Wed, 12 Nov 2008 11:23:13 -0500 (2008-11-12)
changeset 1503 295f2d955792
parent 1501 72de50c44b55 (diff)
parent 1502 31edf09c01e5 (current diff)
child 1504 4fecf03ecf6c
child 1600 776009a04496
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -2615,7 +2615,8 @@
-void MacroAssembler::biased_locking_enter(Register obj_reg, Register mark_reg, Register temp_reg,
+void MacroAssembler::biased_locking_enter(Register obj_reg, Register mark_reg,
+                                          Register temp_reg,
                                           Label& done, Label* slow_case,
                                           BiasedLockingCounters* counters) {
   assert(UseBiasedLocking, "why call this otherwise?");
@@ -2691,8 +2692,7 @@
                   markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place | markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place | markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place,
   or3(G2_thread, mark_reg, temp_reg);
-  casx_under_lock(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg,
-                  (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr());
+  casn(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg);
   // If the biasing toward our thread failed, this means that
   // another thread succeeded in biasing it toward itself and we
   // need to revoke that bias. The revocation will occur in the
@@ -2721,8 +2721,7 @@
   load_klass(obj_reg, temp_reg);
   ld_ptr(Address(temp_reg, 0, Klass::prototype_header_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes()), temp_reg);
   or3(G2_thread, temp_reg, temp_reg);
-  casx_under_lock(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg,
-                  (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr());
+  casn(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg);
   // If the biasing toward our thread failed, this means that
   // another thread succeeded in biasing it toward itself and we
   // need to revoke that bias. The revocation will occur in the
@@ -2752,8 +2751,7 @@
   // bits in this situation. Should attempt to preserve them.
   load_klass(obj_reg, temp_reg);
   ld_ptr(Address(temp_reg, 0, Klass::prototype_header_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes()), temp_reg);
-  casx_under_lock(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg,
-                  (address)StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr());
+  casn(mark_addr.base(), mark_reg, temp_reg);
   // Fall through to the normal CAS-based lock, because no matter what
   // the result of the above CAS, some thread must have succeeded in
   // removing the bias bit from the object's header.
@@ -2815,8 +2813,10 @@
 // effect).
-void MacroAssembler::compiler_lock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox, Register Rscratch,
-                                          BiasedLockingCounters* counters) {
+void MacroAssembler::compiler_lock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark,
+                                          Register Rbox, Register Rscratch,
+                                          BiasedLockingCounters* counters,
+                                          bool try_bias) {
    Address mark_addr(Roop, 0, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
@@ -2838,7 +2838,7 @@
      // Fetch object's markword
      ld_ptr(mark_addr, Rmark);
-     if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+     if (try_bias) {
         biased_locking_enter(Roop, Rmark, Rscratch, done, NULL, counters);
@@ -2881,7 +2881,7 @@
       ld_ptr (mark_addr, Rmark);           // fetch obj->mark
       // Triage: biased, stack-locked, neutral, inflated
-      if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+      if (try_bias) {
         biased_locking_enter(Roop, Rmark, Rscratch, done, NULL, counters);
         // Invariant: if control reaches this point in the emitted stream
         // then Rmark has not been modified.
@@ -2945,7 +2945,7 @@
       ld_ptr (mark_addr, Rmark);           // fetch obj->mark
       // Triage: biased, stack-locked, neutral, inflated
-      if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+      if (try_bias) {
         biased_locking_enter(Roop, Rmark, Rscratch, done, NULL, counters);
         // Invariant: if control reaches this point in the emitted stream
         // then Rmark has not been modified.
@@ -3039,7 +3039,9 @@
    bind   (done) ;
-void MacroAssembler::compiler_unlock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox, Register Rscratch) {
+void MacroAssembler::compiler_unlock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark,
+                                            Register Rbox, Register Rscratch,
+                                            bool try_bias) {
    Address mark_addr(Roop, 0, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
    Label done ;
@@ -3050,7 +3052,7 @@
    if (EmitSync & 8) {
-     if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+     if (try_bias) {
         biased_locking_exit(mark_addr, Rscratch, done);
@@ -3077,7 +3079,7 @@
    // I$ effects.
    Label LStacked ;
-   if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+   if (try_bias) {
       // TODO: eliminate redundant LDs of obj->mark
       biased_locking_exit(mark_addr, Rscratch, done);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -2220,9 +2220,13 @@
   // These set the icc condition code to equal if the lock succeeded
   // and notEqual if it failed and requires a slow case
-  void compiler_lock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox, Register Rscratch,
-                              BiasedLockingCounters* counters = NULL);
-  void compiler_unlock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox, Register Rscratch);
+  void compiler_lock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox,
+                            Register Rscratch,
+                            BiasedLockingCounters* counters = NULL,
+                            bool try_bias = UseBiasedLocking);
+  void compiler_unlock_object(Register Roop, Register Rmark, Register Rbox,
+                              Register Rscratch,
+                              bool try_bias = UseBiasedLocking);
   // Biased locking support
   // Upon entry, lock_reg must point to the lock record on the stack,
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/sparc/vm/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@
 reg_class g1_regL(R_G1H,R_G1);
+reg_class g3_regL(R_G3H,R_G3);
 reg_class o2_regL(R_O2H,R_O2);
 reg_class o7_regL(R_O7H,R_O7);
@@ -1743,7 +1744,7 @@
 // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then
 //       this method should return false for offset 0.
-bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int offset) {
+bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) {
   return false;
@@ -1926,18 +1927,23 @@
                        $mem$$base, $mem$$disp, $mem$$index, $dst$$reg);
+  enc_class simple_form3_mem_reg( memory mem, iRegI dst ) %{
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1,
+                       $mem$$base, $mem$$disp, $mem$$index, $dst$$reg);
+  %}
   enc_class form3_mem_reg_little( memory mem, iRegI dst) %{
-    emit_form3_mem_reg_asi(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary,
+    emit_form3_mem_reg_asi(cbuf, this, $primary, -1,
                      $mem$$base, $mem$$disp, $mem$$index, $dst$$reg, Assembler::ASI_PRIMARY_LITTLE);
   enc_class form3_mem_prefetch_read( memory mem ) %{
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary,
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1,
                        $mem$$base, $mem$$disp, $mem$$index, 0/*prefetch function many-reads*/);
   enc_class form3_mem_prefetch_write( memory mem ) %{
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary,
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1,
                        $mem$$base, $mem$$disp, $mem$$index, 2/*prefetch function many-writes*/);
@@ -1945,8 +1951,8 @@
     assert( Assembler::is_simm13($mem$$disp  ), "need disp and disp+4" );
     assert( Assembler::is_simm13($mem$$disp+4), "need disp and disp+4" );
     guarantee($mem$$index == R_G0_enc, "double index?");
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp+4, R_G0_enc, R_O7_enc );
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp,   R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg );
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp+4, R_G0_enc, R_O7_enc );
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp,   R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg );
     emit3_simm13( cbuf, Assembler::arith_op, $reg$$reg, Assembler::sllx_op3, $reg$$reg, 0x1020 );
     emit3( cbuf, Assembler::arith_op, $reg$$reg, Assembler::or_op3, $reg$$reg, 0, R_O7_enc );
@@ -1956,14 +1962,14 @@
     assert( Assembler::is_simm13($mem$$disp+4), "need disp and disp+4" );
     guarantee($mem$$index == R_G0_enc, "double index?");
     // Load long with 2 instructions
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp,   R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg+0 );
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp+4, R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg+1 );
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp,   R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg+0 );
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp+4, R_G0_enc, $reg$$reg+1 );
   //%%% form3_mem_plus_4_reg is a hack--get rid of it
   enc_class form3_mem_plus_4_reg( memory mem, iRegI dst ) %{
     guarantee($mem$$disp, "cannot offset a reg-reg operand by 4");
-    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, $tertiary, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp + 4, $mem$$index, $dst$$reg);
+    emit_form3_mem_reg(cbuf, this, $primary, -1, $mem$$base, $mem$$disp + 4, $mem$$index, $dst$$reg);
   enc_class form3_g0_rs2_rd_move( iRegI rs2, iRegI rd ) %{
@@ -2683,7 +2689,7 @@
     assert(Rbox  != Rscratch, "");
     assert(Rbox  != Rmark, "");
-    __ compiler_lock_object(Roop, Rmark, Rbox, Rscratch, _counters);
+    __ compiler_lock_object(Roop, Rmark, Rbox, Rscratch, _counters, UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining);
 enc_class Fast_Unlock(iRegP oop, iRegP box, o7RegP scratch, iRegP scratch2) %{
@@ -2699,7 +2705,7 @@
     assert(Rbox  != Rscratch, "");
     assert(Rbox  != Rmark, "");
-    __ compiler_unlock_object(Roop, Rmark, Rbox, Rscratch);
+    __ compiler_unlock_object(Roop, Rmark, Rbox, Rscratch, UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining);
   enc_class enc_cas( iRegP mem, iRegP old, iRegP new ) %{
@@ -2711,8 +2717,7 @@
     // casx_under_lock picks 1 of 3 encodings:
     // For 32-bit pointers you get a 32-bit CAS
     // For 64-bit pointers you get a 64-bit CASX
-    __ casx_under_lock(Rmem, Rold, Rnew, // Swap(*Rmem,Rnew) if *Rmem == Rold
-                        (address) StubRoutines::Sparc::atomic_memory_operation_lock_addr());
+    __ casn(Rmem, Rold, Rnew); // Swap(*Rmem,Rnew) if *Rmem == Rold
     __ cmp( Rold, Rnew );
@@ -3761,6 +3766,14 @@
+operand g3RegL() %{
+  constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(g3_regL));
+  match(iRegL);
+  format %{ %}
+  interface(REG_INTER);
 // Int Register safe
 // This is 64bit safe
 operand iRegIsafe() %{
@@ -5062,7 +5075,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $src,$dst\t! stkI to regF" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
@@ -5073,7 +5086,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $src,$dst\t! stkL to regD" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
@@ -5084,7 +5097,7 @@
   format %{ "STF    $src,$dst\t! regF to stkI" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
@@ -5095,7 +5108,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$dst\t! regD to stkL" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
@@ -5106,7 +5119,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$dst.hi\t! long\n\t"
             "STW    R_G0,$dst.lo" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(dst, src), form3_mem_plus_4_reg(dst, R_G0));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(dst, src), form3_mem_plus_4_reg(dst, R_G0));
@@ -5117,7 +5130,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$dst\t! regL to stkD" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
@@ -5131,7 +5144,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUW   $src,$dst\t!stk" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -5143,7 +5156,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$dst\t!stk" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
@@ -5155,7 +5168,7 @@
   format %{ "LDX    $src,$dst\t! long" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -5167,7 +5180,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$dst\t! long" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
@@ -5179,7 +5192,7 @@
   format %{ "LDX    $src,$dst\t!ptr" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -5190,7 +5203,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$dst\t!ptr" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
 #else // _LP64
@@ -5200,7 +5213,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUW   $src,$dst\t!ptr" %}
   opcode(Assembler::lduw_op3, Assembler::ldst_op);
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -5210,7 +5223,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$dst\t!ptr" %}
   opcode(Assembler::stw_op3, Assembler::ldst_op);
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
 #endif // _LP64
@@ -5273,7 +5286,7 @@
   format %{ "LDSB   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5285,7 +5298,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUB   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5297,7 +5310,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUB   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5309,7 +5322,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUH   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5321,7 +5334,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUH   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5333,7 +5346,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUW   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5344,7 +5357,7 @@
   format %{ "LDX    $mem,$dst\t! long" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5359,7 +5372,7 @@
           "\tSLLX   #32, $dst, $dst\n"
           "\tOR     $dst, R_O7, $dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg_long_unaligned_marshal( mem, dst ));
+  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg_long_unaligned_marshal( mem, dst ));
@@ -5370,7 +5383,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $mem,$dst\t! packed8B" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5381,7 +5394,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $mem,$dst\t! packed4C" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5392,7 +5405,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $mem,$dst\t! packed4S" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5403,7 +5416,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $mem,$dst\t! packed2I" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5415,7 +5428,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUW   $mem,$dst\t! range" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5427,7 +5440,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $mem,$dst\t! for fitos/fitod" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5514,7 +5527,7 @@
   format %{ "LDSH   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5526,7 +5539,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5550,7 +5563,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $mem,$dst" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -5719,7 +5732,7 @@
   format %{ "STB    $src,$mem\t! byte" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5730,7 +5743,7 @@
   format %{ "STB    $src,$mem\t! byte" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5741,7 +5754,7 @@
   format %{ "STB    $src,$mem\t! CMS card-mark byte 0" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5753,7 +5766,7 @@
   format %{ "STH    $src,$mem\t! short" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5764,7 +5777,7 @@
   format %{ "STH    $src,$mem\t! short" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5776,7 +5789,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5787,7 +5800,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$mem\t! long" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5798,7 +5811,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5809,7 +5822,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5821,7 +5834,7 @@
   format %{ "STF    $src,$mem\t! after fstoi/fdtoi" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5904,7 +5917,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5915,7 +5928,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5927,7 +5940,7 @@
   format %{ "STF    $src,$mem" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -5938,7 +5951,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$mem\t! storeF0" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -5949,7 +5962,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$mem\t! packed8B" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -6004,7 +6017,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $zero,$mem\t! packed8B" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -6015,7 +6028,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$mem\t! packed4C" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -6026,7 +6039,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $zero,$mem\t! packed4C" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -6037,7 +6050,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$mem\t! packed2I" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, src ) );
@@ -6048,7 +6061,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $zero,$mem\t! packed2I" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, R_G0 ) );
@@ -6162,7 +6175,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$stkSlot\t!stk" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, src));
@@ -6172,7 +6185,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $stkSlot,$dst\t!stk" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, dst));
@@ -6182,7 +6195,7 @@
   format %{ "STF   $src,$stkSlot\t!stk" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(stkSlot, src));
@@ -6584,7 +6597,7 @@
   format %{ "LDX    $mem,$dst\t! long" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ) );
@@ -6597,32 +6610,23 @@
   ins_pipe( long_memory_op );
-instruct storeLConditional_bool(iRegP mem_ptr, iRegL oldval, iRegL newval, iRegI res, o7RegI tmp1, flagsReg ccr ) %{
-  match(Set res (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
-  effect( USE mem_ptr, KILL ccr, KILL tmp1);
-  // Marshal the register pairs into V9 64-bit registers, then do the compare-and-swap
-  format %{
-            "MOV    $newval,R_O7\n\t"
-            "CASXA  [$mem_ptr],$oldval,R_O7\t! If $oldval==[$mem_ptr] Then store R_O7 into [$mem_ptr], set R_O7=[$mem_ptr] in any case\n\t"
-            "CMP    $oldval,R_O7\t\t! See if we made progress\n\t"
-            "MOV    1,$res\n\t"
-            "MOVne  xcc,R_G0,$res"
-  %}
-  ins_encode( enc_casx(mem_ptr, oldval, newval),
-              enc_lflags_ne_to_boolean(res) );
+// Conditional-store of an int value.
+instruct storeIConditional( iRegP mem_ptr, iRegI oldval, g3RegI newval, flagsReg icc ) %{
+  match(Set icc (StoreIConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect( KILL newval );
+  format %{ "CASA   [$mem_ptr],$oldval,$newval\t! If $oldval==[$mem_ptr] Then store $newval into [$mem_ptr], set $newval=[$mem_ptr] in any case\n\t"
+            "CMP    $oldval,$newval\t\t! See if we made progress"  %}
+  ins_encode( enc_cas(mem_ptr,oldval,newval) );
   ins_pipe( long_memory_op );
-instruct storeLConditional_flags(iRegP mem_ptr, iRegL oldval, iRegL newval, flagsRegL xcc, o7RegI tmp1, immI0 zero) %{
-  match(Set xcc (CmpI (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)) zero));
-  effect( USE mem_ptr, KILL tmp1);
-  // Marshal the register pairs into V9 64-bit registers, then do the compare-and-swap
-  format %{
-            "MOV    $newval,R_O7\n\t"
-            "CASXA  [$mem_ptr],$oldval,R_O7\t! If $oldval==[$mem_ptr] Then store R_O7 into [$mem_ptr], set R_O7=[$mem_ptr] in any case\n\t"
-            "CMP    $oldval,R_O7\t\t! See if we made progress"
-  %}
-  ins_encode( enc_casx(mem_ptr, oldval, newval));
+// Conditional-store of a long value.
+instruct storeLConditional( iRegP mem_ptr, iRegL oldval, g3RegL newval, flagsRegL xcc ) %{
+  match(Set xcc (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect( KILL newval );
+  format %{ "CASXA  [$mem_ptr],$oldval,$newval\t! If $oldval==[$mem_ptr] Then store $newval into [$mem_ptr], set $newval=[$mem_ptr] in any case\n\t"
+            "CMP    $oldval,$newval\t\t! See if we made progress"  %}
+  ins_encode( enc_cas(mem_ptr,oldval,newval) );
   ins_pipe( long_memory_op );
@@ -7405,6 +7409,34 @@
+#ifndef _LP64
+// Use sp_ptr_RegP to match G2 (TLS register) without spilling.
+instruct orI_reg_castP2X(iRegI dst, iRegI src1, sp_ptr_RegP src2) %{
+  match(Set dst (OrI src1 (CastP2X src2)));
+  size(4);
+  format %{ "OR     $src1,$src2,$dst" %}
+  opcode(Assembler::or_op3, Assembler::arith_op);
+  ins_encode( form3_rs1_rs2_rd( src1, src2, dst ) );
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+instruct orL_reg_castP2X(iRegL dst, iRegL src1, sp_ptr_RegP src2) %{
+  match(Set dst (OrL src1 (CastP2X src2)));
+  ins_cost(DEFAULT_COST);
+  size(4);
+  format %{ "OR     $src1,$src2,$dst\t! long" %}
+  opcode(Assembler::or_op3, Assembler::arith_op);
+  ins_encode( form3_rs1_rs2_rd( src1, src2, dst ) );
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
 // Xor Instructions
 // Register Xor
 instruct xorI_reg_reg(iRegI dst, iRegI src1, iRegI src2) %{
@@ -7666,7 +7698,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $mem,$dst\n\t"
             "FITOD  $dst,$dst" %}
   opcode(Assembler::ldf_op3, Assembler::fitod_opf);
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ), form3_convI2F(dst, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ), form3_convI2F(dst, dst));
@@ -7696,7 +7728,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $mem,$dst\n\t"
             "FITOS  $dst,$dst" %}
   opcode(Assembler::ldf_op3, Assembler::fitos_opf);
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ), form3_convI2F(dst, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( mem, dst ), form3_convI2F(dst, dst));
@@ -7738,7 +7770,7 @@
   format %{ "LDUW   $src,$dst\t! MoveF2I" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -7750,7 +7782,7 @@
   format %{ "LDF    $src,$dst\t! MoveI2F" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
@@ -7762,7 +7794,7 @@
   format %{ "LDX    $src,$dst\t! MoveD2L" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( src, dst ) );
@@ -7774,7 +7806,7 @@
   format %{ "LDDF   $src,$dst\t! MoveL2D" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(src, dst));
@@ -7786,7 +7818,7 @@
   format %{ "STF   $src,$dst\t!MoveF2I" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
@@ -7798,7 +7830,7 @@
   format %{ "STW    $src,$dst\t!MoveI2F" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
@@ -7810,7 +7842,7 @@
   format %{ "STDF   $src,$dst\t!MoveD2L" %}
-  ins_encode(form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg(dst, src));
@@ -7822,7 +7854,7 @@
   format %{ "STX    $src,$dst\t!MoveL2D" %}
-  ins_encode( form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
+  ins_encode(simple_form3_mem_reg( dst, src ) );
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -621,6 +621,10 @@
     debug_only(has_disp32 = true);
+  case 0xF0:                    // Lock
+    assert(os::is_MP(), "only on MP");
+    goto again_after_prefix;
   case 0xF3:                    // For SSE
   case 0xF2:                    // For SSE2
     switch (0xFF & *ip++) {
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1780,7 +1780,8 @@
   // check info (currently consumed only by C1). If
   // swap_reg_contains_mark is true then returns -1 as it is assumed
   // the calling code has already passed any potential faults.
-  int biased_locking_enter(Register lock_reg, Register obj_reg, Register swap_reg, Register tmp_reg,
+  int biased_locking_enter(Register lock_reg, Register obj_reg,
+                           Register swap_reg, Register tmp_reg,
                            bool swap_reg_contains_mark,
                            Label& done, Label* slow_case = NULL,
                            BiasedLockingCounters* counters = NULL);
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -495,8 +495,8 @@
 void MachPrologNode::format( PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, outputStream* st ) const {
   Compile* C = ra_->C;
   if( C->in_24_bit_fp_mode() ) {
-    tty->print("FLDCW  24 bit fpu control word");
-    tty->print_cr(""); tty->print("\t");
+    st->print("FLDCW  24 bit fpu control word");
+    st->print_cr(""); st->print("\t");
   int framesize = C->frame_slots() << LogBytesPerInt;
@@ -510,22 +510,22 @@
   // stack.  But the stack safety zone should account for that.
   // See bugs 4446381, 4468289, 4497237.
   if (C->need_stack_bang(framesize)) {
-    tty->print_cr("# stack bang"); tty->print("\t");
+    st->print_cr("# stack bang"); st->print("\t");
-  tty->print_cr("PUSHL  EBP"); tty->print("\t");
+  st->print_cr("PUSHL  EBP"); st->print("\t");
   if( VerifyStackAtCalls ) { // Majik cookie to verify stack depth
-    tty->print("PUSH   0xBADB100D\t# Majik cookie for stack depth check");
-    tty->print_cr(""); tty->print("\t");
+    st->print("PUSH   0xBADB100D\t# Majik cookie for stack depth check");
+    st->print_cr(""); st->print("\t");
     framesize -= wordSize;
   if ((C->in_24_bit_fp_mode() || VerifyStackAtCalls ) && framesize < 128 ) {
     if (framesize) {
-      tty->print("SUB    ESP,%d\t# Create frame",framesize);
+      st->print("SUB    ESP,%d\t# Create frame",framesize);
   } else {
-    tty->print("SUB    ESP,%d\t# Create frame",framesize);
+    st->print("SUB    ESP,%d\t# Create frame",framesize);
@@ -725,18 +725,19 @@
   return rc_xmm;
-static int impl_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, bool is_load, int offset, int reg, int opcode, const char *op_str, int size ) {
+static int impl_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, bool is_load, int offset, int reg,
+                        int opcode, const char *op_str, int size, outputStream* st ) {
   if( cbuf ) {
     emit_opcode  (*cbuf, opcode );
     encode_RegMem(*cbuf, Matcher::_regEncode[reg], ESP_enc, 0x4, 0, offset, false);
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   } else if( !do_size ) {
-    if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
+    if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
     if( opcode == 0x8B || opcode == 0x89 ) { // MOV
-      if( is_load ) tty->print("%s   %s,[ESP + #%d]",op_str,Matcher::regName[reg],offset);
-      else          tty->print("%s   [ESP + #%d],%s",op_str,offset,Matcher::regName[reg]);
+      if( is_load ) st->print("%s   %s,[ESP + #%d]",op_str,Matcher::regName[reg],offset);
+      else          st->print("%s   [ESP + #%d],%s",op_str,offset,Matcher::regName[reg]);
     } else { // FLD, FST, PUSH, POP
-      tty->print("%s [ESP + #%d]",op_str,offset);
+      st->print("%s [ESP + #%d]",op_str,offset);
@@ -746,7 +747,7 @@
 // Helper for XMM registers.  Extra opcode bits, limited syntax.
 static int impl_x_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, bool is_load,
-                         int offset, int reg_lo, int reg_hi, int size ) {
+                         int offset, int reg_lo, int reg_hi, int size, outputStream* st ) {
   if( cbuf ) {
     if( reg_lo+1 == reg_hi ) { // double move?
       if( is_load && !UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper )
@@ -764,17 +765,17 @@
     encode_RegMem(*cbuf, Matcher::_regEncode[reg_lo], ESP_enc, 0x4, 0, offset, false);
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   } else if( !do_size ) {
-    if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
+    if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
     if( reg_lo+1 == reg_hi ) { // double move?
-      if( is_load ) tty->print("%s %s,[ESP + #%d]",
+      if( is_load ) st->print("%s %s,[ESP + #%d]",
                                UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper ? "MOVSD " : "MOVLPD",
                                Matcher::regName[reg_lo], offset);
-      else          tty->print("MOVSD  [ESP + #%d],%s",
+      else          st->print("MOVSD  [ESP + #%d],%s",
                                offset, Matcher::regName[reg_lo]);
     } else {
-      if( is_load ) tty->print("MOVSS  %s,[ESP + #%d]",
+      if( is_load ) st->print("MOVSS  %s,[ESP + #%d]",
                                Matcher::regName[reg_lo], offset);
-      else          tty->print("MOVSS  [ESP + #%d],%s",
+      else          st->print("MOVSS  [ESP + #%d],%s",
                                offset, Matcher::regName[reg_lo]);
@@ -785,7 +786,7 @@
 static int impl_movx_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int dst_lo,
-                            int src_hi, int dst_hi, int size ) {
+                            int src_hi, int dst_hi, int size, outputStream* st ) {
   if( UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll ) {//Use movaps,movapd to move between xmm registers
     if( cbuf ) {
       if( (src_lo+1 == src_hi && dst_lo+1 == dst_hi) ) {
@@ -796,11 +797,11 @@
       emit_rm    (*cbuf, 0x3, Matcher::_regEncode[dst_lo], Matcher::_regEncode[src_lo] );
 #ifndef PRODUCT
     } else if( !do_size ) {
-      if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
+      if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
       if( src_lo+1 == src_hi && dst_lo+1 == dst_hi ) { // double move?
-        tty->print("MOVAPD %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
+        st->print("MOVAPD %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
       } else {
-        tty->print("MOVAPS %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
+        st->print("MOVAPS %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
@@ -813,11 +814,11 @@
       emit_rm    (*cbuf, 0x3, Matcher::_regEncode[dst_lo], Matcher::_regEncode[src_lo] );
 #ifndef PRODUCT
     } else if( !do_size ) {
-      if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
+      if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
       if( src_lo+1 == src_hi && dst_lo+1 == dst_hi ) { // double move?
-        tty->print("MOVSD  %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
+        st->print("MOVSD  %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
       } else {
-        tty->print("MOVSS  %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
+        st->print("MOVSS  %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst_lo],Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
@@ -825,28 +826,29 @@
-static int impl_mov_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src, int dst, int size ) {
+static int impl_mov_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src, int dst, int size, outputStream* st ) {
   if( cbuf ) {
     emit_opcode(*cbuf, 0x8B );
     emit_rm    (*cbuf, 0x3, Matcher::_regEncode[dst], Matcher::_regEncode[src] );
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   } else if( !do_size ) {
-    if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
-    tty->print("MOV    %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst],Matcher::regName[src]);
+    if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
+    st->print("MOV    %s,%s",Matcher::regName[dst],Matcher::regName[src]);
   return size+2;
-static int impl_fp_store_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int src_hi, int dst_lo, int dst_hi, int offset, int size ) {
+static int impl_fp_store_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int src_hi, int dst_lo, int dst_hi,
+                                 int offset, int size, outputStream* st ) {
   if( src_lo != FPR1L_num ) {      // Move value to top of FP stack, if not already there
     if( cbuf ) {
       emit_opcode( *cbuf, 0xD9 );  // FLD (i.e., push it)
       emit_d8( *cbuf, 0xC0-1+Matcher::_regEncode[src_lo] );
 #ifndef PRODUCT
     } else if( !do_size ) {
-      if( size != 0 ) tty->print("\n\t");
-      tty->print("FLD    %s",Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
+      if( size != 0 ) st->print("\n\t");
+      st->print("FLD    %s",Matcher::regName[src_lo]);
     size += 2;
@@ -864,7 +866,7 @@
     assert( !OptoReg::is_valid(src_hi) && !OptoReg::is_valid(dst_hi), "no non-adjacent float-stores" );
-  return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,offset,st_op,op,op_str,size);
+  return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,offset,st_op,op,op_str,size, st);
 uint MachSpillCopyNode::implementation( CodeBuffer *cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, bool do_size, outputStream* st ) const {
@@ -892,16 +894,16 @@
   if( src_first_rc == rc_stack && dst_first_rc == rc_stack ) {
     if( src_second == dst_first ) { // overlapping stack copy ranges
       assert( src_second_rc == rc_stack && dst_second_rc == rc_stack, "we only expect a stk-stk copy here" );
-      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size);
-      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size);
+      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size, st);
+      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size, st);
       src_second_rc = dst_second_rc = rc_bad;  // flag as already moved the second bits
     // move low bits
-    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size);
-    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size);
+    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size, st);
+    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size, st);
     if( src_second_rc == rc_stack && dst_second_rc == rc_stack ) { // mov second bits
-      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size);
-      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size);
+      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),ESI_num,0xFF,"PUSH  ",size, st);
+      size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),EAX_num,0x8F,"POP   ",size, st);
     return size;
@@ -909,15 +911,15 @@
   // --------------------------------------
   // Check for integer reg-reg copy
   if( src_first_rc == rc_int && dst_first_rc == rc_int )
-    size = impl_mov_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,dst_first,size);
+    size = impl_mov_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,dst_first,size, st);
   // Check for integer store
   if( src_first_rc == rc_int && dst_first_rc == rc_stack )
-    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),src_first,0x89,"MOV ",size);
+    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),src_first,0x89,"MOV ",size, st);
   // Check for integer load
   if( dst_first_rc == rc_int && src_first_rc == rc_stack )
-    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),dst_first,0x8B,"MOV ",size);
+    size = impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),dst_first,0x8B,"MOV ",size, st);
   // --------------------------------------
   // Check for float reg-reg copy
@@ -951,7 +953,7 @@
   // Check for float store
   if( src_first_rc == rc_float && dst_first_rc == rc_stack ) {
-    return impl_fp_store_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,src_second,dst_first,dst_second,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),size);
+    return impl_fp_store_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,src_second,dst_first,dst_second,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),size, st);
   // Check for float load
@@ -987,17 +989,17 @@
     assert( (src_second_rc == rc_bad && dst_second_rc == rc_bad) ||
             (src_first+1 == src_second && dst_first+1 == dst_second),
             "no non-adjacent float-moves" );
-    return impl_movx_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,dst_first,src_second, dst_second, size);
+    return impl_movx_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,dst_first,src_second, dst_second, size, st);
   // Check for xmm store
   if( src_first_rc == rc_xmm && dst_first_rc == rc_stack ) {
-    return impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),src_first, src_second, size);
+    return impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_first),src_first, src_second, size, st);
   // Check for float xmm load
   if( dst_first_rc == rc_xmm && src_first_rc == rc_stack ) {
-    return impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),dst_first, dst_second, size);
+    return impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_first),dst_first, dst_second, size, st);
   // Copy from float reg to xmm reg
@@ -1017,10 +1019,10 @@
     size += 4;
-    size = impl_fp_store_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,src_second,dst_first,dst_second,0,size);
+    size = impl_fp_store_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_first,src_second,dst_first,dst_second,0,size, st);
     // Copy from the temp memory to the xmm reg.
-    size = impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,0,dst_first, dst_second, size);
+    size = impl_x_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,0,dst_first, dst_second, size, st);
     if( cbuf ) {
       emit_opcode(*cbuf,0x8D);  // LEA  ESP,[ESP+8]
@@ -1047,15 +1049,15 @@
   // Check for second word int-int move
   if( src_second_rc == rc_int && dst_second_rc == rc_int )
-    return impl_mov_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_second,dst_second,size);
+    return impl_mov_helper(cbuf,do_size,src_second,dst_second,size, st);
   // Check for second word integer store
   if( src_second_rc == rc_int && dst_second_rc == rc_stack )
-    return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),src_second,0x89,"MOV ",size);
+    return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,false,ra_->reg2offset(dst_second),src_second,0x89,"MOV ",size, st);
   // Check for second word integer load
   if( dst_second_rc == rc_int && src_second_rc == rc_stack )
-    return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),dst_second,0x8B,"MOV ",size);
+    return impl_helper(cbuf,do_size,true ,ra_->reg2offset(src_second),dst_second,0x8B,"MOV ",size, st);
@@ -1318,7 +1320,11 @@
 // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then
 //       this method should return false for offset 0.
-bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int offset) {
+bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) {
+  // the short version of jmpConUCF2 contains multiple branches,
+  // making the reach slightly less
+  if (rule == jmpConUCF2_rule)
+    return (-126 <= offset && offset <= 125);
   return (-128 <= offset && offset <= 127);
@@ -3307,7 +3313,7 @@
       // Beware -- there's a subtle invariant that fetch of the markword
       // at [FETCH], below, will never observe a biased encoding (*101b).
       // If this invariant is not held we risk exclusion (safety) failure.
-      if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+      if (UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining) {
         masm.biased_locking_enter(boxReg, objReg, tmpReg, scrReg, false, DONE_LABEL, NULL, _counters);
@@ -3528,7 +3534,7 @@
       // Critically, the biased locking test must have precedence over
       // and appear before the (box->dhw == 0) recursive stack-lock test.
-      if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+      if (UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining) {
          masm.biased_locking_exit(objReg, tmpReg, DONE_LABEL);
@@ -5272,6 +5278,15 @@
+operand eFlagsRegUCF() %{
+  constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(int_flags));
+  match(RegFlags);
+  predicate(false);
+  format %{ "EFLAGS_U_CF" %}
+  interface(REG_INTER);
 // Condition Code Register used by long compare
 operand flagsReg_long_LTGE() %{
@@ -5749,12 +5764,12 @@
   format %{ "" %}
   interface(COND_INTER) %{
-    equal(0x4);
-    not_equal(0x5);
-    less(0xC);
-    greater_equal(0xD);
-    less_equal(0xE);
-    greater(0xF);
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0xC, "l");
+    greater_equal(0xD, "ge");
+    less_equal(0xE, "le");
+    greater(0xF, "g");
@@ -5766,12 +5781,47 @@
   format %{ "" %}
   interface(COND_INTER) %{
-    equal(0x4);
-    not_equal(0x5);
-    less(0x2);
-    greater_equal(0x3);
-    less_equal(0x6);
-    greater(0x7);
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
+  %}
+// Floating comparisons that don't require any fixup for the unordered case
+operand cmpOpUCF() %{
+  match(Bool);
+  predicate(n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::lt ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ge ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::le ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::gt);
+  format %{ "" %}
+  interface(COND_INTER) %{
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
+  %}
+// Floating comparisons that can be fixed up with extra conditional jumps
+operand cmpOpUCF2() %{
+  match(Bool);
+  predicate(n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ne ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::eq);
+  format %{ "" %}
+  interface(COND_INTER) %{
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
@@ -5796,12 +5846,12 @@
   format %{ "" %}
   interface(COND_INTER) %{
-    equal(0x4);
-    not_equal(0x5);
-    less(0xF);
-    greater_equal(0xE);
-    less_equal(0xD);
-    greater(0xC);
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0xF, "g");
+    greater_equal(0xE, "le");
+    less_equal(0xD, "ge");
+    greater(0xC, "l");
@@ -7357,7 +7407,7 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmov_reg );
-instruct cmovI_regU( eRegI dst, eRegI src, eFlagsRegU cr, cmpOpU cop ) %{
+instruct cmovI_regU( cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cr, eRegI dst, eRegI src ) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
   match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7367,6 +7417,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmov_reg );
+instruct cmovI_regUCF( cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, eRegI dst, eRegI src ) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
+  match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovI_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // Conditional move
 instruct cmovI_mem(cmpOp cop, eFlagsReg cr, eRegI dst, memory src) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
@@ -7379,7 +7438,7 @@
 // Conditional move
-instruct cmovI_memu(cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cr, eRegI dst, memory src) %{
+instruct cmovI_memU(cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cr, eRegI dst, memory src) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
   match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadI src))));
@@ -7389,6 +7448,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmov_mem );
+instruct cmovI_memUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, eRegI dst, memory src) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
+  match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadI src))));
+  ins_cost(250);
+  expand %{
+    cmovI_memU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // Conditional move
 instruct cmovP_reg(eRegP dst, eRegP src, eFlagsReg cr, cmpOp cop ) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
@@ -7416,7 +7484,7 @@
 // Conditional move
-instruct cmovP_regU(eRegP dst, eRegP src, eFlagsRegU cr, cmpOpU cop ) %{
+instruct cmovP_regU(cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cr, eRegP dst, eRegP src ) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
   match(Set dst (CMoveP (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7426,6 +7494,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmov_reg );
+instruct cmovP_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, eRegP dst, eRegP src ) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
+  match(Set dst (CMoveP (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovP_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // DISABLED: Requires the ADLC to emit a bottom_type call that
 // correctly meets the two pointer arguments; one is an incoming
 // register but the other is a memory operand.  ALSO appears to
@@ -7555,6 +7632,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct fcmovX_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, regX dst, regX src) %{
+  predicate (UseSSE>=1);
+  match(Set dst (CMoveF (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    fcmovX_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // unsigned version
 instruct fcmovXD_regU(cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cr, regXD dst, regXD src) %{
   predicate (UseSSE>=2);
@@ -7573,6 +7659,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct fcmovXD_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, regXD dst, regXD src) %{
+  predicate (UseSSE>=2);
+  match(Set dst (CMoveD (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    fcmovXD_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 instruct cmovL_reg(cmpOp cop, eFlagsReg cr, eRegL dst, eRegL src) %{
   predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
   match(Set dst (CMoveL (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7595,6 +7690,15 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmov_reg_long );
+instruct cmovL_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cr, eRegL dst, eRegL src) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() );
+  match(Set dst (CMoveL (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovL_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 //----------Arithmetic Instructions--------------------------------------------
 //----------Addition Instructions----------------------------------------------
 // Integer Addition Instructions
@@ -7826,33 +7930,36 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmpxchg );
-// Conditional-store of a long value
-// Returns a boolean value (0/1) on success.  Implemented with a CMPXCHG8 on Intel.
-// mem_ptr can actually be in either ESI or EDI
-instruct storeLConditional( eRegI res, eSIRegP mem_ptr, eADXRegL oldval, eBCXRegL newval, eFlagsReg cr ) %{
-  match(Set res (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
-  effect(KILL cr);
-  // EDX:EAX is killed if there is contention, but then it's also unused.
-  // In the common case of no contention, EDX:EAX holds the new oop address.
-  format %{ "CMPXCHG8 [$mem_ptr],$newval\t# If EDX:EAX==[$mem_ptr] Then store $newval into [$mem_ptr]\n\t"
-            "MOV    $res,0\n\t"
-            "JNE,s  fail\n\t"
-            "MOV    $res,1\n"
-          "fail:" %}
-  ins_encode( enc_cmpxchg8(mem_ptr),
-              enc_flags_ne_to_boolean(res) );
+// Conditional-store of an int value.
+// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise.  Implemented with a CMPXCHG on Intel.
+instruct storeIConditional( memory mem, eAXRegI oldval, eRegI newval, eFlagsReg cr ) %{
+  match(Set cr (StoreIConditional mem (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect(KILL oldval);
+  format %{ "CMPXCHG $mem,$newval\t# If EAX==$mem Then store $newval into $mem" %}
+  ins_encode( lock_prefix, Opcode(0x0F), Opcode(0xB1), RegMem(newval, mem) );
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmpxchg );
-// Conditional-store of a long value
-// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise. Implemented with a CMPXCHG8 on Intel.
-// mem_ptr can actually be in either ESI or EDI
-instruct storeLConditional_flags( eSIRegP mem_ptr, eADXRegL oldval, eBCXRegL newval, eFlagsReg cr, immI0 zero ) %{
-  match(Set cr (CmpI (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)) zero));
-  // EDX:EAX is killed if there is contention, but then it's also unused.
-  // In the common case of no contention, EDX:EAX holds the new oop address.
-  format %{ "CMPXCHG8 [$mem_ptr],$newval\t# If EAX==[$mem_ptr] Then store $newval into [$mem_ptr]\n\t" %}
-  ins_encode( enc_cmpxchg8(mem_ptr) );
+// Conditional-store of a long value.
+// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise.  Implemented with a CMPXCHG8 on Intel.
+instruct storeLConditional( memory mem, eADXRegL oldval, eBCXRegL newval, eFlagsReg cr ) %{
+  match(Set cr (StoreLConditional mem (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect(KILL oldval);
+  format %{ "XCHG   EBX,ECX\t# correct order for CMPXCHG8 instruction\n\t"
+            "CMPXCHG8 $mem,ECX:EBX\t# If EDX:EAX==$mem Then store ECX:EBX into $mem\n\t"
+            "XCHG   EBX,ECX"
+  %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    // Note: we need to swap rbx, and rcx before and after the
+    //       cmpxchg8 instruction because the instruction uses
+    //       rcx as the high order word of the new value to store but
+    //       our register encoding uses rbx.
+    __ xchgl(as_Register(EBX_enc), as_Register(ECX_enc));
+    if( os::is_MP() )
+      __ lock();
+    __ cmpxchg8(Address::make_raw($mem$$base, $mem$$index, $mem$$scale, $mem$$disp));
+    __ xchgl(as_Register(EBX_enc), as_Register(ECX_enc));
+  %}
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmpxchg );
@@ -8319,6 +8426,7 @@
   ins_pipe( ialu_reg );
 // Logical Shift Right by 24, followed by Arithmetic Shift Left by 24.
 // This idiom is used by the compiler for the i2b bytecode.
 instruct i2b(eRegI dst, xRegI src, immI_24 twentyfour, eFlagsReg cr) %{
@@ -8436,6 +8544,18 @@
   ins_pipe( ialu_reg_reg );
+instruct orI_eReg_castP2X(eRegI dst, eRegP src, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set dst (OrI dst (CastP2X src)));
+  effect(KILL cr);
+  size(2);
+  format %{ "OR     $dst,$src" %}
+  opcode(0x0B);
+  ins_encode( OpcP, RegReg( dst, src) );
+  ins_pipe( ialu_reg_reg );
 // Or Register with Immediate
 instruct orI_eReg_imm(eRegI dst, immI src, eFlagsReg cr) %{
   match(Set dst (OrI dst src));
@@ -9200,6 +9320,18 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpD_cc_P6CF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regD src1, regD src2) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() && UseSSE <=1);
+  match(Set cr (CmpD src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(150);
+  format %{ "FLD    $src1\n\t"
+            "FUCOMIP ST,$src2  // P6 instruction" %}
+  opcode(0xDF, 0x05); /* DF E8+i or DF /5 */
+  ins_encode( Push_Reg_D(src1),
+              OpcP, RegOpc(src2));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // Compare & branch
 instruct cmpD_cc(eFlagsRegU cr, regD src1, regD src2, eAXRegI rax) %{
@@ -9264,6 +9396,16 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpXD_ccCF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regXD dst, regXD src) %{
+  predicate(UseSSE>=2);
+  match(Set cr (CmpD dst src));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "COMISD $dst,$src" %}
+  opcode(0x66, 0x0F, 0x2F);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, Opcode(tertiary), RegReg(dst, src));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // float compare and set condition codes in EFLAGS by XMM regs
 instruct cmpXD_ccmem(eFlagsRegU cr, regXD dst, memory src, eAXRegI rax) %{
@@ -9280,6 +9422,16 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpXD_ccmemCF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regXD dst, memory src) %{
+  predicate(UseSSE>=2);
+  match(Set cr (CmpD dst (LoadD src)));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "COMISD $dst,$src" %}
+  opcode(0x66, 0x0F, 0x2F);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, Opcode(tertiary), RegMem(dst, src));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // Compare into -1,0,1 in XMM
 instruct cmpXD_reg(eRegI dst, regXD src1, regXD src2, eFlagsReg cr) %{
@@ -10167,6 +10319,18 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpF_cc_P6CF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regF src1, regF src2) %{
+  predicate(VM_Version::supports_cmov() && UseSSE == 0);
+  match(Set cr (CmpF src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "FLD    $src1\n\t"
+            "FUCOMIP ST,$src2  // P6 instruction" %}
+  opcode(0xDF, 0x05); /* DF E8+i or DF /5 */
+  ins_encode( Push_Reg_D(src1),
+              OpcP, RegOpc(src2));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // Compare & branch
 instruct cmpF_cc(eFlagsRegU cr, regF src1, regF src2, eAXRegI rax) %{
@@ -10232,6 +10396,16 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpX_ccCF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regX dst, regX src) %{
+  predicate(UseSSE>=1);
+  match(Set cr (CmpF dst src));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "COMISS $dst,$src" %}
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x2F);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RegReg(dst, src));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // float compare and set condition codes in EFLAGS by XMM regs
 instruct cmpX_ccmem(eFlagsRegU cr, regX dst, memory src, eAXRegI rax) %{
@@ -10248,6 +10422,16 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct cmpX_ccmemCF(eFlagsRegUCF cr, regX dst, memory src) %{
+  predicate(UseSSE>=1);
+  match(Set cr (CmpF dst (LoadF src)));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "COMISS $dst,$src" %}
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x2F);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, OpcS, RegMem(dst, src));
+  ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
 // Compare into -1,0,1 in XMM
 instruct cmpX_reg(eRegI dst, regX src1, regX src2, eFlagsReg cr) %{
@@ -12099,6 +12283,19 @@
+instruct jmpLoopEndUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ "J$cop,u  $labl\t# Loop end" %}
+  size(6);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) );
+  ins_pipe( pipe_jcc );
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
 // Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison
 instruct jmpConU(cmpOpU cop, eFlagsRegU cmp, label labl) %{
   match(If cop cmp);
@@ -12108,8 +12305,63 @@
   format %{ "J$cop,u  $labl" %}
   opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
-  ins_encode( Jcc( cop, labl) );
-  ins_pipe( pipe_jcc );
+  ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+instruct jmpConUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ "J$cop,u  $labl" %}
+  size(6);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+instruct jmpConUCF2(cmpOpUCF2 cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ $$template
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      $$emit$$"JP,u   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"J$cop,u   $labl"
+    } else {
+      $$emit$$"JP,u   done\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"J$cop,u   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"done:"
+    }
+  %}
+  size(12);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* l = $labl$$label;
+    $$$emit8$primary;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, Assembler::parity);
+    int parity_disp = -1;
+    bool ok = false;
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+       // the two jumps 6 bytes apart so the jump distances are too
+       parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 4)) : 0;
+    } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) {
+       parity_disp = 6;
+       ok = true;
+    } else {
+       ShouldNotReachHere();
+    }
+    emit_d32(cbuf, parity_disp);
+    $$$emit8$primary;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode);
+    int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 4)) : 0;
+    emit_d32(cbuf, disp);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
@@ -12208,7 +12460,7 @@
   effect(USE labl);
-  format %{ "J$cop,s  $labl" %}
+  format %{ "J$cop,s  $labl\t# Loop end" %}
   ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) );
@@ -12223,7 +12475,21 @@
   effect(USE labl);
-  format %{ "J$cop,us $labl" %}
+  format %{ "J$cop,us $labl\t# Loop end" %}
+  size(2);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) );
+  ins_pipe( pipe_jcc );
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
+instruct jmpLoopEndUCF_short(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
+  format %{ "J$cop,us $labl\t# Loop end" %}
   ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) );
@@ -12247,6 +12513,60 @@
+instruct jmpConUCF_short(cmpOpUCF cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
+  format %{ "J$cop,us $labl" %}
+  size(2);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode( JccShort( cop, labl) );
+  ins_pipe( pipe_jcc );
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
+instruct jmpConUCF2_short(cmpOpUCF2 cop, eFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
+  format %{ $$template
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      $$emit$$"JP,u,s   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"J$cop,u,s   $labl"
+    } else {
+      $$emit$$"JP,u,s   done\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"J$cop,u,s  $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"done:"
+    }
+  %}
+  size(4);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* l = $labl$$label;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, Assembler::parity);
+    int parity_disp = -1;
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 1)) : 0;
+    } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) {
+      parity_disp = 2;
+    } else {
+      ShouldNotReachHere();
+    }
+    emit_d8(cbuf, parity_disp);
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode);
+    int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 1)) : 0;
+    emit_d8(cbuf, disp);
+    assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp");
+    assert(-128 <= parity_disp && parity_disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp");
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
 // ============================================================================
 // Long Compare
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -2004,9 +2004,12 @@
 // NOTE: If the platform does not provide any short branch variants, then
 //       this method should return false for offset 0.
-bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int offset)
-  return -0x80 <= offset && offset < 0x80;
+bool Matcher::is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset) {
+  // the short version of jmpConUCF2 contains multiple branches,
+  // making the reach slightly less
+  if (rule == jmpConUCF2_rule)
+    return (-126 <= offset && offset <= 125);
+  return (-128 <= offset && offset <= 127);
 const bool Matcher::isSimpleConstant64(jlong value) {
@@ -3569,7 +3572,7 @@
         // at [FETCH], below, will never observe a biased encoding (*101b).
         // If this invariant is not held we'll suffer exclusion (safety) failure.
-        if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+        if (UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining) {
           masm.biased_locking_enter(boxReg, objReg, tmpReg, scrReg, true, DONE_LABEL, NULL, _counters);
           masm.movptr(tmpReg, Address(objReg, 0)) ;        // [FETCH]
@@ -3657,7 +3660,7 @@
     } else {
        Label DONE_LABEL, Stacked, CheckSucc ;
-       if (UseBiasedLocking) {
+       if (UseBiasedLocking && !UseOptoBiasInlining) {
          masm.biased_locking_exit(objReg, tmpReg, DONE_LABEL);
@@ -5134,6 +5137,15 @@
+operand rFlagsRegUCF() %{
+  constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(int_flags));
+  match(RegFlags);
+  predicate(false);
+  format %{ "RFLAGS_U_CF" %}
+  interface(REG_INTER);
 // Float register operands
 operand regF()
@@ -5405,12 +5417,12 @@
   format %{ "" %}
   interface(COND_INTER) %{
-    equal(0x4);
-    not_equal(0x5);
-    less(0xC);
-    greater_equal(0xD);
-    less_equal(0xE);
-    greater(0xF);
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0xC, "l");
+    greater_equal(0xD, "ge");
+    less_equal(0xE, "le");
+    greater(0xF, "g");
@@ -5423,12 +5435,48 @@
   format %{ "" %}
   interface(COND_INTER) %{
-    equal(0x4);
-    not_equal(0x5);
-    less(0x2);
-    greater_equal(0x3);
-    less_equal(0x6);
-    greater(0x7);
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
+  %}
+// Floating comparisons that don't require any fixup for the unordered case
+operand cmpOpUCF() %{
+  match(Bool);
+  predicate(n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::lt ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ge ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::le ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::gt);
+  format %{ "" %}
+  interface(COND_INTER) %{
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
+  %}
+// Floating comparisons that can be fixed up with extra conditional jumps
+operand cmpOpUCF2() %{
+  match(Bool);
+  predicate(n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ne ||
+            n->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::eq);
+  format %{ "" %}
+  interface(COND_INTER) %{
+    equal(0x4, "e");
+    not_equal(0x5, "ne");
+    less(0x2, "b");
+    greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
+    less_equal(0x6, "be");
+    greater(0x7, "nbe");
@@ -7176,8 +7224,7 @@
-instruct cmovI_regU(rRegI dst, rRegI src, rFlagsRegU cr, cmpOpU cop)
+instruct cmovI_regU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cr, rRegI dst, rRegI src) %{
   match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
   ins_cost(200); // XXX
@@ -7187,9 +7234,16 @@
+instruct cmovI_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegI dst, rRegI src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovI_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // Conditional move
-instruct cmovI_mem(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, rRegI dst, memory src)
+instruct cmovI_mem(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, rRegI dst, memory src) %{
   match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadI src))));
   ins_cost(250); // XXX
@@ -7211,6 +7265,14 @@
+instruct cmovI_memUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegI dst, memory src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveI (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadI src))));
+  ins_cost(250);
+  expand %{
+    cmovI_memU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // Conditional move
 instruct cmovN_reg(rRegN dst, rRegN src, rFlagsReg cr, cmpOp cop)
@@ -7224,7 +7286,7 @@
 // Conditional move
-instruct cmovN_regU(rRegN dst, rRegN src, rFlagsRegU cr, cmpOpU cop)
+instruct cmovN_regU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN dst, rRegN src)
   match(Set dst (CMoveN (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7235,6 +7297,14 @@
+instruct cmovN_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegN dst, rRegN src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveN (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovN_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // Conditional move
 instruct cmovP_reg(rRegP dst, rRegP src, rFlagsReg cr, cmpOp cop)
@@ -7248,7 +7318,7 @@
 // Conditional move
-instruct cmovP_regU(rRegP dst, rRegP src, rFlagsRegU cr, cmpOpU cop)
+instruct cmovP_regU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cr, rRegP dst, rRegP src)
   match(Set dst (CMoveP (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7259,6 +7329,14 @@
   ins_pipe(pipe_cmov_reg); // XXX
+instruct cmovP_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegP dst, rRegP src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveP (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovP_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 // DISABLED: Requires the ADLC to emit a bottom_type call that
 // correctly meets the two pointer arguments; one is an incoming
 // register but the other is a memory operand.  ALSO appears to
@@ -7319,6 +7397,14 @@
   ins_pipe(pipe_cmov_reg); // XXX
+instruct cmovL_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegL dst, rRegL src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveL (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovL_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 instruct cmovL_memU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cr, rRegL dst, memory src)
   match(Set dst (CMoveL (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadL src))));
@@ -7330,6 +7416,14 @@
   ins_pipe(pipe_cmov_mem); // XXX
+instruct cmovL_memUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, rRegL dst, memory src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveL (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst (LoadL src))));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovL_memU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 instruct cmovF_reg(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, regF dst, regF src)
   match(Set dst (CMoveF (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7366,6 +7460,14 @@
+instruct cmovF_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, regF dst, regF src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveF (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovF_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 instruct cmovD_reg(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, regD dst, regD src)
   match(Set dst (CMoveD (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
@@ -7390,6 +7492,14 @@
+instruct cmovD_regUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cr, regD dst, regD src) %{
+  match(Set dst (CMoveD (Binary cop cr) (Binary dst src)));
+  ins_cost(200);
+  expand %{
+    cmovD_regU(cop, cr, dst, src);
+  %}
 //----------Arithmetic Instructions--------------------------------------------
 //----------Addition Instructions----------------------------------------------
@@ -7735,7 +7845,7 @@
                            rFlagsReg cr)
   match(Set cr (StorePConditional heap_top_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
   format %{ "cmpxchgq $heap_top_ptr, $newval\t# (ptr) "
             "If rax == $heap_top_ptr then store $newval into $heap_top_ptr" %}
   opcode(0x0F, 0xB1);
@@ -7746,53 +7856,40 @@
-// Conditional-store of a long value
-// Returns a boolean value (0/1) on success.  Implemented with a
-// CMPXCHG8 on Intel.  mem_ptr can actually be in either RSI or RDI
-instruct storeLConditional(rRegI res,
-                           memory mem_ptr,
-                           rax_RegL oldval, rRegL newval,
-                           rFlagsReg cr)
-  match(Set res (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)));
-  effect(KILL cr);
-  format %{ "cmpxchgq $mem_ptr, $newval\t# (long) "
-            "If rax == $mem_ptr then store $newval into $mem_ptr\n\t"
-            "sete    $res\n\t"
-            "movzbl  $res, $res" %}
+// Conditional-store of an int value.
+// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise.  Implemented with a CMPXCHG.
+instruct storeIConditional(memory mem, rax_RegI oldval, rRegI newval, rFlagsReg cr)
+  match(Set cr (StoreIConditional mem (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect(KILL oldval);
+  format %{ "cmpxchgl $mem, $newval\t# If rax == $mem then store $newval into $mem" %}
   opcode(0x0F, 0xB1);
-             REX_reg_mem_wide(newval, mem_ptr),
+             REX_reg_mem(newval, mem),
              OpcP, OpcS,
-             reg_mem(newval, mem_ptr),
-             REX_breg(res), Opcode(0x0F), Opcode(0x94), reg(res), // sete
-             REX_reg_breg(res, res), // movzbl
-             Opcode(0xF), Opcode(0xB6), reg_reg(res, res));
+             reg_mem(newval, mem));
-// Conditional-store of a long value
-// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise. Implemented with a
-// CMPXCHG8 on Intel.  mem_ptr can actually be in either RSI or RDI
-instruct storeLConditional_flags(memory mem_ptr,
-                                 rax_RegL oldval, rRegL newval,
-                                 rFlagsReg cr,
-                                 immI0 zero)
-  match(Set cr (CmpI (StoreLConditional mem_ptr (Binary oldval newval)) zero));
-  format %{ "cmpxchgq $mem_ptr, $newval\t# (long) "
-            "If rax == $mem_ptr then store $newval into $mem_ptr" %}
+// Conditional-store of a long value.
+// ZF flag is set on success, reset otherwise.  Implemented with a CMPXCHG.
+instruct storeLConditional(memory mem, rax_RegL oldval, rRegL newval, rFlagsReg cr)
+  match(Set cr (StoreLConditional mem (Binary oldval newval)));
+  effect(KILL oldval);
+  format %{ "cmpxchgq $mem, $newval\t# If rax == $mem then store $newval into $mem" %}
   opcode(0x0F, 0xB1);
-             REX_reg_mem_wide(newval, mem_ptr),
+             REX_reg_mem_wide(newval, mem),
              OpcP, OpcS,
-             reg_mem(newval, mem_ptr));
+             reg_mem(newval, mem));
+// XXX No flag versions for CompareAndSwap{P,I,L} because matcher can't match them
 instruct compareAndSwapP(rRegI res,
                          memory mem_ptr,
                          rax_RegP oldval, rRegP newval,
@@ -7816,7 +7913,6 @@
   ins_pipe( pipe_cmpxchg );
-// XXX No flag versions for CompareAndSwap{P,I,L} because matcher can't match them
 instruct compareAndSwapL(rRegI res,
                          memory mem_ptr,
                          rax_RegL oldval, rRegL newval,
@@ -8766,6 +8862,7 @@
 // Logical Shift Right by 8-bit immediate
 instruct shrL_mem_imm(memory dst, immI8 shift, rFlagsReg cr)
@@ -9475,6 +9572,18 @@
+// Use any_RegP to match R15 (TLS register) without spilling.
+instruct orL_rReg_castP2X(rRegL dst, any_RegP src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set dst (OrL dst (CastP2X src)));
+  effect(KILL cr);
+  format %{ "orq     $dst, $src\t# long" %}
+  opcode(0x0B);
+  ins_encode(REX_reg_reg_wide(dst, src), OpcP, reg_reg(dst, src));
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
 // Or Register with Immediate
 instruct orL_rReg_imm(rRegL dst, immL32 src, rFlagsReg cr)
@@ -9716,6 +9825,17 @@
+instruct cmpF_cc_reg_CF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regF src1, regF src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpF src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(145);
+  format %{ "ucomiss $src1, $src2" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ ucomiss($src1$$XMMRegister, $src2$$XMMRegister);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 instruct cmpF_cc_mem(rFlagsRegU cr, regF src1, memory src2)
   match(Set cr (CmpF src1 (LoadF src2)));
@@ -9733,6 +9853,16 @@
+instruct cmpF_cc_memCF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regF src1, memory src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpF src1 (LoadF src2)));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "ucomiss $src1, $src2" %}
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x2E);
+  ins_encode(REX_reg_mem(src1, src2), OpcP, OpcS, reg_mem(src1, src2));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 instruct cmpF_cc_imm(rFlagsRegU cr, regF src1, immF src2)
   match(Set cr (CmpF src1 src2));
@@ -9750,6 +9880,16 @@
+instruct cmpF_cc_immCF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regF src1, immF src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpF src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "ucomiss $src1, $src2" %}
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x2E);
+  ins_encode(REX_reg_mem(src1, src2), OpcP, OpcS, load_immF(src1, src2));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 instruct cmpD_cc_reg(rFlagsRegU cr, regD src1, regD src2)
   match(Set cr (CmpD src1 src2));
@@ -9767,6 +9907,17 @@
+instruct cmpD_cc_reg_CF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regD src1, regD src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpD src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "ucomisd $src1, $src2 test" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ ucomisd($src1$$XMMRegister, $src2$$XMMRegister);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 instruct cmpD_cc_mem(rFlagsRegU cr, regD src1, memory src2)
   match(Set cr (CmpD src1 (LoadD src2)));
@@ -9784,6 +9935,16 @@
+instruct cmpD_cc_memCF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regD src1, memory src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpD src1 (LoadD src2)));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "ucomisd $src1, $src2" %}
+  opcode(0x66, 0x0F, 0x2E);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, REX_reg_mem(src1, src2), OpcS, OpcT, reg_mem(src1, src2));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 instruct cmpD_cc_imm(rFlagsRegU cr, regD src1, immD src2)
   match(Set cr (CmpD src1 src2));
@@ -9801,6 +9962,16 @@
+instruct cmpD_cc_immCF(rFlagsRegUCF cr, regD src1, immD src2) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpD src1 src2));
+  ins_cost(100);
+  format %{ "ucomisd $src1, [$src2]" %}
+  opcode(0x66, 0x0F, 0x2E);
+  ins_encode(OpcP, REX_reg_mem(src1, src2), OpcS, OpcT, load_immD(src1, src2));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
 // Compare into -1,0,1
 instruct cmpF_reg(rRegI dst, regF src1, regF src2, rFlagsReg cr)
@@ -11406,8 +11577,7 @@
 // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1
-instruct jmpLoopEndU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl)
+instruct jmpLoopEndU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl) %{
   match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
   effect(USE labl);
@@ -11420,14 +11590,39 @@
+instruct jmpLoopEndUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ "j$cop,u   $labl\t# loop end" %}
+  size(6);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
 // Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison
-instruct jmpConU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl)
+instruct jmpConU(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl) %{
   match(If cop cmp);
   effect(USE labl);
-  format %{ "j$cop,u   $labl" %}
+  format %{ "j$cop,u  $labl" %}
+  size(6);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+instruct jmpConUCF(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ "j$cop,u  $labl" %}
   opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
   ins_encode(Jcc(cop, labl));
@@ -11435,6 +11630,46 @@
+instruct jmpConUCF2(cmpOpUCF2 cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(200);
+  format %{ $$template
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      $$emit$$"jp,u   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"j$cop,u   $labl"
+    } else {
+      $$emit$$"jp,u   done\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"j$cop,u   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"done:"
+    }
+  %}
+  size(12);
+  opcode(0x0F, 0x80);
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* l = $labl$$label;
+    $$$emit8$primary;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, Assembler::parity);
+    int parity_disp = -1;
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+       // the two jumps 6 bytes apart so the jump distances are too
+       parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 4)) : 0;
+    } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) {
+       parity_disp = 6;
+    } else {
+       ShouldNotReachHere();
+    }
+    emit_d32(cbuf, parity_disp);
+    $$$emit8$primary;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $secondary, $cop$$cmpcode);
+    int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 4)) : 0;
+    emit_d32(cbuf, disp);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
 // ============================================================================
 // The 2nd slow-half of a subtype check.  Scan the subklass's 2ndary
 // superklass array for an instance of the superklass.  Set a hidden
@@ -11505,8 +11740,7 @@
 // specific code section of the file.
 // Jump Direct - Label defines a relative address from JMP+1
-instruct jmpDir_short(label labl)
+instruct jmpDir_short(label labl) %{
   effect(USE labl);
@@ -11521,8 +11755,7 @@
 // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1
-instruct jmpCon_short(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, label labl)
+instruct jmpCon_short(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, label labl) %{
   match(If cop cr);
   effect(USE labl);
@@ -11537,13 +11770,12 @@
 // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1
-instruct jmpLoopEnd_short(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, label labl)
+instruct jmpLoopEnd_short(cmpOp cop, rFlagsReg cr, label labl) %{
   match(CountedLoopEnd cop cr);
   effect(USE labl);
-  format %{ "j$cop,s   $labl" %}
+  format %{ "j$cop,s   $labl\t# loop end" %}
   ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl));
@@ -11553,12 +11785,40 @@
 // Jump Direct Conditional - Label defines a relative address from Jcc+1
-instruct jmpLoopEndU_short(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl)
+instruct jmpLoopEndU_short(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
+  format %{ "j$cop,us  $labl\t# loop end" %}
+  size(2);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
+instruct jmpLoopEndUCF_short(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
   match(CountedLoopEnd cop cmp);
   effect(USE labl);
+  format %{ "j$cop,us  $labl\t# loop end" %}
+  size(2);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode(JccShort(cop, labl));
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
+// Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison
+instruct jmpConU_short(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
   format %{ "j$cop,us  $labl" %}
@@ -11568,9 +11828,7 @@
-// Jump Direct Conditional - using unsigned comparison
-instruct jmpConU_short(cmpOpU cop, rFlagsRegU cmp, label labl)
+instruct jmpConUCF_short(cmpOpUCF cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
   match(If cop cmp);
   effect(USE labl);
@@ -11584,6 +11842,46 @@
+instruct jmpConUCF2_short(cmpOpUCF2 cop, rFlagsRegUCF cmp, label labl) %{
+  match(If cop cmp);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(300);
+  format %{ $$template
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      $$emit$$"jp,u,s   $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"j$cop,u,s   $labl"
+    } else {
+      $$emit$$"jp,u,s   done\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"j$cop,u,s  $labl\n\t"
+      $$emit$$"done:"
+    }
+  %}
+  size(4);
+  opcode(0x70);
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* l = $labl$$label;
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, Assembler::parity);
+    int parity_disp = -1;
+    if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::notEqual) {
+      parity_disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 1)) : 0;
+    } else if ($cop$$cmpcode == Assembler::equal) {
+      parity_disp = 2;
+    } else {
+      ShouldNotReachHere();
+    }
+    emit_d8(cbuf, parity_disp);
+    emit_cc(cbuf, $primary, $cop$$cmpcode);
+    int disp = l ? (l->loc_pos() - (cbuf.code_size() + 1)) : 0;
+    emit_d8(cbuf, disp);
+    assert(-128 <= disp && disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp");
+    assert(-128 <= parity_disp && parity_disp <= 127, "Displacement too large for short jmp");
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_jcc);
+  ins_pc_relative(1);
+  ins_short_branch(1);
 // ============================================================================
 // inlined locking and unlocking
--- a/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@
 // This name is KNOWN by the ADLC and cannot be changed.
 // The ADLC forces a 'TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM' output type
 // for this guy.
-instruct tlsLoadP(eAXRegP dst, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+instruct tlsLoadP(eRegP dst, eFlagsReg cr) %{
   match(Set dst (ThreadLocal));
   effect(DEF dst, KILL cr);
-  format %{ "MOV    EAX, Thread::current()" %}
+  format %{ "MOV    $dst, Thread::current()" %}
   ins_encode( linux_tlsencode(dst) );
   ins_pipe( ialu_reg_fat );
-instruct TLS(eAXRegP dst) %{
+instruct TLS(eRegP dst) %{
   match(Set dst (ThreadLocal));
   expand %{
--- a/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/os_cpu/solaris_x86/vm/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@
 // This name is KNOWN by the ADLC and cannot be changed.
 // The ADLC forces a 'TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM' output type
 // for this guy.
-instruct tlsLoadP(eAXRegP dst, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+instruct tlsLoadP(eRegP dst, eFlagsReg cr) %{
   match(Set dst (ThreadLocal));
   effect(DEF dst, KILL cr);
-  format %{ "MOV    EAX, Thread::current()" %}
+  format %{ "MOV    $dst, Thread::current()" %}
   ins_encode( solaris_tlsencode(dst) );
   ins_pipe( ialu_reg_fat );
-instruct TLS(eAXRegP dst) %{
+instruct TLS(eRegP dst) %{
   match(Set dst (ThreadLocal));
   expand %{
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Bytecodes/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/bytecodes/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Bytecodes/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/bytecodes/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
+import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
 import org.openide.ErrorManager;
 import org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager;
 import org.openide.explorer.ExplorerUtils;
@@ -151,14 +152,18 @@
     public void resultChanged(LookupEvent lookupEvent) {
-        InputGraphProvider p = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(InputGraphProvider.class);
+        final InputGraphProvider p = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(InputGraphProvider.class);
         if (p != null) {
+            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
+                public void run() {
             InputGraph graph = p.getGraph();
             if (graph != null) {
                 Group g = graph.getGroup();
                 rootNode.update(graph, g.getMethod());
+            });
+        }
     final static class ResolvableHelper implements Serializable {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/ControlFlow/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/controlflow/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/ControlFlow/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/controlflow/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 import java.awt.Rectangle;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Set;
 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.action.ActionFactory;
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.action.WidgetAction;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor.AnchorFactory;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor.AnchorShape;
-import com.sun.hotspot.igv.controlflow.HierarchicalGraphLayout;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.layout.LayoutFactory;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.router.RouterFactory;
 import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.LayerWidget;
@@ -61,8 +60,8 @@
 public class ControlFlowScene extends GraphScene<InputBlock, InputBlockEdge> implements SelectProvider, MoveProvider, RectangularSelectDecorator, RectangularSelectProvider {
-    private Set<BlockWidget> selection;
-    private Hashtable<InputBlock, BlockWidget> blockMap;
+    private HashSet<BlockWidget> selection;
+    private HashMap<InputBlock, BlockWidget> blockMap;
     private InputGraph oldGraph;
     private LayerWidget edgeLayer;
     private LayerWidget mainLayer;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/ControlFlow/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/controlflow/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/ControlFlow/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/controlflow/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
+import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
 import org.openide.ErrorManager;
 import org.openide.util.Lookup;
 import org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
@@ -143,13 +144,17 @@
     public void resultChanged(LookupEvent lookupEvent) {
-        InputGraphProvider p = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(InputGraphProvider.class);
+        final InputGraphProvider p = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(InputGraphProvider.class);
         if (p != null) {
+            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
+                public void run() {
             InputGraph g = p.getGraph();
             if (g != null) {
+            });
+        }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Coordinator/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/coordinator/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Coordinator/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/coordinator/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 package com.sun.hotspot.igv.coordinator;
 import com.sun.hotspot.igv.coordinator.actions.RemoveCookie;
@@ -50,17 +51,24 @@
     private List<String> subFolders;
     private FolderChildren children;
-    private static class FolderChildren extends Children.Keys {
+    private static class FolderChildren extends Children.Keys implements ChangedListener<Group> {
         private FolderNode parent;
+        private List<Group> registeredGroups;
         public void setParent(FolderNode parent) {
             this.parent = parent;
+            this.registeredGroups = new ArrayList<Group>();
         protected Node[] createNodes(Object arg0) {
+            for(Group g : registeredGroups) {
+                g.getChangedEvent().removeListener(this);
+            }
+            registeredGroups.clear();
             Pair<String, List<Group>> p = (Pair<String, List<Group>>) arg0;
             if (p.getLeft().length() == 0) {
@@ -69,6 +77,8 @@
                     for (InputGraph graph : g.getGraphs()) {
                         curNodes.add(new GraphNode(graph));
+                    g.getChangedEvent().addListener(this);
+                    registeredGroups.add(g);
                 Node[] result = new Node[curNodes.size()];
@@ -85,7 +95,13 @@
         public void addNotify() {
+        }
+        public void changed(Group source) {
+            List<Pair<String, List<Group>>> newStructure = new ArrayList<Pair<String, List<Group>>>();
+            for(Pair<String, List<Group>> p : parent.structure) {
+                refreshKey(p);
+            }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class GraphDocument extends Properties.Object implements ChangedEventProvider<GraphDocument> {
+public class GraphDocument extends Properties.Entity implements ChangedEventProvider<GraphDocument> {
     private List<Group> groups;
     private ChangedEvent<GraphDocument> changedEvent;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class Group extends Properties.Object implements ChangedEventProvider<Group> {
+public class Group extends Properties.Entity implements ChangedEventProvider<Group> {
     private List<InputGraph> graphs;
     private transient ChangedEvent<Group> changedEvent;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -23,26 +23,25 @@
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class InputGraph extends Properties.Object {
+public class InputGraph extends Properties.Entity {
-    private Map<Integer, InputNode> nodes;
-    private Set<InputEdge> edges;
+    private HashMap<Integer, InputNode> nodes;
+    private ArrayList<InputEdge> edges;
     private Group parent;
-    private Map<String, InputBlock> blocks;
-    private Map<Integer, InputBlock> nodeToBlock;
+    private HashMap<String, InputBlock> blocks;
+    private HashMap<Integer, InputBlock> nodeToBlock;
     private boolean isDifferenceGraph;
     public InputGraph(Group parent) {
@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@
     public InputGraph(Group parent, InputGraph last, String name) {
         this.parent = parent;
-        nodes = new Hashtable<Integer, InputNode>();
-        edges = new HashSet<InputEdge>();
-        blocks = new Hashtable<String, InputBlock>();
-        nodeToBlock = new Hashtable<Integer, InputBlock>();
+        nodes = new HashMap<Integer, InputNode>();
+        edges = new ArrayList<InputEdge>();
+        blocks = new HashMap<String, InputBlock>();
+        nodeToBlock = new HashMap<Integer, InputBlock>();
         if (last != null) {
             for (InputNode n : last.getNodes()) {
@@ -182,8 +181,8 @@
         return nodes.remove(index);
-    public Set<InputEdge> getEdges() {
-        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(edges);
+    public Collection<InputEdge> getEdges() {
+        return Collections.unmodifiableList(edges);
     public void removeEdge(InputEdge c) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class InputMethod extends Properties.Object {
+public class InputMethod extends Properties.Entity {
     private String name;
     private int bci;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class InputNode extends Properties.Object {
+public class InputNode extends Properties.Entity {
     private int id;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -26,24 +26,22 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class Properties implements Serializable {
+public class Properties implements Serializable, Iterable<Property> {
     public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-    private Map<String, Property> map;
+    private String[] map = new String[4];
     public Properties() {
-        map = new HashMap<String, Property>(5);
@@ -54,10 +52,7 @@
         Properties p = (Properties) o;
-        if (getProperties().size() != p.getProperties().size()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        for (Property prop : getProperties()) {
+        for (Property prop : this) {
             String value = p.get(prop.getName());
             if (value == null || !value.equals(prop.getValue())) {
                 return false;
@@ -75,32 +70,33 @@
     public Properties(String name, String value) {
-        this.add(new Property(name, value));
+        this.setProperty(name, value);
     public Properties(String name, String value, String name1, String value1) {
         this(name, value);
-        this.add(new Property(name1, value1));
+        this.setProperty(name1, value1);
     public Properties(String name, String value, String name1, String value1, String name2, String value2) {
         this(name, value, name1, value1);
-        this.add(new Property(name2, value2));
+        this.setProperty(name2, value2);
     public Properties(Properties p) {
-        map = new HashMap<String, Property>(;
+        map = new String[];
+        System.arraycopy(map, 0,, 0,;
-    public static class Object implements Provider {
+    public static class Entity implements Provider {
         private Properties properties;
-        public Object() {
+        public Entity() {
             properties = new Properties();
-        public Object(Properties.Object object) {
+        public Entity(Properties.Entity object) {
             properties = new Properties(object.getProperties());
@@ -109,6 +105,14 @@
+    private String getProperty(String key) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2)
+            if (map[i] != null && map[i].equals(key)) {
+                return map[i + 1];
+            }
+        return null;
+    }
     public interface PropertyMatcher {
         String getName();
@@ -173,13 +177,15 @@
     public Property selectSingle(PropertyMatcher matcher) {
-        Property p =;
-        if (p == null) {
-            return null;
+        String value = null;
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+            if (map[i] != null && matcher.getName().equals(map[i]))  {
+                value = map[i + 1];
+                break;
+            }
-        if (matcher.match(p.getValue())) {
-            return p;
+        if (value != null && matcher.match(value)) {
+            return new Property(matcher.getName(), value);
         } else {
             return null;
@@ -194,8 +200,11 @@
     public String toString() {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-        for (Property p : map.values()) {
-            sb.append(p.toString());
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+            if (map[i + 1] != null) {
+                String p = map[i + 1];
+                sb.append(map[i] + " = " + map[i + 1] + "; ");
+            }
         return sb.append("]").toString();
@@ -241,41 +250,51 @@
     public String get(String key) {
-        Property p = map.get(key);
-        if (p == null) {
-            return null;
-        } else {
-            return p.getValue();
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+            if (map[i] != null && map[i].equals(key)) {
+                return map[i + 1];
+            }
-    }
-    public String getProperty(String string) {
-        return get(string);
+        return null;
-    public Property setProperty(String name, String value) {
+    public void setProperty(String name, String value) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+            if (map[i] != null && map[i].equals(name)) {
+                String p = map[i + 1];
+                if (value == null) {
+                    // remove this property
+                    map[i] = null;
+                    map[i + 1] = null;
+                } else {
+                    map[i + 1] = value;
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+        }
         if (value == null) {
-            // remove this property
-            return map.remove(name);
-        } else {
-            Property p = map.get(name);
-            if (p == null) {
-                p = new Property(name, value);
-                map.put(name, p);
-            } else {
-                p.setValue(value);
+            return;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 2) {
+            if (map[i] == null) {
+                map[i] = name;
+                map[i + 1] = value;
+                return;
-            return p;
+        String[] newMap = new String[map.length + 4];
+        System.arraycopy(map, 0, newMap, 0, map.length);
+        newMap[map.length] = name;
+        newMap[map.length + 1] = value;
+        map = newMap;
-    public Collection<Property> getProperties() {
-        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(map.values());
+    public  Iterator<Property> getProperties() {
+        return iterator();
     public void add(Properties properties) {
-        for (Property p : properties.getProperties()) {
+        for (Property p : properties) {
@@ -283,6 +302,35 @@
     public void add(Property property) {
         assert property.getName() != null;
         assert property.getValue() != null;
-        map.put(property.getName(), property);
+        setProperty(property.getName(), property.getValue());
+    }
+    class PropertiesIterator implements Iterator<Property>, Iterable<Property> {
+        public Iterator<Property> iterator() {
+                return this;
+        }
+        int index;
+        public boolean hasNext() {
+            while (index < map.length && map[index + 1] == null)
+                index += 2;
+            return index < map.length;
+        }
+        public Property next() {
+            if (index < map.length) {
+                index += 2;
+                return new Property(map[index - 2], map[index - 1]);
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        public void remove() {
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
+        }
+    }
+    public Iterator<Property> iterator() {
+        return new PropertiesIterator();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -32,18 +32,19 @@
 public class Property implements Serializable {
     public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     private String name;
     private String value;
-    public Property() {
+    private Property() {
         this(null, null);
-    public Property(Property p) {
+    private Property(Property p) {
         this(p.getName(), p.getValue());
-    public Property(String name) {
+    private Property(String name) {
         this(name, null);
@@ -60,16 +61,19 @@
         return value;
-    public void setName(String s) {
- = s;
-    }
-    public void setValue(String s) {
-        this.value = s;
-    }
     public String toString() {
         return name + " = " + value + "; ";
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object o) {
+        if (!(o instanceof Property)) return false;
+        Property p2 = (Property)o;
+        return name.equals( && value.equals(p2.value);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int hashCode() {
+        return name.hashCode() + value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode();
+    }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
@@ -88,6 +89,18 @@
     private TopElementHandler xmlDocument = new TopElementHandler();
     private boolean difference;
     private GroupCallback groupCallback;
+    private HashMap<String, Integer> idCache = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+    private int maxId = 0;
+    private int lookupID(String i) {
+        Integer id = idCache.get(i);
+        if (id == null) {
+            id = maxId++;
+            idCache.put(i, id);
+        }
+        return id.intValue();
+    }
     // <graphDocument>
     private ElementHandler<GraphDocument, Object> topHandler = new ElementHandler<GraphDocument, Object>(TOP_ELEMENT) {
@@ -187,13 +200,13 @@
                 previous = null;
             InputGraph curGraph = new InputGraph(getParentObject(), previous, name);
-            getParentObject().addGraph(curGraph);
             this.graph = curGraph;
             return curGraph;
         protected void end(String text) throws SAXException {
+            getParentObject().addGraph(graph);
@@ -207,7 +220,7 @@
         protected InputBlock start() throws SAXException {
             InputGraph graph = getParentObject();
-            String name = readRequiredAttribute(BLOCK_NAME_PROPERTY);
+            String name = readRequiredAttribute(BLOCK_NAME_PROPERTY).intern();
             InputBlock b = new InputBlock(getParentObject(), name);
             return b;
@@ -224,7 +237,7 @@
             int id = 0;
             try {
-                id = Integer.parseInt(s);
+                id = lookupID(s);
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                 throw new SAXException(e);
@@ -252,7 +265,7 @@
             String s = readRequiredAttribute(NODE_ID_PROPERTY);
             int id = 0;
             try {
-                id = Integer.parseInt(s);
+                id = lookupID(s);
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                 throw new SAXException(e);
@@ -269,7 +282,7 @@
             String s = readRequiredAttribute(NODE_ID_PROPERTY);
             int id = 0;
             try {
-                id = Integer.parseInt(s);
+                id = lookupID(s);
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                 throw new SAXException(e);
@@ -280,7 +293,7 @@
     private HandoverElementHandler<InputGraph> edgesHandler = new HandoverElementHandler<InputGraph>(EDGES_ELEMENT);
     // Local class for edge elements
-    private static class EdgeElementHandler extends ElementHandler<InputEdge, InputGraph> {
+    private class EdgeElementHandler extends ElementHandler<InputEdge, InputGraph> {
         public EdgeElementHandler(String name) {
@@ -298,8 +311,8 @@
                     toIndex = Integer.parseInt(toIndexString);
-                from = Integer.parseInt(readRequiredAttribute(FROM_PROPERTY));
-                to = Integer.parseInt(readRequiredAttribute(TO_PROPERTY));
+                from = lookupID(readRequiredAttribute(FROM_PROPERTY));
+                to = lookupID(readRequiredAttribute(TO_PROPERTY));
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                 throw new SAXException(e);
@@ -344,18 +357,16 @@
     // <property>
-    private ElementHandler<Property, Properties.Provider> propertyHandler = new XMLParser.ElementHandler<Property, Properties.Provider>(PROPERTY_ELEMENT, true) {
+    private ElementHandler<String, Properties.Provider> propertyHandler = new XMLParser.ElementHandler<String, Properties.Provider>(PROPERTY_ELEMENT, true) {
-        public Property start() throws SAXException {
-            String value = "";
-            String name = readRequiredAttribute(PROPERTY_NAME_PROPERTY).intern();
-            return getParentObject().getProperties().setProperty(name, value);
+        public String start() throws SAXException {
+            return readRequiredAttribute(PROPERTY_NAME_PROPERTY).intern();
         public void end(String text) {
-            getObject().setValue(text.trim().intern());
+            getParentObject().getProperties().setProperty(getObject(), text.trim().intern());
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     private void export(XMLWriter writer, Group g) throws IOException {
         Properties attributes = new Properties();
-        attributes.add(new Property("difference", Boolean.toString(true)));
+        attributes.setProperty("difference", Boolean.toString(true));
         writer.startTag(Parser.GROUP_ELEMENT, attributes);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Stack;
 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
 import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
         private Attributes attr;
         private StringBuilder currentText;
         private ParseMonitor monitor;
-        private Hashtable<String, ElementHandler<?, ? super T>> hashtable;
+        private HashMap<String, ElementHandler<?, ? super T>> hashtable;
         private boolean needsText;
         private ElementHandler<P, ?> parentElement;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         public ElementHandler(String name, boolean needsText) {
-            this.hashtable = new Hashtable<String, ElementHandler<?, ? super T>>();
+            this.hashtable = new HashMap<String, ElementHandler<?, ? super T>>();
    = name;
             this.needsText = needsText;
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                 String val = attr.getValue(i).intern();
                 String localName = attr.getLocalName(i).intern();
-                p.add(new Property(val, localName));
+                p.setProperty(val, localName);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Data/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/data/serialization/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
         inner.write("<" + name);
-        for (Property p : attributes.getProperties()) {
+        for (Property p : attributes) {
             inner.write(" " + p.getName() + "=\"");
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
     public void simpleTag(String name, Properties attributes) throws IOException {
         inner.write("<" + name);
-        for (Property p : attributes.getProperties()) {
+        for (Property p : attributes) {
             inner.write(" " + p.getName() + "=\"");
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@
     public void writeProperties(Properties props) throws IOException {
-        if (props.getProperties().size() == 0) {
+        if (props.getProperties().hasNext() == false) {
-        for (Property p : props.getProperties()) {
+        for (Property p : props) {
             startTag(Parser.PROPERTY_ELEMENT, new Properties(Parser.PROPERTY_NAME_PROPERTY, p.getName()));
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Difference/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/difference/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Difference/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/difference/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -124,8 +125,8 @@
             inputNodeMap.put(n, n2);
-        Set<InputEdge> edgesA = a.getEdges();
-        Set<InputEdge> edgesB = b.getEdges();
+        Collection<InputEdge> edgesA = a.getEdges();
+        Collection<InputEdge> edgesB = b.getEdges();
         Set<InputEdge> newEdges = new HashSet<InputEdge>();
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
         public double getValue() {
             double result = 0.0;
-            for (Property p : n1.getProperties().getProperties()) {
+            for (Property p : n1.getProperties()) {
                 double faktor = 1.0;
                 for (String forbidden : IGNORE_PROPERTIES) {
                     if (p.getName().equals(forbidden)) {
@@ -287,34 +288,34 @@
     private static void markAsChanged(InputNode n, InputNode firstNode, InputNode otherNode) {
         boolean difference = false;
-        for (Property p : otherNode.getProperties().getProperties()) {
-            String s = firstNode.getProperties().getProperty(p.getName());
+        for (Property p : otherNode.getProperties()) {
+            String s = firstNode.getProperties().get(p.getName());
             if (!p.getValue().equals(s)) {
                 difference = true;
-                n.getProperties().add(new Property(OLD_PREFIX + p.getName(), p.getValue()));
+                n.getProperties().setProperty(OLD_PREFIX + p.getName(), p.getValue());
-        for (Property p : firstNode.getProperties().getProperties()) {
-            String s = otherNode.getProperties().getProperty(p.getName());
+        for (Property p : firstNode.getProperties()) {
+            String s = otherNode.getProperties().get(p.getName());
             if (s == null && p.getValue().length() > 0) {
                 difference = true;
-                n.getProperties().add(new Property(OLD_PREFIX + p.getName(), ""));
+                n.getProperties().setProperty(OLD_PREFIX + p.getName(), "");
         if (difference) {
-            n.getProperties().add(new Property(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_CHANGED));
+            n.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_CHANGED);
         } else {
-            n.getProperties().add(new Property(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_SAME));
+            n.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_SAME);
     private static void markAsDeleted(InputNode n) {
-        n.getProperties().add(new Property(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_DELETED));
+        n.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_DELETED);
     private static void markAsNew(InputNode n) {
-        n.getProperties().add(new Property(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_NEW));
+        n.getProperties().setProperty(PROPERTY_STATE, VALUE_NEW);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0
-OpenIDE-Module: com.sun.hotspot.igv.filter
-OpenIDE-Module-Layer: com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/layer.xml
-OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/
-OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.0
+Manifest-Version: 1.0
+OpenIDE-Module: com.sun.hotspot.igv.filter
+OpenIDE-Module-Layer: com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/layer.xml
+OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/
+OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.0
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 package com.sun.hotspot.igv.filter;
 import com.sun.hotspot.igv.graph.Diagram;
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
     public CustomFilter(String name, String code) { = name;
         this.code = code;
-        getProperties().add(new Property("name", name));
+        getProperties().setProperty("name", name);
     public String getName() {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Filter/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/filter/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
             for (OutputSlot os : f.getOutputSlots()) {
                 for (Connection c : os.getConnections()) {
                     InputSlot is = c.getInputSlot();
-                    is.setName(f.getProperties().getProperty("dump_spec"));
-                    String s = f.getProperties().getProperty("short_name");
+                    is.setName(f.getProperties().get("dump_spec"));
+                    String s = f.getProperties().get("short_name");
                     if (s != null) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Graph/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/graph/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Graph/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/graph/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 import java.util.Comparator;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
         Collection<InputNode> nodes = graph.getNodes();
-        Hashtable<Integer, Figure> figureHash = new Hashtable<Integer, Figure>();
+        HashMap<Integer, Figure> figureHash = new HashMap<Integer, Figure>();
         for (InputNode n : nodes) {
             Figure f = d.createFigure();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Graph/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/graph/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Graph/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/graph/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  * @author Thomas Wuerthinger
-public class Figure extends Properties.Object implements Source.Provider, Vertex {
+public class Figure extends Properties.Entity implements Source.Provider, Vertex {
     public static final int INSET = 6;
     public static final int SLOT_WIDTH = 10;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/HierarchicalLayout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/hierarchicallayout/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/HierarchicalLayout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/hierarchicallayout/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Queue;
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
 public class Graph<N, E> {
-    private Hashtable<Object, Node<N, E>> nodes;
-    private Hashtable<Object, Edge<N, E>> edges;
+    private HashMap<Object, Node<N, E>> nodes;
+    private HashMap<Object, Edge<N, E>> edges;
     private List<Node<N, E>> nodeList;
     public Graph() {
-        nodes = new Hashtable<Object, Node<N, E>>();
-        edges = new Hashtable<Object, Edge<N, E>>();
+        nodes = new HashMap<Object, Node<N, E>>();
+        edges = new HashMap<Object, Edge<N, E>>();
         nodeList = new ArrayList<Node<N, E>>();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/HierarchicalLayout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/hierarchicallayout/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/HierarchicalLayout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/hierarchicallayout/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 import java.awt.Point;
 import java.awt.Rectangle;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@
         assert graph.verify();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, List<Vertex>> lists = new Hashtable<Cluster, List<Vertex>>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, List<Link>> listsConnection = new Hashtable<Cluster, List<Link>>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, Hashtable<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>> clusterInputSlotHash = new Hashtable<Cluster, Hashtable<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, Hashtable<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>> clusterOutputSlotHash = new Hashtable<Cluster, Hashtable<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, List<Vertex>> lists = new HashMap<Cluster, List<Vertex>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, List<Link>> listsConnection = new HashMap<Cluster, List<Link>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, HashMap<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>> clusterInputSlotHash = new HashMap<Cluster, HashMap<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, HashMap<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>> clusterOutputSlotHash = new HashMap<Cluster, HashMap<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, ClusterNode> clusterNodes = new Hashtable<Cluster, ClusterNode>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, Set<ClusterInputSlotNode>> clusterInputSlotSet = new Hashtable<Cluster, Set<ClusterInputSlotNode>>();
-        Hashtable<Cluster, Set<ClusterOutputSlotNode>> clusterOutputSlotSet = new Hashtable<Cluster, Set<ClusterOutputSlotNode>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, ClusterNode> clusterNodes = new HashMap<Cluster, ClusterNode>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, Set<ClusterInputSlotNode>> clusterInputSlotSet = new HashMap<Cluster, Set<ClusterInputSlotNode>>();
+        HashMap<Cluster, Set<ClusterOutputSlotNode>> clusterOutputSlotSet = new HashMap<Cluster, Set<ClusterOutputSlotNode>>();
         Set<Link> clusterEdges = new HashSet<Link>();
         Set<Link> interClusterEdges = new HashSet<Link>();
-        Hashtable<Link, ClusterOutgoingConnection> linkClusterOutgoingConnection = new Hashtable<Link, ClusterOutgoingConnection>();
-        Hashtable<Link, InterClusterConnection> linkInterClusterConnection = new Hashtable<Link, InterClusterConnection>();
-        Hashtable<Link, ClusterIngoingConnection> linkClusterIngoingConnection = new Hashtable<Link, ClusterIngoingConnection>();
+        HashMap<Link, ClusterOutgoingConnection> linkClusterOutgoingConnection = new HashMap<Link, ClusterOutgoingConnection>();
+        HashMap<Link, InterClusterConnection> linkInterClusterConnection = new HashMap<Link, InterClusterConnection>();
+        HashMap<Link, ClusterIngoingConnection> linkClusterIngoingConnection = new HashMap<Link, ClusterIngoingConnection>();
         Set<ClusterNode> clusterNodeSet = new HashSet<ClusterNode>();
         Set<Cluster> cluster = graph.getClusters();
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
         for (Cluster c : cluster) {
             lists.put(c, new ArrayList<Vertex>());
             listsConnection.put(c, new ArrayList<Link>());
-            clusterInputSlotHash.put(c, new Hashtable<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>());
-            clusterOutputSlotHash.put(c, new Hashtable<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>());
+            clusterInputSlotHash.put(c, new HashMap<Port, ClusterInputSlotNode>());
+            clusterOutputSlotHash.put(c, new HashMap<Port, ClusterOutputSlotNode>());
             clusterOutputSlotSet.put(c, new TreeSet<ClusterOutputSlotNode>());
             clusterInputSlotSet.put(c, new TreeSet<ClusterInputSlotNode>());
             ClusterNode cn = new ClusterNode(c, "" + z);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Layout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/layout/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Layout/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/layout/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 package com.sun.hotspot.igv.layout;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.SortedSet;
 import java.util.TreeSet;
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
     private Set<? extends Link> links;
     private SortedSet<Vertex> vertices;
-    private Hashtable<Vertex, Set<Port>> inputPorts;
-    private Hashtable<Vertex, Set<Port>> outputPorts;
-    private Hashtable<Port, Set<Link>> portLinks;
+    private HashMap<Vertex, Set<Port>> inputPorts;
+    private HashMap<Vertex, Set<Port>> outputPorts;
+    private HashMap<Port, Set<Link>> portLinks;
     public LayoutGraph(Set<? extends Link> links) {
         this(links, new HashSet<Vertex>());
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
         assert verify();
         vertices = new TreeSet<Vertex>();
-        portLinks = new Hashtable<Port, Set<Link>>();
-        inputPorts = new Hashtable<Vertex, Set<Port>>();
-        outputPorts = new Hashtable<Vertex, Set<Port>>();
+        portLinks = new HashMap<Port, Set<Link>>();
+        inputPorts = new HashMap<Vertex, Set<Port>>();
+        outputPorts = new HashMap<Vertex, Set<Port>>();
         for (Link l : links) {
             Port p = l.getFrom();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/README	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/README	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -5,21 +5,16 @@
 was the primary target of the tool.  The tool itself is fairly general
 with only a few modules that contain C2 specific elements.
-The tool is built on top of the NetBeans 6.0 rich client
+The tool is built on top of the NetBeans 6.1 rich client
 infrastructure and so requires NetBeans to build.  It currently
 requires Java 6 to run as it needs support for JavaScript for its
 filtering mechanism and assumes it's built into the platform.  It
-should build out of the box whit NetBeans 6 and Java 6 or later.  It's
-possible to run it on 1.5 by including Rhino on the classpath though
-that currently isn't working correctly.  Support for exporting graphs
-as SVG can be enabled by adding batik to the classpath which isn't
-included by default.
-It can be built on top of NetBeans 6.1 if you change the required
-modules to be platform8 instead of platform7.  The tool could run on
-JDK 1.5 with some reworking of the how the JavaScript support is
-enabled but currently it requires some tweaking of the setup.  This
-will be fixed in a later setup.
+should build out of the box with NetBeans 6.1 and Java 6 or later.
+It's possible to run it on 1.5 by including Rhino on the classpath
+though that currently isn't working correctly.  Support for exporting
+graphs as SVG can be enabled by adding batik to the classpath which
+isn't included by default.  It can be built on top of NetBeans 6.0 if
+you change the required modules to be platform7 instead of platform8.
 The JVM support is controlled by the flag -XX:PrintIdealGraphLevel=#
 where # is:
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Util/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/util/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Util/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/util/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 public class PropertiesSheet {
-    public static void initializeSheet(Properties properties, Sheet s) {
+    public static void initializeSheet(final Properties properties, Sheet s) {
         Sheet.Set set1 = Sheet.createPropertiesSet();
-        for (final Property p : properties.getProperties()) {
+        for (final Property p : properties) {
             Node.Property<String> prop = new Node.Property<String>(String.class) {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
                 public void setValue(String arg0) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
-                    p.setValue(arg0);
+                    properties.setProperty(p.getName(), arg0);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Util/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/util/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/Util/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/util/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -65,13 +65,19 @@
     public RangeSliderModel(List<String> positions) {
         assert positions.size() > 0;
-        this.positions = positions;
         this.changedEvent = new ChangedEvent<RangeSliderModel>(this);
         this.colorChangedEvent = new ChangedEvent<RangeSliderModel>(this);
+        setPositions(positions);
+    }
+    protected void setPositions(List<String> positions) {
+        this.positions = positions;
         colors = new ArrayList<Color>();
         for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) {
     public void setColors(List<Color> colors) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
 public class DiagramScene extends Scene implements ChangedListener<DiagramViewModel> {
-    private Hashtable<Figure, FigureWidget> figureWidgets;
-    private Hashtable<Slot, SlotWidget> slotWidgets;
-    private Hashtable<Connection, ConnectionWidget> connectionWidgets;
-    private Hashtable<InputBlock, BlockWidget> blockWidgets;
+    private HashMap<Figure, FigureWidget> figureWidgets;
+    private HashMap<Slot, SlotWidget> slotWidgets;
+    private HashMap<Connection, ConnectionWidget> connectionWidgets;
+    private HashMap<InputBlock, BlockWidget> blockWidgets;
     private Widget hoverWidget;
     private WidgetAction hoverAction;
     private List<FigureWidget> selectedWidgets;
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
         this.getActions().addAction(ActionFactory.createRectangularSelectAction(rectangularSelectDecorator, selectLayer, rectangularSelectProvider));
-        blockWidgets = new Hashtable<InputBlock, BlockWidget>();
+        blockWidgets = new HashMap<InputBlock, BlockWidget>();
         boolean b = this.getUndoRedoEnabled();
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
-        figureWidgets = new Hashtable<Figure, FigureWidget>();
-        slotWidgets = new Hashtable<Slot, SlotWidget>();
-        connectionWidgets = new Hashtable<Connection, ConnectionWidget>();
+        figureWidgets = new HashMap<Figure, FigureWidget>();
+        slotWidgets = new HashMap<Slot, SlotWidget>();
+        connectionWidgets = new HashMap<Connection, ConnectionWidget>();
         WidgetAction selectAction = new ExtendedSelectAction(selectProvider);
         Diagram d = getModel().getDiagramToView();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
     private FilterChain filterChain;
     private FilterChain sequenceFilterChain;
     private Diagram diagram;
+    private ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel> groupChangedEvent;
     private ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel> diagramChangedEvent;
     private ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel> viewChangedEvent;
     private ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel> viewPropertiesChangedEvent;
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
+    @Override
     public DiagramViewModel copy() {
         DiagramViewModel result = new DiagramViewModel(group, filterChain, sequenceFilterChain);
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@
         boolean viewChanged = false;
         boolean viewPropertiesChanged = false;
+        boolean groupChanged = (group ==; =;
         diagramChanged |= (filterChain != newModel.filterChain);
         this.filterChain = newModel.filterChain;
@@ -97,6 +100,10 @@
         viewPropertiesChanged |= (showNodeHull != newModel.showNodeHull);
         this.showNodeHull = newModel.showNodeHull;
+        if(groupChanged) {
+  ;
+        }
         if (diagramChanged) {
@@ -143,11 +150,38 @@
         diagramChangedEvent = new ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel>(this);
         viewChangedEvent = new ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel>(this);
         viewPropertiesChangedEvent = new ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel>(this);
+        groupChangedEvent = new ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel>(this);
+        groupChangedEvent.addListener(groupChangedListener);
+    private final ChangedListener<DiagramViewModel> groupChangedListener = new ChangedListener<DiagramViewModel>() {
+        private Group oldGroup;
+        public void changed(DiagramViewModel source) {
+            if(oldGroup != null) {
+                oldGroup.getChangedEvent().removeListener(groupContentChangedListener);
+            }
+            group.getChangedEvent().addListener(groupContentChangedListener);
+            oldGroup = group;
+        }
+    };
+    private final ChangedListener<Group> groupContentChangedListener = new ChangedListener<Group>() {
+        public void changed(Group source) {
+            assert source == group;
+            setPositions(calculateStringList(source));
+            setSelectedNodes(selectedNodes);
+        }
+    };
     public ChangedEvent<DiagramViewModel> getDiagramChangedEvent() {
         return diagramChangedEvent;
@@ -268,7 +302,10 @@
     public InputGraph getSecondGraph() {
-        return group.getGraphs().get(getSecondPosition());
+        List<InputGraph> graphs = group.getGraphs();
+        if (graphs.size() >= getSecondPosition())
+            return group.getGraphs().get(getSecondPosition());
+        return getFirstGraph();
     public void selectGraph(InputGraph g) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/View/src/com/sun/hotspot/igv/view/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
         for (Figure f : figures) {
             Properties prop = f.getProperties();
-            for (Property p : prop.getProperties()) {
+            for (Property p : prop) {
                 if (!propertyNames.contains(p.getName())) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/nbproject/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/nbproject/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 # Deprecated since 5.0u1; for compatibility with 5.0:
+    gsf1,\
-    ide8,\
-    java1,\
-    nb6.0,\
-    profiler2
+    ide9,\
+    java2,\
+    nb6.1,\
+    profiler3
-    org.netbeans.modules.applemenu,\,\
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
-    platform7
+    platform8
--- a/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/nbproject/	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/nbproject/	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-    ${}:\
@@ -31,10 +30,10 @@
-run.args = -server -J-Xms64m -J-Xmx512m -J-da
+run.args = -J-server -J-Xms64m -J-Xmx1g -J-da
+run.args.extra = -J-server -J-Xms64m -J-Xmx1g -J-da
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
     _globalNames(archDesc.globalNames()) {
   _AD._syntax_errs = _AD._semantic_errs = 0; // No errors so far this file
   _AD._warnings    = 0;                      // No warnings either
-  _linenum         = 0;                      // Will increment to first line
   _curline         = _ptr = NULL;            // No pointers into buffer yet
   _preproc_depth = 0;
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@
   if (!_AD._quiet_mode)
-  _AD._TotalLines += _linenum-1;     // -1 for overshoot in "nextline" routine
+  _AD._TotalLines += linenum()-1;     // -1 for overshoot in "nextline" routine
   // Write out information we have stored
   // // UNIXism == fsync(stderr);
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@
   if( (ident = get_unique_ident(_globalNames,"instruction")) == NULL )
   instr = new InstructForm(ident); // Create new instruction form
-  instr->_linenum = _linenum;
+  instr->_linenum = linenum();
   _globalNames.Insert(ident, instr); // Add name to the name table
   // Debugging Stuff
   if (_AD._adl_debug > 1)
@@ -404,7 +403,7 @@
   if( (ident = get_unique_ident(_globalNames,"operand")) == NULL )
   oper = new OperandForm(ident);        // Create new operand form
-  oper->_linenum = _linenum;
+  oper->_linenum = linenum();
   _globalNames.Insert(ident, oper); // Add name to the name table
   // Debugging Stuff
@@ -774,7 +773,7 @@
   // Create the RegisterForm for the architecture description.
   RegisterForm *regBlock = new RegisterForm();    // Build new Source object
-  regBlock->_linenum = _linenum;
+  regBlock->_linenum = linenum();
   skipws();                       // Skip leading whitespace
@@ -847,7 +846,7 @@
   EncClass  *encoding = _AD._encode->add_EncClass(ec_name);
-  encoding->_linenum = _linenum;
+  encoding->_linenum = linenum();
   skipws();                      // Skip leading whitespace
   // Check for optional parameter list
@@ -905,7 +904,7 @@
   // Prepend location descriptor, for debugging; cf. ADLParser::find_cpp_block
   if (_AD._adlocation_debug) {
     const char* file     = _AD._ADL_file._name;
-    int         line     = _linenum;
+    int         line     = linenum();
     char*       location = (char *)malloc(strlen(file) + 100);
     sprintf(location, "#line %d \"%s\"\n", line, file);
@@ -2776,7 +2775,7 @@
   assert(_AD._encode->encClass(ec_name) == NULL, "shouldn't already exist");
   EncClass  *encoding = _AD._encode->add_EncClass(ec_name);
-  encoding->_linenum = _linenum;
+  encoding->_linenum = linenum();
   // synthesize the arguments list for the enc_class from the
   // arguments to the instruct definition.
@@ -2852,7 +2851,7 @@
   InsEncode *encrule  = new InsEncode(); // Encode class for instruction
-  encrule->_linenum = _linenum;
+  encrule->_linenum = linenum();
   char      *ec_name  = NULL;      // String representation of encode rule
   // identifier is optional.
   while (_curchar != ')') {
@@ -3203,6 +3202,12 @@
   char *greater_equal;
   char *less_equal;
   char *greater;
+  const char *equal_format = "eq";
+  const char *not_equal_format = "ne";
+  const char *less_format = "lt";
+  const char *greater_equal_format = "ge";
+  const char *less_equal_format = "le";
+  const char *greater_format = "gt";
   if (_curchar != '%') {
     parse_err(SYNERR, "Missing '%{' for 'cond_interface' block.\n");
@@ -3222,22 +3227,22 @@
       return NULL;
     if ( strcmp(field,"equal") == 0 ) {
-      equal  = interface_field_parse();
+      equal  = interface_field_parse(&equal_format);
     else if ( strcmp(field,"not_equal") == 0 ) {
-      not_equal = interface_field_parse();
+      not_equal = interface_field_parse(&not_equal_format);
     else if ( strcmp(field,"less") == 0 ) {
-      less = interface_field_parse();
+      less = interface_field_parse(&less_format);
     else if ( strcmp(field,"greater_equal") == 0 ) {
-      greater_equal  = interface_field_parse();
+      greater_equal  = interface_field_parse(&greater_equal_format);
     else if ( strcmp(field,"less_equal") == 0 ) {
-      less_equal = interface_field_parse();
+      less_equal = interface_field_parse(&less_equal_format);
     else if ( strcmp(field,"greater") == 0 ) {
-      greater = interface_field_parse();
+      greater = interface_field_parse(&greater_format);
     else {
       parse_err(SYNERR, "Expected keyword, base|index|scale|disp,  or '%}' ending interface.\n");
@@ -3252,14 +3257,18 @@
   next_char();                  // Skip '}'
   // Construct desired object and return
-  Interface *inter = new CondInterface(equal, not_equal, less, greater_equal,
-                                       less_equal, greater);
+  Interface *inter = new CondInterface(equal,         equal_format,
+                                       not_equal,     not_equal_format,
+                                       less,          less_format,
+                                       greater_equal, greater_equal_format,
+                                       less_equal,    less_equal_format,
+                                       greater,       greater_format);
   return inter;
-char *ADLParser::interface_field_parse(void) {
+char *ADLParser::interface_field_parse(const char ** format) {
   char *iface_field = NULL;
   // Get interface field
@@ -3280,6 +3289,32 @@
     return NULL;
+  if (format != NULL && _curchar == ',') {
+    next_char();
+    skipws();
+    if (_curchar != '"') {
+      parse_err(SYNERR, "Missing '\"' in field format .\n");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    next_char();
+    char *start = _ptr;       // Record start of the next string
+    while ((_curchar != '"') && (_curchar != '%') && (_curchar != '\n')) {
+      if (_curchar == '\\')  next_char();  // superquote
+      if (_curchar == '\n')  parse_err(SYNERR, "newline in string");  // unimplemented!
+      next_char();
+    }
+    if (_curchar != '"') {
+      parse_err(SYNERR, "Missing '\"' at end of field format .\n");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    // If a string was found, terminate it and record in FormatRule
+    if ( start != _ptr ) {
+      *_ptr  = '\0';          // Terminate the string
+      *format = start;
+    }
+    next_char();
+    skipws();
+  }
   if (_curchar != ')') {
     parse_err(SYNERR, "Missing ')' after interface field.\n");
     return NULL;
@@ -3342,6 +3377,12 @@
     next_char();                  // Move past the '{'
+    if (_curchar == '$') {
+      char* ident = get_rep_var_ident();
+      if (strcmp(ident, "$$template") == 0) return template_parse();
+      parse_err(SYNERR, "Unknown \"%s\" directive in format", ident);
+      return NULL;
+    }
     // Check for the opening '"' inside the format description
     if ( _curchar == '"' ) {
       next_char();              // Move past the initial '"'
@@ -3433,6 +3474,131 @@
+FormatRule* ADLParser::template_parse(void) {
+  char       *desc   = NULL;
+  FormatRule *format = (new FormatRule(desc));
+  skipws();
+  while ( (_curchar != '%') && (*(_ptr+1) != '}') ) {
+    // (1)
+    // Check if there is a string to pass through to output
+    char *start = _ptr;       // Record start of the next string
+    while ((_curchar != '$') && ((_curchar != '%') || (*(_ptr+1) != '}')) ) {
+      // If at the start of a comment, skip past it
+      if( (_curchar == '/') && ((*(_ptr+1) == '/') || (*(_ptr+1) == '*')) ) {
+        skipws_no_preproc();
+      } else {
+        // ELSE advance to the next character, or start of the next line
+        next_char_or_line();
+      }
+    }
+    // If a string was found, terminate it and record in EncClass
+    if ( start != _ptr ) {
+      *_ptr  = '\0';          // Terminate the string
+      // Add flag to _strings list indicating we should check _rep_vars
+      format->_strings.addName(NameList::_signal2);
+      format->_strings.addName(start);
+    }
+    // (2)
+    // If we are at a replacement variable,
+    // copy it and record in EncClass
+    if ( _curchar == '$' ) {
+      // Found replacement Variable
+      char *rep_var = get_rep_var_ident_dup();
+      if (strcmp(rep_var, "$emit") == 0) {
+        // switch to normal format parsing
+        next_char();
+        next_char();
+        skipws();
+        // Check for the opening '"' inside the format description
+        if ( _curchar == '"' ) {
+          next_char();              // Move past the initial '"'
+          if( _curchar == '"' ) {   // Handle empty format string case
+            *_ptr = '\0';           // Terminate empty string
+            format->_strings.addName(_ptr);
+          }
+          // Collect the parts of the format description
+          // (1) strings that are passed through to tty->print
+          // (2) replacement/substitution variable, preceeded by a '$'
+          // (3) multi-token ANSIY C style strings
+          while ( true ) {
+            if ( _curchar == '%' || _curchar == '\n' ) {
+              parse_err(SYNERR, "missing '\"' at end of format block");
+              return NULL;
+            }
+            // (1)
+            // Check if there is a string to pass through to output
+            char *start = _ptr;       // Record start of the next string
+            while ((_curchar != '$') && (_curchar != '"') && (_curchar != '%') && (_curchar != '\n')) {
+              if (_curchar == '\\')  next_char();  // superquote
+              if (_curchar == '\n')  parse_err(SYNERR, "newline in string");  // unimplemented!
+              next_char();
+            }
+            // If a string was found, terminate it and record in FormatRule
+            if ( start != _ptr ) {
+              *_ptr  = '\0';          // Terminate the string
+              format->_strings.addName(start);
+            }
+            // (2)
+            // If we are at a replacement variable,
+            // copy it and record in FormatRule
+            if ( _curchar == '$' ) {
+              next_char();          // Move past the '$'
+              char* rep_var = get_ident(); // Nil terminate the variable name
+              rep_var = strdup(rep_var);// Copy the string
+              *_ptr   = _curchar;     // and replace Nil with original character
+              format->_rep_vars.addName(rep_var);
+              // Add flag to _strings list indicating we should check _rep_vars
+              format->_strings.addName(NameList::_signal);
+            }
+            // (3)
+            // Allow very long strings to be broken up,
+            // using the ANSI C syntax "foo\n" <newline> "bar"
+            if ( _curchar == '"') {
+              next_char();           // Move past the '"'
+              skipws();              // Skip white space before next string token
+              if ( _curchar != '"') {
+                break;
+              } else {
+                // Found one.  Skip both " and the whitespace in between.
+                next_char();
+              }
+            }
+          } // end while part of format description
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Add flag to _strings list indicating we should check _rep_vars
+        format->_rep_vars.addName(rep_var);
+        // Add flag to _strings list indicating we should check _rep_vars
+        format->_strings.addName(NameList::_signal3);
+      }
+    } // end while part of format description
+  }
+  skipws();
+  // Past format description, at '%'
+  if ( _curchar != '%' || *(_ptr+1) != '}' ) {
+    parse_err(SYNERR, "missing '%}' at end of format block");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  next_char();                  // Move past the '%'
+  next_char();                  // Move past the '}'
+  // Debug Stuff
+  if (_AD._adl_debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"Format Rule: %s\n", desc);
+  skipws();
+  return format;
 void ADLParser::effect_parse(InstructForm *instr) {
   char* desc   = NULL;
@@ -3777,7 +3943,7 @@
     skipws_no_preproc();          // Skip leading whitespace
     cppBlock = _ptr;              // Point to start of expression
     const char* file = _AD._ADL_file._name;
-    int         line = _linenum;
+    int         line = linenum();
     next = _ptr + 1;
     while(((_curchar != '%') || (*next != '}')) && (_curchar != '\0')) {
@@ -4297,11 +4463,11 @@
   va_start(args, fmt);
   if (flag == 1)
-    _AD._syntax_errs += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, _linenum, fmt, args);
+    _AD._syntax_errs += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, linenum(), fmt, args);
   else if (flag == 2)
-    _AD._semantic_errs += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, _linenum, fmt, args);
+    _AD._semantic_errs += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, linenum(), fmt, args);
-    _AD._warnings += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, _linenum, fmt, args);
+    _AD._warnings += _AD.emit_msg(0, flag, linenum(), fmt, args);
   int error_char = _curchar;
   char* error_ptr = _ptr+1;
@@ -4515,7 +4681,7 @@
 void ADLParser::next_line() {
-  _curline = _buf.get_line(); _linenum++;
+  _curline = _buf.get_line();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlparse.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
   char     *_curline;           // Start of current line
   char     *_ptr;               // Pointer into current location in File Buffer
-  int       _linenum;           // Count of line numbers seen so far
   char      _curchar;           // Current character from buffer
   FormDict &_globalNames;       // Global names
@@ -160,9 +159,10 @@
   Interface     *interface_parse();      // Parse operand interface rule
   Interface     *mem_interface_parse();  // Parse memory interface rule
   Interface     *cond_interface_parse(); // Parse conditional interface rule
-  char          *interface_field_parse();// Parse field contents
+  char          *interface_field_parse(const char** format = NULL);// Parse field contents
   FormatRule    *format_parse(void);     // Parse format rule
+  FormatRule    *template_parse(void);     // Parse format rule
   void           effect_parse(InstructForm *instr); // Parse effect rule
   ExpandRule    *expand_parse(InstructForm *instr); // Parse expand rule
   RewriteRule   *rewrite_parse(void);    // Parse rewrite rule
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
   void parse(void);             // Do the parsing & build forms lists
-  int getlines( ) { return _linenum; }
+  int linenum() { return _buf.linenum(); }
   static bool is_literal_constant(const char *hex_string);
   static bool is_hex_digit(char digit);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/filebuff.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/filebuff.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     exit(1);                    // Exit on seek error
   _filepos = ftell(_fp->_fp);      // Reset current file position
+  _linenum = 0;
   _bigbuf = new char[_bufferSize]; // Create buffer to hold text for parser
   if( !_bigbuf ) {
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
   // Check for end of file & return NULL
   if (_bufeol >= _bufmax) return NULL;
+  _linenum++;
   retval = ++_bufeol;      // return character following end of previous line
   if (*retval == '\0') return NULL; // Check for EOF sentinal
   // Search for newline character which must end each line
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/filebuff.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/filebuff.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
   int   _err;                   // Error flag for file seek/read operations
   long  _filepos;               // Current offset from start of file
+  int   _linenum;
   ArchDesc& _AD;                // Reference to Architecture Description
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
   // This returns a pointer to the start of the current line in the buffer,
   // and increments bufeol and filepos to point at the end of that line.
   char *get_line(void);
+  int linenum() const { return _linenum; }
   // This converts a pointer into the buffer to a file offset.  It only works
   // when the pointer is valid (i.e. just obtained from getline()).
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/forms.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/forms.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 // reserved user-defined string
 const char  *NameList::_signal   = "$$SIGNAL$$";
+const char  *NameList::_signal2  = "$$SIGNAL2$$";
+const char  *NameList::_signal3  = "$$SIGNAL3$$";
 // Constructor and Destructor
 NameList::NameList() : _cur(0), _max(4), _iter(0), _justReset(true) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/forms.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/forms.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -329,6 +329,8 @@
   static const char *_signal;      // reserved user-defined string
+  static const char *_signal2;      // reserved user-defined string
+  static const char *_signal3;      // reserved user-defined string
   enum               { Not_in_list = -1 };
   void  addName(const char *name);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1574,10 +1574,10 @@
   return Opcode::NOT_AN_OPCODE;
-void Opcode::print_opcode(FILE *fp, Opcode::opcode_type desired_opcode) {
+bool Opcode::print_opcode(FILE *fp, Opcode::opcode_type desired_opcode) {
   // Default values previously provided by MachNode::primary()...
-  const char *description = "default_opcode()";
-  const char *value       = "-1";
+  const char *description = NULL;
+  const char *value       = NULL;
   // Check if user provided any opcode definitions
   if( this != NULL ) {
     // Update 'value' if user provided a definition in the instruction
@@ -1599,7 +1599,10 @@
-  fprintf(fp, "(%s /*%s*/)", value, description);
+  if (value != NULL) {
+    fprintf(fp, "(%s /*%s*/)", value, description);
+  }
+  return value != NULL;
 void Opcode::dump() {
@@ -2610,14 +2613,19 @@
-CondInterface::CondInterface(char *equal,      char *not_equal,
-                             char *less,       char *greater_equal,
-                             char *less_equal, char *greater)
+CondInterface::CondInterface(const char* equal,         const char* equal_format,
+                             const char* not_equal,     const char* not_equal_format,
+                             const char* less,          const char* less_format,
+                             const char* greater_equal, const char* greater_equal_format,
+                             const char* less_equal,    const char* less_equal_format,
+                             const char* greater,       const char* greater_format)
   : Interface("COND_INTER"),
-    _equal(equal), _not_equal(not_equal),
-    _less(less), _greater_equal(greater_equal),
-    _less_equal(less_equal), _greater(greater) {
-      //
+    _equal(equal),                 _equal_format(equal_format),
+    _not_equal(not_equal),         _not_equal_format(not_equal_format),
+    _less(less),                   _less_format(less_format),
+    _greater_equal(greater_equal), _greater_equal_format(greater_equal_format),
+    _less_equal(less_equal),       _less_equal_format(less_equal_format),
+    _greater(greater),             _greater_format(greater_format) {
 CondInterface::~CondInterface() {
   // not owner of any character arrays
@@ -3316,7 +3324,7 @@
     "Load8B" ,"Load4B" ,"Load8C" ,"Load4C" ,"Load2C" ,"Load8S", "Load4S","Load2S",
     "LoadRange", "LoadKlass", "LoadNKlass", "LoadL_unaligned", "LoadD_unaligned",
     "LoadPLocked", "LoadLLocked",
-    "StorePConditional", "StoreLConditional",
+    "StorePConditional", "StoreIConditional", "StoreLConditional",
     "CompareAndSwapI", "CompareAndSwapL", "CompareAndSwapP", "CompareAndSwapN",
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/formssel.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
   void output(FILE *fp);
   // --------------------------- FILE *output_routines
-  void print_opcode(FILE *fp, Opcode::opcode_type desired_opcode);
+  bool print_opcode(FILE *fp, Opcode::opcode_type desired_opcode);
@@ -779,10 +779,20 @@
   const char *_greater_equal;
   const char *_less_equal;
   const char *_greater;
+  const char *_equal_format;
+  const char *_not_equal_format;
+  const char *_less_format;
+  const char *_greater_equal_format;
+  const char *_less_equal_format;
+  const char *_greater_format;
   // Public Methods
-  CondInterface(char *equal, char *not_equal, char *less, char *greater_equal,
-                char *less_equal, char *greater);
+  CondInterface(const char* equal,         const char* equal_format,
+                const char* not_equal,     const char* not_equal_format,
+                const char* less,          const char* less_format,
+                const char* greater_equal, const char* greater_equal_format,
+                const char* less_equal,    const char* less_equal_format,
+                const char* greater,       const char* greater_format);
   void dump();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1619,6 +1619,7 @@
       // Iterate over the new instruction's operands
+      int prev_pos = -1;
       for( expand_instr->reset(); (opid = expand_instr->iter()) != NULL; ) {
         // Use 'parameter' at current position in list of new instruction's formals
         // instead of 'opid' when looking up info internal to new_inst
@@ -1642,6 +1643,18 @@
           // ins = (InstructForm *) _globalNames[new_id];
           exp_pos = node->operand_position_format(opid);
           assert(exp_pos != -1, "Bad expand rule");
+          if (prev_pos > exp_pos && expand_instruction->_matrule != NULL) {
+            // For the add_req calls below to work correctly they need
+            // to added in the same order that a match would add them.
+            // This means that they would need to be in the order of
+            // the components list instead of the formal parameters.
+            // This is a sort of hidden invariant that previously
+            // wasn't checked and could lead to incorrectly
+            // constructed nodes.
+            syntax_err(node->_linenum, "For expand in %s to work, parameter declaration order in %s must follow matchrule\n",
+                       node->_ident, new_inst->_ident);
+          }
+          prev_pos = exp_pos;
           new_pos = new_inst->operand_position(parameter,Component::USE);
           if (new_pos != -1) {
@@ -2306,7 +2319,12 @@
     _processing_noninput = false;
     // A replacement variable, originally '$'
     if ( Opcode::as_opcode_type(rep_var) != Opcode::NOT_AN_OPCODE ) {
-      _inst._opcode->print_opcode(_fp, Opcode::as_opcode_type(rep_var) );
+      if (!_inst._opcode->print_opcode(_fp, Opcode::as_opcode_type(rep_var) )) {
+        // Missing opcode
+        _AD.syntax_err( _inst._linenum,
+                        "Missing $%s opcode definition in %s, used by encoding %s\n",
+                        rep_var, _inst._ident, _encoding._name);
+      }
     else {
       // Lookup its position in parameter list
@@ -2348,7 +2366,13 @@
       else if( Opcode::as_opcode_type(inst_rep_var) != Opcode::NOT_AN_OPCODE ) {
         // else check if "primary", "secondary", "tertiary"
         assert( _constant_status == LITERAL_ACCESSED, "Must be processing a literal constant parameter");
-        _inst._opcode->print_opcode(_fp, Opcode::as_opcode_type(inst_rep_var) );
+        if (!_inst._opcode->print_opcode(_fp, Opcode::as_opcode_type(inst_rep_var) )) {
+          // Missing opcode
+          _AD.syntax_err( _inst._linenum,
+                          "Missing $%s opcode definition in %s\n",
+                          rep_var, _inst._ident);
+        }
         _constant_status = LITERAL_OUTPUT;
       else if((_AD.get_registers() != NULL ) && (_AD.get_registers()->getRegDef(inst_rep_var) != NULL)) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_h.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_h.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -355,17 +355,19 @@
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Generate the format rule for condition codes
-static void defineCCodeDump(FILE *fp, int i) {
-  fprintf(fp, "         if( _c%d == BoolTest::eq ) st->print(\"eq\");\n",i);
-  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ne ) st->print(\"ne\");\n",i);
-  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::le ) st->print(\"le\");\n",i);
-  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ge ) st->print(\"ge\");\n",i);
-  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::lt ) st->print(\"lt\");\n",i);
-  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::gt ) st->print(\"gt\");\n",i);
+static void defineCCodeDump(OperandForm* oper, FILE *fp, int i) {
+  assert(oper != NULL, "what");
+  CondInterface* cond = oper->_interface->is_CondInterface();
+  fprintf(fp, "         if( _c%d == BoolTest::eq ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_equal_format);
+  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ne ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_not_equal_format);
+  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::le ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_equal_format);
+  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ge ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_equal_format);
+  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::lt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_format);
+  fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::gt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_format);
 // Output code that dumps constant values, increment "i" if type is constant
-static uint dump_spec_constant(FILE *fp, const char *ideal_type, uint i) {
+static uint dump_spec_constant(FILE *fp, const char *ideal_type, uint i, OperandForm* oper) {
   if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConI")) {
     fprintf(fp,"   st->print(\"#%%d\", _c%d);\n", i);
@@ -375,7 +377,7 @@
   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConN")) {
-    fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump();\n", i);
+    fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConL")) {
@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@
   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "Bool")) {
-    defineCCodeDump(fp,i);
+    defineCCodeDump(oper, fp,i);
@@ -476,7 +478,7 @@
   // ALWAYS! Provide a special case output for condition codes.
   if( oper.is_ideal_bool() ) {
-    defineCCodeDump(fp,0);
+    defineCCodeDump(&oper, fp,0);
@@ -549,7 +551,7 @@
   // ALWAYS! Provide a special case output for condition codes.
   if( oper.is_ideal_bool() ) {
-    defineCCodeDump(fp,0);
+    defineCCodeDump(&oper, fp,0);
   fprintf(fp, "}\n");
   fprintf(fp, "#endif\n");
@@ -583,10 +585,53 @@
     while( (string = inst._format->_strings.iter()) != NULL ) {
       fprintf(fp,"    ");
       // Check if this is a standard string or a replacement variable
-      if( string != NameList::_signal )  // Normal string.  Pass through.
+      if( string == NameList::_signal ) { // Replacement variable
+        const char* rep_var =  inst._format->_rep_vars.iter();
+        inst.rep_var_format( fp, rep_var);
+      } else if( string == NameList::_signal3 ) { // Replacement variable in raw text
+        const char* rep_var =  inst._format->_rep_vars.iter();
+        const Form *form   = inst._localNames[rep_var];
+        if (form == NULL) {
+          fprintf(stderr, "unknown replacement variable in format statement: '%s'\n", rep_var);
+          assert(false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
+        }
+        OpClassForm *opc   = form->is_opclass();
+        assert( opc, "replacement variable was not found in local names");
+        // Lookup the index position of the replacement variable
+        int idx  = inst.operand_position_format(rep_var);
+        if ( idx == -1 ) {
+          assert( strcmp(opc->_ident,"label")==0, "Unimplemented");
+          assert( false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
+        }
+        if (inst.is_noninput_operand(idx)) {
+          assert( false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
+        } else {
+          // Output the format call for this operand
+          fprintf(fp,"opnd_array(%d)",idx);
+        }
+        rep_var =  inst._format->_rep_vars.iter();
+        inst._format->_strings.iter();
+        if ( strcmp(rep_var,"$constant") == 0 && opc->is_operand()) {
+          Form::DataType constant_type = form->is_operand()->is_base_constant(globals);
+          if ( constant_type == Form::idealD ) {
+            fprintf(fp,"->constantD()");
+          } else if ( constant_type == Form::idealF ) {
+            fprintf(fp,"->constantF()");
+          } else if ( constant_type == Form::idealL ) {
+            fprintf(fp,"->constantL()");
+          } else {
+            fprintf(fp,"->constant()");
+          }
+        } else if ( strcmp(rep_var,"$cmpcode") == 0) {
+            fprintf(fp,"->ccode()");
+        } else {
+          assert( false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
+        }
+      } else if( string == NameList::_signal2 ) // Raw program text
+        fputs(inst._format->_strings.iter(), fp);
+      else
         fprintf(fp,"st->print(\"%s\");\n", string);
-      else                      // Replacement variable
-        inst.rep_var_format( fp, inst._format->_rep_vars.iter() );
     } // Done with all format strings
   } // Done generating the user-defined portion of the format
@@ -1404,7 +1449,7 @@
       if ((comp = oper->_components.iter()) == NULL) {
         assert(num_consts == 1, "Bad component list detected.\n");
-        i = dump_spec_constant( fp, type, i );
+        i = dump_spec_constant( fp, type, i, oper );
         // Check that type actually matched
         assert( i != 0, "Non-constant operand lacks component list.");
       } // end if NULL
@@ -1414,7 +1459,7 @@
         while((comp = oper->_components.iter()) != NULL) {
           type = comp->base_type(_globalNames);
-          i = dump_spec_constant( fp, type, i );
+          i = dump_spec_constant( fp, type, i, NULL );
       // finish line (3)
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/block.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/block.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@
   _blocks[i] = b;
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+void Block_List::print() {
+  for (uint i=0; i < size(); i++) {
+    tty->print("B%d ", _blocks[i]->_pre_order);
+  }
+  tty->print("size = %d\n", size());
@@ -66,6 +74,12 @@
   // Check for Start block
   if( _pre_order == 1 ) return InteriorEntryAlignment;
   // Check for loop alignment
+  if (has_loop_alignment())  return loop_alignment();
+  return 1;                     // no particular alignment
+uint Block::compute_loop_alignment() {
   Node *h = head();
   if( h->is_Loop() && h->as_Loop()->is_inner_loop() )  {
     // Pre- and post-loops have low trip count so do not bother with
@@ -83,13 +97,15 @@
     return OptoLoopAlignment; // Otherwise align loop head
   return 1;                     // no particular alignment
 // Compute the size of first 'inst_cnt' instructions in this block.
 // Return the number of instructions left to compute if the block has
-// less then 'inst_cnt' instructions.
+// less then 'inst_cnt' instructions. Stop, and return 0 if sum_size
+// exceeds OptoLoopAlignment.
 uint Block::compute_first_inst_size(uint& sum_size, uint inst_cnt,
                                     PhaseRegAlloc* ra) {
   uint last_inst = _nodes.size();
@@ -307,6 +323,8 @@
     tty->print("\tLoop: B%d-B%d ", bhead->_pre_order, bx->_pre_order);
     // Dump any loop-specific bits, especially for CountedLoops.
+  } else if (has_loop_alignment()) {
+    tty->print(" top-of-loop");
   tty->print(" Freq: %g",_freq);
   if( Verbose || WizardMode ) {
@@ -509,9 +527,11 @@
   int branch_idx = b->_nodes.size() - b->_num_succs-1;
   if( branch_idx < 1 ) return false;
   Node *bra = b->_nodes[branch_idx];
-  if( bra->is_Catch() ) return true;
+  if( bra->is_Catch() )
+    return true;
   if( bra->is_Mach() ) {
-    if( bra->is_MachNullCheck() ) return true;
+    if( bra->is_MachNullCheck() )
+      return true;
     int iop = bra->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode();
     if( iop == Op_FastLock || iop == Op_FastUnlock )
       return true;
@@ -557,10 +577,10 @@
 // Helper function to move block bx to the slot following b_index. Return
 // true if the move is successful, otherwise false
-bool PhaseCFG::MoveToNext(Block* bx, uint b_index) {
+bool PhaseCFG::move_to_next(Block* bx, uint b_index) {
   if (bx == NULL) return false;
   // Return false if bx is already scheduled.
@@ -591,9 +611,9 @@
   return true;
 // Move empty and uncommon blocks to the end.
-void PhaseCFG::MoveToEnd(Block *b, uint i) {
+void PhaseCFG::move_to_end(Block *b, uint i) {
   int e = b->is_Empty();
   if (e != Block::not_empty) {
     if (e == Block::empty_with_goto) {
@@ -609,15 +629,31 @@
-// Remove empty basic blocks and useless branches.
-void PhaseCFG::RemoveEmpty() {
+// Set loop alignment for every block
+void PhaseCFG::set_loop_alignment() {
+  uint last = _num_blocks;
+  assert( _blocks[0] == _broot, "" );
+  for (uint i = 1; i < last; i++ ) {
+    Block *b = _blocks[i];
+    if (b->head()->is_Loop()) {
+      b->set_loop_alignment(b);
+    }
+  }
+// Make empty basic blocks to be "connector" blocks, Move uncommon blocks
+// to the end.
+void PhaseCFG::remove_empty() {
   // Move uncommon blocks to the end
   uint last = _num_blocks;
-  uint i;
   assert( _blocks[0] == _broot, "" );
-  for( i = 1; i < last; i++ ) {
+  for (uint i = 1; i < last; i++) {
     Block *b = _blocks[i];
+    if (b->is_connector()) break;
     // Check for NeverBranch at block end.  This needs to become a GOTO to the
     // true target.  NeverBranch are treated as a conditional branch that
@@ -629,37 +665,40 @@
     // Look for uncommon blocks and move to end.
-    if( b->is_uncommon(_bbs) ) {
-      MoveToEnd(b, i);
-      last--;                   // No longer check for being uncommon!
-      if( no_flip_branch(b) ) { // Fall-thru case must follow?
-        b = _blocks[i];         // Find the fall-thru block
-        MoveToEnd(b, i);
-        last--;
+    if (!C->do_freq_based_layout()) {
+      if( b->is_uncommon(_bbs) ) {
+        move_to_end(b, i);
+        last--;                   // No longer check for being uncommon!
+        if( no_flip_branch(b) ) { // Fall-thru case must follow?
+          b = _blocks[i];         // Find the fall-thru block
+          move_to_end(b, i);
+          last--;
+        }
+        i--;                      // backup block counter post-increment
-      i--;                      // backup block counter post-increment
-  // Remove empty blocks
-  uint j1;
+  // Move empty blocks to the end
   last = _num_blocks;
-  for( i=0; i < last; i++ ) {
+  for (uint i = 1; i < last; i++) {
     Block *b = _blocks[i];
-    if (i > 0) {
-      if (b->is_Empty() != Block::not_empty) {
-        MoveToEnd(b, i);
-        last--;
-        i--;
-      }
+    if (b->is_Empty() != Block::not_empty) {
+      move_to_end(b, i);
+      last--;
+      i--;
   } // End of for all blocks
+// Fix up the final control flow for basic blocks.
+void PhaseCFG::fixup_flow() {
   // Fixup final control flow for the blocks.  Remove jump-to-next
   // block.  If neither arm of a IF follows the conditional branch, we
   // have to add a second jump after the conditional.  We place the
   // TRUE branch target in succs[0] for both GOTOs and IFs.
-  for( i=0; i < _num_blocks; i++ ) {
+  for (uint i=0; i < _num_blocks; i++) {
     Block *b = _blocks[i];
     b->_pre_order = i;          // turn pre-order into block-index
@@ -700,7 +739,7 @@
       // Remove all CatchProjs
-      for (j1 = 0; j1 < b->_num_succs; j1++) b->_nodes.pop();
+      for (uint j1 = 0; j1 < b->_num_succs; j1++) b->_nodes.pop();
     } else if (b->_num_succs == 1) {
       // Block ends in a Goto?
@@ -730,8 +769,7 @@
       // successors after the current one, provided that the
       // successor was previously unscheduled, but moveable
       // (i.e., all paths to it involve a branch).
-      if( bnext != bs0 && bnext != bs1 ) {
+      if( !C->do_freq_based_layout() && bnext != bs0 && bnext != bs1 ) {
         // Choose the more common successor based on the probability
         // of the conditional branch.
         Block *bx = bs0;
@@ -751,9 +789,9 @@
         // Attempt the more common successor first
-        if (MoveToNext(bx, i)) {
+        if (move_to_next(bx, i)) {
           bnext = bx;
-        } else if (MoveToNext(by, i)) {
+        } else if (move_to_next(by, i)) {
           bnext = by;
@@ -774,10 +812,8 @@
         // Flip projection for each target
         { ProjNode *tmp = proj0; proj0 = proj1; proj1 = tmp; }
-      } else if( bnext == bs1 ) { // Fall-thru is already in succs[1]
-      } else {                  // Else need a double-branch
+      } else if( bnext != bs1 ) {
+        // Need a double-branch
         // The existing conditional branch need not change.
         // Add a unconditional branch to the false target.
         // Alas, it must appear in its own block and adding a
@@ -786,8 +822,9 @@
       // Make sure we TRUE branch to the target
-      if( proj0->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse )
+      if( proj0->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse ) {
+      }
       b->_nodes.pop();          // Remove IfFalse & IfTrue projections
@@ -796,9 +833,7 @@
       // Multi-exit block, e.g. a switch statement
       // But we don't need to do anything here
   } // End of for all blocks
@@ -905,7 +940,7 @@
   // Force the Union-Find mapping to be at least this large
   // Initialize to be the ID mapping.
-  for( uint i=0; i<_max; i++ ) map(i,i);
+  for( uint i=0; i<max; i++ ) map(i,i);
@@ -937,7 +972,6 @@
   if( idx >= _max ) return idx;
   uint next = lookup(idx);
   while( next != idx ) {        // Scan chain of equivalences
-    assert( next < idx, "always union smaller" );
     idx = next;                 // until find a fixed-point
     next = lookup(idx);
@@ -956,3 +990,491 @@
   assert( src < dst, "always union smaller" );
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+static void edge_dump(GrowableArray<CFGEdge *> *edges) {
+  tty->print_cr("---- Edges ----");
+  for (int i = 0; i < edges->length(); i++) {
+    CFGEdge *e = edges->at(i);
+    if (e != NULL) {
+      edges->at(i)->dump();
+    }
+  }
+static void trace_dump(Trace *traces[], int count) {
+  tty->print_cr("---- Traces ----");
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+    Trace *tr = traces[i];
+    if (tr != NULL) {
+      tr->dump();
+    }
+  }
+void Trace::dump( ) const {
+  tty->print_cr("Trace (freq %f)", first_block()->_freq);
+  for (Block *b = first_block(); b != NULL; b = next(b)) {
+    tty->print("  B%d", b->_pre_order);
+    if (b->head()->is_Loop()) {
+      tty->print(" (L%d)", b->compute_loop_alignment());
+    }
+    if (b->has_loop_alignment()) {
+      tty->print(" (T%d)", b->code_alignment());
+    }
+  }
+  tty->cr();
+void CFGEdge::dump( ) const {
+  tty->print(" B%d  -->  B%d  Freq: %f  out:%3d%%  in:%3d%%  State: ",
+             from()->_pre_order, to()->_pre_order, freq(), _from_pct, _to_pct);
+  switch(state()) {
+  case connected:
+    tty->print("connected");
+    break;
+  case open:
+    tty->print("open");
+    break;
+  case interior:
+    tty->print("interior");
+    break;
+  }
+  if (infrequent()) {
+    tty->print("  infrequent");
+  }
+  tty->cr();
+// Comparison function for edges
+static int edge_order(CFGEdge **e0, CFGEdge **e1) {
+  float freq0 = (*e0)->freq();
+  float freq1 = (*e1)->freq();
+  if (freq0 != freq1) {
+    return freq0 > freq1 ? -1 : 1;
+  }
+  int dist0 = (*e0)->to()->_rpo - (*e0)->from()->_rpo;
+  int dist1 = (*e1)->to()->_rpo - (*e1)->from()->_rpo;
+  return dist1 - dist0;
+// Comparison function for edges
+static int trace_frequency_order(const void *p0, const void *p1) {
+  Trace *tr0 = *(Trace **) p0;
+  Trace *tr1 = *(Trace **) p1;
+  Block *b0 = tr0->first_block();
+  Block *b1 = tr1->first_block();
+  // The trace of connector blocks goes at the end;
+  // we only expect one such trace
+  if (b0->is_connector() != b1->is_connector()) {
+    return b1->is_connector() ? -1 : 1;
+  }
+  // Pull more frequently executed blocks to the beginning
+  float freq0 = b0->_freq;
+  float freq1 = b1->_freq;
+  if (freq0 != freq1) {
+    return freq0 > freq1 ? -1 : 1;
+  }
+  int diff = tr0->first_block()->_rpo - tr1->first_block()->_rpo;
+  return diff;
+// Find edges of interest, i.e, those which can fall through. Presumes that
+// edges which don't fall through are of low frequency and can be generally
+// ignored.  Initialize the list of traces.
+void PhaseBlockLayout::find_edges()
+  // Walk the blocks, creating edges and Traces
+  uint i;
+  Trace *tr = NULL;
+  for (i = 0; i < _cfg._num_blocks; i++) {
+    Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
+    tr = new Trace(b, next, prev);
+    traces[tr->id()] = tr;
+    // All connector blocks should be at the end of the list
+    if (b->is_connector()) break;
+    // If this block and the next one have a one-to-one successor
+    // predecessor relationship, simply append the next block
+    int nfallthru = b->num_fall_throughs();
+    while (nfallthru == 1 &&
+           b->succ_fall_through(0)) {
+      Block *n = b->_succs[0];
+      // Skip over single-entry connector blocks, we don't want to
+      // add them to the trace.
+      while (n->is_connector() && n->num_preds() == 1) {
+        n = n->_succs[0];
+      }
+      // We see a merge point, so stop search for the next block
+      if (n->num_preds() != 1) break;
+      i++;
+      assert(n = _cfg._blocks[i], "expecting next block");
+      tr->append(n);
+      uf->map(n->_pre_order, tr->id());
+      traces[n->_pre_order] = NULL;
+      nfallthru = b->num_fall_throughs();
+      b = n;
+    }
+    if (nfallthru > 0) {
+      // Create a CFGEdge for each outgoing
+      // edge that could be a fall-through.
+      for (uint j = 0; j < b->_num_succs; j++ ) {
+        if (b->succ_fall_through(j)) {
+          Block *target = b->non_connector_successor(j);
+          float freq = b->_freq * b->succ_prob(j);
+          int from_pct = (int) ((100 * freq) / b->_freq);
+          int to_pct = (int) ((100 * freq) / target->_freq);
+          edges->append(new CFGEdge(b, target, freq, from_pct, to_pct));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Group connector blocks into one trace
+  for (i++; i < _cfg._num_blocks; i++) {
+    Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
+    assert(b->is_connector(), "connector blocks at the end");
+    tr->append(b);
+    uf->map(b->_pre_order, tr->id());
+    traces[b->_pre_order] = NULL;
+  }
+// Union two traces together in uf, and null out the trace in the list
+void PhaseBlockLayout::union_traces(Trace* updated_trace, Trace* old_trace)
+  uint old_id = old_trace->id();
+  uint updated_id = updated_trace->id();
+  uint lo_id = updated_id;
+  uint hi_id = old_id;
+  // If from is greater than to, swap values to meet
+  // UnionFind guarantee.
+  if (updated_id > old_id) {
+    lo_id = old_id;
+    hi_id = updated_id;
+    // Fix up the trace ids
+    traces[lo_id] = traces[updated_id];
+    updated_trace->set_id(lo_id);
+  }
+  // Union the lower with the higher and remove the pointer
+  // to the higher.
+  uf->Union(lo_id, hi_id);
+  traces[hi_id] = NULL;
+// Append traces together via the most frequently executed edges
+void PhaseBlockLayout::grow_traces()
+  // Order the edges, and drive the growth of Traces via the most
+  // frequently executed edges.
+  edges->sort(edge_order);
+  for (int i = 0; i < edges->length(); i++) {
+    CFGEdge *e = edges->at(i);
+    if (e->state() != CFGEdge::open) continue;
+    Block *src_block = e->from();
+    Block *targ_block = e->to();
+    // Don't grow traces along backedges?
+    if (!BlockLayoutRotateLoops) {
+      if (targ_block->_rpo <= src_block->_rpo) {
+        targ_block->set_loop_alignment(targ_block);
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    Trace *src_trace = trace(src_block);
+    Trace *targ_trace = trace(targ_block);
+    // If the edge in question can join two traces at their ends,
+    // append one trace to the other.
+   if (src_trace->last_block() == src_block) {
+      if (src_trace == targ_trace) {
+        e->set_state(CFGEdge::interior);
+        if (targ_trace->backedge(e)) {
+          // Reset i to catch any newly eligible edge
+          // (Or we could remember the first "open" edge, and reset there)
+          i = 0;
+        }
+      } else if (targ_trace->first_block() == targ_block) {
+        e->set_state(CFGEdge::connected);
+        src_trace->append(targ_trace);
+        union_traces(src_trace, targ_trace);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Embed one trace into another, if the fork or join points are sufficiently
+// balanced.
+void PhaseBlockLayout::merge_traces(bool fall_thru_only)
+  // Walk the edge list a another time, looking at unprocessed edges.
+  // Fold in diamonds
+  for (int i = 0; i < edges->length(); i++) {
+    CFGEdge *e = edges->at(i);
+    if (e->state() != CFGEdge::open) continue;
+    if (fall_thru_only) {
+      if (e->infrequent()) continue;
+    }
+    Block *src_block = e->from();
+    Trace *src_trace = trace(src_block);
+    bool src_at_tail = src_trace->last_block() == src_block;
+    Block *targ_block  = e->to();
+    Trace *targ_trace  = trace(targ_block);
+    bool targ_at_start = targ_trace->first_block() == targ_block;
+    if (src_trace == targ_trace) {
+      // This may be a loop, but we can't do much about it.
+      e->set_state(CFGEdge::interior);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (fall_thru_only) {
+      // If the edge links the middle of two traces, we can't do anything.
+      // Mark the edge and continue.
+      if (!src_at_tail & !targ_at_start) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Don't grow traces along backedges?
+      if (!BlockLayoutRotateLoops && (targ_block->_rpo <= src_block->_rpo)) {
+          continue;
+      }
+      // If both ends of the edge are available, why didn't we handle it earlier?
+      assert(src_at_tail ^ targ_at_start, "Should have caught this edge earlier.");
+      if (targ_at_start) {
+        // Insert the "targ" trace in the "src" trace if the insertion point
+        // is a two way branch.
+        // Better profitability check possible, but may not be worth it.
+        // Someday, see if the this "fork" has an associated "join";
+        // then make a policy on merging this trace at the fork or join.
+        // For example, other things being equal, it may be better to place this
+        // trace at the join point if the "src" trace ends in a two-way, but
+        // the insertion point is one-way.
+        assert(src_block->num_fall_throughs() == 2, "unexpected diamond");
+        e->set_state(CFGEdge::connected);
+        src_trace->insert_after(src_block, targ_trace);
+        union_traces(src_trace, targ_trace);
+      } else if (src_at_tail) {
+        if (src_trace != trace(_cfg._broot)) {
+          e->set_state(CFGEdge::connected);
+          targ_trace->insert_before(targ_block, src_trace);
+          union_traces(targ_trace, src_trace);
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (e->state() == CFGEdge::open) {
+      // Append traces, even without a fall-thru connection.
+      // But leave root entry at the begining of the block list.
+      if (targ_trace != trace(_cfg._broot)) {
+        e->set_state(CFGEdge::connected);
+        src_trace->append(targ_trace);
+        union_traces(src_trace, targ_trace);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Order the sequence of the traces in some desirable way, and fixup the
+// jumps at the end of each block.
+void PhaseBlockLayout::reorder_traces(int count)
+  ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
+  Trace ** new_traces = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(area, Trace *, count);
+  Block_List worklist;
+  int new_count = 0;
+  // Compact the traces.
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+    Trace *tr = traces[i];
+    if (tr != NULL) {
+      new_traces[new_count++] = tr;
+    }
+  }
+  // The entry block should be first on the new trace list.
+  Trace *tr = trace(_cfg._broot);
+  assert(tr == new_traces[0], "entry trace misplaced");
+  // Sort the new trace list by frequency
+  qsort(new_traces + 1, new_count - 1, sizeof(new_traces[0]), trace_frequency_order);
+  // Patch up the successor blocks
+  _cfg._blocks.reset();
+  _cfg._num_blocks = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < new_count; i++) {
+    Trace *tr = new_traces[i];
+    if (tr != NULL) {
+      tr->fixup_blocks(_cfg);
+    }
+  }
+// Order basic blocks based on frequency
+PhaseBlockLayout::PhaseBlockLayout(PhaseCFG &cfg) :
+  Phase(BlockLayout),
+  _cfg(cfg)
+  ResourceMark rm;
+  ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
+  // List of traces
+  int size = _cfg._num_blocks + 1;
+  traces = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(area, Trace *, size);
+  memset(traces, 0, size*sizeof(Trace*));
+  next = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(area, Block *, size);
+  memset(next,   0, size*sizeof(Block *));
+  prev = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(area, Block *, size);
+  memset(prev  , 0, size*sizeof(Block *));
+  // List of edges
+  edges = new GrowableArray<CFGEdge*>;
+  // Mapping block index --> block_trace
+  uf = new UnionFind(size);
+  uf->reset(size);
+  // Find edges and create traces.
+  find_edges();
+  // Grow traces at their ends via most frequent edges.
+  grow_traces();
+  // Merge one trace into another, but only at fall-through points.
+  // This may make diamonds and other related shapes in a trace.
+  merge_traces(true);
+  // Run merge again, allowing two traces to be catenated, even if
+  // one does not fall through into the other. This appends loosely
+  // related traces to be near each other.
+  merge_traces(false);
+  // Re-order all the remaining traces by frequency
+  reorder_traces(size);
+  assert(_cfg._num_blocks >= (uint) (size - 1), "number of blocks can not shrink");
+// Edge e completes a loop in a trace. If the target block is head of the
+// loop, rotate the loop block so that the loop ends in a conditional branch.
+bool Trace::backedge(CFGEdge *e) {
+  bool loop_rotated = false;
+  Block *src_block  = e->from();
+  Block *targ_block    = e->to();
+  assert(last_block() == src_block, "loop discovery at back branch");
+  if (first_block() == targ_block) {
+    if (BlockLayoutRotateLoops && last_block()->num_fall_throughs() < 2) {
+      // Find the last block in the trace that has a conditional
+      // branch.
+      Block *b;
+      for (b = last_block(); b != NULL; b = prev(b)) {
+        if (b->num_fall_throughs() == 2) {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (b != last_block() && b != NULL) {
+        loop_rotated = true;
+        // Rotate the loop by doing two-part linked-list surgery.
+        append(first_block());
+        break_loop_after(b);
+      }
+    }
+    // Backbranch to the top of a trace
+    // Scroll foward through the trace from the targ_block. If we find
+    // a loop head before another loop top, use the the loop head alignment.
+    for (Block *b = targ_block; b != NULL; b = next(b)) {
+      if (b->has_loop_alignment()) {
+        break;
+      }
+      if (b->head()->is_Loop()) {
+        targ_block = b;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    first_block()->set_loop_alignment(targ_block);
+  } else {
+    // Backbranch into the middle of a trace
+    targ_block->set_loop_alignment(targ_block);
+  }
+  return loop_rotated;
+// push blocks onto the CFG list
+// ensure that blocks have the correct two-way branch sense
+void Trace::fixup_blocks(PhaseCFG &cfg) {
+  Block *last = last_block();
+  for (Block *b = first_block(); b != NULL; b = next(b)) {
+    cfg._blocks.push(b);
+    cfg._num_blocks++;
+    if (!b->is_connector()) {
+      int nfallthru = b->num_fall_throughs();
+      if (b != last) {
+        if (nfallthru == 2) {
+          // Ensure that the sense of the branch is correct
+          Block *bnext = next(b);
+          Block *bs0 = b->non_connector_successor(0);
+          MachNode *iff = b->_nodes[b->_nodes.size()-3]->as_Mach();
+          ProjNode *proj0 = b->_nodes[b->_nodes.size()-2]->as_Proj();
+          ProjNode *proj1 = b->_nodes[b->_nodes.size()-1]->as_Proj();
+          if (bnext == bs0) {
+            // Fall-thru case in succs[0], should be in succs[1]
+            // Flip targets in _succs map
+            Block *tbs0 = b->_succs[0];
+            Block *tbs1 = b->_succs[1];
+            b-> 0, tbs1 );
+            b-> 1, tbs0 );
+            // Flip projections to match targets
+            b->>_nodes.size()-2, proj1);
+            b->>_nodes.size()-1, proj0);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/block.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/block.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
   void insert( uint i, Block *n );
   uint size() const { return _cnt; }
   void reset() { _cnt = 0; }
+  void print();
@@ -129,7 +130,11 @@
   uint _rpo;                    // Number in reverse post order walk
   virtual bool is_block() { return true; }
-  float succ_prob(uint i); // return probability of i'th successor
+  float succ_prob(uint i);      // return probability of i'th successor
+  int num_fall_throughs();      // How many fall-through candidate this block has
+  void update_uncommon_branch(Block* un); // Lower branch prob to uncommon code
+  bool succ_fall_through(uint i); // Is successor "i" is a fall-through candidate
+  Block* lone_fall_through();   // Return lone fall-through Block or null
   Block* dom_lca(Block* that);  // Compute LCA in dominator tree.
 #ifdef ASSERT
@@ -144,6 +149,7 @@
   // Report the alignment required by this block.  Must be a power of 2.
   // The previous block will insert nops to get this alignment.
   uint code_alignment();
+  uint compute_loop_alignment();
   // BLOCK_FREQUENCY is a sentinel to mark uses of constant block frequencies.
   // It is currently also used to scale such frequencies relative to
@@ -184,11 +190,12 @@
       int current_alignment = current_offset & max_pad;
       if( current_alignment != 0 ) {
         uint padding = (block_alignment-current_alignment) & max_pad;
-        if( !head()->is_Loop() ||
-            padding <= (uint)MaxLoopPad ||
-            first_inst_size() > padding ) {
-          return padding;
+        if( has_loop_alignment() &&
+            padding > (uint)MaxLoopPad &&
+            first_inst_size() <= padding ) {
+          return 0;
+        return padding;
     return 0;
@@ -202,6 +209,21 @@
   void set_connector() { _connector = true; }
   bool is_connector() const { return _connector; };
+  // Loop_alignment will be set for blocks which are at the top of loops.
+  // The block layout pass may rotate loops such that the loop head may not
+  // be the sequentially first block of the loop encountered in the linear
+  // list of blocks.  If the layout pass is not run, loop alignment is set
+  // for each block which is the head of a loop.
+  uint _loop_alignment;
+  void set_loop_alignment(Block *loop_top) {
+    uint new_alignment = loop_top->compute_loop_alignment();
+    if (new_alignment > _loop_alignment) {
+      _loop_alignment = new_alignment;
+    }
+  }
+  uint loop_alignment() const { return _loop_alignment; }
+  bool has_loop_alignment() const { return loop_alignment() > 0; }
   // Create a new Block with given head Node.
   // Creates the (empty) predecessor arrays.
   Block( Arena *a, Node *headnode )
@@ -219,7 +241,8 @@
-      _connector(false) {
+      _connector(false),
+      _loop_alignment(0) {
@@ -275,6 +298,16 @@
     return s;
+  // Return true if b is a successor of this block
+  bool has_successor(Block* b) const {
+    for (uint i = 0; i < _num_succs; i++ ) {
+      if (non_connector_successor(i) == b) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
   // Successor block, after forwarding through connectors
   Block* non_connector_successor(int i) const {
     return _succs[i]->non_connector();
@@ -319,7 +352,6 @@
   // I'll need a few machine-specific GotoNodes.  Clone from this one.
   MachNode *_goto;
-  void insert_goto_at(uint block_no, uint succ_no);
   Block* insert_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load, bool verify = false);
   void verify_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load) {
@@ -379,10 +411,15 @@
   // Compute the instruction global latency with a backwards walk
   void ComputeLatenciesBackwards(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &stack);
+  // Set loop alignment
+  void set_loop_alignment();
   // Remove empty basic blocks
-  void RemoveEmpty();
-  bool MoveToNext(Block* bx, uint b_index);
-  void MoveToEnd(Block* bx, uint b_index);
+  void remove_empty();
+  void fixup_flow();
+  bool move_to_next(Block* bx, uint b_index);
+  void move_to_end(Block* bx, uint b_index);
+  void insert_goto_at(uint block_no, uint succ_no);
   // Check for NeverBranch at block end.  This needs to become a GOTO to the
   // true target.  NeverBranch are treated as a conditional branch that always
@@ -413,7 +450,7 @@
 // Map Block indices to a block-index for a cfg-cover.
 // Array lookup in the optimized case.
 class UnionFind : public ResourceObj {
@@ -508,3 +545,166 @@
   void dump_tree() const;
+// A edge between two basic blocks that will be embodied by a branch or a
+// fall-through.
+class CFGEdge : public ResourceObj {
+ private:
+  Block * _from;        // Source basic block
+  Block * _to;          // Destination basic block
+  float _freq;          // Execution frequency (estimate)
+  int   _state;
+  bool  _infrequent;
+  int   _from_pct;
+  int   _to_pct;
+  // Private accessors
+  int  from_pct() const { return _from_pct; }
+  int  to_pct()   const { return _to_pct;   }
+  int  from_infrequent() const { return from_pct() < BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage; }
+  int  to_infrequent()   const { return to_pct()   < BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage; }
+ public:
+  enum {
+    open,               // initial edge state; unprocessed
+    connected,          // edge used to connect two traces together
+    interior            // edge is interior to trace (could be backedge)
+  };
+  CFGEdge(Block *from, Block *to, float freq, int from_pct, int to_pct) :
+    _from(from), _to(to), _freq(freq),
+    _from_pct(from_pct), _to_pct(to_pct), _state(open) {
+    _infrequent = from_infrequent() || to_infrequent();
+  }
+  float  freq() const { return _freq; }
+  Block* from() const { return _from; }
+  Block* to  () const { return _to;   }
+  int  infrequent() const { return _infrequent; }
+  int state() const { return _state; }
+  void set_state(int state) { _state = state; }
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  void dump( ) const;
+// An ordered list of basic blocks.
+class Trace : public ResourceObj {
+ private:
+  uint _id;             // Unique Trace id (derived from initial block)
+  Block ** _next_list;  // Array mapping index to next block
+  Block ** _prev_list;  // Array mapping index to previous block
+  Block * _first;       // First block in the trace
+  Block * _last;        // Last block in the trace
+  // Return the block that follows "b" in the trace.
+  Block * next(Block *b) const { return _next_list[b->_pre_order]; }
+  void set_next(Block *b, Block *n) const { _next_list[b->_pre_order] = n; }
+  // Return the block that preceeds "b" in the trace.
+  Block * prev(Block *b) const { return _prev_list[b->_pre_order]; }
+  void set_prev(Block *b, Block *p) const { _prev_list[b->_pre_order] = p; }
+  // We've discovered a loop in this trace. Reset last to be "b", and first as
+  // the block following "b
+  void break_loop_after(Block *b) {
+    _last = b;
+    _first = next(b);
+    set_prev(_first, NULL);
+    set_next(_last, NULL);
+  }
+ public:
+  Trace(Block *b, Block **next_list, Block **prev_list) :
+    _first(b),
+    _last(b),
+    _next_list(next_list),
+    _prev_list(prev_list),
+    _id(b->_pre_order) {
+    set_next(b, NULL);
+    set_prev(b, NULL);
+  };
+  // Return the id number
+  uint id() const { return _id; }
+  void set_id(uint id) { _id = id; }
+  // Return the first block in the trace
+  Block * first_block() const { return _first; }
+  // Return the last block in the trace
+  Block * last_block() const { return _last; }
+  // Insert a trace in the middle of this one after b
+  void insert_after(Block *b, Trace *tr) {
+    set_next(tr->last_block(), next(b));
+    if (next(b) != NULL) {
+      set_prev(next(b), tr->last_block());
+    }
+    set_next(b, tr->first_block());
+    set_prev(tr->first_block(), b);
+    if (b == _last) {
+      _last = tr->last_block();
+    }
+  }
+  void insert_before(Block *b, Trace *tr) {
+    Block *p = prev(b);
+    assert(p != NULL, "use append instead");
+    insert_after(p, tr);
+  }
+  // Append another trace to this one.
+  void append(Trace *tr) {
+    insert_after(_last, tr);
+  }
+  // Append a block at the end of this trace
+  void append(Block *b) {
+    set_next(_last, b);
+    set_prev(b, _last);
+    _last = b;
+  }
+  // Adjust the the blocks in this trace
+  void fixup_blocks(PhaseCFG &cfg);
+  bool backedge(CFGEdge *e);
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+  void dump( ) const;
+// Rearrange blocks into some canonical order, based on edges and their frequencies
+class PhaseBlockLayout : public Phase {
+  PhaseCFG &_cfg;               // Control flow graph
+  GrowableArray<CFGEdge *> *edges;
+  Trace **traces;
+  Block **next;
+  Block **prev;
+  UnionFind *uf;
+  // Given a block, find its encompassing Trace
+  Trace * trace(Block *b) {
+    return traces[uf->Find_compress(b->_pre_order)];
+  }
+ public:
+  PhaseBlockLayout(PhaseCFG &cfg);
+  void find_edges();
+  void grow_traces();
+  void merge_traces(bool loose_connections);
+  void reorder_traces(int count);
+  void union_traces(Trace* from, Trace* to);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -388,6 +388,9 @@
   product(intx, EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit, 64,                      \
           "Array size (number of elements) limit for scalar replacement")   \
+  product(bool, UseOptoBiasInlining, true,                                 \
+          "Generate biased locking code in C2 ideal graph")                 \
+                                                                            \
   product(intx, ValueSearchLimit, 1000,                                     \
           "Recursion limit in PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi")        \
@@ -396,5 +399,15 @@
   diagnostic(intx, DominatorSearchLimit, 1000,                              \
           "Iterations limit in Node::dominates")                            \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, BlockLayoutByFrequency, true,                               \
+          "Use edge frequencies to drive block ordering")                   \
+                                                                            \
+  product(intx, BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage, 20,                        \
+          "Miniumum %% of a successor (predecessor) for which block layout "\
+          "a will allow a fork (join) in a single chain")                   \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, BlockLayoutRotateLoops, false,                              \
+          "Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layour")    \
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -967,6 +967,7 @@
+bool SafePointScalarObjectNode::pinned() const { return true; }
 uint SafePointScalarObjectNode::ideal_reg() const {
   return 0; // No matching to machine instruction
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/callnode.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -433,6 +433,10 @@
   uint n_fields()    const { return _n_fields; }
   DEBUG_ONLY(AllocateNode* alloc() const { return _alloc; })
+  // SafePointScalarObject should be always pinned to the control edge
+  // of the SafePoint node for which it was generated.
+  virtual bool pinned() const; // { return true; }
   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }
   // Assumes that "this" is an argument to a safepoint node "s", and that
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/chaitin.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/chaitin.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -440,9 +440,7 @@
   assert((int)(_matcher._new_SP+_framesize) >= (int)_matcher._out_arg_limit, "framesize must be large enough");
   // This frame must preserve the required fp alignment
-  const int stack_alignment_in_words = Matcher::stack_alignment_in_slots();
-  if (stack_alignment_in_words > 0)
-    _framesize = round_to(_framesize, Matcher::stack_alignment_in_bytes());
+  _framesize = round_to(_framesize, Matcher::stack_alignment_in_slots());
   assert( _framesize >= 0 && _framesize <= 1000000, "sanity check" );
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   _total_framesize += _framesize;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
-    print_method("Before RemoveUseless");
+    print_method("Before RemoveUseless", 3);
     // Remove clutter produced by parsing.
     if (!failing()) {
@@ -822,6 +822,7 @@
   Copy::zero_to_bytes(_trap_hist, sizeof(_trap_hist));
+  set_do_freq_based_layout(BlockLayoutByFrequency || method_has_option("BlockLayoutByFrequency"));
   // Compilation level related initialization
   if (env()->comp_level() == CompLevel_fast_compile) {
@@ -1701,8 +1702,14 @@
   // are not adding any new instructions.  If any basic block is empty, we
   // can now safely remove it.
-    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("removeEmpty", &_t_removeEmptyBlocks, TimeCompiler); )
-    cfg.RemoveEmpty();
+    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("blockOrdering", &_t_blockOrdering, TimeCompiler); )
+    cfg.remove_empty();
+    if (do_freq_based_layout()) {
+      PhaseBlockLayout layout(cfg);
+    } else {
+      cfg.set_loop_alignment();
+    }
+    cfg.fixup_flow();
   // Perform any platform dependent postallocation verifications.
@@ -1994,6 +2001,7 @@
   case Op_StorePConditional:
   case Op_StoreI:
   case Op_StoreL:
+  case Op_StoreIConditional:
   case Op_StoreLConditional:
   case Op_CompareAndSwapI:
   case Op_CompareAndSwapL:
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
   uint                  _decompile_count;       // Cumulative decompilation counts.
   bool                  _do_inlining;           // True if we intend to do inlining
   bool                  _do_scheduling;         // True if we intend to do scheduling
+  bool                  _do_freq_based_layout;  // True if we intend to do frequency based block layout
   bool                  _do_count_invocations;  // True if we generate code to count invocations
   bool                  _do_method_data_update; // True if we generate code to update methodDataOops
   int                   _AliasLevel;            // Locally-adjusted version of AliasLevel flag.
@@ -307,6 +308,8 @@
   void          set_do_inlining(bool z)         { _do_inlining = z; }
   bool              do_scheduling() const       { return _do_scheduling; }
   void          set_do_scheduling(bool z)       { _do_scheduling = z; }
+  bool              do_freq_based_layout() const{ return _do_freq_based_layout; }
+  void          set_do_freq_based_layout(bool z){ _do_freq_based_layout = z; }
   bool              do_count_invocations() const{ return _do_count_invocations; }
   void          set_do_count_invocations(bool z){ _do_count_invocations = z; }
   bool              do_method_data_update() const { return _do_method_data_update; }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/gcm.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/gcm.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1319,11 +1319,33 @@
 // Estimate block frequencies based on IfNode probabilities.
 void PhaseCFG::Estimate_Block_Frequency() {
-  int cnts = C->method() ? C->method()->interpreter_invocation_count() : 1;
-  // Most of our algorithms will die horribly if frequency can become
-  // negative so make sure cnts is a sane value.
-  if( cnts <= 0 ) cnts = 1;
-  float f = (float)cnts/(float)FreqCountInvocations;
+  // Force conditional branches leading to uncommon traps to be unlikely,
+  // not because we get to the uncommon_trap with less relative frequency,
+  // but because an uncommon_trap typically causes a deopt, so we only get
+  // there once.
+  if (C->do_freq_based_layout()) {
+    Block_List worklist;
+    Block* root_blk = _blocks[0];
+    for (uint i = 1; i < root_blk->num_preds(); i++) {
+      Block *pb = _bbs[root_blk->pred(i)->_idx];
+      if (pb->has_uncommon_code()) {
+        worklist.push(pb);
+      }
+    }
+    while (worklist.size() > 0) {
+      Block* uct = worklist.pop();
+      if (uct == _broot) continue;
+      for (uint i = 1; i < uct->num_preds(); i++) {
+        Block *pb = _bbs[uct->pred(i)->_idx];
+        if (pb->_num_succs == 1) {
+          worklist.push(pb);
+        } else if (pb->num_fall_throughs() == 2) {
+          pb->update_uncommon_branch(uct);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // Create the loop tree and calculate loop depth.
   _root_loop = create_loop_tree();
@@ -1333,25 +1355,27 @@
   // Adjust all frequencies to be relative to a single method entry
-  _root_loop->_freq = f * 1.0;
+  _root_loop->_freq = 1.0;
   // force paths ending at uncommon traps to be infrequent
-  Block_List worklist;
-  Block* root_blk = _blocks[0];
-  for (uint i = 0; i < root_blk->num_preds(); i++) {
-    Block *pb = _bbs[root_blk->pred(i)->_idx];
-    if (pb->has_uncommon_code()) {
-      worklist.push(pb);
+  if (!C->do_freq_based_layout()) {
+    Block_List worklist;
+    Block* root_blk = _blocks[0];
+    for (uint i = 1; i < root_blk->num_preds(); i++) {
+      Block *pb = _bbs[root_blk->pred(i)->_idx];
+      if (pb->has_uncommon_code()) {
+        worklist.push(pb);
+      }
-  }
-  while (worklist.size() > 0) {
-    Block* uct = worklist.pop();
-    uct->_freq = PROB_MIN;
-    for (uint i = 0; i < uct->num_preds(); i++) {
-      Block *pb = _bbs[uct->pred(i)->_idx];
-      if (pb->_num_succs == 1 && pb->_freq > PROB_MIN) {
-        worklist.push(pb);
+    while (worklist.size() > 0) {
+      Block* uct = worklist.pop();
+      uct->_freq = PROB_MIN;
+      for (uint i = 1; i < uct->num_preds(); i++) {
+        Block *pb = _bbs[uct->pred(i)->_idx];
+        if (pb->_num_succs == 1 && pb->_freq > PROB_MIN) {
+          worklist.push(pb);
+        }
@@ -1556,22 +1580,6 @@
-#if 0
-  // Raise frequency of the loop backedge block, in an effort
-  // to keep it empty.  Skip the method level "loop".
-  if (_parent != NULL) {
-    CFGElement* s = - 1);
-    if (s->is_block()) {
-      Block* bk = s->as_Block();
-      if (bk->_num_succs == 1 && bk->_succs[0] == hd) {
-        // almost any value >= 1.0f works
-        // FIXME: raw constant
-        bk->_freq = 1.05f;
-      }
-    }
-  }
   // For all loops other than the outer, "method" loop,
   // sum and normalize the exit probability. The "method" loop
   // should keep the initial exit probability of 1, so that
@@ -1589,12 +1597,15 @@
     // the probability of exit per loop entry.
     for (int i = 0; i < _exits.length(); i++) {
       Block* et =;
-      float new_prob = / exits_sum;
+      float new_prob = 0.0f;
+      if ( > 0.0f) {
+        new_prob = / exits_sum;
+      }
       BlockProbPair bpp(et, new_prob);
       _exits.at_put(i, bpp);
-    // Save the total, but guard against unreasoable probability,
+    // Save the total, but guard against unreasonable probability,
     // as the value is used to estimate the loop trip count.
     // An infinite trip count would blur relative block
     // frequencies.
@@ -1688,6 +1699,137 @@
   return 0.0f;
+// Return the number of fall-through candidates for a block
+int Block::num_fall_throughs() {
+  int eidx = end_idx();
+  Node *n = _nodes[eidx];  // Get ending Node
+  int op = n->Opcode();
+  if (n->is_Mach()) {
+    if (n->is_MachNullCheck()) {
+      // In theory, either side can fall-thru, for simplicity sake,
+      // let's say only the false branch can now.
+      return 1;
+    }
+    op = n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode();
+  }
+  // Switch on branch type
+  switch( op ) {
+  case Op_CountedLoopEnd:
+  case Op_If:
+    return 2;
+  case Op_Root:
+  case Op_Goto:
+    return 1;
+  case Op_Catch: {
+    for (uint i = 0; i < _num_succs; i++) {
+      const CatchProjNode *ci = _nodes[i + eidx + 1]->as_CatchProj();
+      if (ci->_con == CatchProjNode::fall_through_index) {
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  case Op_Jump:
+  case Op_NeverBranch:
+  case Op_TailCall:
+  case Op_TailJump:
+  case Op_Return:
+  case Op_Halt:
+  case Op_Rethrow:
+    return 0;
+  default:
+    ShouldNotReachHere();
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Return true if a specific successor could be fall-through target.
+bool Block::succ_fall_through(uint i) {
+  int eidx = end_idx();
+  Node *n = _nodes[eidx];  // Get ending Node
+  int op = n->Opcode();
+  if (n->is_Mach()) {
+    if (n->is_MachNullCheck()) {
+      // In theory, either side can fall-thru, for simplicity sake,
+      // let's say only the false branch can now.
+      return _nodes[i + eidx + 1]->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse;
+    }
+    op = n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode();
+  }
+  // Switch on branch type
+  switch( op ) {
+  case Op_CountedLoopEnd:
+  case Op_If:
+  case Op_Root:
+  case Op_Goto:
+    return true;
+  case Op_Catch: {
+    const CatchProjNode *ci = _nodes[i + eidx + 1]->as_CatchProj();
+    return ci->_con == CatchProjNode::fall_through_index;
+  }
+  case Op_Jump:
+  case Op_NeverBranch:
+  case Op_TailCall:
+  case Op_TailJump:
+  case Op_Return:
+  case Op_Halt:
+  case Op_Rethrow:
+    return false;
+  default:
+    ShouldNotReachHere();
+  }
+  return false;
+// Update the probability of a two-branch to be uncommon
+void Block::update_uncommon_branch(Block* ub) {
+  int eidx = end_idx();
+  Node *n = _nodes[eidx];  // Get ending Node
+  int op = n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode();
+  assert(op == Op_CountedLoopEnd || op == Op_If, "must be a If");
+  assert(num_fall_throughs() == 2, "must be a two way branch block");
+  // Which successor is ub?
+  uint s;
+  for (s = 0; s <_num_succs; s++) {
+    if (_succs[s] == ub) break;
+  }
+  assert(s < 2, "uncommon successor must be found");
+  // If ub is the true path, make the proability small, else
+  // ub is the false path, and make the probability large
+  bool invert = (_nodes[s + eidx + 1]->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse);
+  // Get existing probability
+  float p = n->as_MachIf()->_prob;
+  if (invert) p = 1.0 - p;
+  if (p > PROB_MIN) {
+    p = PROB_MIN;
+  }
+  if (invert) p = 1.0 - p;
+  n->as_MachIf()->_prob = p;
 // Update the appropriate frequency associated with block 'b', a succesor of
 // a block in this loop.
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -3485,11 +3485,32 @@
   const TypePtr *adr_type = _gvn.type(adr)->is_ptr();
   int alias_idx = C->get_alias_index(adr_type);
-  Node *result = _gvn.transform(new (C, 5) StoreLConditionalNode(control(), memory(alias_idx), adr, newVal, oldVal));
-  Node *store_proj = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) SCMemProjNode(result));
+  Node *cas = _gvn.transform(new (C, 5) StoreLConditionalNode(control(), memory(alias_idx), adr, newVal, oldVal));
+  Node *store_proj = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) SCMemProjNode(cas));
   set_memory(store_proj, alias_idx);
-  push(result);
+  Node *bol = _gvn.transform( new (C, 2) BoolNode( cas, BoolTest::eq ) );
+  Node *result;
+  // CMove node is not used to be able fold a possible check code
+  // after attemptUpdate() call. This code could be transformed
+  // into CMove node by loop optimizations.
+  {
+    RegionNode *r = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    result = new (C, 3) PhiNode(r, TypeInt::BOOL);
+    Node *iff = create_and_xform_if(control(), bol, PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
+    Node *iftrue = opt_iff(r, iff);
+    r->init_req(1, iftrue);
+    result->init_req(1, intcon(1));
+    result->init_req(2, intcon(0));
+    set_control(_gvn.transform(r));
+    record_for_igvn(r);
+    C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
+  }
+  push(_gvn.transform(result));
   return true;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1519,6 +1519,7 @@
         Node *bol = iff->in(1);
         if( bol && bol->req() > 1 && bol->in(1) &&
             ((bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_StorePConditional ) ||
+             (bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_StoreIConditional ) ||
              (bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_StoreLConditional ) ||
              (bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CompareAndSwapI ) ||
              (bol->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CompareAndSwapL ) ||
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/macro.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/macro.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -82,16 +82,31 @@
-Node* PhaseMacroExpand::opt_iff(Node* region, Node* iff) {
-  IfNode *opt_iff = transform_later(iff)->as_If();
+Node* PhaseMacroExpand::opt_bits_test(Node* ctrl, Node* region, int edge, Node* word, int mask, int bits, bool return_fast_path) {
+  Node* cmp;
+  if (mask != 0) {
+    Node* and_node = transform_later(new (C, 3) AndXNode(word, MakeConX(mask)));
+    cmp = transform_later(new (C, 3) CmpXNode(and_node, MakeConX(bits)));
+  } else {
+    cmp = word;
+  }
+  Node* bol = transform_later(new (C, 2) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::ne));
+  IfNode* iff = new (C, 2) IfNode( ctrl, bol, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN );
+  transform_later(iff);
-  // Fast path taken; set region slot 2
-  Node *fast_taken = transform_later( new (C, 1) IfFalseNode(opt_iff) );
-  region->init_req(2,fast_taken); // Capture fast-control
+  // Fast path taken.
+  Node *fast_taken = transform_later( new (C, 1) IfFalseNode(iff) );
   // Fast path not-taken, i.e. slow path
-  Node *slow_taken = transform_later( new (C, 1) IfTrueNode(opt_iff) );
-  return slow_taken;
+  Node *slow_taken = transform_later( new (C, 1) IfTrueNode(iff) );
+  if (return_fast_path) {
+    region->init_req(edge, slow_taken); // Capture slow-control
+    return fast_taken;
+  } else {
+    region->init_req(edge, fast_taken); // Capture fast-control
+    return slow_taken;
+  }
@@ -854,7 +869,7 @@
 Node* PhaseMacroExpand::make_load(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* base, int offset, const Type* value_type, BasicType bt) {
   Node* adr = basic_plus_adr(base, offset);
-  const TypePtr* adr_type = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
+  const TypePtr* adr_type = adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr();
   Node* value = LoadNode::make(_igvn, ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, value_type, bt);
   return value;
@@ -1583,12 +1598,194 @@
   Node* flock = lock->fastlock_node();
   // Make the merge point
-  Node *region = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+  Node *region;
+  Node *mem_phi;
+  Node *slow_path;
+  if (UseOptoBiasInlining) {
+    /*
+     *  See the full descrition in MacroAssembler::biased_locking_enter().
+     *
+     *  if( (mark_word & biased_lock_mask) == biased_lock_pattern ) {
+     *    // The object is biased.
+     *    proto_node = klass->prototype_header;
+     *    o_node = thread | proto_node;
+     *    x_node = o_node ^ mark_word;
+     *    if( (x_node & ~age_mask) == 0 ) { // Biased to the current thread ?
+     *      // Done.
+     *    } else {
+     *      if( (x_node & biased_lock_mask) != 0 ) {
+     *        // The klass's prototype header is no longer biased.
+     *        cas(&mark_word, mark_word, proto_node)
+     *        goto cas_lock;
+     *      } else {
+     *        // The klass's prototype header is still biased.
+     *        if( (x_node & epoch_mask) != 0 ) { // Expired epoch?
+     *          old = mark_word;
+     *          new = o_node;
+     *        } else {
+     *          // Different thread or anonymous biased.
+     *          old = mark_word & (epoch_mask | age_mask | biased_lock_mask);
+     *          new = thread | old;
+     *        }
+     *        // Try to rebias.
+     *        if( cas(&mark_word, old, new) == 0 ) {
+     *          // Done.
+     *        } else {
+     *          goto slow_path; // Failed.
+     *        }
+     *      }
+     *    }
+     *  } else {
+     *    // The object is not biased.
+     *    cas_lock:
+     *    if( FastLock(obj) == 0 ) {
+     *      // Done.
+     *    } else {
+     *      slow_path:
+     *      OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_locking_Java(obj);
+     *    }
+     *  }
+     */
+    region  = new (C, 5) RegionNode(5);
+    // create a Phi for the memory state
+    mem_phi = new (C, 5) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+    Node* fast_lock_region  = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    Node* fast_lock_mem_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( fast_lock_region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+    // First, check mark word for the biased lock pattern.
+    Node* mark_node = make_load(ctrl, mem, obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), TypeX_X, TypeX_X->basic_type());
+    // Get fast path - mark word has the biased lock pattern.
+    ctrl = opt_bits_test(ctrl, fast_lock_region, 1, mark_node,
+                         markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place,
+                         markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern, true);
+    // fast_lock_region->in(1) is set to slow path.
+    fast_lock_mem_phi->init_req(1, mem);
+    // Now check that the lock is biased to the current thread and has
+    // the same epoch and bias as Klass::_prototype_header.
+    // Special-case a fresh allocation to avoid building nodes:
+    Node* klass_node = AllocateNode::Ideal_klass(obj, &_igvn);
+    if (klass_node == NULL) {
+      Node* k_adr = basic_plus_adr(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());
+      klass_node = transform_later( LoadKlassNode::make(_igvn, mem, k_adr, _igvn.type(k_adr)->is_ptr()) );
+      klass_node->init_req(0, ctrl);
+    }
+    Node *proto_node = make_load(ctrl, mem, klass_node, Klass::prototype_header_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(oopDesc), TypeX_X, TypeX_X->basic_type());
+    Node* thread = transform_later(new (C, 1) ThreadLocalNode());
+    Node* cast_thread = transform_later(new (C, 2) CastP2XNode(ctrl, thread));
+    Node* o_node = transform_later(new (C, 3) OrXNode(cast_thread, proto_node));
+    Node* x_node = transform_later(new (C, 3) XorXNode(o_node, mark_node));
+    // Get slow path - mark word does NOT match the value.
+    Node* not_biased_ctrl =  opt_bits_test(ctrl, region, 3, x_node,
+                                      (~markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place), 0);
+    // region->in(3) is set to fast path - the object is biased to the current thread.
+    mem_phi->init_req(3, mem);
+    // Mark word does NOT match the value (thread | Klass::_prototype_header).
-  Node *bol = transform_later(new (C, 2) BoolNode(flock,BoolTest::ne));
-  Node *iff = new (C, 2) IfNode( ctrl, bol, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN );
-  // Optimize test; set region slot 2
-  Node *slow_path = opt_iff(region,iff);
+    // First, check biased pattern.
+    // Get fast path - _prototype_header has the same biased lock pattern.
+    ctrl =  opt_bits_test(not_biased_ctrl, fast_lock_region, 2, x_node,
+                          markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place, 0, true);
+    not_biased_ctrl = fast_lock_region->in(2); // Slow path
+    // fast_lock_region->in(2) - the prototype header is no longer biased
+    // and we have to revoke the bias on this object.
+    // We are going to try to reset the mark of this object to the prototype
+    // value and fall through to the CAS-based locking scheme.
+    Node* adr = basic_plus_adr(obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
+    Node* cas = new (C, 5) StoreXConditionalNode(not_biased_ctrl, mem, adr,
+                                                 proto_node, mark_node);
+    transform_later(cas);
+    Node* proj = transform_later( new (C, 1) SCMemProjNode(cas));
+    fast_lock_mem_phi->init_req(2, proj);
+    // Second, check epoch bits.
+    Node* rebiased_region  = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    Node* old_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( rebiased_region, TypeX_X);
+    Node* new_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( rebiased_region, TypeX_X);
+    // Get slow path - mark word does NOT match epoch bits.
+    Node* epoch_ctrl =  opt_bits_test(ctrl, rebiased_region, 1, x_node,
+                                      markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place, 0);
+    // The epoch of the current bias is not valid, attempt to rebias the object
+    // toward the current thread.
+    rebiased_region->init_req(2, epoch_ctrl);
+    old_phi->init_req(2, mark_node);
+    new_phi->init_req(2, o_node);
+    // rebiased_region->in(1) is set to fast path.
+    // The epoch of the current bias is still valid but we know
+    // nothing about the owner; it might be set or it might be clear.
+    Node* cmask   = MakeConX(markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place |
+                             markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place |
+                             markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place);
+    Node* old = transform_later(new (C, 3) AndXNode(mark_node, cmask));
+    cast_thread = transform_later(new (C, 2) CastP2XNode(ctrl, thread));
+    Node* new_mark = transform_later(new (C, 3) OrXNode(cast_thread, old));
+    old_phi->init_req(1, old);
+    new_phi->init_req(1, new_mark);
+    transform_later(rebiased_region);
+    transform_later(old_phi);
+    transform_later(new_phi);
+    // Try to acquire the bias of the object using an atomic operation.
+    // If this fails we will go in to the runtime to revoke the object's bias.
+    cas = new (C, 5) StoreXConditionalNode(rebiased_region, mem, adr,
+                                           new_phi, old_phi);
+    transform_later(cas);
+    proj = transform_later( new (C, 1) SCMemProjNode(cas));
+    // Get slow path - Failed to CAS.
+    not_biased_ctrl = opt_bits_test(rebiased_region, region, 4, cas, 0, 0);
+    mem_phi->init_req(4, proj);
+    // region->in(4) is set to fast path - the object is rebiased to the current thread.
+    // Failed to CAS.
+    slow_path  = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    Node *slow_mem = new (C, 3) PhiNode( slow_path, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+    slow_path->init_req(1, not_biased_ctrl); // Capture slow-control
+    slow_mem->init_req(1, proj);
+    // Call CAS-based locking scheme (FastLock node).
+    transform_later(fast_lock_region);
+    transform_later(fast_lock_mem_phi);
+    // Get slow path - FastLock failed to lock the object.
+    ctrl = opt_bits_test(fast_lock_region, region, 2, flock, 0, 0);
+    mem_phi->init_req(2, fast_lock_mem_phi);
+    // region->in(2) is set to fast path - the object is locked to the current thread.
+    slow_path->init_req(2, ctrl); // Capture slow-control
+    slow_mem->init_req(2, fast_lock_mem_phi);
+    transform_later(slow_path);
+    transform_later(slow_mem);
+    // Reset lock's memory edge.
+    lock->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, slow_mem);
+  } else {
+    region  = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    // create a Phi for the memory state
+    mem_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+    // Optimize test; set region slot 2
+    slow_path = opt_bits_test(ctrl, region, 2, flock, 0, 0);
+    mem_phi->init_req(2, mem);
+  }
   // Make slow path call
   CallNode *call = make_slow_call( (CallNode *) lock, OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_enter_Type(), OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_locking_Java(), NULL, slow_path, obj, box );
@@ -1614,16 +1811,11 @@
   _igvn.subsume_node(_fallthroughproj, region);
-  // create a Phi for the memory state
-  Node *mem_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
-  Node *memproj = transform_later( new (C, 1) ProjNode(call, TypeFunc::Memory) );
+  Node *memproj = transform_later( new(C, 1) ProjNode(call, TypeFunc::Memory) );
   mem_phi->init_req(1, memproj );
-  mem_phi->init_req(2, mem);
-    _igvn.hash_delete(_memproj_fallthrough);
+  _igvn.hash_delete(_memproj_fallthrough);
   _igvn.subsume_node(_memproj_fallthrough, mem_phi);
@@ -1637,14 +1829,31 @@
   // No need for a null check on unlock
   // Make the merge point
-  RegionNode *region = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+  Node *region;
+  Node *mem_phi;
+  if (UseOptoBiasInlining) {
+    // Check for biased locking unlock case, which is a no-op.
+    // See the full descrition in MacroAssembler::biased_locking_exit().
+    region  = new (C, 4) RegionNode(4);
+    // create a Phi for the memory state
+    mem_phi = new (C, 4) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+    mem_phi->init_req(3, mem);
+    Node* mark_node = make_load(ctrl, mem, obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), TypeX_X, TypeX_X->basic_type());
+    ctrl = opt_bits_test(ctrl, region, 3, mark_node,
+                         markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place,
+                         markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern);
+  } else {
+    region  = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
+    // create a Phi for the memory state
+    mem_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
+  }
   FastUnlockNode *funlock = new (C, 3) FastUnlockNode( ctrl, obj, box );
   funlock = transform_later( funlock )->as_FastUnlock();
-  Node *bol = transform_later(new (C, 2) BoolNode(funlock,BoolTest::ne));
-  Node *iff = new (C, 2) IfNode( ctrl, bol, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN );
   // Optimize test; set region slot 2
-  Node *slow_path = opt_iff(region,iff);
+  Node *slow_path = opt_bits_test(ctrl, region, 2, funlock, 0, 0);
   CallNode *call = make_slow_call( (CallNode *) unlock, OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_exit_Type(), CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::complete_monitor_unlocking_C), "complete_monitor_unlocking_C", slow_path, obj, box );
@@ -1666,16 +1875,12 @@
   _igvn.subsume_node(_fallthroughproj, region);
-  // create a Phi for the memory state
-  Node *mem_phi = new (C, 3) PhiNode( region, Type::MEMORY, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
   Node *memproj = transform_later( new(C, 1) ProjNode(call, TypeFunc::Memory) );
   mem_phi->init_req(1, memproj );
   mem_phi->init_req(2, mem);
-    _igvn.hash_delete(_memproj_fallthrough);
+  _igvn.hash_delete(_memproj_fallthrough);
   _igvn.subsume_node(_memproj_fallthrough, mem_phi);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/macro.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/macro.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   int replace_input(Node *use, Node *oldref, Node *newref);
   void copy_call_debug_info(CallNode *oldcall, CallNode * newcall);
-  Node* opt_iff(Node* region, Node* iff);
+  Node* opt_bits_test(Node* ctrl, Node* region, int edge, Node* word, int mask, int bits, bool return_fast_path = false);
   void copy_predefined_input_for_runtime_call(Node * ctrl, CallNode* oldcall, CallNode* call);
   CallNode* make_slow_call(CallNode *oldcall, const TypeFunc* slow_call_type, address slow_call,
                        const char* leaf_name, Node* slow_path, Node* parm0, Node* parm1);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1951,6 +1951,7 @@
       // Now hack a few special opcodes
       switch( n->Opcode() ) {       // Handle some opcodes special
       case Op_StorePConditional:
+      case Op_StoreIConditional:
       case Op_StoreLConditional:
       case Op_CompareAndSwapI:
       case Op_CompareAndSwapL:
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/matcher.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
   virtual int      regnum_to_fpu_offset(int regnum);
   // Is this branch offset small enough to be addressed by a short branch?
-  bool is_short_branch_offset(int offset);
+  bool is_short_branch_offset(int rule, int offset);
   // Optional scaling for the parameter to the ClearArray/CopyArray node.
   static const bool init_array_count_is_in_bytes;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -227,6 +227,14 @@
   const Type *t_adr = phase->type( address );
   if( t_adr == Type::TOP )              return NodeSentinel; // caller will return NULL
+  PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
+  if( can_reshape && igvn != NULL && igvn->_worklist.member(address) ) {
+    // The address's base and type may change when the address is processed.
+    // Delay this mem node transformation until the address is processed.
+    phase->is_IterGVN()->_worklist.push(this);
+    return NodeSentinel; // caller will return NULL
+  }
   // Avoid independent memory operations
   Node* old_mem = mem;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/memnode.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -632,6 +632,17 @@
   virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegFlags; }
+// Conditionally store int to memory, if no change since prior
+// load-locked.  Sets flags for success or failure of the store.
+class StoreIConditionalNode : public LoadStoreNode {
+  StoreIConditionalNode( Node *c, Node *mem, Node *adr, Node *val, Node *ii ) : LoadStoreNode(c, mem, adr, val, ii) { }
+  virtual int Opcode() const;
+  // Produces flags
+  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegFlags; }
 // Conditionally store long to memory, if no change since prior
 // load-locked.  Sets flags for success or failure of the store.
@@ -639,6 +650,8 @@
   StoreLConditionalNode( Node *c, Node *mem, Node *adr, Node *val, Node *ll ) : LoadStoreNode(c, mem, adr, val, ll) { }
   virtual int Opcode() const;
+  // Produces flags
+  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegFlags; }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/output.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
-// Compute the size of first NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign instructions at head
+// Compute the size of first NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign instructions at the top
 // of a loop. When aligning a loop we need to provide enough instructions
 // in cpu's fetch buffer to feed decoders. The loop alignment could be
 // avoided if we have enough instructions in fetch buffer at the head of a loop.
@@ -284,34 +284,23 @@
     for( uint i=1; i <= last_block; i++ ) {
       Block *b = _cfg->_blocks[i];
       // Check the first loop's block which requires an alignment.
-      if( b->head()->is_Loop() &&
-          b->code_alignment() > (uint)relocInfo::addr_unit() ) {
+      if( b->loop_alignment() > (uint)relocInfo::addr_unit() ) {
         uint sum_size = 0;
         uint inst_cnt = NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign;
-        inst_cnt = b->compute_first_inst_size(sum_size, inst_cnt,
-                                              _regalloc);
-        // Check the next fallthrough block if first loop's block does not have
-        // enough instructions.
-        if( inst_cnt > 0 && i < last_block ) {
-          // First, check if the first loop's block contains whole loop.
-          // LoopNode::LoopBackControl == 2.
-          Block *bx = _cfg->_bbs[b->pred(2)->_idx];
-          // Skip connector blocks (with limit in case of irreducible loops).
-          int search_limit = 16;
-          while( bx->is_connector() && search_limit-- > 0) {
-            bx = _cfg->_bbs[bx->pred(1)->_idx];
-          }
-          if( bx != b ) { // loop body is in several blocks.
-            Block *nb = NULL;
-            while( inst_cnt > 0 && i < last_block && nb != bx &&
-                  !_cfg->_blocks[i+1]->head()->is_Loop() ) {
-              i++;
-              nb = _cfg->_blocks[i];
-              inst_cnt  = nb->compute_first_inst_size(sum_size, inst_cnt,
-                                                      _regalloc);
-            } // while( inst_cnt > 0 && i < last_block  )
-          } // if( bx != b )
-        } // if( inst_cnt > 0 && i < last_block )
+        inst_cnt = b->compute_first_inst_size(sum_size, inst_cnt, _regalloc);
+        // Check subsequent fallthrough blocks if the loop's first
+        // block(s) does not have enough instructions.
+        Block *nb = b;
+        while( inst_cnt > 0 &&
+               i < last_block &&
+               !_cfg->_blocks[i+1]->has_loop_alignment() &&
+               !nb->has_successor(b) ) {
+          i++;
+          nb = _cfg->_blocks[i];
+          inst_cnt  = nb->compute_first_inst_size(sum_size, inst_cnt, _regalloc);
+        } // while( inst_cnt > 0 && i < last_block  )
       } // f( b->head()->is_Loop() )
     } // for( i <= last_block )
@@ -332,6 +321,7 @@
   uint *jmp_end    = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks);
   uint *blk_starts = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks+1);
   DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_target = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks); )
+  DEBUG_ONLY( uint *jmp_rule = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint,_cfg->_num_blocks); )
   blk_starts[0]    = 0;
   // Initialize the sizes to 0
@@ -443,9 +433,9 @@
         uintptr_t target = blk_starts[bnum];
         if( mach->is_pc_relative() ) {
           int offset = target-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i]);
-          if (_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(offset)) {
+          if (_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(mach->rule(), offset)) {
             // We've got a winner.  Replace this branch.
-            MachNode *replacement = mach->short_branch_version(this);
+            MachNode* replacement = mach->short_branch_version(this);
             b->, replacement);
@@ -453,6 +443,7 @@
             // next pass.
             jmp_end[i] -= (mach->size(_regalloc) - replacement->size(_regalloc));
             DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_target[i] = bnum; );
+            DEBUG_ONLY( jmp_rule[i] = mach->rule(); );
         } else {
 #ifndef PRODUCT
@@ -510,7 +501,7 @@
       // Get the size of the block
       uint blk_size = adr - blk_starts[i];
-      // When the next block starts a loop, we may insert pad NOP
+      // When the next block is the top of a loop, we may insert pad NOP
       // instructions.
       Block *nb = _cfg->_blocks[i+1];
       int current_offset = blk_starts[i] + blk_size;
@@ -524,10 +515,10 @@
   for( i=0; i<_cfg->_num_blocks; i++ ) { // For all blocks
     if( jmp_target[i] != 0 ) {
       int offset = blk_starts[jmp_target[i]]-(blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i]);
-      if (!_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(offset)) {
+      if (!_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], offset)) {
         tty->print_cr("target (%d) - jmp_end(%d) = offset (%d), jmp_block B%d, target_block B%d", blk_starts[jmp_target[i]], blk_starts[i] + jmp_end[i], offset, i, jmp_target[i]);
-      assert(_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(offset), "Displacement too large for short jmp");
+      assert(_matcher->is_short_branch_offset(jmp_rule[i], offset), "Displacement too large for short jmp");
@@ -1069,7 +1060,7 @@
   // If this machine supports different size branch offsets, then pre-compute
   // the length of the blocks
-  if( _matcher->is_short_branch_offset(0) ) {
+  if( _matcher->is_short_branch_offset(-1, 0) ) {
     Shorten_branches(blk_labels, code_req, locs_req, stub_req, const_req);
     labels_not_set = false;
@@ -1380,8 +1371,8 @@
     } // End for all instructions in block
-    // If the next block _starts_ a loop, pad this block out to align
-    // the loop start a little. Helps prevent pipe stalls at loop starts
+    // If the next block is the top of a loop, pad this block out to align
+    // the loop top a little. Helps prevent pipe stalls at loop back branches.
     int nop_size = (new (this) MachNopNode())->size(_regalloc);
     if( i<_cfg->_num_blocks-1 ) {
       Block *nb = _cfg->_blocks[i+1];
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 #ifndef PRODUCT
 elapsedTimer Phase::_t_graphReshaping;
 elapsedTimer Phase::_t_scheduler;
-elapsedTimer Phase::_t_removeEmptyBlocks;
+elapsedTimer Phase::_t_blockOrdering;
 elapsedTimer Phase::_t_macroExpand;
 elapsedTimer Phase::_t_peephole;
 elapsedTimer Phase::_t_codeGeneration;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     tty->print_cr ("      subtotal     : %3.3f sec,  %3.2f %%", regalloc_subtotal, percent_of_regalloc);
   tty->print_cr ("    macroExpand  : %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_macroExpand.seconds());
-  tty->print_cr ("    removeEmpty  : %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_removeEmptyBlocks.seconds());
+  tty->print_cr ("    blockOrdering: %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_blockOrdering.seconds());
   tty->print_cr ("    peephole     : %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_peephole.seconds());
   tty->print_cr ("    codeGen      : %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_codeGeneration.seconds());
   tty->print_cr ("    install_code : %3.3f sec", Phase::_t_registerMethod.seconds());
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     (DoEscapeAnalysis ? Phase::_t_escapeAnalysis.seconds() : 0.0) +
     Phase::_t_optimizer.seconds() + Phase::_t_graphReshaping.seconds() +
     Phase::_t_matcher.seconds() + Phase::_t_scheduler.seconds() +
-    Phase::_t_registerAllocation.seconds() + Phase::_t_removeEmptyBlocks.seconds() +
+    Phase::_t_registerAllocation.seconds() + Phase::_t_blockOrdering.seconds() +
     Phase::_t_macroExpand.seconds() + Phase::_t_peephole.seconds() +
     Phase::_t_codeGeneration.seconds() + Phase::_t_registerMethod.seconds();
   double percent_of_method_compile = ((phase_subtotal == 0.0) ? 0.0 : phase_subtotal / Phase::_t_methodCompilation.seconds()) * 100.0;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -40,16 +40,12 @@
     Optimistic,                 // Optimistic analysis phase
     GVN,                        // Pessimistic global value numbering phase
     Ins_Select,                 // Instruction selection phase
-    Copy_Elimination,           // Copy Elimination
-    Dead_Code_Elimination,      // DCE and compress Nodes
-    Conditional_Constant,       // Conditional Constant Propagation
     CFG,                        // Build a CFG
-    DefUse,                     // Build Def->Use chains
+    BlockLayout,                // Linear ordering of blocks
     Register_Allocation,        // Register allocation, duh
     LIVE,                       // Dragon-book LIVE range problem
     Interference_Graph,         // Building the IFG
     Coalesce,                   // Coalescing copies
-    Conditional_CProp,          // Conditional Constant Propagation
     Ideal_Loop,                 // Find idealized trip-counted loops
     Macro_Expand,               // Expand macro nodes
     Peephole,                   // Apply peephole optimizations
@@ -80,7 +76,7 @@
 #ifndef PRODUCT
   static elapsedTimer _t_graphReshaping;
   static elapsedTimer _t_scheduler;
-  static elapsedTimer _t_removeEmptyBlocks;
+  static elapsedTimer _t_blockOrdering;
   static elapsedTimer _t_macroExpand;
   static elapsedTimer _t_peephole;
   static elapsedTimer _t_codeGeneration;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/reg_split.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/reg_split.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
   // Bail rather than abort
   int ireg = def->ideal_reg();
   if( ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags ) {
+    assert(false, "attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
     C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
     return NULL;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -3541,7 +3541,7 @@
 #ifndef PRODUCT
 void TypeNarrowOop::dump2( Dict & d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const {
-  tty->print("narrowoop: ");
+  st->print("narrowoop: ");
   _ooptype->dump2(d, depth, st);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.hpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.hpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1183,6 +1183,9 @@
 #define RShiftXNode  RShiftLNode
 // For card marks and hashcodes
 #define URShiftXNode URShiftLNode
+// UseOptoBiasInlining
+#define XorXNode     XorLNode
+#define StoreXConditionalNode StoreLConditionalNode
 // Opcodes
 #define Op_LShiftX   Op_LShiftL
 #define Op_AndX      Op_AndL
@@ -1222,6 +1225,9 @@
 #define RShiftXNode  RShiftINode
 // For card marks and hashcodes
 #define URShiftXNode URShiftINode
+// UseOptoBiasInlining
+#define XorXNode     XorINode
+#define StoreXConditionalNode StoreIConditionalNode
 // Opcodes
 #define Op_LShiftX   Op_LShiftI
 #define Op_AndX      Op_AndI
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -1365,6 +1365,9 @@
   if (AggressiveOpts && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(SpecialArraysEquals)) {
     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(SpecialArraysEquals, true);
+  if (AggressiveOpts && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(BiasedLockingStartupDelay)) {
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(BiasedLockingStartupDelay, 500);
+  }
   if (AggressiveOpts) {
@@ -2625,6 +2628,12 @@
   FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBiasedLocking, false);
 #endif /* CC_INTERP */
+#ifdef COMPILER2
+  if (!UseBiasedLocking || EmitSync != 0) {
+    UseOptoBiasInlining = false;
+  }
   if (PrintCommandLineFlags) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/frame.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/frame.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@
     intptr_t* src = (intptr_t*) location(r);
     if (src != NULL) {
-      r->print();
-      tty->print(" [" INTPTR_FORMAT "] = ", src);
+      r->print_on(st);
+      st->print(" [" INTPTR_FORMAT "] = ", src);
       if (((uintptr_t)src & (sizeof(*src)-1)) != 0) {
-        tty->print_cr("<misaligned>");
+        st->print_cr("<misaligned>");
       } else {
-        tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT, *src);
+        st->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT, *src);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/vmError.cpp	Fri Nov 07 11:03:32 2008 -0500
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/vmError.cpp	Wed Nov 12 11:23:13 2008 -0500
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
          st->print("# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: ");
          if (_size) {
            st->print("requested ");
-           sprintf(buf,"%d",_size);
+           sprintf(buf,SIZE_FORMAT,_size);
            st->print(" bytes");
            if (_message != NULL) {