2014-07-23 dmarkov 8044614: [macosx] Focus issue with 2 applets in firefox
2014-07-22 alexsch 8038937: Validate fields on Swing classes deserialization
2014-07-22 pchelko 8032864: [macosx] sigsegv (0Xb) Being Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running
2014-08-19 stefank 8035939: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryManagement.java timed out on Linux-amd64
2014-08-19 dfuchs 8052403: java/util/logging/CheckZombieLockTest.java fails with NoSuchFileException
2014-08-19 ctornqvi 8055012: [TESTBUG] NMTHelper fails to parse NMT output
2014-08-19 okutsu 8055088: Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
2014-08-19 weijun 8054817: File ccache only recognizes Linux and Solaris defaults
2014-08-19 martin 8055253: test/java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh modifies the test JDK
2014-08-19 chegar 8055353: libsplashscreen build fails on MacOSX Mavericks
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-18 mullan Merge
2014-08-18 mullan 7026255: Methods of Subject that throw SecurityException do not specify what permissions are required
2014-08-18 stefank 8055111: [TESTBUG] jdk.testlibrary.Utils.removeGcOpts doesn't remove -Xconcgc
2014-08-15 ykantser 8054278: Refactor jps utility tests
2014-08-14 sherman 8055004: Reduce allocation overhead in java.time.Period/Duration parse methods
2014-08-14 dfuchs 8054480: Test java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java fails: Unexpected bundle name: null
2014-08-14 sla 8054824: Clean up ProblemList.txt
2014-07-29 jbachorik 8052961: Test "com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java" failing intermittently
2014-08-12 jfranck 8044629: (reflect) Constructor.getAnnotatedReceiverType() returns wrong value
2014-08-12 alanb 8054828: TEST_BUG: Typos in java/lang/Long/ParsingTest
2014-08-11 igerasim 8054841: (process) ProcessBuilder leaks native memory
2014-08-11 prappo 8054857: Fix typos in java.lang.** packages
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 lancea 8054555: javadoc cleanup for java.sql and javax.sql
2014-08-11 msheppar 8054118: java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java failed intermittently
2014-08-11 weijun 6997010: Consolidate java.security files into one file with modifications
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset dca4e4c83da4
2014-08-08 ascarpino 8054366: Broken link in SecureRandom.html
2014-08-08 valeriep 8043836: Need new tests for AES cipher
2014-08-07 bchristi 8034032: Check src/macosx/native/java/util/prefs/MacOSXPreferencesFile.m for JNI pending issues
2014-08-07 egahlin 8049340: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.java timed out
2014-08-07 igerasim 8046343: (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect('direct') does not work on MacOSX
2014-08-07 igerasim 8054221: StringJoiner imlementation optimization
2014-08-07 okutsu 8048123: Replace calendars.properties with another mechanism to specify a new Japanese calendar era
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset 3317bb8137f4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-19 amurillo Merge
2014-08-15 amurillo Merge
2014-08-14 jmasa Merge
2014-08-11 stefank 8054823: Add size_t as a valid VM flag type
2014-08-11 mgerdin 8011397: JTREG needs to copy additional WhiteBox class file to JTwork/scratch/sun/hotspot
2014-08-13 dcubed Merge
2014-08-13 hseigel Merge
2014-08-13 hseigel 8050485: super() in a try block in a ctor causes VerifyError
2014-08-13 ctornqvi 8054713: [TESTBUG] runtime/jsig/Test8017498.sh: Execution failed: exit code 1
2014-08-12 ctornqvi Merge
2014-08-12 gtriantafill 8054952: [TESTBUG] Add missing NMT2 tests
2014-08-12 zgu 8054938: [TESTBUG] Wrong WhiteBox.java was pushed by JDK-8044140
2014-08-12 coleenp 8003426: Remove UseFastAccessors and UseFastEmptyMethods except for zero
2014-08-11 zgu 6424123: JVM crashes on failed 'strdup' call
2014-08-11 zgu 8044140: Create NMT (Native Memory Tracking) tests for NMT2
2014-08-11 zgu Merge
2014-08-07 zgu 8046598: Scalable Native memory tracking development
2014-08-11 dsamersoff 8049049: Unportable format string argument mismatch in hotspot/agent/src/os/solaris/proc/saproc.cpp
2014-08-08 jmasa Merge
2014-08-05 jmasa 8034056: assert(_heap_alignment >= _space_alignment) failed: heap_alignment less than space_alignment
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