes on win 10
2017-05-09 prr Merge
2017-05-06 serb 8178383: Validation of FileIO in the tests for JavaSound should be stricter
2017-05-26 lana Merge
2017-05-25 mchung 8181033: Confusing message: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
2017-05-25 dfuchs 8180279: java/net/httpclient/whitebox/Driver.java failed due to timeout
2017-05-25 mli 8180807: java.io.Serializable class-level readObject description error
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