Wed, 04 Apr 2012 20:32:39 +0400
changeset 12289 03b76b344e5f
parent 12288 30d13a7dd03f (diff)
parent 12287 5b5175de639f (current diff)
child 12290 b1466e43b55c
child 12396 79c64c6eb61e
--- a/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk	Wed Apr 04 16:27:29 2012 +0400
+++ b/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
   PLATFORM_SRC = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/solaris
+# Location of the various .properties files specific to Linux platform
+  PLATFORM_PROPERTIES  = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/solaris/lib
 # Platform specific closed sources
 ifndef OPENJDK
--- a/jdk/make/common/Defs-macosx.gmk	Wed Apr 04 16:27:29 2012 +0400
+++ b/jdk/make/common/Defs-macosx.gmk	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
   PLATFORM_SRC = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/solaris
+# Location of the various .properties files specific to MacOS X platform
+  PLATFORM_PROPERTIES  = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/macosx/lib
 # BSD build pulls its platform sources from the solaris tree.
--- a/jdk/make/common/Defs-solaris.gmk	Wed Apr 04 16:27:29 2012 +0400
+++ b/jdk/make/common/Defs-solaris.gmk	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
 PLATFORM_SRC = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/solaris
+# Location of the various .properties files specific to Solaris platform
+  PLATFORM_PROPERTIES  = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/solaris/lib
 # Platform specific closed sources
 ifndef OPENJDK
--- a/jdk/make/common/Defs-windows.gmk	Wed Apr 04 16:27:29 2012 +0400
+++ b/jdk/make/common/Defs-windows.gmk	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@
   PLATFORM_SRC  = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/windows
+# Location of the various .properties files specific to Windows platform
+  PLATFORM_PROPERTIES  = $(BUILDDIR)/../src/windows/lib
 # Platform specific closed sources
 ifndef OPENJDK
--- a/jdk/make/java/awt/Makefile	Wed Apr 04 16:27:29 2012 +0400
+++ b/jdk/make/java/awt/Makefile	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 properties: $(LIBDIR) $(LIBPROPS)
 properties.clean :
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/macosx/lib/	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ MIME content-types table
+# Property fields:
+#   <description> ::= 'description' '=' <descriptive string>
+#    <extensions> ::= 'file_extensions' '=' <comma-delimited list, include '.'>
+#         <image> ::= 'icon' '=' <filename of icon image>
+#        <action> ::= 'browser' | 'application' | 'save' | 'unknown'
+#   <application> ::= 'application' '=' <command line template>
+# The "we don't know anything about this data" type(s).
+# Used internally to mark unrecognized types.
+content/unknown: description=Unknown Content
+unknown/unknown: description=Unknown Data Type
+# The template we should use for temporary files when launching an application
+# to view a document of given type.
+temp.file.template: /tmp/%s
+# The "real" types.
+application/octet-stream: \
+	description=Generic Binary Stream;\
+	file_extensions=.saveme,.dump,.hqx,.arc,.o,.a,.bin,.exe,.z,.gz
+application/oda: \
+	description=ODA Document;\
+	file_extensions=.oda
+application/pdf: \
+	description=Adobe PDF Format;\
+	file_extensions=.pdf
+application/postscript: \
+	description=Postscript File;\
+	file_extensions=.eps,.ai,.ps;\
+	icon=ps;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=imagetool %s
+application/x-dvi: \
+	description=TeX DVI File;\
+	file_extensions=.dvi;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=xdvi %s
+application/x-hdf: \
+	description=Hierarchical Data Format;\
+	file_extensions=.hdf;\
+	action=save
+application/x-latex: \
+	description=LaTeX Source;\
+	file_extensions=.latex
+application/x-netcdf: \
+	description=Unidata netCDF Data Format;\
+	action=save
+application/x-tex: \
+	description=TeX Source;\
+	file_extensions=.tex
+application/x-texinfo: \
+	description=Gnu Texinfo;\
+	file_extensions=.texinfo,.texi
+application/x-troff: \
+	description=Troff Source;\
+	file_extensions=.t,.tr,.roff;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=xterm -title troff -e sh -c \"nroff %s | col | more -w\"
+application/x-troff-man: \
+	description=Troff Manpage Source;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=xterm -title troff -e sh -c \"nroff -man %s | col | more -w\"
+application/x-troff-me: \
+	description=Troff ME Macros;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=xterm -title troff -e sh -c \"nroff -me %s | col | more -w\"
+application/x-troff-ms: \
+	description=Troff MS Macros;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=xterm -title troff -e sh -c \"nroff -ms %s | col | more -w\"
+application/x-wais-source: \
+	description=Wais Source;\
+	file_extensions=.src,.wsrc
+application/zip: \
+	description=Zip File;\
+	icon=zip;\
+	action=save
+application/x-bcpio: \
+	description=Old Binary CPIO Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.bcpio; action=save
+application/x-cpio: \
+	description=Unix CPIO Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.cpio; action=save
+application/x-gtar: \
+	description=Gnu Tar Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.gtar;\
+	icon=tar;\
+	action=save
+application/x-shar: \
+	description=Shell Archive;\
+	action=save
+application/x-sv4cpio: \
+	description=SVR4 CPIO Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.sv4cpio; action=save
+application/x-sv4crc: \
+	description=SVR4 CPIO with CRC;\
+	file_extensions=.sv4crc; action=save
+application/x-tar: \
+	description=Tar Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.tar;\
+	icon=tar;\
+	action=save
+application/x-ustar: \
+	description=US Tar Archive;\
+	file_extensions=.ustar;\
+	action=save
+audio/basic: \
+	description=Basic Audio;\
+	file_extensions=.snd,.au;\
+	icon=audio;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=audiotool %s
+audio/x-aiff: \
+	description=Audio Interchange Format File;\
+	file_extensions=.aifc,.aif,.aiff;\
+	icon=aiff
+audio/x-wav: \
+	description=Wav Audio;\
+	file_extensions=.wav;\
+	icon=wav
+image/gif: \
+	description=GIF Image;\
+	file_extensions=.gif;\
+	icon=gif;\
+	action=browser
+image/ief: \
+	description=Image Exchange Format;\
+	file_extensions=.ief
+image/jpeg: \
+	description=JPEG Image;\
+	file_extensions=.jfif,.jfif-tbnl,.jpe,.jpg,.jpeg;\
+	icon=jpeg;\
+	action=browser;\
+	application=imagetool %s
+image/tiff: \
+	description=TIFF Image;\
+	file_extensions=.tif,.tiff;\
+	icon=tiff
+image/vnd.fpx: \
+	description=FlashPix Image;\
+	file_extensions=.fpx,.fpix
+image/x-cmu-rast: \
+	description=CMU Raster Image;\
+	file_extensions=.ras
+image/x-portable-anymap: \
+	description=PBM Anymap Format;\
+	file_extensions=.pnm
+image/x-portable-bitmap: \
+	description=PBM Bitmap Format;\
+	file_extensions=.pbm
+image/x-portable-graymap: \
+	description=PBM Graymap Format;\
+	file_extensions=.pgm
+image/x-portable-pixmap: \
+	description=PBM Pixmap Format;\
+	file_extensions=.ppm
+image/x-rgb: \
+	description=RGB Image;\
+	file_extensions=.rgb
+image/x-xbitmap: \
+	description=X Bitmap Image;\
+	file_extensions=.xbm,.xpm
+image/x-xwindowdump: \
+	description=X Window Dump Image;\
+	file_extensions=.xwd
+image/png: \
+	description=PNG Image;\
+	file_extensions=.png;\
+	icon=png;\
+	action=browser
+text/html: \
+	description=HTML Document;\
+	file_extensions=.htm,.html;\
+	icon=html
+text/plain: \
+	description=Plain Text;\
+	file_extensions=.text,.c,.cc,.c++,.h,.pl,.txt,.java,.el;\
+	icon=text;\
+	action=browser
+text/tab-separated-values: \
+	description=Tab Separated Values Text;\
+	file_extensions=.tsv
+text/x-setext: \
+	description=Structure Enhanced Text;\
+	file_extensions=.etx
+video/mpeg: \
+	description=MPEG Video Clip;\
+	file_extensions=.mpg,.mpe,.mpeg;\
+	icon=mpeg;\
+	action=application;\
+	application=mpeg_play %s
+video/quicktime: \
+	description=QuickTime Video Clip;\
+application/x-troff-msvideo: \
+	description=AVI Video;\
+	file_extensions=.avi;\
+	icon=avi
+video/x-sgi-movie: \
+	description=SGI Movie;\
+message/rfc822: \
+	description=Internet Email Message;\
+	file_extensions=.mime
+application/xml: \
+	description=XML document;\
+	file_extensions=.xml
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/macosx/lib/	Wed Apr 04 20:32:39 2012 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This properties file is used to initialize the default
+# java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap. It contains the X11 platform-specific,
+# default mappings between common X11 selection atoms and platform-independent
+# MIME type strings, which will be converted into
+# java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavors.
+# These default mappings may be augmented by specifying the
+#       AWT.DnD.flavorMapFileURL 
+# property in the appropriate file. The specified properties URL
+# will be loaded into the SystemFlavorMap.
+# The standard format is:
+# <native>=<MIME type>
+# <native> should be a string identifier that the native platform will
+# recognize as a valid data format. <MIME type> should specify both a MIME
+# primary type and a MIME subtype separated by a '/'. The MIME type may include
+# parameters, where each parameter is a key/value pair separated by '=', and
+# where each parameter to the MIME type is separated by a ';'.
+# Because SystemFlavorMap implements FlavorTable, developers are free to
+# duplicate both native keys and DataFlavor values. If a mapping contains a
+# duplicate key or value, earlier mappings which included this key or value
+# will be preferred.
+# Mappings whose values specify DataFlavors with primary MIME types of
+# "text", and which support the charset parameter, should specify the exact
+# format in which the native platform expects the data. The "charset"
+# parameter specifies the char to byte encoding, the "eoln" parameter
+# specifies the end-of-line marker, and the "terminators" parameter specifies
+# the number of terminating NUL bytes. Note that "eoln" and "terminators"
+# are not standardized MIME type parameters. They are specific to this file
+# format ONLY. They will not appear in any of the DataFlavors returned by the
+# SystemFlavorMap at the Java level.
+# If the "charset" parameter is omitted, or has zero length, the platform
+# default encoding is assumed. If the "eoln" parameter is omitted, or has
+# zero length, "\n" is assumed. If the "terminators" parameter is omitted,
+# or has a value less than zero, zero is assumed.
+# Upon initialization, the data transfer subsystem will record the specified
+# details of the native text format, but the default SystemFlavorMap will
+# present a large set of synthesized DataFlavors which map, in both
+# directions, to the native. After receiving data from the application in one
+# of the synthetic DataFlavors, the data transfer subsystem will transform
+# the data stream into the format specified in this file before passing the
+# transformed stream to the native system.
+# Mappings whose values specify DataFlavors with primary MIME types of
+# "text", but which do not support the charset parameter, will be treated as
+# opaque, 8-bit data. They will not undergo any transformation process, and
+# any "charset", "eoln", or "terminators" parameters specified in this file
+# will be ignored.
+# See java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor for a list of
+# text flavors which support the charset parameter.
+# The COMPOUND_TEXT support for inter-client text transfer is disabled by 
+# default. The reason is that many native applications prefer this format over 
+# other native text formats, but are unable to decode the textual data in this 
+# format properly. This results in java-to-native text transfer failures.
+# To enable the COMPOUND_TEXT support for this JRE installation uncomment 
+# the line below.
+# COMPOUND_TEXT=text/plain;charset=x-compound-text;eoln="\n";terminators=0