6978087: jsr166y Updates
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:55:03 +0100
changeset 6543 c06e5f2c6bb1
parent 6542 155856185c1b
child 6544 ab54bd98662c
6978087: jsr166y Updates Summary: Simplify the ForkJoinPool API, reworking some of the internals Reviewed-by: martin, dholmes, chegar
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -40,16 +40,23 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
+import java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
 import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
  * An {@link ExecutorService} for running {@link ForkJoinTask}s.
  * A {@code ForkJoinPool} provides the entry point for submissions
- * from non-{@code ForkJoinTask}s, as well as management and
+ * from non-{@code ForkJoinTask} clients, as well as management and
  * monitoring operations.
  * <p>A {@code ForkJoinPool} differs from other kinds of {@link
@@ -58,29 +65,19 @@
  * execute subtasks created by other active tasks (eventually blocking
  * waiting for work if none exist). This enables efficient processing
  * when most tasks spawn other subtasks (as do most {@code
- * ForkJoinTask}s). A {@code ForkJoinPool} may also be used for mixed
- * execution of some plain {@code Runnable}- or {@code Callable}-
- * based activities along with {@code ForkJoinTask}s. When setting
- * {@linkplain #setAsyncMode async mode}, a {@code ForkJoinPool} may
- * also be appropriate for use with fine-grained tasks of any form
- * that are never joined. Otherwise, other {@code ExecutorService}
- * implementations are typically more appropriate choices.
+ * ForkJoinTask}s). When setting <em>asyncMode</em> to true in
+ * constructors, {@code ForkJoinPool}s may also be appropriate for use
+ * with event-style tasks that are never joined.
  * <p>A {@code ForkJoinPool} is constructed with a given target
  * parallelism level; by default, equal to the number of available
- * processors. Unless configured otherwise via {@link
- * #setMaintainsParallelism}, the pool attempts to maintain this
- * number of active (or available) threads by dynamically adding,
- * suspending, or resuming internal worker threads, even if some tasks
- * are stalled waiting to join others. However, no such adjustments
- * are performed in the face of blocked IO or other unmanaged
- * synchronization. The nested {@link ManagedBlocker} interface
- * enables extension of the kinds of synchronization accommodated.
- * The target parallelism level may also be changed dynamically
- * ({@link #setParallelism}). The total number of threads may be
- * limited using method {@link #setMaximumPoolSize}, in which case it
- * may become possible for the activities of a pool to stall due to
- * the lack of available threads to process new tasks.
+ * processors. The pool attempts to maintain enough active (or
+ * available) threads by dynamically adding, suspending, or resuming
+ * internal worker threads, even if some tasks are stalled waiting to
+ * join others. However, no such adjustments are guaranteed in the
+ * face of blocked IO or other unmanaged synchronization. The nested
+ * {@link ManagedBlocker} interface enables extension of the kinds of
+ * synchronization accommodated.
  * <p>In addition to execution and lifecycle control methods, this
  * class provides status check methods (for example
@@ -89,6 +86,40 @@
  * {@link #toString} returns indications of pool state in a
  * convenient form for informal monitoring.
+ * <p> As is the case with other ExecutorServices, there are three
+ * main task execution methods summarized in the following
+ * table. These are designed to be used by clients not already engaged
+ * in fork/join computations in the current pool.  The main forms of
+ * these methods accept instances of {@code ForkJoinTask}, but
+ * overloaded forms also allow mixed execution of plain {@code
+ * Runnable}- or {@code Callable}- based activities as well.  However,
+ * tasks that are already executing in a pool should normally
+ * <em>NOT</em> use these pool execution methods, but instead use the
+ * within-computation forms listed in the table.
+ *
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td></td>
+ *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b>Call from non-fork/join clients</b></td>
+ *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b>Call from within fork/join computations</b></td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td> <b>Arrange async execution</td>
+ *    <td> {@link #execute(ForkJoinTask)}</td>
+ *    <td> {@link ForkJoinTask#fork}</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td> <b>Await and obtain result</td>
+ *    <td> {@link #invoke(ForkJoinTask)}</td>
+ *    <td> {@link ForkJoinTask#invoke}</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td> <b>Arrange exec and obtain Future</td>
+ *    <td> {@link #submit(ForkJoinTask)}</td>
+ *    <td> {@link ForkJoinTask#fork} (ForkJoinTasks <em>are</em> Futures)</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
  * <p><b>Sample Usage.</b> Normally a single {@code ForkJoinPool} is
  * used for all parallel task execution in a program or subsystem.
  * Otherwise, use would not usually outweigh the construction and
@@ -113,7 +144,8 @@
  * {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
  * <p>This implementation rejects submitted tasks (that is, by throwing
- * {@link RejectedExecutionException}) only when the pool is shut down.
+ * {@link RejectedExecutionException}) only when the pool is shut down
+ * or internal resources have been exhausted.
  * @since 1.7
  * @author Doug Lea
@@ -121,16 +153,247 @@
 public class ForkJoinPool extends AbstractExecutorService {
-     * See the extended comments interspersed below for design,
-     * rationale, and walkthroughs.
+     * Implementation Overview
+     *
+     * This class provides the central bookkeeping and control for a
+     * set of worker threads: Submissions from non-FJ threads enter
+     * into a submission queue. Workers take these tasks and typically
+     * split them into subtasks that may be stolen by other workers.
+     * The main work-stealing mechanics implemented in class
+     * ForkJoinWorkerThread give first priority to processing tasks
+     * from their own queues (LIFO or FIFO, depending on mode), then
+     * to randomized FIFO steals of tasks in other worker queues, and
+     * lastly to new submissions. These mechanics do not consider
+     * affinities, loads, cache localities, etc, so rarely provide the
+     * best possible performance on a given machine, but portably
+     * provide good throughput by averaging over these factors.
+     * (Further, even if we did try to use such information, we do not
+     * usually have a basis for exploiting it. For example, some sets
+     * of tasks profit from cache affinities, but others are harmed by
+     * cache pollution effects.)
+     *
+     * Beyond work-stealing support and essential bookkeeping, the
+     * main responsibility of this framework is to take actions when
+     * one worker is waiting to join a task stolen (or always held by)
+     * another.  Because we are multiplexing many tasks on to a pool
+     * of workers, we can't just let them block (as in Thread.join).
+     * We also cannot just reassign the joiner's run-time stack with
+     * another and replace it later, which would be a form of
+     * "continuation", that even if possible is not necessarily a good
+     * idea. Given that the creation costs of most threads on most
+     * systems mainly surrounds setting up runtime stacks, thread
+     * creation and switching is usually not much more expensive than
+     * stack creation and switching, and is more flexible). Instead we
+     * combine two tactics:
+     *
+     *   Helping: Arranging for the joiner to execute some task that it
+     *      would be running if the steal had not occurred.  Method
+     *      ForkJoinWorkerThread.helpJoinTask tracks joining->stealing
+     *      links to try to find such a task.
+     *
+     *   Compensating: Unless there are already enough live threads,
+     *      method helpMaintainParallelism() may create or
+     *      re-activate a spare thread to compensate for blocked
+     *      joiners until they unblock.
+     *
+     * It is impossible to keep exactly the target (parallelism)
+     * number of threads running at any given time.  Determining
+     * existence of conservatively safe helping targets, the
+     * availability of already-created spares, and the apparent need
+     * to create new spares are all racy and require heuristic
+     * guidance, so we rely on multiple retries of each.  Compensation
+     * occurs in slow-motion. It is triggered only upon timeouts of
+     * Object.wait used for joins. This reduces poor decisions that
+     * would otherwise be made when threads are waiting for others
+     * that are stalled because of unrelated activities such as
+     * garbage collection.
+     *
+     * The ManagedBlocker extension API can't use helping so relies
+     * only on compensation in method awaitBlocker.
+     *
+     * The main throughput advantages of work-stealing stem from
+     * decentralized control -- workers mostly steal tasks from each
+     * other. We do not want to negate this by creating bottlenecks
+     * implementing other management responsibilities. So we use a
+     * collection of techniques that avoid, reduce, or cope well with
+     * contention. These entail several instances of bit-packing into
+     * CASable fields to maintain only the minimally required
+     * atomicity. To enable such packing, we restrict maximum
+     * parallelism to (1<<15)-1 (enabling twice this (to accommodate
+     * unbalanced increments and decrements) to fit into a 16 bit
+     * field, which is far in excess of normal operating range.  Even
+     * though updates to some of these bookkeeping fields do sometimes
+     * contend with each other, they don't normally cache-contend with
+     * updates to others enough to warrant memory padding or
+     * isolation. So they are all held as fields of ForkJoinPool
+     * objects.  The main capabilities are as follows:
+     *
+     * 1. Creating and removing workers. Workers are recorded in the
+     * "workers" array. This is an array as opposed to some other data
+     * structure to support index-based random steals by workers.
+     * Updates to the array recording new workers and unrecording
+     * terminated ones are protected from each other by a lock
+     * (workerLock) but the array is otherwise concurrently readable,
+     * and accessed directly by workers. To simplify index-based
+     * operations, the array size is always a power of two, and all
+     * readers must tolerate null slots. Currently, all worker thread
+     * creation is on-demand, triggered by task submissions,
+     * replacement of terminated workers, and/or compensation for
+     * blocked workers. However, all other support code is set up to
+     * work with other policies.
+     *
+     * To ensure that we do not hold on to worker references that
+     * would prevent GC, ALL accesses to workers are via indices into
+     * the workers array (which is one source of some of the unusual
+     * code constructions here). In essence, the workers array serves
+     * as a WeakReference mechanism. Thus for example the event queue
+     * stores worker indices, not worker references. Access to the
+     * workers in associated methods (for example releaseEventWaiters)
+     * must both index-check and null-check the IDs. All such accesses
+     * ignore bad IDs by returning out early from what they are doing,
+     * since this can only be associated with shutdown, in which case
+     * it is OK to give up. On termination, we just clobber these
+     * data structures without trying to use them.
+     *
+     * 2. Bookkeeping for dynamically adding and removing workers. We
+     * aim to approximately maintain the given level of parallelism.
+     * When some workers are known to be blocked (on joins or via
+     * ManagedBlocker), we may create or resume others to take their
+     * place until they unblock (see below). Implementing this
+     * requires counts of the number of "running" threads (i.e., those
+     * that are neither blocked nor artificially suspended) as well as
+     * the total number.  These two values are packed into one field,
+     * "workerCounts" because we need accurate snapshots when deciding
+     * to create, resume or suspend.  Note however that the
+     * correspondence of these counts to reality is not guaranteed. In
+     * particular updates for unblocked threads may lag until they
+     * actually wake up.
+     *
+     * 3. Maintaining global run state. The run state of the pool
+     * consists of a runLevel (SHUTDOWN, TERMINATING, etc) similar to
+     * those in other Executor implementations, as well as a count of
+     * "active" workers -- those that are, or soon will be, or
+     * recently were executing tasks. The runLevel and active count
+     * are packed together in order to correctly trigger shutdown and
+     * termination. Without care, active counts can be subject to very
+     * high contention.  We substantially reduce this contention by
+     * relaxing update rules.  A worker must claim active status
+     * prospectively, by activating if it sees that a submitted or
+     * stealable task exists (it may find after activating that the
+     * task no longer exists). It stays active while processing this
+     * task (if it exists) and any other local subtasks it produces,
+     * until it cannot find any other tasks. It then tries
+     * inactivating (see method preStep), but upon update contention
+     * instead scans for more tasks, later retrying inactivation if it
+     * doesn't find any.
+     *
+     * 4. Managing idle workers waiting for tasks. We cannot let
+     * workers spin indefinitely scanning for tasks when none are
+     * available. On the other hand, we must quickly prod them into
+     * action when new tasks are submitted or generated.  We
+     * park/unpark these idle workers using an event-count scheme.
+     * Field eventCount is incremented upon events that may enable
+     * workers that previously could not find a task to now find one:
+     * Submission of a new task to the pool, or another worker pushing
+     * a task onto a previously empty queue.  (We also use this
+     * mechanism for configuration and termination actions that
+     * require wakeups of idle workers).  Each worker maintains its
+     * last known event count, and blocks when a scan for work did not
+     * find a task AND its lastEventCount matches the current
+     * eventCount. Waiting idle workers are recorded in a variant of
+     * Treiber stack headed by field eventWaiters which, when nonzero,
+     * encodes the thread index and count awaited for by the worker
+     * thread most recently calling eventSync. This thread in turn has
+     * a record (field nextEventWaiter) for the next waiting worker.
+     * In addition to allowing simpler decisions about need for
+     * wakeup, the event count bits in eventWaiters serve the role of
+     * tags to avoid ABA errors in Treiber stacks. Upon any wakeup,
+     * released threads also try to release at most two others.  The
+     * net effect is a tree-like diffusion of signals, where released
+     * threads (and possibly others) help with unparks.  To further
+     * reduce contention effects a bit, failed CASes to increment
+     * field eventCount are tolerated without retries in signalWork.
+     * Conceptually they are merged into the same event, which is OK
+     * when their only purpose is to enable workers to scan for work.
+     *
+     * 5. Managing suspension of extra workers. When a worker notices
+     * (usually upon timeout of a wait()) that there are too few
+     * running threads, we may create a new thread to maintain
+     * parallelism level, or at least avoid starvation. Usually, extra
+     * threads are needed for only very short periods, yet join
+     * dependencies are such that we sometimes need them in
+     * bursts. Rather than create new threads each time this happens,
+     * we suspend no-longer-needed extra ones as "spares". For most
+     * purposes, we don't distinguish "extra" spare threads from
+     * normal "core" threads: On each call to preStep (the only point
+     * at which we can do this) a worker checks to see if there are
+     * now too many running workers, and if so, suspends itself.
+     * Method helpMaintainParallelism looks for suspended threads to
+     * resume before considering creating a new replacement. The
+     * spares themselves are encoded on another variant of a Treiber
+     * Stack, headed at field "spareWaiters".  Note that the use of
+     * spares is intrinsically racy.  One thread may become a spare at
+     * about the same time as another is needlessly being created. We
+     * counteract this and related slop in part by requiring resumed
+     * spares to immediately recheck (in preStep) to see whether they
+     * should re-suspend.
+     *
+     * 6. Killing off unneeded workers. A timeout mechanism is used to
+     * shed unused workers: The oldest (first) event queue waiter uses
+     * a timed rather than hard wait. When this wait times out without
+     * a normal wakeup, it tries to shutdown any one (for convenience
+     * the newest) other spare or event waiter via
+     * tryShutdownUnusedWorker. This eventually reduces the number of
+     * worker threads to a minimum of one after a long enough period
+     * without use.
+     *
+     * 7. Deciding when to create new workers. The main dynamic
+     * control in this class is deciding when to create extra threads
+     * in method helpMaintainParallelism. We would like to keep
+     * exactly #parallelism threads running, which is an impossible
+     * task. We always need to create one when the number of running
+     * threads would become zero and all workers are busy. Beyond
+     * this, we must rely on heuristics that work well in the
+     * presence of transient phenomena such as GC stalls, dynamic
+     * compilation, and wake-up lags. These transients are extremely
+     * common -- we are normally trying to fully saturate the CPUs on
+     * a machine, so almost any activity other than running tasks
+     * impedes accuracy. Our main defense is to allow parallelism to
+     * lapse for a while during joins, and use a timeout to see if,
+     * after the resulting settling, there is still a need for
+     * additional workers.  This also better copes with the fact that
+     * some of the methods in this class tend to never become compiled
+     * (but are interpreted), so some components of the entire set of
+     * controls might execute 100 times faster than others. And
+     * similarly for cases where the apparent lack of work is just due
+     * to GC stalls and other transient system activity.
+     *
+     * Beware that there is a lot of representation-level coupling
+     * among classes ForkJoinPool, ForkJoinWorkerThread, and
+     * ForkJoinTask.  For example, direct access to "workers" array by
+     * workers, and direct access to ForkJoinTask.status by both
+     * ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinWorkerThread.  There is little point
+     * trying to reduce this, since any associated future changes in
+     * representations will need to be accompanied by algorithmic
+     * changes anyway.
+     *
+     * Style notes: There are lots of inline assignments (of form
+     * "while ((local = field) != 0)") which are usually the simplest
+     * way to ensure the required read orderings (which are sometimes
+     * critical). Also several occurrences of the unusual "do {}
+     * while (!cas...)" which is the simplest way to force an update of
+     * a CAS'ed variable. There are also other coding oddities that
+     * help some methods perform reasonably even when interpreted (not
+     * compiled), at the expense of some messy constructions that
+     * reduce byte code counts.
+     *
+     * The order of declarations in this file is: (1) statics (2)
+     * fields (along with constants used when unpacking some of them)
+     * (3) internal control methods (4) callbacks and other support
+     * for ForkJoinTask and ForkJoinWorkerThread classes, (5) exported
+     * methods (plus a few little helpers).
-    /** Mask for packing and unpacking shorts */
-    private static final int  shortMask = 0xffff;
-    /** Max pool size -- must be a power of two minus 1 */
-    private static final int MAX_THREADS =  0x7FFF;
      * Factory for creating new {@link ForkJoinWorkerThread}s.
      * A {@code ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory} must be defined and used
@@ -151,14 +414,10 @@
      * Default ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory implementation; creates a
      * new ForkJoinWorkerThread.
-    static class  DefaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
+    static class DefaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
         implements ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory {
         public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
-            try {
-                return new ForkJoinWorkerThread(pool);
-            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom)  {
-                return null;
-            }
+            return new ForkJoinWorkerThread(pool);
@@ -194,47 +453,44 @@
         new AtomicInteger();
-     * Array holding all worker threads in the pool. Initialized upon
-     * first use. Array size must be a power of two.  Updates and
-     * replacements are protected by workerLock, but it is always kept
-     * in a consistent enough state to be randomly accessed without
-     * locking by workers performing work-stealing.
+     * The time to block in a join (see awaitJoin) before checking if
+     * a new worker should be (re)started to maintain parallelism
+     * level. The value should be short enough to maintain global
+     * responsiveness and progress but long enough to avoid
+     * counterproductive firings during GC stalls or unrelated system
+     * activity, and to not bog down systems with continual re-firings
+     * on GCs or legitimately long waits.
-    volatile ForkJoinWorkerThread[] workers;
-    /**
-     * Lock protecting access to workers.
-     */
-    private final ReentrantLock workerLock;
-    /**
-     * Condition for awaitTermination.
-     */
-    private final Condition termination;
+    private static final long JOIN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 250L; // 4 per second
-     * The uncaught exception handler used when any worker
-     * abruptly terminates
+     * The wakeup interval (in nanoseconds) for the oldest worker
+     * waiting for an event to invoke tryShutdownUnusedWorker to
+     * shrink the number of workers.  The exact value does not matter
+     * too much. It must be short enough to release resources during
+     * sustained periods of idleness, but not so short that threads
+     * are continually re-created.
-    private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh;
-    /**
-     * Creation factory for worker threads.
-     */
-    private final ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory;
+    private static final long SHRINK_RATE_NANOS =
+        30L * 1000L * 1000L * 1000L; // 2 per minute
-     * Head of stack of threads that were created to maintain
-     * parallelism when other threads blocked, but have since
-     * suspended when the parallelism level rose.
+     * Absolute bound for parallelism level. Twice this number plus
+     * one (i.e., 0xfff) must fit into a 16bit field to enable
+     * word-packing for some counts and indices.
-    private volatile WaitQueueNode spareStack;
+    private static final int MAX_WORKERS   = 0x7fff;
-     * Sum of per-thread steal counts, updated only when threads are
-     * idle or terminating.
+     * Array holding all worker threads in the pool.  Array size must
+     * be a power of two.  Updates and replacements are protected by
+     * workerLock, but the array is always kept in a consistent enough
+     * state to be randomly accessed without locking by workers
+     * performing work-stealing, as well as other traversal-based
+     * methods in this class. All readers must tolerate that some
+     * array slots may be null.
-    private final AtomicLong stealCount;
+    volatile ForkJoinWorkerThread[] workers;
      * Queue for external submissions.
@@ -242,160 +498,732 @@
     private final LinkedTransferQueue<ForkJoinTask<?>> submissionQueue;
-     * Head of Treiber stack for barrier sync. See below for explanation.
+     * Lock protecting updates to workers array.
+     */
+    private final ReentrantLock workerLock;
+    /**
+     * Latch released upon termination.
+     */
+    private final Phaser termination;
+    /**
+     * Creation factory for worker threads.
+     */
+    private final ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory;
+    /**
+     * Sum of per-thread steal counts, updated only when threads are
+     * idle or terminating.
-    private volatile WaitQueueNode syncStack;
+    private volatile long stealCount;
+    /**
+     * Encoded record of top of Treiber stack of threads waiting for
+     * events. The top 32 bits contain the count being waited for. The
+     * bottom 16 bits contains one plus the pool index of waiting
+     * worker thread. (Bits 16-31 are unused.)
+     */
+    private volatile long eventWaiters;
+    private static final int  EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT = 32;
+    private static final long WAITER_ID_MASK    = (1L << 16) - 1L;
+    /**
+     * A counter for events that may wake up worker threads:
+     *   - Submission of a new task to the pool
+     *   - A worker pushing a task on an empty queue
+     *   - termination
+     */
+    private volatile int eventCount;
+    /**
+     * Encoded record of top of Treiber stack of spare threads waiting
+     * for resumption. The top 16 bits contain an arbitrary count to
+     * avoid ABA effects. The bottom 16bits contains one plus the pool
+     * index of waiting worker thread.
+     */
+    private volatile int spareWaiters;
+    private static final int SPARE_COUNT_SHIFT = 16;
+    private static final int SPARE_ID_MASK     = (1 << 16) - 1;
-     * The count for event barrier
+     * Lifecycle control. The low word contains the number of workers
+     * that are (probably) executing tasks. This value is atomically
+     * incremented before a worker gets a task to run, and decremented
+     * when a worker has no tasks and cannot find any.  Bits 16-18
+     * contain runLevel value. When all are zero, the pool is
+     * running. Level transitions are monotonic (running -> shutdown
+     * -> terminating -> terminated) so each transition adds a bit.
+     * These are bundled together to ensure consistent read for
+     * termination checks (i.e., that runLevel is at least SHUTDOWN
+     * and active threads is zero).
+     *
+     * Notes: Most direct CASes are dependent on these bitfield
+     * positions.  Also, this field is non-private to enable direct
+     * performance-sensitive CASes in ForkJoinWorkerThread.
-    private volatile long eventCount;
+    volatile int runState;
+    // Note: The order among run level values matters.
+    private static final int RUNLEVEL_SHIFT     = 16;
+    private static final int SHUTDOWN           = 1 << RUNLEVEL_SHIFT;
+    private static final int TERMINATING        = 1 << (RUNLEVEL_SHIFT + 1);
+    private static final int TERMINATED         = 1 << (RUNLEVEL_SHIFT + 2);
+    private static final int ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK  = (1 << RUNLEVEL_SHIFT) - 1;
+    /**
+     * Holds number of total (i.e., created and not yet terminated)
+     * and running (i.e., not blocked on joins or other managed sync)
+     * threads, packed together to ensure consistent snapshot when
+     * making decisions about creating and suspending spare
+     * threads. Updated only by CAS. Note that adding a new worker
+     * requires incrementing both counts, since workers start off in
+     * running state.
+     */
+    private volatile int workerCounts;
+    private static final int TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT  = 16;
+    private static final int RUNNING_COUNT_MASK = (1 << TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) - 1;
+    private static final int ONE_RUNNING        = 1;
+    private static final int ONE_TOTAL          = 1 << TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT;
+    /**
+     * The target parallelism level.
+     * Accessed directly by ForkJoinWorkerThreads.
+     */
+    final int parallelism;
+    /**
+     * True if use local fifo, not default lifo, for local polling
+     * Read by, and replicated by ForkJoinWorkerThreads
+     */
+    final boolean locallyFifo;
+    /**
+     * The uncaught exception handler used when any worker abruptly
+     * terminates.
+     */
+    private final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh;
      * Pool number, just for assigning useful names to worker threads
     private final int poolNumber;
-    /**
-     * The maximum allowed pool size
-     */
-    private volatile int maxPoolSize;
-    /**
-     * The desired parallelism level, updated only under workerLock.
-     */
-    private volatile int parallelism;
-    /**
-     * True if use local fifo, not default lifo, for local polling
-     */
-    private volatile boolean locallyFifo;
+    // Utilities for CASing fields. Note that most of these
+    // are usually manually inlined by callers
-     * Holds number of total (i.e., created and not yet terminated)
-     * and running (i.e., not blocked on joins or other managed sync)
-     * threads, packed into one int to ensure consistent snapshot when
-     * making decisions about creating and suspending spare
-     * threads. Updated only by CAS.  Note: CASes in
-     * updateRunningCount and preJoin assume that running active count
-     * is in low word, so need to be modified if this changes.
+     * Increments running count part of workerCounts
-    private volatile int workerCounts;
-    private static int totalCountOf(int s)           { return s >>> 16;  }
-    private static int runningCountOf(int s)         { return s & shortMask; }
-    private static int workerCountsFor(int t, int r) { return (t << 16) + r; }
-    /**
-     * Adds delta (which may be negative) to running count.  This must
-     * be called before (with negative arg) and after (with positive)
-     * any managed synchronization (i.e., mainly, joins).
-     *
-     * @param delta the number to add
-     */
-    final void updateRunningCount(int delta) {
-        int s;
-        do {} while (!casWorkerCounts(s = workerCounts, s + delta));
+    final void incrementRunningCount() {
+        int c;
+        do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                               c = workerCounts,
+                                               c + ONE_RUNNING));
-     * Adds delta (which may be negative) to both total and running
-     * count.  This must be called upon creation and termination of
-     * worker threads.
-     *
-     * @param delta the number to add
+     * Tries to decrement running count unless already zero
-    private void updateWorkerCount(int delta) {
-        int d = delta + (delta << 16); // add to both lo and hi parts
-        int s;
-        do {} while (!casWorkerCounts(s = workerCounts, s + d));
+    final boolean tryDecrementRunningCount() {
+        int wc = workerCounts;
+        if ((wc & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) == 0)
+            return false;
+        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                        wc, wc - ONE_RUNNING);
-     * Lifecycle control. High word contains runState, low word
-     * contains the number of workers that are (probably) executing
-     * tasks. This value is atomically incremented before a worker
-     * gets a task to run, and decremented when worker has no tasks
-     * and cannot find any. These two fields are bundled together to
-     * support correct termination triggering.  Note: activeCount
-     * CAS'es cheat by assuming active count is in low word, so need
-     * to be modified if this changes
+     * Forces decrement of encoded workerCounts, awaiting nonzero if
+     * (rarely) necessary when other count updates lag.
+     *
+     * @param dr -- either zero or ONE_RUNNING
+     * @param dt -- either zero or ONE_TOTAL
-    private volatile int runControl;
-    // RunState values. Order among values matters
-    private static final int RUNNING     = 0;
-    private static final int SHUTDOWN    = 1;
-    private static final int TERMINATING = 2;
-    private static final int TERMINATED  = 3;
-    private static int runStateOf(int c)             { return c >>> 16; }
-    private static int activeCountOf(int c)          { return c & shortMask; }
-    private static int runControlFor(int r, int a)   { return (r << 16) + a; }
-    /**
-     * Tries incrementing active count; fails on contention.
-     * Called by workers before/during executing tasks.
-     *
-     * @return true on success
-     */
-    final boolean tryIncrementActiveCount() {
-        int c = runControl;
-        return casRunControl(c, c+1);
+    private void decrementWorkerCounts(int dr, int dt) {
+        for (;;) {
+            int wc = workerCounts;
+            if ((wc & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK)  - dr < 0 ||
+                (wc >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) - dt < 0) {
+                if ((runState & TERMINATED) != 0)
+                    return; // lagging termination on a backout
+                Thread.yield();
+            }
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                         wc, wc - (dr + dt)))
+                return;
+        }
      * Tries decrementing active count; fails on contention.
-     * Possibly triggers termination on success.
-     * Called by workers when they can't find tasks.
-     *
-     * @return true on success
+     * Called when workers cannot find tasks to run.
     final boolean tryDecrementActiveCount() {
-        int c = runControl;
-        int nextc = c - 1;
-        if (!casRunControl(c, nextc))
+        int c;
+        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset,
+                                        c = runState, c - 1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Advances to at least the given level. Returns true if not
+     * already in at least the given level.
+     */
+    private boolean advanceRunLevel(int level) {
+        for (;;) {
+            int s = runState;
+            if ((s & level) != 0)
+                return false;
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s, s | level))
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    // workers array maintenance
+    /**
+     * Records and returns a workers array index for new worker.
+     */
+    private int recordWorker(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
+        // Try using slot totalCount-1. If not available, scan and/or resize
+        int k = (workerCounts >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) - 1;
+        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
+        lock.lock();
+        try {
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
+            int n = ws.length;
+            if (k < 0 || k >= n || ws[k] != null) {
+                for (k = 0; k < n && ws[k] != null; ++k)
+                    ;
+                if (k == n)
+                    ws = Arrays.copyOf(ws, n << 1);
+            }
+            ws[k] = w;
+            workers = ws; // volatile array write ensures slot visibility
+        } finally {
+            lock.unlock();
+        }
+        return k;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Nulls out record of worker in workers array.
+     */
+    private void forgetWorker(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
+        int idx = w.poolIndex;
+        // Locking helps method recordWorker avoid unnecessary expansion
+        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
+        lock.lock();
+        try {
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
+            if (idx >= 0 && idx < ws.length && ws[idx] == w) // verify
+                ws[idx] = null;
+        } finally {
+            lock.unlock();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Final callback from terminating worker.  Removes record of
+     * worker from array, and adjusts counts. If pool is shutting
+     * down, tries to complete termination.
+     *
+     * @param w the worker
+     */
+    final void workerTerminated(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
+        forgetWorker(w);
+        decrementWorkerCounts(w.isTrimmed()? 0 : ONE_RUNNING, ONE_TOTAL);
+        while (w.stealCount != 0) // collect final count
+            tryAccumulateStealCount(w);
+        tryTerminate(false);
+    }
+    // Waiting for and signalling events
+    /**
+     * Releases workers blocked on a count not equal to current count.
+     * Normally called after precheck that eventWaiters isn't zero to
+     * avoid wasted array checks. Gives up upon a change in count or
+     * upon releasing two workers, letting others take over.
+     */
+    private void releaseEventWaiters() {
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
+        int n = ws.length;
+        long h = eventWaiters;
+        int ec = eventCount;
+        boolean releasedOne = false;
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread w; int id;
+        while ((id = ((int)(h & WAITER_ID_MASK)) - 1) >= 0 &&
+               (int)(h >>> EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) != ec &&
+               id < n && (w = ws[id]) != null) {
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, eventWaitersOffset,
+                                          h,  w.nextWaiter)) {
+                LockSupport.unpark(w);
+                if (releasedOne) // exit on second release
+                    break;
+                releasedOne = true;
+            }
+            if (eventCount != ec)
+                break;
+            h = eventWaiters;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tries to advance eventCount and releases waiters. Called only
+     * from workers.
+     */
+    final void signalWork() {
+        int c; // try to increment event count -- CAS failure OK
+        UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, eventCountOffset, c = eventCount, c+1);
+        if (eventWaiters != 0L)
+            releaseEventWaiters();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds the given worker to event queue and blocks until
+     * terminating or event count advances from the given value
+     *
+     * @param w the calling worker thread
+     * @param ec the count
+     */
+    private void eventSync(ForkJoinWorkerThread w, int ec) {
+        long nh = (((long)ec) << EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) | ((long)(w.poolIndex+1));
+        long h;
+        while ((runState < SHUTDOWN || !tryTerminate(false)) &&
+               (((int)((h = eventWaiters) & WAITER_ID_MASK)) == 0 ||
+                (int)(h >>> EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) == ec) &&
+               eventCount == ec) {
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, eventWaitersOffset,
+                                          w.nextWaiter = h, nh)) {
+                awaitEvent(w, ec);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Blocks the given worker (that has already been entered as an
+     * event waiter) until terminating or event count advances from
+     * the given value. The oldest (first) waiter uses a timed wait to
+     * occasionally one-by-one shrink the number of workers (to a
+     * minimum of one) if the pool has not been used for extended
+     * periods.
+     *
+     * @param w the calling worker thread
+     * @param ec the count
+     */
+    private void awaitEvent(ForkJoinWorkerThread w, int ec) {
+        while (eventCount == ec) {
+            if (tryAccumulateStealCount(w)) { // transfer while idle
+                boolean untimed = (w.nextWaiter != 0L ||
+                                   (workerCounts & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) <= 1);
+                long startTime = untimed? 0 : System.nanoTime();
+                Thread.interrupted();         // clear/ignore interrupt
+                if (eventCount != ec || w.runState != 0 ||
+                    runState >= TERMINATING)  // recheck after clear
+                    break;
+                if (untimed)
+                    LockSupport.park(w);
+                else {
+                    LockSupport.parkNanos(w, SHRINK_RATE_NANOS);
+                    if (eventCount != ec || w.runState != 0 ||
+                        runState >= TERMINATING)
+                        break;
+                    if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= SHRINK_RATE_NANOS)
+                        tryShutdownUnusedWorker(ec);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Maintaining parallelism
+    /**
+     * Pushes worker onto the spare stack.
+     */
+    final void pushSpare(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
+        int ns = (++w.spareCount << SPARE_COUNT_SHIFT) | (w.poolIndex + 1);
+        do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, spareWaitersOffset,
+                                               w.nextSpare = spareWaiters,ns));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tries (once) to resume a spare if the number of running
+     * threads is less than target.
+     */
+    private void tryResumeSpare() {
+        int sw, id;
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
+        int n = ws.length;
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread w;
+        if ((sw = spareWaiters) != 0 &&
+            (id = (sw & SPARE_ID_MASK) - 1) >= 0 &&
+            id < n && (w = ws[id]) != null &&
+            (workerCounts & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) < parallelism &&
+            spareWaiters == sw &&
+            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, spareWaitersOffset,
+                                     sw, w.nextSpare)) {
+            int c; // increment running count before resume
+            do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                         (this, workerCountsOffset,
+                          c = workerCounts, c + ONE_RUNNING));
+            if (w.tryUnsuspend())
+                LockSupport.unpark(w);
+            else   // back out if w was shutdown
+                decrementWorkerCounts(ONE_RUNNING, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tries to increase the number of running workers if below target
+     * parallelism: If a spare exists tries to resume it via
+     * tryResumeSpare.  Otherwise, if not enough total workers or all
+     * existing workers are busy, adds a new worker. In all cases also
+     * helps wake up releasable workers waiting for work.
+     */
+    private void helpMaintainParallelism() {
+        int pc = parallelism;
+        int wc, rs, tc;
+        while (((wc = workerCounts) & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) < pc &&
+               (rs = runState) < TERMINATING) {
+            if (spareWaiters != 0)
+                tryResumeSpare();
+            else if ((tc = wc >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) >= MAX_WORKERS ||
+                     (tc >= pc && (rs & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK) != tc))
+                break;   // enough total
+            else if (runState == rs && workerCounts == wc &&
+                     UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset, wc,
+                                              wc + (ONE_RUNNING|ONE_TOTAL))) {
+                ForkJoinWorkerThread w = null;
+                try {
+                    w = factory.newThread(this);
+                } finally { // adjust on null or exceptional factory return
+                    if (w == null) {
+                        decrementWorkerCounts(ONE_RUNNING, ONE_TOTAL);
+                        tryTerminate(false); // handle failure during shutdown
+                    }
+                }
+                if (w == null)
+                    break;
+                w.start(recordWorker(w), ueh);
+                if ((workerCounts >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) >= pc) {
+                    int c; // advance event count
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, eventCountOffset,
+                                             c = eventCount, c+1);
+                    break; // add at most one unless total below target
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (eventWaiters != 0L)
+            releaseEventWaiters();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Callback from the oldest waiter in awaitEvent waking up after a
+     * period of non-use. If all workers are idle, tries (once) to
+     * shutdown an event waiter or a spare, if one exists. Note that
+     * we don't need CAS or locks here because the method is called
+     * only from one thread occasionally waking (and even misfires are
+     * OK). Note that until the shutdown worker fully terminates,
+     * workerCounts will overestimate total count, which is tolerable.
+     *
+     * @param ec the event count waited on by caller (to abort
+     * attempt if count has since changed).
+     */
+    private void tryShutdownUnusedWorker(int ec) {
+        if (runState == 0 && eventCount == ec) { // only trigger if all idle
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
+            int n = ws.length;
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread w = null;
+            boolean shutdown = false;
+            int sw;
+            long h;
+            if ((sw = spareWaiters) != 0) { // prefer killing spares
+                int id = (sw & SPARE_ID_MASK) - 1;
+                if (id >= 0 && id < n && (w = ws[id]) != null &&
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, spareWaitersOffset,
+                                             sw, w.nextSpare))
+                    shutdown = true;
+            }
+            else if ((h = eventWaiters) != 0L) {
+                long nh;
+                int id = ((int)(h & WAITER_ID_MASK)) - 1;
+                if (id >= 0 && id < n && (w = ws[id]) != null &&
+                    (nh = w.nextWaiter) != 0L && // keep at least one worker
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, eventWaitersOffset, h, nh))
+                    shutdown = true;
+            }
+            if (w != null && shutdown) {
+                w.shutdown();
+                LockSupport.unpark(w);
+            }
+        }
+        releaseEventWaiters(); // in case of interference
+    }
+    /**
+     * Callback from workers invoked upon each top-level action (i.e.,
+     * stealing a task or taking a submission and running it).
+     * Performs one or more of the following:
+     *
+     * 1. If the worker is active and either did not run a task
+     *    or there are too many workers, try to set its active status
+     *    to inactive and update activeCount. On contention, we may
+     *    try again in this or a subsequent call.
+     *
+     * 2. If not enough total workers, help create some.
+     *
+     * 3. If there are too many running workers, suspend this worker
+     *    (first forcing inactive if necessary).  If it is not needed,
+     *    it may be shutdown while suspended (via
+     *    tryShutdownUnusedWorker).  Otherwise, upon resume it
+     *    rechecks running thread count and need for event sync.
+     *
+     * 4. If worker did not run a task, await the next task event via
+     *    eventSync if necessary (first forcing inactivation), upon
+     *    which the worker may be shutdown via
+     *    tryShutdownUnusedWorker.  Otherwise, help release any
+     *    existing event waiters that are now releasable,
+     *
+     * @param w the worker
+     * @param ran true if worker ran a task since last call to this method
+     */
+    final void preStep(ForkJoinWorkerThread w, boolean ran) {
+        int wec = w.lastEventCount;
+        boolean active = w.active;
+        boolean inactivate = false;
+        int pc = parallelism;
+        int rs;
+        while (w.runState == 0 && (rs = runState) < TERMINATING) {
+            if ((inactivate || (active && (rs & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK) >= pc)) &&
+                UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, rs, rs - 1))
+                inactivate = active = w.active = false;
+            int wc = workerCounts;
+            if ((wc & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) > pc) {
+                if (!(inactivate |= active) && // must inactivate to suspend
+                    workerCounts == wc &&      // try to suspend as spare
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                             wc, wc - ONE_RUNNING))
+                    w.suspendAsSpare();
+            }
+            else if ((wc >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) < pc)
+                helpMaintainParallelism();     // not enough workers
+            else if (!ran) {
+                long h = eventWaiters;
+                int ec = eventCount;
+                if (h != 0L && (int)(h >>> EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) != ec)
+                    releaseEventWaiters();     // release others before waiting
+                else if (ec != wec) {
+                    w.lastEventCount = ec;     // no need to wait
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if (!(inactivate |= active))
+                    eventSync(w, wec);         // must inactivate before sync
+            }
+            else
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Helps and/or blocks awaiting join of the given task.
+     * See above for explanation.
+     *
+     * @param joinMe the task to join
+     * @param worker the current worker thread
+     */
+    final void awaitJoin(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe, ForkJoinWorkerThread worker) {
+        int retries = 2 + (parallelism >> 2); // #helpJoins before blocking
+        while (joinMe.status >= 0) {
+            int wc;
+            worker.helpJoinTask(joinMe);
+            if (joinMe.status < 0)
+                break;
+            else if (retries > 0)
+                --retries;
+            else if (((wc = workerCounts) & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) != 0 &&
+                     UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                              wc, wc - ONE_RUNNING)) {
+                int stat, c; long h;
+                while ((stat = joinMe.status) >= 0 &&
+                       (h = eventWaiters) != 0L && // help release others
+                       (int)(h >>> EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) != eventCount)
+                    releaseEventWaiters();
+                if (stat >= 0 &&
+                    ((workerCounts & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) == 0 ||
+                     (stat =
+                      joinMe.internalAwaitDone(JOIN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS)) >= 0))
+                    helpMaintainParallelism(); // timeout or no running workers
+                do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                             (this, workerCountsOffset,
+                              c = workerCounts, c + ONE_RUNNING));
+                if (stat < 0)
+                    break;   // else restart
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Same idea as awaitJoin, but no helping, retries, or timeouts.
+     */
+    final void awaitBlocker(ManagedBlocker blocker)
+        throws InterruptedException {
+        while (!blocker.isReleasable()) {
+            int wc = workerCounts;
+            if ((wc & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) != 0 &&
+                UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                         wc, wc - ONE_RUNNING)) {
+                try {
+                    while (!blocker.isReleasable()) {
+                        long h = eventWaiters;
+                        if (h != 0L &&
+                            (int)(h >>> EVENT_COUNT_SHIFT) != eventCount)
+                            releaseEventWaiters();
+                        else if ((workerCounts & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK) == 0 &&
+                                 runState < TERMINATING)
+                            helpMaintainParallelism();
+                        else if (blocker.block())
+                            break;
+                    }
+                } finally {
+                    int c;
+                    do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                                 (this, workerCountsOffset,
+                                  c = workerCounts, c + ONE_RUNNING));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Possibly initiates and/or completes termination.
+     *
+     * @param now if true, unconditionally terminate, else only
+     * if shutdown and empty queue and no active workers
+     * @return true if now terminating or terminated
+     */
+    private boolean tryTerminate(boolean now) {
+        if (now)
+            advanceRunLevel(SHUTDOWN); // ensure at least SHUTDOWN
+        else if (runState < SHUTDOWN ||
+                 !submissionQueue.isEmpty() ||
+                 (runState & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK) != 0)
             return false;
-        if (canTerminateOnShutdown(nextc))
-            terminateOnShutdown();
+        if (advanceRunLevel(TERMINATING))
+            startTerminating();
+        // Finish now if all threads terminated; else in some subsequent call
+        if ((workerCounts >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT) == 0) {
+            advanceRunLevel(TERMINATED);
+            termination.arrive();
+        }
         return true;
-     * Returns {@code true} if argument represents zero active count
-     * and nonzero runstate, which is the triggering condition for
-     * terminating on shutdown.
+     * Actions on transition to TERMINATING
+     *
+     * Runs up to four passes through workers: (0) shutting down each
+     * (without waking up if parked) to quickly spread notifications
+     * without unnecessary bouncing around event queues etc (1) wake
+     * up and help cancel tasks (2) interrupt (3) mop up races with
+     * interrupted workers
-    private static boolean canTerminateOnShutdown(int c) {
-        // i.e. least bit is nonzero runState bit
-        return ((c & -c) >>> 16) != 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Transition run state to at least the given state. Return true
-     * if not already at least given state.
-     */
-    private boolean transitionRunStateTo(int state) {
-        for (;;) {
-            int c = runControl;
-            if (runStateOf(c) >= state)
-                return false;
-            if (casRunControl(c, runControlFor(state, activeCountOf(c))))
-                return true;
+    private void startTerminating() {
+        cancelSubmissions();
+        for (int passes = 0; passes < 4 && workerCounts != 0; ++passes) {
+            int c; // advance event count
+            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, eventCountOffset,
+                                     c = eventCount, c+1);
+            eventWaiters = 0L; // clobber lists
+            spareWaiters = 0;
+            for (ForkJoinWorkerThread w : workers) {
+                if (w != null) {
+                    w.shutdown();
+                    if (passes > 0 && !w.isTerminated()) {
+                        w.cancelTasks();
+                        LockSupport.unpark(w);
+                        if (passes > 1) {
+                            try {
+                                w.interrupt();
+                            } catch (SecurityException ignore) {
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-     * Controls whether to add spares to maintain parallelism
+     * Clears out and cancels submissions, ignoring exceptions.
+     */
+    private void cancelSubmissions() {
+        ForkJoinTask<?> task;
+        while ((task = submissionQueue.poll()) != null) {
+            try {
+                task.cancel(false);
+            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // misc support for ForkJoinWorkerThread
+    /**
+     * Returns pool number.
+     */
+    final int getPoolNumber() {
+        return poolNumber;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tries to accumulate steal count from a worker, clearing
+     * the worker's value if successful.
+     *
+     * @return true if worker steal count now zero
-    private volatile boolean maintainsParallelism;
+    final boolean tryAccumulateStealCount(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
+        int sc = w.stealCount;
+        long c = stealCount;
+        // CAS even if zero, for fence effects
+        if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, stealCountOffset, c, c + sc)) {
+            if (sc != 0)
+                w.stealCount = 0;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return sc == 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the approximate (non-atomic) number of idle threads per
+     * active thread.
+     */
+    final int idlePerActive() {
+        int pc = parallelism; // use parallelism, not rc
+        int ac = runState;    // no mask -- artificially boosts during shutdown
+        // Use exact results for small values, saturate past 4
+        return ((pc <= ac) ? 0 :
+                (pc >>> 1 <= ac) ? 1 :
+                (pc >>> 2 <= ac) ? 3 :
+                pc >>> 3);
+    }
+    // Public and protected methods
     // Constructors
      * Creates a {@code ForkJoinPool} with parallelism equal to {@link
-     * java.lang.Runtime#availableProcessors}, and using the {@linkplain
-     * #defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory default thread factory}.
+     * java.lang.Runtime#availableProcessors}, using the {@linkplain
+     * #defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory default thread factory},
+     * no UncaughtExceptionHandler, and non-async LIFO processing mode.
      * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and
      *         the caller is not permitted to modify threads
@@ -404,13 +1232,14 @@
     public ForkJoinPool() {
-             defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory);
+             defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, false);
      * Creates a {@code ForkJoinPool} with the indicated parallelism
-     * level and using the {@linkplain
-     * #defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory default thread factory}.
+     * level, the {@linkplain
+     * #defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory default thread factory},
+     * no UncaughtExceptionHandler, and non-async LIFO processing mode.
      * @param parallelism the parallelism level
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parallelism less than or
@@ -421,31 +1250,25 @@
      *         java.lang.RuntimePermission}{@code ("modifyThread")}
     public ForkJoinPool(int parallelism) {
-        this(parallelism, defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory);
+        this(parallelism, defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, false);
-     * Creates a {@code ForkJoinPool} with parallelism equal to {@link
-     * java.lang.Runtime#availableProcessors}, and using the given
-     * thread factory.
+     * Creates a {@code ForkJoinPool} with the given parameters.
-     * @param factory the factory for creating new threads
-     * @throws NullPointerException if the factory is null
-     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and
-     *         the caller is not permitted to modify threads
-     *         because it does not hold {@link
-     *         java.lang.RuntimePermission}{@code ("modifyThread")}
-     */
-    public ForkJoinPool(ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory) {
-        this(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), factory);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a {@code ForkJoinPool} with the given parallelism and
-     * thread factory.
-     *
-     * @param parallelism the parallelism level
-     * @param factory the factory for creating new threads
+     * @param parallelism the parallelism level. For default value,
+     * use {@link java.lang.Runtime#availableProcessors}.
+     * @param factory the factory for creating new threads. For default value,
+     * use {@link #defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory}.
+     * @param handler the handler for internal worker threads that
+     * terminate due to unrecoverable errors encountered while executing
+     * tasks. For default value, use {@code null}.
+     * @param asyncMode if true,
+     * establishes local first-in-first-out scheduling mode for forked
+     * tasks that are never joined. This mode may be more appropriate
+     * than default locally stack-based mode in applications in which
+     * worker threads only process event-style asynchronous tasks.
+     * For default value, use {@code false}.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parallelism less than or
      *         equal to zero, or greater than implementation limit
      * @throws NullPointerException if the factory is null
@@ -454,153 +1277,40 @@
      *         because it does not hold {@link
      *         java.lang.RuntimePermission}{@code ("modifyThread")}
-    public ForkJoinPool(int parallelism, ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory) {
-        if (parallelism <= 0 || parallelism > MAX_THREADS)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+    public ForkJoinPool(int parallelism,
+                        ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory,
+                        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler,
+                        boolean asyncMode) {
+        checkPermission();
         if (factory == null)
             throw new NullPointerException();
-        checkPermission();
-        this.factory = factory;
+        if (parallelism <= 0 || parallelism > MAX_WORKERS)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
         this.parallelism = parallelism;
-        this.maxPoolSize = MAX_THREADS;
-        this.maintainsParallelism = true;
-        this.poolNumber = poolNumberGenerator.incrementAndGet();
-        this.workerLock = new ReentrantLock();
-        this.termination = workerLock.newCondition();
-        this.stealCount = new AtomicLong();
+        this.factory = factory;
+        this.ueh = handler;
+        this.locallyFifo = asyncMode;
+        int arraySize = initialArraySizeFor(parallelism);
+        this.workers = new ForkJoinWorkerThread[arraySize];
         this.submissionQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<ForkJoinTask<?>>();
-        // worker array and workers are lazily constructed
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new worker thread using factory.
-     *
-     * @param index the index to assign worker
-     * @return new worker, or null if factory failed
-     */
-    private ForkJoinWorkerThread createWorker(int index) {
-        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h = ueh;
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = factory.newThread(this);
-        if (w != null) {
-            w.poolIndex = index;
-            w.setDaemon(true);
-            w.setAsyncMode(locallyFifo);
-            w.setName("ForkJoinPool-" + poolNumber + "-worker-" + index);
-            if (h != null)
-                w.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(h);
-        }
-        return w;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a good size for worker array given pool size.
-     * Currently requires size to be a power of two.
-     */
-    private static int arraySizeFor(int poolSize) {
-        if (poolSize <= 1)
-            return 1;
-        // See Hackers Delight, sec 3.2
-        int c = poolSize >= MAX_THREADS ? MAX_THREADS : (poolSize - 1);
-        c |= c >>>  1;
-        c |= c >>>  2;
-        c |= c >>>  4;
-        c |= c >>>  8;
-        c |= c >>> 16;
-        return c + 1;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates or resizes array if necessary to hold newLength.
-     * Call only under exclusion.
-     *
-     * @return the array
-     */
-    private ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ensureWorkerArrayCapacity(int newLength) {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws == null)
-            return workers = new ForkJoinWorkerThread[arraySizeFor(newLength)];
-        else if (newLength > ws.length)
-            return workers = Arrays.copyOf(ws, arraySizeFor(newLength));
-        else
-            return ws;
+        this.workerLock = new ReentrantLock();
+        this.termination = new Phaser(1);
+        this.poolNumber = poolNumberGenerator.incrementAndGet();
-     * Tries to shrink workers into smaller array after one or more terminate.
-     */
-    private void tryShrinkWorkerArray() {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws != null) {
-            int len = ws.length;
-            int last = len - 1;
-            while (last >= 0 && ws[last] == null)
-                --last;
-            int newLength = arraySizeFor(last+1);
-            if (newLength < len)
-                workers = Arrays.copyOf(ws, newLength);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initializes workers if necessary.
+     * Returns initial power of two size for workers array.
+     * @param pc the initial parallelism level
-    final void ensureWorkerInitialization() {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws == null) {
-            final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-            lock.lock();
-            try {
-                ws = workers;
-                if (ws == null) {
-                    int ps = parallelism;
-                    ws = ensureWorkerArrayCapacity(ps);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < ps; ++i) {
-                        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = createWorker(i);
-                        if (w != null) {
-                            ws[i] = w;
-                            w.start();
-                            updateWorkerCount(1);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } finally {
-                lock.unlock();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Worker creation and startup for threads added via setParallelism.
-     */
-    private void createAndStartAddedWorkers() {
-        resumeAllSpares();  // Allow spares to convert to nonspare
-        int ps = parallelism;
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = ensureWorkerArrayCapacity(ps);
-        int len = ws.length;
-        // Sweep through slots, to keep lowest indices most populated
-        int k = 0;
-        while (k < len) {
-            if (ws[k] != null) {
-                ++k;
-                continue;
-            }
-            int s = workerCounts;
-            int tc = totalCountOf(s);
-            int rc = runningCountOf(s);
-            if (rc >= ps || tc >= ps)
-                break;
-            if (casWorkerCounts (s, workerCountsFor(tc+1, rc+1))) {
-                ForkJoinWorkerThread w = createWorker(k);
-                if (w != null) {
-                    ws[k++] = w;
-                    w.start();
-                }
-                else {
-                    updateWorkerCount(-1); // back out on failed creation
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    private static int initialArraySizeFor(int pc) {
+        // If possible, initially allocate enough space for one spare
+        int size = pc < MAX_WORKERS ? pc + 1 : MAX_WORKERS;
+        // See Hackers Delight, sec 3.2. We know MAX_WORKERS < (1 >>> 16)
+        size |= size >>> 1;
+        size |= size >>> 2;
+        size |= size >>> 4;
+        size |= size >>> 8;
+        return size + 1;
     // Execution methods
@@ -611,12 +1321,12 @@
     private <T> void doSubmit(ForkJoinTask<T> task) {
         if (task == null)
             throw new NullPointerException();
-        if (isShutdown())
+        if (runState >= SHUTDOWN)
             throw new RejectedExecutionException();
-        if (workers == null)
-            ensureWorkerInitialization();
-        signalIdleWorkers();
+        int c; // try to increment event count -- CAS failure OK
+        UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, eventCountOffset, c = eventCount, c+1);
+        helpMaintainParallelism(); // create, start, or resume some workers
@@ -662,6 +1372,20 @@
+     * Submits a ForkJoinTask for execution.
+     *
+     * @param task the task to submit
+     * @return the task
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
+     * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
+     *         scheduled for execution
+     */
+    public <T> ForkJoinTask<T> submit(ForkJoinTask<T> task) {
+        doSubmit(task);
+        return task;
+    }
+    /**
      * @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
      * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
      *         scheduled for execution
@@ -699,21 +1423,6 @@
-     * Submits a ForkJoinTask for execution.
-     *
-     * @param task the task to submit
-     * @return the task
-     * @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
-     * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
-     *         scheduled for execution
-     */
-    public <T> ForkJoinTask<T> submit(ForkJoinTask<T> task) {
-        doSubmit(task);
-        return task;
-    }
-    /**
      * @throws NullPointerException       {@inheritDoc}
      * @throws RejectedExecutionException {@inheritDoc}
@@ -725,7 +1434,7 @@
         invoke(new InvokeAll<T>(forkJoinTasks));
         @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
-        List<Future<T>> futures = (List<Future<T>>) (List) forkJoinTasks;
+            List<Future<T>> futures = (List<Future<T>>) (List) forkJoinTasks;
         return futures;
@@ -739,8 +1448,6 @@
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -7914297376763021607L;
-    // Configuration and status settings and queries
      * Returns the factory used for constructing new workers.
@@ -757,84 +1464,7 @@
      * @return the handler, or {@code null} if none
     public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
-        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h;
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            h = ueh;
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-        return h;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the handler for internal worker threads that terminate due
-     * to unrecoverable errors encountered while executing tasks.
-     * Unless set, the current default or ThreadGroup handler is used
-     * as handler.
-     *
-     * @param h the new handler
-     * @return the old handler, or {@code null} if none
-     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and
-     *         the caller is not permitted to modify threads
-     *         because it does not hold {@link
-     *         java.lang.RuntimePermission}{@code ("modifyThread")}
-     */
-    public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
-        setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h) {
-        checkPermission();
-        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler old = null;
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            old = ueh;
-            ueh = h;
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-            if (ws != null) {
-                for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread w = ws[i];
-                    if (w != null)
-                        w.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(h);
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-        return old;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the target parallelism level of this pool.
-     *
-     * @param parallelism the target parallelism
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parallelism less than or
-     * equal to zero or greater than maximum size bounds
-     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and
-     *         the caller is not permitted to modify threads
-     *         because it does not hold {@link
-     *         java.lang.RuntimePermission}{@code ("modifyThread")}
-     */
-    public void setParallelism(int parallelism) {
-        checkPermission();
-        if (parallelism <= 0 || parallelism > maxPoolSize)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            if (isProcessingTasks()) {
-                int p = this.parallelism;
-                this.parallelism = parallelism;
-                if (parallelism > p)
-                    createAndStartAddedWorkers();
-                else
-                    trimSpares();
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-        signalIdleWorkers();
+        return ueh;
@@ -848,92 +1478,14 @@
      * Returns the number of worker threads that have started but not
-     * yet terminated.  This result returned by this method may differ
+     * yet terminated.  The result returned by this method may differ
      * from {@link #getParallelism} when threads are created to
      * maintain parallelism when others are cooperatively blocked.
      * @return the number of worker threads
     public int getPoolSize() {
-        return totalCountOf(workerCounts);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the maximum number of threads allowed to exist in the
-     * pool. Unless set using {@link #setMaximumPoolSize}, the
-     * maximum is an implementation-defined value designed only to
-     * prevent runaway growth.
-     *
-     * @return the maximum
-     */
-    public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
-        return maxPoolSize;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the maximum number of threads allowed to exist in the
-     * pool. The given value should normally be greater than or equal
-     * to the {@link #getParallelism parallelism} level. Setting this
-     * value has no effect on current pool size. It controls
-     * construction of new threads.
-     *
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if negative or greater than
-     * internal implementation limit
-     */
-    public void setMaximumPoolSize(int newMax) {
-        if (newMax < 0 || newMax > MAX_THREADS)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
-        maxPoolSize = newMax;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns {@code true} if this pool dynamically maintains its
-     * target parallelism level. If false, new threads are added only
-     * to avoid possible starvation.  This setting is by default true.
-     *
-     * @return {@code true} if maintains parallelism
-     */
-    public boolean getMaintainsParallelism() {
-        return maintainsParallelism;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets whether this pool dynamically maintains its target
-     * parallelism level. If false, new threads are added only to
-     * avoid possible starvation.
-     *
-     * @param enable {@code true} to maintain parallelism
-     */
-    public void setMaintainsParallelism(boolean enable) {
-        maintainsParallelism = enable;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Establishes local first-in-first-out scheduling mode for forked
-     * tasks that are never joined. This mode may be more appropriate
-     * than default locally stack-based mode in applications in which
-     * worker threads only process asynchronous tasks.  This method is
-     * designed to be invoked only when the pool is quiescent, and
-     * typically only before any tasks are submitted. The effects of
-     * invocations at other times may be unpredictable.
-     *
-     * @param async if {@code true}, use locally FIFO scheduling
-     * @return the previous mode
-     * @see #getAsyncMode
-     */
-    public boolean setAsyncMode(boolean async) {
-        boolean oldMode = locallyFifo;
-        locallyFifo = async;
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws != null) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                ForkJoinWorkerThread t = ws[i];
-                if (t != null)
-                    t.setAsyncMode(async);
-            }
-        }
-        return oldMode;
+        return workerCounts >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT;
@@ -941,7 +1493,6 @@
      * scheduling mode for forked tasks that are never joined.
      * @return {@code true} if this pool uses async mode
-     * @see #setAsyncMode
     public boolean getAsyncMode() {
         return locallyFifo;
@@ -950,12 +1501,13 @@
      * Returns an estimate of the number of worker threads that are
      * not blocked waiting to join tasks or for other managed
-     * synchronization.
+     * synchronization. This method may overestimate the
+     * number of running threads.
      * @return the number of worker threads
     public int getRunningThreadCount() {
-        return runningCountOf(workerCounts);
+        return workerCounts & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK;
@@ -966,19 +1518,7 @@
      * @return the number of active threads
     public int getActiveThreadCount() {
-        return activeCountOf(runControl);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns an estimate of the number of threads that are currently
-     * idle waiting for tasks. This method may underestimate the
-     * number of idle threads.
-     *
-     * @return the number of idle threads
-     */
-    final int getIdleThreadCount() {
-        int c = runningCountOf(workerCounts) - activeCountOf(runControl);
-        return (c <= 0) ? 0 : c;
+        return runState & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK;
@@ -993,7 +1533,7 @@
      * @return {@code true} if all threads are currently idle
     public boolean isQuiescent() {
-        return activeCountOf(runControl) == 0;
+        return (runState & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK) == 0;
@@ -1008,17 +1548,7 @@
      * @return the number of steals
     public long getStealCount() {
-        return stealCount.get();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Accumulates steal count from a worker.
-     * Call only when worker known to be idle.
-     */
-    private void updateStealCount(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        int sc = w.getAndClearStealCount();
-        if (sc != 0)
-            stealCount.addAndGet(sc);
+        return stealCount;
@@ -1033,14 +1563,9 @@
     public long getQueuedTaskCount() {
         long count = 0;
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws != null) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                ForkJoinWorkerThread t = ws[i];
-                if (t != null)
-                    count += t.getQueueSize();
-            }
-        }
+        for (ForkJoinWorkerThread w : workers)
+            if (w != null)
+                count += w.getQueueSize();
         return count;
@@ -1094,16 +1619,11 @@
      * @return the number of elements transferred
     protected int drainTasksTo(Collection<? super ForkJoinTask<?>> c) {
-        int n = submissionQueue.drainTo(c);
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-        if (ws != null) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                ForkJoinWorkerThread w = ws[i];
-                if (w != null)
-                    n += w.drainTasksTo(c);
-            }
-        }
-        return n;
+        int count = submissionQueue.drainTo(c);
+        for (ForkJoinWorkerThread w : workers)
+            if (w != null)
+                count += w.drainTasksTo(c);
+        return count;
@@ -1114,36 +1634,34 @@
      * @return a string identifying this pool, as well as its state
     public String toString() {
-        int ps = parallelism;
-        int wc = workerCounts;
-        int rc = runControl;
         long st = getStealCount();
         long qt = getQueuedTaskCount();
         long qs = getQueuedSubmissionCount();
+        int wc = workerCounts;
+        int tc = wc >>> TOTAL_COUNT_SHIFT;
+        int rc = wc & RUNNING_COUNT_MASK;
+        int pc = parallelism;
+        int rs = runState;
+        int ac = rs & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK;
         return super.toString() +
-            "[" + runStateToString(runStateOf(rc)) +
-            ", parallelism = " + ps +
-            ", size = " + totalCountOf(wc) +
-            ", active = " + activeCountOf(rc) +
-            ", running = " + runningCountOf(wc) +
+            "[" + runLevelToString(rs) +
+            ", parallelism = " + pc +
+            ", size = " + tc +
+            ", active = " + ac +
+            ", running = " + rc +
             ", steals = " + st +
             ", tasks = " + qt +
             ", submissions = " + qs +
-    private static String runStateToString(int rs) {
-        switch(rs) {
-        case RUNNING: return "Running";
-        case SHUTDOWN: return "Shutting down";
-        case TERMINATING: return "Terminating";
-        case TERMINATED: return "Terminated";
-        default: throw new Error("Unknown run state");
-        }
+    private static String runLevelToString(int s) {
+        return ((s & TERMINATED) != 0 ? "Terminated" :
+                ((s & TERMINATING) != 0 ? "Terminating" :
+                 ((s & SHUTDOWN) != 0 ? "Shutting down" :
+                  "Running")));
-    // lifecycle control
      * Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted
      * tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
@@ -1158,23 +1676,8 @@
     public void shutdown() {
-        transitionRunStateTo(SHUTDOWN);
-        if (canTerminateOnShutdown(runControl)) {
-            if (workers == null) { // shutting down before workers created
-                final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-                lock.lock();
-                try {
-                    if (workers == null) {
-                        terminate();
-                        transitionRunStateTo(TERMINATED);
-                        termination.signalAll();
-                    }
-                } finally {
-                    lock.unlock();
-                }
-            }
-            terminateOnShutdown();
-        }
+        advanceRunLevel(SHUTDOWN);
+        tryTerminate(false);
@@ -1195,7 +1698,7 @@
     public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() {
-        terminate();
+        tryTerminate(true);
         return Collections.emptyList();
@@ -1205,7 +1708,7 @@
      * @return {@code true} if all tasks have completed following shut down
     public boolean isTerminated() {
-        return runStateOf(runControl) == TERMINATED;
+        return runState >= TERMINATED;
@@ -1219,7 +1722,7 @@
      * @return {@code true} if terminating but not yet terminated
     public boolean isTerminating() {
-        return runStateOf(runControl) == TERMINATING;
+        return (runState & (TERMINATING|TERMINATED)) == TERMINATING;
@@ -1228,15 +1731,7 @@
      * @return {@code true} if this pool has been shut down
     public boolean isShutdown() {
-        return runStateOf(runControl) >= SHUTDOWN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if pool is not terminating or terminated.
-     * Used internally to suppress execution when terminating.
-     */
-    final boolean isProcessingTasks() {
-        return runStateOf(runControl) < TERMINATING;
+        return runState >= SHUTDOWN;
@@ -1252,585 +1747,10 @@
     public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
         throws InterruptedException {
-        long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
         try {
-            for (;;) {
-                if (isTerminated())
-                    return true;
-                if (nanos <= 0)
-                    return false;
-                nanos = termination.awaitNanos(nanos);
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    // Shutdown and termination support
-    /**
-     * Callback from terminating worker. Nulls out the corresponding
-     * workers slot, and if terminating, tries to terminate; else
-     * tries to shrink workers array.
-     *
-     * @param w the worker
-     */
-    final void workerTerminated(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        updateStealCount(w);
-        updateWorkerCount(-1);
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-            if (ws != null) {
-                int idx = w.poolIndex;
-                if (idx >= 0 && idx < ws.length && ws[idx] == w)
-                    ws[idx] = null;
-                if (totalCountOf(workerCounts) == 0) {
-                    terminate(); // no-op if already terminating
-                    transitionRunStateTo(TERMINATED);
-                    termination.signalAll();
-                }
-                else if (isProcessingTasks()) {
-                    tryShrinkWorkerArray();
-                    tryResumeSpare(true); // allow replacement
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-        signalIdleWorkers();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initiates termination.
-     */
-    private void terminate() {
-        if (transitionRunStateTo(TERMINATING)) {
-            stopAllWorkers();
-            resumeAllSpares();
-            signalIdleWorkers();
-            cancelQueuedSubmissions();
-            cancelQueuedWorkerTasks();
-            interruptUnterminatedWorkers();
-            signalIdleWorkers(); // resignal after interrupt
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Possibly terminates when on shutdown state.
-     */
-    private void terminateOnShutdown() {
-        if (!hasQueuedSubmissions() && canTerminateOnShutdown(runControl))
-            terminate();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Clears out and cancels submissions.
-     */
-    private void cancelQueuedSubmissions() {
-        ForkJoinTask<?> task;
-        while ((task = pollSubmission()) != null)
-            task.cancel(false);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Cleans out worker queues.
-     */
-    private void cancelQueuedWorkerTasks() {
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-            if (ws != null) {
-                for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread t = ws[i];
-                    if (t != null)
-                        t.cancelTasks();
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets each worker's status to terminating. Requires lock to avoid
-     * conflicts with add/remove.
-     */
-    private void stopAllWorkers() {
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-            if (ws != null) {
-                for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread t = ws[i];
-                    if (t != null)
-                        t.shutdownNow();
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Interrupts all unterminated workers.  This is not required for
-     * sake of internal control, but may help unstick user code during
-     * shutdown.
-     */
-    private void interruptUnterminatedWorkers() {
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        lock.lock();
-        try {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = workers;
-            if (ws != null) {
-                for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread t = ws[i];
-                    if (t != null && !t.isTerminated()) {
-                        try {
-                            t.interrupt();
-                        } catch (SecurityException ignore) {
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Nodes for event barrier to manage idle threads.  Queue nodes
-     * are basic Treiber stack nodes, also used for spare stack.
-     *
-     * The event barrier has an event count and a wait queue (actually
-     * a Treiber stack).  Workers are enabled to look for work when
-     * the eventCount is incremented. If they fail to find work, they
-     * may wait for next count. Upon release, threads help others wake
-     * up.
-     *
-     * Synchronization events occur only in enough contexts to
-     * maintain overall liveness:
-     *
-     *   - Submission of a new task to the pool
-     *   - Resizes or other changes to the workers array
-     *   - pool termination
-     *   - A worker pushing a task on an empty queue
-     *
-     * The case of pushing a task occurs often enough, and is heavy
-     * enough compared to simple stack pushes, to require special
-     * handling: Method signalWork returns without advancing count if
-     * the queue appears to be empty.  This would ordinarily result in
-     * races causing some queued waiters not to be woken up. To avoid
-     * this, the first worker enqueued in method sync (see
-     * syncIsReleasable) rescans for tasks after being enqueued, and
-     * helps signal if any are found. This works well because the
-     * worker has nothing better to do, and so might as well help
-     * alleviate the overhead and contention on the threads actually
-     * doing work.  Also, since event counts increments on task
-     * availability exist to maintain liveness (rather than to force
-     * refreshes etc), it is OK for callers to exit early if
-     * contending with another signaller.
-     */
-    static final class WaitQueueNode {
-        WaitQueueNode next; // only written before enqueued
-        volatile ForkJoinWorkerThread thread; // nulled to cancel wait
-        final long count; // unused for spare stack
-        WaitQueueNode(long c, ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-            count = c;
-            thread = w;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Wakes up waiter, returning false if known to already
-         */
-        boolean signal() {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread t = thread;
-            if (t == null)
-                return false;
-            thread = null;
-            LockSupport.unpark(t);
-            return true;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Awaits release on sync.
-         */
-        void awaitSyncRelease(ForkJoinPool p) {
-            while (thread != null && !p.syncIsReleasable(this))
-                LockSupport.park(this);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Awaits resumption as spare.
-         */
-        void awaitSpareRelease() {
-            while (thread != null) {
-                if (!Thread.interrupted())
-                    LockSupport.park(this);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Ensures that no thread is waiting for count to advance from the
-     * current value of eventCount read on entry to this method, by
-     * releasing waiting threads if necessary.
-     *
-     * @return the count
-     */
-    final long ensureSync() {
-        long c = eventCount;
-        WaitQueueNode q;
-        while ((q = syncStack) != null && q.count < c) {
-            if (casBarrierStack(q, null)) {
-                do {
-                    q.signal();
-                } while ((q = q.next) != null);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return c;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Increments event count and releases waiting threads.
-     */
-    private void signalIdleWorkers() {
-        long c;
-        do {} while (!casEventCount(c = eventCount, c+1));
-        ensureSync();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Signals threads waiting to poll a task. Because method sync
-     * rechecks availability, it is OK to only proceed if queue
-     * appears to be non-empty, and OK to skip under contention to
-     * increment count (since some other thread succeeded).
-     */
-    final void signalWork() {
-        long c;
-        WaitQueueNode q;
-        if (syncStack != null &&
-            casEventCount(c = eventCount, c+1) &&
-            (((q = syncStack) != null && q.count <= c) &&
-             (!casBarrierStack(q, q.next) || !q.signal())))
-            ensureSync();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Waits until event count advances from last value held by
-     * caller, or if excess threads, caller is resumed as spare, or
-     * caller or pool is terminating. Updates caller's event on exit.
-     *
-     * @param w the calling worker thread
-     */
-    final void sync(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        updateStealCount(w); // Transfer w's count while it is idle
-        while (!w.isShutdown() && isProcessingTasks() && !suspendIfSpare(w)) {
-            long prev = w.lastEventCount;
-            WaitQueueNode node = null;
-            WaitQueueNode h;
-            while (eventCount == prev &&
-                   ((h = syncStack) == null || h.count == prev)) {
-                if (node == null)
-                    node = new WaitQueueNode(prev, w);
-                if (casBarrierStack(node.next = h, node)) {
-                    node.awaitSyncRelease(this);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            long ec = ensureSync();
-            if (ec != prev) {
-                w.lastEventCount = ec;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns {@code true} if worker waiting on sync can proceed:
-     *  - on signal (thread == null)
-     *  - on event count advance (winning race to notify vs signaller)
-     *  - on interrupt
-     *  - if the first queued node, we find work available
-     * If node was not signalled and event count not advanced on exit,
-     * then we also help advance event count.
-     *
-     * @return {@code true} if node can be released
-     */
-    final boolean syncIsReleasable(WaitQueueNode node) {
-        long prev = node.count;
-        if (!Thread.interrupted() && node.thread != null &&
-            (node.next != null ||
-             !ForkJoinWorkerThread.hasQueuedTasks(workers)) &&
-            eventCount == prev)
+            return termination.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(0, timeout, unit) > 0;
+        } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
             return false;
-        if (node.thread != null) {
-            node.thread = null;
-            long ec = eventCount;
-            if (prev <= ec) // help signal
-                casEventCount(ec, ec+1);
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns {@code true} if a new sync event occurred since last
-     * call to sync or this method, if so, updating caller's count.
-     */
-    final boolean hasNewSyncEvent(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        long lc = w.lastEventCount;
-        long ec = ensureSync();
-        if (ec == lc)
-            return false;
-        w.lastEventCount = ec;
-        return true;
-    }
-    //  Parallelism maintenance
-    /**
-     * Decrements running count; if too low, adds spare.
-     *
-     * Conceptually, all we need to do here is add or resume a
-     * spare thread when one is about to block (and remove or
-     * suspend it later when unblocked -- see suspendIfSpare).
-     * However, implementing this idea requires coping with
-     * several problems: we have imperfect information about the
-     * states of threads. Some count updates can and usually do
-     * lag run state changes, despite arrangements to keep them
-     * accurate (for example, when possible, updating counts
-     * before signalling or resuming), especially when running on
-     * dynamic JVMs that don't optimize the infrequent paths that
-     * update counts. Generating too many threads can make these
-     * problems become worse, because excess threads are more
-     * likely to be context-switched with others, slowing them all
-     * down, especially if there is no work available, so all are
-     * busy scanning or idling.  Also, excess spare threads can
-     * only be suspended or removed when they are idle, not
-     * immediately when they aren't needed. So adding threads will
-     * raise parallelism level for longer than necessary.  Also,
-     * FJ applications often encounter highly transient peaks when
-     * many threads are blocked joining, but for less time than it
-     * takes to create or resume spares.
-     *
-     * @param joinMe if non-null, return early if done
-     * @param maintainParallelism if true, try to stay within
-     * target counts, else create only to avoid starvation
-     * @return true if joinMe known to be done
-     */
-    final boolean preJoin(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe,
-                          boolean maintainParallelism) {
-        maintainParallelism &= maintainsParallelism; // overrride
-        boolean dec = false;  // true when running count decremented
-        while (spareStack == null || !tryResumeSpare(dec)) {
-            int counts = workerCounts;
-            if (dec || (dec = casWorkerCounts(counts, --counts))) {
-                if (!needSpare(counts, maintainParallelism))
-                    break;
-                if (joinMe.status < 0)
-                    return true;
-                if (tryAddSpare(counts))
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Same idea as preJoin
-     */
-    final boolean preBlock(ManagedBlocker blocker,
-                           boolean maintainParallelism) {
-        maintainParallelism &= maintainsParallelism;
-        boolean dec = false;
-        while (spareStack == null || !tryResumeSpare(dec)) {
-            int counts = workerCounts;
-            if (dec || (dec = casWorkerCounts(counts, --counts))) {
-                if (!needSpare(counts, maintainParallelism))
-                    break;
-                if (blocker.isReleasable())
-                    return true;
-                if (tryAddSpare(counts))
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns {@code true} if a spare thread appears to be needed.
-     * If maintaining parallelism, returns true when the deficit in
-     * running threads is more than the surplus of total threads, and
-     * there is apparently some work to do.  This self-limiting rule
-     * means that the more threads that have already been added, the
-     * less parallelism we will tolerate before adding another.
-     *
-     * @param counts current worker counts
-     * @param maintainParallelism try to maintain parallelism
-     */
-    private boolean needSpare(int counts, boolean maintainParallelism) {
-        int ps = parallelism;
-        int rc = runningCountOf(counts);
-        int tc = totalCountOf(counts);
-        int runningDeficit = ps - rc;
-        int totalSurplus = tc - ps;
-        return (tc < maxPoolSize &&
-                (rc == 0 || totalSurplus < 0 ||
-                 (maintainParallelism &&
-                  runningDeficit > totalSurplus &&
-                  ForkJoinWorkerThread.hasQueuedTasks(workers))));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds a spare worker if lock available and no more than the
-     * expected numbers of threads exist.
-     *
-     * @return true if successful
-     */
-    private boolean tryAddSpare(int expectedCounts) {
-        final ReentrantLock lock = this.workerLock;
-        int expectedRunning = runningCountOf(expectedCounts);
-        int expectedTotal = totalCountOf(expectedCounts);
-        boolean success = false;
-        boolean locked = false;
-        // confirm counts while locking; CAS after obtaining lock
-        try {
-            for (;;) {
-                int s = workerCounts;
-                int tc = totalCountOf(s);
-                int rc = runningCountOf(s);
-                if (rc > expectedRunning || tc > expectedTotal)
-                    break;
-                if (!locked && !(locked = lock.tryLock()))
-                    break;
-                if (casWorkerCounts(s, workerCountsFor(tc+1, rc+1))) {
-                    createAndStartSpare(tc);
-                    success = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            if (locked)
-                lock.unlock();
-        }
-        return success;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds the kth spare worker. On entry, pool counts are already
-     * adjusted to reflect addition.
-     */
-    private void createAndStartSpare(int k) {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = null;
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws = ensureWorkerArrayCapacity(k + 1);
-        int len = ws.length;
-        // Probably, we can place at slot k. If not, find empty slot
-        if (k < len && ws[k] != null) {
-            for (k = 0; k < len && ws[k] != null; ++k)
-                ;
-        }
-        if (k < len && isProcessingTasks() && (w = createWorker(k)) != null) {
-            ws[k] = w;
-            w.start();
-        }
-        else
-            updateWorkerCount(-1); // adjust on failure
-        signalIdleWorkers();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Suspends calling thread w if there are excess threads.  Called
-     * only from sync.  Spares are enqueued in a Treiber stack using
-     * the same WaitQueueNodes as barriers.  They are resumed mainly
-     * in preJoin, but are also woken on pool events that require all
-     * threads to check run state.
-     *
-     * @param w the caller
-     */
-    private boolean suspendIfSpare(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        WaitQueueNode node = null;
-        int s;
-        while (parallelism < runningCountOf(s = workerCounts)) {
-            if (node == null)
-                node = new WaitQueueNode(0, w);
-            if (casWorkerCounts(s, s-1)) { // representation-dependent
-                // push onto stack
-                do {} while (!casSpareStack(node.next = spareStack, node));
-                // block until released by resumeSpare
-                node.awaitSpareRelease();
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tries to pop and resume a spare thread.
-     *
-     * @param updateCount if true, increment running count on success
-     * @return true if successful
-     */
-    private boolean tryResumeSpare(boolean updateCount) {
-        WaitQueueNode q;
-        while ((q = spareStack) != null) {
-            if (casSpareStack(q, q.next)) {
-                if (updateCount)
-                    updateRunningCount(1);
-                q.signal();
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pops and resumes all spare threads. Same idea as ensureSync.
-     *
-     * @return true if any spares released
-     */
-    private boolean resumeAllSpares() {
-        WaitQueueNode q;
-        while ( (q = spareStack) != null) {
-            if (casSpareStack(q, null)) {
-                do {
-                    updateRunningCount(1);
-                    q.signal();
-                } while ((q = q.next) != null);
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pops and shuts down excessive spare threads. Call only while
-     * holding lock. This is not guaranteed to eliminate all excess
-     * threads, only those suspended as spares, which are the ones
-     * unlikely to be needed in the future.
-     */
-    private void trimSpares() {
-        int surplus = totalCountOf(workerCounts) - parallelism;
-        WaitQueueNode q;
-        while (surplus > 0 && (q = spareStack) != null) {
-            if (casSpareStack(q, null)) {
-                do {
-                    updateRunningCount(1);
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread w = q.thread;
-                    if (w != null && surplus > 0 &&
-                        runningCountOf(workerCounts) > 0 && w.shutdown())
-                        --surplus;
-                    q.signal();
-                } while ((q = q.next) != null);
-            }
@@ -1838,11 +1758,17 @@
      * Interface for extending managed parallelism for tasks running
      * in {@link ForkJoinPool}s.
-     * <p>A {@code ManagedBlocker} provides two methods.
-     * Method {@code isReleasable} must return {@code true} if
-     * blocking is not necessary. Method {@code block} blocks the
-     * current thread if necessary (perhaps internally invoking
-     * {@code isReleasable} before actually blocking).
+     * <p>A {@code ManagedBlocker} provides two methods.  Method
+     * {@code isReleasable} must return {@code true} if blocking is
+     * not necessary. Method {@code block} blocks the current thread
+     * if necessary (perhaps internally invoking {@code isReleasable}
+     * before actually blocking). The unusual methods in this API
+     * accommodate synchronizers that may, but don't usually, block
+     * for long periods. Similarly, they allow more efficient internal
+     * handling of cases in which additional workers may be, but
+     * usually are not, needed to ensure sufficient parallelism.
+     * Toward this end, implementations of method {@code isReleasable}
+     * must be amenable to repeated invocation.
      * <p>For example, here is a ManagedBlocker based on a
      * ReentrantLock:
@@ -1860,6 +1786,26 @@
      *     return hasLock || (hasLock = lock.tryLock());
      *   }
      * }}</pre>
+     *
+     * <p>Here is a class that possibly blocks waiting for an
+     * item on a given queue:
+     *  <pre> {@code
+     * class QueueTaker<E> implements ManagedBlocker {
+     *   final BlockingQueue<E> queue;
+     *   volatile E item = null;
+     *   QueueTaker(BlockingQueue<E> q) { this.queue = q; }
+     *   public boolean block() throws InterruptedException {
+     *     if (item == null)
+     *       item = queue.take();
+     *     return true;
+     *   }
+     *   public boolean isReleasable() {
+     *     return item != null || (item = queue.poll()) != null;
+     *   }
+     *   public E getItem() { // call after pool.managedBlock completes
+     *     return item;
+     *   }
+     * }}</pre>
     public static interface ManagedBlocker {
@@ -1883,14 +1829,7 @@
      * Blocks in accord with the given blocker.  If the current thread
      * is a {@link ForkJoinWorkerThread}, this method possibly
      * arranges for a spare thread to be activated if necessary to
-     * ensure parallelism while the current thread is blocked.
-     *
-     * <p>If {@code maintainParallelism} is {@code true} and the pool
-     * supports it ({@link #getMaintainsParallelism}), this method
-     * attempts to maintain the pool's nominal parallelism. Otherwise
-     * it activates a thread only if necessary to avoid complete
-     * starvation. This option may be preferable when blockages use
-     * timeouts, or are almost always brief.
+     * ensure sufficient parallelism while the current thread is blocked.
      * <p>If the caller is not a {@link ForkJoinTask}, this method is
      * behaviorally equivalent to
@@ -1904,33 +1843,18 @@
      * first be expanded to ensure parallelism, and later adjusted.
      * @param blocker the blocker
-     * @param maintainParallelism if {@code true} and supported by
-     * this pool, attempt to maintain the pool's nominal parallelism;
-     * otherwise activate a thread only if necessary to avoid
-     * complete starvation.
      * @throws InterruptedException if blocker.block did so
-    public static void managedBlock(ManagedBlocker blocker,
-                                    boolean maintainParallelism)
+    public static void managedBlock(ManagedBlocker blocker)
         throws InterruptedException {
         Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
-        ForkJoinPool pool = ((t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) ?
-                             ((ForkJoinWorkerThread) t).pool : null);
-        if (!blocker.isReleasable()) {
-            try {
-                if (pool == null ||
-                    !pool.preBlock(blocker, maintainParallelism))
-                    awaitBlocker(blocker);
-            } finally {
-                if (pool != null)
-                    pool.updateRunningCount(1);
-            }
+        if (t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) {
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread w = (ForkJoinWorkerThread) t;
+            w.pool.awaitBlocker(blocker);
-    }
-    private static void awaitBlocker(ManagedBlocker blocker)
-        throws InterruptedException {
-        do {} while (!blocker.isReleasable() && !blocker.block());
+        else {
+            do {} while (!blocker.isReleasable() && !blocker.block());
+        }
     // AbstractExecutorService overrides.  These rely on undocumented
@@ -1948,32 +1872,18 @@
     // Unsafe mechanics
     private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
-    private static final long eventCountOffset =
-        objectFieldOffset("eventCount", ForkJoinPool.class);
     private static final long workerCountsOffset =
         objectFieldOffset("workerCounts", ForkJoinPool.class);
-    private static final long runControlOffset =
-        objectFieldOffset("runControl", ForkJoinPool.class);
-    private static final long syncStackOffset =
-        objectFieldOffset("syncStack",ForkJoinPool.class);
-    private static final long spareStackOffset =
-        objectFieldOffset("spareStack", ForkJoinPool.class);
-    private boolean casEventCount(long cmp, long val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(this, eventCountOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
-    private boolean casWorkerCounts(int cmp, int val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, workerCountsOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
-    private boolean casRunControl(int cmp, int val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runControlOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
-    private boolean casSpareStack(WaitQueueNode cmp, WaitQueueNode val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, spareStackOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
-    private boolean casBarrierStack(WaitQueueNode cmp, WaitQueueNode val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, syncStackOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
+    private static final long runStateOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("runState", ForkJoinPool.class);
+    private static final long eventCountOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("eventCount", ForkJoinPool.class);
+    private static final long eventWaitersOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("eventWaiters", ForkJoinPool.class);
+    private static final long stealCountOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("stealCount", ForkJoinPool.class);
+    private static final long spareWaitersOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("spareWaiters", ForkJoinPool.class);
     private static long objectFieldOffset(String field, Class<?> klazz) {
         try {
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinTask.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinTask.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -91,10 +91,7 @@
  * results of a task is {@link #join}, but there are several variants:
  * The {@link Future#get} methods support interruptible and/or timed
  * waits for completion and report results using {@code Future}
- * conventions. Method {@link #helpJoin} enables callers to actively
- * execute other tasks while awaiting joins, which is sometimes more
- * efficient but only applies when all subtasks are known to be
- * strictly tree-structured. Method {@link #invoke} is semantically
+ * conventions. Method {@link #invoke} is semantically
  * equivalent to {@code fork(); join()} but always attempts to begin
  * execution in the current thread. The "<em>quiet</em>" forms of
  * these methods do not extract results or report exceptions. These
@@ -130,7 +127,7 @@
  * ForkJoinTasks (as may be determined using method {@link
  * #inForkJoinPool}).  Attempts to invoke them in other contexts
  * result in exceptions or errors, possibly including
- * ClassCastException.
+ * {@code ClassCastException}.
  * <p>Most base support methods are {@code final}, to prevent
  * overriding of implementations that are intrinsically tied to the
@@ -152,9 +149,8 @@
  * <p>This class provides {@code adapt} methods for {@link Runnable}
  * and {@link Callable}, that may be of use when mixing execution of
- * {@code ForkJoinTasks} with other kinds of tasks. When all tasks
- * are of this form, consider using a pool in
- * {@linkplain ForkJoinPool#setAsyncMode async mode}.
+ * {@code ForkJoinTasks} with other kinds of tasks. When all tasks are
+ * of this form, consider using a pool constructed in <em>asyncMode</em>.
  * <p>ForkJoinTasks are {@code Serializable}, which enables them to be
  * used in extensions such as remote execution frameworks. It is
@@ -166,33 +162,43 @@
 public abstract class ForkJoinTask<V> implements Future<V>, Serializable {
-    /**
-     * Run control status bits packed into a single int to minimize
-     * footprint and to ensure atomicity (via CAS).  Status is
-     * initially zero, and takes on nonnegative values until
-     * completed, upon which status holds COMPLETED. CANCELLED, or
-     * EXCEPTIONAL, which use the top 3 bits.  Tasks undergoing
-     * blocking waits by other threads have SIGNAL_MASK bits set --
-     * bit 15 for external (nonFJ) waits, and the rest a count of
-     * waiting FJ threads.  (This representation relies on
-     * ForkJoinPool max thread limits). Completion of a stolen task
-     * with SIGNAL_MASK bits set awakens waiter via notifyAll. Even
-     * though suboptimal for some purposes, we use basic builtin
-     * wait/notify to take advantage of "monitor inflation" in JVMs
-     * that we would otherwise need to emulate to avoid adding further
-     * per-task bookkeeping overhead. Note that bits 16-28 are
-     * currently unused. Also value 0x80000000 is available as spare
-     * completion value.
+    /*
+     * See the internal documentation of class ForkJoinPool for a
+     * general implementation overview.  ForkJoinTasks are mainly
+     * responsible for maintaining their "status" field amidst relays
+     * to methods in ForkJoinWorkerThread and ForkJoinPool. The
+     * methods of this class are more-or-less layered into (1) basic
+     * status maintenance (2) execution and awaiting completion (3)
+     * user-level methods that additionally report results. This is
+     * sometimes hard to see because this file orders exported methods
+     * in a way that flows well in javadocs. In particular, most
+     * join mechanics are in method quietlyJoin, below.
+    /*
+     * The status field holds run control status bits packed into a
+     * single int to minimize footprint and to ensure atomicity (via
+     * CAS).  Status is initially zero, and takes on nonnegative
+     * values until completed, upon which status holds value
+     * NORMAL, CANCELLED, or EXCEPTIONAL. Tasks undergoing blocking
+     * waits by other threads have the SIGNAL bit set.  Completion of
+     * a stolen task with SIGNAL set awakens any waiters via
+     * notifyAll. Even though suboptimal for some purposes, we use
+     * basic builtin wait/notify to take advantage of "monitor
+     * inflation" in JVMs that we would otherwise need to emulate to
+     * avoid adding further per-task bookkeeping overhead.  We want
+     * these monitors to be "fat", i.e., not use biasing or thin-lock
+     * techniques, so use some odd coding idioms that tend to avoid
+     * them.
+     */
+    /** The run status of this task */
     volatile int status; // accessed directly by pool and workers
-    static final int COMPLETION_MASK      = 0xe0000000;
-    static final int NORMAL               = 0xe0000000; // == mask
-    static final int CANCELLED            = 0xc0000000;
-    static final int EXCEPTIONAL          = 0xa0000000;
-    static final int SIGNAL_MASK          = 0x0000ffff;
-    static final int INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK = 0x00007fff;
-    static final int EXTERNAL_SIGNAL      = 0x00008000; // top bit of low word
+    private static final int NORMAL      = -1;
+    private static final int CANCELLED   = -2;
+    private static final int EXCEPTIONAL = -3;
+    private static final int SIGNAL      =  1;
      * Table of exceptions thrown by tasks, to enable reporting by
@@ -206,176 +212,94 @@
         (new WeakHashMap<ForkJoinTask<?>, Throwable>());
-    // within-package utilities
+    // Maintaining completion status
-     * Gets current worker thread, or null if not a worker thread.
-     */
-    static ForkJoinWorkerThread getWorker() {
-        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
-        return ((t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) ?
-                (ForkJoinWorkerThread) t : null);
-    }
-    final boolean casStatus(int cmp, int val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, cmp, val);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Workaround for not being able to rethrow unchecked exceptions.
-     */
-    static void rethrowException(Throwable ex) {
-        if (ex != null)
-            UNSAFE.throwException(ex);
-    }
-    // Setting completion status
-    /**
-     * Marks completion and wakes up threads waiting to join this task.
+     * Marks completion and wakes up threads waiting to join this task,
+     * also clearing signal request bits.
      * @param completion one of NORMAL, CANCELLED, EXCEPTIONAL
-    final void setCompletion(int completion) {
-        ForkJoinPool pool = getPool();
-        if (pool != null) {
-            int s; // Clear signal bits while setting completion status
-            do {} while ((s = status) >= 0 && !casStatus(s, completion));
-            if ((s & SIGNAL_MASK) != 0) {
-                if ((s &= INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK) != 0)
-                    pool.updateRunningCount(s);
-                synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-            externallySetCompletion(completion);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Version of setCompletion for non-FJ threads.  Leaves signal
-     * bits for unblocked threads to adjust, and always notifies.
-     */
-    private void externallySetCompletion(int completion) {
+    private void setCompletion(int completion) {
         int s;
-        do {} while ((s = status) >= 0 &&
-                     !casStatus(s, (s & SIGNAL_MASK) | completion));
-        synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets status to indicate normal completion.
-     */
-    final void setNormalCompletion() {
-        // Try typical fast case -- single CAS, no signal, not already done.
-        // Manually expand casStatus to improve chances of inlining it
-        if (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, 0, NORMAL))
-            setCompletion(NORMAL);
-    }
-    // internal waiting and notification
-    /**
-     * Performs the actual monitor wait for awaitDone.
-     */
-    private void doAwaitDone() {
-        // Minimize lock bias and in/de-flation effects by maximizing
-        // chances of waiting inside sync
-        try {
-            while (status >= 0)
-                synchronized (this) { if (status >= 0) wait(); }
-        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
-            onInterruptedWait();
+        while ((s = status) >= 0) {
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, s, completion)) {
+                if (s != 0)
+                    synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); }
+                break;
+            }
-     * Performs the actual timed monitor wait for awaitDone.
+     * Records exception and sets exceptional completion.
+     *
+     * @return status on exit
-    private void doAwaitDone(long startTime, long nanos) {
-        synchronized (this) {
+    private void setExceptionalCompletion(Throwable rex) {
+        exceptionMap.put(this, rex);
+        setCompletion(EXCEPTIONAL);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Blocks a worker thread until completion. Called only by
+     * pool. Currently unused -- pool-based waits use timeout
+     * version below.
+     */
+    final void internalAwaitDone() {
+        int s;         // the odd construction reduces lock bias effects
+        while ((s = status) >= 0) {
             try {
-                while (status >= 0) {
-                    long nt = nanos - (System.nanoTime() - startTime);
-                    if (nt <= 0)
-                        break;
-                    wait(nt / 1000000, (int) (nt % 1000000));
+                synchronized(this) {
+                    if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, s,SIGNAL))
+                        wait();
             } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
-                onInterruptedWait();
+                cancelIfTerminating();
-    // Awaiting completion
-     * Sets status to indicate there is joiner, then waits for join,
-     * surrounded with pool notifications.
+     * Blocks a worker thread until completed or timed out.  Called
+     * only by pool.
-     * @return status upon exit
+     * @return status on exit
-    private int awaitDone(ForkJoinWorkerThread w,
-                          boolean maintainParallelism) {
-        ForkJoinPool pool = (w == null) ? null : w.pool;
+    final int internalAwaitDone(long millis) {
         int s;
-        while ((s = status) >= 0) {
-            if (casStatus(s, (pool == null) ? s|EXTERNAL_SIGNAL : s+1)) {
-                if (pool == null || !pool.preJoin(this, maintainParallelism))
-                    doAwaitDone();
-                if (((s = status) & INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK) != 0)
-                    adjustPoolCountsOnUnblock(pool);
-                break;
+        if ((s = status) >= 0) {
+            try {
+                synchronized(this) {
+                    if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, s,SIGNAL))
+                        wait(millis, 0);
+                }
+            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+                cancelIfTerminating();
+            s = status;
         return s;
-     * Timed version of awaitDone
-     *
-     * @return status upon exit
+     * Blocks a non-worker-thread until completion.
-    private int awaitDone(ForkJoinWorkerThread w, long nanos) {
-        ForkJoinPool pool = (w == null) ? null : w.pool;
+    private void externalAwaitDone() {
         int s;
         while ((s = status) >= 0) {
-            if (casStatus(s, (pool == null) ? s|EXTERNAL_SIGNAL : s+1)) {
-                long startTime = System.nanoTime();
-                if (pool == null || !pool.preJoin(this, false))
-                    doAwaitDone(startTime, nanos);
-                if ((s = status) >= 0) {
-                    adjustPoolCountsOnCancelledWait(pool);
-                    s = status;
-                }
-                if (s < 0 && (s & INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK) != 0)
-                    adjustPoolCountsOnUnblock(pool);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return s;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Notifies pool that thread is unblocked. Called by signalled
-     * threads when woken by non-FJ threads (which is atypical).
-     */
-    private void adjustPoolCountsOnUnblock(ForkJoinPool pool) {
-        int s;
-        do {} while ((s = status) < 0 && !casStatus(s, s & COMPLETION_MASK));
-        if (pool != null && (s &= INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK) != 0)
-            pool.updateRunningCount(s);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Notifies pool to adjust counts on cancelled or timed out wait.
-     */
-    private void adjustPoolCountsOnCancelledWait(ForkJoinPool pool) {
-        if (pool != null) {
-            int s;
-            while ((s = status) >= 0 && (s & INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK) != 0) {
-                if (casStatus(s, s - 1)) {
-                    pool.updateRunningCount(1);
+            synchronized(this) {
+                if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, s, SIGNAL)){
+                    boolean interrupted = false;
+                    while (status >= 0) {
+                        try {
+                            wait();
+                        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+                            interrupted = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (interrupted)
+                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
@@ -383,153 +307,19 @@
-     * Handles interruptions during waits.
-     */
-    private void onInterruptedWait() {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = getWorker();
-        if (w == null)
-            Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // re-interrupt
-        else if (w.isTerminating())
-            cancelIgnoringExceptions();
-        // else if FJworker, ignore interrupt
-    }
-    // Recording and reporting exceptions
-    private void setDoneExceptionally(Throwable rex) {
-        exceptionMap.put(this, rex);
-        setCompletion(EXCEPTIONAL);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Throws the exception associated with status s.
-     *
-     * @throws the exception
-     */
-    private void reportException(int s) {
-        if ((s &= COMPLETION_MASK) < NORMAL) {
-            if (s == CANCELLED)
-                throw new CancellationException();
-            else
-                rethrowException(exceptionMap.get(this));
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns result or throws exception using j.u.c.Future conventions.
-     * Only call when {@code isDone} known to be true or thread known
-     * to be interrupted.
-     */
-    private V reportFutureResult()
-        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-        if (Thread.interrupted())
-            throw new InterruptedException();
-        int s = status & COMPLETION_MASK;
-        if (s < NORMAL) {
-            Throwable ex;
-            if (s == CANCELLED)
-                throw new CancellationException();
-            if (s == EXCEPTIONAL && (ex = exceptionMap.get(this)) != null)
-                throw new ExecutionException(ex);
-        }
-        return getRawResult();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns result or throws exception using j.u.c.Future conventions
-     * with timeouts.
-     */
-    private V reportTimedFutureResult()
-        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
-        if (Thread.interrupted())
-            throw new InterruptedException();
-        Throwable ex;
-        int s = status & COMPLETION_MASK;
-        if (s == NORMAL)
-            return getRawResult();
-        else if (s == CANCELLED)
-            throw new CancellationException();
-        else if (s == EXCEPTIONAL && (ex = exceptionMap.get(this)) != null)
-            throw new ExecutionException(ex);
-        else
-            throw new TimeoutException();
-    }
-    // internal execution methods
-    /**
-     * Calls exec, recording completion, and rethrowing exception if
-     * encountered. Caller should normally check status before calling.
-     *
-     * @return true if completed normally
-     */
-    private boolean tryExec() {
-        try { // try block must contain only call to exec
-            if (!exec())
-                return false;
-        } catch (Throwable rex) {
-            setDoneExceptionally(rex);
-            rethrowException(rex);
-            return false; // not reached
-        }
-        setNormalCompletion();
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main execution method used by worker threads. Invokes
-     * base computation unless already complete.
+     * Unless done, calls exec and records status if completed, but
+     * doesn't wait for completion otherwise. Primary execution method
+     * for ForkJoinWorkerThread.
     final void quietlyExec() {
-        if (status >= 0) {
-            try {
-                if (!exec())
-                    return;
-            } catch (Throwable rex) {
-                setDoneExceptionally(rex);
+        try {
+            if (status < 0 || !exec())
-            }
-            setNormalCompletion();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Calls exec(), recording but not rethrowing exception.
-     * Caller should normally check status before calling.
-     *
-     * @return true if completed normally
-     */
-    private boolean tryQuietlyInvoke() {
-        try {
-            if (!exec())
-                return false;
         } catch (Throwable rex) {
-            setDoneExceptionally(rex);
-            return false;
+            setExceptionalCompletion(rex);
+            return;
-        setNormalCompletion();
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Cancels, ignoring any exceptions it throws.
-     */
-    final void cancelIgnoringExceptions() {
-        try {
-            cancel(false);
-        } catch (Throwable ignore) {
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main implementation of helpJoin
-     */
-    private int busyJoin(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
-        int s;
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t;
-        while ((s = status) >= 0 && (t = w.scanWhileJoining(this)) != null)
-            t.quietlyExec();
-        return (s >= 0) ? awaitDone(w, false) : s; // block if no work
+        setCompletion(NORMAL); // must be outside try block
     // public methods
@@ -567,34 +357,41 @@
      * @return the computed result
     public final V join() {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = getWorker();
-        if (w == null || status < 0 || !w.unpushTask(this) || !tryExec())
-            reportException(awaitDone(w, true));
+        quietlyJoin();
+        Throwable ex;
+        if (status < NORMAL && (ex = getException()) != null)
+            UNSAFE.throwException(ex);
         return getRawResult();
      * Commences performing this task, awaits its completion if
-     * necessary, and return its result, or throws an (unchecked)
-     * exception if the underlying computation did so.
+     * necessary, and returns its result, or throws an (unchecked)
+     * {@code RuntimeException} or {@code Error} if the underlying
+     * computation did so.
      * @return the computed result
     public final V invoke() {
-        if (status >= 0 && tryExec())
-            return getRawResult();
-        else
-            return join();
+        quietlyInvoke();
+        Throwable ex;
+        if (status < NORMAL && (ex = getException()) != null)
+            UNSAFE.throwException(ex);
+        return getRawResult();
      * Forks the given tasks, returning when {@code isDone} holds for
      * each task or an (unchecked) exception is encountered, in which
-     * case the exception is rethrown.  If either task encounters an
-     * exception, the other one may be, but is not guaranteed to be,
-     * cancelled.  If both tasks throw an exception, then this method
-     * throws one of them.  The individual status of each task may be
-     * checked using {@link #getException()} and related methods.
+     * case the exception is rethrown. If more than one task
+     * encounters an exception, then this method throws any one of
+     * these exceptions. If any task encounters an exception, the
+     * other may be cancelled. However, the execution status of
+     * individual tasks is not guaranteed upon exceptional return. The
+     * status of each task may be obtained using {@link
+     * #getException()} and related methods to check if they have been
+     * cancelled, completed normally or exceptionally, or left
+     * unprocessed.
      * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
      * ForkJoinTask} computations (as may be determined using method
@@ -615,12 +412,14 @@
      * Forks the given tasks, returning when {@code isDone} holds for
      * each task or an (unchecked) exception is encountered, in which
-     * case the exception is rethrown. If any task encounters an
-     * exception, others may be, but are not guaranteed to be,
-     * cancelled.  If more than one task encounters an exception, then
-     * this method throws any one of these exceptions.  The individual
-     * status of each task may be checked using {@link #getException()}
-     * and related methods.
+     * case the exception is rethrown. If more than one task
+     * encounters an exception, then this method throws any one of
+     * these exceptions. If any task encounters an exception, others
+     * may be cancelled. However, the execution status of individual
+     * tasks is not guaranteed upon exceptional return. The status of
+     * each task may be obtained using {@link #getException()} and
+     * related methods to check if they have been cancelled, completed
+     * normally or exceptionally, or left unprocessed.
      * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
      * ForkJoinTask} computations (as may be determined using method
@@ -644,7 +443,7 @@
             else {
-                if (ex == null)
+                if (ex == null && t.status < NORMAL)
                     ex = t.getException();
@@ -655,26 +454,27 @@
                 else {
-                    if (ex == null)
+                    if (ex == null && t.status < NORMAL)
                         ex = t.getException();
         if (ex != null)
-            rethrowException(ex);
+            UNSAFE.throwException(ex);
      * Forks all tasks in the specified collection, returning when
      * {@code isDone} holds for each task or an (unchecked) exception
-     * is encountered.  If any task encounters an exception, others
-     * may be, but are not guaranteed to be, cancelled.  If more than
-     * one task encounters an exception, then this method throws any
-     * one of these exceptions.  The individual status of each task
-     * may be checked using {@link #getException()} and related
-     * methods.  The behavior of this operation is undefined if the
-     * specified collection is modified while the operation is in
-     * progress.
+     * is encountered, in which case the exception is rethrown. If
+     * more than one task encounters an exception, then this method
+     * throws any one of these exceptions. If any task encounters an
+     * exception, others may be cancelled. However, the execution
+     * status of individual tasks is not guaranteed upon exceptional
+     * return. The status of each task may be obtained using {@link
+     * #getException()} and related methods to check if they have been
+     * cancelled, completed normally or exceptionally, or left
+     * unprocessed.
      * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
      * ForkJoinTask} computations (as may be determined using method
@@ -706,7 +506,7 @@
             else {
-                if (ex == null)
+                if (ex == null && t.status < NORMAL)
                     ex = t.getException();
@@ -717,13 +517,13 @@
                 else {
-                    if (ex == null)
+                    if (ex == null && t.status < NORMAL)
                         ex = t.getException();
         if (ex != null)
-            rethrowException(ex);
+            UNSAFE.throwException(ex);
         return tasks;
@@ -753,7 +553,35 @@
     public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
-        return (status & COMPLETION_MASK) == CANCELLED;
+        return status == CANCELLED;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Cancels, ignoring any exceptions thrown by cancel. Used during
+     * worker and pool shutdown. Cancel is spec'ed not to throw any
+     * exceptions, but if it does anyway, we have no recourse during
+     * shutdown, so guard against this case.
+     */
+    final void cancelIgnoringExceptions() {
+        try {
+            cancel(false);
+        } catch (Throwable ignore) {
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Cancels if current thread is a terminating worker thread,
+     * ignoring any exceptions thrown by cancel.
+     */
+    final void cancelIfTerminating() {
+        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
+        if ((t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) &&
+            ((ForkJoinWorkerThread) t).isTerminating()) {
+            try {
+                cancel(false);
+            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
+            }
+        }
     public final boolean isDone() {
@@ -761,7 +589,7 @@
     public final boolean isCancelled() {
-        return (status & COMPLETION_MASK) == CANCELLED;
+        return status == CANCELLED;
@@ -770,7 +598,7 @@
      * @return {@code true} if this task threw an exception or was cancelled
     public final boolean isCompletedAbnormally() {
-        return (status & COMPLETION_MASK) < NORMAL;
+        return status < NORMAL;
@@ -781,7 +609,7 @@
      * exception and was not cancelled
     public final boolean isCompletedNormally() {
-        return (status & COMPLETION_MASK) == NORMAL;
+        return status == NORMAL;
@@ -792,7 +620,7 @@
      * @return the exception, or {@code null} if none
     public final Throwable getException() {
-        int s = status & COMPLETION_MASK;
+        int s = status;
         return ((s >= NORMAL)    ? null :
                 (s == CANCELLED) ? new CancellationException() :
@@ -813,20 +641,21 @@
      * thrown will be a {@code RuntimeException} with cause {@code ex}.
     public void completeExceptionally(Throwable ex) {
-        setDoneExceptionally((ex instanceof RuntimeException) ||
-                             (ex instanceof Error) ? ex :
-                             new RuntimeException(ex));
+        setExceptionalCompletion((ex instanceof RuntimeException) ||
+                                 (ex instanceof Error) ? ex :
+                                 new RuntimeException(ex));
      * Completes this task, and if not already aborted or cancelled,
-     * returning a {@code null} result upon {@code join} and related
-     * operations. This method may be used to provide results for
-     * asynchronous tasks, or to provide alternative handling for
-     * tasks that would not otherwise complete normally. Its use in
-     * other situations is discouraged. This method is
-     * overridable, but overridden versions must invoke {@code super}
-     * implementation to maintain guarantees.
+     * returning the given value as the result of subsequent
+     * invocations of {@code join} and related operations. This method
+     * may be used to provide results for asynchronous tasks, or to
+     * provide alternative handling for tasks that would not otherwise
+     * complete normally. Its use in other situations is
+     * discouraged. This method is overridable, but overridden
+     * versions must invoke {@code super} implementation to maintain
+     * guarantees.
      * @param value the result value for this task
@@ -834,97 +663,151 @@
         try {
         } catch (Throwable rex) {
-            setDoneExceptionally(rex);
+            setExceptionalCompletion(rex);
-        setNormalCompletion();
+        setCompletion(NORMAL);
     public final V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = getWorker();
-        if (w == null || status < 0 || !w.unpushTask(this) || !tryQuietlyInvoke())
-            awaitDone(w, true);
-        return reportFutureResult();
+        quietlyJoin();
+        if (Thread.interrupted())
+            throw new InterruptedException();
+        int s = status;
+        if (s < NORMAL) {
+            Throwable ex;
+            if (s == CANCELLED)
+                throw new CancellationException();
+            if (s == EXCEPTIONAL && (ex = exceptionMap.get(this)) != null)
+                throw new ExecutionException(ex);
+        }
+        return getRawResult();
     public final V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
         throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
+        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
+        ForkJoinPool pool;
+        if (t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) {
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread w = (ForkJoinWorkerThread) t;
+            if (status >= 0 && w.unpushTask(this))
+                quietlyExec();
+            pool = w.pool;
+        }
+        else
+            pool = null;
+        /*
+         * Timed wait loop intermixes cases for FJ (pool != null) and
+         * non FJ threads. For FJ, decrement pool count but don't try
+         * for replacement; increment count on completion. For non-FJ,
+         * deal with interrupts. This is messy, but a little less so
+         * than is splitting the FJ and nonFJ cases.
+         */
+        boolean interrupted = false;
+        boolean dec = false; // true if pool count decremented
         long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = getWorker();
-        if (w == null || status < 0 || !w.unpushTask(this) || !tryQuietlyInvoke())
-            awaitDone(w, nanos);
-        return reportTimedFutureResult();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Possibly executes other tasks until this task {@link #isDone is
-     * done}, then returns the result of the computation.  This method
-     * may be more efficient than {@code join}, but is only applicable
-     * when there are no potential dependencies between continuation
-     * of the current task and that of any other task that might be
-     * executed while helping. (This usually holds for pure
-     * divide-and-conquer tasks).
-     *
-     * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
-     * ForkJoinTask} computations (as may be determined using method
-     * {@link #inForkJoinPool}).  Attempts to invoke in other contexts
-     * result in exceptions or errors, possibly including {@code
-     * ClassCastException}.
-     *
-     * @return the computed result
-     */
-    public final V helpJoin() {
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread w = (ForkJoinWorkerThread) Thread.currentThread();
-        if (status < 0 || !w.unpushTask(this) || !tryExec())
-            reportException(busyJoin(w));
+        for (;;) {
+            if (pool == null && Thread.interrupted()) {
+                interrupted = true;
+                break;
+            }
+            int s = status;
+            if (s < 0)
+                break;
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, s, SIGNAL)) {
+                long startTime = System.nanoTime();
+                long nt; // wait time
+                while (status >= 0 &&
+                       (nt = nanos - (System.nanoTime() - startTime)) > 0) {
+                    if (pool != null && !dec)
+                        dec = pool.tryDecrementRunningCount();
+                    else {
+                        long ms = nt / 1000000;
+                        int ns = (int) (nt % 1000000);
+                        try {
+                            synchronized(this) {
+                                if (status >= 0)
+                                    wait(ms, ns);
+                            }
+                        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+                            if (pool != null)
+                                cancelIfTerminating();
+                            else {
+                                interrupted = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (pool != null && dec)
+            pool.incrementRunningCount();
+        if (interrupted)
+            throw new InterruptedException();
+        int es = status;
+        if (es != NORMAL) {
+            Throwable ex;
+            if (es == CANCELLED)
+                throw new CancellationException();
+            if (es == EXCEPTIONAL && (ex = exceptionMap.get(this)) != null)
+                throw new ExecutionException(ex);
+            throw new TimeoutException();
+        }
         return getRawResult();
-     * Possibly executes other tasks until this task {@link #isDone is
-     * done}.  This method may be useful when processing collections
-     * of tasks when some have been cancelled or otherwise known to
-     * have aborted.
-     *
-     * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
-     * ForkJoinTask} computations (as may be determined using method
-     * {@link #inForkJoinPool}).  Attempts to invoke in other contexts
-     * result in exceptions or errors, possibly including {@code
-     * ClassCastException}.
-     */
-    public final void quietlyHelpJoin() {
-        if (status >= 0) {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread w =
-                (ForkJoinWorkerThread) Thread.currentThread();
-            if (!w.unpushTask(this) || !tryQuietlyInvoke())
-                busyJoin(w);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Joins this task, without returning its result or throwing an
+     * Joins this task, without returning its result or throwing its
      * exception. This method may be useful when processing
      * collections of tasks when some have been cancelled or otherwise
      * known to have aborted.
     public final void quietlyJoin() {
-        if (status >= 0) {
-            ForkJoinWorkerThread w = getWorker();
-            if (w == null || !w.unpushTask(this) || !tryQuietlyInvoke())
-                awaitDone(w, true);
+        Thread t;
+        if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) {
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread w = (ForkJoinWorkerThread) t;
+            if (status >= 0) {
+                if (w.unpushTask(this)) {
+                    boolean completed;
+                    try {
+                        completed = exec();
+                    } catch (Throwable rex) {
+                        setExceptionalCompletion(rex);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if (completed) {
+                        setCompletion(NORMAL);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                w.joinTask(this);
+            }
+        else
+            externalAwaitDone();
      * Commences performing this task and awaits its completion if
-     * necessary, without returning its result or throwing an
-     * exception. This method may be useful when processing
-     * collections of tasks when some have been cancelled or otherwise
-     * known to have aborted.
+     * necessary, without returning its result or throwing its
+     * exception.
     public final void quietlyInvoke() {
-        if (status >= 0 && !tryQuietlyInvoke())
-            quietlyJoin();
+        if (status >= 0) {
+            boolean completed;
+            try {
+                completed = exec();
+            } catch (Throwable rex) {
+                setExceptionalCompletion(rex);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (completed)
+                setCompletion(NORMAL);
+            else
+                quietlyJoin();
+        }
@@ -956,7 +839,7 @@
      * pre-constructed trees of subtasks in loops.
     public void reinitialize() {
-        if ((status & COMPLETION_MASK) == EXCEPTIONAL)
+        if (status == EXCEPTIONAL)
         status = 0;
@@ -1246,7 +1129,7 @@
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7721805057305804111L;
-     * Saves the state to a stream.
+     * Saves the state to a stream (that is, serializes it).
      * @serialData the current run status and the exception thrown
      * during execution, or {@code null} if none
@@ -1259,18 +1142,16 @@
-     * Reconstitutes the instance from a stream.
+     * Reconstitutes the instance from a stream (that is, deserializes it).
      * @param s the stream
     private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s)
         throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
-        status &= ~INTERNAL_SIGNAL_MASK; // clear internal signal counts
-        status |= EXTERNAL_SIGNAL; // conservatively set external signal
         Object ex = s.readObject();
         if (ex != null)
-            setDoneExceptionally((Throwable) ex);
+            setExceptionalCompletion((Throwable) ex);
     // Unsafe mechanics
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinWorkerThread.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinWorkerThread.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
 package java.util.concurrent;
+import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
  * A thread managed by a {@link ForkJoinPool}.  This class is
@@ -52,46 +54,55 @@
 public class ForkJoinWorkerThread extends Thread {
-     * Algorithm overview:
+     * Overview:
+     *
+     * ForkJoinWorkerThreads are managed by ForkJoinPools and perform
+     * ForkJoinTasks. This class includes bookkeeping in support of
+     * worker activation, suspension, and lifecycle control described
+     * in more detail in the internal documentation of class
+     * ForkJoinPool. And as described further below, this class also
+     * includes special-cased support for some ForkJoinTask
+     * methods. But the main mechanics involve work-stealing:
-     * 1. Work-Stealing: Work-stealing queues are special forms of
-     * Deques that support only three of the four possible
-     * end-operations -- push, pop, and deq (aka steal), and only do
-     * so under the constraints that push and pop are called only from
-     * the owning thread, while deq may be called from other threads.
-     * (If you are unfamiliar with them, you probably want to read
-     * Herlihy and Shavit's book "The Art of Multiprocessor
-     * programming", chapter 16 describing these in more detail before
-     * proceeding.)  The main work-stealing queue design is roughly
-     * similar to "Dynamic Circular Work-Stealing Deque" by David
-     * Chase and Yossi Lev, SPAA 2005
-     * (http://research.sun.com/scalable/pubs/index.html).  The main
-     * difference ultimately stems from gc requirements that we null
-     * out taken slots as soon as we can, to maintain as small a
-     * footprint as possible even in programs generating huge numbers
-     * of tasks. To accomplish this, we shift the CAS arbitrating pop
-     * vs deq (steal) from being on the indices ("base" and "sp") to
-     * the slots themselves (mainly via method "casSlotNull()"). So,
-     * both a successful pop and deq mainly entail CAS'ing a non-null
-     * slot to null.  Because we rely on CASes of references, we do
-     * not need tag bits on base or sp.  They are simple ints as used
-     * in any circular array-based queue (see for example ArrayDeque).
-     * Updates to the indices must still be ordered in a way that
-     * guarantees that (sp - base) > 0 means the queue is empty, but
-     * otherwise may err on the side of possibly making the queue
-     * appear nonempty when a push, pop, or deq have not fully
-     * committed. Note that this means that the deq operation,
-     * considered individually, is not wait-free. One thief cannot
-     * successfully continue until another in-progress one (or, if
-     * previously empty, a push) completes.  However, in the
-     * aggregate, we ensure at least probabilistic
-     * non-blockingness. If an attempted steal fails, a thief always
-     * chooses a different random victim target to try next. So, in
-     * order for one thief to progress, it suffices for any
-     * in-progress deq or new push on any empty queue to complete. One
-     * reason this works well here is that apparently-nonempty often
-     * means soon-to-be-stealable, which gives threads a chance to
-     * activate if necessary before stealing (see below).
+     * Work-stealing queues are special forms of Deques that support
+     * only three of the four possible end-operations -- push, pop,
+     * and deq (aka steal), under the further constraints that push
+     * and pop are called only from the owning thread, while deq may
+     * be called from other threads.  (If you are unfamiliar with
+     * them, you probably want to read Herlihy and Shavit's book "The
+     * Art of Multiprocessor programming", chapter 16 describing these
+     * in more detail before proceeding.)  The main work-stealing
+     * queue design is roughly similar to those in the papers "Dynamic
+     * Circular Work-Stealing Deque" by Chase and Lev, SPAA 2005
+     * (http://research.sun.com/scalable/pubs/index.html) and
+     * "Idempotent work stealing" by Michael, Saraswat, and Vechev,
+     * PPoPP 2009 (http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1504186).
+     * The main differences ultimately stem from gc requirements that
+     * we null out taken slots as soon as we can, to maintain as small
+     * a footprint as possible even in programs generating huge
+     * numbers of tasks. To accomplish this, we shift the CAS
+     * arbitrating pop vs deq (steal) from being on the indices
+     * ("base" and "sp") to the slots themselves (mainly via method
+     * "casSlotNull()"). So, both a successful pop and deq mainly
+     * entail a CAS of a slot from non-null to null.  Because we rely
+     * on CASes of references, we do not need tag bits on base or sp.
+     * They are simple ints as used in any circular array-based queue
+     * (see for example ArrayDeque).  Updates to the indices must
+     * still be ordered in a way that guarantees that sp == base means
+     * the queue is empty, but otherwise may err on the side of
+     * possibly making the queue appear nonempty when a push, pop, or
+     * deq have not fully committed. Note that this means that the deq
+     * operation, considered individually, is not wait-free. One thief
+     * cannot successfully continue until another in-progress one (or,
+     * if previously empty, a push) completes.  However, in the
+     * aggregate, we ensure at least probabilistic non-blockingness.
+     * If an attempted steal fails, a thief always chooses a different
+     * random victim target to try next. So, in order for one thief to
+     * progress, it suffices for any in-progress deq or new push on
+     * any empty queue to complete. One reason this works well here is
+     * that apparently-nonempty often means soon-to-be-stealable,
+     * which gives threads a chance to set activation status if
+     * necessary before stealing.
      * This approach also enables support for "async mode" where local
      * task processing is in FIFO, not LIFO order; simply by using a
@@ -99,24 +110,54 @@
      * by the ForkJoinPool).  This allows use in message-passing
      * frameworks in which tasks are never joined.
-     * Efficient implementation of this approach currently relies on
-     * an uncomfortable amount of "Unsafe" mechanics. To maintain
+     * When a worker would otherwise be blocked waiting to join a
+     * task, it first tries a form of linear helping: Each worker
+     * records (in field currentSteal) the most recent task it stole
+     * from some other worker. Plus, it records (in field currentJoin)
+     * the task it is currently actively joining. Method joinTask uses
+     * these markers to try to find a worker to help (i.e., steal back
+     * a task from and execute it) that could hasten completion of the
+     * actively joined task. In essence, the joiner executes a task
+     * that would be on its own local deque had the to-be-joined task
+     * not been stolen. This may be seen as a conservative variant of
+     * the approach in Wagner & Calder "Leapfrogging: a portable
+     * technique for implementing efficient futures" SIGPLAN Notices,
+     * 1993 (http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=155354). It differs
+     * in that: (1) We only maintain dependency links across workers
+     * upon steals, rather than use per-task bookkeeping.  This may
+     * require a linear scan of workers array to locate stealers, but
+     * usually doesn't because stealers leave hints (that may become
+     * stale/wrong) of where to locate them. This isolates cost to
+     * when it is needed, rather than adding to per-task overhead.
+     * (2) It is "shallow", ignoring nesting and potentially cyclic
+     * mutual steals.  (3) It is intentionally racy: field currentJoin
+     * is updated only while actively joining, which means that we
+     * miss links in the chain during long-lived tasks, GC stalls etc
+     * (which is OK since blocking in such cases is usually a good
+     * idea).  (4) We bound the number of attempts to find work (see
+     * MAX_HELP_DEPTH) and fall back to suspending the worker and if
+     * necessary replacing it with a spare (see
+     * ForkJoinPool.awaitJoin).
+     *
+     * Efficient implementation of these algorithms currently relies
+     * on an uncomfortable amount of "Unsafe" mechanics. To maintain
      * correct orderings, reads and writes of variable base require
-     * volatile ordering.  Variable sp does not require volatile write
-     * but needs cheaper store-ordering on writes.  Because they are
-     * protected by volatile base reads, reads of the queue array and
-     * its slots do not need volatile load semantics, but writes (in
-     * push) require store order and CASes (in pop and deq) require
-     * (volatile) CAS semantics.  (See "Idempotent work stealing" by
-     * Michael, Saraswat, and Vechev, PPoPP 2009
-     * http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1504186 for an algorithm
-     * with similar properties, but without support for nulling
-     * slots.)  Since these combinations aren't supported using
-     * ordinary volatiles, the only way to accomplish these
-     * efficiently is to use direct Unsafe calls. (Using external
-     * AtomicIntegers and AtomicReferenceArrays for the indices and
-     * array is significantly slower because of memory locality and
-     * indirection effects.)
+     * volatile ordering.  Variable sp does not require volatile
+     * writes but still needs store-ordering, which we accomplish by
+     * pre-incrementing sp before filling the slot with an ordered
+     * store.  (Pre-incrementing also enables backouts used in
+     * joinTask.)  Because they are protected by volatile base reads,
+     * reads of the queue array and its slots by other threads do not
+     * need volatile load semantics, but writes (in push) require
+     * store order and CASes (in pop and deq) require (volatile) CAS
+     * semantics.  (Michael, Saraswat, and Vechev's algorithm has
+     * similar properties, but without support for nulling slots.)
+     * Since these combinations aren't supported using ordinary
+     * volatiles, the only way to accomplish these efficiently is to
+     * use direct Unsafe calls. (Using external AtomicIntegers and
+     * AtomicReferenceArrays for the indices and array is
+     * significantly slower because of memory locality and indirection
+     * effects.)
      * Further, performance on most platforms is very sensitive to
      * placement and sizing of the (resizable) queue array.  Even
@@ -124,56 +165,45 @@
      * initial size must be large enough to counteract cache
      * contention effects across multiple queues (especially in the
      * presence of GC cardmarking). Also, to improve thread-locality,
-     * queues are currently initialized immediately after the thread
-     * gets the initial signal to start processing tasks.  However,
-     * all queue-related methods except pushTask are written in a way
-     * that allows them to instead be lazily allocated and/or disposed
-     * of when empty. All together, these low-level implementation
-     * choices produce as much as a factor of 4 performance
-     * improvement compared to naive implementations, and enable the
-     * processing of billions of tasks per second, sometimes at the
-     * expense of ugliness.
-     *
-     * 2. Run control: The primary run control is based on a global
-     * counter (activeCount) held by the pool. It uses an algorithm
-     * similar to that in Herlihy and Shavit section 17.6 to cause
-     * threads to eventually block when all threads declare they are
-     * inactive. For this to work, threads must be declared active
-     * when executing tasks, and before stealing a task. They must be
-     * inactive before blocking on the Pool Barrier (awaiting a new
-     * submission or other Pool event). In between, there is some free
-     * play which we take advantage of to avoid contention and rapid
-     * flickering of the global activeCount: If inactive, we activate
-     * only if a victim queue appears to be nonempty (see above).
-     * Similarly, a thread tries to inactivate only after a full scan
-     * of other threads.  The net effect is that contention on
-     * activeCount is rarely a measurable performance issue. (There
-     * are also a few other cases where we scan for work rather than
-     * retry/block upon contention.)
-     *
-     * 3. Selection control. We maintain policy of always choosing to
-     * run local tasks rather than stealing, and always trying to
-     * steal tasks before trying to run a new submission. All steals
-     * are currently performed in randomly-chosen deq-order. It may be
-     * worthwhile to bias these with locality / anti-locality
-     * information, but doing this well probably requires more
-     * lower-level information from JVMs than currently provided.
+     * queues are initialized after starting.  All together, these
+     * low-level implementation choices produce as much as a factor of
+     * 4 performance improvement compared to naive implementations,
+     * and enable the processing of billions of tasks per second,
+     * sometimes at the expense of ugliness.
+     * Generator for initial random seeds for random victim
+     * selection. This is used only to create initial seeds. Random
+     * steals use a cheaper xorshift generator per steal attempt. We
+     * expect only rare contention on seedGenerator, so just use a
+     * plain Random.
+     */
+    private static final Random seedGenerator = new Random();
+    /**
+     * The maximum stolen->joining link depth allowed in helpJoinTask.
+     * Depths for legitimate chains are unbounded, but we use a fixed
+     * constant to avoid (otherwise unchecked) cycles and bound
+     * staleness of traversal parameters at the expense of sometimes
+     * blocking when we could be helping.
+     */
+    private static final int MAX_HELP_DEPTH = 8;
+    /**
      * Capacity of work-stealing queue array upon initialization.
-     * Must be a power of two. Initial size must be at least 2, but is
+     * Must be a power of two. Initial size must be at least 4, but is
      * padded to minimize cache effects.
     private static final int INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1 << 13;
      * Maximum work-stealing queue array size.  Must be less than or
-     * equal to 1 << 28 to ensure lack of index wraparound. (This
-     * is less than usual bounds, because we need leftshift by 3
-     * to be in int range).
+     * equal to 1 << (31 - width of array entry) to ensure lack of
+     * index wraparound. The value is set in the static block
+     * at the end of this file after obtaining width.
-    private static final int MAXIMUM_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1 << 28;
+    private static final int MAXIMUM_QUEUE_CAPACITY;
      * The pool this thread works in. Accessed directly by ForkJoinTask.
@@ -182,65 +212,118 @@
      * The work-stealing queue array. Size must be a power of two.
-     * Initialized when thread starts, to improve memory locality.
+     * Initialized in onStart, to improve memory locality.
     private ForkJoinTask<?>[] queue;
-     * Index (mod queue.length) of next queue slot to push to or pop
-     * from. It is written only by owner thread, via ordered store.
-     * Both sp and base are allowed to wrap around on overflow, but
-     * (sp - base) still estimates size.
-     */
-    private volatile int sp;
-    /**
      * Index (mod queue.length) of least valid queue slot, which is
      * always the next position to steal from if nonempty.
     private volatile int base;
-     * Activity status. When true, this worker is considered active.
-     * Must be false upon construction. It must be true when executing
-     * tasks, and BEFORE stealing a task. It must be false before
-     * calling pool.sync.
+     * Index (mod queue.length) of next queue slot to push to or pop
+     * from. It is written only by owner thread, and accessed by other
+     * threads only after reading (volatile) base.  Both sp and base
+     * are allowed to wrap around on overflow, but (sp - base) still
+     * estimates size.
-    private boolean active;
+    private int sp;
+    /**
+     * The index of most recent stealer, used as a hint to avoid
+     * traversal in method helpJoinTask. This is only a hint because a
+     * worker might have had multiple steals and this only holds one
+     * of them (usually the most current). Declared non-volatile,
+     * relying on other prevailing sync to keep reasonably current.
+     */
+    private int stealHint;
-     * Run state of this worker. Supports simple versions of the usual
-     * shutdown/shutdownNow control.
+     * Run state of this worker. In addition to the usual run levels,
+     * tracks if this worker is suspended as a spare, and if it was
+     * killed (trimmed) while suspended. However, "active" status is
+     * maintained separately and modified only in conjunction with
+     * CASes of the pool's runState (which are currently sadly
+     * manually inlined for performance.)  Accessed directly by pool
+     * to simplify checks for normal (zero) status.
-    private volatile int runState;
+    volatile int runState;
+    private static final int TERMINATING = 0x01;
+    private static final int TERMINATED  = 0x02;
+    private static final int SUSPENDED   = 0x04; // inactive spare
+    private static final int TRIMMED     = 0x08; // killed while suspended
+    /**
+     * Number of steals. Directly accessed (and reset) by
+     * pool.tryAccumulateStealCount when idle.
+     */
+    int stealCount;
      * Seed for random number generator for choosing steal victims.
-     * Uses Marsaglia xorshift. Must be nonzero upon initialization.
+     * Uses Marsaglia xorshift. Must be initialized as nonzero.
     private int seed;
-     * Number of steals, transferred to pool when idle
+     * Activity status. When true, this worker is considered active.
+     * Accessed directly by pool.  Must be false upon construction.
-    private int stealCount;
+    boolean active;
+    /**
+     * True if use local fifo, not default lifo, for local polling.
+     * Shadows value from ForkJoinPool.
+     */
+    private final boolean locallyFifo;
      * Index of this worker in pool array. Set once by pool before
-     * running, and accessed directly by pool during cleanup etc.
+     * running, and accessed directly by pool to locate this worker in
+     * its workers array.
     int poolIndex;
-     * The last barrier event waited for. Accessed in pool callback
-     * methods, but only by current thread.
+     * The last pool event waited for. Accessed only by pool in
+     * callback methods invoked within this thread.
-    long lastEventCount;
+    int lastEventCount;
+    /**
+     * Encoded index and event count of next event waiter. Accessed
+     * only by ForkJoinPool for managing event waiters.
+     */
+    volatile long nextWaiter;
+    /**
+     * Number of times this thread suspended as spare. Accessed only
+     * by pool.
+     */
+    int spareCount;
-     * True if use local fifo, not default lifo, for local polling
+     * Encoded index and count of next spare waiter. Accessed only
+     * by ForkJoinPool for managing spares.
-    private boolean locallyFifo;
+    volatile int nextSpare;
+    /**
+     * The task currently being joined, set only when actively trying
+     * to help other stealers in helpJoinTask. Written only by this
+     * thread, but read by others.
+     */
+    private volatile ForkJoinTask<?> currentJoin;
+    /**
+     * The task most recently stolen from another worker (or
+     * submission queue).  Written only by this thread, but read by
+     * others.
+     */
+    private volatile ForkJoinTask<?> currentSteal;
      * Creates a ForkJoinWorkerThread operating in the given pool.
@@ -249,13 +332,24 @@
      * @throws NullPointerException if pool is null
     protected ForkJoinWorkerThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
-        if (pool == null) throw new NullPointerException();
         this.pool = pool;
-        // Note: poolIndex is set by pool during construction
-        // Remaining initialization is deferred to onStart
+        this.locallyFifo = pool.locallyFifo;
+        setDaemon(true);
+        // To avoid exposing construction details to subclasses,
+        // remaining initialization is in start() and onStart()
-    // Public access methods
+    /**
+     * Performs additional initialization and starts this thread.
+     */
+    final void start(int poolIndex, UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh) {
+        this.poolIndex = poolIndex;
+        if (ueh != null)
+            setUncaughtExceptionHandler(ueh);
+        start();
+    }
+    // Public/protected methods
      * Returns the pool hosting this thread.
@@ -280,129 +374,24 @@
-     * Establishes local first-in-first-out scheduling mode for forked
-     * tasks that are never joined.
-     *
-     * @param async if true, use locally FIFO scheduling
-     */
-    void setAsyncMode(boolean async) {
-        locallyFifo = async;
-    }
-    // Runstate management
-    // Runstate values. Order matters
-    private static final int RUNNING     = 0;
-    private static final int SHUTDOWN    = 1;
-    private static final int TERMINATING = 2;
-    private static final int TERMINATED  = 3;
-    final boolean isShutdown()    { return runState >= SHUTDOWN;  }
-    final boolean isTerminating() { return runState >= TERMINATING;  }
-    final boolean isTerminated()  { return runState == TERMINATED; }
-    final boolean shutdown()      { return transitionRunStateTo(SHUTDOWN); }
-    final boolean shutdownNow()   { return transitionRunStateTo(TERMINATING); }
-    /**
-     * Transitions to at least the given state.
-     *
-     * @return {@code true} if not already at least at given state
-     */
-    private boolean transitionRunStateTo(int state) {
-        for (;;) {
-            int s = runState;
-            if (s >= state)
-                return false;
-            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s, state))
-                return true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tries to set status to active; fails on contention.
-     */
-    private boolean tryActivate() {
-        if (!active) {
-            if (!pool.tryIncrementActiveCount())
-                return false;
-            active = true;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tries to set status to inactive; fails on contention.
-     */
-    private boolean tryInactivate() {
-        if (active) {
-            if (!pool.tryDecrementActiveCount())
-                return false;
-            active = false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Computes next value for random victim probe.  Scans don't
-     * require a very high quality generator, but also not a crummy
-     * one.  Marsaglia xor-shift is cheap and works well.
-     */
-    private static int xorShift(int r) {
-        r ^= (r << 13);
-        r ^= (r >>> 17);
-        return r ^ (r << 5);
-    }
-    // Lifecycle methods
-    /**
-     * This method is required to be public, but should never be
-     * called explicitly. It performs the main run loop to execute
-     * ForkJoinTasks.
-     */
-    public void run() {
-        Throwable exception = null;
-        try {
-            onStart();
-            pool.sync(this); // await first pool event
-            mainLoop();
-        } catch (Throwable ex) {
-            exception = ex;
-        } finally {
-            onTermination(exception);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Executes tasks until shut down.
-     */
-    private void mainLoop() {
-        while (!isShutdown()) {
-            ForkJoinTask<?> t = pollTask();
-            if (t != null || (t = pollSubmission()) != null)
-                t.quietlyExec();
-            else if (tryInactivate())
-                pool.sync(this);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
      * Initializes internal state after construction but before
      * processing any tasks. If you override this method, you must
-     * invoke super.onStart() at the beginning of the method.
+     * invoke @code{super.onStart()} at the beginning of the method.
      * Initialization requires care: Most fields must have legal
      * default values, to ensure that attempted accesses from other
      * threads work correctly even before this thread starts
      * processing tasks.
     protected void onStart() {
-        // Allocate while starting to improve chances of thread-local
-        // isolation
+        int rs = seedGenerator.nextInt();
+        seed = rs == 0? 1 : rs; // seed must be nonzero
+        // Allocate name string and arrays in this thread
+        String pid = Integer.toString(pool.getPoolNumber());
+        String wid = Integer.toString(poolIndex);
+        setName("ForkJoinPool-" + pid + "-worker-" + wid);
         queue = new ForkJoinTask<?>[INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY];
-        // Initial value of seed need not be especially random but
-        // should differ across workers and must be nonzero
-        int p = poolIndex + 1;
-        seed = p + (p << 8) + (p << 16) + (p << 24); // spread bits
@@ -414,97 +403,187 @@
      * to an unrecoverable error, or {@code null} if completed normally
     protected void onTermination(Throwable exception) {
-        // Execute remaining local tasks unless aborting or terminating
-        while (exception == null && pool.isProcessingTasks() && base != sp) {
-            try {
-                ForkJoinTask<?> t = popTask();
-                if (t != null)
-                    t.quietlyExec();
-            } catch (Throwable ex) {
-                exception = ex;
+        try {
+            ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+            if (active) {
+                int a; // inline p.tryDecrementActiveCount
+                active = false;
+                do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                             (p, poolRunStateOffset, a = p.runState, a - 1));
-        }
-        // Cancel other tasks, transition status, notify pool, and
-        // propagate exception to uncaught exception handler
-        try {
-            do {} while (!tryInactivate()); // ensure inactive
-            runState = TERMINATED;
-            pool.workerTerminated(this);
+            setTerminated();
+            p.workerTerminated(this);
         } catch (Throwable ex) {        // Shouldn't ever happen
             if (exception == null)      // but if so, at least rethrown
                 exception = ex;
         } finally {
             if (exception != null)
-                ForkJoinTask.rethrowException(exception);
+                UNSAFE.throwException(exception);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * This method is required to be public, but should never be
+     * called explicitly. It performs the main run loop to execute
+     * ForkJoinTasks.
+     */
+    public void run() {
+        Throwable exception = null;
+        try {
+            onStart();
+            mainLoop();
+        } catch (Throwable ex) {
+            exception = ex;
+        } finally {
+            onTermination(exception);
-    // Intrinsics-based support for queue operations.
+    // helpers for run()
-    private static long slotOffset(int i) {
-        return ((long) i << qShift) + qBase;
+    /**
+     * Finds and executes tasks, and checks status while running.
+     */
+    private void mainLoop() {
+        boolean ran = false; // true if ran a task on last step
+        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+        for (;;) {
+            p.preStep(this, ran);
+            if (runState != 0)
+                break;
+            ran = tryExecSteal() || tryExecSubmission();
+        }
-     * Adds in store-order the given task at given slot of q to null.
-     * Caller must ensure q is non-null and index is in range.
+     * Tries to steal a task and execute it.
+     *
+     * @return true if ran a task
-    private static void setSlot(ForkJoinTask<?>[] q, int i,
-                                ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
-        UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(q, slotOffset(i), t);
+    private boolean tryExecSteal() {
+        ForkJoinTask<?> t;
+        if ((t = scan()) != null) {
+            t.quietlyExec();
+            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, null);
+            if (sp != base)
+                execLocalTasks();
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
-     * CAS given slot of q to null. Caller must ensure q is non-null
-     * and index is in range.
+     * If a submission exists, try to activate and run it.
+     *
+     * @return true if ran a task
-    private static boolean casSlotNull(ForkJoinTask<?>[] q, int i,
-                                       ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, slotOffset(i), t, null);
+    private boolean tryExecSubmission() {
+        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+        // This loop is needed in case attempt to activate fails, in
+        // which case we only retry if there still appears to be a
+        // submission.
+        while (p.hasQueuedSubmissions()) {
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t; int a;
+            if (active || // inline p.tryIncrementActiveCount
+                (active = UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(p, poolRunStateOffset,
+                                                   a = p.runState, a + 1))) {
+                if ((t = p.pollSubmission()) != null) {
+                    UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, t);
+                    t.quietlyExec();
+                    UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, null);
+                    if (sp != base)
+                        execLocalTasks();
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
-     * Sets sp in store-order.
+     * Runs local tasks until queue is empty or shut down.  Call only
+     * while active.
-    private void storeSp(int s) {
-        UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, spOffset, s);
+    private void execLocalTasks() {
+        while (runState == 0) {
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t = locallyFifo ? locallyDeqTask() : popTask();
+            if (t != null)
+                t.quietlyExec();
+            else if (sp == base)
+                break;
+        }
-    // Main queue methods
+    /*
+     * Intrinsics-based atomic writes for queue slots. These are
+     * basically the same as methods in AtomicReferenceArray, but
+     * specialized for (1) ForkJoinTask elements (2) requirement that
+     * nullness and bounds checks have already been performed by
+     * callers and (3) effective offsets are known not to overflow
+     * from int to long (because of MAXIMUM_QUEUE_CAPACITY). We don't
+     * need corresponding version for reads: plain array reads are OK
+     * because they are protected by other volatile reads and are
+     * confirmed by CASes.
+     *
+     * Most uses don't actually call these methods, but instead contain
+     * inlined forms that enable more predictable optimization.  We
+     * don't define the version of write used in pushTask at all, but
+     * instead inline there a store-fenced array slot write.
+     */
-     * Pushes a task. Called only by current thread.
+     * CASes slot i of array q from t to null. Caller must ensure q is
+     * non-null and index is in range.
+     */
+    private static final boolean casSlotNull(ForkJoinTask<?>[] q, int i,
+                                             ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
+        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, (i << qShift) + qBase, t, null);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Performs a volatile write of the given task at given slot of
+     * array q.  Caller must ensure q is non-null and index is in
+     * range. This method is used only during resets and backouts.
+     */
+    private static final void writeSlot(ForkJoinTask<?>[] q, int i,
+                                        ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
+        UNSAFE.putObjectVolatile(q, (i << qShift) + qBase, t);
+    }
+    // queue methods
+    /**
+     * Pushes a task. Call only from this thread.
      * @param t the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
     final void pushTask(ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
         ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
-        int mask = q.length - 1;
-        int s = sp;
-        setSlot(q, s & mask, t);
-        storeSp(++s);
-        if ((s -= base) == 1)
-            pool.signalWork();
-        else if (s >= mask)
-            growQueue();
+        int mask = q.length - 1; // implicit assert q != null
+        int s = sp++;            // ok to increment sp before slot write
+        UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(q, ((s & mask) << qShift) + qBase, t);
+        if ((s -= base) == 0)
+            pool.signalWork();   // was empty
+        else if (s == mask)
+            growQueue();         // is full
      * Tries to take a task from the base of the queue, failing if
-     * either empty or contended.
+     * empty or contended. Note: Specializations of this code appear
+     * in locallyDeqTask and elsewhere.
      * @return a task, or null if none or contended
     final ForkJoinTask<?> deqTask() {
         ForkJoinTask<?> t;
         ForkJoinTask<?>[] q;
-        int i;
-        int b;
+        int b, i;
         if (sp != (b = base) &&
             (q = queue) != null && // must read q after b
-            (t = q[i = (q.length - 1) & b]) != null &&
-            casSlotNull(q, i, t)) {
+            (t = q[i = (q.length - 1) & b]) != null && base == b &&
+            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, (i << qShift) + qBase, t, null)) {
             base = b + 1;
             return t;
@@ -512,19 +591,20 @@
-     * Tries to take a task from the base of own queue, activating if
-     * necessary, failing only if empty. Called only by current thread.
+     * Tries to take a task from the base of own queue. Assumes active
+     * status.  Called only by this thread.
      * @return a task, or null if none
     final ForkJoinTask<?> locallyDeqTask() {
-        int b;
-        while (sp != (b = base)) {
-            if (tryActivate()) {
-                ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
-                int i = (q.length - 1) & b;
-                ForkJoinTask<?> t = q[i];
-                if (t != null && casSlotNull(q, i, t)) {
+        ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
+        if (q != null) {
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t;
+            int b, i;
+            while (sp != (b = base)) {
+                if ((t = q[i = (q.length - 1) & b]) != null && base == b &&
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, (i << qShift) + qBase,
+                                                t, null)) {
                     base = b + 1;
                     return t;
@@ -534,46 +614,50 @@
-     * Returns a popped task, or null if empty. Ensures active status
-     * if non-null. Called only by current thread.
+     * Returns a popped task, or null if empty. Assumes active status.
+     * Called only by this thread.
-    final ForkJoinTask<?> popTask() {
-        int s = sp;
-        while (s != base) {
-            if (tryActivate()) {
-                ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
-                int mask = q.length - 1;
-                int i = (s - 1) & mask;
+    private ForkJoinTask<?> popTask() {
+        ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
+        if (q != null) {
+            int s;
+            while ((s = sp) != base) {
+                int i = (q.length - 1) & --s;
+                long u = (i << qShift) + qBase; // raw offset
                 ForkJoinTask<?> t = q[i];
-                if (t == null || !casSlotNull(q, i, t))
+                if (t == null)   // lost to stealer
-                storeSp(s - 1);
-                return t;
+                if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, u, t, null)) {
+                    sp = s; // putOrderedInt may encourage more timely write
+                    // UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, spOffset, s);
+                    return t;
+                }
         return null;
-     * Specialized version of popTask to pop only if
-     * topmost element is the given task. Called only
-     * by current thread while active.
+     * Specialized version of popTask to pop only if topmost element
+     * is the given task. Called only by this thread while active.
      * @param t the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
     final boolean unpushTask(ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
+        int s;
         ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
-        int mask = q.length - 1;
-        int s = sp - 1;
-        if (casSlotNull(q, s & mask, t)) {
-            storeSp(s);
+        if ((s = sp) != base && q != null &&
+            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject
+            (q, (((q.length - 1) & --s) << qShift) + qBase, t, null)) {
+            sp = s; // putOrderedInt may encourage more timely write
+            // UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, spOffset, s);
             return true;
         return false;
-     * Returns next task or null if empty or contended
+     * Returns next task, or null if empty or contended.
     final ForkJoinTask<?> peekTask() {
         ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = queue;
@@ -606,104 +690,209 @@
             ForkJoinTask<?> t = oldQ[oldIndex];
             if (t != null && !casSlotNull(oldQ, oldIndex, t))
                 t = null;
-            setSlot(newQ, b & newMask, t);
+            writeSlot(newQ, b & newMask, t);
         } while (++b != bf);
+     * Computes next value for random victim probe in scan().  Scans
+     * don't require a very high quality generator, but also not a
+     * crummy one.  Marsaglia xor-shift is cheap and works well enough.
+     * Note: This is manually inlined in scan().
+     */
+    private static final int xorShift(int r) {
+        r ^= r << 13;
+        r ^= r >>> 17;
+        return r ^ (r << 5);
+    }
+    /**
      * Tries to steal a task from another worker. Starts at a random
      * index of workers array, and probes workers until finding one
      * with non-empty queue or finding that all are empty.  It
      * randomly selects the first n probes. If these are empty, it
-     * resorts to a full circular traversal, which is necessary to
-     * accurately set active status by caller. Also restarts if pool
-     * events occurred since last scan, which forces refresh of
-     * workers array, in case barrier was associated with resize.
+     * resorts to a circular sweep, which is necessary to accurately
+     * set active status. (The circular sweep uses steps of
+     * approximately half the array size plus 1, to avoid bias
+     * stemming from leftmost packing of the array in ForkJoinPool.)
      * This method must be both fast and quiet -- usually avoiding
      * memory accesses that could disrupt cache sharing etc other than
-     * those needed to check for and take tasks. This accounts for,
-     * among other things, updating random seed in place without
-     * storing it until exit.
+     * those needed to check for and take tasks (or to activate if not
+     * already active). This accounts for, among other things,
+     * updating random seed in place without storing it until exit.
      * @return a task, or null if none found
     private ForkJoinTask<?> scan() {
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t = null;
-        int r = seed;                    // extract once to keep scan quiet
-        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws;       // refreshed on outer loop
-        int mask;                        // must be power 2 minus 1 and > 0
-        outer:do {
-            if ((ws = pool.workers) != null && (mask = ws.length - 1) > 0) {
-                int idx = r;
-                int probes = ~mask;      // use random index while negative
-                for (;;) {
-                    r = xorShift(r);     // update random seed
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread v = ws[mask & idx];
-                    if (v == null || v.sp == v.base) {
-                        if (probes <= mask)
-                            idx = (probes++ < 0) ? r : (idx + 1);
-                        else
-                            break;
+        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws;        // worker array
+        int n;                            // upper bound of #workers
+        if ((ws = p.workers) != null && (n = ws.length) > 1) {
+            boolean canSteal = active;    // shadow active status
+            int r = seed;                 // extract seed once
+            int mask = n - 1;
+            int j = -n;                   // loop counter
+            int k = r;                    // worker index, random if j < 0
+            for (;;) {
+                ForkJoinWorkerThread v = ws[k & mask];
+                r ^= r << 13; r ^= r >>> 17; r ^= r << 5; // inline xorshift
+                ForkJoinTask<?>[] q; ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b, a;
+                if (v != null && (b = v.base) != v.sp &&
+                    (q = v.queue) != null) {
+                    int i = (q.length - 1) & b;
+                    long u = (i << qShift) + qBase; // raw offset
+                    int pid = poolIndex;
+                    if ((t = q[i]) != null) {
+                        if (!canSteal &&  // inline p.tryIncrementActiveCount
+                            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(p, poolRunStateOffset,
+                                                     a = p.runState, a + 1))
+                            canSteal = active = true;
+                        if (canSteal && v.base == b++ &&
+                            UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, u, t, null)) {
+                            v.base = b;
+                            v.stealHint = pid;
+                            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this,
+                                                    currentStealOffset, t);
+                            seed = r;
+                            ++stealCount;
+                            return t;
+                        }
-                    else if (!tryActivate() || (t = v.deqTask()) == null)
-                        continue outer;  // restart on contention
-                    else
-                        break outer;
+                    j = -n;
+                    k = r;                // restart on contention
+                else if (++j <= 0)
+                    k = r;
+                else if (j <= n)
+                    k += (n >>> 1) | 1;
+                else
+                    break;
-        } while (pool.hasNewSyncEvent(this)); // retry on pool events
-        seed = r;
-        return t;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets and removes a local or stolen task.
-     *
-     * @return a task, if available
-     */
-    final ForkJoinTask<?> pollTask() {
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t = locallyFifo ? locallyDeqTask() : popTask();
-        if (t == null && (t = scan()) != null)
-            ++stealCount;
-        return t;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a local task.
-     *
-     * @return a task, if available
-     */
-    final ForkJoinTask<?> pollLocalTask() {
-        return locallyFifo ? locallyDeqTask() : popTask();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a pool submission, if one exists, activating first.
-     *
-     * @return a submission, if available
-     */
-    private ForkJoinTask<?> pollSubmission() {
-        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
-        while (p.hasQueuedSubmissions()) {
-            ForkJoinTask<?> t;
-            if (tryActivate() && (t = p.pollSubmission()) != null)
-                return t;
         return null;
-    // Methods accessed only by Pool
+    // Run State management
+    // status check methods used mainly by ForkJoinPool
+    final boolean isRunning()     { return runState == 0; }
+    final boolean isTerminating() { return (runState & TERMINATING) != 0; }
+    final boolean isTerminated()  { return (runState & TERMINATED) != 0; }
+    final boolean isSuspended()   { return (runState & SUSPENDED) != 0; }
+    final boolean isTrimmed()     { return (runState & TRIMMED) != 0; }
+    /**
+     * Sets state to TERMINATING. Does NOT unpark or interrupt
+     * to wake up if currently blocked. Callers must do so if desired.
+     */
+    final void shutdown() {
+        for (;;) {
+            int s = runState;
+            if ((s & (TERMINATING|TERMINATED)) != 0)
+                break;
+            if ((s & SUSPENDED) != 0) { // kill and wakeup if suspended
+                if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s,
+                                             (s & ~SUSPENDED) |
+                                             (TRIMMED|TERMINATING)))
+                    break;
+            }
+            else if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s,
+                                              s | TERMINATING))
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets state to TERMINATED. Called only by onTermination().
+     */
+    private void setTerminated() {
+        int s;
+        do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset,
+                                               s = runState,
+                                               s | (TERMINATING|TERMINATED)));
+    }
+    /**
+     * If suspended, tries to set status to unsuspended.
+     * Does NOT wake up if blocked.
+     *
+     * @return true if successful
+     */
+    final boolean tryUnsuspend() {
+        int s;
+        while (((s = runState) & SUSPENDED) != 0) {
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s,
+                                         s & ~SUSPENDED))
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets suspended status and blocks as spare until resumed
+     * or shutdown.
+     */
+    final void suspendAsSpare() {
+        for (;;) {                  // set suspended unless terminating
+            int s = runState;
+            if ((s & TERMINATING) != 0) { // must kill
+                if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s,
+                                             s | (TRIMMED | TERMINATING)))
+                    return;
+            }
+            else if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, runStateOffset, s,
+                                              s | SUSPENDED))
+                break;
+        }
+        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+        p.pushSpare(this);
+        while ((runState & SUSPENDED) != 0) {
+            if (p.tryAccumulateStealCount(this)) {
+                interrupted();          // clear/ignore interrupts
+                if ((runState & SUSPENDED) == 0)
+                    break;
+                LockSupport.park(this);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Misc support methods for ForkJoinPool
+    /**
+     * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks in the queue.  Also
+     * used by ForkJoinTask.
+     */
+    final int getQueueSize() {
+        int n; // external calls must read base first
+        return (n = -base + sp) <= 0 ? 0 : n;
+    }
      * Removes and cancels all tasks in queue.  Can be called from any
      * thread.
     final void cancelTasks() {
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t;
-        while (base != sp && (t = deqTask()) != null)
-            t.cancelIgnoringExceptions();
+        ForkJoinTask<?> cj = currentJoin; // try to cancel ongoing tasks
+        if (cj != null) {
+            currentJoin = null;
+            cj.cancelIgnoringExceptions();
+            try {
+                this.interrupt(); // awaken wait
+            } catch (SecurityException ignore) {
+            }
+        }
+        ForkJoinTask<?> cs = currentSteal;
+        if (cs != null) {
+            currentSteal = null;
+            cs.cancelIgnoringExceptions();
+        }
+        while (base != sp) {
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t = deqTask();
+            if (t != null)
+                t.cancelIgnoringExceptions();
+        }
@@ -713,87 +902,266 @@
     final int drainTasksTo(Collection<? super ForkJoinTask<?>> c) {
         int n = 0;
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t;
-        while (base != sp && (t = deqTask()) != null) {
-            c.add(t);
-            ++n;
+        while (base != sp) {
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t = deqTask();
+            if (t != null) {
+                c.add(t);
+                ++n;
+            }
         return n;
-    /**
-     * Gets and clears steal count for accumulation by pool.  Called
-     * only when known to be idle (in pool.sync and termination).
-     */
-    final int getAndClearStealCount() {
-        int sc = stealCount;
-        stealCount = 0;
-        return sc;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns {@code true} if at least one worker in the given array
-     * appears to have at least one queued task.
-     *
-     * @param ws array of workers
-     */
-    static boolean hasQueuedTasks(ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws) {
-        if (ws != null) {
-            int len = ws.length;
-            for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { // need two passes for clean sweep
-                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                    ForkJoinWorkerThread w = ws[i];
-                    if (w != null && w.sp != w.base)
-                        return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
     // Support methods for ForkJoinTask
-     * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks in the queue.
+     * Gets and removes a local task.
+     *
+     * @return a task, if available
+     */
+    final ForkJoinTask<?> pollLocalTask() {
+        ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+        while (sp != base) {
+            int a; // inline p.tryIncrementActiveCount
+            if (active ||
+                (active = UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(p, poolRunStateOffset,
+                                                   a = p.runState, a + 1)))
+                return locallyFifo ? locallyDeqTask() : popTask();
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets and removes a local or stolen task.
+     *
+     * @return a task, if available
+     */
+    final ForkJoinTask<?> pollTask() {
+        ForkJoinTask<?> t = pollLocalTask();
+        if (t == null) {
+            t = scan();
+            // cannot retain/track/help steal
+            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, null);
+        }
+        return t;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Possibly runs some tasks and/or blocks, until task is done.
+     *
+     * @param joinMe the task to join
-    final int getQueueSize() {
-        // suppress momentarily negative values
-        return Math.max(0, sp - base);
+    final void joinTask(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe) {
+        // currentJoin only written by this thread; only need ordered store
+        ForkJoinTask<?> prevJoin = currentJoin;
+        UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentJoinOffset, joinMe);
+        if (sp != base)
+            localHelpJoinTask(joinMe);
+        if (joinMe.status >= 0)
+            pool.awaitJoin(joinMe, this);
+        UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentJoinOffset, prevJoin);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Run tasks in local queue until given task is done.
+     *
+     * @param joinMe the task to join
+     */
+    private void localHelpJoinTask(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe) {
+        int s;
+        ForkJoinTask<?>[] q;
+        while (joinMe.status >= 0 && (s = sp) != base && (q = queue) != null) {
+            int i = (q.length - 1) & --s;
+            long u = (i << qShift) + qBase; // raw offset
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t = q[i];
+            if (t == null)  // lost to a stealer
+                break;
+            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, u, t, null)) {
+                /*
+                 * This recheck (and similarly in helpJoinTask)
+                 * handles cases where joinMe is independently
+                 * cancelled or forced even though there is other work
+                 * available. Back out of the pop by putting t back
+                 * into slot before we commit by writing sp.
+                 */
+                if (joinMe.status < 0) {
+                    UNSAFE.putObjectVolatile(q, u, t);
+                    break;
+                }
+                sp = s;
+                // UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, spOffset, s);
+                t.quietlyExec();
+            }
+        }
-     * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks, offset by a
-     * function of number of idle workers.
+     * Unless terminating, tries to locate and help perform tasks for
+     * a stealer of the given task, or in turn one of its stealers.
+     * Traces currentSteal->currentJoin links looking for a thread
+     * working on a descendant of the given task and with a non-empty
+     * queue to steal back and execute tasks from.
+     *
+     * The implementation is very branchy to cope with potential
+     * inconsistencies or loops encountering chains that are stale,
+     * unknown, or of length greater than MAX_HELP_DEPTH links.  All
+     * of these cases are dealt with by just returning back to the
+     * caller, who is expected to retry if other join mechanisms also
+     * don't work out.
+     *
+     * @param joinMe the task to join
-    final int getEstimatedSurplusTaskCount() {
-        // The halving approximates weighting idle vs non-idle workers
-        return (sp - base) - (pool.getIdleThreadCount() >>> 1);
+    final void helpJoinTask(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe) {
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws;
+        int n;
+        if (joinMe.status < 0)                // already done
+            return;
+        if ((runState & TERMINATING) != 0) {  // cancel if shutting down
+            joinMe.cancelIgnoringExceptions();
+            return;
+        }
+        if ((ws = pool.workers) == null || (n = ws.length) <= 1)
+            return;                           // need at least 2 workers
+        ForkJoinTask<?> task = joinMe;        // base of chain
+        ForkJoinWorkerThread thread = this;   // thread with stolen task
+        for (int d = 0; d < MAX_HELP_DEPTH; ++d) { // chain length
+            // Try to find v, the stealer of task, by first using hint
+            ForkJoinWorkerThread v = ws[thread.stealHint & (n - 1)];
+            if (v == null || v.currentSteal != task) {
+                for (int j = 0; ; ++j) {      // search array
+                    if (j < n) {
+                        ForkJoinTask<?> vs;
+                        if ((v = ws[j]) != null &&
+                            (vs = v.currentSteal) != null) {
+                            if (joinMe.status < 0 || task.status < 0)
+                                return;       // stale or done
+                            if (vs == task) {
+                                thread.stealHint = j;
+                                break;        // save hint for next time
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                        return;               // no stealer
+                }
+            }
+            for (;;) { // Try to help v, using specialized form of deqTask
+                if (joinMe.status < 0)
+                    return;
+                int b = v.base;
+                ForkJoinTask<?>[] q = v.queue;
+                if (b == v.sp || q == null)
+                    break;
+                int i = (q.length - 1) & b;
+                long u = (i << qShift) + qBase;
+                ForkJoinTask<?> t = q[i];
+                int pid = poolIndex;
+                ForkJoinTask<?> ps = currentSteal;
+                if (task.status < 0)
+                    return;                   // stale or done
+                if (t != null && v.base == b++ &&
+                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(q, u, t, null)) {
+                    if (joinMe.status < 0) {
+                        UNSAFE.putObjectVolatile(q, u, t);
+                        return;               // back out on cancel
+                    }
+                    v.base = b;
+                    v.stealHint = pid;
+                    UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, t);
+                    t.quietlyExec();
+                    UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, ps);
+                }
+            }
+            // Try to descend to find v's stealer
+            ForkJoinTask<?> next = v.currentJoin;
+            if (task.status < 0 || next == null || next == task ||
+                joinMe.status < 0)
+                return;
+            task = next;
+            thread = v;
+        }
-     * Scans, returning early if joinMe done.
+     * Implements ForkJoinTask.getSurplusQueuedTaskCount().
+     * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks, offset by a
+     * function of number of idle workers.
+     *
+     * This method provides a cheap heuristic guide for task
+     * partitioning when programmers, frameworks, tools, or languages
+     * have little or no idea about task granularity.  In essence by
+     * offering this method, we ask users only about tradeoffs in
+     * overhead vs expected throughput and its variance, rather than
+     * how finely to partition tasks.
+     *
+     * In a steady state strict (tree-structured) computation, each
+     * thread makes available for stealing enough tasks for other
+     * threads to remain active. Inductively, if all threads play by
+     * the same rules, each thread should make available only a
+     * constant number of tasks.
+     *
+     * The minimum useful constant is just 1. But using a value of 1
+     * would require immediate replenishment upon each steal to
+     * maintain enough tasks, which is infeasible.  Further,
+     * partitionings/granularities of offered tasks should minimize
+     * steal rates, which in general means that threads nearer the top
+     * of computation tree should generate more than those nearer the
+     * bottom. In perfect steady state, each thread is at
+     * approximately the same level of computation tree. However,
+     * producing extra tasks amortizes the uncertainty of progress and
+     * diffusion assumptions.
+     *
+     * So, users will want to use values larger, but not much larger
+     * than 1 to both smooth over transient shortages and hedge
+     * against uneven progress; as traded off against the cost of
+     * extra task overhead. We leave the user to pick a threshold
+     * value to compare with the results of this call to guide
+     * decisions, but recommend values such as 3.
+     *
+     * When all threads are active, it is on average OK to estimate
+     * surplus strictly locally. In steady-state, if one thread is
+     * maintaining say 2 surplus tasks, then so are others. So we can
+     * just use estimated queue length (although note that (sp - base)
+     * can be an overestimate because of stealers lagging increments
+     * of base).  However, this strategy alone leads to serious
+     * mis-estimates in some non-steady-state conditions (ramp-up,
+     * ramp-down, other stalls). We can detect many of these by
+     * further considering the number of "idle" threads, that are
+     * known to have zero queued tasks, so compensate by a factor of
+     * (#idle/#active) threads.
-    final ForkJoinTask<?> scanWhileJoining(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe) {
-        ForkJoinTask<?> t = pollTask();
-        if (t != null && joinMe.status < 0 && sp == base) {
-            pushTask(t); // unsteal if done and this task would be stealable
-            t = null;
-        }
-        return t;
+    final int getEstimatedSurplusTaskCount() {
+        return sp - base - pool.idlePerActive();
      * Runs tasks until {@code pool.isQuiescent()}.
     final void helpQuiescePool() {
+        ForkJoinTask<?> ps = currentSteal; // to restore below
         for (;;) {
-            ForkJoinTask<?> t = pollTask();
-            if (t != null)
+            ForkJoinTask<?> t = pollLocalTask();
+            if (t != null || (t = scan()) != null)
-            else if (tryInactivate() && pool.isQuiescent())
-                break;
+            else {
+                ForkJoinPool p = pool;
+                int a; // to inline CASes
+                if (active) {
+                    if (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                        (p, poolRunStateOffset, a = p.runState, a - 1))
+                        continue;   // retry later
+                    active = false; // inactivate
+                    UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, currentStealOffset, ps);
+                }
+                if (p.isQuiescent()) {
+                    active = true; // re-activate
+                    do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt
+                                 (p, poolRunStateOffset, a = p.runState, a+1));
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
-        do {} while (!tryActivate()); // re-activate on exit
     // Unsafe mechanics
@@ -803,15 +1171,23 @@
         objectFieldOffset("sp", ForkJoinWorkerThread.class);
     private static final long runStateOffset =
         objectFieldOffset("runState", ForkJoinWorkerThread.class);
-    private static final long qBase;
+    private static final long currentJoinOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("currentJoin", ForkJoinWorkerThread.class);
+    private static final long currentStealOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset("currentSteal", ForkJoinWorkerThread.class);
+    private static final long qBase =
+        UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(ForkJoinTask[].class);
+    private static final long poolRunStateOffset = // to inline CAS
+        objectFieldOffset("runState", ForkJoinPool.class);
     private static final int qShift;
     static {
-        qBase = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(ForkJoinTask[].class);
         int s = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(ForkJoinTask[].class);
         if ((s & (s-1)) != 0)
             throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two");
         qShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(s);
+        MAXIMUM_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1 << (31 - qShift);
     private static long objectFieldOffset(String field, Class<?> klazz) {
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/LinkedTransferQueue.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/LinkedTransferQueue.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
 import java.util.Queue;
 import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
  * An unbounded {@link TransferQueue} based on linked nodes.
  * This queue orders elements FIFO (first-in-first-out) with respect
@@ -233,24 +234,6 @@
      * additional GC bookkeeping ("write barriers") that are sometimes
      * more costly than the writes themselves because of contention).
-     * Removal of interior nodes (due to timed out or interrupted
-     * waits, or calls to remove(x) or Iterator.remove) can use a
-     * scheme roughly similar to that described in Scherer, Lea, and
-     * Scott's SynchronousQueue. Given a predecessor, we can unsplice
-     * any node except the (actual) tail of the queue. To avoid
-     * build-up of cancelled trailing nodes, upon a request to remove
-     * a trailing node, it is placed in field "cleanMe" to be
-     * unspliced upon the next call to unsplice any other node.
-     * Situations needing such mechanics are not common but do occur
-     * in practice; for example when an unbounded series of short
-     * timed calls to poll repeatedly time out but never otherwise
-     * fall off the list because of an untimed call to take at the
-     * front of the queue. Note that maintaining field cleanMe does
-     * not otherwise much impact garbage retention even if never
-     * cleared by some other call because the held node will
-     * eventually either directly or indirectly lead to a self-link
-     * once off the list.
-     *
      * *** Overview of implementation ***
      * We use a threshold-based approach to updates, with a slack
@@ -266,15 +249,10 @@
      * per-thread one available, but even ThreadLocalRandom is too
      * heavy for these purposes.
-     * With such a small slack threshold value, it is rarely
-     * worthwhile to augment this with path short-circuiting; i.e.,
-     * unsplicing nodes between head and the first unmatched node, or
-     * similarly for tail, rather than advancing head or tail
-     * proper. However, it is used (in awaitMatch) immediately before
-     * a waiting thread starts to block, as a final bit of helping at
-     * a point when contention with others is extremely unlikely
-     * (since if other threads that could release it are operating,
-     * then the current thread wouldn't be blocking).
+     * With such a small slack threshold value, it is not worthwhile
+     * to augment this with path short-circuiting (i.e., unsplicing
+     * interior nodes) except in the case of cancellation/removal (see
+     * below).
      * We allow both the head and tail fields to be null before any
      * nodes are enqueued; initializing upon first append.  This
@@ -356,6 +334,70 @@
      *    versa) compared to their predecessors receive additional
      *    chained spins, reflecting longer paths typically required to
      *    unblock threads during phase changes.
+     *
+     *
+     * ** Unlinking removed interior nodes **
+     *
+     * In addition to minimizing garbage retention via self-linking
+     * described above, we also unlink removed interior nodes. These
+     * may arise due to timed out or interrupted waits, or calls to
+     * remove(x) or Iterator.remove.  Normally, given a node that was
+     * at one time known to be the predecessor of some node s that is
+     * to be removed, we can unsplice s by CASing the next field of
+     * its predecessor if it still points to s (otherwise s must
+     * already have been removed or is now offlist). But there are two
+     * situations in which we cannot guarantee to make node s
+     * unreachable in this way: (1) If s is the trailing node of list
+     * (i.e., with null next), then it is pinned as the target node
+     * for appends, so can only be removed later after other nodes are
+     * appended. (2) We cannot necessarily unlink s given a
+     * predecessor node that is matched (including the case of being
+     * cancelled): the predecessor may already be unspliced, in which
+     * case some previous reachable node may still point to s.
+     * (For further explanation see Herlihy & Shavit "The Art of
+     * Multiprocessor Programming" chapter 9).  Although, in both
+     * cases, we can rule out the need for further action if either s
+     * or its predecessor are (or can be made to be) at, or fall off
+     * from, the head of list.
+     *
+     * Without taking these into account, it would be possible for an
+     * unbounded number of supposedly removed nodes to remain
+     * reachable.  Situations leading to such buildup are uncommon but
+     * can occur in practice; for example when a series of short timed
+     * calls to poll repeatedly time out but never otherwise fall off
+     * the list because of an untimed call to take at the front of the
+     * queue.
+     *
+     * When these cases arise, rather than always retraversing the
+     * entire list to find an actual predecessor to unlink (which
+     * won't help for case (1) anyway), we record a conservative
+     * estimate of possible unsplice failures (in "sweepVotes").
+     * We trigger a full sweep when the estimate exceeds a threshold
+     * ("SWEEP_THRESHOLD") indicating the maximum number of estimated
+     * removal failures to tolerate before sweeping through, unlinking
+     * cancelled nodes that were not unlinked upon initial removal.
+     * We perform sweeps by the thread hitting threshold (rather than
+     * background threads or by spreading work to other threads)
+     * because in the main contexts in which removal occurs, the
+     * caller is already timed-out, cancelled, or performing a
+     * potentially O(n) operation (e.g. remove(x)), none of which are
+     * time-critical enough to warrant the overhead that alternatives
+     * would impose on other threads.
+     *
+     * Because the sweepVotes estimate is conservative, and because
+     * nodes become unlinked "naturally" as they fall off the head of
+     * the queue, and because we allow votes to accumulate even while
+     * sweeps are in progress, there are typically significantly fewer
+     * such nodes than estimated.  Choice of a threshold value
+     * balances the likelihood of wasted effort and contention, versus
+     * providing a worst-case bound on retention of interior nodes in
+     * quiescent queues. The value defined below was chosen
+     * empirically to balance these under various timeout scenarios.
+     *
+     * Note that we cannot self-link unlinked interior nodes during
+     * sweeps. However, the associated garbage chains terminate when
+     * some successor ultimately falls off the head of the list and is
+     * self-linked.
     /** True if on multiprocessor */
@@ -382,11 +424,19 @@
     private static final int CHAINED_SPINS = FRONT_SPINS >>> 1;
+     * The maximum number of estimated removal failures (sweepVotes)
+     * to tolerate before sweeping through the queue unlinking
+     * cancelled nodes that were not unlinked upon initial
+     * removal. See above for explanation. The value must be at least
+     * two to avoid useless sweeps when removing trailing nodes.
+     */
+    static final int SWEEP_THRESHOLD = 32;
+    /**
      * Queue nodes. Uses Object, not E, for items to allow forgetting
      * them after use.  Relies heavily on Unsafe mechanics to minimize
-     * unnecessary ordering constraints: Writes that intrinsically
-     * precede or follow CASes use simple relaxed forms.  Other
-     * cleanups use releasing/lazy writes.
+     * unnecessary ordering constraints: Writes that are intrinsically
+     * ordered wrt other accesses or CASes use simple relaxed forms.
     static final class Node {
         final boolean isData;   // false if this is a request node
@@ -400,13 +450,13 @@
         final boolean casItem(Object cmp, Object val) {
-            // assert cmp == null || cmp.getClass() != Node.class;
+            //            assert cmp == null || cmp.getClass() != Node.class;
             return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, itemOffset, cmp, val);
-         * Creates a new node. Uses relaxed write because item can only
-         * be seen if followed by CAS.
+         * Constructs a new node.  Uses relaxed write because item can
+         * only be seen after publication via casNext.
         Node(Object item, boolean isData) {
             UNSAFE.putObject(this, itemOffset, item); // relaxed write
@@ -422,13 +472,17 @@
-         * Sets item to self (using a releasing/lazy write) and waiter
-         * to null, to avoid garbage retention after extracting or
-         * cancelling.
+         * Sets item to self and waiter to null, to avoid garbage
+         * retention after matching or cancelling. Uses relaxed writes
+         * because order is already constrained in the only calling
+         * contexts: item is forgotten only after volatile/atomic
+         * mechanics that extract items.  Similarly, clearing waiter
+         * follows either CAS or return from park (if ever parked;
+         * else we don't care).
         final void forgetContents() {
-            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, itemOffset, this);
-            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, waiterOffset, null);
+            UNSAFE.putObject(this, itemOffset, this);
+            UNSAFE.putObject(this, waiterOffset, null);
@@ -462,7 +516,7 @@
          * Tries to artificially match a data node -- used by remove.
         final boolean tryMatchData() {
-            // assert isData;
+            //            assert isData;
             Object x = item;
             if (x != null && x != this && casItem(x, null)) {
@@ -486,12 +540,12 @@
     /** head of the queue; null until first enqueue */
     transient volatile Node head;
-    /** predecessor of dangling unspliceable node */
-    private transient volatile Node cleanMe; // decl here reduces contention
     /** tail of the queue; null until first append */
     private transient volatile Node tail;
+    /** The number of apparent failures to unsplice removed nodes */
+    private transient volatile int sweepVotes;
     // CAS methods for fields
     private boolean casTail(Node cmp, Node val) {
         return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, tailOffset, cmp, val);
@@ -501,8 +555,8 @@
         return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, headOffset, cmp, val);
-    private boolean casCleanMe(Node cmp, Node val) {
-        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, cleanMeOffset, cmp, val);
+    private boolean casSweepVotes(int cmp, int val) {
+        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, sweepVotesOffset, cmp, val);
@@ -515,7 +569,7 @@
     static <E> E cast(Object item) {
-        // assert item == null || item.getClass() != Node.class;
+        //        assert item == null || item.getClass() != Node.class;
         return (E) item;
@@ -544,10 +598,8 @@
                     if (p.casItem(item, e)) { // match
                         for (Node q = p; q != h;) {
-                            Node n = q.next;  // update head by 2
-                            if (n != null)    // unless singleton
-                                q = n;
-                            if (head == h && casHead(h, q)) {
+                            Node n = q.next;  // update by 2 unless singleton
+                            if (head == h && casHead(h, n == null? q : n)) {
                             }                 // advance and retry
@@ -632,12 +684,12 @@
         for (;;) {
             Object item = s.item;
             if (item != e) {                  // matched
-                // assert item != s;
+                //                assert item != s;
                 s.forgetContents();           // avoid garbage
                 return this.<E>cast(item);
             if ((w.isInterrupted() || (timed && nanos <= 0)) &&
-                    s.casItem(e, s)) {       // cancel
+                    s.casItem(e, s)) {        // cancel
                 unsplice(pred, s);
                 return e;
@@ -647,9 +699,8 @@
                     randomYields = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
             else if (spins > 0) {             // spin
-                if (--spins == 0)
-                    shortenHeadPath();        // reduce slack before blocking
-                else if (randomYields.nextInt(CHAINED_SPINS) == 0)
+                --spins;
+                if (randomYields.nextInt(CHAINED_SPINS) == 0)
                     Thread.yield();           // occasionally yield
             else if (s.waiter == null) {
@@ -663,8 +714,6 @@
             else {
-                s.waiter = null;
-                spins = -1;                   // spin if front upon wakeup
@@ -685,27 +734,6 @@
         return 0;
-    /**
-     * Tries (once) to unsplice nodes between head and first unmatched
-     * or trailing node; failing on contention.
-     */
-    private void shortenHeadPath() {
-        Node h, hn, p, q;
-        if ((p = h = head) != null && h.isMatched() &&
-            (q = hn = h.next) != null) {
-            Node n;
-            while ((n = q.next) != q) {
-                if (n == null || !q.isMatched()) {
-                    if (hn != q && h.next == hn)
-                        h.casNext(hn, q);
-                    break;
-                }
-                p = q;
-                q = n;
-            }
-        }
-    }
     /* -------------- Traversal methods -------------- */
@@ -818,7 +846,8 @@
         public final void remove() {
             Node p = lastRet;
             if (p == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
-            findAndRemoveDataNode(lastPred, p);
+            if (p.tryMatchData())
+                unsplice(lastPred, p);
@@ -828,99 +857,68 @@
      * Unsplices (now or later) the given deleted/cancelled node with
      * the given predecessor.
-     * @param pred predecessor of node to be unspliced
+     * @param pred a node that was at one time known to be the
+     * predecessor of s, or null or s itself if s is/was at head
      * @param s the node to be unspliced
-    private void unsplice(Node pred, Node s) {
-        s.forgetContents(); // clear unneeded fields
+    final void unsplice(Node pred, Node s) {
+        s.forgetContents(); // forget unneeded fields
-         * At any given time, exactly one node on list cannot be
-         * unlinked -- the last inserted node. To accommodate this, if
-         * we cannot unlink s, we save its predecessor as "cleanMe",
-         * processing the previously saved version first. Because only
-         * one node in the list can have a null next, at least one of
-         * node s or the node previously saved can always be
-         * processed, so this always terminates.
+         * See above for rationale. Briefly: if pred still points to
+         * s, try to unlink s.  If s cannot be unlinked, because it is
+         * trailing node or pred might be unlinked, and neither pred
+         * nor s are head or offlist, add to sweepVotes, and if enough
+         * votes have accumulated, sweep.
-        if (pred != null && pred != s) {
-            while (pred.next == s) {
-                Node oldpred = (cleanMe == null) ? null : reclean();
-                Node n = s.next;
-                if (n != null) {
-                    if (n != s)
-                        pred.casNext(s, n);
-                    break;
+        if (pred != null && pred != s && pred.next == s) {
+            Node n = s.next;
+            if (n == null ||
+                (n != s && pred.casNext(s, n) && pred.isMatched())) {
+                for (;;) {               // check if at, or could be, head
+                    Node h = head;
+                    if (h == pred || h == s || h == null)
+                        return;          // at head or list empty
+                    if (!h.isMatched())
+                        break;
+                    Node hn = h.next;
+                    if (hn == null)
+                        return;          // now empty
+                    if (hn != h && casHead(h, hn))
+                        h.forgetNext();  // advance head
-                if (oldpred == pred ||      // Already saved
-                    ((oldpred == null || oldpred.next == s) &&
-                     casCleanMe(oldpred, pred))) {
-                    break;
+                if (pred.next != pred && s.next != s) { // recheck if offlist
+                    for (;;) {           // sweep now if enough votes
+                        int v = sweepVotes;
+                        if (v < SWEEP_THRESHOLD) {
+                            if (casSweepVotes(v, v + 1))
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        else if (casSweepVotes(v, 0)) {
+                            sweep();
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
-     * Tries to unsplice the deleted/cancelled node held in cleanMe
-     * that was previously uncleanable because it was at tail.
-     *
-     * @return current cleanMe node (or null)
+     * Unlinks matched (typically cancelled) nodes encountered in a
+     * traversal from head.
-    private Node reclean() {
-        /*
-         * cleanMe is, or at one time was, predecessor of a cancelled
-         * node s that was the tail so could not be unspliced.  If it
-         * is no longer the tail, try to unsplice if necessary and
-         * make cleanMe slot available.  This differs from similar
-         * code in unsplice() because we must check that pred still
-         * points to a matched node that can be unspliced -- if not,
-         * we can (must) clear cleanMe without unsplicing.  This can
-         * loop only due to contention.
-         */
-        Node pred;
-        while ((pred = cleanMe) != null) {
-            Node s = pred.next;
-            Node n;
-            if (s == null || s == pred || !s.isMatched())
-                casCleanMe(pred, null); // already gone
-            else if ((n = s.next) != null) {
-                if (n != s)
-                    pred.casNext(s, n);
-                casCleanMe(pred, null);
-            }
-            else
+    private void sweep() {
+        for (Node p = head, s, n; p != null && (s = p.next) != null; ) {
+            if (!s.isMatched())
+                // Unmatched nodes are never self-linked
+                p = s;
+            else if ((n = s.next) == null) // trailing node is pinned
-        }
-        return pred;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main implementation of Iterator.remove(). Finds
-     * and unsplices the given data node.
-     *
-     * @param possiblePred possible predecessor of s
-     * @param s the node to remove
-     */
-    final void findAndRemoveDataNode(Node possiblePred, Node s) {
-        // assert s.isData;
-        if (s.tryMatchData()) {
-            if (possiblePred != null && possiblePred.next == s)
-                unsplice(possiblePred, s); // was actual predecessor
-            else {
-                for (Node pred = null, p = head; p != null; ) {
-                    if (p == s) {
-                        unsplice(pred, p);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (p.isUnmatchedRequest())
-                        break;
-                    pred = p;
-                    if ((p = p.next) == pred) { // stale
-                        pred = null;
-                        p = head;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
+            else if (s == n)    // stale
+                // No need to also check for p == s, since that implies s == n
+                p = head;
+            else
+                p.casNext(s, n);
@@ -1158,7 +1156,11 @@
      * @return {@code true} if this queue contains no elements
     public boolean isEmpty() {
-        return firstOfMode(true) == null;
+        for (Node p = head; p != null; p = succ(p)) {
+            if (!p.isMatched())
+                return !p.isData;
+        }
+        return true;
     public boolean hasWaitingConsumer() {
@@ -1252,8 +1254,8 @@
         objectFieldOffset(UNSAFE, "head", LinkedTransferQueue.class);
     private static final long tailOffset =
         objectFieldOffset(UNSAFE, "tail", LinkedTransferQueue.class);
-    private static final long cleanMeOffset =
-        objectFieldOffset(UNSAFE, "cleanMe", LinkedTransferQueue.class);
+    private static final long sweepVotesOffset =
+        objectFieldOffset(UNSAFE, "sweepVotes", LinkedTransferQueue.class);
     static long objectFieldOffset(sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE,
                                   String field, Class<?> klazz) {
@@ -1266,5 +1268,4 @@
             throw error;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/Phaser.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/Phaser.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
         boolean doWait() {
             if (thread != null) {
                 try {
-                    ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(this, false);
+                    ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(this);
                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
--- a/jdk/test/java/util/concurrent/forkjoin/Integrate.java	Mon Sep 13 09:32:36 2010 +0800
+++ b/jdk/test/java/util/concurrent/forkjoin/Integrate.java	Mon Sep 13 09:55:03 2010 +0100
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
             ar = recEval(c, r, fc, fr, ar);
             if (!q.tryUnfork()) {
-                q.quietlyHelpJoin();
+                q.quietlyJoin();
                 return ar + q.area;
             return ar + recEval(l, c, fl, fc, al);
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
                 (q = new DQuad(l, c, al)).fork();
             ar = recEval(c, r, fc, fr, ar);
             if (q != null && !q.tryUnfork()) {
-                q.quietlyHelpJoin();
+                q.quietlyJoin();
                 return ar + q.area;
             return ar + recEval(l, c, fl, fc, al);