2011-11-05 lana Merge
2011-11-04 mcimadamore 7104201: Refactor DocCommentScanner
2011-11-01 jjh 7101933: langtools jtreg tests do not work with jprt on windows
2011-10-26 lana Merge
2011-10-25 lana Merge
2011-11-10 katleman Added tag jdk8-b13 for changeset 7e7229cae97b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-11-15 lana Merge
2011-11-10 asaha 7110676: Update jaf source download url for jaxws
2011-11-08 asaha Merge
2011-07-25 asaha 7046794: Configurable behavior for server-side stacktraces
2011-07-19 asaha Merge
2011-06-28 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 asaha Merge
2011-11-10 katleman Added tag jdk8-b13 for changeset d4e4b5f54af7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-11-15 lana Merge
2011-11-08 asaha Merge
2011-07-19 asaha Merge
2011-06-28 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 asaha Merge
2011-11-10 katleman Added tag jdk8-b13 for changeset 5002669612fc
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-11-15 lana Merge
2011-11-08 asaha Merge
2011-08-09 mbankal 7055902: Oracle Java IIOP Deserialization Type Confusion Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
2011-07-19 asaha Merge
2011-06-28 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 asaha Merge
2011-11-10 katleman Added tag jdk8-b13 for changeset e0e566b9d2b2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-11-15 lana Merge
2011-11-14 asaha Merge
2011-10-01 xuelei 7096936: issue in jsse/runtime
2011-09-30 xuelei 7064341: jsse/runtime security problem
2011-09-21 smarks 7092186: adjust package access in rmiregistry
2011-08-31 smarks 7083012: fix for RMI Registry
2011-08-30 smarks 7077466: fix for RMI DGC
2011-07-22 denis 7019773: AWTKeyStroke.ctor is a mutable static
2011-07-20 asaha 7023640: calculation for malloc size in TransformHelper.c could overflow an integer
2011-07-20 asaha 7032417: Fix for 6981922 does not address multiple VM case
2011-07-19 asaha Merge
2011-07-15 ksrini 7057857: SIGSEGV [libunpack.so] store_Utf8_char(signed char*, unsigned short) in java.util.jar.pack200
2011-06-28 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 asaha Merge
2011-06-27 alanb 7059259: (process) ProcessBuilder.start permission check should be improved when redirecting output to append
2011-06-21 anthony 7022113: Security icon can be moved behind the window using the com.sun.SecurityWarning.setPosition() method
2011-06-15 alanb 7000600: InputStream.skip() makes sensitive data accessible to malicious code
2011-11-15 lana Merge
2011-11-08 lana Merge
2011-11-07 sherman 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
2011-11-05 lana Merge
2011-11-03 mduigou 4533691: Add Collections.emptySortedSet()
2011-11-01 ysr 4243978: (ref) Race condition in Reference.enqueue()
2011-10-31 wetmore 7053252: New regression test does not compile on windows-amd64
2011-10-31 wetmore 7105780: Add SSLSocket client/SSLEngine server to templates directory
2011-10-31 xuelei 7106277: Brokenness in the seqNumberOverflow of MAC
2011-10-30 alanb 7103889: (fs) Reduce String concatenation when iterating over directory
2011-10-28 xuelei 7105940: Test regression: KeyStore must be from provider SunPKCS11-NSSKeyStore
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip