2014-04-22 mduigou 8040837: Avoid provoking NFEs when initializing InetAddrCachePolicy
2014-04-22 alundblad 8037085: The sjavac exclude option should accept valid directory identifiers
2014-04-22 lancea 8041485: Update TEST.groups for jdk/nio/zipfs
2014-04-22 lancea 8041331: Cleanup files for jtreg and windows
2014-04-21 shurailine 8039816: Some tests depend on internal API sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction
2014-04-21 shurailine 8039438: Some tests depend on internal API sun.misc.IOUtils
2014-04-21 lfoltan 8033584: Remove java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/TestPrivateInterfaceMethodReflect.java from exclude list.
2014-04-21 weijun 8038837: Add support to jarsigner for specifying timestamp hash algorithm
2014-04-21 weijun 8039358: com.sun.jarsigner.ContentSignerParameters.getTSAPolicyID() should be a default method
2014-04-12 scolebourne 8040058: IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEAR adjustInto incorrect and WeekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear().range incorrect
2014-04-18 lancea 8040760: Addition of new java.sql tests
2014-04-18 bpb 8027595: Enable BigInteger overflow tests in JTREG
2014-04-18 rriggs 8038823: Missing @Test annotation and copyright in java.time tests
2014-04-18 igerasim 8038982: java/lang/ref/EarlyTimeout.java failed again
2014-04-24 katleman Added tag jdk9-b10 for changeset c354cfc60e8e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-24 lana Merge
2014-04-18 amurillo Merge
2014-04-17 bharadwaj Merge
2014-04-17 iignatyev 8039260: c.o.j.t.ProcessTools::createJavaProcessBuilder(boolean, String... ) must also take TestJavaOptions
2014-04-16 kvn 8038048: assert(null_obj->escape_state() == PointsToNode::NoEscape,etc) runThese -full
2014-04-15 kvn 8039050: Crash in C2 compiler at Node::rematerialize
2014-04-15 roland Merge
2014-04-01 roland 8032410: compiler/uncommontrap/TestStackBangRbp.java times out on Solaris-Sparc V9
2014-04-15 iignatyev 8040001: CLI test on RTMRetryCount option was missed from fix for 8039496
2014-04-14 anoll Merge
2014-04-14 anoll 8039425: Code cleanup: PhaseIterGVN::optimize()
2014-04-14 anoll Merge
2014-04-14 anoll 8029436: CICompilerCount is not updated when the number of compiler threads is adjusted to the number of CPUs
2014-04-11 bharadwaj Merge
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