2013-04-08 omajid 8011388: Support building zero and zeroshark with the new build
2013-04-05 erikj 8008373: JFR JTReg tests fail with CompilationError on MacOSX; missing '._sunec.jar'
2013-04-05 katleman Added tag jdk8-b84 for changeset 9c96ead03162
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-05 amurillo Added tag hs25-b26 for changeset 7d026deaf1db
2013-04-05 amurillo Merge
2013-04-05 bharadwaj Merge
2013-04-04 kvn 8011198: LP64 setting is not preserved on Solaris after 8006965
2013-04-04 neliasso 8006014: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/dfa.cpp
2013-04-04 roland Merge
2013-04-04 roland 8010399: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 5498. After deopt 5494".
2013-04-04 neliasso 8006008: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp
2013-04-03 rasbold 8010437: guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset
2013-04-03 kvn 8011102: Clear AVX registers after return from JNI call
2013-04-02 neliasso 7034299: Faulty winsock initialization code
2013-03-30 kmo 8011009: Use do-while(0) instead of while(0) in EC_TRACE and RC_TRACE* macros
2013-03-30 bharadwaj Merge
2013-03-29 roland 8010934: assert failure in c1_LinearScan.cpp: "asumption: non-Constant instructions have only virtual operands"
2013-03-26 kvn 8004640: C2 assert failure in memnode.cpp: NULL+offs not RAW address
2013-03-26 neliasso 8010281: Remove code that is never executed
2013-03-26 twisti 7198429: need checked categorization of caller-sensitive methods in the JDK
2013-03-24 morris Merge
2013-03-23 morris 8009026: [parfait] Null pointer deference in hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp
2013-03-22 bharadwaj Merge
2013-03-22 bharadwaj 8009539: JVM crash when run lambda testng tests
2013-03-22 roland Merge
2013-03-21 roland 7153771: array bound check elimination for c1
2013-04-04 mgerdin Merge
2013-04-03 mgerdin Merge
2013-04-02 tschatzl 8005857: assert in GC_locker from PSOldGen::expand with -XX:+PrintGCDetails and Verbose
2013-03-23 ehelin 8009408: gc/metaspace/ClassMetaspaceSizeInJmapHeap.java fails with "exit code 1"
2013-03-29 johnc 8010463: G1: Crashes with -UseTLAB and heap verification
2013-03-27 tschatzl 7112912: Message "Error occurred during initialization of VM" on boxes with lots of RAM
2013-03-28 mgerdin 7014552: gc/lock/jni/jnilockXXX works too slow on 1-processor machine
2013-04-02 zgu Merge
2013-04-01 iklam 8011048: Possible reading from unmapped memory in UTF8::as_quoted_ascii()
2013-04-02 mgerdin 8009763: Add WB test for String.intern()
2013-03-28 sla 8002118: WindbgDebuggerLocal should not try to load 64-bit debug libraries for 32-bit JVM
2013-04-01 coleenp 8010723: fatal error: acquiring lock Metaspace allocation lock/5 out of order
2013-03-29 dcubed Merge
2013-03-28 minqi Merge
2013-03-28 minqi 2178143: JVM crashes if the number of bound CPUs changed during runtime
2013-03-28 zgu Merge
2013-03-27 zgu Merge
2013-03-27 zgu 8010474: [parfait] Undefined return value of the functions in hotspot/src/share/vm/services/memTracker.hpp
2013-03-27 acorn Merge
2013-03-27 acorn 8009731: Confusing error message for loader constraint violation
2013-03-27 hseigel Merge
2013-03-27 hseigel 8010833: Test7116786.java is failing on most configs after fix for 8010667
2013-03-27 coleenp 8009531: Crash when redefining class with annotated method
2013-03-29 amurillo 8011022: new hotspot build - hs25-b26
2013-04-05 katleman Added tag jdk8-b84 for changeset df190a3da0e2
2013-04-09 katleman Merge
2013-04-09 tbell 8011348: use of which in common/autoconf/autogen.sh is not portable
2013-04-09 erikj 8010465: Can't enable sjavac when building in jprt.
2013-04-09 erikj 8006288: build-infra: Use solaris nm and not gnm on solaris
2013-04-08 omajid 8011388: Support building zero and zeroshark with the new build
2013-04-05 erikj 8008373: JFR JTReg tests fail with CompilationError on MacOSX; missing '._sunec.jar'
2013-04-04 erikj 8011372: Remove -p from cp in IdleCompilation.gmk
2013-04-04 erikj 8006828: "SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false" must work in new building infrastructure
2013-04-05 katleman Added tag jdk8-b84 for changeset aec7eec37b03
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b84 for changeset d7ad0dfaa411
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b84
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-26 mfang Merge
2013-03-25 mfang 8010521: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 2
2013-03-22 darcy 7080464: langtools regression test failures when assertions are enabled
2013-03-22 mcimadamore 8010387: Javac crashes when diagnostic mentions anonymous inner class' type variables
2013-03-22 mcimadamore 8010303: Graph inference: missing incorporation step causes spurious inference error
2013-03-22 mcimadamore 8009820: AssertionError when compiling java code with two identical static imports
2013-03-22 mcimadamore 8010101: Intersection type cast issues redundant unchecked warning
2013-03-22 mcimadamore 8009649: Lambda back-end should generate invokespecial for method handles referring to private instance methods
2013-03-21 darcy 8010364: Clarify javax.lang.model API for Type Annotations
2013-03-20 jjg 8010317: DocLint incorrectly reports some <pre> tags as empty
2013-03-20 jjg 8010333: Remove com.sun.tools.javac.Server
2013-03-20 jjg 8010361: fix some langtools findbugs issues
2013-03-19 jjg 8010315: doclint errors in javac public API
2013-03-19 darcy 8010179: Remove transitional target values from javac
2013-03-19 jjg 8007803: Implement javax.lang.model API for Type Annotations
2013-03-18 jjg 8008425: Remove interim new javax.lang.model API for type-annotations
2013-03-18 jjg 8005220: RFE to write javap tests for repeating annotations.
2013-03-16 lana Merge
2013-03-15 mnunez 8007767: TargetAnnoCombo.java need to be updated to add a new test mode
2013-03-15 vromero 5053846: javac: MethodRef entries are duplicated in the constant pool
2013-03-15 rfield 8010010: NPE generating serializedLambdaName for nested lambda
2013-03-14 mchung 8005428: Update jdeps to read the same profile information as by javac
2013-03-14 vromero 8008582: jtreg failures after conversion of shell tests to Java
2013-03-14 dholmes 8009429: Miscellaneous profiles cleanup
2013-03-13 bpatel 8009684: Default top left frame should be "All Packages" in the generated javadoc documentation
2013-03-13 jfranck 8006547: Repeating annotations: No Target on container annotation with all targets on base annotation gives compiler error
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset fd242a461861
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-19 jjg 8007803: Implement javax.lang.model API for Type Annotations
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset 74e3fc2986f0
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset 8ca744a5d6f4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-26 sundar 8010720: Linkage problem with java.lang.String.length()
2013-03-26 lagergren 8010706: -Dnashorn.args system property to create command lines to wrapped nashorn.jar:s
2013-03-25 sundar 8010709: org on the top level doesn't resolve
2013-03-25 lagergren 8017010: index evaluation to a temporary location for index operator much change temporaries to slots, but never scoped vars
2013-03-22 attila 8010652: Eliminate non-child references in Block/FunctionNode, and make few node types immutable
2013-03-19 jlaskey 8009969: CodeCoverage should use template
2013-03-18 sundar 8010199: javax.script.Invocable implementation for nashorn does not return null when matching functions are missing
2013-03-15 sundar 8010145: removed workaround "init.js" in nashorn repo
2013-03-15 lagergren 8010147: Forgot to add EXPECTED files for lazy and eager sunspider test
2013-03-14 lagergren 8009982: Lazy execution bugfix. Added lazy sunspider unit test. Added mandreel to compile-octane test. Fixed warnings
2013-03-12 sundar 8009868: For loop with "true" as condition results in AssertionError in codegen
2013-03-12 lagergren 8009718: Lazy execution architecture continued - ScriptFunctionData is either final or recompilable. Moved ScriptFunctionData creation logic away from runtime to compile time. Prepared for method generation/specialization. Got rid of ScriptFunctionImplTrampoline whose semantics could be done as part of the relinking anyway. Merge with the lookup package change.
2013-03-12 sundar 8009757: Package access clean up and refactoring
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset 4f4788d62566
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-26 mfang Merge
2013-03-25 mfang 8010521: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 2
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset d2d074c62b67
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-02 katleman Merge
2013-04-02 omajid 8011278: Allow using a system-installed giflib
2013-03-28 erikj 8010908: Images target failes when configured with --disable-zip-debug-info
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-26 mchung 8010787: changeset for 8007703 is missing the deleted files
2013-03-26 mchung 8007703: Remove com.sun.servicetag API
2013-03-25 chegar 8010668: builtin JNI libraries should not be unloaded
2013-03-25 sundar 8010704: The test closed/java/lang/SecurityManager/CheckPackageDefinition.java failed after fix for 8009869
2013-03-23 weijun 8009875: Provide a default udp_preference_limit for krb5.conf
2013-03-23 weijun 8009970: Several LoginModule classes need extra permission to load AuthResources
2013-03-22 stefank 8004172: Update jstat counter names to reflect metaspace changes
2013-03-22 stefank 8005116: NPG: Rename -permstat option for jmap in jdk8 to -clstats
2013-03-22 weijun 8010531: Add BadKdc* tests to problem list for solaris-sparcv9
2013-03-21 robm 8009251: Add proxy handling and keep-alive fixes to jsse
2013-03-21 sundar 8009869: Need to modify java.security property package.access to include nashorn packages
2013-03-21 dholmes 8006818: SunEC and SunPKCS11 providers should be in all profiles
2013-03-20 darcy 8010427: Refine Method.isDefault implementation
2013-03-20 mchung 8006104: Improve tests to test ".useParentHandlers" property set in the logging configuration
2013-03-20 mullan Merge
2013-03-20 mullan Merge
2013-03-20 mullan 8010112: NullPointerException in sun.security.provider.certpath.CertId()
2013-03-20 chegar 8010282: sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarFileFactory.close(JarFile) should be thread-safe
2013-03-20 uta 8006193: (process) Clean-up java.lang.ProcessImpl.finalize, does not need to be public
2013-03-19 mduigou 8001642: Add Optional<T>, OptionalDouble, OptionalInt, OptionalLong
2013-03-18 jzavgren 8007607: security native code doesn't always use malloc, realloc, and calloc correctly
2013-03-19 dholmes 8009426: "profiles" target fails due to nashorn if "images" is not built first
2013-03-19 sla 8006637: Failure to filter out native frame events on Solaris
2013-03-17 chegar 8010142: ProblemList.txt updates (3/2013)
2013-03-06 vlivanov 8009222: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not invocable, no method type when attempting to get getter method handle for a static field
2013-03-16 lana Merge
2013-03-15 sundar 8010136: Make jrunscript's init.js to work on nashorn
2013-03-14 naoto 8008576: Calendar mismatch using Host LocaleProviderAdapter
2013-03-14 alanb 7183800: TEST_BUG: Update tests to run on Ubuntu 12.04 (localhost is
2013-03-14 alanb 8005716: Enhance JNI specification to allow support of static JNI libraries in Embedded JREs
2013-03-14 dholmes 8009429: Miscellaneous profiles cleanup
2013-03-14 robm 8009650: HttpClient available() check throws SocketException when connection has been closed
2013-03-13 dxu 8001334: Remove use of JVM_* functions from java.io code
2013-03-13 jgish 8002070: Remove the stack search for a resource bundle for Logger to use
2013-03-13 alanb 8009751: (se) Selector spin when select, close and interestOps(0) invoked at same time (lnx)
2013-03-13 uta 7190897: (fs) Files.isWritable method returns false when the path is writable (win)
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-22 denis 7123476: DesktopOpenTests:When enter the file path and click the open button,it crash
2013-03-21 alexsch 8007146: [macosx] Setting a display mode crashes JDK under VNC
2013-03-20 alitvinov 6550588: java.awt.Desktop cannot open file with Windows UNC filename
2013-03-20 kshefov 8009880: TEST_BUG: Test java/beans/Introspector/TestTypeResolver.java should be modified again
2013-03-19 kshefov 8009881: TEST_BUG: javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java should be modified
2013-03-18 serb 8000435: [macosx] Button painting error under Java 7 on Mac
2013-03-15 lana Merge
2013-03-15 alexsch 8009221: [macosx] Two closed/javax/swing regression tests fail on MacOSX.
2013-03-14 malenkov 8000183: 7163696: JCK Swing interactive test JScrollBarTest0013 fails with Nimbus and GTK L&Fs
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset a93e7eb6663c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-29 amurillo Added tag hs25-b25 for changeset 4c619ad74be5
2013-03-29 amurillo Merge
2013-03-28 collins Merge
2013-03-27 collins 8009152: A number of jtreg tests need review/improvement
2013-03-23 jprovino Merge
2013-03-21 jprovino 8009904: jvmtiClassFileReconstituter.cpp needs to be excluded from the minimal jvm
2013-03-28 brutisso Merge
2013-03-27 ehelin 8010818: NPG: Remove metaspace memory pools
2013-03-25 stefank Merge
2013-03-22 ehelin 8000754: NPG: Implement a MemoryPool MXBean for Metaspace
2013-03-20 tamao 7196080: assert(max_heap >= InitialHeapSize) in arguments.cpp
2013-03-26 zgu Merge
2013-03-26 zgu Merge
2013-03-26 zgu 8010651: create.bat still builds the kernel
2013-03-26 hseigel Merge
2013-03-26 hseigel 8009595: The UseSplitVerifier option needs to be deprecated.
2013-03-26 rbackman 8009382: Add JVM_Get{Field|Method}TypeAnnotations
2013-03-25 bharadwaj 8009552: test/vm/verifier/TestStaticIF.java failing with hs25.0-b
2013-03-25 hseigel 8010667: Non-zero padding is not allowed in splitverifier for tableswitch/lookupswitch instructions.
2013-03-24 ctornqvi Merge
2013-03-24 ctornqvi 8008454: test/runtime/NMT/PrintNMTStatistics is broken
2013-03-24 dcubed Merge
2013-03-22 iklam 8010389: After fix for 7107135 a failed dlopen() call results in a VM crash
2013-03-21 zgu Merge
2013-03-20 zgu 8009298: NMT: Special version of class loading/unloading with runThese stresses out NMT
2013-03-21 dcubed Merge
2013-03-21 rdurbin 8010396: checking MallocMaxTestWords in testMalloc() function is redundant
2013-03-20 ctornqvi 8007982: some runtime/CommandLine/ tests fail on 32-bit platforms
2013-03-20 acorn Merge
2013-03-20 acorn 8010017: lambda: reflection get(Declared)Methods support for default methods.
2013-03-20 coleenp 8008217: CDS: Class data sharing limits the malloc heap on Solaris
2013-03-20 ctornqvi 8010084: Race in runtime/NMT/BaselineWithParameter.java
2013-03-19 rdurbin 7030610: runtime/6878713/Test6878713.sh fails Error. failed to clean up files after test
2013-03-23 amurillo 8010498: new hotspot build - hs25-b25
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset 395a7c20e300
2013-04-02 katleman Merge
2013-04-02 omajid 8011278: Allow using a system-installed giflib
2013-04-02 andrew 8009988: build-infra: Fix configure output for zip debuginfo check
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-26 lana Merge
2013-03-16 lana Merge
2013-03-14 dholmes 8009428: Revert changes to $ substitution performed as part of nashorn integration
2013-03-28 katleman Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset 64247ba55872
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b83 for changeset bcebd3fdefc9
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b83
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset db9ac0924815
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset d5a7172af7df
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset 11e0f924d1ba
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset fd698c5ee684
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset e2239e25e90a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-27 dcherepanov Merge
2013-03-21 wetmore 8009517: new code changes causing errors in old build (-Werror) environment
2013-03-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b82 for changeset 744dd8193801
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-03-23 amurillo Added tag hs25-b24 for changeset 5f89974cce81
2013-03-23 amurillo Merge
2013-03-23 vladidan Merge
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