Thu, 29 Jun 2017 14:54:32 +0000 (2017-06-29)
changeset 46599 4e41e385eaed
parent 46590 cd27cb97655c (current diff)
parent 46598 41a61509db75 (diff)
child 46601 08d85966596b
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/abstractInterpreter_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/abstractInterpreter_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -52,8 +52,16 @@
   return i;
+// These should never be compiled since the interpreter will prefer the compiled
+// version to the intrinsic version.
 bool AbstractInterpreter::can_be_compiled(methodHandle m) {
-  // No special entry points that preclude compilation
+  switch (method_kind(m)) {
+    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_fmaD:
+    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_fmaF:
+      return false;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
   return true;
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,36 @@
 #include "asm/assembler.hpp"
 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
+#include "assembler_sparc.hpp"
 int AbstractAssembler::code_fill_byte() {
   return 0x00;                  // illegal instruction 0x00000000
+/* Walk over the current code section and verify that there are no obvious
+ * pipeline hazards exposed in the code generated.
+ */
+void Assembler::validate_no_pipeline_hazards() {
+  const CodeSection* csect = code_section();
+  address addr0 = csect->start();
+  address addrN = csect->end();
+  uint32_t prev = 0;
+  assert((addrN - addr0) % BytesPerInstWord == 0, "must be");
+  for (address pc = addr0; pc != addrN; pc += BytesPerInstWord) {
+    uint32_t insn = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc);
+    // 1. General case: No CTI immediately after other CTI
+    assert(!(is_cti(prev) && is_cti(insn)), "CTI-CTI not allowed.");
+    // 2. Special case: No CTI immediately after/before RDPC
+    assert(!(is_cti(prev) && is_rdpc(insn)), "CTI-RDPC not allowed.");
+    assert(!(is_rdpc(prev) && is_cti(insn)), "RDPC-CTI not allowed.");
+    prev = insn;
+  }
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 #include "asm/register.hpp"
 // The SPARC Assembler: Pure assembler doing NO optimizations on the instruction
-// level; i.e., what you write
-// is what you get. The Assembler is generating code into a CodeBuffer.
+// level; i.e., what you write is what you get. The Assembler is generating code
+// into a CodeBuffer.
-class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler  {
+class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
   friend class AbstractAssembler;
   friend class AddressLiteral;
@@ -244,18 +244,18 @@
   enum op5s {
-    aes_eround01_op5     = 0x00,
-    aes_eround23_op5     = 0x01,
-    aes_dround01_op5     = 0x02,
-    aes_dround23_op5     = 0x03,
-    aes_eround01_l_op5   = 0x04,
-    aes_eround23_l_op5   = 0x05,
-    aes_dround01_l_op5   = 0x06,
-    aes_dround23_l_op5   = 0x07,
-    aes_kexpand1_op5     = 0x08
+    aes_eround01_op5   = 0x00,
+    aes_eround23_op5   = 0x01,
+    aes_dround01_op5   = 0x02,
+    aes_dround23_op5   = 0x03,
+    aes_eround01_l_op5 = 0x04,
+    aes_eround23_l_op5 = 0x05,
+    aes_dround01_l_op5 = 0x06,
+    aes_dround23_l_op5 = 0x07,
+    aes_kexpand1_op5   = 0x08
-  enum RCondition {  rc_z = 1,  rc_lez = 2,  rc_lz = 3, rc_nz = 5, rc_gz = 6, rc_gez = 7, rc_last = rc_gez  };
+  enum RCondition { rc_z = 1, rc_lez = 2, rc_lz = 3, rc_nz = 5, rc_gz = 6, rc_gez = 7, rc_last = rc_gez };
   enum Condition {
      // for FBfcc & FBPfcc instruction
@@ -278,59 +278,38 @@
     f_unorderedOrLessOrEqual    = 14,
     f_ordered                   = 15,
-    // V8 coproc, pp 123 v8 manual
-    cp_always  = 8,
-    cp_never   = 0,
-    cp_3       = 7,
-    cp_2       = 6,
-    cp_2or3    = 5,
-    cp_1       = 4,
-    cp_1or3    = 3,
-    cp_1or2    = 2,
-    cp_1or2or3 = 1,
-    cp_0       = 9,
-    cp_0or3    = 10,
-    cp_0or2    = 11,
-    cp_0or2or3 = 12,
-    cp_0or1    = 13,
-    cp_0or1or3 = 14,
-    cp_0or1or2 = 15,
     // for integers
-    never                 =  0,
-    equal                 =  1,
-    zero                  =  1,
-    lessEqual             =  2,
-    less                  =  3,
-    lessEqualUnsigned     =  4,
-    lessUnsigned          =  5,
-    carrySet              =  5,
-    negative              =  6,
-    overflowSet           =  7,
-    always                =  8,
-    notEqual              =  9,
-    notZero               =  9,
-    greater               =  10,
-    greaterEqual          =  11,
-    greaterUnsigned       =  12,
-    greaterEqualUnsigned  =  13,
-    carryClear            =  13,
-    positive              =  14,
-    overflowClear         =  15
+    never                = 0,
+    equal                = 1,
+    zero                 = 1,
+    lessEqual            = 2,
+    less                 = 3,
+    lessEqualUnsigned    = 4,
+    lessUnsigned         = 5,
+    carrySet             = 5,
+    negative             = 6,
+    overflowSet          = 7,
+    always               = 8,
+    notEqual             = 9,
+    notZero              = 9,
+    greater              = 10,
+    greaterEqual         = 11,
+    greaterUnsigned      = 12,
+    greaterEqualUnsigned = 13,
+    carryClear           = 13,
+    positive             = 14,
+    overflowClear        = 15
   enum CC {
-    icc  = 0,  xcc  = 2,
     // ptr_cc is the correct condition code for a pointer or intptr_t:
-    ptr_cc = NOT_LP64(icc) LP64_ONLY(xcc),
-    fcc0 = 0,  fcc1 = 1, fcc2 = 2, fcc3 = 3
+    icc  = 0, xcc  = 2, ptr_cc = xcc,
+    fcc0 = 0, fcc1 = 1, fcc2 = 2, fcc3 = 3
   enum PrefetchFcn {
-    severalReads = 0,  oneRead = 1,  severalWritesAndPossiblyReads = 2, oneWrite = 3, page = 4
+    severalReads = 0, oneRead = 1, severalWritesAndPossiblyReads = 2, oneWrite = 3, page = 4
@@ -354,7 +333,7 @@
     return is_simm(d, nbits + 2);
-  address target_distance(Label& L) {
+  address target_distance(Label &L) {
     // Assembler::target(L) should be called only when
     // a branch instruction is emitted since non-bound
     // labels record current pc() as a branch address.
@@ -364,7 +343,7 @@
   // test if label is in simm16 range in words (wdisp16).
-  bool is_in_wdisp16_range(Label& L) {
+  bool is_in_wdisp16_range(Label &L) {
     return is_in_wdisp_range(target_distance(L), pc(), 16);
   // test if the distance between two addresses fits in simm30 range in words
@@ -392,41 +371,39 @@
   // and be sign-extended. Check the range.
   static void assert_signed_range(intptr_t x, int nbits) {
-    assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x  &&  x < ( 1 << nbits-1)),
+    assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x && x < (1 << nbits-1)),
            "value out of range: x=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", nbits=%d", x, nbits);
   static void assert_signed_word_disp_range(intptr_t x, int nbits) {
-    assert( (x & 3) == 0, "not word aligned");
+    assert((x & 3) == 0, "not word aligned");
     assert_signed_range(x, nbits + 2);
   static void assert_unsigned_const(int x, int nbits) {
-    assert( juint(x)  <  juint(1 << nbits), "unsigned constant out of range");
+    assert(juint(x) < juint(1 << nbits), "unsigned constant out of range");
-  // fields: note bits numbered from LSB = 0,
-  //  fields known by inclusive bit range
+  // fields: note bits numbered from LSB = 0, fields known by inclusive bit range
   static int fmask(juint hi_bit, juint lo_bit) {
-    assert( hi_bit >= lo_bit  &&  0 <= lo_bit  &&  hi_bit < 32, "bad bits");
-    return (1 << ( hi_bit-lo_bit + 1 )) - 1;
+    assert(hi_bit >= lo_bit && 0 <= lo_bit && hi_bit < 32, "bad bits");
+    return (1 << (hi_bit-lo_bit + 1)) - 1;
   // inverse of u_field
   static int inv_u_field(int x, int hi_bit, int lo_bit) {
     juint r = juint(x) >> lo_bit;
-    r &= fmask( hi_bit, lo_bit);
+    r &= fmask(hi_bit, lo_bit);
     return int(r);
   // signed version: extract from field and sign-extend
   static int inv_s_field(int x, int hi_bit, int lo_bit) {
     int sign_shift = 31 - hi_bit;
-    return inv_u_field( ((x << sign_shift) >> sign_shift), hi_bit, lo_bit);
+    return inv_u_field(((x << sign_shift) >> sign_shift), hi_bit, lo_bit);
   // given a field that ranges from hi_bit to lo_bit (inclusive,
@@ -435,72 +412,102 @@
 #ifdef ASSERT
   static int u_field(int x, int hi_bit, int lo_bit) {
-    assert( ( x & ~fmask(hi_bit, lo_bit))  == 0,
+    assert((x & ~fmask(hi_bit, lo_bit)) == 0,
             "value out of range");
     int r = x << lo_bit;
-    assert( inv_u_field(r, hi_bit, lo_bit) == x, "just checking");
+    assert(inv_u_field(r, hi_bit, lo_bit) == x, "just checking");
     return r;
   // make sure this is inlined as it will reduce code size significantly
-  #define u_field(x, hi_bit, lo_bit)   ((x) << (lo_bit))
+  #define u_field(x, hi_bit, lo_bit) ((x) << (lo_bit))
-  static int inv_op(  int x ) { return inv_u_field(x, 31, 30); }
-  static int inv_op2( int x ) { return inv_u_field(x, 24, 22); }
-  static int inv_op3( int x ) { return inv_u_field(x, 24, 19); }
-  static int inv_cond( int x ){ return inv_u_field(x, 28, 25); }
+  static int inv_op(int x)   { return inv_u_field(x, 31, 30); }
+  static int inv_op2(int x)  { return inv_u_field(x, 24, 22); }
+  static int inv_op3(int x)  { return inv_u_field(x, 24, 19); }
+  static int inv_cond(int x) { return inv_u_field(x, 28, 25); }
-  static bool inv_immed( int x ) { return (x & Assembler::immed(true)) != 0; }
+  static bool inv_immed(int x)   { return (x & Assembler::immed(true)) != 0; }
-  static Register inv_rd(  int x ) { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x, 29, 25)); }
-  static Register inv_rs1( int x ) { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x, 18, 14)); }
-  static Register inv_rs2( int x ) { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x,  4,  0)); }
+  static Register inv_rd(int x)  { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x, 29, 25)); }
+  static Register inv_rs1(int x) { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x, 18, 14)); }
+  static Register inv_rs2(int x) { return as_Register(inv_u_field(x,  4,  0)); }
-  static int op(       int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             31, 30); }
-  static int rd(       Register    r)  { return  u_field(r->encoding(), 29, 25); }
-  static int fcn(      int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             29, 25); }
-  static int op3(      int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             24, 19); }
-  static int rs1(      Register    r)  { return  u_field(r->encoding(), 18, 14); }
-  static int rs2(      Register    r)  { return  u_field(r->encoding(),  4,  0); }
-  static int annul(    bool        a)  { return  u_field(a ? 1 : 0,     29, 29); }
-  static int cond(     int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             28, 25); }
-  static int cond_mov( int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             17, 14); }
-  static int rcond(    RCondition  x)  { return  u_field(x,             12, 10); }
-  static int op2(      int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             24, 22); }
-  static int predict(  bool        p)  { return  u_field(p ? 1 : 0,     19, 19); }
-  static int branchcc( CC       fcca)  { return  u_field(fcca,          21, 20); }
-  static int cmpcc(    CC       fcca)  { return  u_field(fcca,          26, 25); }
-  static int imm_asi(  int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             12,  5); }
-  static int immed(    bool        i)  { return  u_field(i ? 1 : 0,     13, 13); }
-  static int opf_low6( int         w)  { return  u_field(w,             10,  5); }
-  static int opf_low5( int         w)  { return  u_field(w,              9,  5); }
-  static int op5(      int         x)  { return  u_field(x,              8,  5); }
-  static int trapcc(   CC         cc)  { return  u_field(cc,            12, 11); }
-  static int sx(       int         i)  { return  u_field(i,             12, 12); } // shift x=1 means 64-bit
-  static int opf(      int         x)  { return  u_field(x,             13,  5); }
+  static int op(int x)           { return u_field(x,             31, 30); }
+  static int rd(Register r)      { return u_field(r->encoding(), 29, 25); }
+  static int fcn(int x)          { return u_field(x,             29, 25); }
+  static int op3(int x)          { return u_field(x,             24, 19); }
+  static int rs1(Register r)     { return u_field(r->encoding(), 18, 14); }
+  static int rs2(Register r)     { return u_field(r->encoding(),  4,  0); }
+  static int annul(bool a)       { return u_field(a ? 1 : 0,     29, 29); }
+  static int cond(int x)         { return u_field(x,             28, 25); }
+  static int cond_mov(int x)     { return u_field(x,             17, 14); }
+  static int rcond(RCondition x) { return u_field(x,             12, 10); }
+  static int op2(int x)          { return u_field(x,             24, 22); }
+  static int predict(bool p)     { return u_field(p ? 1 : 0,     19, 19); }
+  static int branchcc(CC fcca)   { return u_field(fcca,          21, 20); }
+  static int cmpcc(CC fcca)      { return u_field(fcca,          26, 25); }
+  static int imm_asi(int x)      { return u_field(x,             12,  5); }
+  static int immed(bool i)       { return u_field(i ? 1 : 0,     13, 13); }
+  static int opf_low6(int w)     { return u_field(w,             10,  5); }
+  static int opf_low5(int w)     { return u_field(w,              9,  5); }
+  static int op5(int x)          { return u_field(x,              8,  5); }
+  static int trapcc(CC cc)       { return u_field(cc,            12, 11); }
+  static int sx(int i)           { return u_field(i,             12, 12); } // shift x=1 means 64-bit
+  static int opf(int x)          { return u_field(x,             13,  5); }
-  static bool is_cbcond( int x ) {
+  static bool is_cbcond(int x) {
     return (VM_Version::has_cbcond() && (inv_cond(x) > rc_last) &&
             inv_op(x) == branch_op && inv_op2(x) == bpr_op2);
-  static bool is_cxb( int x ) {
+  static bool is_cxb(int x) {
     assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction");
-    return (x & (1<<21)) != 0;
+    return (x & (1 << 21)) != 0;
+  }
+  static bool is_branch(int x) {
+    if (inv_op(x) != Assembler::branch_op) return false;
+    bool is_bpr = inv_op2(x) == Assembler::bpr_op2;
+    bool is_bp  = inv_op2(x) == Assembler::bp_op2;
+    bool is_br  = inv_op2(x) == Assembler::br_op2;
+    bool is_fp  = inv_op2(x) == Assembler::fb_op2;
+    bool is_fbp = inv_op2(x) == Assembler::fbp_op2;
+    return is_bpr || is_bp || is_br || is_fp || is_fbp;
-  static int cond_cbcond( int         x)  { return  u_field((((x & 8)<<1) + 8 + (x & 7)), 29, 25); }
-  static int inv_cond_cbcond(int      x)  {
-    assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction");
-    return inv_u_field(x, 27, 25) | (inv_u_field(x, 29, 29)<<3);
+  static bool is_call(int x) {
+    return inv_op(x) == Assembler::call_op;
+  }
+  static bool is_jump(int x) {
+    if (inv_op(x) != Assembler::arith_op) return false;
+    bool is_jmpl = inv_op3(x) == Assembler::jmpl_op3;
+    bool is_rett = inv_op3(x) == Assembler::rett_op3;
+    return is_jmpl || is_rett;
+  }
+  static bool is_rdpc(int x) {
+    return (inv_op(x) == Assembler::arith_op && inv_op3(x) == Assembler::rdreg_op3 &&
+            inv_u_field(x, 18, 14) == 5);
+  }
+  static bool is_cti(int x) {
+      return is_branch(x) || is_call(x) || is_jump(x); // Ignoring done/retry
-  static int opf_cc(   CC          c, bool useFloat ) { return u_field((useFloat ? 0 : 4) + c, 13, 11); }
-  static int mov_cc(   CC          c, bool useFloat ) { return u_field(useFloat ? 0 : 1,  18, 18) | u_field(c, 12, 11); }
+  static int cond_cbcond(int x) { return  u_field((((x & 8) << 1) + 8 + (x & 7)), 29, 25); }
+  static int inv_cond_cbcond(int x) {
+    assert(is_cbcond(x), "wrong instruction");
+    return inv_u_field(x, 27, 25) | (inv_u_field(x, 29, 29) << 3);
+  }
-  static int fd( FloatRegister r,  FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 29, 25); };
-  static int fs1(FloatRegister r,  FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 18, 14); };
-  static int fs2(FloatRegister r,  FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa),  4,  0); };
-  static int fs3(FloatRegister r,  FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 13,  9); };
+  static int opf_cc(CC c, bool useFloat) { return u_field((useFloat ? 0 : 4) + c, 13, 11); }
+  static int mov_cc(CC c, bool useFloat) { return u_field(useFloat ? 0 : 1, 18, 18) | u_field(c, 12, 11); }
+  static int fd(FloatRegister r, FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa)  { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 29, 25); };
+  static int fs1(FloatRegister r, FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 18, 14); };
+  static int fs2(FloatRegister r, FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa),  4,  0); };
+  static int fs3(FloatRegister r, FloatRegisterImpl::Width fwa) { return u_field(r->encoding(fwa), 13,  9); };
   // some float instructions use this encoding on the op3 field
   static int alt_op3(int op, FloatRegisterImpl::Width w) {
@@ -514,23 +521,22 @@
     return op3(r);
   // compute inverse of simm
   static int inv_simm(int x, int nbits) {
     return (int)(x << (32 - nbits)) >> (32 - nbits);
-  static int inv_simm13( int x ) { return inv_simm(x, 13); }
+  static int inv_simm13(int x) { return inv_simm(x, 13); }
   // signed immediate, in low bits, nbits long
   static int simm(int x, int nbits) {
     assert_signed_range(x, nbits);
-    return x  &  (( 1 << nbits ) - 1);
+    return x & ((1 << nbits) - 1);
   // compute inverse of wdisp16
   static intptr_t inv_wdisp16(int x, intptr_t pos) {
-    int lo = x & (( 1 << 14 ) - 1);
+    int lo = x & ((1 << 14) - 1);
     int hi = (x >> 20) & 3;
     if (hi >= 2) hi |= ~1;
     return (((hi << 14) | lo) << 2) + pos;
@@ -540,9 +546,8 @@
   static int wdisp16(intptr_t x, intptr_t off) {
     intptr_t xx = x - off;
     assert_signed_word_disp_range(xx, 16);
-    int r =  (xx >> 2) & ((1 << 14) - 1)
-           |  (  ( (xx>>(2+14)) & 3 )  <<  20 );
-    assert( inv_wdisp16(r, off) == x,  "inverse is not inverse");
+    int r = (xx >> 2) & ((1 << 14) - 1) | (((xx >> (2+14)) & 3) << 20);
+    assert(inv_wdisp16(r, off) == x, "inverse is not inverse");
     return r;
@@ -560,260 +565,292 @@
     assert(VM_Version::has_cbcond(), "This CPU does not have CBCOND instruction");
     intptr_t xx = x - off;
     assert_signed_word_disp_range(xx, 10);
-    int r =  ( ( (xx >>  2   ) & ((1 << 8) - 1) ) <<  5 )
-           | ( ( (xx >> (2+8)) & 3              ) << 19 );
+    int r = (((xx >> 2) & ((1 << 8) - 1)) << 5) | (((xx >> (2+8)) & 3) << 19);
     // Have to fake cbcond instruction to pass assert in inv_wdisp10()
-    assert(inv_wdisp10((r | op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(rc_last+1) | op2(bpr_op2)), off) == x,  "inverse is not inverse");
+    assert(inv_wdisp10((r | op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(rc_last+1) | op2(bpr_op2)), off) == x, "inverse is not inverse");
     return r;
   // word displacement in low-order nbits bits
-  static intptr_t inv_wdisp( int x, intptr_t pos, int nbits ) {
-    int pre_sign_extend = x & (( 1 << nbits ) - 1);
-    int r =  pre_sign_extend >= ( 1 << (nbits-1) )
-       ?   pre_sign_extend | ~(( 1 << nbits ) - 1)
-       :   pre_sign_extend;
+  static intptr_t inv_wdisp(int x, intptr_t pos, int nbits) {
+    int pre_sign_extend = x & ((1 << nbits) - 1);
+    int r = (pre_sign_extend >= (1 << (nbits - 1)) ?
+             pre_sign_extend | ~((1 << nbits) - 1) : pre_sign_extend);
     return (r << 2) + pos;
-  static int wdisp( intptr_t x, intptr_t off, int nbits ) {
+  static int wdisp(intptr_t x, intptr_t off, int nbits) {
     intptr_t xx = x - off;
     assert_signed_word_disp_range(xx, nbits);
-    int r =  (xx >> 2) & (( 1 << nbits ) - 1);
-    assert( inv_wdisp( r, off, nbits )  ==  x, "inverse not inverse");
+    int r = (xx >> 2) & ((1 << nbits) - 1);
+    assert(inv_wdisp(r, off, nbits) == x, "inverse not inverse");
     return r;
   // Extract the top 32 bits in a 64 bit word
-  static int32_t hi32( int64_t x ) {
-    int32_t r = int32_t( (uint64_t)x >> 32 );
+  static int32_t hi32(int64_t x) {
+    int32_t r = int32_t((uint64_t)x >> 32);
     return r;
   // given a sethi instruction, extract the constant, left-justified
-  static int inv_hi22( int x ) {
+  static int inv_hi22(int x) {
     return x << 10;
   // create an imm22 field, given a 32-bit left-justified constant
-  static int hi22( int x ) {
-    int r = int( juint(x) >> 10 );
-    assert( (r & ~((1 << 22) - 1))  ==  0, "just checkin'");
+  static int hi22(int x) {
+    int r = int(juint(x) >> 10);
+    assert((r & ~((1 << 22) - 1)) == 0, "just checkin'");
     return r;
   // create a low10 __value__ (not a field) for a given a 32-bit constant
-  static int low10( int x ) {
+  static int low10(int x) {
     return x & ((1 << 10) - 1);
   // create a low12 __value__ (not a field) for a given a 32-bit constant
-  static int low12( int x ) {
+  static int low12(int x) {
     return x & ((1 << 12) - 1);
   // AES crypto instructions supported only on certain processors
-  static void aes_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_aes(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with AES instructions support"); }
+  static void aes_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_aes(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with AES instructions support"); }
   // SHA crypto instructions supported only on certain processors
-  static void sha1_only()   { assert( VM_Version::has_sha1(),   "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA1"); }
-  static void sha256_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_sha256(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA256"); }
-  static void sha512_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_sha512(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA512"); }
+  static void sha1_only()   { assert(VM_Version::has_sha1(),   "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA1"); }
+  static void sha256_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_sha256(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA256"); }
+  static void sha512_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_sha512(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with SHA512"); }
   // CRC32C instruction supported only on certain processors
-  static void crc32c_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_crc32c(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with CRC32C"); }
+  static void crc32c_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_crc32c(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with CRC32C"); }
+  // FMAf instructions supported only on certain processors
+  static void fmaf_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_fmaf(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with FMAf"); }
   // instruction only in VIS1
-  static void vis1_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis1(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS1"); }
+  static void vis1_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_vis1(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS1"); }
   // instruction only in VIS2
-  static void vis2_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis2(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS2"); }
+  static void vis2_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_vis2(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS2"); }
   // instruction only in VIS3
-  static void vis3_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis3(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS3"); }
-  // instruction only in v9
-  static void v9_only() { } // do nothing
+  static void vis3_only() { assert(VM_Version::has_vis3(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS3"); }
   // instruction deprecated in v9
-  static void v9_dep()  { } // do nothing for now
-  // v8 has no CC field
-  static void v8_no_cc(CC cc)  { if (cc)  v9_only(); }
+  static void v9_dep() { } // do nothing for now
-  // Simple delay-slot scheme:
-  // In order to check the programmer, the assembler keeps track of deley slots.
-  // It forbids CTIs in delay slots (conservative, but should be OK).
-  // Also, when putting an instruction into a delay slot, you must say
-  // asm->delayed()->add(...), in order to check that you don't omit
-  // delay-slot instructions.
-  // To implement this, we use a simple FSA
+#ifdef ASSERT
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  #define CHECK_DELAY
-  enum Delay_state { no_delay, at_delay_slot, filling_delay_slot } delay_state;
+  // A simple delay-slot scheme:
+  // In order to check the programmer, the assembler keeps track of delay-slots.
+  // It forbids CTIs in delay-slots (conservative, but should be OK). Also, when
+  // emitting an instruction into a delay-slot, you must do so using delayed(),
+  // e.g. asm->delayed()->add(...), in order to check that you do not omit the
+  // delay-slot instruction. To implement this, we use a simple FSA.
+  enum { NoDelay, AtDelay, FillDelay } _delay_state;
+  // A simple hazard scheme:
+  // In order to avoid pipeline stalls, due to single cycle pipeline hazards, we
+  // adopt a simplistic state tracking mechanism that will enforce an additional
+  // 'nop' instruction to be inserted prior to emitting an instruction that can
+  // expose a given hazard (currently, PC-related hazards only).
+  enum { NoHazard, PcHazard } _hazard_state;
-  // Tells assembler next instruction must NOT be in delay slot.
-  // Use at start of multinstruction macros.
+  // Tell the assembler that the next instruction must NOT be in delay-slot.
+  // Use at start of multi-instruction macros.
   void assert_not_delayed() {
-    // This is a separate overloading to avoid creation of string constants
-    // in non-asserted code--with some compilers this pollutes the object code.
-    assert_not_delayed("next instruction should not be a delay slot");
-  }
-  void assert_not_delayed(const char* msg) {
-    assert(delay_state == no_delay, msg);
+    // This is a separate entry to avoid the creation of string constants in
+    // non-asserted code, with some compilers this pollutes the object code.
+    assert_no_delay("Next instruction should not be in a delay-slot.");
-  // Insert a nop if the previous is cbcond
-  inline void insert_nop_after_cbcond();
+  void assert_no_delay(const char* msg) {
+    assert(_delay_state == NoDelay, msg);
+  }
-  // Delay slot helpers
-  // cti is called when emitting control-transfer instruction,
-  // BEFORE doing the emitting.
-  // Only effective when assertion-checking is enabled.
-  void cti() {
-    // A cbcond instruction immediately followed by a CTI
-    // instruction introduces pipeline stalls, we need to avoid that.
-    no_cbcond_before();
-    assert_not_delayed("cti should not be in delay slot");
+  void assert_no_hazard() {
+    assert(_hazard_state == NoHazard, "Unsolicited pipeline hazard.");
-  // called when emitting cti with a delay slot, AFTER emitting
-  void has_delay_slot() {
-    assert_not_delayed("just checking");
-    delay_state = at_delay_slot;
+ private:
+  inline int32_t prev_insn() {
+    assert(offset() > 0, "Interface violation.");
+    int32_t* addr = (int32_t*)pc() - 1;
+    return *addr;
+  }
+  void validate_no_pipeline_hazards();
+ protected:
+  // Avoid possible pipeline stall by inserting an additional 'nop' instruction,
+  // if the previous instruction is a 'cbcond' or a 'rdpc'.
+  inline void avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  // A call to cti() is made before emitting a control-transfer instruction (CTI)
+  // in order to assert a CTI is not emitted right after a 'cbcond', nor in the
+  // delay-slot of another CTI. Only effective when assertions are enabled.
+  void cti() {
+    // A 'cbcond' or 'rdpc' instruction immediately followed by a CTI introduces
+    // a pipeline stall, which we make sure to prohibit.
+    assert_no_cbcond_before();
+    assert_no_rdpc_before();
+    assert_no_hazard();
+    assert_no_delay("CTI in delay-slot.");
-  // cbcond instruction should not be generated one after an other
-  bool cbcond_before() {
-    if (offset() == 0) return false; // it is first instruction
-    int x = *(int*)(intptr_t(pc()) - 4); // previous instruction
-    return is_cbcond(x);
+  // Called when emitting CTI with a delay-slot, AFTER emitting.
+  inline void induce_delay_slot() {
+    assert_no_delay("Already in delay-slot.");
+    _delay_state = AtDelay;
+  }
+  inline void induce_pc_hazard() {
+    assert_no_hazard();
+    _hazard_state = PcHazard;
-  void no_cbcond_before() {
-    assert(offset() == 0 || !cbcond_before(), "cbcond should not follow an other cbcond");
+  bool is_cbcond_before() { return offset() > 0 ? is_cbcond(prev_insn()) : false; }
+  bool is_rdpc_before() { return offset() > 0 ? is_rdpc(prev_insn()) : false; }
+  void assert_no_cbcond_before() {
+    assert(offset() == 0 || !is_cbcond_before(), "CBCOND should not be followed by CTI.");
-  bool use_cbcond(Label& L) {
-    if (!UseCBCond || cbcond_before()) return false;
+  void assert_no_rdpc_before() {
+    assert(offset() == 0 || !is_rdpc_before(), "RDPC should not be followed by CTI.");
+  }
+ public:
+  bool use_cbcond(Label &L) {
+    if (!UseCBCond || is_cbcond_before()) return false;
     intptr_t x = intptr_t(target_distance(L)) - intptr_t(pc());
-    assert( (x & 3) == 0, "not word aligned");
+    assert((x & 3) == 0, "not word aligned");
     return is_simm12(x);
   // Tells assembler you know that next instruction is delayed
   Assembler* delayed() {
-    assert ( delay_state == at_delay_slot, "delayed instruction is not in delay slot");
-    delay_state = filling_delay_slot;
+    assert(_delay_state == AtDelay, "Delayed instruction not in delay-slot.");
+    _delay_state = FillDelay;
     return this;
   void flush() {
-    assert ( delay_state == no_delay, "ending code with a delay slot");
+    assert(_delay_state == NoDelay, "Ending code with a delay-slot.");
+    validate_no_pipeline_hazards();
   inline void emit_int32(int);  // shadows AbstractAssembler::emit_int32
-  inline void emit_data(int x);
-  inline void emit_data(int, RelocationHolder const&);
+  inline void emit_data(int);
+  inline void emit_data(int, RelocationHolder const &rspec);
   inline void emit_data(int, relocInfo::relocType rtype);
-  // helper for above fcns
+  // helper for above functions
   inline void check_delay();
   // instructions, refer to page numbers in the SPARC Architecture Manual, V9
-  // pp 135 (addc was addx in v8)
+  // pp 135
-  inline void add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void addcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void addcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void addc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void addc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void addccc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void addccc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void addcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void addcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void addc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void addc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void addccc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void addccc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // 4-operand AES instructions
-  inline void aes_eround01(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_eround23(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_dround01(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_dround23(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_eround01_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_eround23_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_dround01_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_dround23_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_kexpand1(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, int imm5a, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void aes_eround01(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_eround23(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_dround01(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_dround23(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_eround01_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_eround23_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_dround01_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_dround23_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_kexpand1(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, int imm5a, FloatRegister d);
   // 3-operand AES instructions
-  inline void aes_kexpand0(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void aes_kexpand2(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void aes_kexpand0(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void aes_kexpand2(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 136
   inline void bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
-  inline void bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L);
+  inline void bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label &L);
   // compare and branch
-  inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label& L);
-  inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label& L);
+  inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label &L);
+  inline void cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label &L);
  protected: // use MacroAssembler::br instead
   // pp 138
-  inline void fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none );
-  inline void fb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L );
+  inline void fb(Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
+  inline void fb(Condition c, bool a, Label &L);
   // pp 141
-  inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none );
-  inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L );
+  inline void fbp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
+  inline void fbp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label &L);
   // pp 144
-  inline void br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none );
-  inline void br( Condition c, bool a, Label& L );
+  inline void br(Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
+  inline void br(Condition c, bool a, Label &L);
   // pp 146
-  inline void bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none );
-  inline void bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L );
+  inline void bp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
+  inline void bp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label &L);
   // pp 149
-  inline void call( address d,  relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type );
-  inline void call( Label& L,   relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type );
+  inline void call(address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
+  inline void call(Label &L,  relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
-  inline void call( address d,  RelocationHolder const& rspec );
+  inline void call(address d, RelocationHolder const &rspec);
@@ -824,19 +861,19 @@
   // at address s1 is swapped with the data in d. If the values are not equal,
   // the the contents of memory at s1 is loaded into d, without the swap.
-  inline void casa(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia = -1 );
-  inline void casxa( Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia = -1 );
+  inline void casa(Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia = -1);
+  inline void casxa(Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia = -1);
   // pp 152
-  inline void udiv(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void udiv(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void sdiv(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sdiv(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void udivcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void udivcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void sdivcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sdivcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void udiv(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void udiv(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void sdiv(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sdiv(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void udivcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void udivcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void sdivcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sdivcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 155
@@ -845,54 +882,58 @@
   // pp 156
-  inline void fadd( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void fsub( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fadd(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void fsub(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 157
-  inline void fcmp(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2);
-  inline void fcmpe( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2);
+  inline void fcmp(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2);
+  inline void fcmpe(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2);
   // pp 159
-  inline void ftox( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void ftoi( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void ftox(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void ftoi(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 160
-  inline void ftof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void ftof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 161
-  inline void fxtof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void fitof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fxtof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void fitof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 162
-  inline void fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fneg( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fneg(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fabs( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fabs(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 163
-  inline void fmul( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w,                            FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void fmul( FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw,  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void fdiv( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w,                            FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fmul(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void fmul(FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void fdiv(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // FXORs/FXORd instructions
-  inline void fxor( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 164
-  inline void fsqrt( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fsqrt(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d);
+  // fmaf instructions.
+  inline void fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 165
-  inline void flush( Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void flush( Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void flush(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void flush(Register s1, int simm13a);
   // pp 167
@@ -900,139 +941,140 @@
   // pp 168
-  void illtrap( int const22a);
-  // v8 unimp == illtrap(0)
+  void illtrap(int const22a);
   // pp 169
-  void impdep1( int id1, int const19a );
-  void impdep2( int id1, int const19a );
+  void impdep1(int id1, int const19a);
+  void impdep2(int id1, int const19a);
   // pp 170
-  void jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  void jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec = RelocationHolder() );
+  void jmpl(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  void jmpl(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d,
+            RelocationHolder const &rspec = RelocationHolder());
   // 171
   inline void ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d, RelocationHolder const& rspec = RelocationHolder());
+  inline void ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d,
+                  RelocationHolder const &rspec = RelocationHolder());
-  inline void ldfsr(  Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void ldfsr(  Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void ldxfsr( Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void ldxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void ldfsr(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void ldfsr(Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void ldxfsr(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void ldxfsr(Register s1, int simm13a);
   // 173
-  inline void ldfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, int ia, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void ldfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a,         FloatRegister d );
+  inline void ldfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, int ia, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void ldfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a,         FloatRegister d);
-  // pp 175, lduw is ld on v8
+  // pp 175
-  inline void ldsb(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldsb(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void ldsh(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldsh(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void ldsw(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldsw(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void ldub(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldub(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void lduh(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void lduh(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void lduw(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void lduw(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void ldx(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldx(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void ldd(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void ldd(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldsb(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldsb(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldsh(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldsh(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldsw(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldsw(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldub(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldub(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void lduh(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void lduh(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void lduw(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void lduw(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void ldd(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void ldd(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 177
-  inline void ldsba(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void ldsba(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void ldsha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void ldsha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void ldswa(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void ldswa(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void lduba(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void lduba(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void lduha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void lduha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void lduwa(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void lduwa(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
-  inline void ldxa(   Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void ldxa(   Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
+  inline void ldsba(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void ldsba(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void ldsha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void ldsha(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void ldswa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void ldswa(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void lduba(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void lduba(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void lduha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void lduha(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void lduwa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void lduwa(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
+  inline void ldxa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void ldxa(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
   // pp 181
-  inline void and3(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void and3(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void andcc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void andcc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void andn(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void andn(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void andncc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void andncc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void or3(     Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void or3(     Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void orcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void orcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void orn(     Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void orn(     Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void orncc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void orncc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void xor3(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void xor3(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void xorcc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void xorcc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void xnor(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void xnor(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void xnorcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void xnorcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void and3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void and3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void andcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void andcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void andn(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void andn(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void andncc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void andncc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void or3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void or3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void orcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void orcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void orn(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void orn(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void orncc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void orncc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void xor3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void xor3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void xorcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void xorcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void xnor(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void xnor(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void xnorcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void xnorcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 183
-  inline void membar( Membar_mask_bits const7a );
+  inline void membar(Membar_mask_bits const7a);
   // pp 185
-  inline void fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Condition c,  bool floatCC, CC cca, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Condition c,  bool floatCC, CC cca, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 189
-  inline void fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, RCondition c, Register s1,  FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, RCondition c, Register s1,  FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // pp 191
-  inline void movcc( Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void movcc( Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, int simm11a, Register d );
+  inline void movcc(Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void movcc(Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, int simm11a, Register d);
   // pp 195
-  inline void movr( RCondition c, Register s1, Register s2,  Register d );
-  inline void movr( RCondition c, Register s1, int simm10a,  Register d );
+  inline void movr(RCondition c, Register s1, Register s2,  Register d);
+  inline void movr(RCondition c, Register s1, int simm10a,  Register d);
   // pp 196
-  inline void mulx(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void mulx(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void sdivx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sdivx( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void udivx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void udivx( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void mulx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void mulx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void sdivx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sdivx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void udivx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void udivx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 197
-  inline void umul(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void umul(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void smul(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void smul(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void umulcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void umulcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void smulcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void smulcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void umul(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void umul(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void smul(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void smul(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void umulcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void umulcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void smulcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void smulcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 201
@@ -1042,40 +1084,40 @@
   // pp 202
-  inline void popc( Register s,  Register d);
-  inline void popc( int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void popc(Register s,  Register d);
+  inline void popc(int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 203
-  inline void prefetch(   Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f);
-  inline void prefetch(   Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f);
+  inline void prefetch(Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f);
+  inline void prefetch(Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f);
-  inline void prefetcha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, PrefetchFcn f );
-  inline void prefetcha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         PrefetchFcn f );
+  inline void prefetcha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, PrefetchFcn f);
+  inline void prefetcha(Register s1, int simm13a,         PrefetchFcn f);
   // pp 208
   // not implementing read privileged register
-  inline void rdy(    Register d);
-  inline void rdccr(  Register d);
-  inline void rdasi(  Register d);
-  inline void rdtick( Register d);
-  inline void rdpc(   Register d);
-  inline void rdfprs( Register d);
+  inline void rdy(Register d);
+  inline void rdccr(Register d);
+  inline void rdasi(Register d);
+  inline void rdtick(Register d);
+  inline void rdpc(Register d);
+  inline void rdfprs(Register d);
   // pp 213
-  inline void rett( Register s1, Register s2);
-  inline void rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
+  inline void rett(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void rett(Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none);
   // pp 214
-  inline void save(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void save(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void save(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void save(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void restore( Register s1 = G0,  Register s2 = G0, Register d = G0 );
-  inline void restore( Register s1,       int simm13a,      Register d      );
+  inline void restore(Register s1 = G0, Register s2 = G0, Register d = G0);
+  inline void restore(Register s1,      int simm13a,      Register d);
   // pp 216
@@ -1084,26 +1126,27 @@
   // pp 217
-  inline void sethi( int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec = RelocationHolder() );
+  inline void sethi(int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const &rspec = RelocationHolder());
   // pp 218
-  inline void sll(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sll(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d );
-  inline void srl(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void srl(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d );
-  inline void sra(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sra(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d );
+  inline void sll(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sll(Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d);
+  inline void srl(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void srl(Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d);
+  inline void sra(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sra(Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d);
-  inline void sllx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sllx( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d );
-  inline void srlx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void srlx( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d );
-  inline void srax( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void srax( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d );
+  inline void sllx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sllx(Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d);
+  inline void srlx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void srlx(Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d);
+  inline void srax(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void srax(Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d);
   // pp 220
-  inline void sir( int simm13a );
+  inline void sir(int simm13a);
   // pp 221
@@ -1111,125 +1154,125 @@
   // pp 222
-  inline void stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2);
-  inline void stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void stfsr(  Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void stfsr(  Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void stxfsr( Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void stxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stfsr(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stfsr(Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stxfsr(Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stxfsr(Register s1, int simm13a);
-  //  pp 224
+  // pp 224
-  inline void stfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
+  inline void stfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  // p 226
+  // pp 226
-  inline void stb(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void stb(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void sth(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void sth(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void stw(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void stw(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void stx(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void stx(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
-  inline void std(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void std(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stb(Register d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stb(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void sth(Register d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void sth(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stw(Register d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stw(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stx(Register d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void stx(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void std(Register d, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void std(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
   // pp 177
-  inline void stba(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stba(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
-  inline void stha(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stha(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
-  inline void stwa(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stwa(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
-  inline void stxa(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stxa(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
-  inline void stda(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia );
-  inline void stda(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         );
+  inline void stba(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stba(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stha(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stha(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stwa(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stwa(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stxa(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stxa(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
+  inline void stda(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia);
+  inline void stda(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a);
   // pp 230
-  inline void sub(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void sub(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void sub(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void sub(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
-  inline void subcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void subcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void subc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void subc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
-  inline void subccc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void subccc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void subcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void subcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void subc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void subc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void subccc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void subccc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 231
-  inline void swap( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void swap( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
+  inline void swap(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void swap(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 232
-  inline void swapa(   Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d );
-  inline void swapa(   Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d );
+  inline void swapa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d);
+  inline void swapa(Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d);
   // pp 234, note op in book is wrong, see pp 268
-  inline void taddcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void taddcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void taddcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void taddcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 235
-  inline void tsubcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void tsubcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d );
+  inline void tsubcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void tsubcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d);
   // pp 237
-  inline void trap( Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2 );
-  inline void trap( Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int trapa   );
+  inline void trap(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2);
+  inline void trap(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int trapa);
   // simple uncond. trap
-  inline void trap( int trapa );
+  inline void trap(int trapa);
   // pp 239 omit write priv register for now
-  inline void wry(    Register d);
+  inline void wry(Register d);
   inline void wrccr(Register s);
   inline void wrccr(Register s, int simm13a);
   inline void wrasi(Register d);
   // wrasi(d, imm) stores (d xor imm) to asi
   inline void wrasi(Register d, int simm13a);
-  inline void wrfprs( Register d);
+  inline void wrfprs(Register d);
-  //  VIS1 instructions
+  // VIS1 instructions
-  inline void alignaddr( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
+  inline void alignaddr(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
-  inline void faligndata( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void faligndata(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fzero( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fzero(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fsrc2( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fsrc2(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fnot1( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fnot1(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void fpmerge( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void fpmerge(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
-  inline void stpartialf( Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia = -1 );
+  inline void stpartialf(Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia = -1);
-  //  VIS2 instructions
+  // VIS2 instructions
-  inline void edge8n( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
+  inline void edge8n(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
-  inline void bmask( Register s1, Register s2, Register d );
-  inline void bshuffle( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void bmask(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
+  inline void bshuffle(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // VIS3 instructions
-  inline void movstosw( FloatRegister s, Register d );
-  inline void movstouw( FloatRegister s, Register d );
-  inline void movdtox(  FloatRegister s, Register d );
+  inline void movstosw(FloatRegister s, Register d);
+  inline void movstouw(FloatRegister s, Register d);
+  inline void movdtox(FloatRegister s, Register d);
-  inline void movwtos( Register s, FloatRegister d );
-  inline void movxtod( Register s, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void movwtos(Register s, FloatRegister d);
+  inline void movxtod(Register s, FloatRegister d);
   inline void xmulx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
   inline void xmulxhi(Register s1, Register s2, Register d);
@@ -1242,12 +1285,13 @@
   // CRC32C instruction
-  inline void crc32c( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d );
+  inline void crc32c(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d);
   // Creation
   Assembler(CodeBuffer* code) : AbstractAssembler(code) {
-    delay_state = no_delay;
+    _delay_state  = NoDelay;
+    _hazard_state = NoHazard;
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.inline.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.inline.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,21 +28,42 @@
 #include "asm/assembler.hpp"
-inline void Assembler::insert_nop_after_cbcond() {
-  if (UseCBCond && cbcond_before()) {
+inline void Assembler::avoid_pipeline_stall() {
+  if (_hazard_state == PcHazard) {
+    assert(is_cbcond_before() || is_rdpc_before(), "PC-hazard not preceeded by CBCOND or RDPC.");
+    assert_no_delay("Must not have PC-hazard state in delay-slot.");
+    _hazard_state = NoHazard;
+  }
+  bool post_cond = is_cbcond_before();
+  bool post_rdpc = is_rdpc_before();
+  if (post_cond || post_rdpc) {
+    nop();
+    if (_hazard_state != PcHazard) {
+      assert(post_cond, "CBCOND before when no hazard @0x%p\n", pc());
+      assert(post_rdpc, "RDPC before when no hazard @0x%p\n", pc());
+    }
 inline void Assembler::check_delay() {
-# ifdef CHECK_DELAY
-  guarantee( delay_state != at_delay_slot, "must say delayed() when filling delay slot");
-  delay_state = no_delay;
-# endif
+  guarantee(_delay_state != AtDelay, "Use delayed() when filling delay-slot");
+  _delay_state = NoDelay;
 inline void Assembler::emit_int32(int x) {
+  _hazard_state = NoHazard;
@@ -55,394 +76,1024 @@
-inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, RelocationHolder const& rspec) {
+inline void Assembler::emit_data(int x, RelocationHolder const &rspec) {
-inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::add(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::addcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::addcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::addc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::addc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::addccc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::addccc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::addcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::addcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(add_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::addc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::addc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::addccc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::addccc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(addc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::aes_eround01(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround01_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_eround23(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround23_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_dround01(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround01_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_dround23(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround23_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_eround01_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround01_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_eround23_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround23_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_dround01_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround01_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_dround23_l(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround23_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand1(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, int imm5a, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | u_field(imm5a, 13, 9) | op5(aes_kexpand1_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
+inline void Assembler::aes_eround01(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround01_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_eround23(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround23_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_dround01(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround01_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_dround23(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround23_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_eround01_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround01_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_eround23_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_eround23_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_dround01_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround01_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_dround23_l(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | fs3(s3, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op5(aes_dround23_l_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand1(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, int imm5a, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes4_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | u_field(imm5a, 13, 9) | op5(aes_kexpand1_op5) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
 // 3-operand AES instructions
-inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand0(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes3_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(aes_kexpand0_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
-inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand2(  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { aes_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes3_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(aes_kexpand2_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D) ); }
+inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand0(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes3_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(aes_kexpand0_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::aes_kexpand2(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  aes_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(aes3_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(aes_kexpand2_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
-inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::bpr( RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label& L) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); bpr( c, a, p, s1, target(L)); }
-inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep();  insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); fb(c, a, target(L)); }
+inline void Assembler::bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | wdisp16(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc())) | predict(p) | rs1(s1), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::bpr(RCondition c, bool a, Predict p, Register s1, Label &L) {
+  // Note[+]: All assembly emit routines using the 'target()' branch back-patch
+  //     resolver must call 'avoid_pipeline_stall()' prior to calling 'target()'
+  //     (we must do so even though the call will be made, as here, in the above
+  //     implementation of 'bpr()', invoked below). The reason is the assumption
+  //     made in 'target()', where using the current PC as the address for back-
+  //     patching prevents any additional code to be emitted _after_ the address
+  //     has been set (implicitly) in order to refer to the correct instruction.
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  bpr(c, a, p, s1, target(L));
-inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only(); insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); fbp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
+inline void Assembler::fb(Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  v9_dep();
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fb_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::fb(Condition c, bool a, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  fb(c, a, target(L));
+inline void Assembler::fbp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(fbp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::fbp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  fbp(c, a, cc, p, target(L));
-inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_dep(); insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();   emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Label& L ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); br(c, a, target(L)); }
+inline void Assembler::br(Condition c, bool a, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  v9_dep();
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(br_op2) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 22), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::br(Condition c, bool a, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  br(c, a, target(L));
-inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt ) { v9_only();  insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::bp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); bp(c, a, cc, p, target(L)); }
+inline void Assembler::bp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | annul(a) | cond(c) | op2(bp_op2) | branchcc(cc) | predict(p) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 19), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::bp(Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  bp(c, a, cc, p, target(L));
 // compare and branch
-inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label& L) { cti();  no_cbcond_before();  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label& L)   { cti();  no_cbcond_before();  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm5, 5)); }
-inline void Assembler::call( address d,  relocInfo::relocType rt ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt);  has_delay_slot(); assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); }
-inline void Assembler::call( Label& L,   relocInfo::relocType rt ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); call( target(L), rt); }
-inline void Assembler::call( address d,  RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rspec);  has_delay_slot(); assert(rspec.type() != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec"); }
+inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+  induce_pc_hazard();
+inline void Assembler::cbcond(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int simm5, Label &L) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | cond_cbcond(c) | op2(bpr_op2) | branchcc(cc) | wdisp10(intptr_t(target(L)), intptr_t(pc())) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm5, 5));
+  induce_pc_hazard();
-inline void Assembler::casa(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(casa_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | (ia == -1  ? immed(true) : imm_asi(ia)) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::casxa( Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(casxa_op3) | rs1(s1) | (ia == -1  ? immed(true) : imm_asi(ia)) | rs2(s2)); }
+inline void Assembler::call(address d, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+  assert(rt != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec");
+inline void Assembler::call(Label &L, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  call(target(L), rt);
-inline void Assembler::udiv(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::udiv(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sdiv(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::sdiv(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::udivcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::udivcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sdivcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::sdivcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::call(address d, RelocationHolder const &rspec) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(call_op) | wdisp(intptr_t(d), intptr_t(pc()), 30), rspec);
+  induce_delay_slot();
+  assert(rspec.type() != relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "must use virtual_call_Relocation::spec");
+inline void Assembler::casa(Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(casa_op3) | rs1(s1) | (ia == -1 ? immed(true) : imm_asi(ia)) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::casxa(Register s1, Register s2, Register d, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(casxa_op3) | rs1(s1) | (ia == -1 ? immed(true) : imm_asi(ia)) | rs2(s2));
-inline void Assembler::done()  { v9_only();  cti();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(0) | op3(done_op3) ); }
-inline void Assembler::retry() { v9_only();  cti();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(1) | op3(retry_op3) ); }
-inline void Assembler::fadd( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x40 + w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fsub( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x44 + w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::udiv(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::udiv(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::sdiv(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sdiv(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::udivcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::udivcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::sdivcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sdivcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdiv_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::fcmp(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | cmpcc(cc) | op3(fpop2_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x50 + w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fcmpe( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | cmpcc(cc) | op3(fpop2_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x54 + w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::done() {
+  cti();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(0) | op3(done_op3));
+inline void Assembler::retry() {
+  cti();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(1) | op3(retry_op3));
-inline void Assembler::ftox( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x80 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::ftoi( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) {             emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xd0 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fadd(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x40 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
+inline void Assembler::fsub(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x44 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::ftof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, dw) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xc0 + sw + dw*4) | fs2(s, sw)); }
+inline void Assembler::fcmp(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | cmpcc(cc) | op3(fpop2_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x50 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
+inline void Assembler::fcmpe(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, CC cc, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | cmpcc(cc) | op3(fpop2_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x54 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::fxtof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x80 + w*4) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
-inline void Assembler::fitof( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) {             emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xc0 + w*4) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }
+inline void Assembler::ftox(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x80 + w) | fs2(s, w));
+inline void Assembler::ftoi(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xd0 + w) | fs2(s, w));
+inline void Assembler::ftof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, dw) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xc0 + sw + dw*4) | fs2(s, sw));
-inline void Assembler::fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x00 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fneg( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x04 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fabs( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x08 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fmul( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w,                            FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w)  | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w)  | opf(0x48 + w)         | fs2(s2, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fmul( FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw,  FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, dw) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, sw) | opf(0x60 + sw + dw*4) | fs2(s2, sw)); }
-inline void Assembler::fdiv( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w,                            FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w)  | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w)  | opf(0x4c + w)         | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fxtof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x80 + w*4) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
+inline void Assembler::fitof(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0xc0 + w*4) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S));
+inline void Assembler::fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x00 + w) | fs2(s, w));
+inline void Assembler::fneg(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x04 + w) | fs2(s, w));
+inline void Assembler::fabs(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x08 + w) | fs2(s, w));
+inline void Assembler::fmul(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x48 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
+inline void Assembler::fmul(FloatRegisterImpl::Width sw, FloatRegisterImpl::Width dw, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, dw) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, sw) | opf(0x60 + sw + dw*4) | fs2(s2, sw));
+inline void Assembler::fdiv(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x4c + w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::fxor( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(flog3_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x6E - w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(flog3_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x6E - w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::fsqrt( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x28 + w) | fs2(s, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fsqrt(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop1_op3) | opf(0x28 + w) | fs2(s, w));
-inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, Register s2) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::flush( Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister s3, FloatRegister d) {
+  fmaf_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(stpartialf_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | fs3(s3, w) | op5(w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::flushw() { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(flushw_op3) ); }
+inline void Assembler::flush(Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::flush(Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(arith_op) | op3(flush_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::flushw() {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(flushw_op3));
-inline void Assembler::illtrap( int const22a) { if (const22a != 0) v9_only();  emit_int32( op(branch_op) | u_field(const22a, 21, 0) ); }
+inline void Assembler::illtrap(int const22a) {
+  emit_int32(op(branch_op) | u_field(const22a, 21, 0));
-inline void Assembler::impdep1( int id1, int const19a ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(id1) | op3(impdep1_op3) | u_field(const19a, 18, 0)); }
-inline void Assembler::impdep2( int id1, int const19a ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(id1) | op3(impdep2_op3) | u_field(const19a, 18, 0)); }
+inline void Assembler::impdep1(int id1, int const19a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(id1) | op3(impdep1_op3) | u_field(const19a, 18, 0));
+inline void Assembler::impdep2(int id1, int const19a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(id1) | op3(impdep2_op3) | u_field(const19a, 18, 0));
-inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::jmpl( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { insert_nop_after_cbcond(); cti();  emit_data( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec);  has_delay_slot(); }
+inline void Assembler::jmpl(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::jmpl(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d, RelocationHolder const &rspec) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(jmpl_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec);
+  induce_delay_slot();
-inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d, RelocationHolder const& rspec) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec); }
+inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d, RelocationHolder const &rspec) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rspec);
-inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, Register s2) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::ldxfsr(Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(G1) | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldxfsr(Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(G1) | op3(ldfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::ldfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, int ia, FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a,         FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::ldfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, Register s2, int ia, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Register s1, int simm13a, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(ldf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::ldsb(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsb(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::ldsb(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldsb(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::ldsh(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsh(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsw(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsw(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::ldub(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldub(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::lduh(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduh(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::lduw(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduw(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::ldsh(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldsh(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldsw(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldsw(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldub(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldub(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::lduh(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::lduh(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::lduw(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::lduw(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::ldx(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldx(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::ldd(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { v9_dep(); assert(d->is_even(), "not even"); emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldd_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldd(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { v9_dep(); assert(d->is_even(), "not even"); emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldd_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::ldx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldd(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  assert(d->is_even(), "not even");
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldd_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldd(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  assert(d->is_even(), "not even");
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldd_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::ldsba(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsba(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldsha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldswa(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldswa(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduba(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduba(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduwa(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::lduwa(  Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldxa(   Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3  | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::ldxa(   Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3  | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::ldsba(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldsba(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldsha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldsha(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldswa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldswa(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldsw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::lduba(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::lduba(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldub_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::lduha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::lduha(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduh_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::lduwa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::lduwa(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(lduw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::ldxa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::ldxa(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(ldx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::and3(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::and3(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andcc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andcc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andn(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andn(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andncc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::andncc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::or3(     Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3               ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::or3(     Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3               ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3   | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3   | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orn(     Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orn(     Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orncc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::orncc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xor3(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xor3(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xorcc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xorcc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3  | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xnor(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xnor(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xnorcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::xnorcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::and3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::and3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::andcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::andcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(and_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::andn(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::andn(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::andncc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::andncc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(andn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::or3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::or3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::orcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::orcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(or_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::orn(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::orn(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::orncc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::orncc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(orn_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::xor3(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::xor3(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::xorcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::xorcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::xnor(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::xnor(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::xnorcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::xnorcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xnor_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::membar( Membar_mask_bits const7a ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(membar_op3) | rs1(O7) | immed(true) | u_field( int(const7a), 6, 0)); }
+inline void Assembler::membar(Membar_mask_bits const7a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(membar_op3) | rs1(O7) | immed(true) | u_field(int(const7a), 6, 0));
-inline void Assembler::fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Condition c,  bool floatCC, CC cca, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop2_op3) | cond_mov(c) | opf_cc(cca, floatCC) | opf_low6(w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
-inline void Assembler::fmov( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, RCondition c, Register s1,  FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop2_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | opf_low5(4 + w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop2_op3) | cond_mov(c) | opf_cc(cca, floatCC) | opf_low6(w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::movcc( Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movcc_op3) | mov_cc(cca, floatCC) | cond_mov(c) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::movcc( Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, int simm11a, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movcc_op3) | mov_cc(cca, floatCC) | cond_mov(c) | immed(true) | simm(simm11a, 11) ); }
+inline void Assembler::fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, RCondition c, Register s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fpop2_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | opf_low5(4 + w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::movr( RCondition c, Register s1, Register s2,  Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::movr( RCondition c, Register s1, int simm10a,  Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | immed(true) | simm(simm10a, 10) ); }
+inline void Assembler::movcc(Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movcc_op3) | mov_cc(cca, floatCC) | cond_mov(c) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::movcc(Condition c, bool floatCC, CC cca, int simm11a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movcc_op3) | mov_cc(cca, floatCC) | cond_mov(c) | immed(true) | simm(simm11a, 11));
+inline void Assembler::movr(RCondition c, Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::movr(RCondition c, Register s1, int simm10a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(movr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rcond(c) | immed(true) | simm(simm10a, 10));
-inline void Assembler::mulx(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mulx_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::mulx(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mulx_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sdivx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sdivx( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::udivx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::udivx( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::mulx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::mulx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::sdivx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sdivx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sdivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::udivx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::udivx(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(udivx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::umul(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::umul(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::smul(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::smul(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::umulcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::umulcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::smulcc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::smulcc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::nop() { emit_int32( op(branch_op) | op2(sethi_op2) ); }
+inline void Assembler::umul(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::umul(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::smul(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::smul(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::umulcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::umulcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(umul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::smulcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::smulcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(smul_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::sw_count() { emit_int32( op(branch_op) | op2(sethi_op2) | 0x3f0 ); }
+inline void Assembler::nop() {
+  emit_int32(op(branch_op) | op2(sethi_op2));
-inline void Assembler::popc( Register s,  Register d) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(popc_op3) | rs2(s)); }
-inline void Assembler::popc( int simm13a, Register d) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(popc_op3) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::sw_count() {
+  emit_int32(op(branch_op) | op2(sethi_op2) | 0x3f0);
-inline void Assembler::prefetch(   Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::prefetch(   Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::popc(Register s, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(popc_op3) | rs2(s));
+inline void Assembler::popc(int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(popc_op3) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::prefetcha(  Register s1, Register s2, int ia, PrefetchFcn f ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::prefetcha(  Register s1, int simm13a,         PrefetchFcn f ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, Register s2, PrefetchFcn f) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::prefetch(Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::prefetcha(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, PrefetchFcn f) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::prefetcha(Register s1, int simm13a, PrefetchFcn f) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fcn(f) | op3(prefetch_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::rdy(    Register d) { v9_dep();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(0, 18, 14)); }
-inline void Assembler::rdccr(  Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(2, 18, 14)); }
-inline void Assembler::rdasi(  Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(3, 18, 14)); }
-inline void Assembler::rdtick( Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(4, 18, 14)); } // Spoon!
-inline void Assembler::rdpc(   Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(5, 18, 14)); }
-inline void Assembler::rdfprs( Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(6, 18, 14)); }
+inline void Assembler::rdy(Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(0, 18, 14));
+inline void Assembler::rdccr(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(2, 18, 14));
+inline void Assembler::rdasi(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(3, 18, 14));
+inline void Assembler::rdtick(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(4, 18, 14));
+inline void Assembler::rdpc(Register d) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  cti();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(5, 18, 14));
+  induce_pc_hazard();
+inline void Assembler::rdfprs(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(rdreg_op3) | u_field(6, 18, 14));
-inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, Register s2                         ) { cti();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));  has_delay_slot(); }
-inline void Assembler::rett( Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { cti();  emit_data( op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt);  has_delay_slot(); }
+inline void Assembler::rett(Register s1, Register s2) {
+  cti();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+  induce_delay_slot();
+inline void Assembler::rett(Register s1, int simm13a, relocInfo::relocType rt) {
+  cti();
+  emit_data(op(arith_op) | op3(rett_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13), rt);
+  induce_delay_slot();
-inline void Assembler::save(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(save_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::save(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) {
+inline void Assembler::save(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(save_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::save(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
   // make sure frame is at least large enough for the register save area
   assert(-simm13a >= 16 * wordSize, "frame too small");
-  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(save_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) );
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(save_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::restore( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(restore_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::restore( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(restore_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::restore(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(restore_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::restore(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(restore_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 216
-inline void Assembler::saved()    { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(0) | op3(saved_op3)); }
-inline void Assembler::restored() { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(1) | op3(saved_op3)); }
+inline void Assembler::saved() {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(0) | op3(saved_op3));
+inline void Assembler::restored() {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(1) | op3(saved_op3));
-inline void Assembler::sethi( int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { emit_data( op(branch_op) | rd(d) | op2(sethi_op2) | hi22(imm22a), rspec); }
+inline void Assembler::sethi(int imm22a, Register d, RelocationHolder const &rspec) {
+  emit_data(op(branch_op) | rd(d) | op2(sethi_op2) | hi22(imm22a), rspec);
-inline void Assembler::sll(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sll(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srl(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srl(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sra(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sra(  Register s1, int imm5a,   Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0) ); }
+inline void Assembler::sll(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sll(Register s1, int imm5a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0));
+inline void Assembler::srl(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::srl(Register s1, int imm5a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0));
+inline void Assembler::sra(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sra(Register s1, int imm5a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(0) | immed(true) | u_field(imm5a, 4, 0));
-inline void Assembler::sllx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sllx( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srlx( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srlx( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srax( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::srax( Register s1, int imm6a,   Register d ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sir( int simm13a ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fcn(15) | op3(sir_op3) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::sllx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sllx(Register s1, int imm6a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sll_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0));
+inline void Assembler::srlx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::srlx(Register s1, int imm6a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(srl_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0));
+inline void Assembler::srax(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::srax(Register s1, int imm6a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sra_op3) | rs1(s1) | sx(1) | immed(true) | u_field(imm6a, 5, 0));
-  // pp 221
+inline void Assembler::sir(int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fcn(15) | op3(sir_op3) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+// pp 221
-inline void Assembler::stbar() { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(membar_op3) | u_field(15, 18, 14)); }
+inline void Assembler::stbar() {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(membar_op3) | u_field(15, 18, 14));
-  // pp 222
+// pp 222
-inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stf(    FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::stf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stf(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::stxfsr( Register s1, Register s2) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stxfsr( Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(G1)    | op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::stxfsr(Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(G1) | op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stxfsr(Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(G1) | op3(stfsr_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::stfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stfa(  FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::stfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stfa(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, w) | alt_op3(stf_op3 | alt_bit_op3, w) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-  // p 226
+// p 226
-inline void Assembler::stb(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stb(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::sth(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sth(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::stw(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2) { emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stw(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) { emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::stb(Register d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stb(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::sth(Register d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sth(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::stw(Register d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stw(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::stx(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stx(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_only();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::std(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2) { v9_dep(); assert(d->is_even(), "not even"); emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::std(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) { v9_dep(); assert(d->is_even(), "not even"); emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::stx(Register d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stx(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::std(Register d, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  v9_dep();
+  assert(d->is_even(), "not even");
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::std(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  v9_dep();
+  assert(d->is_even(), "not even");
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::stba(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stba(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stha(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stha(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stwa(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stwa(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stxa(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stxa(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) { v9_only();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stda(  Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::stda(  Register d, Register s1, int simm13a         ) {             emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::stba(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stba(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stb_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::stha(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stha(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(sth_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::stwa(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stwa(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stw_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::stxa(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stxa(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(stx_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::stda(Register d, Register s1, Register s2, int ia) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::stda(Register d, Register s1, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(std_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 230
-inline void Assembler::sub(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::sub(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3              ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::sub(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::sub(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::subcc(  Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3 | cc_bit_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::subcc(  Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3 | cc_bit_op3 ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::subc(   Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::subc(   Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3             ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
-inline void Assembler::subccc( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::subccc( Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::subcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::subcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(sub_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::subc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::subc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::subccc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::subccc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(subc_op3 | cc_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 231
-inline void Assembler::swap(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { v9_dep();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::swap(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) { v9_dep();  emit_data( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
+inline void Assembler::swap(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::swap(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_data(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
-inline void Assembler::swapa(   Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d ) { v9_dep();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::swapa(   Register s1, int simm13a,         Register d ) { v9_dep();  emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::swapa(Register s1, Register s2, int ia, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::swapa(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | rd(d) | op3(swap_op3 | alt_bit_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 234, note op in book is wrong, see pp 268
-inline void Assembler::taddcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) {            emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(taddcc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::taddcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) {            emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(taddcc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::taddcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(taddcc_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::taddcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(taddcc_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 235
-inline void Assembler::tsubcc(    Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(tsubcc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2) ); }
-inline void Assembler::tsubcc(    Register s1, int simm13a, Register d ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(tsubcc_op3  ) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13) ); }
+inline void Assembler::tsubcc(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(tsubcc_op3) | rs1(s1) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::tsubcc(Register s1, int simm13a, Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(tsubcc_op3) | rs1(s1) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
 // pp 237
-inline void Assembler::trap( Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2 ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | cond(c) | op3(trap_op3) | rs1(s1) | trapcc(cc) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::trap( Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int trapa   ) { emit_int32( op(arith_op) | cond(c) | op3(trap_op3) | rs1(s1) | trapcc(cc) | immed(true) | u_field(trapa, 6, 0)); }
+inline void Assembler::trap(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, Register s2) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | cond(c) | op3(trap_op3) | rs1(s1) | trapcc(cc) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::trap(Condition c, CC cc, Register s1, int trapa) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | cond(c) | op3(trap_op3) | rs1(s1) | trapcc(cc) | immed(true) | u_field(trapa, 6, 0));
 // simple uncond. trap
-inline void Assembler::trap( int trapa ) { trap( always, icc, G0, trapa ); }
+inline void Assembler::trap(int trapa) {
+  trap(always, icc, G0, trapa);
-inline void Assembler::wry(Register d) { v9_dep(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(0, 29, 25)); }
-inline void Assembler::wrccr(Register s) { v9_only(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(s) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(2, 29, 25)); }
-inline void Assembler::wrccr(Register s, int simm13a) { v9_only(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(s) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(2, 29, 25) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::wrasi(Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(3, 29, 25)); }
+inline void Assembler::wry(Register d) {
+  v9_dep();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(0, 29, 25));
+inline void Assembler::wrccr(Register s) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(s) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(2, 29, 25));
+inline void Assembler::wrccr(Register s, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(s) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(2, 29, 25) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::wrasi(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(3, 29, 25));
 // wrasi(d, imm) stores (d xor imm) to asi
-inline void Assembler::wrasi(Register d, int simm13a) { v9_only(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(3, 29, 25) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13)); }
-inline void Assembler::wrfprs(Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(6, 29, 25)); }
+inline void Assembler::wrasi(Register d, int simm13a) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(3, 29, 25) | immed(true) | simm(simm13a, 13));
+inline void Assembler::wrfprs(Register d) {
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(6, 29, 25));
-inline void Assembler::alignaddr( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(alignaddr_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(alignaddr_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::faligndata( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(faligndata_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(faligndata_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
+inline void Assembler::alignaddr(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(alignaddr_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(alignaddr_opf) | rs2(s2));
-inline void Assembler::fzero( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fzero_op3) | opf(0x62 - w)); }
+inline void Assembler::faligndata(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(faligndata_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(faligndata_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
-inline void Assembler::fsrc2( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fsrc_op3) | opf(0x7A - w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fzero(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fzero_op3) | opf(0x62 - w));
-inline void Assembler::fnot1( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fnot_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x6C - w)); }
+inline void Assembler::fsrc2(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fsrc_op3) | opf(0x7A - w) | fs2(s2, w));
-inline void Assembler::fpmerge( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(0x36) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | opf(0x4b) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }
+inline void Assembler::fnot1(FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fnot_op3) | fs1(s1, w) | opf(0x6C - w));
-inline void Assembler::stpartialf( Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(stpartialf_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2)); }
+inline void Assembler::fpmerge(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(0x36) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | opf(0x4b) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::S));
-//  VIS2 instructions
+inline void Assembler::stpartialf(Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia) {
+  vis1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(ldst_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(stpartialf_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2));
+// VIS2 instructions
-inline void Assembler::edge8n( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis2_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(edge_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(edge8n_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
+inline void Assembler::edge8n(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  vis2_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(edge_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(edge8n_opf) | rs2(s2));
-inline void Assembler::bmask( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis2_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(bmask_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(bmask_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::bshuffle( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis2_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(bshuffle_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(bshuffle_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
+inline void Assembler::bmask(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  vis2_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(bmask_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(bmask_opf) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::bshuffle(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis2_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(bshuffle_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(bshuffle_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
 // VIS3 instructions
-inline void Assembler::movstosw( FloatRegister s, Register d ) { vis3_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstosw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }
-inline void Assembler::movstouw( FloatRegister s, Register d ) { vis3_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstouw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }
-inline void Assembler::movdtox(  FloatRegister s, Register d ) { vis3_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mdtox_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
+inline void Assembler::movstosw(FloatRegister s, Register d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstosw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S));
+inline void Assembler::movstouw(FloatRegister s, Register d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstouw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S));
+inline void Assembler::movdtox(FloatRegister s, Register d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mdtox_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
-inline void Assembler::movwtos( Register s, FloatRegister d ) { vis3_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mwtos_opf) | rs2(s)); }
-inline void Assembler::movxtod( Register s, FloatRegister d ) { vis3_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mxtod_opf) | rs2(s)); }
+inline void Assembler::movwtos(Register s, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::S) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mwtos_opf) | rs2(s));
+inline void Assembler::movxtod(Register s, FloatRegister d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mxtod_opf) | rs2(s));
-inline void Assembler::xmulx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { vis3_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xmulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(xmulx_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
-inline void Assembler::xmulxhi(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) { vis3_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xmulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(xmulxhi_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
+inline void Assembler::xmulx(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xmulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(xmulx_opf) | rs2(s2));
+inline void Assembler::xmulxhi(Register s1, Register s2, Register d) {
+  vis3_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(xmulx_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(xmulxhi_opf) | rs2(s2));
 // Crypto SHA instructions
-inline void Assembler::sha1()   { sha1_only();    emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha1_opf)); }
-inline void Assembler::sha256() { sha256_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha256_opf)); }
-inline void Assembler::sha512() { sha512_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha512_opf)); }
+inline void Assembler::sha1() {
+  sha1_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha1_opf));
+inline void Assembler::sha256() {
+  sha256_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha256_opf));
+inline void Assembler::sha512() {
+  sha512_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | op3(sha_op3) | opf(sha512_opf));
 // CRC32C instruction
-inline void Assembler::crc32c( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { crc32c_only();  emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(crc32c_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(crc32c_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
+inline void Assembler::crc32c(FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d) {
+  crc32c_only();
+  emit_int32(op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(crc32c_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(crc32c_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D));
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -440,6 +440,31 @@
 void LIR_Assembler::emit_op3(LIR_Op3* op) {
+  switch (op->code()) {
+    case lir_idiv:
+    case lir_irem:  // Both idiv & irem are handled after the switch (below).
+      break;
+    case lir_fmaf:
+      __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::S,
+               op->in_opr1()->as_float_reg(),
+               op->in_opr2()->as_float_reg(),
+               op->in_opr3()->as_float_reg(),
+               op->result_opr()->as_float_reg());
+      return;
+    case lir_fmad:
+      __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::D,
+               op->in_opr1()->as_double_reg(),
+               op->in_opr2()->as_double_reg(),
+               op->in_opr3()->as_double_reg(),
+               op->result_opr()->as_double_reg());
+      return;
+    default:
+      ShouldNotReachHere();
+      break;
+  }
+  // Handle idiv & irem:
   Register Rdividend = op->in_opr1()->as_register();
   Register Rdivisor  = noreg;
   Register Rscratch  = op->in_opr3()->as_register();
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRGenerator_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c1_LIRGenerator_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -953,7 +953,29 @@
 void LIRGenerator::do_FmaIntrinsic(Intrinsic* x) {
-  fatal("FMA intrinsic is not implemented on this platform");
+  assert(x->number_of_arguments() == 3, "wrong type");
+  assert(UseFMA, "Needs FMA instructions support.");
+  LIRItem a(x->argument_at(0), this);
+  LIRItem b(x->argument_at(1), this);
+  LIRItem c(x->argument_at(2), this);
+  a.load_item();
+  b.load_item();
+  c.load_item();
+  LIR_Opr ina = a.result();
+  LIR_Opr inb = b.result();
+  LIR_Opr inc = c.result();
+  LIR_Opr res = rlock_result(x);
+  switch (x->id()) {
+    case vmIntrinsics::_fmaF: __ fmaf(ina, inb, inc, res); break;
+    case vmIntrinsics::_fmaD: __ fmad(ina, inb, inc, res); break;
+    default:
+      ShouldNotReachHere();
+      break;
+  }
 void LIRGenerator::do_vectorizedMismatch(Intrinsic* x) {
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c2_globals_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/c2_globals_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 define_pd_global(bool, BackgroundCompilation,        true);
 define_pd_global(bool, CICompileOSR,                 true);
-define_pd_global(bool, InlineIntrinsics,             false);
+define_pd_global(bool, InlineIntrinsics,             true);
 define_pd_global(bool, PreferInterpreterNativeStubs, false);
 define_pd_global(bool, ProfileTraps,                 true);
 define_pd_global(bool, UseOnStackReplacement,        true);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -117,9 +117,6 @@
           "Minimum size in bytes when block copy will be used")             \
           range(1, max_jint)                                                \
-  develop(bool, UseV8InstrsOnly, false,                                     \
-          "Use SPARC-V8 Compliant instruction subset")                      \
-                                                                            \
   product(bool, UseNiagaraInstrs, false,                                    \
           "Use Niagara-efficient instruction subset")                       \
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -651,9 +651,9 @@
 void MacroAssembler::internal_sethi(const AddressLiteral& addrlit, Register d, bool ForceRelocatable) {
   address save_pc;
   int shiftcnt;
-# ifdef CHECK_DELAY
-  assert_not_delayed((char*) "cannot put two instructions in delay slot");
-# endif
+  assert_no_delay("Cannot put two instructions in delay-slot.");
   save_pc = pc();
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@
-  assert_not_delayed((char*) "cannot put two instructions in delay slot");
+  assert_no_delay("Cannot put two instructions in delay-slot.");
   internal_sethi(addrlit, d, ForceRelocatable);
   if (ForceRelocatable || addrlit.rspec().type() != relocInfo::none || addrlit.low10() != 0) {
     add(d, addrlit.low10(), d, addrlit.rspec());
@@ -4613,7 +4613,7 @@
 // Use BIS for zeroing (count is in bytes).
 void MacroAssembler::bis_zeroing(Register to, Register count, Register temp, Label& Ldone) {
-  assert(UseBlockZeroing && VM_Version::has_block_zeroing(), "only works with BIS zeroing");
+  assert(UseBlockZeroing && VM_Version::has_blk_zeroing(), "only works with BIS zeroing");
   Register end = count;
   int cache_line_size = VM_Version::prefetch_data_size();
   assert(cache_line_size > 0, "cache line size should be known for this code");
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -662,9 +662,6 @@
   inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, address d, relocInfo::relocType rt = relocInfo::none );
   inline void fbp( Condition c, bool a, CC cc, Predict p, Label& L );
-  // get PC the best way
-  inline int get_pc( Register d );
   // Sparc shorthands(pp 85, V8 manual, pp 289 V9 manual)
   inline void cmp(  Register s1, Register s2 );
   inline void cmp(  Register s1, int simm13a );
@@ -1396,7 +1393,7 @@
   void movitof_revbytes(Register src, FloatRegister dst, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
   void movftoi_revbytes(FloatRegister src, Register dst, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
-  // CRC32 code for instrinsic.
+  // CRC32 code for intrinsic.
   void kernel_crc32(Register crc, Register buf, Register len, Register table);
   // Fold 128-bit data chunk
   void fold_128bit_crc32(Register xcrc_hi, Register xcrc_lo, Register xK_hi, Register xK_lo, Register xtmp_hi, Register xtmp_lo, Register buf, int offset);
@@ -1404,7 +1401,7 @@
   // Fold 8-bit data
   void fold_8bit_crc32(Register xcrc, Register table, Register xtmp, Register tmp);
   void fold_8bit_crc32(Register crc, Register table, Register tmp);
-  // CRC32C code for instrinsic.
+  // CRC32C code for intrinsic.
   void kernel_crc32c(Register crc, Register buf, Register len, Register table);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.inline.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/macroAssembler_sparc.inline.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -185,7 +185,8 @@
 inline void MacroAssembler::br( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
-  insert_nop_after_cbcond();
+  // See note[+] on 'avoid_pipeline_stalls()', in "assembler_sparc.inline.hpp".
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
   br(c, a, p, target(L));
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
 inline void MacroAssembler::brx( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
-  insert_nop_after_cbcond();
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
   brx(c, a, p, target(L));
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@
 inline void MacroAssembler::fb( Condition c, bool a, Predict p, Label& L ) {
-  insert_nop_after_cbcond();
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
   fb(c, a, p, target(L));
@@ -268,13 +269,12 @@
-inline void MacroAssembler::call( Label& L,   relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
-  insert_nop_after_cbcond();
-  MacroAssembler::call( target(L), rt);
+inline void MacroAssembler::call( Label& L, relocInfo::relocType rt ) {
+  avoid_pipeline_stall();
+  MacroAssembler::call(target(L), rt);
 inline void MacroAssembler::callr( Register s1, Register s2 ) { jmpl( s1, s2, O7 ); }
 inline void MacroAssembler::callr( Register s1, int simm13a, RelocationHolder const& rspec ) { jmpl( s1, simm13a, O7, rspec); }
@@ -304,13 +304,6 @@
-// clobbers o7 on V8!!
-// returns delta from gotten pc to addr after
-inline int MacroAssembler::get_pc( Register d ) {
-  int x = offset();
-  rdpc(d);
-  return offset() - x;
 inline void MacroAssembler::cmp(  Register s1, Register s2 ) { subcc( s1, s2, G0 ); }
 inline void MacroAssembler::cmp(  Register s1, int simm13a ) { subcc( s1, simm13a, G0 ); }
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/methodHandles_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/methodHandles_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 // Adapters
 enum /* platform_dependent_constants */ {
-  adapter_code_size = NOT_LP64(23000 DEBUG_ONLY(+ 40000)) LP64_ONLY(35000 DEBUG_ONLY(+ 50000))
+  adapter_code_size = 35000 DEBUG_ONLY(+ 50000)
 // Additional helper methods for MethodHandles code generation:
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/nativeInst_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/nativeInst_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -67,11 +67,8 @@
   bool is_illegal();
   bool is_zombie() {
     int x = long_at(0);
-    return is_op3(x,
-                  Assembler::ldsw_op3,
-                  Assembler::ldst_op)
-        && Assembler::inv_rs1(x) == G0
-        && Assembler::inv_rd(x) == O7;
+    return (is_op3(x, Assembler::ldsw_op3, Assembler::ldst_op) &&
+            inv_rs1(x) == G0 && inv_rd(x) == O7);
   bool is_ic_miss_trap();       // Inline-cache uses a trap to detect a miss
   bool is_return() {
@@ -129,29 +126,11 @@
   bool is_load_store_with_small_offset(Register reg);
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  static int rdpc_instruction()        { return Assembler::op(Assembler::arith_op ) | Assembler::op3(Assembler::rdreg_op3) | Assembler::u_field(5, 18, 14) | Assembler::rd(O7); }
-  // Temporary fix: in optimized mode, u_field is a macro for efficiency reasons (see Assembler::u_field) - needs to be fixed
-  static int rdpc_instruction()        { return Assembler::op(Assembler::arith_op ) | Assembler::op3(Assembler::rdreg_op3) |            u_field(5, 18, 14) | Assembler::rd(O7); }
   static int nop_instruction()         { return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::op2(Assembler::sethi_op2); }
   static int illegal_instruction();    // the output of __ breakpoint_trap()
   static int call_instruction(address destination, address pc) { return Assembler::op(Assembler::call_op) | Assembler::wdisp((intptr_t)destination, (intptr_t)pc, 30); }
-  static int branch_instruction(Assembler::op2s op2val, Assembler::Condition c, bool a) {
-    return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::op2(op2val) | Assembler::annul(a) | Assembler::cond(c);
-  }
-  static int op3_instruction(Assembler::ops opval, Register rd, Assembler::op3s op3val, Register rs1, int simm13a) {
-    return Assembler::op(opval) | Assembler::rd(rd) | Assembler::op3(op3val) | Assembler::rs1(rs1) | Assembler::immed(true) | Assembler::simm(simm13a, 13);
-  }
-  static int sethi_instruction(Register rd, int imm22a) {
-    return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::rd(rd) | Assembler::op2(Assembler::sethi_op2) | Assembler::hi22(imm22a);
-  }
- protected:
   address  addr_at(int offset) const    { return address(this) + offset; }
   int      long_at(int offset) const    { return *(int*)addr_at(offset); }
   void set_long_at(int offset, int i);      /* deals with I-cache */
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -1072,7 +1072,13 @@
     __ rdpc(r);
-    if (disp != 0) {
+    if (disp == 0) {
+      // Emitting an additional 'nop' instruction in order not to cause a code
+      // size adjustment in the code following the table setup (if the instruction
+      // immediately following after this section is a CTI).
+      __ nop();
+    }
+    else {
       assert(r != O7, "need temporary");
       __ sub(r, __ ensure_simm13_or_reg(disp, O7), r);
@@ -1760,10 +1766,8 @@
   return true;
-// USII supports fxtof through the whole range of number, USIII doesn't
-const bool Matcher::convL2FSupported(void) {
-  return VM_Version::has_fast_fxtof();
+// NOTE: All currently supported SPARC HW provides fast conversion.
+const bool Matcher::convL2FSupported(void) { return true; }
 // Is this branch offset short enough that a short branch can be used?
@@ -1789,9 +1793,9 @@
 // No additional cost for CMOVL.
 const int Matcher::long_cmove_cost() { return 0; }
-// CMOVF/CMOVD are expensive on T4 and on SPARC64.
+// CMOVF/CMOVD are expensive on e.g., T4 and SPARC64.
 const int Matcher::float_cmove_cost() {
-  return (VM_Version::is_T4() || VM_Version::is_sparc64()) ? ConditionalMoveLimit : 0;
+  return VM_Version::has_fast_cmove() ? 0 : ConditionalMoveLimit;
 // Does the CPU require late expand (see block.cpp for description of late expand)?
@@ -2623,6 +2627,33 @@
     __ fsqrt(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Fsrc, Fdst);
+enc_class fmadds (sflt_reg dst, sflt_reg a, sflt_reg b, sflt_reg c) %{
+    MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
+    FloatRegister Frd = reg_to_SingleFloatRegister_object($dst$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Fra = reg_to_SingleFloatRegister_object($a$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Frb = reg_to_SingleFloatRegister_object($b$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Frc = reg_to_SingleFloatRegister_object($c$$reg);
+    __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Fra, Frb, Frc, Frd);
+enc_class fmaddd (dflt_reg dst, dflt_reg a, dflt_reg b, dflt_reg c) %{
+    MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
+    FloatRegister Frd = reg_to_DoubleFloatRegister_object($dst$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Fra = reg_to_DoubleFloatRegister_object($a$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Frb = reg_to_DoubleFloatRegister_object($b$$reg);
+    FloatRegister Frc = reg_to_DoubleFloatRegister_object($c$$reg);
+    __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Fra, Frb, Frc, Frd);
 enc_class fmovs (dflt_reg dst, dflt_reg src) %{
     MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
@@ -3194,7 +3225,7 @@
 // Pointer Immediate: 64-bit
 operand immP_set() %{
-  predicate(!VM_Version::is_niagara_plus());
+  predicate(!VM_Version::has_fast_ld());
@@ -3206,7 +3237,7 @@
 // Pointer Immediate: 64-bit
 // From Niagara2 processors on a load should be better than materializing.
 operand immP_load() %{
-  predicate(VM_Version::is_niagara_plus() && (n->bottom_type()->isa_oop_ptr() || (MacroAssembler::insts_for_set(n->get_ptr()) > 3)));
+  predicate(VM_Version::has_fast_ld() && (n->bottom_type()->isa_oop_ptr() || (MacroAssembler::insts_for_set(n->get_ptr()) > 3)));
@@ -3217,7 +3248,7 @@
 // Pointer Immediate: 64-bit
 operand immP_no_oop_cheap() %{
-  predicate(VM_Version::is_niagara_plus() && !n->bottom_type()->isa_oop_ptr() && (MacroAssembler::insts_for_set(n->get_ptr()) <= 3));
+  predicate(VM_Version::has_fast_ld() && !n->bottom_type()->isa_oop_ptr() && (MacroAssembler::insts_for_set(n->get_ptr()) <= 3));
@@ -3341,7 +3372,7 @@
 // Long Immediate: cheap (materialize in <= 3 instructions)
 operand immL_cheap() %{
-  predicate(!VM_Version::is_niagara_plus() || MacroAssembler::insts_for_set64(n->get_long()) <= 3);
+  predicate(!VM_Version::has_fast_ld() || MacroAssembler::insts_for_set64(n->get_long()) <= 3);
@@ -3351,7 +3382,7 @@
 // Long Immediate: expensive (materialize in > 3 instructions)
 operand immL_expensive() %{
-  predicate(VM_Version::is_niagara_plus() && MacroAssembler::insts_for_set64(n->get_long()) > 3);
+  predicate(VM_Version::has_fast_ld() && MacroAssembler::insts_for_set64(n->get_long()) > 3);
@@ -4536,6 +4567,26 @@
     FDIV  : C(17);
+// Fused floating-point multiply-add float.
+pipe_class fmaF_regx4(regF dst, regF src1, regF src2, regF src3) %{
+    single_instruction;
+    dst   : X(write);
+    src1  : E(read);
+    src2  : E(read);
+    src3  : E(read);
+    FM    : R;
+// Fused gloating-point multiply-add double.
+pipe_class fmaD_regx4(regD dst, regD src1, regD src2, regD src3) %{
+    single_instruction;
+    dst   : X(write);
+    src1  : E(read);
+    src2  : E(read);
+    src3  : E(read);
+    FM    : R;
 // Floating Point Move/Negate/Abs Float
 pipe_class faddF_reg(regF dst, regF src) %{
@@ -7527,6 +7578,24 @@
+// Single precision fused floating-point multiply-add (d = a * b + c).
+instruct fmaF_regx4(regF dst, regF a, regF b, regF c) %{
+  predicate(UseFMA);
+  match(Set dst (FmaF c (Binary a b)));
+  format %{ "fmadds $a,$b,$c,$dst\t# $dst = $a * $b + $c" %}
+  ins_encode(fmadds(dst, a, b, c));
+  ins_pipe(fmaF_regx4);
+// Double precision fused floating-point multiply-add (d = a * b + c).
+instruct fmaD_regx4(regD dst, regD a, regD b, regD c) %{
+  predicate(UseFMA);
+  match(Set dst (FmaD c (Binary a b)));
+  format %{ "fmaddd $a,$b,$c,$dst\t# $dst = $a * $b + $c" %}
+  ins_encode(fmaddd(dst, a, b, c));
+  ins_pipe(fmaD_regx4);
 //----------Logical Instructions-----------------------------------------------
 // And Instructions
 // Register And
@@ -8241,40 +8310,6 @@
-instruct convL2D_reg_slow_fxtof(regD dst, stackSlotL src) %{
-  match(Set dst (ConvL2D src));
-  ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST*8 + MEMORY_REF_COST*6);
-  expand %{
-    regD_low   tmpsrc;
-    iRegI      ix43300000;
-    iRegI      ix41f00000;
-    stackSlotL lx43300000;
-    stackSlotL lx41f00000;
-    regD_low   dx43300000;
-    regD       dx41f00000;
-    regD       tmp1;
-    regD_low   tmp2;
-    regD       tmp3;
-    regD       tmp4;
-    stkL_to_regD(tmpsrc, src);
-    loadConI_x43300000(ix43300000);
-    loadConI_x41f00000(ix41f00000);
-    regI_to_stkLHi(lx43300000, ix43300000);
-    regI_to_stkLHi(lx41f00000, ix41f00000);
-    stkL_to_regD(dx43300000, lx43300000);
-    stkL_to_regD(dx41f00000, lx41f00000);
-    convI2D_regDHi_regD(tmp1, tmpsrc);
-    regDHi_regDLo_to_regD(tmp2, dx43300000, tmpsrc);
-    subD_regD_regD(tmp3, tmp2, dx43300000);
-    mulD_regD_regD(tmp4, tmp1, dx41f00000);
-    addD_regD_regD(dst, tmp3, tmp4);
-  %}
 // Long to Double conversion using fast fxtof
 instruct convL2D_helper(regD dst, regD tmp) %{
   effect(DEF dst, USE tmp);
@@ -8286,7 +8321,6 @@
 instruct convL2D_stk_fast_fxtof(regD dst, stackSlotL src) %{
-  predicate(VM_Version::has_fast_fxtof());
   match(Set dst (ConvL2D src));
   ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST + 3 * MEMORY_REF_COST);
   expand %{
@@ -8661,7 +8695,7 @@
   effect(USE labl);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "BA     $labl\t! short branch" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9002,7 +9036,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! int" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9020,7 +9054,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! int" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9038,7 +9072,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! unsigned" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9056,7 +9090,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! unsigned" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9074,7 +9108,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL xcc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CXB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! long" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9092,7 +9126,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL xcc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CXB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! long" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9111,7 +9145,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL pcc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,$op2,$labl\t! ptr" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9129,7 +9163,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL pcc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CXB$cmp $op1,0,$labl\t! ptr" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9147,7 +9181,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! compressed ptr" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9165,7 +9199,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,0,$labl\t! compressed ptr" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9184,7 +9218,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! Loop end" %}
   ins_encode %{
@@ -9202,7 +9236,7 @@
   effect(USE labl, KILL icc);
-  size(4);
+  size(4); // Assuming no NOP inserted.
   format %{ "CWB$cmp  $op1,$op2,$labl\t! Loop end" %}
   ins_encode %{
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateInterpreterGenerator_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/templateInterpreterGenerator_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -153,13 +153,12 @@
     __ delayed()->srl( G4_scratch, 2, G4_scratch );
     __ bind(NextArg);
   __ bind(done);
   __ ret();
-  __ delayed()->
-     restore(O0, 0, Lscratch);  // caller's Lscratch gets the result handler
+  __ delayed()->restore(O0, 0, Lscratch);  // caller's Lscratch gets the result handler
   return entry;
@@ -177,7 +176,6 @@
   // returns verified_entry_point or NULL
   // we ignore it in any case
   __ ba_short(Lcontinue);
@@ -196,7 +194,6 @@
   // the call_VM checks for exception, so we should never return here.
   __ should_not_reach_here();
   return entry;
 void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::save_native_result(void) {
@@ -474,7 +471,6 @@
     __ delayed()->nop();
     __ bind(done);
 // Allocate monitor and lock method (asm interpreter)
@@ -590,7 +586,7 @@
 //   pop parameters from the callers stack by adjusting Lesp
 //   set O0 to Lesp
 //   compute X = (max_locals - num_parameters)
-//   bump SP up by X to accomadate the extra locals
+//   bump SP up by X to accommodate the extra locals
 //   compute X = max_expression_stack
 //               + vm_local_words
 //               + 16 words of register save area
@@ -688,7 +684,7 @@
   // 1) Increase caller's SP by for the extra local space needed:
   //    (check for overflow)
   //    Efficient implementation of xload/xstore bytecodes requires
-  //    that arguments and non-argument locals are in a contigously
+  //    that arguments and non-argument locals are in a contiguously
   //    addressable memory block => non-argument locals must be
   //    allocated in the caller's frame.
@@ -782,7 +778,7 @@
     __ sub(Gframe_size, Glocals_size, Gframe_size);
-    // bump SP to accomodate the extra locals
+    // bump SP to accommodate the extra locals
     __ sub(SP, Glocals_size, SP);
@@ -810,9 +806,9 @@
   Register mirror = LcpoolCache;
   __ load_mirror(mirror, Lmethod);
   __ st_ptr(mirror, FP, (frame::interpreter_frame_mirror_offset * wordSize) + STACK_BIAS);
-  __ get_constant_pool_cache( LcpoolCache );   // set LcpoolCache
+  __ get_constant_pool_cache(LcpoolCache);     // set LcpoolCache
   __ sub(FP, rounded_vm_local_words * BytesPerWord, Lmonitors ); // set Lmonitors
-  __ add( Lmonitors, STACK_BIAS, Lmonitors );   // Account for 64 bit stack bias
+  __ add(Lmonitors, STACK_BIAS, Lmonitors);    // Account for 64 bit stack bias
   __ sub(Lmonitors, BytesPerWord, Lesp);       // set Lesp
   // setup interpreter activation registers
@@ -984,7 +980,7 @@
       __ ldx( Gargs, 16, buf);
       __ lduw(Gargs, 24, crc);
       __ add(buf, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE), buf); // account for the header size
-      __ add(buf ,offset, buf);
+      __ add(buf, offset, buf);
     // Call the crc32 kernel
@@ -1057,8 +1053,58 @@
   return NULL;
-// Not supported
-address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
+/* Math routines only partially supported.
+ *
+ *   Providing support for fma (float/double) only.
+ */
+address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind)
+  if (!InlineIntrinsics) return NULL; // Generate a vanilla entry
+  address entry = __ pc();
+  switch (kind) {
+    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_fmaF:
+      if (UseFMA) {
+        // float .fma(float a, float b, float c)
+        const FloatRegister ra = F1;
+        const FloatRegister rb = F2;
+        const FloatRegister rc = F3;
+        const FloatRegister rd = F0; // Result.
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Gargs,  0, rc);
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Gargs,  8, rb);
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, Gargs, 16, ra);
+        __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::S, ra, rb, rc, rd);
+        __ retl();  // Result in F0 (rd).
+        __ delayed()->mov(O5_savedSP, SP);
+        return entry;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_fmaD:
+      if (UseFMA) {
+        // double .fma(double a, double b, double c)
+        const FloatRegister ra = F2; // D1
+        const FloatRegister rb = F4; // D2
+        const FloatRegister rc = F6; // D3
+        const FloatRegister rd = F0; // D0 Result.
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Gargs,  0, rc);
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Gargs, 16, rb);
+        __ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, Gargs, 32, ra);
+        __ fmadd(FloatRegisterImpl::D, ra, rb, rc, rd);
+        __ retl();  // Result in D0 (rd).
+        __ delayed()->mov(O5_savedSP, SP);
+        return entry;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
   return NULL;
@@ -1071,7 +1117,7 @@
   // Doing the banging earlier fails if the caller frame is not an interpreter
   // frame.
   // (Also, the exception throwing code expects to unlock any synchronized
-  // method receiever, so do the banging after locking the receiver.)
+  // method receiver, so do the banging after locking the receiver.)
   // Bang each page in the shadow zone. We can't assume it's been done for
   // an interpreter frame with greater than a page of locals, so each page
@@ -1112,8 +1158,7 @@
   // rethink these assertions - they can be simplified and shared (gri 2/25/2000)
 #ifdef ASSERT
   __ ld(G5_method, Method::access_flags_offset(), Gtmp1);
-  {
-    Label L;
+  { Label L;
     __ btst(JVM_ACC_NATIVE, Gtmp1);
     __ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L);
     __ delayed()->nop();
@@ -1362,7 +1407,7 @@
     //     didn't see any synchronization is progress, and escapes.
     __ set(_thread_in_native_trans, G3_scratch);
     __ st(G3_scratch, thread_state);
-    if(os::is_MP()) {
+    if (os::is_MP()) {
       if (UseMembar) {
         // Force this write out before the read below
         __ membar(Assembler::StoreLoad);
@@ -1425,8 +1470,7 @@
   // If we have an oop result store it where it will be safe for any further gc
   // until we return now that we've released the handle it might be protected by
-  {
-    Label no_oop, store_result;
+  { Label no_oop, store_result;
     __ set((intptr_t)AbstractInterpreter::result_handler(T_OBJECT), G3_scratch);
     __ cmp_and_brx_short(G3_scratch, Lscratch, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pt, no_oop);
@@ -1484,8 +1528,7 @@
   // dispose of return address and remove activation
 #ifdef ASSERT
-  {
-    Label ok;
+  { Label ok;
     __ cmp_and_brx_short(I5_savedSP, FP, Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pt, ok);
     __ stop("bad I5_savedSP value");
     __ should_not_reach_here();
@@ -1495,15 +1538,12 @@
   __ jmp(Lscratch, 0);
   __ delayed()->nop();
   if (inc_counter) {
     // handle invocation counter overflow
     __ bind(invocation_counter_overflow);
   return entry;
@@ -1533,8 +1573,7 @@
   // rethink these assertions - they can be simplified and shared (gri 2/25/2000)
 #ifdef ASSERT
   __ ld(G5_method, Method::access_flags_offset(), Gtmp1);
-  {
-    Label L;
+  { Label L;
     __ btst(JVM_ACC_NATIVE, Gtmp1);
     __ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L);
     __ delayed()->nop();
@@ -1666,7 +1705,6 @@
   return entry;
@@ -1786,8 +1824,7 @@
-  {
-    Label L_done;
+  { Label L_done;
     __ ldub(Address(Lbcp, 0), G1_scratch);  // Load current bytecode
     __ cmp_and_br_short(G1_scratch, Bytecodes::_invokestatic, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, L_done);
@@ -1827,7 +1864,7 @@
   __ get_vm_result(Oexception);
   __ verify_oop(Oexception);
-    const int return_reg_adjustment = frame::pc_return_offset;
+  const int return_reg_adjustment = frame::pc_return_offset;
   Address issuing_pc_addr(I7, return_reg_adjustment);
   // We are done with this activation frame; find out where to go next.
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vmStructs_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vmStructs_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -71,28 +71,43 @@
   declare_c2_constant(R_G5_num)                                           \
   declare_c2_constant(R_G6_num)                                           \
   declare_c2_constant(R_G7_num)                                           \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis1_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis2_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis3_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::cbcond_instructions_m)                     \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::v8_instructions_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_mul32_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_div32_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_fsmuld_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_popc_m)                           \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::v9_instructions_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sun4v_m)                                   \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::blk_init_instructions_m)                   \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::fmaf_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sparc64_family_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::M_family_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::T_family_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::T1_model_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sparc5_instructions_m)                     \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::aes_instructions_m)                        \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha1_instruction_m)                        \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha256_instruction_m)                      \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha512_instruction_m)
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_V9)                  \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_POPC)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS1)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS2)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_BLK_INIT)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_FMAF)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS3)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_HPC)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_IMA)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_AES)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_DES)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_KASUMI)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CAMELLIA)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MD5)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA1)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA256)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA512)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MPMUL)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MONT)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CBCOND)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CRC32C)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS3B)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_ADI)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SPARC5)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MWAIT)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_XMPMUL)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_XMONT)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE_NSEC)          \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VAMASK)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IDIV)           \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_RDPC)           \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_BIS)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_LD)             \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_CMOVE)          \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IND_BR)         \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_BLK_ZEROING)
 #define VM_LONG_CONSTANTS_CPU(declare_constant, declare_preprocessor_constant, declare_c1_constant, declare_c2_constant, declare_c2_preprocessor_constant)
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -32,124 +32,123 @@
 #include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
 #include "vm_version_sparc.hpp"
-unsigned int VM_Version::_L2_data_cache_line_size = 0;
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+uint VM_Version::_L2_data_cache_line_size = 0;
 void VM_Version::initialize() {
   assert(_features != 0, "System pre-initialization is not complete.");
   guarantee(VM_Version::has_v9(), "only SPARC v9 is supported");
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes, prefetch_copy_interval_in_bytes());
-  }
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes, prefetch_scan_interval_in_bytes());
-  }
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(PrefetchFieldsAhead)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchFieldsAhead, prefetch_fields_ahead());
-  }
+  PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes = prefetch_copy_interval_in_bytes();
+  PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes = prefetch_scan_interval_in_bytes();
+  PrefetchFieldsAhead         = prefetch_fields_ahead();
   // Allocation prefetch settings
+  AllocatePrefetchDistance = allocate_prefetch_distance();
+  AllocatePrefetchStyle    = allocate_prefetch_style();
   intx cache_line_size = prefetch_data_size();
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStepSize) &&
-      (cache_line_size > AllocatePrefetchStepSize)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStepSize, cache_line_size);
+  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStepSize)) {
+    AllocatePrefetchStepSize = MAX2(AllocatePrefetchStepSize, cache_line_size);
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 512);
+  if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) {
+    if (!has_blk_init()) {
+      warning("BIS instructions required for AllocatePrefetchInstr 1 unavailable");
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 0);
+    }
+    if (cache_line_size <= 0) {
+      warning("Cache-line size must be known for AllocatePrefetchInstr 1 to work");
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 0);
+    }
-  if ((AllocatePrefetchDistance == 0) && (AllocatePrefetchStyle != 0)) {
-    assert(!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance), "default value should not be 0");
-    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
-      warning("AllocatePrefetchDistance is set to 0 which disable prefetching. Ignoring AllocatePrefetchStyle flag.");
-    }
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 0);
+  UseSSE = false;                   // Only used on x86 and x64.
+  _supports_cx8 = true;             // All SPARC V9 implementations.
+  _supports_atomic_getset4 = true;  // Using the 'swap' instruction.
+  if (has_fast_ind_br() && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches)) {
+    // Indirect and direct branches are cost equivalent.
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches, false);
-  if ((AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) && (!has_blk_init() || cache_line_size <= 0)) {
-    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
-      warning("BIS instructions required for AllocatePrefetchInstr 1 unavailable");
-    }
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 0);
+  // Align loops on the proper instruction boundary to fill the instruction
+  // fetch buffer.
+  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment)) {
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment, VM_Version::insn_fetch_alignment);
-  UseSSE = 0; // Only on x86 and x64
-  _supports_cx8 = has_v9();
-  _supports_atomic_getset4 = true; // swap instruction
+  // 32-bit oops don't make sense for the 64-bit VM on SPARC since the 32-bit
+  // VM has the same registers and smaller objects.
+  Universe::set_narrow_oop_shift(LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
+  Universe::set_narrow_klass_shift(LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
-  if (is_niagara()) {
-    // Indirect branch is the same cost as direct
-    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches)) {
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches, false);
-    }
-    // Align loops on a single instruction boundary.
-    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment)) {
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment, 4);
-    }
-    // 32-bit oops don't make sense for the 64-bit VM on sparc
-    // since the 32-bit VM has the same registers and smaller objects.
-    Universe::set_narrow_oop_shift(LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
-    Universe::set_narrow_klass_shift(LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
 #ifdef COMPILER2
-    // Indirect branch is the same cost as direct
-    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables)) {
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables, true);
-    }
-    // Single-issue, so entry and loop tops are
-    // aligned on a single instruction boundary
-    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment)) {
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment, 4);
+  if (has_fast_ind_br() && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables)) {
+    // Indirect and direct branches are cost equivalent.
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables, true);
+  }
+  // Entry and loop tops are aligned to fill the instruction fetch buffer.
+  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment)) {
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment, VM_Version::insn_fetch_alignment);
+  }
+  if (UseTLAB && cache_line_size > 0 &&
+      FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
+    if (has_fast_bis()) {
+      // Use BIS instruction for TLAB allocation prefetch.
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 1);
-    if (is_niagara_plus()) {
-      if (has_blk_init() && (cache_line_size > 0) && UseTLAB &&
-          FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
-        if (!has_sparc5_instr()) {
-          // Use BIS instruction for TLAB allocation prefetch
-          // on Niagara plus processors other than those based on CoreS4
-          FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 1);
-        } else {
-          // On CoreS4 processors use prefetch instruction
-          // to avoid partial RAW issue, also use prefetch style 3
-          FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 0);
-          if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
-            FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) {
-        if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 0) {
-          // Use different prefetch distance without BIS
-          FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 256);
-        } else {
-          // Use smaller prefetch distance with BIS
-          FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 64);
-        }
-      }
-      if (is_T4()) {
-        // Double number of prefetched cache lines on T4
-        // since L2 cache line size is smaller (32 bytes).
-        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines)) {
-          FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchLines*2);
-        }
-        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines)) {
-          FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines*2);
-        }
+    else if (has_sparc5()) {
+      // Use prefetch instruction to avoid partial RAW issue on Core S4 processors,
+      // also use prefetch style 3.
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr, 0);
+      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
+        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3);
-    if ((AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) && (AllocatePrefetchStyle != 3)) {
-      if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
-        warning("AllocatePrefetchStyle set to 3 because BIS instructions require aligned memory addresses");
-      }
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3);
+  }
+  if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) {
+    // Use allocation prefetch style 3 because BIS instructions require
+    // aligned memory addresses.
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3);
+  }
+  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) {
+    if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 0) {
+      // Use different prefetch distance without BIS
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 256);
+    } else {
+      // Use smaller prefetch distance with BIS
+      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 64);
-#endif /* COMPILER2 */
+  // We increase the number of prefetched cache lines, to use just a bit more
+  // aggressive approach, when the L2-cache line size is small (32 bytes), or
+  // when running on newer processor implementations, such as the Core S4.
+  bool inc_prefetch = cache_line_size > 0 && (cache_line_size < 64 || has_sparc5());
+  if (inc_prefetch) {
+    // We use a factor two for small cache line sizes (as before) but a slightly
+    // more conservative increase when running on more recent hardware that will
+    // benefit from just a bit more aggressive prefetching.
+    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines)) {
+      const int ap_lns = AllocatePrefetchLines;
+      const int ap_inc = cache_line_size < 64 ? ap_lns : (ap_lns + 1) / 2;
+      FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, ap_lns + ap_inc);
+    }
+    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines)) {
+      const int ip_lns = AllocateInstancePrefetchLines;
+      const int ip_inc = cache_line_size < 64 ? ip_lns : (ip_lns + 1) / 2;
+      FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines, ip_lns + ip_inc);
+    }
+  }
+#endif /* COMPILER2 */
   // Use hardware population count instruction if available.
-  if (has_hardware_popc()) {
+  if (has_popc()) {
     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction)) {
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, true);
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, false);
-  // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have new compare and branch instruction.
+  // Use compare and branch instructions if available.
   if (has_cbcond()) {
     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCBCond)) {
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCBCond, true);
@@ -169,7 +168,8 @@
   assert(BlockZeroingLowLimit > 0, "invalid value");
-  if (has_block_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) {
+  if (has_blk_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) {
     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseBlockZeroing)) {
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockZeroing, true);
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@
   assert(BlockCopyLowLimit > 0, "invalid value");
-  if (has_block_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) { // has_blk_init() && is_T4(): core's local L2 cache
+  if (has_blk_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) {
     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseBlockCopy)) {
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockCopy, true);
@@ -189,7 +190,6 @@
 #ifdef COMPILER2
-  // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have fast RDPC.
   if (has_fast_rdpc() && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase)) {
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase, true);
@@ -206,44 +206,67 @@
   assert((OptoLoopAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size");
   char buf[512];
-  jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
-               (has_v9() ? ", v9" : (has_v8() ? ", v8" : "")),
-               (has_hardware_popc() ? ", popc" : ""),
-               (has_vis1() ? ", vis1" : ""),
-               (has_vis2() ? ", vis2" : ""),
-               (has_vis3() ? ", vis3" : ""),
-               (has_blk_init() ? ", blk_init" : ""),
-               (has_cbcond() ? ", cbcond" : ""),
-               (has_aes() ? ", aes" : ""),
-               (has_sha1() ? ", sha1" : ""),
-               (has_sha256() ? ", sha256" : ""),
-               (has_sha512() ? ", sha512" : ""),
-               (has_crc32c() ? ", crc32c" : ""),
-               (is_ultra3() ? ", ultra3" : ""),
-               (has_sparc5_instr() ? ", sparc5" : ""),
-               (is_sun4v() ? ", sun4v" : ""),
-               (is_niagara_plus() ? ", niagara_plus" : (is_niagara() ? ", niagara" : "")),
-               (is_sparc64() ? ", sparc64" : ""),
-               (!has_hardware_mul32() ? ", no-mul32" : ""),
-               (!has_hardware_div32() ? ", no-div32" : ""),
-               (!has_hardware_fsmuld() ? ", no-fsmuld" : ""));
+  jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+               "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+               (has_v9()          ? "v9" : ""),
+               (has_popc()        ? ", popc" : ""),
+               (has_vis1()        ? ", vis1" : ""),
+               (has_vis2()        ? ", vis2" : ""),
+               (has_blk_init()    ? ", blk_init" : ""),
+               (has_fmaf()        ? ", fmaf" : ""),
+               (has_hpc()         ? ", hpc" : ""),
+               (has_ima()         ? ", ima" : ""),
+               (has_aes()         ? ", aes" : ""),
+               (has_des()         ? ", des" : ""),
+               (has_kasumi()      ? ", kas" : ""),
+               (has_camellia()    ? ", cam" : ""),
+               (has_md5()         ? ", md5" : ""),
+               (has_sha1()        ? ", sha1" : ""),
+               (has_sha256()      ? ", sha256" : ""),
+               (has_sha512()      ? ", sha512" : ""),
+               (has_mpmul()       ? ", mpmul" : ""),
+               (has_mont()        ? ", mont" : ""),
+               (has_pause()       ? ", pause" : ""),
+               (has_cbcond()      ? ", cbcond" : ""),
+               (has_crc32c()      ? ", crc32c" : ""),
-  // buf is started with ", " or is empty
-  _features_string = os::strdup(strlen(buf) > 2 ? buf + 2 : buf);
+               (has_athena_plus() ? ", athena_plus" : ""),
+               (has_vis3b()       ? ", vis3b" : ""),
+               (has_adi()         ? ", adi" : ""),
+               (has_sparc5()      ? ", sparc5" : ""),
+               (has_mwait()       ? ", mwait" : ""),
+               (has_xmpmul()      ? ", xmpmul" : ""),
+               (has_xmont()       ? ", xmont" : ""),
+               (has_pause_nsec()  ? ", pause_nsec" : ""),
+               (has_vamask()      ? ", vamask" : ""),
-  // UseVIS is set to the smallest of what hardware supports and what
-  // the command line requires.  I.e., you cannot set UseVIS to 3 on
-  // older UltraSparc which do not support it.
-  if (UseVIS > 3) UseVIS=3;
-  if (UseVIS < 0) UseVIS=0;
+               (has_fast_idiv()   ? ", *idiv" : ""),
+               (has_fast_rdpc()   ? ", *rdpc" : ""),
+               (has_fast_bis()    ? ", *bis" : ""),
+               (has_fast_ld()     ? ", *ld" : ""),
+               (has_fast_cmove()  ? ", *cmove" : ""),
+               (has_fast_ind_br() ? ", *ind_br" : ""),
+               (has_blk_zeroing() ? ", *blk_zeroing" : ""));
+  assert(strlen(buf) >= 2, "must be");
+  _features_string = os::strdup(buf);
+  log_info(os, cpu)("SPARC features detected: %s", _features_string);
+  // UseVIS is set to the smallest of what hardware supports and what the command
+  // line requires, i.e. you cannot set UseVIS to 3 on older UltraSparc which do
+  // not support it.
+  if (UseVIS > 3) UseVIS = 3;
+  if (UseVIS < 0) UseVIS = 0;
   if (!has_vis3()) // Drop to 2 if no VIS3 support
-    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)2,UseVIS);
+    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)2, UseVIS);
   if (!has_vis2()) // Drop to 1 if no VIS2 support
-    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)1,UseVIS);
+    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)1, UseVIS);
   if (!has_vis1()) // Drop to 0 if no VIS1 support
     UseVIS = 0;
-  // SPARC T4 and above should have support for AES instructions
   if (has_aes()) {
     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, true);
@@ -294,12 +317,16 @@
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseGHASHIntrinsics, false);
-  if (UseFMA) {
+  if (has_fmaf()) {
+    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseFMA)) {
+      UseFMA = true;
+    }
+  } else if (UseFMA) {
     warning("FMA instructions are not available on this CPU");
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFMA, false);
-  // SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 instructions were added to SPARC T-series at different times
+  // SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 instructions were added to SPARC at different times
   if (has_sha1() || has_sha256() || has_sha512()) {
     if (UseVIS > 0) { // SHA intrinsics use VIS1 instructions
       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSHA)) {
@@ -347,7 +374,6 @@
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA, false);
-  // SPARC T4 and above should have support for CRC32C instruction
   if (has_crc32c()) {
     if (UseVIS > 2) { // CRC32C intrinsics use VIS3 instructions
       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCRC32CIntrinsics)) {
@@ -435,96 +461,42 @@
 void VM_Version::print_features() {
-  tty->print_cr("Version:%s", _features);
+  tty->print("ISA features [0x%0" PRIx64 "]:", _features);
+  if (_features_string != NULL) {
+    tty->print(" %s", _features_string);
+  }
+  tty->cr();
-int VM_Version::determine_features() {
-  if (UseV8InstrsOnly) {
-    log_info(os, cpu)("Version is Forced-V8");
-    return generic_v8_m;
-  }
-  int features = platform_features(unknown_m); // platform_features() is os_arch specific
-  if (features == unknown_m) {
-    features = generic_v9_m;
-    log_info(os)("Cannot recognize SPARC version. Default to V9");
-  }
+void VM_Version::determine_features() {
+  platform_features();      // platform_features() is os_arch specific.
-  assert(is_T_family(features) == is_niagara(features), "Niagara should be T series");
-  if (UseNiagaraInstrs) { // Force code generation for Niagara
-    if (is_T_family(features)) {
-      // Happy to accomodate...
-    } else {
-      log_info(os, cpu)("Version is Forced-Niagara");
-      features |= T_family_m;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (is_T_family(features) && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseNiagaraInstrs)) {
-      log_info(os, cpu)("Version is Forced-Not-Niagara");
-      features &= ~(T_family_m | T1_model_m);
-    } else {
-      // Happy to accomodate...
-    }
+  assert(has_v9(), "must be");
+  if (UseNiagaraInstrs) {   // Limit code generation to Niagara.
+    _features &= niagara1_msk;
-  return features;
 static uint64_t saved_features = 0;
 void VM_Version::allow_all() {
   saved_features = _features;
-  _features      = all_features_m;
+  _features      = full_feature_msk;
 void VM_Version::revert() {
   _features = saved_features;
+/* Determine a suitable number of threads on this particular machine.
+ *
+ * FIXME: Simply checking the processor family is insufficient.
+ */
 unsigned int VM_Version::calc_parallel_worker_threads() {
-  unsigned int result;
-  if (is_M_series() || is_S_series()) {
-    // for now, use same gc thread calculation for M-series and S-series as for
-    // niagara-plus. In future, we may want to tweak parameters for
-    // nof_parallel_worker_thread
-    result = nof_parallel_worker_threads(5, 16, 8);
-  } else if (is_niagara_plus()) {
-    result = nof_parallel_worker_threads(5, 16, 8);
-  } else {
-    result = nof_parallel_worker_threads(5, 8, 8);
-  }
-  return result;
-int VM_Version::parse_features(const char* implementation) {
-  int features = unknown_m;
-  // Convert to UPPER case before compare.
-  char* impl = os::strdup_check_oom(implementation);
+  const int num = 5;
+  const int den = is_post_niagara() ? 16 : 8;
+  const int threshold = 8;
-  for (int i = 0; impl[i] != 0; i++)
-    impl[i] = (char)toupper((uint)impl[i]);
-  if (strstr(impl, "SPARC64") != NULL) {
-    features |= sparc64_family_m;
-  } else if (strstr(impl, "SPARC-M") != NULL) {
-    // M-series SPARC is based on T-series.
-    features |= (M_family_m | T_family_m);
-  } else if (strstr(impl, "SPARC-S") != NULL) {
-    // S-series SPARC is based on T-series.
-    features |= (S_family_m | T_family_m);
-  } else if (strstr(impl, "SPARC-T") != NULL) {
-    features |= T_family_m;
-    if (strstr(impl, "SPARC-T1") != NULL) {
-      features |= T1_model_m;
-    }
-  } else if (strstr(impl, "SUN4V-CPU") != NULL) {
-    // Generic or migration class LDOM
-    features |= T_family_m;
-  } else {
-    log_info(os, cpu)("Failed to parse CPU implementation = '%s'", impl);
-  }
-  os::free((void*)impl);
-  return features;
+  return nof_parallel_worker_threads(num, den, threshold);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -33,168 +33,296 @@
   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
-  enum Feature_Flag {
-    v8_instructions       = 0,
-    hardware_mul32        = 1,
-    hardware_div32        = 2,
-    hardware_fsmuld       = 3,
-    hardware_popc         = 4,
-    v9_instructions       = 5,
-    vis1_instructions     = 6,
-    vis2_instructions     = 7,
-    sun4v_instructions    = 8,
-    blk_init_instructions = 9,
-    fmaf_instructions     = 10,
-    vis3_instructions     = 11,
-    cbcond_instructions   = 12,
-    sparc64_family        = 13,
-    M_family              = 14,
-    S_family              = 15,
-    T_family              = 16,
-    T1_model              = 17,
-    sparc5_instructions   = 18,
-    aes_instructions      = 19,
-    sha1_instruction      = 20,
-    sha256_instruction    = 21,
-    sha512_instruction    = 22,
-    crc32c_instruction    = 23
+  enum {
+    ISA_V9,
+    ISA_POPC,
+    ISA_VIS1,
+    ISA_VIS2,
+    ISA_FMAF,
+    ISA_VIS3,
+    ISA_HPC,
+    ISA_IMA,
+    ISA_AES,
+    ISA_DES,
+    ISA_MD5,
+    ISA_SHA1,
+    ISA_SHA256,
+    ISA_SHA512,
+    ISA_MONT,
+    ISA_CRC32C,
+    ISA_VIS3B,
+    ISA_ADI,
+    ISA_SPARC5,
+    // Synthesised properties:
-  enum Feature_Flag_Set {
-    unknown_m           = 0,
-    all_features_m      = -1,
+  enum { ISA_last_feature = ISA_VAMASK,
+         CPU_last_feature = CPU_BLK_ZEROING };
+  enum {
+    ISA_unknown_msk     = 0,
+    ISA_v9_msk          = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_V9,
-    v8_instructions_m       = 1 << v8_instructions,
-    hardware_mul32_m        = 1 << hardware_mul32,
-    hardware_div32_m        = 1 << hardware_div32,
-    hardware_fsmuld_m       = 1 << hardware_fsmuld,
-    hardware_popc_m         = 1 << hardware_popc,
-    v9_instructions_m       = 1 << v9_instructions,
-    vis1_instructions_m     = 1 << vis1_instructions,
-    vis2_instructions_m     = 1 << vis2_instructions,
-    sun4v_m                 = 1 << sun4v_instructions,
-    blk_init_instructions_m = 1 << blk_init_instructions,
-    fmaf_instructions_m     = 1 << fmaf_instructions,
-    vis3_instructions_m     = 1 << vis3_instructions,
-    cbcond_instructions_m   = 1 << cbcond_instructions,
-    sparc64_family_m        = 1 << sparc64_family,
-    M_family_m              = 1 << M_family,
-    S_family_m              = 1 << S_family,
-    T_family_m              = 1 << T_family,
-    T1_model_m              = 1 << T1_model,
-    sparc5_instructions_m   = 1 << sparc5_instructions,
-    aes_instructions_m      = 1 << aes_instructions,
-    sha1_instruction_m      = 1 << sha1_instruction,
-    sha256_instruction_m    = 1 << sha256_instruction,
-    sha512_instruction_m    = 1 << sha512_instruction,
-    crc32c_instruction_m    = 1 << crc32c_instruction,
+    ISA_popc_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_POPC,
+    ISA_vis1_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_VIS1,
+    ISA_vis2_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_VIS2,
+    ISA_blk_init_msk    = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_BLK_INIT,
+    ISA_fmaf_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_FMAF,
+    ISA_vis3_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_VIS3,
+    ISA_hpc_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_HPC,
+    ISA_ima_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_IMA,
+    ISA_aes_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_AES,
+    ISA_des_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_DES,
+    ISA_kasumi_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_KASUMI,
+    ISA_camellia_msk    = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_CAMELLIA,
+    ISA_md5_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_MD5,
+    ISA_sha1_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_SHA1,
+    ISA_sha256_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_SHA256,
+    ISA_sha512_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_SHA512,
+    ISA_mpmul_msk       = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_MPMUL,
+    ISA_mont_msk        = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_MONT,
+    ISA_pause_msk       = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_PAUSE,
+    ISA_cbcond_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_CBCOND,
+    ISA_crc32c_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_CRC32C,
-    generic_v8_m        = v8_instructions_m | hardware_mul32_m | hardware_div32_m | hardware_fsmuld_m,
-    generic_v9_m        = generic_v8_m | v9_instructions_m,
-    ultra3_m            = generic_v9_m | vis1_instructions_m | vis2_instructions_m,
+    ISA_fjathplus_msk   = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_FJATHPLUS,
+    ISA_vis3b_msk       = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_VIS3B,
+    ISA_adi_msk         = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_ADI,
+    ISA_sparc5_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_SPARC5,
+    ISA_mwait_msk       = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_MWAIT,
+    ISA_xmpmul_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_XMPMUL,
+    ISA_xmont_msk       = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_XMONT,
+    ISA_pause_nsec_msk  = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_PAUSE_NSEC,
+    ISA_vamask_msk      = UINT64_C(1) << ISA_VAMASK,
-    // Temporary until we have something more accurate
-    niagara1_unique_m   = sun4v_m,
-    niagara1_m          = generic_v9_m | niagara1_unique_m
+    CPU_fast_idiv_msk   = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_IDIV,
+    CPU_fast_rdpc_msk   = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_RDPC,
+    CPU_fast_bis_msk    = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_BIS,
+    CPU_fast_ld_msk     = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_LD,
+    CPU_fast_cmove_msk  = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_CMOVE,
+    CPU_fast_ind_br_msk = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_FAST_IND_BR,
+    CPU_blk_zeroing_msk = UINT64_C(1) << CPU_BLK_ZEROING,
+    last_feature_msk    = CPU_blk_zeroing_msk,
+    full_feature_msk    = (last_feature_msk << 1) - 1
-  static unsigned int _L2_data_cache_line_size;
-  static unsigned int L2_data_cache_line_size() { return _L2_data_cache_line_size; }
-  static void print_features();
-  static int  determine_features();
-  static int  platform_features(int features);
+/* The following, previously supported, SPARC implementations are no longer
+ * supported.
+ *
+ *  UltraSPARC I/II:
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS
+ *  UltraSPARC III/+:  (Cheetah/+)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS
+ *  UltraSPARC IV:     (Jaguar)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS
+ *  UltraSPARC IV+:    (Panther)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS, POPC
+ *
+ * The currently supported SPARC implementations are listed below (including
+ * generic V9 support).
+ *
+ *  UltraSPARC T1:     (Niagara)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS, ASI_BIS                (Crypto/hash in SPU)
+ *  UltraSPARC T2:     (Niagara-2)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS, ASI_BIS, POPC          (Crypto/hash in SPU)
+ *  UltraSPARC T2+:    (Victoria Falls, etc.)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS, VIS2, ASI_BIS, POPC    (Crypto/hash in SPU)
+ *
+ *  UltraSPARC T3:     (Rainbow Falls/S2)
+ *    SPARC-V9, VIS, VIS2, ASI_BIS, POPC    (Crypto/hash in SPU)
+ *
+ *  Oracle SPARC T4/T5/M5:  (Core S3)
+ *    AES, DES, Kasumi, Camellia, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, CRC32C, MONT, MPMUL
+ *
+ *  Oracle SPARC M7:   (Core S4)
+ *    AES, DES, Camellia, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, CRC32C, MONT, MPMUL, VIS3b,
+ *
+ */
+  enum {
+    niagara1_msk = ISA_v9_msk | ISA_vis1_msk | ISA_blk_init_msk,
+    niagara2_msk = niagara1_msk | ISA_popc_msk,
-  // Returns true if the platform is in the niagara line (T series)
-  static bool is_M_family(int features) { return (features & M_family_m) != 0; }
-  static bool is_S_family(int features) { return (features & S_family_m) != 0; }
-  static bool is_T_family(int features) { return (features & T_family_m) != 0; }
-  static bool is_niagara() { return is_T_family(_features); }
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  static bool is_niagara(int features)  {
-    // 'sun4v_m' may be defined on both Sun/Oracle Sparc CPUs as well as
-    // on Fujitsu Sparc64 CPUs, but only Sun/Oracle Sparcs can be 'niagaras'.
-    return (features & sun4v_m) != 0 && (features & sparc64_family_m) == 0;
-  }
+    core_S2_msk  = niagara2_msk | ISA_vis2_msk,
+    core_S3_msk  = core_S2_msk | ISA_fmaf_msk | ISA_vis3_msk | ISA_hpc_msk |
+        ISA_ima_msk | ISA_aes_msk | ISA_des_msk | ISA_kasumi_msk |
+        ISA_camellia_msk | ISA_md5_msk | ISA_sha1_msk | ISA_sha256_msk |
+        ISA_sha512_msk | ISA_mpmul_msk | ISA_mont_msk | ISA_pause_msk |
+        ISA_cbcond_msk | ISA_crc32c_msk,
+    core_S4_msk  = core_S3_msk - ISA_kasumi_msk |
+        ISA_vis3b_msk | ISA_adi_msk | ISA_sparc5_msk | ISA_mwait_msk |
+        ISA_xmpmul_msk | ISA_xmont_msk | ISA_pause_nsec_msk | ISA_vamask_msk,
+    ultra_sparc_t1_msk = niagara1_msk,
+    ultra_sparc_t2_msk = niagara2_msk,
+    ultra_sparc_t3_msk = core_S2_msk,
+    ultra_sparc_m5_msk = core_S3_msk,   // NOTE: First out-of-order pipeline.
+    ultra_sparc_m7_msk = core_S4_msk
+  };
-  // Returns true if it is niagara1 (T1).
-  static bool is_T1_model(int features) { return is_T_family(features) && ((features & T1_model_m) != 0); }
+  static uint _L2_data_cache_line_size;
+  static uint L2_data_cache_line_size() { return _L2_data_cache_line_size; }
+  static void determine_features();
+  static void platform_features();
+  static void print_features();
-  static int maximum_niagara1_processor_count() { return 32; }
-  static int parse_features(const char* implementation);
-  // Initialization
+  enum {
+    // Adopt a conservative behaviour (modelling single-insn-fetch-n-issue) for
+    // Niagara (and SPARC64). While there are at least two entries/slots in the
+    // instruction fetch buffer on any Niagara core (and as many as eight on a
+    // SPARC64), the performance improvement from keeping hot branch targets on
+    // optimally aligned addresses is such a small one (if any) that we choose
+    // not to use the extra code space required.
+    insn_fetch_alignment = 4    // Byte alignment in L1 insn. cache.
+  };
   static void initialize();
-  static void init_before_ergo()        { _features = determine_features(); }
+  static void init_before_ergo() { determine_features(); }
+  // Instruction feature support:
-  // Instruction support
-  static bool has_v8()                  { return (_features & v8_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_v9()                  { return (_features & v9_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_hardware_mul32()      { return (_features & hardware_mul32_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_hardware_div32()      { return (_features & hardware_div32_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_hardware_fsmuld()     { return (_features & hardware_fsmuld_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_hardware_popc()       { return (_features & hardware_popc_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_vis1()                { return (_features & vis1_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_vis2()                { return (_features & vis2_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_vis3()                { return (_features & vis3_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_blk_init()            { return (_features & blk_init_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_cbcond()              { return (_features & cbcond_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_sparc5_instr()        { return (_features & sparc5_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_aes()                 { return (_features & aes_instructions_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_sha1()                { return (_features & sha1_instruction_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_sha256()              { return (_features & sha256_instruction_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_sha512()              { return (_features & sha512_instruction_m) != 0; }
-  static bool has_crc32c()              { return (_features & crc32c_instruction_m) != 0; }
+  static bool has_v9()           { return (_features & ISA_v9_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_popc()         { return (_features & ISA_popc_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_vis1()         { return (_features & ISA_vis1_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_vis2()         { return (_features & ISA_vis2_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_blk_init()     { return (_features & ISA_blk_init_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_fmaf()         { return (_features & ISA_fmaf_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_vis3()         { return (_features & ISA_vis3_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_hpc()          { return (_features & ISA_hpc_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_ima()          { return (_features & ISA_ima_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_aes()          { return (_features & ISA_aes_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_des()          { return (_features & ISA_des_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_kasumi()       { return (_features & ISA_kasumi_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_camellia()     { return (_features & ISA_camellia_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_md5()          { return (_features & ISA_md5_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_sha1()         { return (_features & ISA_sha1_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_sha256()       { return (_features & ISA_sha256_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_sha512()       { return (_features & ISA_sha512_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_mpmul()        { return (_features & ISA_mpmul_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_mont()         { return (_features & ISA_mont_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_pause()        { return (_features & ISA_pause_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_cbcond()       { return (_features & ISA_cbcond_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_crc32c()       { return (_features & ISA_crc32c_msk) != 0; }
-  static bool supports_compare_and_exchange()
-                                        { return has_v9(); }
+  static bool has_athena_plus()  { return (_features & ISA_fjathplus_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_vis3b()        { return (_features & ISA_vis3b_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_adi()          { return (_features & ISA_adi_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_sparc5()       { return (_features & ISA_sparc5_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_mwait()        { return (_features & ISA_mwait_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_xmpmul()       { return (_features & ISA_xmpmul_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_xmont()        { return (_features & ISA_xmont_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_pause_nsec()   { return (_features & ISA_pause_nsec_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_vamask()       { return (_features & ISA_vamask_msk) != 0; }
-  // Returns true if the platform is in the niagara line (T series)
-  // and newer than the niagara1.
-  static bool is_niagara_plus()         { return is_T_family(_features) && !is_T1_model(_features); }
+  static bool has_fast_idiv()    { return (_features & CPU_fast_idiv_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_fast_rdpc()    { return (_features & CPU_fast_rdpc_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_fast_bis()     { return (_features & CPU_fast_bis_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_fast_ld()      { return (_features & CPU_fast_ld_msk) != 0; }
+  static bool has_fast_cmove()   { return (_features & CPU_fast_cmove_msk) != 0; }
-  static bool is_M_series()             { return is_M_family(_features); }
-  static bool is_S_series()             { return is_S_family(_features); }
-  static bool is_T4()                   { return is_T_family(_features) && has_cbcond(); }
-  static bool is_T7()                   { return is_T_family(_features) && has_sparc5_instr(); }
+  // If indirect and direct branching is equally fast.
+  static bool has_fast_ind_br()  { return (_features & CPU_fast_ind_br_msk) != 0; }
+  // If SPARC BIS to the beginning of cache line always zeros it.
+  static bool has_blk_zeroing()  { return (_features & CPU_blk_zeroing_msk) != 0; }
-  // Fujitsu SPARC64
-  static bool is_sparc64()              { return (_features & sparc64_family_m) != 0; }
+  static bool supports_compare_and_exchange() { return true; }
-  static bool is_sun4v()                { return (_features & sun4v_m) != 0; }
-  static bool is_ultra3()               { return (_features & ultra3_m) == ultra3_m && !is_sun4v() && !is_sparc64(); }
+  // FIXME: To be removed.
+  static bool is_post_niagara()  {
+    return (_features & niagara2_msk) == niagara2_msk;
+  }
-  static bool has_fast_fxtof()          { return is_niagara() || is_sparc64() || has_v9() && !is_ultra3(); }
-  static bool has_fast_idiv()           { return is_niagara_plus() || is_sparc64(); }
-  // T4 and newer Sparc have fast RDPC instruction.
-  static bool has_fast_rdpc()           { return is_T4(); }
+  // Default prefetch block size on SPARC.
+  static uint prefetch_data_size() { return L2_data_cache_line_size(); }
-  // On T4 and newer Sparc BIS to the beginning of cache line always zeros it.
-  static bool has_block_zeroing()       { return has_blk_init() && is_T4(); }
-  // default prefetch block size on sparc
-  static intx prefetch_data_size()      { return L2_data_cache_line_size();  }
-  // Prefetch
+ private:
+  // Prefetch policy and characteristics:
+  //
+  // These support routines are used in order to isolate any CPU/core specific
+  // logic from the actual flag/option processing.  They should reflect the HW
+  // characteristics for the associated options on the current platform.
+  //
+  // The three Prefetch* options below (assigned -1 in the configuration) are
+  // treated according to (given the accepted range [-1..<maxint>]):
+  //  -1: Determine a proper HW-specific value for the current HW.
+  //   0: Off
+  //  >0: Command-line supplied value to use.
+  //
+  // FIXME: The documentation string in the configuration is wrong, saying that
+  //        -1 is also interpreted as off.
+  //
   static intx prefetch_copy_interval_in_bytes() {
-    return (has_v9() ? 512 : 0);
+    intx bytes = PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes;
+    return bytes < 0 ? 512 : bytes;
   static intx prefetch_scan_interval_in_bytes() {
-    return (has_v9() ? 512 : 0);
+    intx bytes = PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes;
+    return bytes < 0 ? 512 : bytes;
   static intx prefetch_fields_ahead() {
-    return (is_ultra3() ? 1 : 0);
+    intx count = PrefetchFieldsAhead;
+    return count < 0 ? 0 : count;
+  // AllocatePrefetchDistance is treated under the same interpretation as the
+  // Prefetch* options above (i.e., -1, 0, >0).
+  static intx allocate_prefetch_distance() {
+    intx count = AllocatePrefetchDistance;
+    return count < 0 ? 512 : count;
+  }
+  // AllocatePrefetchStyle is guaranteed to be in range [0..3] defined by the
+  // configuration.
+  static intx allocate_prefetch_style() {
+    intx distance = allocate_prefetch_distance();
+    // Return 0 (off/none) if AllocatePrefetchDistance was not defined.
+    return distance > 0 ? AllocatePrefetchStyle : 0;
+  }
+ public:
   // Assembler testing
   static void allow_all();
   static void revert();
   // Override the Abstract_VM_Version implementation.
-  static uint page_size_count() { return is_sun4v() ? 4 : 2; }
+  //
+  // FIXME: Removed broken test on sun4v (always false when invoked prior to the
+  //        proper capability setup), thus always returning 2. Still need to fix
+  //        this properly in order to enable complete page size support.
+  static uint page_size_count() { return 2; }
   // Calculates the number of parallel threads
   static unsigned int calc_parallel_worker_threads();
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vmreg_sparc.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/vmreg_sparc.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@
 inline bool is_Register() { return value() >= 0 && value() < ConcreteRegisterImpl::max_gpr; }
 inline bool is_FloatRegister() { return value() >= ConcreteRegisterImpl::max_gpr &&
-                                                   value() < ConcreteRegisterImpl::max_fpr; }
+                                        value()  < ConcreteRegisterImpl::max_fpr; }
 inline Register as_Register() {
   assert( is_Register() && is_even(value()), "even-aligned GPR name" );
   // Yuk
   return ::as_Register(value()>>1);
--- a/hotspot/src/	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -57,72 +57,120 @@
     protected EnumSet<CPUFeature> computeFeatures(SPARCHotSpotVMConfig config) {
         EnumSet<CPUFeature> features = EnumSet.noneOf(CPUFeature.class);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcVis1Instructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS1);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_ADI) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.ADI);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_AES) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.AES);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcVis2Instructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS2);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_BLK_INIT) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.BLK_INIT);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcVis3Instructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS3);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_CAMELLIA) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.CAMELLIA);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcCbcondInstructions) != 0) {
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_CBCOND) != 0) {
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcV8Instructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.V8);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_CRC32C) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.CRC32C);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_DES) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.DES);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FMAF) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FMAF);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_HPC) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.HPC);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcHardwareMul32) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.HARDWARE_MUL32);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_IMA) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.IMA);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_KASUMI) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.KASUMI);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_MD5) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.MD5);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_MONT) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.MONT);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcHardwareDiv32) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.HARDWARE_DIV32);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_MPMUL) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.MPMUL);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_MWAIT) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.MWAIT);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_PAUSE) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.PAUSE);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_PAUSE_NSEC) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.PAUSE_NSEC);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcHardwareFsmuld) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.HARDWARE_FSMULD);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_POPC) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.POPC);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_SHA1) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA1);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcHardwarePopc) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.HARDWARE_POPC);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_SHA256) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA256);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcV9Instructions) != 0) {
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_SHA512) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA512);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_SPARC5) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.SPARC5);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_V9) != 0) {
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSun4v) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SUN4V);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_VAMASK) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.VAMASK);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcBlkInitInstructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.BLK_INIT_INSTRUCTIONS);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_VIS1) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS1);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcFmafInstructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.FMAF);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_VIS2) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS2);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSparc64Family) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SPARC64_FAMILY);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_VIS3) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS3);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_VIS3B) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.VIS3B);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcMFamily) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.M_FAMILY);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_XMONT) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.XMONT);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcTFamily) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.T_FAMILY);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_XMPMUL) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.XMPMUL);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcT1Model) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.T1_MODEL);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_BLK_ZEROING) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.BLK_ZEROING);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSparc5Instructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SPARC5);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_BIS) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_BIS);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcAesInstructions) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SPARC64_FAMILY);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_CMOVE) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_CMOVE);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSha1Instruction) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA1);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_IDIV) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_IDIV);
+        }
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_IND_BR) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_IND_BR);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSha256Instruction) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA256);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_LD) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_LD);
-        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & config.sparcSha512Instruction) != 0) {
-            features.add(CPUFeature.SHA512);
+        if ((config.vmVersionFeatures & 1L << config.sparc_FAST_RDPC) != 0) {
+            features.add(CPUFeature.FAST_RDPC);
         return features;
--- a/hotspot/src/	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -38,32 +38,54 @@
     final boolean useCompressedOops = getFlag("UseCompressedOops", Boolean.class);
-    // CPU capabilities
+    // CPU capabilities:
+    //
+    // FIXME: Using a 64-bit value is insufficient to support future capability
+    //        sets (including co-processor capabilities such as DAX).
     final long vmVersionFeatures = getFieldValue("Abstract_VM_Version::_features", Long.class, "uint64_t");
-    // SPARC specific values
-    final int sparcVis3Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::vis3_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcVis2Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::vis2_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcVis1Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::vis1_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcCbcondInstructions = getConstant("VM_Version::cbcond_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcV8Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::v8_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcHardwareMul32 = getConstant("VM_Version::hardware_mul32_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcHardwareDiv32 = getConstant("VM_Version::hardware_div32_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcHardwareFsmuld = getConstant("VM_Version::hardware_fsmuld_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcHardwarePopc = getConstant("VM_Version::hardware_popc_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcV9Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::v9_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSun4v = getConstant("VM_Version::sun4v_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcBlkInitInstructions = getConstant("VM_Version::blk_init_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcFmafInstructions = getConstant("VM_Version::fmaf_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSparc64Family = getConstant("VM_Version::sparc64_family_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcMFamily = getConstant("VM_Version::M_family_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcTFamily = getConstant("VM_Version::T_family_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcT1Model = getConstant("VM_Version::T1_model_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSparc5Instructions = getConstant("VM_Version::sparc5_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcAesInstructions = getConstant("VM_Version::aes_instructions_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSha1Instruction = getConstant("VM_Version::sha1_instruction_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSha256Instruction = getConstant("VM_Version::sha256_instruction_m", Integer.class);
-    final int sparcSha512Instruction = getConstant("VM_Version::sha512_instruction_m", Integer.class);
+    // SPARC specific values:
+    //
+    // NOTE: Values changed into an enumeration (that do indeed fit within a
+    //       32-bit integer) instead of the exported (64-bit wide) bit-masks.
+    final int sparc_ADI      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_ADI",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_AES      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_AES",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_BLK_INIT = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_BLK_INIT", Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_CAMELLIA = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_CAMELLIA", Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_CBCOND   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_CBCOND",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_CRC32C   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_CRC32C",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_DES      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_DES",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FMAF     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_FMAF",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_HPC      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_HPC",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_IMA      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_IMA",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_KASUMI   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_KASUMI",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_MD5      = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_MD5",      Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_MONT     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_MONT",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_MPMUL    = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_MPMUL",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_MWAIT    = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_MWAIT",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_PAUSE    = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_PAUSE_NSEC = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE_NSEC", Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_POPC     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_POPC",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_SHA1     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_SHA1",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_SHA256   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_SHA256",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_SHA512   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_SHA512",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_SPARC5   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_SPARC5",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_V9       = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_V9",       Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_VAMASK   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_VAMASK",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_VIS1     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_VIS1",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_VIS2     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_VIS2",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_VIS3     = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_VIS3",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_VIS3B    = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_VIS3B",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_XMONT    = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_XMONT",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_XMPMUL   = getConstant("VM_Version::ISA_XMPMUL",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_BLK_ZEROING = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_BLK_ZEROING", Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_BIS    = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_BIS",    Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_CMOVE  = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_CMOVE",  Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_IDIV   = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IDIV",   Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_IND_BR = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IND_BR", Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_LD     = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_LD",     Integer.class);
+    final int sparc_FAST_RDPC   = getConstant("VM_Version::CPU_FAST_RDPC",   Integer.class);
     final boolean useBlockZeroing = getFlag("UseBlockZeroing", Boolean.class);
     final int blockZeroingLowLimit = getFlag("BlockZeroingLowLimit", Integer.class);
--- a/hotspot/src/	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -336,27 +336,44 @@
     public enum CPUFeature {
+        // ISA determined properties:
+        ADI,
+        AES,
+        BLK_INIT,
+        CAMELLIA,
+        CBCOND,
+        CRC32C,
+        DES,
+        FMAF,
+        HPC,
+        IMA,
+        KASUMI,
+        MD5,
+        MONT,
+        MPMUL,
+        MWAIT,
+        PAUSE,
+        PAUSE_NSEC,
+        POPC,
+        SHA1,
+        SHA256,
+        SHA512,
+        SPARC5,
+        V9,
+        VAMASK,
-        CBCOND,
-        V8,
-        HARDWARE_MUL32,
-        HARDWARE_DIV32,
-        V9,
-        SUN4V,
-        FMAF,
-        SPARC64_FAMILY,
-        M_FAMILY,
-        T_FAMILY,
-        T1_MODEL,
-        SPARC5,
-        AES,
-        SHA1,
-        SHA256,
-        SHA512
+        VIS3B,
+        XMONT,
+        XMPMUL,
+        // Synthesised CPU properties:
+        BLK_ZEROING,
+        FAST_BIS,
+        FAST_CMOVE,
+        FAST_IDIV,
+        FAST_IND_BR,
+        FAST_LD,
+        FAST_RDPC
--- a/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_sparc/vm/vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
 #include "vm_version_sparc.hpp"
 #include <sys/auxv.h>
-#include <sys/auxv_SPARC.h>
 #include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#include <kstat.h>
 #include <picl.h>
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <link.h>
@@ -263,21 +261,6 @@
   _dl_handle = NULL;
-// We need to keep these here as long as we have to build on Solaris
-// versions before 10.
-#define SI_ARCHITECTURE_32      516     /* basic 32-bit SI_ARCHITECTURE */
-#define SI_ARCHITECTURE_64      517     /* basic 64-bit SI_ARCHITECTURE */
-#ifndef SI_CPUBRAND
-#define SI_CPUBRAND             523     /* return cpu brand string */
 class Sysinfo {
   char* _string;
@@ -343,115 +326,156 @@
 #define _SC_L2CACHE_LINESZ      527     /* Size of L2 cache line */
-// Hardware capability bits that appeared after Solaris 11.1
-#ifndef AV_SPARC_FMAF
-#define AV_SPARC_FMAF    0x00000100 /* Fused Multiply-Add */
-#ifndef AV2_SPARC_SPARC5
-#define AV2_SPARC_SPARC5 0x00000008 /* The 29 new fp and sub instructions */
-int VM_Version::platform_features(int features) {
+void VM_Version::platform_features() {
+  uint64_t features = ISA_v9_msk;   // Basic SPARC-V9 required (V8 not supported).
-  // Check 32-bit architecture.
-  if (Sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE_32).match("sparc")) {
-    features |= v8_instructions_m;
-  }
-  // Check 64-bit architecture.
-  if (Sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE_64).match("sparcv9")) {
-    features |= generic_v9_m;
-  }
+  assert(Sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE_64).match("sparcv9"), "must be");
   // Extract valid instruction set extensions.
-  uint_t avs[AV_HW2_IDX + 1];
-  uint_t avn = getisax(avs, ARRAY_SIZE(avs));
+  uint32_t avs[AV_HW2_IDX + 1];
+  uint_t avn = getisax(avs, AV_HW2_IDX + 1);
+  assert(avn <= 2, "should return two or less av's");
   log_info(os, cpu)("getisax(2) returned %d words:", avn);
   for (int i = 0; i < avn; i++) {
     log_info(os, cpu)("    word %d: " PTR32_FORMAT, i, avs[i]);
-  uint_t av1 = avs[AV_HW1_IDX];
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_MUL32)        features |= hardware_mul32_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_DIV32)        features |= hardware_div32_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_FSMULD)       features |= hardware_fsmuld_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_V8PLUS)       features |= v9_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_POPC)         features |= hardware_popc_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_VIS)          features |= vis1_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_VIS2)         features |= vis2_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_ASI_BLK_INIT) features |= blk_init_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_FMAF)         features |= fmaf_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_VIS3)         features |= vis3_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_CBCOND)       features |= cbcond_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_CRC32C)       features |= crc32c_instruction_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_AES)          features |= aes_instructions_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_SHA1)         features |= sha1_instruction_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_SHA256)       features |= sha256_instruction_m;
-  if (av1 & AV_SPARC_SHA512)       features |= sha512_instruction_m;
+  uint32_t av = avs[AV_HW1_IDX];
+  // These are SPARC V8 legacy features.
+  assert((av & AV_SPARC_MUL32)  == 0, "unsupported V8");
+  assert((av & AV_SPARC_DIV32)  == 0, "unsupported V8");
+  assert((av & AV_SPARC_FSMULD) == 0, "unsupported V8");
+  assert((av & AV_SPARC_V8PLUS) == 0, "unsupported V8");
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_POPC) features |= ISA_popc_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_VIS)  features |= ISA_vis1_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_VIS2) features |= ISA_vis2_msk;
+  // Hardware capability defines introduced after Solaris 11.1:
+#ifndef AV_SPARC_FMAF
+#define AV_SPARC_FMAF         0x00000100 // Fused Multiply-Add
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_ASI_BLK_INIT) features |= ISA_blk_init_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_FMAF)         features |= ISA_fmaf_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_VIS3)         features |= ISA_vis3_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_HPC)          features |= ISA_hpc_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_IMA)          features |= ISA_ima_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_AES)          features |= ISA_aes_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_DES)          features |= ISA_des_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_KASUMI)       features |= ISA_kasumi_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_CAMELLIA)     features |= ISA_camellia_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_MD5)          features |= ISA_md5_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_SHA1)         features |= ISA_sha1_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_SHA256)       features |= ISA_sha256_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_SHA512)       features |= ISA_sha512_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_MPMUL)        features |= ISA_mpmul_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_MONT)         features |= ISA_mont_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_PAUSE)        features |= ISA_pause_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_CBCOND)       features |= ISA_cbcond_msk;
+  if (av & AV_SPARC_CRC32C)       features |= ISA_crc32c_msk;
-  if (avn > AV_HW2_IDX) {
-    uint_t av2 = avs[AV_HW2_IDX];
-    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_SPARC5)    features |= sparc5_instructions_m;
-  }
+#define AV2_SPARC_FJATHPLUS  0x00000001 // Fujitsu Athena+
+#ifndef AV2_SPARC_VIS3B
+#define AV2_SPARC_VIS3B      0x00000002 // VIS3 present on multiple chips
+#ifndef AV2_SPARC_ADI
+#define AV2_SPARC_ADI        0x00000004 // Application Data Integrity
+#ifndef AV2_SPARC_SPARC5
+#define AV2_SPARC_SPARC5     0x00000008 // The 29 new fp and sub instructions
+#ifndef AV2_SPARC_MWAIT
+#define AV2_SPARC_MWAIT      0x00000010 // mwait instruction and load/monitor ASIs
+#define AV2_SPARC_XMPMUL     0x00000020 // XOR multiple precision multiply
+#ifndef AV2_SPARC_XMONT
+#define AV2_SPARC_XMONT      0x00000040 // XOR Montgomery mult/sqr instructions
+#define AV2_SPARC_PAUSE_NSEC 0x00000080 // pause instruction with support for nsec timings
+#define AV2_SPARC_VAMASK     0x00000100 // Virtual Address masking
-  // Determine the machine type.
-  if (Sysinfo(SI_MACHINE).match("sun4v")) {
-    features |= sun4v_m;
+  if (avn > 1) {
+    uint32_t av2 = avs[AV_HW2_IDX];
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_FJATHPLUS)  features |= ISA_fjathplus_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_VIS3B)      features |= ISA_vis3b_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_ADI)        features |= ISA_adi_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_SPARC5)     features |= ISA_sparc5_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_MWAIT)      features |= ISA_mwait_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_XMPMUL)     features |= ISA_xmpmul_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_XMONT)      features |= ISA_xmont_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_PAUSE_NSEC) features |= ISA_pause_nsec_msk;
+    if (av2 & AV2_SPARC_VAMASK)     features |= ISA_vamask_msk;
-  // If SI_CPUBRAND works, that means Solaris 12 API to get the cache line sizes
-  // is available to us as well
-  Sysinfo cpu_info(SI_CPUBRAND);
-  bool use_solaris_12_api = cpu_info.valid();
-  const char* impl = "unknown";
-  int impl_m = 0;
-  if (use_solaris_12_api) {
-    impl = cpu_info.value();
-    log_info(os, cpu)("Parsing CPU implementation from %s", impl);
-    impl_m = parse_features(impl);
+  _features = features;     // ISA feature set completed, update state.
+  Sysinfo machine(SI_MACHINE);
+  bool is_sun4v = machine.match("sun4v");   // All Oracle SPARC + Fujitsu Athena+
+  bool is_sun4u = machine.match("sun4u");   // All other Fujitsu
+  // Handle Athena+ conservatively (simply because we are lacking info.).
+  bool do_sun4v = is_sun4v && !has_athena_plus();
+  bool do_sun4u = is_sun4u ||  has_athena_plus();
+  uint64_t synthetic = 0;
+  if (do_sun4v) {
+    // Indirect and direct branches are equally fast.
+    synthetic = CPU_fast_ind_br_msk;
+    // Fast IDIV, BIS and LD available on Niagara Plus.
+    if (has_vis2()) {
+      synthetic |= (CPU_fast_idiv_msk | CPU_fast_ld_msk);
+      // ...on Core S4 however, we prefer not to use BIS.
+      if (!has_sparc5()) {
+        synthetic |= CPU_fast_bis_msk;
+      }
+    }
+    // Niagara Core S3 supports fast RDPC and block zeroing.
+    if (has_ima()) {
+      synthetic |= (CPU_fast_rdpc_msk | CPU_blk_zeroing_msk);
+    }
+    // Niagara Core S3 and S4 have slow CMOVE.
+    if (!has_ima()) {
+      synthetic |= CPU_fast_cmove_msk;
+    }
+  } else if (do_sun4u) {
+    // SPARC64 only have fast IDIV and RDPC.
+    synthetic |= (CPU_fast_idiv_msk | CPU_fast_rdpc_msk);
   } else {
-    // Otherwise use kstat to determine the machine type.
-    kstat_ctl_t* kc = kstat_open();
-    if (kc != NULL) {
-      kstat_t* ksp = kstat_lookup(kc, (char*)"cpu_info", -1, NULL);
-      if (ksp != NULL) {
-        if (kstat_read(kc, ksp, NULL) != -1 && ksp->ks_data != NULL) {
-          kstat_named_t* knm = (kstat_named_t *)ksp->ks_data;
-          for (int i = 0; i < ksp->ks_ndata; i++) {
-            if (strcmp((const char*)&(knm[i].name), "implementation") == 0) {
-              impl = KSTAT_NAMED_STR_PTR(&knm[i]);
-              log_info(os, cpu)("Parsing CPU implementation from %s", impl);
-              impl_m = parse_features(impl);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      kstat_close(kc);
-    }
+    log_info(os, cpu)("Unable to derive CPU features: %s", machine.value());
-  assert(impl_m != 0, "Unrecognized CPU implementation: %s", impl);
-  features |= impl_m;
+  _features += synthetic;   // Including CPU derived/synthetic features.
+  Sysconf l1_dcache_line_size(_SC_DCACHE_LINESZ);
+  Sysconf l2_dcache_line_size(_SC_L2CACHE_LINESZ);
+  // Require both Sysconf requests to be valid or use fall-back.
-  bool is_sun4v = (features & sun4v_m) != 0;
-  if (use_solaris_12_api && is_sun4v) {
-    // If Solaris 12 API is supported and it's sun4v use sysconf() to get the cache line sizes
-    Sysconf l1_dcache_line_size(_SC_DCACHE_LINESZ);
-    if (l1_dcache_line_size.valid()) {
-      _L1_data_cache_line_size =  l1_dcache_line_size.value();
-    }
-    Sysconf l2_dcache_line_size(_SC_L2CACHE_LINESZ);
-    if (l2_dcache_line_size.valid()) {
-      _L2_data_cache_line_size = l2_dcache_line_size.value();
-    }
+  if (l1_dcache_line_size.valid() &&
+      l2_dcache_line_size.valid()) {
+    _L1_data_cache_line_size = l1_dcache_line_size.value();
+    _L2_data_cache_line_size = l2_dcache_line_size.value();
   } else {
-    // Otherwise figure out the cache line sizes using PICL
-    bool is_fujitsu = (features & sparc64_family_m) != 0;
-    PICL picl(is_fujitsu, is_sun4v);
+    // Otherwise figure out the cache line sizes using PICL.
+    PICL picl(is_sun4u, is_sun4v);
     _L1_data_cache_line_size = picl.L1_data_cache_line_size();
     _L2_data_cache_line_size = picl.L2_data_cache_line_size();
-  return features;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/vmStructs_jvmci.cpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/vmStructs_jvmci.cpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -731,29 +731,43 @@
   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor, _flags, int)
 #define VM_INT_CONSTANTS_CPU(declare_constant, declare_preprocessor_constant, declare_c1_constant, declare_c2_constant, declare_c2_preprocessor_constant) \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis1_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis2_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::vis3_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::cbcond_instructions_m)                     \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::v8_instructions_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_mul32_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_div32_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_fsmuld_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::hardware_popc_m)                           \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::v9_instructions_m)                         \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sun4v_m)                                   \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::blk_init_instructions_m)                   \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::fmaf_instructions_m)                       \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sparc64_family_m)                          \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::M_family_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::T_family_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::T1_model_m)                                \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sparc5_instructions_m)                     \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::aes_instructions_m)                        \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha1_instruction_m)                        \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha256_instruction_m)                      \
-  declare_constant(VM_Version::sha512_instruction_m)
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_V9)                  \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_POPC)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS1)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS2)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_BLK_INIT)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_FMAF)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS3)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_HPC)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_IMA)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_AES)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_DES)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_KASUMI)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CAMELLIA)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MD5)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA1)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA256)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SHA512)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MPMUL)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MONT)                \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CBCOND)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_CRC32C)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VIS3B)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_ADI)                 \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_SPARC5)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_MWAIT)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_XMPMUL)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_XMONT)               \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_PAUSE_NSEC)          \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::ISA_VAMASK)              \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IDIV)           \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_RDPC)           \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_BIS)            \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_LD)             \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_CMOVE)          \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_FAST_IND_BR)         \
+  declare_constant(VM_Version::CPU_BLK_ZEROING)
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/stubRoutines.hpp	Wed Jun 28 14:38:10 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/stubRoutines.hpp	Thu Jun 29 14:54:32 2017 +0000
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
   static jint    verify_oop_count()                        { return _verify_oop_count; }
   static jint*   verify_oop_count_addr()                   { return &_verify_oop_count; }
   // a subroutine for debugging the GC
-  static address verify_oop_subroutine_entry_address()    { return (address)&_verify_oop_subroutine_entry; }
+  static address verify_oop_subroutine_entry_address()     { return (address)&_verify_oop_subroutine_entry; }
   static address catch_exception_entry()                   { return _catch_exception_entry; }
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@
   static address checkcast_arraycopy(bool dest_uninitialized = false) {
     return dest_uninitialized ? _checkcast_arraycopy_uninit : _checkcast_arraycopy;
-  static address unsafe_arraycopy()        { return _unsafe_arraycopy; }
-  static address generic_arraycopy()       { return _generic_arraycopy; }
+  static address unsafe_arraycopy()    { return _unsafe_arraycopy; }
+  static address generic_arraycopy()   { return _generic_arraycopy; }
   static address jbyte_fill()          { return _jbyte_fill; }
   static address jshort_fill()         { return _jshort_fill; }
@@ -349,8 +349,8 @@
   static address aescrypt_decryptBlock()                { return _aescrypt_decryptBlock; }
   static address cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt()  { return _cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt; }
   static address cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt()  { return _cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt; }
-  static address counterMode_AESCrypt() { return _counterMode_AESCrypt; }
-  static address ghash_processBlocks() { return _ghash_processBlocks; }
+  static address counterMode_AESCrypt()  { return _counterMode_AESCrypt; }
+  static address ghash_processBlocks()   { return _ghash_processBlocks; }
   static address sha1_implCompress()     { return _sha1_implCompress; }
   static address sha1_implCompressMB()   { return _sha1_implCompressMB; }
@@ -366,9 +366,9 @@
   static address updateBytesCRC32C()   { return _updateBytesCRC32C; }
   static address updateBytesAdler32()  { return _updateBytesAdler32; }
-  static address multiplyToLen()       {return _multiplyToLen; }
-  static address squareToLen()         {return _squareToLen; }
-  static address mulAdd()              {return _mulAdd; }
+  static address multiplyToLen()       { return _multiplyToLen; }
+  static address squareToLen()         { return _squareToLen; }
+  static address mulAdd()              { return _mulAdd; }
   static address montgomeryMultiply()  { return _montgomeryMultiply; }
   static address montgomerySquare()    { return _montgomerySquare; }
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
   static address dexp()                { return _dexp; }
   static address dlog()                { return _dlog; }
-  static address dlog10()                { return _dlog10; }
+  static address dlog10()              { return _dlog10; }
   static address dpow()                { return _dpow; }
   static address dsin()                { return _dsin; }
   static address dcos()                { return _dcos; }
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
   static address select_fill_function(BasicType t, bool aligned, const char* &name);
-  static address zero_aligned_words()   { return _zero_aligned_words; }
+  static address zero_aligned_words()  { return _zero_aligned_words; }
   static double  intrinsic_log10(double d) {
     assert(_intrinsic_log10 != NULL, "must be defined");