2013-05-10 joehw 8014333: javadoc error in JAXP 1.5 patch
2013-05-09 lana Merge
2013-05-09 lana Merge
2013-05-09 joehw 8011653: Upgrade JDK8 to JAXP 1.5
2013-05-06 dfuchs 8008738: Issue in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.Encodings causes some JCK tests to fail intermittently
2013-05-16 katleman Added tag jdk8-b90 for changeset f96a31ce35e6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-17 lana Merge
2013-05-14 jlaskey Merge
2013-05-14 attila 8014492: Make NashornLinker public
2013-05-10 lagergren 8014329: Slim down the label stack structure in CodeGenerator
2013-05-08 attila 8014225: Rerun only failed 262 tests
2013-05-08 attila 8013912: Nashorn needs to reuse temporary symbols
2013-05-07 lagergren 8013914: Removed explicit LineNumberNodes that were too brittle when code moves around, and also introduced unnecessary footprint. Introduced the Statement node and fixed dead code elimination issues that were discovered by the absense of labels for LineNumberNodes.
2013-05-07 lagergren 8013913: Removed Source field from all nodes except FunctionNode in order to save footprint
2013-05-03 hannesw 8013874: Function argument's prototype seem cached and wrongly reused
2013-05-03 hannesw 8013873: Regexp regression for escaped dash in character class
2013-05-03 hannesw 8013878: ClassCastException in Regex
2013-05-03 lagergren 8013871: mem usage histograms enabled with compiler logging level set to more specific than or equals to info when --print-mem-usage flag is used
2013-05-03 lagergren 8013477: Node.setSymbol needs to be copy on write - enable IR snapshots for recompilation based on callsite type specialization. [not enabled by default, hidden by a flag for now]
2013-05-02 jlaskey 8013796: load("fx:base.js") should not be in fx:bootstrap.js
2013-05-02 jlaskey Merge
2013-05-02 jlaskey 8013794: JDK-8006220 caused an octane performance regression.
2013-05-02 hannesw 8013729: SwitchPoint invalidation not working over prototype chain
2013-04-30 jlaskey 8006220: Simplify PropertyMaps
2013-05-16 katleman Added tag jdk8-b90 for changeset 9757c7aa8f78
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-16 katleman Added tag jdk8-b90 for changeset 77d6a1b1e9ec
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-22 erikj Merge
2013-05-22 erikj 8014970: Use open man pages for non commercial builds
2013-05-22 andrew 8015087: Provide debugging information for programs
2013-05-21 katleman Merge
2013-05-21 erikj 8011346: build-infra: While Constructing Javadoc information, JSpinner.java error: package sun.util.locale.provider does not exist
2013-05-17 lana Merge
2013-05-17 chegar Merge
2013-05-17 chegar 8014783: java/net/HttpURLPermission/HttpURLPermissionTest.java leaves files open
2013-05-17 chegar Merge
2013-05-17 chegar 8014791: More ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
2013-05-17 dfuchs 8013900: More warnings compiling jaxp.
2013-05-16 mchung 4487672: (proxy) Proxy constructor should check for null argument
2013-05-16 vinnie Merge
2013-05-16 vinnie Merge
2013-05-15 vinnie Merge
2013-05-15 vinnie Merge
2013-05-14 vinnie Merge
2013-05-14 vinnie 7194075: Various classes of sunec.jar are duplicated in rt.jar
2013-05-16 ksrini 8001163: [pack200] should support attributes introduced by JSR-308
2013-05-16 khazra 7150552: network test hangs [macosx]
2013-05-16 dfuchs Merge
2013-05-16 jgish 8013380: Removal of stack walk to find resource bundle breaks Glassfish startup
2013-05-16 michaelm Merge
2013-05-16 michaelm 8012625: Incorrect handling of HTTP/1.1 " Expect: 100-continue " in HttpURLConnection
2013-05-16 dmeetry 8014676: Java debugger may fail to run
2013-05-16 xuelei 8010814: More buffers are stored or returned without cloning
2013-05-16 ewang 8004177: test/java/lang/Thread/GenerifyStackTraces.java doesn't clean-up
2013-05-16 valeriep Merge
2013-05-13 valeriep Merge
2013-05-07 ascarpino 8001284: Buffer problems with SunPKCS11-Solaris and CKM_AES_CTR
2013-05-07 valeriep 7196009: SunPkcs11 provider fails to parse config path containing parenthesis
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