4851777: Add BigDecimal sqrt method
Fri, 20 May 2016 15:34:37 -0700
changeset 38453 78aa185d0612
parent 38452 ca210bc11ed7
child 38454 f196252337c7
4851777: Add BigDecimal sqrt method Reviewed-by: bpb
--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/math/BigDecimal.java	Fri May 20 14:41:41 2016 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/math/BigDecimal.java	Fri May 20 15:34:37 2016 -0700
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
  * <tr><td>Subtract</td><td>max(minuend.scale(), subtrahend.scale())</td>
  * <tr><td>Multiply</td><td>multiplier.scale() + multiplicand.scale()</td>
  * <tr><td>Divide</td><td>dividend.scale() - divisor.scale()</td>
+ * <tr><td>Square root</td><td>radicand.scale()/2</td>
  * </table>
  * These scales are the ones used by the methods which return exact
@@ -346,6 +347,16 @@
     public static final BigDecimal TEN =
+    /**
+     * The value 0.1, with a scale of 1.
+     */
+    private static final BigDecimal ONE_TENTH = valueOf(1L, 1);
+    /**
+     * The value 0.5, with a scale of 1.
+     */
+    private static final BigDecimal ONE_HALF = valueOf(5L, 1);
     // Constructors
@@ -1996,6 +2007,295 @@
+     * Returns an approximation to the square root of {@code this}
+     * with rounding according to the context settings.
+     *
+     * <p>The preferred scale of the returned result is equal to
+     * {@code this.scale()/2}. The value of the returned result is
+     * always within one ulp of the exact decimal value for the
+     * precision in question.  If the rounding mode is {@link
+     * RoundingMode#HALF_UP HALF_UP}, {@link RoundingMode#HALF_DOWN
+     * HALF_DOWN}, or {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN HALF_EVEN}, the
+     * result is within one half an ulp of the exact decimal value.
+     *
+     * <p>Special case:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li> The square root of a number numerically equal to {@code
+     * ZERO} is numerically equal to {@code ZERO} with a preferred
+     * scale according to the general rule above. In particular, for
+     * {@code ZERO}}, {@code ZERO.sqrt(mc).equals(ZERO)} is true with
+     * any {@code MathContext} as an argument.
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * @param mc the context to use.
+     * @return the square root of {@code this}.
+     * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code this} is less than zero.
+     * @throws ArithmeticException if an exact result is requested
+     * ({@code mc.getPrecision()==0}) and there is no finite decimal
+     * expansion of the exact result
+     * @throws ArithmeticException if
+     * {@code (mc.getRoundingMode()==RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY}) and
+     * the exact result cannot fit in {@code mc.getPrecision()}
+     * digits.
+     * @since  9
+     */
+    public BigDecimal sqrt(MathContext mc) {
+        int signum = signum();
+        if (signum == 1) {
+            /*
+             * The following code draws on the algorithm presented in
+             * "Properly Rounded Variable Precision Square Root," Hull and
+             * Abrham, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 11,
+             * No. 3, September 1985, Pages 229-237.
+             *
+             * The BigDecimal computational model differs from the one
+             * presented in the paper in several ways: first BigDecimal
+             * numbers aren't necessarily normalized, second many more
+             * rounding modes are supported, including UNNECESSARY, and
+             * exact results can be requested.
+             *
+             * The main steps of the algorithm below are as follows,
+             * first argument reduce the value to the numerical range
+             * [1, 10) using the following relations:
+             *
+             * x = y * 10 ^ exp
+             * sqrt(x) = sqrt(y) * 10^(exp / 2) if exp is even
+             * sqrt(x) = sqrt(y/10) * 10 ^((exp+1)/2) is exp is odd
+             *
+             * Then use Newton's iteration on the reduced value to compute
+             * the numerical digits of the desired result.
+             *
+             * Finally, scale back to the desired exponent range and
+             * perform any adjustment to get the preferred scale in the
+             * representation.
+             */
+            // The code below favors relative simplicity over checking
+            // for special cases that could run faster.
+            int preferredScale = this.scale()/2;
+            BigDecimal zeroWithFinalPreferredScale = valueOf(0L, preferredScale);
+            // First phase of numerical normalization, strip trailing
+            // zeros and check for even powers of 10.
+            BigDecimal stripped = this.stripTrailingZeros();
+            int strippedScale = stripped.scale();
+            // Numerically sqrt(10^2N) = 10^N
+            if (stripped.isPowerOfTen() &&
+                strippedScale % 2 == 0) {
+                BigDecimal result = valueOf(1L, strippedScale/2);
+                if (result.scale() != preferredScale) {
+                    // Adjust to requested precision and preferred
+                    // scale as appropriate.
+                    result = result.add(zeroWithFinalPreferredScale, mc);
+                }
+                return result;
+            }
+            // After stripTrailingZeros, the representation is normalized as
+            //
+            // unscaledValue * 10^(-scale)
+            //
+            // where unscaledValue is an integer with the mimimum
+            // precision for the cohort of the numerical value. To
+            // allow binary floating-point hardware to be used to get
+            // approximately a 15 digit approximation to the square
+            // root, it is helpful to instead normalize this so that
+            // the significand portion is to right of the decimal
+            // point by roughly (scale() - precision() +1).
+            // Now the precision / scale adjustment
+            int scaleAdjust = 0;
+            int scale = stripped.scale() - stripped.precision() + 1;
+            if (scale % 2 == 0) {
+                scaleAdjust = scale;
+            } else {
+                scaleAdjust = scale - 1;
+            }
+            BigDecimal working = stripped.scaleByPowerOfTen(scaleAdjust);
+            assert  // Verify 0.1 <= working < 10
+                ONE_TENTH.compareTo(working) <= 0 && working.compareTo(TEN) < 0;
+            // Use good ole' Math.sqrt to get the initial guess for
+            // the Newton iteration, good to at least 15 decimal
+            // digits. This approach does incur the cost of a
+            //
+            // BigDecimal -> double -> BigDecimal
+            //
+            // conversion cycle, but it avoids the need for several
+            // Newton iterations in BigDecimal arithmetic to get the
+            // working answer to 15 digits of precision. If many fewer
+            // than 15 digits were needed, it might be faster to do
+            // the loop entirely in BigDecimal arithmetic.
+            //
+            // (A double value might have as much many as 17 decimal
+            // digits of precision; it depends on the relative density
+            // of binary and decimal numbers at different regions of
+            // the number line.)
+            //
+            // (It would be possible to check for certain special
+            // cases to avoid doing any Newton iterations. For
+            // example, if the BigDecimal -> double conversion was
+            // known to be exact and the rounding mode had a
+            // low-enough precision, the post-Newton rounding logic
+            // could be applied directly.)
+            BigDecimal guess = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(working.doubleValue()));
+            int guessPrecision = 15;
+            int originalPrecision = mc.getPrecision();
+            int targetPrecision;
+            // If an exact value is requested, it must only need about
+            // half of the input digits to represent since multiplying
+            // an N digit number by itself yield a 2N-1 digit or 2N
+            // digit result.
+            if (originalPrecision == 0) {
+                targetPrecision = stripped.precision()/2 + 1;
+            } else {
+                targetPrecision = originalPrecision;
+            }
+            // When setting the precision to use inside the Newton
+            // iteration loop, take care to avoid the case where the
+            // precision of the input exceeds the requested precision
+            // and rounding the input value too soon.
+            BigDecimal approx = guess;
+            int workingPrecision = working.precision();
+            do {
+                int tmpPrecision = Math.max(Math.max(guessPrecision, targetPrecision + 2),
+                                           workingPrecision);
+                MathContext mcTmp = new MathContext(tmpPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
+                // approx = 0.5 * (approx + fraction / approx)
+                approx = ONE_HALF.multiply(approx.add(working.divide(approx, mcTmp), mcTmp));
+                guessPrecision *= 2;
+            } while (guessPrecision < targetPrecision + 2);
+            BigDecimal result;
+            RoundingMode targetRm = mc.getRoundingMode();
+            if (targetRm == RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY || originalPrecision == 0) {
+                RoundingMode tmpRm =
+                    (targetRm == RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY) ? RoundingMode.DOWN : targetRm;
+                MathContext mcTmp = new MathContext(targetPrecision, tmpRm);
+                result = approx.scaleByPowerOfTen(-scaleAdjust/2).round(mcTmp);
+                // If result*result != this numerically, the square
+                // root isn't exact
+                if (this.subtract(result.multiply(result)).compareTo(ZERO) != 0) {
+                    throw new ArithmeticException("Computed square root not exact.");
+                }
+            } else {
+                result = approx.scaleByPowerOfTen(-scaleAdjust/2).round(mc);
+            }
+            if (result.scale() != preferredScale) {
+                // The preferred scale of an add is
+                // max(addend.scale(), augend.scale()). Therefore, if
+                // the scale of the result is first minimized using
+                // stripTrailingZeros(), adding a zero of the
+                // preferred scale rounding the correct precision will
+                // perform the proper scale vs precision tradeoffs.
+                result = result.stripTrailingZeros().
+                    add(zeroWithFinalPreferredScale,
+                        new MathContext(originalPrecision, RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY));
+            }
+            assert squareRootResultAssertions(result, mc);
+            return result;
+        } else {
+            switch (signum) {
+            case -1:
+                throw new ArithmeticException("Attempted square root " +
+                                              "of negative BigDecimal");
+            case 0:
+                return valueOf(0L, scale()/2);
+            default:
+                throw new AssertionError("Bad value from signum");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean isPowerOfTen() {
+        return BigInteger.ONE.equals(this.unscaledValue());
+    }
+    /**
+     * For nonzero values, check numerical correctness properties of
+     * the computed result for the chosen rounding mode.
+     *
+     * For the directed roundings, for DOWN and FLOOR, result^2 must
+     * be {@code <=} the input and (result+ulp)^2 must be {@code >} the
+     * input. Conversely, for UP and CEIL, result^2 must be {@code >=} the
+     * input and (result-ulp)^2 must be {@code <} the input.
+     */
+    private boolean squareRootResultAssertions(BigDecimal result, MathContext mc) {
+        if (result.signum() == 0) {
+            return squareRootZeroResultAssertions(result, mc);
+        } else {
+            RoundingMode rm = mc.getRoundingMode();
+            BigDecimal ulp = result.ulp();
+            BigDecimal neighborUp   = result.add(ulp);
+            // Make neighbor down accurate even for powers of ten
+            if (this.isPowerOfTen()) {
+                ulp = ulp.divide(TEN);
+            }
+            BigDecimal neighborDown = result.subtract(ulp);
+            // Both the starting value and result should be nonzero and positive.
+            if (result.signum() != 1 ||
+                this.signum() != 1) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            switch (rm) {
+            case DOWN:
+            case FLOOR:
+                return
+                    result.multiply(result).compareTo(this)         <= 0 &&
+                    neighborUp.multiply(neighborUp).compareTo(this) > 0;
+            case UP:
+            case CEILING:
+                return
+                    result.multiply(result).compareTo(this)             >= 0 &&
+                    neighborDown.multiply(neighborDown).compareTo(this) < 0;
+            case HALF_DOWN:
+            case HALF_EVEN:
+            case HALF_UP:
+                BigDecimal err = result.multiply(result).subtract(this).abs();
+                BigDecimal errUp = neighborUp.multiply(neighborUp).subtract(this);
+                BigDecimal errDown =  this.subtract(neighborDown.multiply(neighborDown));
+                // All error values should be positive so don't need to
+                // compare absolute values.
+                int err_comp_errUp = err.compareTo(errUp);
+                int err_comp_errDown = err.compareTo(errDown);
+                return
+                    errUp.signum()   == 1 &&
+                    errDown.signum() == 1 &&
+                    err_comp_errUp   <= 0 &&
+                    err_comp_errDown <= 0 &&
+                    ((err_comp_errUp   == 0 ) ? err_comp_errDown < 0 : true) &&
+                    ((err_comp_errDown == 0 ) ? err_comp_errUp   < 0 : true);
+                // && could check for digit conditions for ties too
+            default: // Definition of UNNECESSARY already verified.
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean squareRootZeroResultAssertions(BigDecimal result, MathContext mc) {
+        return this.compareTo(ZERO) == 0;
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is
      * <code>(this<sup>n</sup>)</code>, The power is computed exactly, to
      * unlimited precision.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/test/java/math/BigDecimal/SquareRootTests.java	Fri May 20 15:34:37 2016 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 4851777
+ * @summary Tests of BigDecimal.sqrt().
+ */
+import java.math.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SquareRootTests {
+    public static void main(String... args) {
+        int failures = 0;
+        failures += negativeTests();
+        failures += zeroTests();
+        failures += evenPowersOfTenTests();
+        failures += squareRootTwoTests();
+        failures += lowPrecisionPerfectSquares();
+        if (failures > 0 ) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Incurred " + failures + " failures" +
+                                       " testing BigDecimal.sqrt().");
+        }
+    }
+    private static int negativeTests() {
+        int failures = 0;
+        for (long i = -10; i < 0; i++) {
+            for (int j = -5; j < 5; j++) {
+                try {
+                    BigDecimal input = BigDecimal.valueOf(i, j);
+                    BigDecimal result = input.sqrt(MathContext.DECIMAL64);
+                    System.err.println("Unexpected sqrt of negative: (" +
+                                       input + ").sqrt()  = " + result );
+                    failures += 1;
+                } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
+                    ; // Expected
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return failures;
+    }
+    private static int zeroTests() {
+        int failures = 0;
+        for (int i = -100; i < 100; i++) {
+            BigDecimal expected = BigDecimal.valueOf(0L, i/2);
+            // These results are independent of rounding mode
+            failures += compare(BigDecimal.valueOf(0L, i).sqrt(MathContext.UNLIMITED),
+                                expected, true, "zeros");
+            failures += compare(BigDecimal.valueOf(0L, i).sqrt(MathContext.DECIMAL64),
+                                expected, true, "zeros");
+        }
+        return failures;
+    }
+    /**
+     * sqrt(10^2N) is 10^N
+     * Both numerical value and representation should be verified
+     */
+    private static int evenPowersOfTenTests() {
+        int failures = 0;
+        MathContext oneDigitExactly = new MathContext(1, RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY);
+        for (int scale = -100; scale <= 100; scale++) {
+            BigDecimal testValue       = BigDecimal.valueOf(1, 2*scale);
+            BigDecimal expectedNumericalResult = BigDecimal.valueOf(1, scale);
+            BigDecimal result;
+            failures += equalNumerically(expectedNumericalResult,
+                                           result = testValue.sqrt(MathContext.DECIMAL64),
+                                           "Even powers of 10, DECIMAL64");
+            // Can round to one digit of precision exactly
+            failures += equalNumerically(expectedNumericalResult,
+                                           result = testValue.sqrt(oneDigitExactly),
+                                           "even powers of 10, 1 digit");
+            if (result.precision() > 1) {
+                failures += 1;
+                System.err.println("Excess precision for " + result);
+            }
+            // If rounding to more than one digit, do precision / scale checking...
+        }
+        return failures;
+    }
+    private static int squareRootTwoTests() {
+        int failures = 0;
+        BigDecimal TWO = new BigDecimal(2);
+        // Square root of 2 truncated to 65 digits
+        BigDecimal highPrecisionRoot2 =
+            new BigDecimal("1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799");
+        RoundingMode[] modes = {
+            RoundingMode.UP,       RoundingMode.DOWN,
+            RoundingMode.CEILING, RoundingMode.FLOOR,
+            RoundingMode.HALF_UP, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
+        };
+        // For each iteresting rounding mode, for precisions 1 to, say
+        // 63 numerically compare TWO.sqrt(mc) to
+        // highPrecisionRoot2.round(mc)
+        for (RoundingMode mode : modes) {
+            for (int precision = 1; precision < 63; precision++) {
+                MathContext mc = new MathContext(precision, mode);
+                BigDecimal expected = highPrecisionRoot2.round(mc);
+                BigDecimal computed = TWO.sqrt(mc);
+                equalNumerically(expected, computed, "sqrt(2)");
+            }
+        }
+        return failures;
+    }
+    private static int lowPrecisionPerfectSquares() {
+        int failures = 0;
+        // For 5^2 through 9^2, if the input is rounded to one digit
+        // first before the root is computed, the wrong answer will
+        // result. Verify results and scale for different rounding
+        // modes and precisions.
+        long[][] squaresWithOneDigitRoot = {{ 4, 2},
+                                            { 9, 3},
+                                            {25, 5},
+                                            {36, 6},
+                                            {49, 7},
+                                            {64, 8},
+                                            {81, 9}};
+        for (long[] squareAndRoot : squaresWithOneDigitRoot) {
+            BigDecimal square     = new BigDecimal(squareAndRoot[0]);
+            BigDecimal expected   = new BigDecimal(squareAndRoot[1]);
+            for (int scale = 0; scale <= 4; scale++) {
+                BigDecimal scaledSquare = square.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY);
+                int expectedScale = scale/2;
+                for (int precision = 0; precision <= 5; precision++) {
+                    for (RoundingMode rm : RoundingMode.values()) {
+                        MathContext mc = new MathContext(precision, rm);
+                        BigDecimal computedRoot = scaledSquare.sqrt(mc);
+                        failures += equalNumerically(expected, computedRoot, "simple squares");
+                        int computedScale = computedRoot.scale();
+                        if (precision >=  expectedScale + 1 &&
+                            computedScale != expectedScale) {
+                        System.err.printf("%s\tprecision=%d\trm=%s%n",
+                                          computedRoot.toString(), precision, rm);
+                            failures++;
+                            System.err.printf("\t%s does not have expected scale of %d%n.",
+                                              computedRoot, expectedScale);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return failures;
+    }
+    private static int compare(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b, boolean expected, String prefix) {
+        boolean result = a.equals(b);
+        int failed = (result==expected) ? 0 : 1;
+        if (failed == 1) {
+            System.err.println("Testing " + prefix +
+                               "(" + a + ").compareTo(" + b + ") => " + result +
+                               "\n\tExpected " + expected);
+        }
+        return failed;
+    }
+    private static int equalNumerically(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b,
+                                        String prefix) {
+        return compareNumerically(a, b, 0, prefix);
+    }
+    private static int compareNumerically(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b,
+                                          int expected, String prefix) {
+        int result = a.compareTo(b);
+        int failed = (result==expected) ? 0 : 1;
+        if (failed == 1) {
+            System.err.println("Testing " + prefix +
+                               "(" + a + ").compareTo(" + b + ") => " + result +
+                               "\n\tExpected " + expected);
+        }
+        return failed;
+    }