2013-04-01 mduigou 8010268: Remove dependence upon clean target from jdk/test/Makefile prep target
2013-03-28 mchung 8010309: Improve PlatformLogger.isLoggable performance by direct mapping from an integer to Level
2013-03-28 weijun 8010125: keytool -importkeystore could create a pkcs12 keystore with different storepass and keypass
2013-03-28 sundar 8010991: Enable test/javax/script/GetInterfaceTest.java again
2013-03-27 acorn 8010846: Update the corresponding test in test/vm/verifier/TestStaticIF.java
2013-03-27 darcy 7185456: (ann) Optimize Annotation handling in java/sun.reflect.* code for small number of annotations
2013-03-27 dxu 8010837: FileInputStream.available() throw IOException when encountering negative available values
2013-03-21 ehelin 8009427: Re-enable tests that were disable to ease complicated push
2013-03-26 martin 8010316: Improve handling of char sequences containing surrogates
2013-03-26 martin 8007905: To add a system property to create zip file without using ZIP64 end table when entry count > 64k
2013-04-09 lana Merge
2013-04-08 kshefov 7153702: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Synchronization problem in test javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java
2013-04-05 pchelko 8006941: [macosx] Deadlock in drag and drop
2013-04-03 mcherkas 8011123: serialVersionUID of java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException changed in JDK8-b82
2013-04-02 lana Merge
2013-03-29 ant 8010375: sun.swing.JLightweightFrame should be implemented for XToolkit
2013-03-27 denis 7075105: WIN: Provide a way to format HTML on drop
2013-04-09 lana Merge
2013-04-03 lana Merge
2013-03-27 jgodinez 8010005: [parfait] Memory leak in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CTextPipe.m
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset c62699ce4007
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-04-17 katleman Merge
2013-04-15 katleman Merge
2013-04-12 katleman 8012048: JDK8 b85 source with GPL header errors
2013-04-12 amurillo Added tag hs25-b28 for changeset cd2648ba846b
2013-04-12 amurillo Merge
2013-04-12 bharadwaj Merge
2013-04-11 vlivanov Merge
2013-04-11 vlivanov 8011972: Field can be erroneously marked as contended when @Contended annotation isn't present
2013-04-11 kmo 8011952: Missing ResourceMarks in TraceMethodHandles
2013-04-10 roland 8011706: specjvm2008 test xml.transform gets array bound exception with c1
2013-04-09 iignatyev 8007288: Additional WB API for compiler's testing
2013-04-08 bharadwaj 8010913: compiler/6863420 often exceeds timeout
2013-04-05 neliasso 8006016: Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
2013-04-11 mgerdin Merge
2013-04-10 stefank 8011872: Include Bit Map addresses in the hs_err files
2013-04-10 mgerdin 8010196: NPG: Internal Error: Metaspace allocation lock -- possible deadlock
2013-04-09 mgerdin 8009808: TEST-BUG : test case is using bash style tests. Default shell for jtreg is bourne. thus failure
2013-04-08 brutisso 7197666: java -d64 -version core dumps in a box with lots of memory
2013-02-11 jmasa 8008508: CMS does not correctly reduce heap size after a Full GC
2013-04-05 johnc 8011343: Add new flag for verifying the heap during startup
2013-04-11 amurillo 8011948: new hotspot build - hs25-b28
2013-04-11 amurillo Merge
2013-04-11 amurillo Added tag hs25-b27 for changeset ea5bba2e47e9
2013-04-09 bharadwaj 8011671: JCK tests on static interface methods fail under b84: Illegal type at constant pool entry 5
2013-04-06 zgu Merge
2013-04-05 ccheung 8006001: [parfait] Possible file leak in hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/perfMemory_linux.cpp
2013-04-05 dcubed Merge
2013-04-05 dcubed Merge
2013-04-05 zgu 8011161: NMT: Memory leak when encountering out of memory error while initializing memory snapshot
2013-04-04 mikael 8003310: Enable -Wunused-function when compiling with gcc
2013-04-03 ccheung 8006103: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp; os_windows.cpp; os_solaris.cpp; os_bsd.cpp
2013-03-29 ccheung 8006006: [parfait] Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/tools/launcher/wildcard.c
2013-04-04 hseigel 8010943: guarantee(length == 0) failed: invalid method ordering length
2013-04-03 ctornqvi 8009125: Add NMT tests for Virtual Memory operations
2013-04-05 amurillo 8011584: new hotspot build - hs25-b27
2013-04-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 462779762d8a
2013-04-16 katleman Merge
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