2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset 877dd5308e32
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-24 katleman Merge
2012-10-23 tbell 7152336: Enable builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS
2012-10-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset e4251351a6dd
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-24 katleman Merge
2012-10-23 tbell 7152336: Enable builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS
2012-10-23 kamg 8001225: Disable jdk regression test java/lang/System/Versions.java until jdk's classfile version code is updated
2012-10-20 twisti 8000989: smaller code changes to make future JSR 292 backports easier
2012-10-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset 1a8b3b760f60
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-19 amurillo Added tag hs25-b06 for changeset 57dfd29e4742
2012-10-19 amurillo Merge
2012-10-18 coleenp Merge
2012-10-17 nloodin 8000617: It should be possible to allocate memory without the VM dying.
2012-08-28 rbackman 7093328: JVMTI: jvmtiPrimitiveFieldCallback always report 0's for static primitives
2012-10-16 coleenp Merge
2012-10-15 kevinw 7195151: Multiplatform tescase for 6929067
2012-10-11 kamg 7054345: Support version 52.0 class file in HotSpot
2012-10-10 coleenp 7199068: NPG: SharedSkipVerify is meaningless
2012-10-17 jmasa Merge
2012-10-15 johnc 8000831: Heap verification output incorrect/incomplete
2012-10-09 stefank 8000659: NPG: ClassCastExceptions are unexpectedly thrown when testing nashorn
2012-10-08 johnc 8000358: G1: metaspace information not printed in PrintHeapAtGC output nor in hs_err file
2012-10-06 johnc 7127708: G1: change task num types from int to uint in concurrent mark
2012-10-12 amurillo 8000834: new hotspot build - hs25-b06
2012-10-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset 929432f0c3b6
2012-10-24 katleman Merge
2012-10-23 tbell 7152336: Enable builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS
2012-10-18 katleman Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset 0623a2cf29df
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b61 for changeset cdaa6122185f
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b61
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-12 lana Merge
2012-10-08 lana Merge
2012-10-06 mcimadamore 7177386: Add attribution support for method references
2012-10-05 bpatel 4696488: javadoc doesn't handle UNC paths for destination directory
2012-10-05 bpatel 7068595: html files in class-use dir do not get loaded correctly when Frames link is clicked
2012-10-05 bpatel 7132631: The help-doc.html generates an invalid link to constant-values.html
2012-10-05 mcimadamore 7177385: Add attribution support for lambda expressions
2012-10-04 mcimadamore 7177387: Add target-typing support in method context
2012-09-29 ksrini 7198582: (java) Minor refactor of JavacParser
2012-09-28 lana Merge
2012-09-28 jfranck 7199925: Separate compilation breaks check that elements have a default for the containing annotation
2012-09-28 mcimadamore 8000241: langtools doesn't build
2012-09-28 mcimadamore 8000233: Fix issues in recent push
2012-09-26 mcimadamore 7188968: New instance creation expression using diamond is checked twice
2012-09-25 jjg 7196464: upgrade JavaCompiler.shouldStopPolicy to accomodate policies in face of error and no error
2012-09-25 jjg 7193657: provide internal ArrayUtils class to simplify common usage of arrays in javac
2012-09-25 mcimadamore 7177306: Regression: unchecked method call does not erase return type
2012-09-25 mcimadamore 7175433: Inference cleanup: add helper class to handle inference variables
2012-09-25 mcimadamore 7194586: Add back-end support for invokedynamic
2012-09-25 mcimadamore 7193913: Cleanup Resolve.findMethod
2012-09-24 jjg 7196462: JavacProcessingEnvironment should tolerate BasicJavacTask
2012-10-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b60 for changeset e8ce51f159dd
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-10-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b60 for changeset ad9498bbcc27
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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