2014-04-08 pchelko 6690000: Typo's in DataFlavor Javadoc
2014-04-07 azvegint 8030100: java.awt.Desktop: Enable check for supported URI schemes on Linux
2014-04-07 azvegint 6788138: leak in Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_getStringBytes?
2014-04-07 azvegint 8031087: [Parfait] warnings from b121 for jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/xawt
2014-04-07 alexsch 6475394: Spelling mistake in doc for ComponentUI.getBaselineResizeBehaviour
2014-04-07 serb 8032219: [macosx] Scrollbars looks bad under retina in Motif and Metal L&F
2014-04-04 prr 8031095: [Parfait] warning from jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt: memory leak
2014-04-04 prr Merge
2014-04-04 prr 8035569: [parfait] JNI expection pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/WPrinterJob.cpp
2014-04-04 bagiras 8035737: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_PrintControl.cpp
2014-04-04 malenkov 8039137: KSS: JTextComponent.isProcessInputMethodEventOverridden
2014-04-04 malenkov 8038962: KSS: javax.swing.text.html[.parser].ResourceLoader
2014-04-03 pchelko 8038999: In Java 8 java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.equals is no longer symmetric
2014-04-03 bae 8019990: IM candidate window appears on the South-East corner of the display.
2014-04-02 alexsch 6612752: Incorrect getOpenIcon() instanceof in the DefaultTreeCellRenderer
2014-04-02 pchelko 6463901: Either generify or deprecate sun.awt.EventListenerAggregate
2014-04-02 pchelko 8037560: [macosx] Cleanup CClipboard.m
2014-04-02 serb 8029196: Focus border of JButton.buttonType=roundRect is cut off
2014-04-01 prr 8035623: [parfait] JNI warnings in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Font.cpp
2014-04-01 prr Merge
2014-04-01 alexsch 7052708: Grammar error in EditorKit documentation
2014-04-01 alexsch 8030052: Remove reflection from JOptionPane
2014-03-31 serb 8035624: [parfait] JNI exception pending, JNI primitive type mismatch in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/ThemeReader.cpp
2014-03-31 serb 8035736: [parfait] JNI primitive type mismatch in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Component.cpp
2014-03-31 serb 8038657: javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager has unused imports
2014-03-31 prr 8038723: Openup some PrinterJob tests
2014-03-31 kshefov 8002148: [TEST_BUG] The four lines printed are not the bold typeface.
2014-03-28 ptbrunet 8034768: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/JavaTextAccessibility.m
2014-03-28 ptbrunet 8034118: [parfait] JNI exception pending in macosx/native/sun/awt/JavaComponentAccessibility.m
2014-03-28 prr 8037506: [javadoc] broken link in java.awt.geom.Line2D.java
2014-03-28 alexsch 8032667: [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage
2014-03-28 alexsch 8036882: [macosx] Native memory leak in Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CImage_nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes
2014-03-28 vadim 8029628: Many graphic artifacts
2014-03-28 alitvinov 8032832: Applet/browser deadlocks, when IIS integrated authentication is used
2014-03-26 pchelko 8032595: [macosx] setResizable(false) makes a frame slide down
2014-03-25 prr 8037910: [parfait] JNI warnings in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/java2d/d3d/D3DSurfaceData.cpp
2014-03-25 prr 8034104: [parfait] warnings from jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CTextPipe.m
2014-03-25 kshefov 8031422: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Paint/bug8024864.java fails on Windows 7
2014-03-25 pchelko 8031001: [Parfait] warnings from b121 for jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt: JNI-related warnings
2014-03-11 mduigou 8037097: Improve diagnosability of test failures for java/util/Arrays/Correct.java
2014-04-29 bpb 8041683: Catch OutOfMemoryError in BitLengthOverflow and DoubleValueOverflow
2014-04-29 jbachorik 8042096: Backout JDK-8042091
2014-04-29 alanb 8034057: Files.getFileStore and Files.isWritable do not work with SUBST'ed drives (win)
2014-04-29 jbachorik 8031195: Support default and static interface methods in JDI, JDWP and JDB
2014-04-28 michaelm 8041621: java/net/Inet4Address/textToNumericFormat.java fails on Solaris and Mac
2014-04-26 plevart 8040892: Incorrect message in Exception thrown by Collectors.toMap(Function,Function)
2014-03-12 mduigou 8035584: ArrayList(c) should avoid inflation if c is empty
2014-04-25 naoto 8035826: [parfait] JNI exception pending in src/windows/native/sun/util/locale/provider/HostLocaleProviderAdapter_md.c
2014-04-25 sla 8041948: Build broken by fix of 8033104
2014-04-25 sla 8033104: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/CR6672135.java failing on all platforms
2014-04-25 sla 8039432: demo/jvmti/mtrace/TraceJFrame.java can't connect to X11
2014-04-25 sla 8038947: HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/CheckOrigin.java 'NewSize' should have origin 'ERGONOMIC' but had 'DEFAULT'
2014-04-25 weijun 8040321: keytool and jarsigner tests doesn't pass though VM tools to tools
2014-05-01 katleman Added tag jdk9-b11 for changeset e4dc2768f533
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-05-01 lana Merge
2014-04-25 amurillo Merge
2014-04-25 ehelin Merge
2014-04-23 brutisso 8038265: CMS: enable time based triggering of concurrent cycles
2014-04-23 ehelin Merge
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