2019-08-13 jlahoda 8227922: DocTreeScanner does not dive into AttributeTree.getValue() and LiteralTree.getBody()
2019-08-13 thartmann 8224957: C2 compilation fails with assert: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
2019-08-13 thartmann 8228772: C2 compilation fails due to unschedulable graph if DominatorSearchLimit is reached
2019-08-13 thartmann 8229447: Problem list compiler/unsafe/UnsafeGetConstantField.java on Sparc until JDK-8229446 is fixed
2019-08-13 jdv TODO logs for text rendering metal-prototype-branch
2019-08-13 xuelei 8226374: Restrict TLS signature schemes and named groups
2019-08-13 egahlin Security handling, but two tests fails with driver JEP-349-branch
2019-08-12 rkennke 8228369: Shenandoah: Refactor LRB C1 stubs
2019-08-12 shade 8229416: Shenandoah: Demote or remove ShenandoahOptimize*Final optimizations
2019-08-12 redestad 8229407: Avoid ConcurrentHashMap resizes during bootstrap
2019-08-12 michaelm 8185898: setRequestProperty(key, null) results in HTTP header without colon in request
2019-08-09 mbaesken 8219082: jdk/jfr/event/runtime/TestShutdownEvent.java failed in validateStackTrace()
2019-08-12 pliden 8229406: ZGC: Fix incorrect statistics
2019-08-12 mdoerr 8229236: CriticalJNINatives: dll handling should be done in native thread state
2019-08-12 thartmann 8225670: compiler/types/correctness/* tests fail with "assert(recv == __null || recv->is_klass()) failed: wrong type"
2019-08-10 herrick Merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-08-10 herrick 8229334: JPackager .exe packages cannot be executed due to missing DL JDK-8200758-branch
2019-08-09 jjg 8229386: Typo "lables" in doc comment
2019-08-09 iklam 8229267: [TESTBUG] Remove unnecessary @modules dependencies in CDS tests
2019-08-09 jjg 8227697: Improve text in Taglet API spec for expected results with standard doclet
2019-08-09 cjplummer 8227645: Some tests in serviceability/sa run with fixed -Xmx values and risk running out of memory
2019-08-09 egahlin Remove obsolete EventConsumer.java file JEP-349-branch
2019-08-09 redestad 8229283: StringLatin1 should consistently use CharacterDataLatin1.instance when applicable
2019-08-09 shade 8229350: Shenandoah does not need barriers before CreateEx
2019-08-09 rehn 8226228: Make Threads_lock an always safepoint checked lock.
2019-08-09 eosterlund 8229027: Improve how JNIHandleBlock::oops_do distinguishes oops from non-oops
2019-08-09 jwilhelm Merge
2019-08-09 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-13+33 for changeset 9c250a7600e1
2019-08-08 diazhou 8229180: Remove EA from JDK 13 version string jdk-13+33 jdk-13-ga
2019-08-08 ljiang 8228778: JDK 13 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 20
2019-08-08 rrich 8228359: [TESTBUG] jdk.jfr.e.g.c.TestGCHeapConfigurationEventWith32BitOops.java does not expect MinHeapSize to be aligned to HeapAlignment
2019-08-08 thartmann 8229219: C2 compilation fails with assert: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
2019-08-08 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-13+33 for changeset 5c85b58e2a42
2019-08-08 egahlin Add EventStream::setEndTime(...) and a first stab at priviliged access to local repository JEP-349-branch
2019-08-08 herrick Merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-08-08 herrick 8229252: Add descriptions to Windows jtreg tests JDK-8200758-branch
2019-08-08 herrick JDK-8224788: jpackage fails on OS X when using --runtime-image JDK-8200758-branch
2019-08-08 aefimov 8225430: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 14
2019-08-08 dfuchs 8228970: AssertionError in ResponseSubscribers$HttpResponseInputStream
2019-08-08 jlaskey imported patch comments JDK-8193209-branch
2019-08-08 jcbeyler 8229036: Remove the testing against NSK_TRUE from tests
2019-08-08 jdv Disable usage of check_previous_op for text rendering metal-prototype-branch
2019-08-08 rraghavan 8227439: Turn off AOT by default
2019-08-08 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-14+9 for changeset 18f189e69b29
2019-08-07 naoto 8215181: Accounting currency format support
2019-08-07 jwilhelm Merge
2019-08-07 naoto 8228971: Locale API doc has redundant hyphens for some parameters
2019-07-22 sgehwolf 8228434: jdk/net/Sockets/Test.java fails after JDK-8227642
2019-07-12 sgehwolf 8227642: [TESTBUG] Make docker tests podman compatible
2019-08-07 valeriep Merge
2019-08-07 valeriep 8229214: Don't use GCM with PKCS5Padding in test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/javax/crypto/
2019-08-07 jiefu 8229169: False failure of GenericTaskQueue::pop_local on architectures with weak memory model
2019-08-07 jlaskey imported patch factory JDK-8193209-branch
2019-08-07 lancea 8226530: ZipFile reads wrong entry size from ZIP64 entries
2019-08-07 zgu 8229213: Shenandoah: Allow VM global oop storage to be processed concurrently jdk-14+9
2019-08-07 coleenp 8229208: Remove Monitor::ClearMonitor
2019-08-07 rpatil 8228469: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019b
2019-08-07 zgu 8229206: Shenandoah: ShenandoahWeakRoot::oops_do() uses wrong timing phase
2019-08-07 clanger 8213031: (zipfs) Add support for POSIX file permissions
2019-08-07 thartmann 8229016: C2 scalarization crashes with assert(node->Opcode() == Op_CastP2X) failed: ConvP2XNode required
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