Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:48:13 -0400
changeset 52352 0c25fa66b5c5
parent 52351 0ecb4e520110 (current diff)
parent 52350 9e3fd0cc3936 (diff)
child 52353 896e80158d35
child 52358 c42cd17e8e64
--- a/doc/testing.html	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/doc/testing.html	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
 <nav id="TOC">
-<li><a href="#using-the-run-test-framework">Using the run-test framework</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#using-make-test-the-run-test-framework">Using &quot;make test&quot; (the run-test framework)</a><ul>
 <li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li>
 <li><a href="#test-selection">Test selection</a><ul>
 <li><a href="#jtreg">JTReg</a></li>
 <li><a href="#gtest">Gtest</a></li>
+<li><a href="#special-tests">Special tests</a></li>
 <li><a href="#test-results-and-summary">Test results and summary</a></li>
 <li><a href="#test-suite-control">Test suite control</a><ul>
@@ -32,22 +33,23 @@
-<h2 id="using-the-run-test-framework">Using the run-test framework</h2>
+<h2 id="using-make-test-the-run-test-framework">Using &quot;make test&quot; (the run-test framework)</h2>
 <p>This new way of running tests is developer-centric. It assumes that you have built a JDK locally and want to test it. Running common test targets is simple, and more complex ad-hoc combination of tests is possible. The user interface is forgiving, and clearly report errors it cannot resolve.</p>
-<p>The main target &quot;run-test&quot; uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is also an alternate target &quot;exploded-run-test&quot; that uses the exploded image instead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but using this target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.</p>
+<p>The main target <code>test</code> uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is also an alternate target <code>exploded-test</code> that uses the exploded image instead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but using this target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.</p>
+<p>Previously, <code>make test</code> was used invoke an old system for running test, and <code>make run-test</code> was used for the new test framework. For backward compatibility with scripts and muscle memory, <code>run-test</code> (and variants like <code>exploded-run-test</code> or <code>run-test-tier1</code>) are kept as aliases. The old system can still be accessed for some time using <code>cd test &amp;&amp; make</code>.</p>
 <p>Some example command-lines:</p>
-<pre><code>$ make run-test-tier1
-$ make run-test-jdk_lang JTREG=&quot;JOBS=8&quot;
-$ make run-test TEST=jdk_lang
-$ make run-test-only TEST=&quot;gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions&quot; GTEST=&quot;REPEAT=-1&quot;
-$ make run-test TEST=&quot;hotspot:hotspot_gc&quot; JTREG=&quot;JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug&quot;
-$ make run-test TEST=&quot;jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/;
-$ make exploded-run-test TEST=tier2</code></pre>
+<pre><code>$ make test-tier1
+$ make test-jdk_lang JTREG=&quot;JOBS=8&quot;
+$ make test TEST=jdk_lang
+$ make test-only TEST=&quot;gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions&quot; GTEST=&quot;REPEAT=-1&quot;
+$ make test TEST=&quot;hotspot:hotspot_gc&quot; JTREG=&quot;JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug&quot;
+$ make test TEST=&quot;jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/;
+$ make exploded-test TEST=tier2</code></pre>
 <h3 id="configuration">Configuration</h3>
 <p>To be able to run JTReg tests, <code>configure</code> needs to know where to find the JTReg test framework. If it is not picked up automatically by configure, use the <code>--with-jtreg=&lt;path to jtreg home&gt;</code> option to point to the JTReg framework. Note that this option should point to the JTReg home, i.e. the top directory, containing <code>lib/jtreg.jar</code> etc. (An alternative is to set the <code>JT_HOME</code> environment variable to point to the JTReg home before running <code>configure</code>.)</p>
 <h2 id="test-selection">Test selection</h2>
-<p>All functionality is available using the run-test make target. In this use case, the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the <code>TEST</code> variable. To speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, run-test-only can be used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.</p>
-<p>For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. This includes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (if present). This means that <code>make run-test-tier1</code> is equivalent to <code>make run-test TEST=&quot;tier1&quot;</code>, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complex test runs, the <code>run-test TEST=&quot;x&quot;</code> solution needs to be used.</p>
+<p>All functionality is available using the <code>test</code> make target. In this use case, the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the <code>TEST</code> variable. To speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, <code>test-only</code> can be used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.</p>
+<p>For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. This includes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (if present). This means that <code>make test-tier1</code> is equivalent to <code>make test TEST=&quot;tier1&quot;</code>, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complex test runs, the <code>test TEST=&quot;x&quot;</code> solution needs to be used.</p>
 <p>The test specifications given in <code>TEST</code> is parsed into fully qualified test descriptors, which clearly and unambigously show which tests will be run. As an example, <code>:tier1</code> will expand to <code>jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jdk:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/langtools:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/nashorn:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jaxp:tier1</code>. You can always submit a list of fully qualified test descriptors in the <code>TEST</code> variable if you want to shortcut the parser.</p>
 <h3 id="jtreg">JTReg</h3>
 <p>JTReg tests can be selected either by picking a JTReg test group, or a selection of files or directories containing JTReg tests.</p>
@@ -59,6 +61,14 @@
 <p>Since the Hotspot Gtest suite is so quick, the default is to run all tests. This is specified by just <code>gtest</code>, or as a fully qualified test descriptor <code>gtest:all</code>.</p>
 <p>If you want, you can single out an individual test or a group of tests, for instance <code>gtest:LogDecorations</code> or <code>gtest:LogDecorations.level_test_vm</code>. This can be particularly useful if you want to run a shaky test repeatedly.</p>
 <p>For Gtest, there is a separate test suite for each JVM variant. The JVM variant is defined by adding <code>/&lt;variant&gt;</code> to the test descriptor, e.g. <code>gtest:Log/client</code>. If you specify no variant, gtest will run once for each JVM variant present (e.g. server, client). So if you only have the server JVM present, then <code>gtest:all</code> will be equivalent to <code>gtest:all/server</code>.</p>
+<h3 id="special-tests">Special tests</h3>
+<p>A handful of odd tests that are not covered by any other testing framework are accessible using the <code>special:</code> test descriptor. Currently, this includes <code>hotspot-internal</code>, <code>failure-handler</code> and <code>make</code>.</p>
+<li><p>Hotspot legacy internal testing (run using <code>-XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests</code>) is run using <code>special:hotspot-internal</code> or just <code>hotspot-internal</code> as test descriptor, and will only work on a debug JVM.</p></li>
+<li><p>Failure handler testing is run using <code>special:failure-handler</code> or just <code>failure-handler</code> as test descriptor.</p></li>
+<li><p>Tests for the build system, including both makefiles and related functionality, is run using <code>special:make</code> or just <code>make</code> as test descriptor. This is equivalent to <code>special:make:all</code>.</p>
+<p>A specific make test can be run by supplying it as argument, e.g. <code>special:make:idea</code>. As a special syntax, this can also be expressed as <code>make-idea</code>, which allows for command lines as <code>make test-make-idea</code>.</p></li>
 <h2 id="test-results-and-summary">Test results and summary</h2>
 <p>At the end of the test run, a summary of all tests run will be presented. This will have a consistent look, regardless of what test suites were used. This is a sample summary:</p>
@@ -72,7 +82,7 @@
 TEST FAILURE</code></pre>
 <p>Tests where the number of TOTAL tests does not equal the number of PASSed tests will be considered a test failure. These are marked with the <code>&gt;&gt; ... &lt;&lt;</code> marker for easy identification.</p>
 <p>The classification of non-passed tests differs a bit between test suites. In the summary, ERROR is used as a catch-all for tests that neither passed nor are classified as failed by the framework. This might indicate test framework error, timeout or other problems.</p>
-<p>In case of test failures, <code>make run-test</code> will exit with a non-zero exit value.</p>
+<p>In case of test failures, <code>make test</code> will exit with a non-zero exit value.</p>
 <p>All tests have their result stored in <code>build/$BUILD/test-results/$TEST_ID</code>, where TEST_ID is a path-safe conversion from the fully qualified test descriptor, e.g. for <code>jtreg:jdk/test:tier1</code> the TEST_ID is <code>jtreg_jdk_test_tier1</code>. This path is also printed in the log at the end of the test run.</p>
 <p>Additional work data is stored in <code>build/$BUILD/test-support/$TEST_ID</code>. For some frameworks, this directory might contain information that is useful in determining the cause of a failed test.</p>
 <h2 id="test-suite-control">Test suite control</h2>
--- a/doc/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/doc/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
 % Testing the JDK
-## Using the run-test framework
+## Using "make test" (the run-test framework)
 This new way of running tests is developer-centric. It assumes that you have
 built a JDK locally and want to test it. Running common test targets is simple,
 and more complex ad-hoc combination of tests is possible. The user interface is
 forgiving, and clearly report errors it cannot resolve.
-The main target "run-test" uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is
-also an alternate target "exploded-run-test" that uses the exploded image
+The main target `test` uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is
+also an alternate target `exploded-test` that uses the exploded image
 instead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but using
 this target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.
+Previously, `make test` was used invoke an old system for running test, and
+`make run-test` was used for the new test framework. For backward compatibility
+with scripts and muscle memory, `run-test` (and variants like
+`exploded-run-test` or `run-test-tier1`) are kept as aliases. The old system
+can still be accessed for some time using `cd test && make`.
 Some example command-lines:
-    $ make run-test-tier1
-    $ make run-test-jdk_lang JTREG="JOBS=8"
-    $ make run-test TEST=jdk_lang
-    $ make run-test-only TEST="gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions" GTEST="REPEAT=-1"
-    $ make run-test TEST="hotspot:hotspot_gc" JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug"
-    $ make run-test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/"
-    $ make exploded-run-test TEST=tier2
+    $ make test-tier1
+    $ make test-jdk_lang JTREG="JOBS=8"
+    $ make test TEST=jdk_lang
+    $ make test-only TEST="gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions" GTEST="REPEAT=-1"
+    $ make test TEST="hotspot:hotspot_gc" JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug"
+    $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/"
+    $ make exploded-test TEST=tier2
 ### Configuration
@@ -33,16 +39,16 @@
 ## Test selection
-All functionality is available using the run-test make target. In this use
-case, the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the `TEST` variable.
-To speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, run-test-only can
-be used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.
+All functionality is available using the `test` make target. In this use case,
+the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the `TEST` variable. To
+speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, `test-only` can be
+used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.
 For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. This
 includes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (if
-present). This means that `make run-test-tier1` is equivalent to `make run-test
+present). This means that `make test-tier1` is equivalent to `make test
 TEST="tier1"`, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complex
-test runs, the `run-test TEST="x"` solution needs to be used.
+test runs, the `test TEST="x"` solution needs to be used.
 The test specifications given in `TEST` is parsed into fully qualified test
 descriptors, which clearly and unambigously show which tests will be run. As an
@@ -98,6 +104,27 @@
 variant present (e.g. server, client). So if you only have the server JVM
 present, then `gtest:all` will be equivalent to `gtest:all/server`.
+### Special tests
+A handful of odd tests that are not covered by any other testing framework are
+accessible using the `special:` test descriptor. Currently, this includes
+`hotspot-internal`, `failure-handler` and `make`.
+  * Hotspot legacy internal testing (run using `-XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests`)
+    is run using `special:hotspot-internal` or just `hotspot-internal` as test
+    descriptor, and will only work on a debug JVM.
+  * Failure handler testing is run using `special:failure-handler` or just
+    `failure-handler` as test descriptor.
+  * Tests for the build system, including both makefiles and related
+    functionality, is run using `special:make` or just `make` as test
+    descriptor. This is equivalent to `special:make:all`.
+    A specific make test can be run by supplying it as argument, e.g.
+    `special:make:idea`. As a special syntax, this can also be expressed as
+    `make-idea`, which allows for command lines as `make test-make-idea`.
 ## Test results and summary
 At the end of the test run, a summary of all tests run will be presented. This
@@ -123,7 +150,7 @@
 classified as failed by the framework. This might indicate test framework
 error, timeout or other problems.
-In case of test failures, `make run-test` will exit with a non-zero exit value.
+In case of test failures, `make test` will exit with a non-zero exit value.
 All tests have their result stored in `build/$BUILD/test-results/$TEST_ID`,
 where TEST_ID is a path-safe conversion from the fully qualified test
--- a/make/Docs.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/Docs.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/rmic/* $(TOPDIR)/src/*/share/doc/stub)
 # URLs
 COPYRIGHT_URL := {@docroot}/../legal/copyright.html
 LICENSE_URL :=$(VERSION_NUMBER)speclicense.html
--- a/make/Help.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/Help.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
 	$(info $(_) make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 	$(info $(_) make reconfigure       # Rerun configure with the same arguments as last time)
 	$(info $(_) make help              # Give some help on using make)
-	$(info $(_) make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))
-	$(info $(_) make run-test-<test>   # Run test, e.g. run-test-tier1)
-	$(info $(_) make run-test TEST=<t> # Run test(s) given by TEST specification)
-	$(info $(_) make exploded-run-test TEST=<t> # Run test(s) on the exploded image instead of)
+	$(info $(_) make check             # Run basic testing (currently tier1))
+	$(info $(_) make test-<test>       # Run test, e.g. test-tier1)
+	$(info $(_) make test TEST=<t>     # Run test(s) given by TEST specification)
+	$(info $(_) make exploded-test TEST=<t> # Run test(s) on the exploded image instead of)
 	$(info $(_)                        # the full jdk image)
 	$(info )
 	$(info Targets for cleaning)
@@ -99,10 +99,12 @@
 	$(info $(_) TEST_JOBS=<n>          # Run <n> parallel test jobs)
 	$(info $(_) CONF_CHECK=<method>    # What to do if spec file is out of date)
 	$(info $(_)                        # method is 'auto', 'ignore' or 'fail' (default))
-	$(info $(_) make test TEST=<test>  # Only run the given test or tests, e.g.)
-	$(info $(_)                        # make test TEST="jdk_lang jdk_net")
-	$(info $(_) JTREG="OPT1=x;OPT2=y"  # Control the JTREG test harness for run-test)
-	$(info $(_) GTEST="OPT1=x;OPT2=y"  # Control the GTEST test harness for run-test)
+	$(info $(_) TEST="test1 ..."       # Use the given test descriptor(s) for testing, e.g.)
+	$(info $(_)                        # make test TEST="jdk_lang gtest:all")
+	$(info $(_) JTREG="OPT1=x;OPT2=y"  # Control the JTREG test harness)
+	$(info $(_) GTEST="OPT1=x;OPT2=y"  # Control the GTEST test harness)
+	$(info $(_) TEST_OPTS="OPT1=x;..." # Generic control of all test harnesses)
+	$(info $(_) TEST_VM_OPTS="ARG ..." # Same as setting TEST_OPTS to VM_OPTIONS="ARG ...")
 	$(info )
 	$(if $(all_confs), $(info Available configurations in $(build_dir):) $(foreach var,$(all_confs),$(info * $(var))),\
 	    $(info No configurations were found in $(build_dir).) $(info Run 'bash configure' to create a configuration.))
--- a/make/Main.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/Main.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -473,10 +473,10 @@
 define DeclareRunTestRecipe
-  run-test-$1:
+  test-$1:
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test TEST="$1")
-  exploded-run-test-$1:
+  exploded-test-$1:
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test \
@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@
 # ALL_NAMED_TESTS is defined in FindTests.gmk
 $(foreach t, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS), $(eval $(call DeclareRunTestRecipe,$t)))
-ALL_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix run-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS))
-ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix exploded-run-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS))
+ALL_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS))
+ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix exploded-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS))
@@ -520,13 +520,6 @@
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f JtregGraalUnit.gmk \
-	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test TEST="$(TEST)")
-	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test \
 ifeq ($(BUILD_GTEST), true)
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/hotspot/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f GtestImage.gmk)
@@ -541,11 +534,6 @@
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \
 	    -f BuildFailureHandler.gmk build)
-  # Runs the tests for the failure handler jtreg extension
-  test-failure-handler:
-	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \
-	    -f BuildFailureHandler.gmk test)
   # Copies the failure handler jtreg extension into the test image
 	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \
@@ -556,40 +544,19 @@
     test-image-hotspot-jtreg-native build-test-jdk-jtreg-native \
     test-image-jdk-jtreg-native build-test-lib build-test-failure-handler \
     test-failure-handler test-image-failure-handler test-image-hotspot-gtest \
-    test-image-hotspot-jtreg-graal build-test-hotspot-jtreg-graal \
-    run-test exploded-run-test
+    test-image-hotspot-jtreg-graal build-test-hotspot-jtreg-graal
 # Run tests
-# Run tests specified by $(TEST), or the default test set.
-	$(call RunTests, $(TEST), $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR))
-	$(call RunTests, "hotspot_all", $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR))
-	$(call RunTests, "hotspot_native_sanity", $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR))
-	$(call RunTests, "hotspot_internal", $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR))
+	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test TEST="$(TEST)")
-	$(call RunTests, "hotspot_gtest", $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR))
-	$(call RunTests, "jdk_native_sanity", $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR))
+	+($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk run-test \
-	($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f TestMake.gmk $(TEST_TARGET))
-	($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f TestMake.gmk test-compile-commands)
-ALL_TARGETS += test test-hotspot-jtreg test-hotspot-jtreg-native \
-    test-hotspot-internal test-hotspot-gtest test-jdk-jtreg-native test-make \
-    test-compile-commands
+ALL_TARGETS += test exploded-test
 # Bundles
@@ -874,14 +841,18 @@
   docs-zip: docs-jdk
+  # Tests
   test: jdk-image test-image
-  run-test: jdk-image test-image
-  exploded-run-test: exploded-image test-image
+  exploded-test: exploded-image test-image
+  test-make: clean-test-make compile-commands
+  test-make-compile-commands: compile-commands
   # Declare dependency for all generated test targets
-  $(foreach t, $(ALL_TEST_TARGETS), $(eval $t: jdk-image test-image))
-  $(foreach t, $(ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS), $(eval $t: exploded-image test-image))
+  $(foreach t, $(filter-out test-make%, $(ALL_TEST_TARGETS)), $(eval $t: jdk-image test-image))
+  $(foreach t, $(filter-out exploded-test-make%, $(ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS)), $(eval $t: exploded-image test-image))
   create-buildjdk-copy: jdk.jlink-java java.base-gendata \
       $(addsuffix -java, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES))
@@ -890,16 +861,10 @@
   interim-image: $(INTERIM_JMOD_TARGETS)
-  test-make: clean-test-make
-  test-compile-commands: compile-commands
   build-test-lib: exploded-image-optimize
   build-test-failure-handler: interim-langtools
-  test-failure-handler: build-test-failure-handler
   test-image-failure-handler: build-test-failure-handler
   build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native: buildtools-jdk \
@@ -917,12 +882,6 @@
   test-image-hotspot-gtest: hotspot
-  test-hotspot-internal: exploded-image
-  test-hotspot-jtreg: jdk-image test-image
-  test-hotspot-gtest: exploded-image test-image-hotspot-gtest
   install: product-images
   product-bundles: product-images
@@ -1091,6 +1050,30 @@
 ALL_TARGETS += default jdk images docs bundles all
+# Aliases used for running tests.
+# Let "run-test" be an alias for "test"
+$(foreach t, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS), $(eval run-test-$t: test-$t))
+$(foreach t, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS), $(eval exploded-run-test-$t: exploded-test-$t))
+RUN_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix run-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS)) \
+    $(addprefix exploded-run-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS))
+run-test: test
+exploded-run-test: exploded-test
+# "make check" is a common idiom for running basic testing
+check: test-tier1
+# Keep some old names as aliases
+test-hotspot-jtreg: test-hotspot_all
+test-hotspot-jtreg-native: test-hotspot_native_sanity
+test-hotspot-gtest: exploded-test-gtest
+test-jdk-jtreg-native: test-jdk_native_sanity
+ALL_TARGETS += $(RUN_TEST_TARGETS) run-test exploded-run-test check \
+    test-hotspot-jtreg test-hotspot-jtreg-native test-hotspot-gtest \
+    test-jdk-jtreg-native
--- a/make/MainSupport.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/MainSupport.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,17 +30,6 @@
-# Run the tests specified by $1, with PRODUCT_HOME specified by $2
-# JT_JAVA is picked up by the jtreg launcher and used to run Jtreg itself.
-define RunTests
-	($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -j1 -k MAKEFLAGS= \
-	    JT_HOME=$(JT_HOME) PRODUCT_HOME=$(strip $2) \
-	    JOBS=$(JOBS) $1) || true
 define CleanDocs
 	@$(PRINTF) "Cleaning docs ..."
 	@$(PRINTF) "\n" $(LOG_DEBUG)
--- a/make/RunTests.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/RunTests.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -300,16 +300,32 @@
 # Helper function to determine if a test specification is a special test
-# It is a special test if it is "special:" followed by a test name.
+# It is a special test if it is "special:" followed by a test name,
+# if it is "make:" or "make-" followed by a make test, or any of the special test names
+# as a single word.
 define ParseSpecialTestSelection
   $(if $(filter special:%, $1), \
     $1 \
+  ) \
+  $(if $(filter make%, $1), \
+    $(if $(filter make:%, $1), \
+      special:$(strip $1) \
+    ) \
+    $(if $(filter make-%, $1), \
+      special:$(patsubst make-%,make:%, $1) \
+    ) \
+    $(if $(filter make, $1), \
+      special:make:all \
+    )
+  ) \
+  $(if $(filter hotspot-internal failure-handler, $1), \
+    special:$(strip $1) \
 ifeq ($(TEST), )
   $(info No test selection given in TEST!)
-  $(info Please use e.g. 'run-test TEST=tier1' or 'run-test-tier1')
+  $(info Please use e.g. 'make test TEST=tier1' or 'make test-tier1')
   $(info See doc/testing.[md|html] for help)
   $(error Cannot continue)
@@ -663,9 +679,13 @@
         $$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests \
         -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError -version
   else ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), failure-handler)
-    $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
-        ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
-        BuildFailureHandler.gmk test)
+    ifeq ($(BUILD_FAILURE_HANDLER), true)
+      $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
+          ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
+          BuildFailureHandler.gmk test)
+    else
+      $$(error Cannot test failure handler if it is not built)
+    endif
   else ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), make)
     $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
         ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
--- a/make/common/FindTests.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/common/FindTests.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -72,6 +72,15 @@
 # Add Gtest
+# Find make test targets
+MAKE_TEST_TARGETS := $(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory $(MAKE_ARGS) \
+    SPEC=$(SPEC) -f $(TOPDIR)/test/make/TestMake.gmk print-targets)
+ALL_NAMED_TESTS += $(addprefix make-, $(MAKE_TEST_TARGETS))
+# Add special tests
+ALL_NAMED_TESTS += hotspot-internal failure-handler make
 endif # _FIND_TESTS_GMK
--- a/make/jdk/src/classes/build/tools/taglet/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/jdk/src/classes/build/tools/taglet/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
  * will produce the following html
  * <p>
  * {@code
- * Please see <a href="">a spectacular</a> sight.
+ * Please see <a href="">a spectacular</a> sight.
  * }
 public class ExtLink implements Taglet {
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
     static final String TAG_NAME = "extLink";
-    static final String URL = "" +
+    static final String URL = "" +
         SPEC_VERSION + "&amp;id=";
     static final Pattern TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?s)(\\s*)(?<name>\\w+)(\\s+)(?<desc>.*)$");
--- a/src/hotspot/share/aot/aotLoader.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/aot/aotLoader.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -47,13 +47,8 @@
   if (UseAOT) {
-    if (JvmtiExport::can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint()) {
-      if (PrintAOT) {
-        warning("JVMTI capability to hotswap and post breakpoint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)");
-      }
-      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAOT, false);
-      return;
-    }
+    // We allow hotswap to be enabled after the onload phase, but not breakpoints
+    assert(!JvmtiExport::can_post_breakpoint(), "AOT should have been disabled.");
     FOR_ALL_AOT_HEAPS(heap) {
       (*heap)->load_klass_data(ik, thread);
@@ -120,9 +115,9 @@
-    if (JvmtiExport::can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint()) {
+    if (JvmtiExport::can_post_breakpoint()) {
       if (PrintAOT) {
-        warning("JVMTI capability to hotswap and post breakpoint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)");
+        warning("JVMTI capability to post breakpoint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)");
       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAOT, false);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_Compiler.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_Compiler.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
 int Compiler::code_buffer_size() {
-  assert(SegmentedCodeCache, "Should be only used with a segmented code cache");
   return Compilation::desired_max_code_buffer_size() + Compilation::desired_max_constant_size();
@@ -90,10 +89,7 @@
   // setup CodeBuffer.  Preallocate a BufferBlob of size
   // NMethodSizeLimit plus some extra space for constants.
-  int code_buffer_size = Compilation::desired_max_code_buffer_size() +
-    Compilation::desired_max_constant_size();
-  BufferBlob* buffer_blob = BufferBlob::create("C1 temporary CodeBuffer", code_buffer_size);
+  BufferBlob* buffer_blob = BufferBlob::create("C1 temporary CodeBuffer", code_buffer_size());
   if (buffer_blob != NULL) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -287,54 +287,50 @@
   Handle           _holder;
   Thread*          _thread;
-  void hold_next() {
-    if (_next != NULL) {
-      _holder = Handle(_thread, _next->holder_phantom());
-    }
-  }
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator() : _next(ClassLoaderDataGraph::_head) {
     _thread = Thread::current();
-    hold_next();
-  }
-  bool repeat() const {
-    return _next != NULL;
   ClassLoaderData* get_next() {
-    ClassLoaderData* next = _next;
-    if (_next != NULL) {
-      _next = _next->next();
-      hold_next();
+    ClassLoaderData* cld = _next;
+    // Skip already unloaded CLD for concurrent unloading.
+    while (cld != NULL && !cld->is_alive()) {
+      cld = cld->next();
-    return next;
+    if (cld != NULL) {
+      // Keep cld that is being returned alive.
+      _holder = Handle(_thread, cld->holder_phantom());
+      _next = cld->next();
+    } else {
+      _next = NULL;
+    }
+    return cld;
 // These functions assume that the caller has locked the ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock
 // if they are not calling the function from a safepoint.
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(void f(Klass* const)) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::methods_do(void f(Method*)) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
@@ -342,8 +338,7 @@
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::modules_do(void f(ModuleEntry*)) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
@@ -361,8 +356,7 @@
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::packages_do(void f(PackageEntry*)) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
@@ -379,8 +373,7 @@
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::loaded_classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
@@ -404,8 +397,7 @@
 #define FOR_ALL_DICTIONARY(X)   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter; \
-                                ClassLoaderData* X; \
-                                while ((X = iter.get_next()) != NULL) \
+                                while (ClassLoaderData* X = iter.get_next()) \
                                   if (X->dictionary() != NULL)
 // Walk classes in the loaded class dictionaries in various forms.
@@ -696,16 +688,14 @@
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::verify() {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::print_on(outputStream * const out) {
   ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator iter;
-  while (iter.repeat()) {
-    ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next();
+  while (ClassLoaderData* cld = iter.get_next()) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/dictionary.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/dictionary.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
 static bool is_jfr_event_class(Klass *k) {
   while (k) {
-    if (k->name()->equals("jdk/jfr/Event")) {
+    if (k->name()->equals("jdk/internal/event/Event")) {
       return true;
     k = k->super();
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/javaClasses.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
 #include "oops/typeArrayOop.inline.hpp"
+#include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
 #include "prims/resolvedMethodTable.hpp"
 #include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.inline.hpp"
 #include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
   if (ik == NULL) {
     ResourceMark rm;
     log_error(class)("Mismatch JDK version for field: %s type: %s", name_symbol->as_C_string(), signature_symbol->as_C_string());
-    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of preloaded class");
+    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of well-known class");
   if (!ik->find_local_field(name_symbol, signature_symbol, &fd) || fd.is_static() != is_static) {
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@
     LogStream ls(lt.error());
 #endif //PRODUCT
-    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of preloaded class: use -Xlog:class+load=info to see the origin of the problem class");
+    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of well-known class: use -Xlog:class+load=info to see the origin of the problem class");
   dest_offset = fd.offset();
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@
   if (name == NULL) {
     ResourceMark rm;
     log_error(class)("Name %s should be in the SymbolTable since its class is loaded", name_string);
-    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of preloaded class", ik->external_name());
+    vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of well-known class", ik->external_name());
   compute_offset(dest_offset, ik, name, signature_symbol, is_static);
@@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@
                                               Handle class_loader, Handle module,
                                               Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) {
   // Postpone restoring archived mirror until java.lang.Class is loaded. Please
-  // see more details in SystemDictionary::resolve_preloaded_classes().
+  // see more details in SystemDictionary::resolve_well_known_classes().
   if (!SystemDictionary::Class_klass_loaded()) {
     assert(fixup_mirror_list() != NULL, "fixup_mirror_list not initialized");
@@ -4250,12 +4251,19 @@
 // Compute non-hard-coded field offsets of all the classes in this file
 void JavaClasses::compute_offsets() {
   if (UseSharedSpaces) {
-    return; // field offsets are loaded from archive
+    assert(JvmtiExport::is_early_phase() && !(JvmtiExport::should_post_class_file_load_hook() &&
+                                              JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env()),
+           "JavaClasses::compute_offsets() must be called in early JVMTI phase.");
+    // None of the classes used by the rest of this function can be replaced by
+    // JMVTI ClassFileLoadHook.
+    // We are safe to use the archived offsets, which have already been restored
+    // by JavaClasses::serialize_offsets, without computing the offsets again.
+    return;
   // We have already called the compute_offsets() of the
   // BASIC_JAVA_CLASSES_DO_PART1 classes (java_lang_String and java_lang_Class)
-  // earlier inside SystemDictionary::resolve_preloaded_classes()
+  // earlier inside SystemDictionary::resolve_well_known_classes()
   // generated interpreter code wants to know about the offsets we just computed:
@@ -4356,7 +4364,7 @@
     tty->print_cr("  name: %s, sig: %s, flags: %08x",>as_C_string(), fs.signature()->as_C_string(), fs.access_flags().as_int());
 #endif //PRODUCT
-  vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of preloaded class: use -Xlog:class+load=info to see the origin of the problem class");
+  vm_exit_during_initialization("Invalid layout of well-known class: use -Xlog:class+load=info to see the origin of the problem class");
   return -1;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
 #include "oops/typeArrayKlass.hpp"
-#include "prims/jvmtiEnvBase.hpp"
+#include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
 #include "prims/resolvedMethodTable.hpp"
 #include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
@@ -1189,20 +1189,15 @@
-// Load a class from the shared spaces (found through the shared system
-// dictionary).  Force the superclass and all interfaces to be loaded.
-// Update the class definition to include sibling classes and no
-// subclasses (yet).  [Classes in the shared space are not part of the
-// object hierarchy until loaded.]
-InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::load_shared_class(
-                 Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader, TRAPS) {
+// Load a class for boot loader from the shared spaces (found through
+// the shared system dictionary). Force the super class and all interfaces
+// to be loaded.
+InstanceKlass* SystemDictionary::load_shared_boot_class(Symbol* class_name,
+                                                        TRAPS) {
   InstanceKlass* ik = find_shared_class(class_name);
-  // Make sure we only return the boot class for the NULL classloader.
-  if (ik != NULL &&
-      ik->is_shared_boot_class() && class_loader.is_null()) {
-    Handle protection_domain;
-    return load_shared_class(ik, class_loader, protection_domain, THREAD);
+  // Make sure we only return the boot class.
+  if (ik != NULL && ik->is_shared_boot_class()) {
+    return load_shared_class(ik, Handle(), Handle(), THREAD);
   return NULL;
@@ -1489,13 +1484,12 @@
            "Attempt to load a class outside of boot loader's module path");
-    // Search the shared system dictionary for classes preloaded into the
-    // shared spaces.
+    // Search for classes in the CDS archive.
     InstanceKlass* k = NULL;
       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_shared_classload_time());
-      k = load_shared_class(class_name, class_loader, THREAD);
+      k = load_shared_boot_class(class_name, THREAD);
@@ -1958,7 +1952,7 @@
   // Allocate private object used as system class loader lock
   _system_loader_lock_obj = oopFactory::new_intArray(0, CHECK);
   // Initialize basic classes
-  resolve_preloaded_classes(CHECK);
+  resolve_well_known_classes(CHECK);
 // Compact table of directions on the initialization of klasses:
@@ -1971,6 +1965,19 @@
+#ifdef ASSERT
+bool SystemDictionary::is_well_known_klass(Symbol* class_name) {
+  int sid;
+  for (int i = 0; (sid = wk_init_info[i]) != 0; i++) {
+    Symbol* symbol = vmSymbols::symbol_at((vmSymbols::SID)sid);
+    if (class_name == symbol) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
 bool SystemDictionary::resolve_wk_klass(WKID id, TRAPS) {
   assert(id >= (int)FIRST_WKID && id < (int)WKID_LIMIT, "oob");
   int sid = wk_init_info[id - FIRST_WKID];
@@ -2002,8 +2009,8 @@
   start_id = limit_id;
-void SystemDictionary::resolve_preloaded_classes(TRAPS) {
-  assert(WK_KLASS(Object_klass) == NULL, "preloaded classes should only be initialized once");
+void SystemDictionary::resolve_well_known_classes(TRAPS) {
+  assert(WK_KLASS(Object_klass) == NULL, "well-known classes should only be initialized once");
   // Create the ModuleEntry for java.base.  This call needs to be done here,
   // after vmSymbols::initialize() is called but before any classes are pre-loaded.
@@ -2071,7 +2078,8 @@
   WKID jsr292_group_end   = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VolatileCallSite_klass);
   resolve_wk_klasses_until(jsr292_group_start, scan, CHECK);
   resolve_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK);
-  resolve_wk_klasses_until(NOT_JVMCI(WKID_LIMIT) JVMCI_ONLY(FIRST_JVMCI_WKID), scan, CHECK);
+  resolve_wk_klasses_until(last, scan, CHECK);
   _box_klasses[T_BOOLEAN] = WK_KLASS(Boolean_klass);
   _box_klasses[T_CHAR]    = WK_KLASS(Character_klass);
@@ -2088,6 +2096,17 @@
     Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(ClassLoader_klass())->find_method(vmSymbols::checkPackageAccess_name(), vmSymbols::class_protectiondomain_signature());
     _has_checkPackageAccess = (method != NULL);
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  if (UseSharedSpaces) {
+    assert(JvmtiExport::is_early_phase(),
+           "All well known classes must be resolved in JVMTI early phase");
+    for (int i = FIRST_WKID; i < last; i++) {
+      InstanceKlass* k = _well_known_klasses[i];
+      assert(k->is_shared(), "must not be replaced by JVMTI class file load hook");
+    }
+  }
 // Tells if a given klass is a box (wrapper class, such as java.lang.Integer).
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/systemDictionary.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/systemDictionary.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -85,19 +85,20 @@
 class GCTimer;
 class OopStorage;
-// Certain classes are preloaded, such as java.lang.Object and java.lang.String.
-// They are all "well-known", in the sense that no class loader is allowed
+#define WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(kname)    kname##_knum
+// Certain classes, such as java.lang.Object and java.lang.String,
+// are "well-known", in the sense that no class loader is allowed
 // to provide a different definition.
-// These klasses must all have names defined in vmSymbols.
-#define WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(kname)    kname##_knum
 // Each well-known class has a short klass name (like object_klass),
 // and a vmSymbol name (like java_lang_Object).
-// The order of these definitions is significant; it is the order in which
-// preloading is actually performed by resolve_preloaded_classes.
+// The order of these definitions is significant: the classes are
+// resolved during early VM start-up by resolve_well_known_classes
+// in this order. Changing the order may require careful restructuring
+// of the VM start-up sequence.
 #define WK_KLASSES_DO(do_klass)                                                                                 \
   /* well-known classes */                                                                                      \
   do_klass(Object_klass,                                java_lang_Object                                      ) \
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
   do_klass(IllegalMonitorStateException_klass,          java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException                ) \
   do_klass(Reference_klass,                             java_lang_ref_Reference                               ) \
-  /* Preload ref klasses and set reference types */                                                             \
+  /* ref klasses and set reference types */                                                                     \
   do_klass(SoftReference_klass,                         java_lang_ref_SoftReference                           ) \
   do_klass(WeakReference_klass,                         java_lang_ref_WeakReference                           ) \
   do_klass(FinalReference_klass,                        java_lang_ref_FinalReference                          ) \
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
   /* support for stack dump lock analysis */                                                                    \
   do_klass(java_util_concurrent_locks_AbstractOwnableSynchronizer_klass, java_util_concurrent_locks_AbstractOwnableSynchronizer) \
-  /* Preload boxing klasses */                                                                                  \
+  /* boxing klasses */                                                                                          \
   do_klass(Boolean_klass,                               java_lang_Boolean                                     ) \
   do_klass(Character_klass,                             java_lang_Character                                   ) \
   do_klass(Float_klass,                                 java_lang_Float                                       ) \
@@ -391,7 +392,8 @@
   // Initialization
   static void initialize(TRAPS);
-  // Checked fast access to commonly used classes - mostly preloaded
+  // Checked fast access to the well-known classes -- so that you don't try to use them
+  // before they are resolved.
   static InstanceKlass* check_klass(InstanceKlass* k) {
     assert(k != NULL, "klass not loaded");
     return k;
@@ -435,6 +437,12 @@
     return check_klass(_box_klasses[t]);
   static BasicType box_klass_type(Klass* k);  // inverse of box_klass
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  static bool is_well_known_klass(Klass* k) {
+    return is_well_known_klass(k->name());
+  }
+  static bool is_well_known_klass(Symbol* class_name);
   // Returns the class loader data to be used when looking up/updating the
@@ -643,6 +651,8 @@
                                           Handle class_loader,
                                           Handle protection_domain,
+  static InstanceKlass* load_shared_boot_class(Symbol* class_name,
+                                               TRAPS);
   static InstanceKlass* load_instance_class(Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader, TRAPS);
   static Handle compute_loader_lock_object(Handle class_loader, TRAPS);
   static void check_loader_lock_contention(Handle loader_lock, TRAPS);
@@ -650,9 +660,6 @@
   static bool is_parallelDefine(Handle class_loader);
-  static InstanceKlass* load_shared_class(Symbol* class_name,
-                                          Handle class_loader,
-                                          TRAPS);
   static bool is_system_class_loader(oop class_loader);
   static bool is_platform_class_loader(oop class_loader);
   static void clear_invoke_method_table();
@@ -695,8 +702,8 @@
                                   ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
-  // Resolve preloaded classes so they can be used like SystemDictionary::String_klass()
-  static void resolve_preloaded_classes(TRAPS);
+  // Resolve well-known classes so they can be used like SystemDictionary::String_klass()
+  static void resolve_well_known_classes(TRAPS);
   // Class loader constraints
   static void check_constraints(unsigned int hash,
@@ -707,7 +714,6 @@
                                 InstanceKlass* k, Handle loader,
-  // Variables holding commonly used klasses (preloaded)
   static InstanceKlass* _well_known_klasses[];
   // table of box klasses (int_klass, etc.)
--- a/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@
   // Make sure we have enough space for VM internal code
   uint min_code_cache_size = CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace DEBUG_ONLY(* 3);
-  if (non_nmethod_size < (min_code_cache_size + code_buffers_size)) {
+  if (non_nmethod_size < min_code_cache_size) {
         "Not enough space in non-nmethod code heap to run VM: " SIZE_FORMAT "K < " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
-        non_nmethod_size/K, (min_code_cache_size + code_buffers_size)/K));
+        non_nmethod_size/K, min_code_cache_size/K));
   // Verify sizes and update flag values
--- a/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -894,14 +894,19 @@
   julong available_memory = os::available_memory();
+  // If SegmentedCodeCache is off, both values refer to the single heap (with type CodeBlobType::All).
+  size_t available_cc_np  = CodeCache::unallocated_capacity(CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled),
+         available_cc_p   = CodeCache::unallocated_capacity(CodeBlobType::MethodProfiled);
   // Only do attempt to start additional threads if the lock is free.
   if (!CompileThread_lock->try_lock()) return;
   if (_c2_compile_queue != NULL) {
     int old_c2_count = _compilers[1]->num_compiler_threads();
-    int new_c2_count = MIN3(_c2_count,
+    int new_c2_count = MIN4(_c2_count,
         _c2_compile_queue->size() / 2,
-        (int)(available_memory / 200*M));
+        (int)(available_memory / (200*M)),
+        (int)(available_cc_np / (128*K)));
     for (int i = old_c2_count; i < new_c2_count; i++) {
       JavaThread *ct = make_thread(compiler2_object(i), _c2_compile_queue, _compilers[1], true, CHECK);
@@ -910,17 +915,18 @@
       if (TraceCompilerThreads) {
         ResourceMark rm;
         MutexLocker mu(Threads_lock);
-        tty->print_cr("Added compiler thread %s (available memory: %dMB)",
-                      ct->get_thread_name(), (int)(available_memory/M));
+        tty->print_cr("Added compiler thread %s (available memory: %dMB, available non-profiled code cache: %dMB)",
+                      ct->get_thread_name(), (int)(available_memory/M), (int)(available_cc_np/M));
   if (_c1_compile_queue != NULL) {
     int old_c1_count = _compilers[0]->num_compiler_threads();
-    int new_c1_count = MIN3(_c1_count,
+    int new_c1_count = MIN4(_c1_count,
         _c1_compile_queue->size() / 4,
-        (int)(available_memory / 100*M));
+        (int)(available_memory / (100*M)),
+        (int)(available_cc_p / (128*K)));
     for (int i = old_c1_count; i < new_c1_count; i++) {
       JavaThread *ct = make_thread(compiler1_object(i), _c1_compile_queue, _compilers[0], true, CHECK);
@@ -929,8 +935,8 @@
       if (TraceCompilerThreads) {
         ResourceMark rm;
         MutexLocker mu(Threads_lock);
-        tty->print_cr("Added compiler thread %s (available memory: %dMB)",
-                      ct->get_thread_name(), (int)(available_memory/M));
+        tty->print_cr("Added compiler thread %s (available memory: %dMB, available profiled code cache: %dMB)",
+                      ct->get_thread_name(), (int)(available_memory/M), (int)(available_cc_p/M));
@@ -1501,8 +1507,9 @@
     bool progress;
     if (jvmci_compiler_thread != NULL) {
-      // If the JVMCI compiler thread is not blocked, we deem it to be making progress.
-      progress = jvmci_compiler_thread->thread_state() != _thread_blocked;
+      // If the JVMCI compiler thread is not blocked or suspended, we deem it to be making progress.
+      progress = jvmci_compiler_thread->thread_state() != _thread_blocked &&
+        !jvmci_compiler_thread->is_external_suspend();
     } else {
       // Still waiting on JVMCI compiler queue. This thread may be holding a lock
       // that all JVMCI compiler threads are blocked on. We use the counter for
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
   assert(num_free_regions() == 0, "we should not have added any free regions");
   rebuild_region_sets(false /* free_list_only */);
-  resize_if_necessary_after_full_collection();
+  resize_heap_if_necessary();
   // Rebuild the strong code root lists for each region
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@
-void G1CollectedHeap::resize_if_necessary_after_full_collection() {
+void G1CollectedHeap::resize_heap_if_necessary() {
   // Capacity, free and used after the GC counted as full regions to
   // include the waste in the following calculations.
   const size_t capacity_after_gc = capacity();
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
     // Don't expand unless it's significant
     size_t expand_bytes = minimum_desired_capacity - capacity_after_gc;
-    log_debug(gc, ergo, heap)("Attempt heap expansion (capacity lower than min desired capacity after Full GC). "
+    log_debug(gc, ergo, heap)("Attempt heap expansion (capacity lower than min desired capacity). "
                               "Capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "B occupancy: " SIZE_FORMAT "B live: " SIZE_FORMAT "B "
                               "min_desired_capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "B (" UINTX_FORMAT " %%)",
                               capacity_after_gc, used_after_gc, used(), minimum_desired_capacity, MinHeapFreeRatio);
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@
     // Capacity too large, compute shrinking size
     size_t shrink_bytes = capacity_after_gc - maximum_desired_capacity;
-    log_debug(gc, ergo, heap)("Attempt heap shrinking (capacity higher than max desired capacity after Full GC). "
+    log_debug(gc, ergo, heap)("Attempt heap shrinking (capacity higher than max desired capacity). "
                               "Capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "B occupancy: " SIZE_FORMAT "B live: " SIZE_FORMAT "B "
                               "maximum_desired_capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "B (" UINTX_FORMAT " %%)",
                               capacity_after_gc, used_after_gc, used(), maximum_desired_capacity, MaxHeapFreeRatio);
@@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@
 void G1CollectedHeap::shrink(size_t shrink_bytes) {
-  // We should only reach here at the end of a Full GC which means we
-  // should not not be holding to any GC alloc regions. The method
+  // We should only reach here at the end of a Full GC or during Remark which
+  // means we should not not be holding to any GC alloc regions. The method
   // below will make sure of that and do any remaining clean up.
@@ -4399,13 +4399,13 @@
   bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) {
-    // After full GC, no region should have a remembered set.
-    r->rem_set()->clear(true);
     if (r->is_empty()) {
+      assert(r->rem_set()->is_empty(), "Empty regions should have empty remembered sets.");
       // Add free regions to the free list
     } else if (!_free_list_only) {
+      assert(r->rem_set()->is_empty(), "At this point remembered sets must have been cleared.");
       if (r->is_archive() || r->is_humongous()) {
         // We ignore archive and humongous regions. We left these sets unchanged.
@@ -4443,10 +4443,9 @@
-  assert(used_unlocked() == recalculate_used(),
-         "inconsistent used_unlocked(), "
-         "value: " SIZE_FORMAT " recalculated: " SIZE_FORMAT,
-         used_unlocked(), recalculate_used());
+  assert(used() == recalculate_used(),
+         "inconsistent used(), value: " SIZE_FORMAT " recalculated: " SIZE_FORMAT,
+         used(), recalculate_used());
 bool G1CollectedHeap::is_in_closed_subset(const void* p) const {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -468,9 +468,6 @@
   // Callback from VM_G1CollectFull operation, or collect_as_vm_thread.
   virtual void do_full_collection(bool clear_all_soft_refs);
-  // Resize the heap if necessary after a full collection.
-  void resize_if_necessary_after_full_collection();
   // Callback from VM_G1CollectForAllocation operation.
   // This function does everything necessary/possible to satisfy a
   // failed allocation request (including collection, expansion, etc.)
@@ -528,6 +525,8 @@
     return _g1mm;
+  void resize_heap_if_necessary();
   // Expand the garbage-first heap by at least the given size (in bytes!).
   // Returns true if the heap was expanded by the requested amount;
   // false otherwise.
@@ -1120,6 +1119,7 @@
   // Return the region with the given index. It assumes the index is valid.
   inline HeapRegion* region_at(uint index) const;
+  inline HeapRegion* region_at_or_null(uint index) const;
   // Return the next region (by index) that is part of the same
   // humongous object that hr is part of.
@@ -1157,6 +1157,11 @@
   template <class T>
   inline HeapRegion* heap_region_containing(const T addr) const;
+  // Returns the HeapRegion that contains addr, or NULL if that is an uncommitted
+  // region. addr must not be NULL.
+  template <class T>
+  inline HeapRegion* heap_region_containing_or_null(const T addr) const;
   // A CollectedHeap is divided into a dense sequence of "blocks"; that is,
   // each address in the (reserved) heap is a member of exactly
   // one block.  The defining characteristic of a block is that it is
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@
 // Return the region with the given index. It assumes the index is valid.
 inline HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::region_at(uint index) const { return; }
+// Return the region with the given index, or NULL if unmapped. It assumes the index is valid.
+inline HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::region_at_or_null(uint index) const { return _hrm.at_or_null(index); }
 inline HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::next_region_in_humongous(HeapRegion* hr) const {
   return _hrm.next_region_in_humongous(hr);
@@ -84,6 +87,16 @@
   return _hrm.addr_to_region((HeapWord*) addr);
+template <class T>
+inline HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::heap_region_containing_or_null(const T addr) const {
+  assert(addr != NULL, "invariant");
+  assert(is_in_g1_reserved((const void*) addr),
+         "Address " PTR_FORMAT " is outside of the heap ranging from [" PTR_FORMAT " to " PTR_FORMAT ")",
+         p2i((void*)addr), p2i(g1_reserved().start()), p2i(g1_reserved().end()));
+  uint const region_idx = addr_to_region(addr);
+  return region_at_or_null(region_idx);
 inline void G1CollectedHeap::old_set_add(HeapRegion* hr) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMark.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMark.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1178,6 +1178,8 @@
+    _g1h->resize_heap_if_necessary();
     verify_during_pause(G1HeapVerifier::G1VerifyRemark, VerifyOption_G1UsePrevMarking, "Remark after");
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 { }
 G1ScanClosureBase::G1ScanClosureBase(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
-  _g1h(g1h), _par_scan_state(par_scan_state), _from(NULL)
+  _g1h(g1h), _par_scan_state(par_scan_state)
 { }
 void G1CLDScanClosure::do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 class DirtyCardToOopClosure;
 class G1CMBitMap;
 class G1ParScanThreadState;
+class G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure;
 class G1CMTask;
 class ReferenceProcessor;
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@
   G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
   G1ParScanThreadState* _par_scan_state;
-  HeapRegion* _from;
   G1ScanClosureBase(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state);
   ~G1ScanClosureBase() { }
@@ -56,24 +56,19 @@
   virtual ReferenceIterationMode reference_iteration_mode() { return DO_FIELDS; }
-  void set_region(HeapRegion* from) { _from = from; }
   inline void trim_queue_partially();
 // Used during the Update RS phase to refine remaining cards in the DCQ during garbage collection.
-class G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure: public G1ScanClosureBase {
-  uint _worker_i;
+class G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure : public G1ScanClosureBase {
   G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
-                                  G1ParScanThreadState* pss,
-                                  uint worker_i) :
-    G1ScanClosureBase(g1h, pss), _worker_i(worker_i) { }
+                                  G1ParScanThreadState* pss) :
+    G1ScanClosureBase(g1h, pss) { }
   template <class T> void do_oop_work(T* p);
   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }
-  virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }
+  virtual void do_oop(oop* p)       { do_oop_work(p); }
 // Used during the Scan RS phase to scan cards from the remembered set during garbage collection.
@@ -88,11 +83,22 @@
   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p)    { do_oop_work(p); }
 // This closure is applied to the fields of the objects that have just been copied during evacuation.
 class G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure : public G1ScanClosureBase {
+  friend class G1ScanInYoungSetter;
+  enum ScanningInYoungValues {
+    False = 0,
+    True,
+    Uninitialized
+  };
+  ScanningInYoungValues _scanning_in_young;
   G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
-    G1ScanClosureBase(g1h, par_scan_state) { }
+    G1ScanClosureBase(g1h, par_scan_state), _scanning_in_young(Uninitialized) { }
   template <class T> void do_oop_work(T* p);
   virtual void do_oop(oop* p)          { do_oop_work(p); }
@@ -106,6 +112,21 @@
+// RAII object to properly set the _scanning_in_young field in G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure.
+class G1ScanInYoungSetter : public StackObj {
+  G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure* _closure;
+  G1ScanInYoungSetter(G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure* closure, bool new_value) : _closure(closure) {
+    assert(_closure->_scanning_in_young == G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure::Uninitialized, "Must not be set");
+    _closure->_scanning_in_young = new_value ? G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure::True : G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure::False;
+  }
+  ~G1ScanInYoungSetter() {
+    DEBUG_ONLY(_closure->_scanning_in_young = G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure::Uninitialized;)
+  }
 // Add back base class for metadata
 class G1ParCopyHelper : public OopClosure {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1OopClosures.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -82,12 +82,13 @@
   const InCSetState state = _g1h->in_cset_state(obj);
   if (state.is_in_cset()) {
     prefetch_and_push(p, obj);
-  } else {
-    if (HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
+  } else if (!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
+    handle_non_cset_obj_common(state, p, obj);
+    assert(_scanning_in_young != Uninitialized, "Scan location has not been initialized.");
+    if (_scanning_in_young == True) {
-    handle_non_cset_obj_common(state, p, obj);
-    _par_scan_state->update_rs(_from, p, obj);
+    _par_scan_state->enqueue_card_if_tracked(p, obj);
@@ -172,13 +173,9 @@
     // Since the source is always from outside the collection set, here we implicitly know
     // that this is a cross-region reference too.
     prefetch_and_push(p, obj);
-  } else {
-    HeapRegion* to = _g1h->heap_region_containing(obj);
-    if (_from == to) {
-      return;
-    }
+  } else if (!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
     handle_non_cset_obj_common(state, p, obj);
-    to->rem_set()->add_reference(p, _worker_i);
+    _par_scan_state->enqueue_card_if_tracked(p, obj);
@@ -193,10 +190,7 @@
   const InCSetState state = _g1h->in_cset_state(obj);
   if (state.is_in_cset()) {
     prefetch_and_push(p, obj);
-  } else {
-    if (HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
-      return;
-    }
+  } else if (!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
     handle_non_cset_obj_common(state, p, obj);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -311,8 +311,7 @@
       oop* old_p = set_partial_array_mask(old);
     } else {
-      HeapRegion* const to_region = _g1h->heap_region_containing(obj_ptr);
-      _scanner.set_region(to_region);
+      G1ScanInYoungSetter x(&_scanner, dest_state.is_young());
     return obj;
@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@
     _g1h->preserve_mark_during_evac_failure(_worker_id, old, m);
-    _scanner.set_region(r);
+    G1ScanInYoungSetter x(&_scanner, r->is_young());
     return old;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -104,17 +104,16 @@
   template <class T> void do_oop_ext(T* ref);
   template <class T> void push_on_queue(T* ref);
-  template <class T> void update_rs(HeapRegion* from, T* p, oop o) {
-    assert(!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, o), "Caller should have filtered out cross-region references already.");
-    // If the field originates from the to-space, we don't need to include it
-    // in the remembered set updates. Also, if we are not tracking the remembered
-    // set in the destination region, do not bother either.
-    if (!from->is_young() && _g1h->heap_region_containing((HeapWord*)o)->rem_set()->is_tracked()) {
-      size_t card_index = ct()->index_for(p);
-      // If the card hasn't been added to the buffer, do it.
-      if (ct()->mark_card_deferred(card_index)) {
-        dirty_card_queue().enqueue((jbyte*)ct()->byte_for_index(card_index));
-      }
+  template <class T> void enqueue_card_if_tracked(T* p, oop o) {
+    assert(!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, o), "Should have filtered out cross-region references already.");
+    assert(!_g1h->heap_region_containing(p)->is_young(), "Should have filtered out from-young references already.");
+    if (!_g1h->heap_region_containing((HeapWord*)o)->rem_set()->is_tracked()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    size_t card_index = ct()->index_for(p);
+    // If the card hasn't been added to the buffer, do it.
+    if (ct()->mark_card_deferred(card_index)) {
+      dirty_card_queue().enqueue((jbyte*)ct()->byte_for_index(card_index));
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -61,9 +61,12 @@
   RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, obj);
   assert(obj != NULL, "Must be");
-  if (!HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
-    HeapRegion* from = _g1h->heap_region_containing(p);
-    update_rs(from, p, obj);
+  if (HeapRegion::is_in_same_region(p, obj)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  HeapRegion* from = _g1h->heap_region_containing(p);
+  if (!from->is_young()) {
+    enqueue_card_if_tracked(p, obj);
@@ -109,7 +112,9 @@
     // so that the heap remains parsable in case of evacuation failure.
-  _scanner.set_region(_g1h->heap_region_containing(to_obj));
+  HeapRegion* hr = _g1h->heap_region_containing(to_obj);
+  G1ScanInYoungSetter x(&_scanner, hr->is_young());
   // Process indexes [start,end). It will also process the header
   // along with the first chunk (i.e., the chunk with start == 0).
   // Note that at this point the length field of to_obj_array is not
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1RemSet.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1RemSet.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@
     virtual bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) {
       uint hrm_index = r->hrm_index();
-      if (!r->in_collection_set() && r->is_old_or_humongous_or_archive()) {
+      if (!r->in_collection_set() && r->is_old_or_humongous_or_archive() && !r->is_empty()) {
         _scan_top[hrm_index] = r->top();
       } else {
-        _scan_top[hrm_index] = r->bottom();
+        _scan_top[hrm_index] = NULL;
       return false;
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
   void reset() {
     for (uint i = 0; i < _max_regions; i++) {
       _iter_states[i] = Unclaimed;
+      _scan_top[i] = NULL;
     G1ResetScanTopClosure cl(_scan_top);
@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@
 void G1ScanRSForRegionClosure::scan_card(MemRegion mr, uint region_idx_for_card) {
   HeapRegion* const card_region = _g1h->region_at(region_idx_for_card);
-  _scan_objs_on_card_cl->set_region(card_region);
+  assert(!card_region->is_young(), "Should not scan card in young region %u", region_idx_for_card);
   card_region->oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful<true>(mr, _scan_objs_on_card_cl);
@@ -350,6 +351,10 @@
+  if (r->rem_set()->cardset_is_empty()) {
+    return;
+  }
   // We claim cards in blocks so as to reduce the contention.
   size_t const block_size = G1RSetScanBlockSize;
@@ -367,18 +372,21 @@
-    // If the card is dirty, then G1 will scan it during Update RS.
-    if (_ct->is_card_claimed(card_index) || _ct->is_card_dirty(card_index)) {
+    HeapWord* const card_start = _g1h->bot()->address_for_index_raw(card_index);
+    uint const region_idx_for_card = _g1h->addr_to_region(card_start);
+#ifdef ASSERT
+    HeapRegion* hr = _g1h->region_at_or_null(region_idx_for_card);
+    assert(hr == NULL || hr->is_in_reserved(card_start),
+           "Card start " PTR_FORMAT " to scan outside of region %u", p2i(card_start), _g1h->region_at(region_idx_for_card)->hrm_index());
+    HeapWord* const top = _scan_state->scan_top(region_idx_for_card);
+    if (card_start >= top) {
-    HeapWord* const card_start = _g1h->bot()->address_for_index(card_index);
-    uint const region_idx_for_card = _g1h->addr_to_region(card_start);
-    assert(_g1h->region_at(region_idx_for_card)->is_in_reserved(card_start),
-           "Card start " PTR_FORMAT " to scan outside of region %u", p2i(card_start), _g1h->region_at(region_idx_for_card)->hrm_index());
-    HeapWord* const top = _scan_state->scan_top(region_idx_for_card);
-    if (card_start >= top) {
+    // If the card is dirty, then G1 will scan it during Update RS.
+    if (_ct->is_card_claimed(card_index) || _ct->is_card_dirty(card_index)) {
@@ -486,7 +494,7 @@
   if (G1HotCardCache::default_use_cache()) {
     G1EvacPhaseTimesTracker x(p, pss, G1GCPhaseTimes::ScanHCC, worker_i);
-    G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure scan_hcc_cl(_g1h, pss, worker_i);
+    G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure scan_hcc_cl(_g1h, pss);
     G1RefineCardClosure refine_card_cl(_g1h, &scan_hcc_cl);
     _g1h->iterate_hcc_closure(&refine_card_cl, worker_i);
@@ -495,7 +503,7 @@
     G1EvacPhaseTimesTracker x(p, pss, G1GCPhaseTimes::UpdateRS, worker_i);
-    G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure update_rs_cl(_g1h, pss, worker_i);
+    G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure update_rs_cl(_g1h, pss);
     G1RefineCardClosure refine_card_cl(_g1h, &update_rs_cl);
     _g1h->iterate_dirty_card_closure(&refine_card_cl, worker_i);
@@ -545,6 +553,16 @@
                                         uint worker_i) {
   assert(!_g1h->is_gc_active(), "Only call concurrently");
+  // Construct the region representing the card.
+  HeapWord* start = _ct->addr_for(card_ptr);
+  // And find the region containing it.
+  HeapRegion* r = _g1h->heap_region_containing_or_null(start);
+  // If this is a (stale) card into an uncommitted region, exit.
+  if (r == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
   check_card_ptr(card_ptr, _ct);
   // If the card is no longer dirty, nothing to do.
@@ -552,11 +570,6 @@
-  // Construct the region representing the card.
-  HeapWord* start = _ct->addr_for(card_ptr);
-  // And find the region containing it.
-  HeapRegion* r = _g1h->heap_region_containing(start);
   // This check is needed for some uncommon cases where we should
   // ignore the card.
@@ -679,6 +692,18 @@
                                      G1ScanObjsDuringUpdateRSClosure* update_rs_cl) {
   assert(_g1h->is_gc_active(), "Only call during GC");
+  // Construct the region representing the card.
+  HeapWord* card_start = _ct->addr_for(card_ptr);
+  // And find the region containing it.
+  uint const card_region_idx = _g1h->addr_to_region(card_start);
+  HeapWord* scan_limit = _scan_state->scan_top(card_region_idx);
+  if (scan_limit == NULL) {
+    // This is a card into an uncommitted region. We need to bail out early as we
+    // should not access the corresponding card table entry.
+    return false;
+  }
   check_card_ptr(card_ptr, _ct);
   // If the card is no longer dirty, nothing to do. This covers cards that were already
@@ -691,13 +716,7 @@
   // number of potential duplicate scans (multiple threads may enqueue the same card twice).
   *card_ptr = G1CardTable::clean_card_val() | G1CardTable::claimed_card_val();
-  // Construct the region representing the card.
-  HeapWord* card_start = _ct->addr_for(card_ptr);
-  // And find the region containing it.
-  uint const card_region_idx = _g1h->addr_to_region(card_start);
-  HeapWord* scan_limit = _scan_state->scan_top(card_region_idx);
   if (scan_limit <= card_start) {
     // If the card starts above the area in the region containing objects to scan, skip it.
     return false;
@@ -710,7 +729,7 @@
   assert(!dirty_region.is_empty(), "sanity");
   HeapRegion* const card_region = _g1h->region_at(card_region_idx);
-  update_rs_cl->set_region(card_region);
+  assert(!card_region->is_young(), "Should not scan card in young region %u", card_region_idx);
   bool card_processed = card_region->oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful<true>(dirty_region, update_rs_cl);
   assert(card_processed, "must be");
   return true;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionManager.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionManager.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -123,10 +123,7 @@
   bool is_free(HeapRegion* hr) const;
-  // Returns whether the given region is available for allocation.
-  bool is_available(uint region) const;
- public:
   // Empty constructor, we'll initialize it with the initialize() method.
@@ -147,6 +144,13 @@
   // is valid.
   inline HeapRegion* at(uint index) const;
+  // Return the HeapRegion at the given index, NULL if the index
+  // is for an unavailable region.
+  inline HeapRegion* at_or_null(uint index) const;
+  // Returns whether the given region is available for allocation.
+  bool is_available(uint region) const;
   // Return the next region (by index) that is part of the same
   // humongous object that hr is part of.
   inline HeapRegion* next_region_in_humongous(HeapRegion* hr) const;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionManager.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionManager.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@
   return hr;
+inline HeapRegion* HeapRegionManager::at_or_null(uint index) const {
+  if (!is_available(index)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  HeapRegion* hr = _regions.get_by_index(index);
+  assert(hr != NULL, "All available regions must have a HeapRegion but index %u has not.", index);
+  assert(hr->hrm_index() == index, "sanity");
+  return hr;
 inline HeapRegion* HeapRegionManager::next_region_in_humongous(HeapRegion* hr) const {
   uint index = hr->hrm_index();
   assert(is_available(index), "pre-condition");
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -239,10 +239,9 @@
 size_t OtherRegionsTable::_fine_eviction_stride = 0;
 size_t OtherRegionsTable::_fine_eviction_sample_size = 0;
-OtherRegionsTable::OtherRegionsTable(HeapRegion* hr, Mutex* m) :
+OtherRegionsTable::OtherRegionsTable(Mutex* m) :
-  _hr(hr),
   _coarse_map(G1CollectedHeap::heap()->max_regions(), mtGC),
@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@
-  _sparse_table(hr)
+  _sparse_table()
   typedef PerRegionTable* PerRegionTablePtr;
@@ -348,15 +347,6 @@
 void OtherRegionsTable::add_reference(OopOrNarrowOopStar from, uint tid) {
-  uint cur_hrm_ind = _hr->hrm_index();
-  uintptr_t from_card = uintptr_t(from) >> CardTable::card_shift;
-  if (G1FromCardCache::contains_or_replace(tid, cur_hrm_ind, from_card)) {
-    assert(contains_reference(from), "We just found " PTR_FORMAT " in the FromCardCache", p2i(from));
-    return;
-  }
   // Note that this may be a continued H region.
   HeapRegion* from_hr = _g1h->heap_region_containing(from);
   RegionIdx_t from_hrm_ind = (RegionIdx_t) from_hr->hrm_index();
@@ -569,10 +559,6 @@
   return PerRegionTable::fl_mem_size();
-void OtherRegionsTable::clear_fcc() {
-  G1FromCardCache::clear(_hr->hrm_index());
 void OtherRegionsTable::clear() {
   // if there are no entries, skip this step
   if (_first_all_fine_prts != NULL) {
@@ -590,8 +576,6 @@
   _n_fine_entries = 0;
   _n_coarse_entries = 0;
-  clear_fcc();
 bool OtherRegionsTable::contains_reference(OopOrNarrowOopStar from) const {
@@ -627,11 +611,16 @@
   : _bot(bot),
     _m(Mutex::leaf, FormatBuffer<128>("HeapRegionRemSet lock #%u", hr->hrm_index()), true, Monitor::_safepoint_check_never),
-    _other_regions(hr, &_m),
+    _other_regions(&_m),
+    _hr(hr),
+void HeapRegionRemSet::clear_fcc() {
+  G1FromCardCache::clear(_hr->hrm_index());
 void HeapRegionRemSet::setup_remset_size() {
   // Setup sparse and fine-grain tables sizes.
   // table_size = base * (log(region_size / 1M) + 1)
@@ -659,6 +648,7 @@
   if (!only_cardset) {
+  clear_fcc();
   assert(occupied_locked() == 0, "Should be clear.");
@@ -751,7 +741,7 @@
       _coarse_cur_region_cur_card = 0;
       HeapWord* r_bot =
         _g1h->region_at((uint) _coarse_cur_region_index)->bottom();
-      _cur_region_card_offset = _bot->index_for(r_bot);
+      _cur_region_card_offset = _bot->index_for_raw(r_bot);
     } else {
       return false;
@@ -792,7 +782,7 @@
   _fine_cur_prt = prt;
   HeapWord* r_bot = _fine_cur_prt->hr()->bottom();
-  _cur_region_card_offset = _bot->index_for(r_bot);
+  _cur_region_card_offset = _bot->index_for_raw(r_bot);
   // The bitmap scan for the PRT always scans from _cur_region_cur_card + 1.
   // To avoid special-casing this start case, and not miss the first bitmap
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
   G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
   Mutex*           _m;
-  HeapRegion*      _hr;
   // These are protected by "_m".
   CHeapBitMap _coarse_map;
@@ -124,11 +123,8 @@
   bool contains_reference_locked(OopOrNarrowOopStar from) const;
-  // Clear the from_card_cache entries for this region.
-  void clear_fcc();
-  // Create a new remembered set for the given heap region. The given mutex should
-  // be used to ensure consistency.
-  OtherRegionsTable(HeapRegion* hr, Mutex* m);
+  // Create a new remembered set. The given mutex is used to ensure consistency.
+  OtherRegionsTable(Mutex* m);
   // Returns the card index of the given within_region pointer relative to the bottom
   // of the given heap region.
@@ -182,13 +178,21 @@
   OtherRegionsTable _other_regions;
+  HeapRegion* _hr;
+  void clear_fcc();
   HeapRegionRemSet(G1BlockOffsetTable* bot, HeapRegion* hr);
   static void setup_remset_size();
+  bool cardset_is_empty() const {
+    return _other_regions.is_empty();
+  }
   bool is_empty() const {
-    return (strong_code_roots_list_length() == 0) && _other_regions.is_empty();
+    return (strong_code_roots_list_length() == 0) && cardset_is_empty();
   bool occupancy_less_or_equal_than(size_t occ) const {
@@ -239,18 +243,18 @@
     if (_state == Untracked) {
-    _other_regions.clear_fcc();
+    clear_fcc();
     _state = Untracked;
   void set_state_updating() {
     guarantee(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() && !is_tracked(), "Should only set to Updating from Untracked during safepoint but is %s", get_state_str());
-    _other_regions.clear_fcc();
+    clear_fcc();
     _state = Updating;
   void set_state_complete() {
-    _other_regions.clear_fcc();
+    clear_fcc();
     _state = Complete;
@@ -265,6 +269,15 @@
     if (state == Untracked) {
+    uint cur_idx = _hr->hrm_index();
+    uintptr_t from_card = uintptr_t(from) >> CardTable::card_shift;
+    if (G1FromCardCache::contains_or_replace(tid, cur_idx, from_card)) {
+      assert(contains_reference(from), "We just found " PTR_FORMAT " in the FromCardCache", p2i(from));
+      return;
+    }
     _other_regions.add_reference(from, tid);
@@ -353,7 +366,7 @@
 class HeapRegionRemSetIterator : public StackObj {
- private:
   // The region RSet over which we are iterating.
   HeapRegionRemSet* _hrrs;
@@ -401,7 +414,7 @@
   // The Sparse remembered set iterator.
   SparsePRTIter _sparse_iter;
- public:
   HeapRegionRemSetIterator(HeapRegionRemSet* hrrs);
   // If there remains one or more cards to be yielded, returns true and
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/sparsePRT.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/sparsePRT.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@
-SparsePRT::SparsePRT(HeapRegion* hr) :
-  _hr(hr), _expanded(false), _next_expanded(NULL)
+SparsePRT::SparsePRT() :
+  _expanded(false), _next_expanded(NULL)
   _cur = new RSHashTable(InitialCapacity);
   _next = _cur;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/sparsePRT.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/sparsePRT.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -231,8 +231,6 @@
   RSHashTable* _cur;
   RSHashTable* _next;
-  HeapRegion* _hr;
   enum SomeAdditionalPrivateConstants {
     InitialCapacity = 16
@@ -254,7 +252,7 @@
   static SparsePRT* volatile _head_expanded_list;
-  SparsePRT(HeapRegion* hr);
+  SparsePRT();
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gcTimer.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gcTimer.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -182,214 +182,3 @@
   assert(has_next(), "Must have phases left");
   return _time_partitions->phase_at(_next++);
-/////////////// Unit tests ///////////////
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-class TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest {
- public:
-  static void all() {
-    one_pause();
-    two_pauses();
-    one_sub_pause_phase();
-    many_sub_pause_phases();
-    many_sub_pause_phases2();
-    max_nested_pause_phases();
-    one_concurrent();
-  }
-  static void validate_gc_phase(GCPhase* phase, int level, const char* name, const Ticks& start, const Ticks& end) {
-    assert(phase->level() == level, "Incorrect level");
-    assert(strcmp(phase->name(), name) == 0, "Incorrect name");
-    assert(phase->start() == start, "Incorrect start");
-    assert(phase->end() == end, "Incorrect end");
-  }
-  static void one_pause() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(8);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 8);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(8) - Ticks(2), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(8) - Ticks(2), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void two_pauses() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase1", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(3);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase2", 4);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(6);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase1", 2, 3);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase2", 4, 6);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(3) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(2) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void one_sub_pause_phase() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase", 3);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(4);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(5);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 5);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase", 3, 4);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(3) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(3) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void max_nested_pause_phases() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase1", 3);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase2", 4);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase3", 5);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(6);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(7);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(8);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(9);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 9);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 8);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase2", 4, 7);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 3, "SubPhase3", 5, 6);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(7) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(7) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void many_sub_pause_phases() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase1", 3);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(4);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase2", 5);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(6);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase3", 7);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(8);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase4", 9);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(10);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(11);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 11);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 4);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase2", 5, 6);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase3", 7, 8);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase4", 9, 10);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(9) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(9) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void many_sub_pause_phases2() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("PausePhase", 2);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase1", 3);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase11", 4);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(5);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase12", 6);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(7);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(8);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase2", 9);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase21", 10);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(11);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase22", 12);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(13);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(14);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("SubPhase3", 15);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(16);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(17);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 17);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 8);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase11", 4, 5);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase12", 6, 7);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase2", 9, 14);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase21", 10, 11);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase22", 12, 13);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase3", 15, 16);
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Ticks(15) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Ticks(15) - Ticks(0), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-  static void one_concurrent() {
-    TimePartitions time_partitions;
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_start("ConcurrentPhase", 2, GCPhase::ConcurrentPhaseType);
-    time_partitions.report_gc_phase_end(8, GCPhase::ConcurrentPhaseType);
-    TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
-    validate_gc_phase(, 0, "ConcurrentPhase", 2, 8);
-    // ConcurrentPhaseType should not affect to both 'sum_of_pauses()' and 'longest_pause()'.
-    assert(time_partitions.sum_of_pauses() == Tickspan(), "Incorrect");
-    assert(time_partitions.longest_pause() == Tickspan(), "Incorrect");
-    assert(!iter.has_next(), "Too many elements");
-  }
-class GCTimerTest {
-  static void all() {
-    gc_start();
-    gc_end();
-  }
-  static void gc_start() {
-    GCTimer gc_timer;
-    gc_timer.register_gc_start(1);
-    assert(gc_timer.gc_start() == Ticks(1), "Incorrect");
-  }
-  static void gc_end() {
-    GCTimer gc_timer;
-    gc_timer.register_gc_start(1);
-    gc_timer.register_gc_end(2);
-    assert(gc_timer.gc_end() == Ticks(2), "Incorrect");
-  }
-void GCTimer_test() {
-  GCTimerTest::all();
-  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::all();
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gcTimer.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gcTimer.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@
 class GCTimer : public ResourceObj {
-  NOT_PRODUCT(friend class GCTimerTest;)
   Ticks _gc_start;
   Ticks _gc_end;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/jfr/instrumentation/jfrEventClassTransformer.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/jfr/instrumentation/jfrEventClassTransformer.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 #include "classfile/classFileParser.hpp"
 #include "classfile/classFileStream.hpp"
 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
+#include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
+#include "classfile/modules.hpp"
 #include "classfile/stackMapTable.hpp"
 #include "classfile/verificationType.hpp"
 #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp"
@@ -61,25 +63,26 @@
   "J",            // 1
   "commit",       // 2
   "eventHandler", // 3
-  "Ljdk/jfr/internal/handlers/EventHandler;", // 4
-  "duration",     // 5
-  "begin",        // 6
-  "()V",          // 7
-  "isEnabled",    // 8
-  "()Z",          // 9
-  "end",          // 10
-  "shouldCommit", // 11
-  "startTime",    // 12
-  "<clinit>",     // 13
-  "jdk/jfr/FlightRecorder", // 14
-  "register", // 15
-  "(Ljava/lang/Class;)V", // 16 // LAST_REQUIRED_UTF8
-  "StackMapTable", // 17
-  "Exceptions", // 18
+  "duration",     // 4
+  "begin",        // 5
+  "()V",          // 6
+  "isEnabled",    // 7
+  "()Z",          // 8
+  "end",          // 9
+  "shouldCommit", // 10
+  "startTime",    // 11 // LAST_REQUIRED_UTF8
+  "Ljdk/jfr/internal/handlers/EventHandler;", // 12
+  "Ljava/lang/Object;", // 13
+  "<clinit>",     // 14
+  "jdk/jfr/FlightRecorder", // 15
+  "register",     // 16
+  "(Ljava/lang/Class;)V", // 17
+  "StackMapTable", // 18
+  "Exceptions", // 19
   "LineNumberTable", // 20
   "LocalVariableTable", // 21
   "LocalVariableTypeTable", // 22
-  "RuntimeVisibleAnnotation" // 23
+  "RuntimeVisibleAnnotation", // 23
 enum utf8_req_symbols {
@@ -87,7 +90,6 @@
-  UTF8_REQ_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC,
@@ -96,15 +98,17 @@
-  UTF8_REQ_clinit,
-  UTF8_REQ_FlightRecorder,
-  UTF8_REQ_register,
 enum utf8_opt_symbols {
+  UTF8_OPT_LjavaLangObject,
+  UTF8_OPT_clinit,
+  UTF8_OPT_FlightRecorder,
+  UTF8_OPT_register,
+  UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable,
@@ -353,7 +357,7 @@
 static unsigned int unused_hash = 0;
 static const char value_name[] = "value";
-static bool has_registered_annotation(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* annotation_type, bool& value) {
+static bool has_annotation(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* annotation_type, bool& value) {
   assert(annotation_type != NULL, "invariant");
   AnnotationArray* class_annotations = ik->class_annotations();
   if (class_annotations == NULL) {
@@ -383,16 +387,51 @@
   return false;
-static bool registered_annotation_value(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* const registered_symbol) {
-  assert(registered_symbol != NULL, "invariant");
+// Evaluate to the value of the first found Symbol* annotation type.
+// Searching moves upwards in the klass hierarchy in order to support
+// inherited annotations in addition to the ability to override.
+static bool annotation_value(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* annotation_type, bool& value) {
   assert(ik != NULL, "invariant");
+  assert(annotation_type != NULL, "invariant");
   assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(ik), "invariant");
-  bool registered_value = false;
-  if (has_registered_annotation(ik, registered_symbol, registered_value)) {
-    return registered_value;
+  if (has_annotation(ik, annotation_type, value)) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  InstanceKlass* const super = InstanceKlass::cast(ik->super());
+  return super != NULL && JdkJfrEvent::is_a(super) ? annotation_value(super, annotation_type, value) : false;
+static const char jdk_jfr_module_name[] = "jdk.jfr";
+static bool java_base_can_read_jdk_jfr() {
+  static bool can_read = false;
+  if (can_read) {
+    return true;
-  InstanceKlass* super = InstanceKlass::cast(ik->super());
-  return registered_annotation_value(super, registered_symbol);
+  static Symbol* jdk_jfr_module_symbol = NULL;
+  if (jdk_jfr_module_symbol == NULL) {
+    jdk_jfr_module_symbol = SymbolTable::lookup_only(jdk_jfr_module_name, sizeof jdk_jfr_module_name - 1, unused_hash);
+    if (jdk_jfr_module_symbol == NULL) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  assert(jdk_jfr_module_symbol != NULL, "invariant");
+  ModuleEntryTable* const table = Modules::get_module_entry_table(Handle());
+  assert(table != NULL, "invariant");
+  const ModuleEntry* const java_base_module = table->javabase_moduleEntry();
+  if (java_base_module == NULL) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  assert(java_base_module != NULL, "invariant");
+  ModuleEntry* const jdk_jfr_module = table->lookup_only(jdk_jfr_module_symbol);
+  if (jdk_jfr_module == NULL) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  assert(jdk_jfr_module != NULL, "invariant");
+  if (java_base_module->can_read(jdk_jfr_module)) {
+    can_read = true;
+  }
+  return can_read;
 static const char registered_constant[] = "Ljdk/jfr/Registered;";
@@ -400,13 +439,23 @@
 // Evaluate to the value of the first found "Ljdk/jfr/Registered;" annotation.
 // Searching moves upwards in the klass hierarchy in order to support
 // inherited annotations in addition to the ability to override.
-static bool should_register_klass(const InstanceKlass* ik) {
-  static const Symbol* const registered_symbol = SymbolTable::lookup_only(registered_constant,
-                                                                          sizeof registered_constant - 1,
-                                                                          unused_hash);
+static bool should_register_klass(const InstanceKlass* ik, bool& untypedEventHandler) {
+  assert(ik != NULL, "invariant");
+  assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(ik), "invariant");
+  assert(!untypedEventHandler, "invariant");
+  static const Symbol* registered_symbol = NULL;
+  if (registered_symbol == NULL) {
+    registered_symbol = SymbolTable::lookup_only(registered_constant, sizeof registered_constant - 1, unused_hash);
+    if (registered_symbol == NULL) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   assert(registered_symbol != NULL, "invariant");
-  return registered_annotation_value(ik, registered_symbol);
+  bool value = false; // to be set by annotation_value
+  untypedEventHandler = !(annotation_value(ik, registered_symbol, value) || java_base_can_read_jdk_jfr());
+  return value;
  * Map an utf8 constant back to its CONSTANT_UTF8_INFO
@@ -450,6 +499,9 @@
                               u2 orig_cp_len,
                               u2& number_of_new_constants,
                               TRAPS) {
+  assert(cls_name_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
+  assert(method_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
+  assert(desc_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
   assert(is_index_within_range(cls_name_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant");
   assert(is_index_within_range(method_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant");
   assert(is_index_within_range(desc_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant");
@@ -477,9 +529,9 @@
                                             TRAPS) {
   assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant");
   return add_method_ref_info(writer,
-                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_FlightRecorder],
-                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_register],
-                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC],
+                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_FlightRecorder],
+                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_register],
+                             utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC],
@@ -495,8 +547,8 @@
  * }
 static jlong add_field_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 name_index, u2 desc_index, bool is_static = false) {
-  assert(name_index > 0, "invariant");
-  assert(desc_index > 0, "invariant");
+  assert(name_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
+  assert(desc_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
   DEBUG_ONLY(const jlong start_offset = writer.current_offset();)
   writer.write<u2>(JVM_ACC_SYNTHETIC | JVM_ACC_PRIVATE | (is_static ? JVM_ACC_STATIC : JVM_ACC_TRANSIENT)); // flags
@@ -507,11 +559,11 @@
   return writer.current_offset();
-static u2 add_field_infos(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes) {
+static u2 add_field_infos(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, bool untypedEventHandler) {
   assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant");
-                 utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC],
+                 untypedEventHandler ? utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LjavaLangObject] : utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC],
                  true); // static
@@ -989,7 +1041,8 @@
   // This is to ensure that padding can be done
   // where needed and to simplify size calculations.
   static const u2 injected_code_length = 8;
-  const u2 name_index = utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_clinit];
+  const u2 name_index = utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_clinit];
+  assert(name_index != invalid_cp_index, "invariant");
   const u2 desc_index = utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC];
   const u2 max_stack = MAX2(clinit_method != NULL ? clinit_method->verifier_max_stack() : 1, 1);
   const u2 max_locals = MAX2(clinit_method != NULL ? clinit_method->max_locals() : 0, 0);
@@ -1138,59 +1191,58 @@
                                u2* const utf8_indexes,
                                u2 orig_cp_len,
                                const Method* clinit_method,
+                               bool register_klass,
+                               bool untypedEventHandler,
                                TRAPS) {
   assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant");
   u2 added_cp_entries = 0;
   // resolve all required symbols
   for (u2 index = 0; index < NOF_UTF8_REQ_SYMBOLS; ++index) {
-    utf8_indexes[index] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer,
-                                                ik,
-                                                utf8_constants[index],
-                                                orig_cp_len,
-                                                added_cp_entries,
-                                                THREAD);
+    utf8_indexes[index] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[index], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
-  // Now determine optional constants (mainly "Code" attributes)
+  // resolve optional constants
+  utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC] = untypedEventHandler ? invalid_cp_index :
+    find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
+  utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LjavaLangObject] = untypedEventHandler ?
+    find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LjavaLangObject], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD) : invalid_cp_index;
+  if (register_klass) {
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_clinit] =
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_clinit], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_FlightRecorder] =
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_FlightRecorder], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_register] =
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_register], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC] =
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
+  } else {
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_clinit] = invalid_cp_index;
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_FlightRecorder] = invalid_cp_index;
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_register] = invalid_cp_index;
+    utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC] = invalid_cp_index;
+  }
   if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_stackmap_table()) {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable] =
-      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer,
-                            ik,
-                            utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable],
-                            orig_cp_len,
-                            added_cp_entries,
-                            THREAD);
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
   } else {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable] = invalid_cp_index;
   if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_linenumber_table()) {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable] =
-      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer,
-                            ik,
-                            utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable],
-                            orig_cp_len,
-                            added_cp_entries,
-                            THREAD);
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
   } else {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable] = invalid_cp_index;
   if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_localvariable_table()) {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable] =
-      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer,
-                            ik,
-                            utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable],
-                            orig_cp_len,
-                            added_cp_entries,
-                            THREAD);
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable] =
-      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer,
-                            ik,
-                            utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable],
-                            orig_cp_len,
-                            added_cp_entries,
-                            THREAD);
+      find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD);
   } else {
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable] = invalid_cp_index;
     utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable] = invalid_cp_index;
@@ -1207,7 +1259,8 @@
   // If the class already has a clinit method
   // we need to take that into account
   const Method* clinit_method = ik->class_initializer();
-  const bool register_klass = should_register_klass(ik);
+  bool untypedEventHandler = false;
+  const bool register_klass = should_register_klass(ik, untypedEventHandler);
   const ClassFileStream* const orig_stream = parser.clone_stream();
   const int orig_stream_size = orig_stream->length();
   assert(orig_stream->current_offset() == 0, "invariant");
@@ -1241,7 +1294,8 @@
   // Resolve_utf8_indexes will be conservative in attempting to
   // locate an existing UTF8_INFO; it will only append constants
   // that is absolutely required
-  u2 number_of_new_constants = resolve_utf8_indexes(writer, ik, utf8_indexes, orig_cp_len, clinit_method, THREAD);
+  u2 number_of_new_constants =
+    resolve_utf8_indexes(writer, ik, utf8_indexes, orig_cp_len, clinit_method, register_klass, untypedEventHandler, THREAD);
   // UTF8_INFO entries now added to the constant pool
   // In order to invoke a method we would need additional
   // constants, JVM_CONSTANT_Class, JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType
@@ -1274,7 +1328,7 @@
   assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant");
   // We are sitting just after the original number of field_infos
   // so this is a position where we can add (append) new field_infos
-  const u2 number_of_new_fields = add_field_infos(writer, utf8_indexes);
+  const u2 number_of_new_fields = add_field_infos(writer, utf8_indexes, untypedEventHandler);
   assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant");
   const jlong new_method_len_offset = writer.current_offset();
   // Additional field_infos added, update classfile fields_count
--- a/src/hotspot/share/jfr/jni/jfrGetAllEventClasses.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/jfr/jni/jfrGetAllEventClasses.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
   assert(empty_java_util_arraylist != NULL, "should have been setup already!");
-  static const char jdk_jfr_event_name[] = "jdk/jfr/Event";
+  static const char jdk_jfr_event_name[] = "jdk/internal/event/Event";
   unsigned int unused_hash = 0;
   Symbol* const event_klass_name = SymbolTable::lookup_only(jdk_jfr_event_name, sizeof jdk_jfr_event_name - 1, unused_hash);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceId.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceId.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -76,22 +76,43 @@
   return atomic_inc(&cld_id_counter) << TRACE_ID_SHIFT;
+static bool found_jdk_internal_event_klass = false;
 static bool found_jdk_jfr_event_klass = false;
 static void check_klass(const Klass* klass) {
   assert(klass != NULL, "invariant");
-  if (found_jdk_jfr_event_klass) {
+  if (found_jdk_internal_event_klass && found_jdk_jfr_event_klass) {
+  static const Symbol* jdk_internal_event_sym = NULL;
+  if (jdk_internal_event_sym == NULL) {
+    // setup when loading the first TypeArrayKlass (Universe::genesis) hence single threaded invariant
+    jdk_internal_event_sym = SymbolTable::new_permanent_symbol("jdk/internal/event/Event", Thread::current());
+  }
+  assert(jdk_internal_event_sym != NULL, "invariant");
   static const Symbol* jdk_jfr_event_sym = NULL;
   if (jdk_jfr_event_sym == NULL) {
     // setup when loading the first TypeArrayKlass (Universe::genesis) hence single threaded invariant
     jdk_jfr_event_sym = SymbolTable::new_permanent_symbol("jdk/jfr/Event", Thread::current());
   assert(jdk_jfr_event_sym != NULL, "invariant");
-  if (jdk_jfr_event_sym == klass->name() && klass->class_loader() == NULL) {
-    found_jdk_jfr_event_klass = true;
-    JfrTraceId::tag_as_jdk_jfr_event(klass);
+  const Symbol* const klass_name = klass->name();
+  if (!found_jdk_internal_event_klass) {
+    if (jdk_internal_event_sym == klass_name && klass->class_loader() == NULL) {
+      found_jdk_internal_event_klass = true;
+      JfrTraceId::tag_as_jdk_jfr_event(klass);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!found_jdk_jfr_event_klass) {
+    if (jdk_jfr_event_sym == klass_name && klass->class_loader() == NULL) {
+      found_jdk_jfr_event_klass = true;
+      JfrTraceId::tag_as_jdk_jfr_event(klass);
+      return;
+    }
--- a/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceId.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceId.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -112,10 +112,8 @@
 inline void JfrTraceId::tag_as_jdk_jfr_event(const Klass* klass) {
   assert(klass != NULL, "invariant");
-  assert(IS_NOT_AN_EVENT_KLASS(klass), "invariant");
   assert(IS_JDK_JFR_EVENT_KLASS(klass), "invariant");
-  assert(IS_NOT_AN_EVENT_SUB_KLASS(klass), "invariant");
 inline bool JfrTraceId::is_jdk_jfr_event_sub(const Klass* k) {
@@ -125,7 +123,7 @@
 inline void JfrTraceId::tag_as_jdk_jfr_event_sub(const Klass* k) {
   assert(k != NULL, "invariant");
-  if (IS_NOT_AN_EVENT_KLASS(k)) {
   assert(IS_JDK_JFR_EVENT_SUBKLASS(k), "invariant");
--- a/src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -914,6 +914,19 @@
+  if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_file_load_hook() && JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env()) {
+    ShouldNotReachHere(); // CDS should have been disabled.
+    // The archived objects are mapped at JVM start-up, but we don't know if
+    // j.l.String or j.l.Class might be replaced by the ClassFileLoadHook,
+    // which would make the archived String or mirror objects invalid. Let's be safe and not
+    // use the archived objects. These 2 classes are loaded during the JVMTI "early" stage.
+    //
+    // If JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env() is false, the classes of some objects
+    // in the archived subgraphs may be replaced by the ClassFileLoadHook. But that's OK
+    // because we won't install an archived object subgraph if the klass of any of the
+    // referenced objects are replaced. See HeapShared::initialize_from_archived_subgraph().
+  }
   MemRegion heap_reserved = Universe::heap()->reserved_region();
   log_info(cds)("CDS archive was created with max heap size = " SIZE_FORMAT "M, and the following configuration:",
@@ -1224,6 +1237,15 @@
 bool FileMapInfo::initialize() {
   assert(UseSharedSpaces, "UseSharedSpaces expected.");
+  if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_file_load_hook() && JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env()) {
+    // CDS assumes that no classes resolved in SystemDictionary::resolve_well_known_classes
+    // are replaced at runtime by JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook. All of those classes are resolved
+    // during the JVMTI "early" stage, so we can still use CDS if
+    // JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env() is false.
+    FileMapInfo::fail_continue("CDS is disabled because early JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook is in use.");
+    return false;
+  }
   if (!open_for_read()) {
     return false;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/memory/heapShared.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/memory/heapShared.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -417,6 +417,11 @@
         Klass* resolved_k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(
                                               (obj_k)->name(), THREAD);
         if (resolved_k != obj_k) {
+          assert(!SystemDictionary::is_well_known_klass(resolved_k),
+                 "shared well-known classes must not be replaced by JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook");
+          ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
+          log_info(cds, heap)("Failed to load subgraph because %s was not loaded from archive",
+                              resolved_k->external_name());
         if ((obj_k)->is_instance_klass()) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/c2compiler.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/c2compiler.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -604,7 +604,9 @@
   return true;
-int C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size() {
-  assert(SegmentedCodeCache, "Should be only used with a segmented code cache");
-  return Compile::MAX_inst_size + Compile::MAX_locs_size + initial_const_capacity;
+int C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size(int const_size) {
+  // See Compile::init_scratch_buffer_blob
+  int locs_size = sizeof(relocInfo) * Compile::MAX_locs_size;
+  int slop = 2 * CodeSection::end_slop(); // space between sections
+  return Compile::MAX_inst_size + Compile::MAX_stubs_size + const_size + slop + locs_size;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/c2compiler.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/c2compiler.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp"
+#include "opto/output.hpp"
 class C2Compiler : public AbstractCompiler {
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
   virtual bool is_intrinsic_supported(const methodHandle& method, bool is_virtual);
   // Initial size of the code buffer (may be increased at runtime)
-  static int initial_code_buffer_size();
+  static int initial_code_buffer_size(int const_size = initial_const_capacity);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/compile.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/compile.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -544,9 +544,7 @@
     ResourceMark rm;
     _scratch_const_size = const_size;
-    int locs_size = sizeof(relocInfo) * MAX_locs_size;
-    int slop = 2 * CodeSection::end_slop(); // space between sections
-    int size = (MAX_inst_size + MAX_stubs_size + _scratch_const_size + slop + locs_size);
+    int size = C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size(const_size);
     blob = BufferBlob::create("Compile::scratch_buffer", size);
     // Record the buffer blob for next time.
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/graphKit.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/graphKit.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -2116,8 +2116,17 @@
 // We use this to determine if an object is so "fresh" that
 // it does not require card marks.
 Node* GraphKit::just_allocated_object(Node* current_control) {
-  if (C->recent_alloc_ctl() == current_control)
-    return C->recent_alloc_obj();
+  Node* ctrl = current_control;
+  // Object::<init> is invoked after allocation, most of invoke nodes
+  // will be reduced, but a region node is kept in parse time, we check
+  // the pattern and skip the region node if it degraded to a copy.
+  if (ctrl != NULL && ctrl->is_Region() && ctrl->req() == 2 &&
+      ctrl->as_Region()->is_copy()) {
+    ctrl = ctrl->as_Region()->is_copy();
+  }
+  if (C->recent_alloc_ctl() == ctrl) {
+   return C->recent_alloc_obj();
+  }
   return NULL;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiExport.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiExport.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -994,6 +994,20 @@
+bool JvmtiExport::is_early_phase() {
+  return JvmtiEnvBase::get_phase() <= JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL;
+bool JvmtiExport::has_early_class_hook_env() {
+  JvmtiEnvIterator it;
+  for (JvmtiEnv* env = it.first(); env != NULL; env = {
+    if (env->early_class_hook_env()) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
 bool JvmtiExport::_should_post_class_file_load_hook = false;
 // this entry is for class file load hook on class load, redefine and retransform
--- a/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiExport.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiExport.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -328,6 +328,8 @@
     JVMTI_ONLY(return _should_post_class_file_load_hook);
     NOT_JVMTI(return false;)
+  static bool is_early_phase();
+  static bool has_early_class_hook_env();
   // Return true if the class was modified by the hook.
   static bool post_class_file_load_hook(Symbol* h_name, Handle class_loader,
                                         Handle h_protection_domain,
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/compilationPolicy.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/compilationPolicy.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@
 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
+#ifdef COMPILER1
+#include "c1/c1_Compiler.hpp"
+#ifdef COMPILER2
+#include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
 CompilationPolicy* CompilationPolicy::_policy;
 elapsedTimer       CompilationPolicy::_accumulated_time;
 bool               CompilationPolicy::_in_vm_startup;
@@ -222,6 +229,19 @@
     // max(log2(8)-1,1) = 2 compiler threads on an 8-way machine.
     // May help big-app startup time.
     _compiler_count = MAX2(log2_intptr(os::active_processor_count())-1,1);
+    // Make sure there is enough space in the code cache to hold all the compiler buffers
+    size_t buffer_size = 1;
+#ifdef COMPILER1
+    buffer_size = is_client_compilation_mode_vm() ? Compiler::code_buffer_size() : buffer_size;
+#ifdef COMPILER2
+    buffer_size = is_server_compilation_mode_vm() ? C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size() : buffer_size;
+    int max_count = (ReservedCodeCacheSize - (CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace DEBUG_ONLY(* 3))) / (int)buffer_size;
+    if (_compiler_count > max_count) {
+      // Lower the compiler count such that all buffers fit into the code cache
+      _compiler_count = MAX2(max_count, 1);
+    }
     FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, CICompilerCount, _compiler_count);
   } else {
     _compiler_count = CICompilerCount;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 class HandshakeOperation: public StackObj {
   virtual void do_handshake(JavaThread* thread) = 0;
-  virtual void cancel_handshake(JavaThread* thread) = 0;
 class HandshakeThreadsOperation: public HandshakeOperation {
@@ -51,8 +50,6 @@
   HandshakeThreadsOperation(ThreadClosure* cl) : _thread_cl(cl) {}
   void do_handshake(JavaThread* thread);
-  void cancel_handshake(JavaThread* thread) { _done.signal(); };
   bool thread_has_completed() { return _done.trywait(); }
 #ifdef ASSERT
@@ -121,15 +118,11 @@
     TraceTime timer("Performing single-target operation (vmoperation doit)", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, handshake));
-    {
-      ThreadsListHandle tlh;
-      if (tlh.includes(_target)) {
-        set_handshake(_target);
-        _thread_alive = true;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!_thread_alive) {
+    ThreadsListHandle tlh;
+    if (tlh.includes(_target)) {
+      set_handshake(_target);
+      _thread_alive = true;
+    } else {
@@ -147,20 +140,9 @@
       // We need to re-think this with SMR ThreadsList.
       // There is an assumption in the code that the Threads_lock should be
       // locked during certain phases.
-      MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-      ThreadsListHandle tlh;
-      if (tlh.includes(_target)) {
-        // Warning _target's address might be re-used.
-        // handshake_process_by_vmthread will check the semaphore for us again.
-        // Since we can't have more then one handshake in flight a reuse of
-        // _target's address should be okay since the new thread will not have
-        // an operation.
+      {
+        MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-      } else {
-        // We can't warn here since the thread does cancel_handshake after
-        // it has been removed from the ThreadsList. So we should just keep
-        // looping here until while below returns false. If we have a bug,
-        // then we hang here, which is good for debugging.
     } while (!poll_for_completed_thread());
@@ -179,8 +161,9 @@
     TraceTime timer("Performing operation (vmoperation doit)", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, handshake));
+    JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh;
     int number_of_threads_issued = 0;
-    for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *thr =; ) {
+    for (JavaThread *thr =; thr != NULL; thr = {
@@ -210,8 +193,9 @@
           // We need to re-think this with SMR ThreadsList.
           // There is an assumption in the code that the Threads_lock should
           // be locked during certain phases.
+          jtiwh.rewind();
           MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-          for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *thr =; ) {
+          for (JavaThread *thr =; thr != NULL; thr = {
             // A new thread on the ThreadsList will not have an operation,
             // hence it is skipped in handshake_process_by_vmthread.
@@ -262,7 +246,11 @@
   FormatBufferResource message("Operation for thread " PTR_FORMAT ", is_vm_thread: %s",
                                p2i(thread), BOOL_TO_STR(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()));
   TraceTime timer(message, TRACETIME_LOG(Debug, handshake, task));
-  _thread_cl->do_thread(thread);
+  // Only actually execute the operation for non terminated threads.
+  if (!thread->is_terminated()) {
+    _thread_cl->do_thread(thread);
+  }
   // Use the semaphore to inform the VM thread that we have completed the operation
@@ -306,12 +294,7 @@
 void HandshakeState::process_self_inner(JavaThread* thread) {
   assert(Thread::current() == thread, "should call from thread");
-  if (thread->is_terminated()) {
-    // If thread is not on threads list but armed, cancel.
-    thread->cancel_handshake();
-    return;
-  }
+  assert(!thread->is_terminated(), "should not be a terminated thread");
   CautiouslyPreserveExceptionMark pem(thread);
   ThreadInVMForHandshake tivm(thread);
@@ -327,16 +310,6 @@
-void HandshakeState::cancel_inner(JavaThread* thread) {
-  assert(Thread::current() == thread, "should call from thread");
-  assert(thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_vm, "must be in vm state");
-  HandshakeOperation* op = _operation;
-  clear_handshake(thread);
-  if (op != NULL) {
-    op->cancel_handshake(thread);
-  }
 bool HandshakeState::vmthread_can_process_handshake(JavaThread* target) {
   // SafepointSynchronize::safepoint_safe() does not consider an externally
   // suspended thread to be safe. However, this function must be called with
@@ -344,7 +317,7 @@
   // resumed thus it is safe.
   assert(Threads_lock->owned_by_self(), "Not holding Threads_lock.");
   return SafepointSynchronize::safepoint_safe(target, target->thread_state()) ||
-         target->is_ext_suspended();
+         target->is_ext_suspended() || target->is_terminated();
 static bool possibly_vmthread_can_process_handshake(JavaThread* target) {
@@ -355,6 +328,9 @@
   if (target->is_ext_suspended()) {
     return true;
+  if (target->is_terminated()) {
+    return true;
+  }
   switch (target->thread_state()) {
   case _thread_in_native:
     // native threads are safe if they have no java stack or have walkable stack
@@ -381,6 +357,8 @@
 void HandshakeState::process_by_vmthread(JavaThread* target) {
   assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(), "should call from vm thread");
+  // Threads_lock must be held here, but that is assert()ed in
+  // possibly_vmthread_can_process_handshake().
   if (!has_operation()) {
     // JT has already cleared its handshake
@@ -402,7 +380,6 @@
   // getting caught by the semaphore.
   if (vmthread_can_process_handshake(target)) {
     guarantee(!_semaphore.trywait(), "we should already own the semaphore");
     // Disarm after VM thread have executed the operation.
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
   bool vmthread_can_process_handshake(JavaThread* target);
   void clear_handshake(JavaThread* thread);
-  void cancel_inner(JavaThread* thread);
   void process_self_inner(JavaThread* thread);
@@ -72,19 +71,13 @@
     return _operation != NULL;
-  void cancel(JavaThread* thread) {
-    if (!_thread_in_process_handshake) {
-      FlagSetting fs(_thread_in_process_handshake, true);
-      cancel_inner(thread);
-    }
-  }
   void process_by_self(JavaThread* thread) {
     if (!_thread_in_process_handshake) {
       FlagSetting fs(_thread_in_process_handshake, true);
   void process_by_vmthread(JavaThread* target);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -4276,9 +4276,6 @@
-  // thread will never call smr_delete, instead of implicit cancel
-  // in wait_for_vm_thread_exit we do it explicit.
-  thread->cancel_handshake();
   // Stop VM thread.
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1271,10 +1271,6 @@
     return _handshake.has_operation();
-  void cancel_handshake() {
-    _handshake.cancel(this);
-  }
   void handshake_process_by_self() {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/threadSMR.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/threadSMR.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -989,11 +989,6 @@
     // Retry the whole scenario.
-  if (ThreadLocalHandshakes) {
-    // The thread is about to be deleted so cancel any handshake.
-    thread->cancel_handshake();
-  }
   delete thread;
   if (EnableThreadSMRStatistics) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/runtime/tieredThresholdPolicy.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/runtime/tieredThresholdPolicy.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
 #ifdef TIERED
+#include "c1/c1_Compiler.hpp"
+#include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
 template<CompLevel level>
 bool TieredThresholdPolicy::call_predicate_helper(int i, int b, double scale, Method* method) {
   double threshold_scaling;
@@ -215,6 +218,7 @@
 void TieredThresholdPolicy::initialize() {
   int count = CICompilerCount;
+  bool c1_only = TieredStopAtLevel < CompLevel_full_optimization;
 #ifdef _LP64
   // Turn on ergonomic compiler count selection
   if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(CICompilerCountPerCPU) && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(CICompilerCount)) {
@@ -225,6 +229,15 @@
     int log_cpu = log2_intptr(os::active_processor_count());
     int loglog_cpu = log2_intptr(MAX2(log_cpu, 1));
     count = MAX2(log_cpu * loglog_cpu * 3 / 2, 2);
+    // Make sure there is enough space in the code cache to hold all the compiler buffers
+    size_t c1_size = Compiler::code_buffer_size();
+    size_t c2_size = C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size();
+    size_t buffer_size = c1_only ? c1_size : (c1_size/3 + 2*c2_size/3);
+    int max_count = (ReservedCodeCacheSize - (CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace DEBUG_ONLY(* 3))) / (int)buffer_size;
+    if (count > max_count) {
+      // Lower the compiler count such that all buffers fit into the code cache
+      count = MAX2(max_count, c1_only ? 1 : 2);
+    }
     FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, CICompilerCount, count);
@@ -241,7 +254,7 @@
-  if (TieredStopAtLevel < CompLevel_full_optimization) {
+  if (c1_only) {
     // No C2 compiler thread required
   } else {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/concurrentHashTable.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/concurrentHashTable.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
+#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
+#include "utilities/globalCounter.hpp"
+#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 // A mostly concurrent-hash-table where the read-side is wait-free, inserts are
 // CAS and deletes mutual exclude each other on per bucket-basis. VALUE is the
 // type kept inside each Node and CONFIG contains hash and allocation methods.
@@ -247,6 +251,7 @@
     Thread* _thread;
     ConcurrentHashTable<VALUE, CONFIG, F>* _cht;
+    GlobalCounter::CSContext _cs_context;
     ScopedCS(Thread* thread, ConcurrentHashTable<VALUE, CONFIG, F>* cht);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/concurrentHashTable.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/concurrentHashTable.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -208,9 +208,10 @@
 template <typename VALUE, typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 inline ConcurrentHashTable<VALUE, CONFIG, F>::
   ScopedCS::ScopedCS(Thread* thread, ConcurrentHashTable<VALUE, CONFIG, F>* cht)
-    : _thread(thread), _cht(cht)
+    : _thread(thread),
+      _cht(cht),
+      _cs_context(GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(_thread))
-  GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(_thread);
   // This version is published now.
   if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_cht->_invisible_epoch) != NULL) {
     OrderAccess::release_store_fence(&_cht->_invisible_epoch, (Thread*)NULL);
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@
 inline ConcurrentHashTable<VALUE, CONFIG, F>::
-  GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(_thread);
+  GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(_thread, _cs_context);
 // BaseConfig
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@
   // concurrent single deletes. The _invisible_epoch can only be used by the
   // owner of _resize_lock, us here. There we should not changed it in our
   // own read-side.
-  GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(thread);
+  GlobalCounter::CSContext cs_context = GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(thread);
   for (size_t bucket_it = start_idx; bucket_it < stop_idx; bucket_it++) {
     Bucket* bucket = table->get_bucket(bucket_it);
     Bucket* prefetch_bucket = (bucket_it+1) < stop_idx ?
@@ -514,7 +515,7 @@
-    GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(thread);
+    GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(thread, cs_context);
     // We left critical section but the bucket cannot be removed while we hold
     // the _resize_lock.
@@ -530,9 +531,9 @@
       DEBUG_ONLY(ndel[node_it] = (Node*)POISON_PTR;)
-    GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(thread);
+    cs_context = GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(thread);
-  GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(thread);
+  GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(thread, cs_context);
 template <typename VALUE, typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
 void GlobalCounter::write_synchronize() {
   assert((*Thread::current()->get_rcu_counter() & COUNTER_ACTIVE) == 0x0, "must be outside a critcal section");
   // Atomic::add must provide fence since we have storeload dependency.
-  volatile uintx gbl_cnt = Atomic::add((uintx)COUNTER_INCREMENT, &_global_counter._counter,
-                                       memory_order_conservative);
+  uintx gbl_cnt = Atomic::add(COUNTER_INCREMENT, &_global_counter._counter);
   // Handle bootstrap
   if (Threads::number_of_threads() == 0) {
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 // The GlobalCounter provides a synchronization mechanism between threads for
 // safe memory reclamation and other ABA problems. All readers must call
 // critical_section_begin before reading the volatile data and
-// critical_section_end afterwards. The write side must call write_synchronize
-// before reclaming the memory. The read-path only does an uncontented store
+// critical_section_end afterwards. Such read-side critical sections may
+// be properly nested. The write side must call write_synchronize
+// before reclaming the memory. The read-path only does an uncontended store
 // to a thread-local-storage and fence to stop any loads from floating up, thus
 // light weight and wait-free. The write-side is more heavy since it must check
 // all readers and wait until they have left the generation. (a system memory
@@ -62,20 +63,26 @@
   class CounterThreadCheck;
-  // Must be called before accessing the data. Only threads accessible lock-free
-  // can used this. Those included now are all Threads on SMR ThreadsList and
-  // the VMThread. Nesting is not yet supported.
-  static void critical_section_begin(Thread *thread);
+  // The type of the critical section context passed from
+  // critical_section_begin() to critical_section_end().
+  typedef uintx CSContext;
-  // Must be called after finished accessing the data.
-  // Do not provide fence, allows load/stores moving into the critical section.
-  static void critical_section_end(Thread *thread);
+  // Must be called before accessing the data.  The result must be passed
+  // to the associated call to critical_section_end().  Acts as a full
+  // memory barrier before the code within the critical section.
+  static CSContext critical_section_begin(Thread *thread);
+  // Must be called after finished accessing the data.  The context
+  // must be the result of the associated initiating critical_section_begin().
+  // Acts as a release memory barrier after the code within the critical
+  // section.
+  static void critical_section_end(Thread *thread, CSContext context);
   // Make the data inaccessible to readers before calling. When this call
-  // returns it's safe to reclaim the data.
+  // returns it's safe to reclaim the data.  Acts as a full memory barrier.
   static void write_synchronize();
-  // A scoped object for a reads-side critical-section.
+  // A scoped object for a read-side critical-section.
   class CriticalSection;
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.inline.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalCounter.inline.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -25,34 +25,46 @@
+#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
 #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
 #include "utilities/globalCounter.hpp"
-inline void GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(Thread *thread) {
+inline GlobalCounter::CSContext
+GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(Thread *thread) {
   assert(thread == Thread::current(), "must be current thread");
-  assert((*thread->get_rcu_counter() & COUNTER_ACTIVE) == 0x0, "nested critical sections, not supported yet");
-  uintx gbl_cnt = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_global_counter._counter);
-  OrderAccess::release_store_fence(thread->get_rcu_counter(), gbl_cnt | COUNTER_ACTIVE);
+  uintx old_cnt = Atomic::load(thread->get_rcu_counter());
+  // Retain the old counter value if already active, e.g. nested.
+  // Otherwise, set the counter to the current version + active bit.
+  uintx new_cnt = old_cnt;
+  if ((new_cnt & COUNTER_ACTIVE) == 0) {
+    new_cnt = Atomic::load(&_global_counter._counter) | COUNTER_ACTIVE;
+  }
+  OrderAccess::release_store_fence(thread->get_rcu_counter(), new_cnt);
+  return static_cast<CSContext>(old_cnt);
-inline void GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(Thread *thread) {
+inline void
+GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(Thread *thread, CSContext context) {
   assert(thread == Thread::current(), "must be current thread");
   assert((*thread->get_rcu_counter() & COUNTER_ACTIVE) == COUNTER_ACTIVE, "must be in critical section");
-  // Mainly for debugging we set it to 'now'.
-  uintx gbl_cnt = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_global_counter._counter);
-  OrderAccess::release_store(thread->get_rcu_counter(), gbl_cnt);
+  // Restore the counter value from before the associated begin.
+  OrderAccess::release_store(thread->get_rcu_counter(),
+                             static_cast<uintx>(context));
 class GlobalCounter::CriticalSection {
   Thread* _thread;
+  CSContext _context;
-  inline CriticalSection(Thread* thread) : _thread(thread) {
-    GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(_thread);
-  }
+  inline CriticalSection(Thread* thread) :
+    _thread(thread),
+    _context(GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(_thread))
+  {}
   inline  ~CriticalSection() {
-    GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(_thread);
+    GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(_thread, _context);
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/internalVMTests.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/internalVMTests.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
 void InternalVMTests::run() {
   tty->print_cr("Running internal VM tests");
-  run_unit_test(TestMetaspaceUtils_test);
-  run_unit_test(GCTimer_test);
   tty->print_cr("All internal VM tests passed");
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/singleWriterSynchronizer.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/singleWriterSynchronizer.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 // Any number of threads may enter critical sections associated with a
 // synchronizer object.  One (at a time) other thread may wait for the
 // completion of all critical sections for the synchronizer object
-// that were extent when the wait was initiated.  Usage is that there
+// that were extant when the wait was initiated.  Usage is that there
 // is some state that can be accessed either before or after some
 // change.  An accessing thread performs the access within a critical
 // section.  A writer thread performs the state change, and then waits
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
 // Generally, GlobalCounter should be used instead of this class, as
 // GlobalCounter has measurably better performance and doesn't have
 // the single writer at a time restriction.  Use this only in
-// situations where GlobalCounter won't work for some reason, such as
-// nesting.  But note that nesting often indicates other problems, and
-// may risk deadlock.
+// situations where GlobalCounter won't work for some reason.
 class SingleWriterSynchronizer {
   volatile uint _enter;
   volatile uint _exit[2];
--- a/src/hotspot/share/utilities/ticks.hpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/utilities/ticks.hpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
   TimeInstant(jlong ticks) : Rep<TimeSource>(ticks) {}
   friend class GranularTimer;
   friend class ObjectSample;
-  //  GC VM tests
+  // GC unit tests
   friend class TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest;
   friend class GCTimerTest;
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -37,119 +37,104 @@
-     * Check for overflow, throw the exception on overflow.
-     * @param len String length
-     * @return length
+     * Check for overflow, throw exception on overflow.
+     * @param lengthCoder String length and coder
+     * @return lengthCoder
-    private static int checkOverflow(int len) {
-        if (len < 0) {
-            throw new OutOfMemoryError("Overflow: String length out of range");
+    private static long checkOverflow(long lengthCoder) {
+        if ((int)lengthCoder >= 0) {
+            return lengthCoder;
-        return len;
+        throw new OutOfMemoryError("Overflow: String length out of range");
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, boolean value) {
+    static long mix(long current, boolean value) {
         return checkOverflow(current + (value ? 4 : 5));
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, byte value) {
-        return mixLen(current, (int)value);
+    static long mix(long current, byte value) {
+        return mix(current, (int)value);
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, char value) {
-        return checkOverflow(current + 1);
+    static long mix(long current, char value) {
+        return checkOverflow(current + 1) | (StringLatin1.canEncode(value) ? 0 : UTF16);
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, short value) {
-        return mixLen(current, (int)value);
+    static long mix(long current, short value) {
+        return mix(current, (int)value);
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, int value) {
+    static long mix(long current, int value) {
         return checkOverflow(current + Integer.stringSize(value));
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static int mixLen(int current, long value) {
+    static long mix(long current, long value) {
         return checkOverflow(current + Long.stringSize(value));
-     * Mix value length into current length
+     * Mix value length and coder into current length and coder.
      * @param current current length
      * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new length
-     */
-    static int mixLen(int current, String value) {
-        return checkOverflow(current + value.length());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Mix coder into current coder
-     * @param current current coder
-     * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new coder
+     * @return new length and coder
-    static byte mixCoder(byte current, char value) {
-        return (byte)(current | (StringLatin1.canEncode(value) ? 0 : 1));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Mix coder into current coder
-     * @param current current coder
-     * @param value   value to mix in
-     * @return new coder
-     */
-    static byte mixCoder(byte current, String value) {
-        return (byte)(current | value.coder());
+    static long mix(long current, String value) {
+        current += value.length();
+        if (value.coder() == String.UTF16) {
+            current |= UTF16;
+        }
+        return checkOverflow(current);
      * Prepends the stringly representation of boolean value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value boolean value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      boolean value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, boolean value) {
-        if (coder == String.LATIN1) {
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, boolean value) {
+        int index = (int)indexCoder;
+        if (indexCoder < UTF16) {
             if (value) {
                 buf[--index] = 'e';
                 buf[--index] = 'u';
@@ -162,6 +147,7 @@
                 buf[--index] = 'a';
                 buf[--index] = 'f';
+            return index;
         } else {
             if (value) {
                 StringUTF16.putChar(buf, --index, 'e');
@@ -175,72 +161,72 @@
                 StringUTF16.putChar(buf, --index, 'a');
                 StringUTF16.putChar(buf, --index, 'f');
+            return index | UTF16;
-        return index;
      * Prepends the stringly representation of byte value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value byte value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      byte value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, byte value) {
-        return prepend(index, buf, coder, (int)value);
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, byte value) {
+        return prepend(indexCoder, buf, (int)value);
      * Prepends the stringly representation of char value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value char value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      char value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, char value) {
-        if (coder == String.LATIN1) {
-            buf[--index] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, char value) {
+        if (indexCoder < UTF16) {
+            buf[(int)(--indexCoder)] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
         } else {
-            StringUTF16.putChar(buf, --index, value);
+            StringUTF16.putChar(buf, (int)(--indexCoder), value);
-        return index;
+        return indexCoder;
      * Prepends the stringly representation of short value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value short value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      short value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, short value) {
-        return prepend(index, buf, coder, (int)value);
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, short value) {
+        return prepend(indexCoder, buf, (int)value);
      * Prepends the stringly representation of integer value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value integer value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      integer value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, int value) {
-        if (coder == String.LATIN1) {
-            return Integer.getChars(value, index, buf);
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, int value) {
+        if (indexCoder < UTF16) {
+            return Integer.getChars(value, (int)indexCoder, buf);
         } else {
-            return StringUTF16.getChars(value, index, buf);
+            return StringUTF16.getChars(value, (int)indexCoder, buf) | UTF16;
@@ -248,17 +234,17 @@
      * Prepends the stringly representation of long value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value long value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      long value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, long value) {
-        if (coder == String.LATIN1) {
-            return Long.getChars(value, index, buf);
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, long value) {
+        if (indexCoder < UTF16) {
+            return Long.getChars(value, (int)indexCoder, buf);
         } else {
-            return StringUTF16.getChars(value, index, buf);
+            return StringUTF16.getChars(value, (int)indexCoder, buf) | UTF16;
@@ -266,39 +252,49 @@
      * Prepends the stringly representation of String value into buffer,
      * given the coder and final index. Index is measured in chars, not in bytes!
-     * @param index final char index in the buffer
-     * @param buf   buffer to append to
-     * @param coder coder to add with
-     * @param value String value to encode
-     * @return new index
+     * @param indexCoder final char index in the buffer, along with coder packed
+     *                   into higher bits.
+     * @param buf        buffer to append to
+     * @param value      String value to encode
+     * @return           updated index (coder value retained)
-    static int prepend(int index, byte[] buf, byte coder, String value) {
-        index -= value.length();
-        value.getBytes(buf, index, coder);
-        return index;
+    static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, String value) {
+        indexCoder -= value.length();
+        if (indexCoder < UTF16) {
+            value.getBytes(buf, (int)indexCoder, String.LATIN1);
+        } else {
+            value.getBytes(buf, (int)indexCoder, String.UTF16);
+        }
+        return indexCoder;
      * Instantiates the String with given buffer and coder
-     * @param buf     buffer to use
-     * @param index   remaining index
-     * @param coder   coder to use
-     * @return String resulting string
+     * @param buf           buffer to use
+     * @param indexCoder    remaining index (should be zero) and coder
+     * @return String       resulting string
-    static String newString(byte[] buf, int index, byte coder) {
+    static String newString(byte[] buf, long indexCoder) {
         // Use the private, non-copying constructor (unsafe!)
-        if (index != 0) {
-            throw new InternalError("Storage is not completely initialized, " + index + " bytes left");
+        if (indexCoder == LATIN1) {
+            return new String(buf, String.LATIN1);
+        } else if (indexCoder == UTF16) {
+            return new String(buf, String.UTF16);
+        } else {
+            throw new InternalError("Storage is not completely initialized, " + (int)indexCoder + " bytes left");
-        return new String(buf, coder);
+    private static final long LATIN1 = (long)String.LATIN1 << 32;
+    private static final long UTF16 = (long)String.UTF16 << 32;
      * Provides the initial coder for the String.
-     * @return initial coder
+     * @return initial coder, adjusted into the upper half
-    static byte initialCoder() {
-        return String.COMPACT_STRINGS ? String.LATIN1 : String.UTF16;
+    static long initialCoder() {
+        return String.COMPACT_STRINGS ? LATIN1 : UTF16;
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -318,6 +318,13 @@
+        public String toString() {
+            return "Recipe{" +
+                    "elements=" + elements +
+                    '}';
+        }
+        @Override
         public int hashCode() {
             return elements.hashCode();
@@ -368,6 +375,15 @@
+        public String toString() {
+            return "RecipeElement{" +
+                    "value='" + value + '\'' +
+                    ", argPos=" + argPos +
+                    ", tag=" + tag +
+                    '}';
+        }
+        @Override
         public int hashCode() {
             return (int)tag;
@@ -1520,24 +1536,24 @@
             // Start building the combinator tree. The tree "starts" with (<parameters>)String, and "finishes"
-            // with the (int, byte[], byte)String in String helper. The combinators are assembled bottom-up,
-            // which makes the code arguably hard to read.
+            // with the (byte[], long)String shape to invoke newString in StringConcatHelper. The combinators are
+            // assembled bottom-up, which makes the code arguably hard to read.
             // Drop all remaining parameter types, leave only helper arguments:
             MethodHandle mh;
-            mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(NEW_STRING, 3, ptypes);
+            mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(NEW_STRING, 2, ptypes);
-            // Mix in prependers. This happens when (byte[], int, byte) = (storage, index, coder) is already
-            // known from the combinators below. We are assembling the string backwards, so "index" is the
-            // *ending* index.
+            // Mix in prependers. This happens when (byte[], long) = (storage, indexCoder) is already
+            // known from the combinators below. We are assembling the string backwards, so the index coded
+            // into indexCoder is the *ending* index.
             for (RecipeElement el : recipe.getElements()) {
                 // Do the prepend, and put "new" index at index 1
                 switch (el.getTag()) {
                     case TAG_CONST: {
-                        MethodHandle prepender = MethodHandles.insertArguments(prepender(String.class), 3, el.getValue());
+                        MethodHandle prepender = MethodHandles.insertArguments(prepender(String.class), 2, el.getValue());
                         mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 1, prepender,
-                                1, 0, 2 // index, storage, coder
+                                1, 0 // indexCoder, storage
@@ -1545,8 +1561,8 @@
                         int pos = el.getArgPos();
                         MethodHandle prepender = prepender(ptypes[pos]);
                         mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 1, prepender,
-                                1, 0, 2, // index, storage, coder
-                                3 + pos  // selected argument
+                                1, 0, // indexCoder, storage
+                                2 + pos  // selected argument
@@ -1557,7 +1573,7 @@
             // Fold in byte[] instantiation at argument 0
             mh = MethodHandles.foldArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 0, NEW_ARRAY,
-                    1, 2 // index, coder
+                    1 // index
             // Start combining length and coder mixers.
@@ -1569,47 +1585,28 @@
             // Coders are more interesting. Only Object, String and char arguments (and constants)
             // can have non-Latin1 encoding. It is easier to blindly convert constants to String,
             // and deduce the coder from there. Arguments would be either converted to Strings
-            // during the initial filtering, or handled by primitive specializations in CODER_MIXERS.
+            // during the initial filtering, or handled by specializations in MIXERS.
-            // The method handle shape before and after all length and coder mixers is:
-            //   (int, byte, <args>)String = ("index", "coder", <args>)
-            byte initialCoder = INITIAL_CODER;
-            int initialLen = 0;    // initial length, in characters
+            // The method handle shape before and after all mixers are combined in is:
+            //   (long, <args>)String = ("indexCoder", <args>)
+            long initialLengthCoder = INITIAL_CODER;
             for (RecipeElement el : recipe.getElements()) {
                 switch (el.getTag()) {
                     case TAG_CONST:
                         String constant = el.getValue();
-                        initialCoder = (byte) coderMixer(String.class).invoke(initialCoder, constant);
-                        initialLen += constant.length();
+                        initialLengthCoder = (long)mixer(String.class).invoke(initialLengthCoder, constant);
                     case TAG_ARG:
                         int ac = el.getArgPos();
                         Class<?> argClass = ptypes[ac];
-                        MethodHandle lm = lengthMixer(argClass);
-                        if (argClass.isPrimitive() && argClass != char.class) {
-                            // Compute new "index" in-place using old value plus the appropriate argument.
-                            mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 0, lm,
-                                    0, // old-index
-                                    2 + ac // selected argument
-                            );
-                        } else {
-                            MethodHandle cm = coderMixer(argClass);
+                        MethodHandle mix = mixer(argClass);
-                            // Compute new "index" in-place using old value plus the appropriate argument.
-                            mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 0, lm,
-                                    0, // old-index
-                                    2 + ac // selected argument
-                            );
-                            // Compute new "coder" in-place using old value plus the appropriate argument.
-                            mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 1, cm,
-                                    1, // old-coder
-                                    2 + ac // selected argument
-                            );
-                        }
+                        // Compute new "index" in-place using old value plus the appropriate argument.
+                        mh = MethodHandles.filterArgumentsWithCombiner(mh, 0, mix,
+                                0, // old-index
+                                1 + ac // selected argument
+                        );
@@ -1617,9 +1614,9 @@
-            // Insert initial lengths and coders here.
+            // Insert initial length and coder value here.
             // The method handle shape here is (<args>).
-            mh = MethodHandles.insertArguments(mh, 0, initialLen, initialCoder);
+            mh = MethodHandles.insertArguments(mh, 0, initialLengthCoder);
             // Apply filters, converting the arguments:
             if (filters != null) {
@@ -1630,45 +1627,34 @@
-        private static byte[] newArray(int length, byte coder) {
-            return (byte[]) UNSAFE.allocateUninitializedArray(byte.class, length << coder);
+        private static byte[] newArray(long indexCoder) {
+            byte coder = (byte)(indexCoder >> 32);
+            int index = ((int)indexCoder & 0x7FFFFFFF);
+            return (byte[]) UNSAFE.allocateUninitializedArray(byte.class, index << coder);
         private static MethodHandle prepender(Class<?> cl) {
             return PREPENDERS.computeIfAbsent(cl, PREPEND);
-        private static MethodHandle coderMixer(Class<?> cl) {
-            return CODER_MIXERS.computeIfAbsent(cl, CODER_MIX);
-        }
-        private static MethodHandle lengthMixer(Class<?> cl) {
-            return LENGTH_MIXERS.computeIfAbsent(cl, LENGTH_MIX);
+        private static MethodHandle mixer(Class<?> cl) {
+            return MIXERS.computeIfAbsent(cl, MIX);
         // This one is deliberately non-lambdified to optimize startup time:
         private static final Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle> PREPEND = new Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle>() {
             public MethodHandle apply(Class<?> c) {
-                return lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "prepend", int.class, int.class, byte[].class, byte.class,
+                return lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "prepend", long.class, long.class, byte[].class,
         // This one is deliberately non-lambdified to optimize startup time:
-        private static final Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle> CODER_MIX = new Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle>() {
+        private static final Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle> MIX = new Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle>() {
             public MethodHandle apply(Class<?> c) {
-                return lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "mixCoder", byte.class, byte.class,
-                        Wrapper.asPrimitiveType(c));
-            }
-        };
-        // This one is deliberately non-lambdified to optimize startup time:
-        private static final Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle> LENGTH_MIX = new Function<Class<?>, MethodHandle>() {
-            @Override
-            public MethodHandle apply(Class<?> c) {
-                return lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "mixLen", int.class, int.class,
+                return lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "mix", long.class, long.class,
@@ -1676,26 +1662,24 @@
         private static final MethodHandle NEW_STRING;
         private static final MethodHandle NEW_ARRAY;
         private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> PREPENDERS;
-        private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> LENGTH_MIXERS;
-        private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> CODER_MIXERS;
-        private static final byte INITIAL_CODER;
+        private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> MIXERS;
+        private static final long INITIAL_CODER;
         static final Class<?> STRING_HELPER;
         static {
             try {
                 STRING_HELPER = Class.forName("java.lang.StringConcatHelper");
-                MethodHandle initCoder = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "initialCoder", byte.class);
-                INITIAL_CODER = (byte) initCoder.invoke();
+                MethodHandle initCoder = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "initialCoder", long.class);
+                INITIAL_CODER = (long) initCoder.invoke();
             } catch (Throwable e) {
                 throw new AssertionError(e);
             PREPENDERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
-            LENGTH_MIXERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
-            CODER_MIXERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+            MIXERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
-            NEW_STRING = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "newString", String.class, byte[].class, int.class, byte.class);
-            NEW_ARRAY  = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, MethodHandleInlineCopyStrategy.class, "newArray", byte[].class, int.class, byte.class);
+            NEW_STRING = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, STRING_HELPER, "newString", String.class, byte[].class, long.class);
+            NEW_ARRAY  = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, MethodHandleInlineCopyStrategy.class, "newArray", byte[].class, long.class);
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/chrono/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/chrono/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
  * Japan introduced the Gregorian calendar starting with Meiji 6.
  * Only Meiji and later eras are supported;
  * dates before Meiji 6, January 1 are not supported.
+ * The number of the valid eras may increase, as new eras may be
+ * defined by the Japanese government. Once an era is defined,
+ * subsequent versions of this class will add a singleton instance
+ * for it. The defined era is expected to have a consecutive integer
+ * associated with it.
  * @implSpec
  * This class is immutable and thread-safe.
@@ -195,9 +200,13 @@
      * Obtains an instance of {@code JapaneseEra} from an {@code int} value.
      * <p>
-     * The {@link #SHOWA} era that contains 1970-01-01 (ISO calendar system) has the value 1
+     * The {@link #SHOWA} era that contains 1970-01-01 (ISO calendar system) has the value 1.
      * Later era is numbered 2 ({@link #HEISEI}). Earlier eras are numbered 0 ({@link #TAISHO}),
      * -1 ({@link #MEIJI}), only Meiji and later eras are supported.
+     * <p>
+     * In addition to the known era singletons, values for additional
+     * eras may be defined. Those values are the {@link Era#getValue()}
+     * of corresponding eras from the {@link #values()} method.
      * @param japaneseEra  the era to represent
      * @return the {@code JapaneseEra} singleton, not null
@@ -216,6 +225,8 @@
      * <p>
      * The string must match exactly the name of the era.
      * (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
+     * <p>
+     * Valid era names are the names of eras returned from {@link #values()}.
      * @param japaneseEra  the japaneseEra name; non-null
      * @return the {@code JapaneseEra} singleton, never null
@@ -232,7 +243,9 @@
-     * Returns an array of JapaneseEras.
+     * Returns an array of JapaneseEras. The array may contain eras defined
+     * by the Japanese government beyond the known era singletons.
+     *
      * <p>
      * This method may be used to iterate over the JapaneseEras as follows:
      * <pre>
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -582,16 +582,22 @@
      * Generates the shared secret and returns it in a new buffer.
-     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object, so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the {@code init} methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object to the state that
+     * it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init} methods.
+     * After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused for
+     * further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @return the new buffer with the shared secret
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
     public final byte[] generateSecret() throws IllegalStateException {
@@ -606,11 +612,16 @@
      * result, a {@code ShortBufferException} is thrown.
      * In this case, this call should be repeated with a larger output buffer.
-     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object, so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the {@code init} methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object to the state that
+     * it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init} methods.
+     * After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused for
+     * further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @param sharedSecret the buffer for the shared secret
      * @param offset the offset in {@code sharedSecret} where the
@@ -619,7 +630,8 @@
      * @return the number of bytes placed into {@code sharedSecret}
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
      * @exception ShortBufferException if the given output buffer is too small
      * to hold the secret
@@ -634,18 +646,24 @@
      * Creates the shared secret and returns it as a {@code SecretKey}
      * object of the specified algorithm.
-     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object, so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the {@code init} methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreement} object to the state that
+     * it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init} methods.
+     * After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused for
+     * further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @param algorithm the requested secret-key algorithm
      * @return the shared secret key
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
      * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified secret-key
      * algorithm is not available
      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the shared secret-key material cannot
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -130,17 +130,22 @@
      * Generates the shared secret and returns it in a new buffer.
-     * <p>This method resets this <code>KeyAgreementSpi</code> object,
-     * so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the <code>engineInit</code> methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreementSpi} object to the state
+     * that it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init}
+     * methods. After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused
+     * for further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @return the new buffer with the shared secret
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
     protected abstract byte[] engineGenerateSecret()
         throws IllegalStateException;
@@ -153,12 +158,16 @@
      * result, a <code>ShortBufferException</code> is thrown.
      * In this case, this call should be repeated with a larger output buffer.
-     * <p>This method resets this <code>KeyAgreementSpi</code> object,
-     * so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the <code>engineInit</code> methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreementSpi} object to the state
+     * that it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init}
+     * methods. After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused
+     * for further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @param sharedSecret the buffer for the shared secret
      * @param offset the offset in <code>sharedSecret</code> where the
@@ -167,7 +176,8 @@
      * @return the number of bytes placed into <code>sharedSecret</code>
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
      * @exception ShortBufferException if the given output buffer is too small
      * to hold the secret
@@ -179,19 +189,24 @@
      * Creates the shared secret and returns it as a secret key object
      * of the requested algorithm type.
-     * <p>This method resets this <code>KeyAgreementSpi</code> object,
-     * so that it
-     * can be reused for further key agreements. Unless this key agreement is
-     * reinitialized with one of the <code>engineInit</code> methods, the same
-     * private information and algorithm parameters will be used for
-     * subsequent key agreements.
+     * <p>This method resets this {@code KeyAgreementSpi} object to the state
+     * that it was in after the most recent call to one of the {@code init}
+     * methods. After a call to {@code generateSecret}, the object can be reused
+     * for further key agreement operations by calling {@code doPhase} to supply
+     * new keys, and then calling {@code generateSecret} to produce a new
+     * secret. In this case, the private information and algorithm parameters
+     * supplied to {@code init} will be used for multiple key agreement
+     * operations. The {@code init} method can be called after
+     * {@code generateSecret} to change the private information used in
+     * subsequent operations.
      * @param algorithm the requested secret key algorithm
      * @return the shared secret key
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this key agreement has not been
-     * completed yet
+     * initialized or if {@code doPhase} has not been called to supply the
+     * keys for all parties in the agreement
      * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the requested secret key
      * algorithm is not available
      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the shared secret key material cannot
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/event/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package jdk.internal.event;
+ * Base class for events, to be subclassed in order to define events and their
+ * fields.
+ */
+public abstract class Event {
+    /**
+     * Sole constructor, for invocation by subclass constructors, typically
+     * implicit.
+     */
+    protected Event() {
+    }
+    /**
+     * Starts the timing of this event.
+     */
+    public void begin() {
+    }
+    /**
+     * Ends the timing of this event.
+     *
+     * The {@code end} method must be invoked after the {@code begin} method.
+     */
+    public void end() {
+    }
+    /**
+     * Writes the field values, time stamp, and event duration.
+     * <p>
+     * If the event starts with an invocation of the {@code begin} method, but does
+     * not end with an explicit invocation of the {@code end} method, then the event
+     * ends when the {@code commit} method is invoked.
+     */
+    public void commit() {
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns {@code true} if the event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise
+     *
+     * @return {@code true} if event is enabled, {@code false} otherwise
+     */
+    public boolean isEnabled() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns {@code true} if the event is enabled and if the duration is within
+     * the threshold for the event, {@code false} otherwise.
+     *
+     * @return {@code true} if the event can be written, {@code false} otherwise
+     */
+    public boolean shouldCommit() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a field value.
+     *
+     * @param index the index of the field to set
+     * @param value value to set, can be {@code null}
+     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if functionality is not supported
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code index} is less than {@code 0} or
+     *         greater than or equal to the number of fields specified for the event
+     */
+    public void set(int index, Object value) {
+    }
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@;
     exports jdk.internal to
+    exports jdk.internal.event to
+        jdk.jfr;
     exports jdk.internal.jimage to
     exports jdk.internal.jimage.decompressor to
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
-    ECDSA_SECP512R1_SHA512  (0x0603, "ecdsa_secp512r1_sha512",
+    ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512  (0x0603, "ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512",
--- a/src/java.base/unix/native/jspawnhelper/jspawnhelper.c	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.base/unix/native/jspawnhelper/jspawnhelper.c	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@
 #define ERR_ARGS 3
 void error (int fd, int err) {
-    write (fd, &err, sizeof(err));
+    if (write (fd, &err, sizeof(err)) != sizeof(err)) {
+        /* Not sure what to do here. I have no one to speak to. */
+        exit(0x80 + err);
+    }
     exit (1);
--- a/src/java.xml/share/classes/javax/xml/validation/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/java.xml/share/classes/javax/xml/validation/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
  *         and an <a href="">ISO (International Organization
  *         for Standardization)</a> standard.
  *     </li>
- *     <li><strong><a href="">Schematron</a></strong> -
+ *     <li><strong><a href="">Schematron</a></strong> -
  *         a rules-based XML schema language. Whereas DTD, WXS, and RNG are designed
  *         to express the structure of a content model, Schematron is designed to
  *         enforce individual rules that are difficult or impossible to express
  *         with other schema languages. Schematron is intended to supplement a
  *         schema written in structural schema language such as the aforementioned.
- *         Schematron is in the process of becoming an ISO standard.
+ *         Schematron is <a href="">an ISO standard</a>.
  *     </li>
  * </ul>
  * <p>
--- a/src/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@
         try {
-            return deriveKey(s, publicValue, encodedParams);
+            byte[] result = deriveKey(s, publicValue, encodedParams);
+            publicValue = null;
+            return result;
         } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
             throw new ProviderException("Could not derive key", e);
--- a/src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/taglets/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/taglets/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@
      * Construct a new ValueTaglet.
     public ValueTaglet() {
-        super(VALUE.tagName, true,
-                EnumSet.of(Site.OVERVIEW, Site.PACKAGE, Site.TYPE, Site.CONSTRUCTOR,
-                    Site.METHOD, Site.FIELD)); // not Site.MODULE at this time!
+        super(VALUE.tagName, true, EnumSet.allOf(Site.class));
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
-abstract public class Event {
+abstract public class Event extends jdk.internal.event.Event {
      * Sole constructor, for invocation by subclass constructors, typically
      * implicit.
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 import jdk.internal.module.Modules;
 import jdk.jfr.AnnotationElement;
 import jdk.jfr.Enabled;
-import jdk.jfr.Event;
 import jdk.jfr.Name;
 import jdk.jfr.Period;
 import jdk.jfr.SettingControl;
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
-    EventControl(PlatformEventType es, Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    EventControl(PlatformEventType es, Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
         return EventHandler.class.getName() + id + SUFFIX;
-    public EventHandlerCreator(long id, List<SettingInfo> settingInfos, EventType type, Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    public EventHandlerCreator(long id, List<SettingInfo> settingInfos, EventType type, Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
         this(id, settingInfos, createFieldInfos(eventClass, type));
-    private static List<FieldInfo> createFieldInfos(Class<? extends Event> eventClass, EventType type) throws Error {
+    private static List<FieldInfo> createFieldInfos(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass, EventType type) throws Error {
         List<FieldInfo> fieldInfos = new ArrayList<>();
         for (ValueDescriptor v : type.getFields()) {
             // Only value descriptors that are not fields on the event class.
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
     private static final Type ANNOTATION_TYPE_ENABLED = Type.getType(Enabled.class);
     private static final Type TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER = Type.getType(EventHandler.class);
     private static final Type TYPE_SETTING_CONTROL = Type.getType(SettingControl.class);
+    private static final Type TYPE_OBJECT  = Type.getType(Object.class);
     private static final Method METHOD_COMMIT = new Method("commit", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[0]);
     private static final Method METHOD_BEGIN = new Method("begin", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[0]);
     private static final Method METHOD_END = new Method("end", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[0]);
@@ -117,6 +118,7 @@
     private final Method writeMethod;
     private final String eventHandlerXInternalName;
     private final String eventName;
+    private final boolean untypedEventHandler;
     private boolean guardHandlerReference;
     private Class<?> superClass;
@@ -125,11 +127,20 @@
         this.classNode = createClassNode(bytes);
         this.settingInfos = buildSettingInfos(superClass, classNode);
         this.fieldInfos = buildFieldInfos(superClass, classNode);
+        this.untypedEventHandler = hasUntypedHandler();
         this.writeMethod = makeWriteMethod(fieldInfos);
         this.eventHandlerXInternalName = ASMToolkit.getInternalName(EventHandlerCreator.makeEventHandlerName(id));
         String n =  annotationValue(classNode, ANNOTATION_TYPE_NAME.getDescriptor(), String.class);
         this.eventName = n == null ?"/", ".") : n;
+    }
+    private boolean hasUntypedHandler() {
+        for (FieldNode field : classNode.fields) {
+            if (FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER.equals( {
+                return field.desc.equals(TYPE_OBJECT.getDescriptor());
+            }
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("Class missing handler field");
     public String getClassName() {
@@ -225,7 +236,7 @@
-        for (Class<?> c = superClass; c != Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
+        for (Class<?> c = superClass; c != jdk.internal.event.Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
             for (java.lang.reflect.Method method : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                 if (!methodSet.contains(method.getName())) {
                     // skip private method in base classes
@@ -249,7 +260,6 @@
         return settingInfos;
     private static List<FieldInfo> buildFieldInfos(Class<?> superClass, ClassNode classNode) {
@@ -264,14 +274,13 @@
         fieldInfos.add(new FieldInfo("startTime", Type.LONG_TYPE.getDescriptor(),;
         fieldInfos.add(new FieldInfo("duration", Type.LONG_TYPE.getDescriptor(),;
         for (FieldNode field : classNode.fields) {
-            String className = Type.getType(field.desc).getClassName();
-            if (!fieldSet.contains( && isValidField(field.access, className)) {
+            if (!fieldSet.contains( && isValidField(field.access, Type.getType(field.desc).getClassName())) {
                 FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(, field.desc,;
-        for (Class<?> c = superClass; c != Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
+        for (Class<?> c = superClass; c != jdk.internal.event.Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
             for (Field field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
                 // skip private field in base classes
                 if (!Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers())) {
@@ -321,10 +330,10 @@
         updateMethod(METHOD_IS_ENABLED, methodVisitor -> {
             Label nullLabel = new Label();
             if (guardHandlerReference) {
-                methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER.getDescriptor());
+                getEventHandler(methodVisitor);
                 methodVisitor.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNULL, nullLabel);
-            methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER.getDescriptor());
+            getEventHandler(methodVisitor);
             ASMToolkit.invokeVirtual(methodVisitor, TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER.getInternalName(), METHOD_IS_ENABLED);
             if (guardHandlerReference) {
@@ -408,7 +417,7 @@
                 // eventHandler.write(...);
                 // }
                 methodVisitor.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, end);
-                methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, Type.getDescriptor(EventHandler.class));
+                getEventHandler(methodVisitor);
                 methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, eventHandlerXInternalName);
                 for (FieldInfo fi : fieldInfos) {
@@ -426,8 +435,8 @@
         // MyEvent#shouldCommit()
         updateMethod(METHOD_EVENT_SHOULD_COMMIT, methodVisitor -> {
             Label fail = new Label();
-            // if (!eventHandler.shoouldCommit(duration) goto fail;
-            methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, Type.getDescriptor(EventHandler.class));
+            // if (!eventHandler.shouldCommit(duration) goto fail;
+            getEventHandler(methodVisitor);
             methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
             methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_DURATION, "J");
             ASMToolkit.invokeVirtual(methodVisitor, TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER.getInternalName(), METHOD_EVENT_HANDLER_SHOULD_COMMIT);
@@ -435,7 +444,11 @@
             for (SettingInfo si : settingInfos) {
                 // if (!settingsMethod(eventHandler.settingX)) goto fail;
                 methodVisitor.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
-                methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, Type.getDescriptor(EventHandler.class));
+                if (untypedEventHandler) {
+                    methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, TYPE_OBJECT.getDescriptor());
+                } else {
+                    methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, Type.getDescriptor(EventHandler.class));
+                }
                 methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, eventHandlerXInternalName);
                 methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, eventHandlerXInternalName, si.fieldName, TYPE_SETTING_CONTROL.getDescriptor());
                 methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, si.internalSettingName);
@@ -452,6 +465,15 @@
+    private void getEventHandler(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
+        if (untypedEventHandler) {
+            methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, TYPE_OBJECT.getDescriptor());
+            methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, TYPE_EVENT_HANDLER.getInternalName());
+        } else {
+            methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, getInternalClassName(), FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER, Type.getDescriptor(EventHandler.class));
+        }
+    }
     private void makeUninstrumented() {
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
     public native void endRecording();
-     * Return a list of all classes deriving from {@link Event}
+     * Return a list of all classes deriving from {@link jdk.internal.event.Event}
      * @return list of event classes.
-    public native List<Class<? extends Event>> getAllEventClasses();
+    public native List<Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event>> getAllEventClasses();
      * Return a count of the number of unloaded classes deriving from {@link Event}
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import jdk.jfr.Event;
 import jdk.jfr.internal.handlers.EventHandler;
 import jdk.jfr.internal.instrument.JDKEvents;
@@ -53,8 +52,8 @@
     static byte[] onRetransform(long traceId, boolean dummy, Class<?> clazz, byte[] oldBytes) throws Throwable {
         try {
-            if (Event.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && !Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) {
-                EventHandler handler = Utils.getHandler(clazz.asSubclass(Event.class));
+            if (jdk.internal.event.Event.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && !Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) {
+                EventHandler handler = Utils.getHandler(clazz.asSubclass(jdk.internal.event.Event.class));
                 if (handler == null) {
                     Logger.log(LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM, LogLevel.INFO, "No event handler found for " + clazz.getName() + ". Ignoring instrumentation request.");
                     // Probably triggered by some other agent
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
     private final List<EventControl> nativeControls = new ArrayList<EventControl>(100);
     private final TypeLibrary typeLibrary = TypeLibrary.getInstance();
     private final SettingsManager settingsManager = new SettingsManager();
+    private final Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> mirrors = new HashMap<>();
     private boolean staleMetadata = true;
     private boolean unregistered;
     private long lastUnloaded = -1;
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
         return eventTypes;
-    public synchronized EventType getEventType(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    public synchronized EventType getEventType(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
         EventHandler h = getHandler(eventClass);
         if (h != null && h.isRegistered()) {
             return h.getEventType();
@@ -121,15 +123,20 @@
         // never registered, ignore call
-    public synchronized EventType register(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    public synchronized EventType register(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
         return register(eventClass, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList());
-    public synchronized EventType register(Class<? extends Event> eventClass, List<AnnotationElement> dynamicAnnotations, List<ValueDescriptor> dynamicFields) {
+    public synchronized EventType register(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass, List<AnnotationElement> dynamicAnnotations, List<ValueDescriptor> dynamicFields) {
         EventHandler handler = getHandler(eventClass);
         if (handler == null) {
-            handler = makeHandler(eventClass, dynamicAnnotations, dynamicFields);
+            if (eventClass.getAnnotation(MirrorEvent.class) != null) {
+                // don't register mirrors
+                return null;
+            }
+            PlatformEventType pe = findMirrorType(eventClass);
+            handler = makeHandler(eventClass, pe, dynamicAnnotations, dynamicFields);
@@ -143,16 +150,32 @@
         return handler.getEventType();
-    private EventHandler getHandler(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    private PlatformEventType findMirrorType(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) throws InternalError {
+        String fullName = eventClass.getModule().getName() + ":" + eventClass.getName();
+        Class<? extends Event> mirrorClass = mirrors.get(fullName);
+        if (mirrorClass == null) {
+            return null; // not a mirror
+        }
+        Utils.verifyMirror(mirrorClass, eventClass);
+        PlatformEventType et = (PlatformEventType) TypeLibrary.createType(mirrorClass);
+        typeLibrary.removeType(et.getId());
+        long id = Type.getTypeId(eventClass);
+        et.setId(id);
+        return et;
+    }
+    private EventHandler getHandler(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
         return Utils.getHandler(eventClass);
-    private EventHandler makeHandler(Class<? extends Event> eventClass, List<AnnotationElement> dynamicAnnotations, List<ValueDescriptor> dynamicFields) throws InternalError {
+    private EventHandler makeHandler(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass, PlatformEventType pEventType, List<AnnotationElement> dynamicAnnotations, List<ValueDescriptor> dynamicFields) throws InternalError {
-        PlatformEventType pEventType = (PlatformEventType) TypeLibrary.createType(eventClass, dynamicAnnotations, dynamicFields);
+        if (pEventType == null) {
+            pEventType = (PlatformEventType) TypeLibrary.createType(eventClass, dynamicAnnotations, dynamicFields);
+        }
         EventType eventType = PrivateAccess.getInstance().newEventType(pEventType);
         EventControl ec = new EventControl(pEventType, eventClass);
         Class<? extends EventHandler> handlerClass = null;
@@ -198,9 +221,9 @@
     private static List<EventHandler> getEventHandlers() {
-        List<Class<? extends Event>> allEventClasses = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
+        List<Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event>> allEventClasses = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
         List<EventHandler> eventHandlers = new ArrayList<>(allEventClasses.size());
-        for (Class<? extends Event> clazz : allEventClasses) {
+        for (Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> clazz : allEventClasses) {
             EventHandler eh = Utils.getHandler(clazz);
             if (eh != null) {
@@ -252,9 +275,9 @@
         long unloaded = jvm.getUnloadedEventClassCount();
         if (this.lastUnloaded != unloaded) {
             this.lastUnloaded = unloaded;
-            List<Class<? extends Event>> eventClasses = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
+            List<Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event>> eventClasses = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
             HashSet<Long> knownIds = new HashSet<>(eventClasses.size());
-            for (Class<? extends Event>  ec: eventClasses) {
+            for (Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event>  ec: eventClasses) {
             for (Type type : typeLibrary.getTypes()) {
@@ -270,8 +293,18 @@
-    synchronized public void setUnregistered() {
+    synchronized void setUnregistered() {
        unregistered = true;
+    public synchronized void registerMirror(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+        MirrorEvent me = eventClass.getAnnotation(MirrorEvent.class);
+        if (me != null) {
+            String fullName = me.module() + ":" + me.className();
+            mirrors.put(fullName, eventClass);
+            return;
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("Mirror class must have annotation " + MirrorEvent.class.getName());
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package jdk.jfr.internal;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.Target;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
+@Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
+public @interface MirrorEvent {
+    /**
+     * Fully qualified name of the class to mirror metadata for (for example,
+     * {@code "jdk.internal.event.Example"})
+     *
+     * @return the fully qualified class name of the event
+     */
+    String className();
+    /**
+     * The module where the event is located, by default {@code "java.base"}.
+     *
+     * @return the module name
+     */
+    String module() default "java.base";
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -81,9 +81,7 @@
         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Registered JDK events");
-        SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
         activeRecordingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
-        SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
         activeSettingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
         shutdownHook = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("JFR: Shutdown Hook", new ShutdownHook(this));
         SecuritySupport.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(shutdownHook, new ShutdownHook.ExceptionHandler());
@@ -91,6 +89,7 @@
         timer = createTimer();
     private static Timer createTimer() {
         try {
             List<Timer> result = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -262,8 +262,12 @@
         Modules.addExports(JFR_MODULE, Utils.HANDLERS_PACKAGE_NAME, clazz.getModule());
-    public static void registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
-        doPrivileged(() -> FlightRecorder.register(eventClass), new FlightRecorderPermission(Utils.REGISTER_EVENT));
+    public static void registerEvent(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
+        doPrivileged(() ->  MetadataRepository.getInstance().register(eventClass), new FlightRecorderPermission(Utils.REGISTER_EVENT));
+    }
+    public static void registerMirror(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+        doPrivileged(() ->  MetadataRepository.getInstance().registerMirror(eventClass), new FlightRecorderPermission(Utils.REGISTER_EVENT));
     static boolean getBooleanProperty(String propertyName) {
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.StringJoiner;
-import jdk.jfr.Event;
 import jdk.jfr.internal.handlers.EventHandler;
 final class SettingsManager {
@@ -152,9 +151,9 @@
-    public void updateRetransform(List<Class<? extends Event>> eventClasses) {
+    public void updateRetransform(List<Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event>> eventClasses) {
         List<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<>();
-        for(Class<? extends Event> eventClass: eventClasses) {
+        for(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass: eventClasses) {
             EventHandler eh = Utils.getHandler(eventClass);
             if (eh != null ) {
                 PlatformEventType eventType = eh.getPlatformEventType();
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@
     private final String name;
     private final String superType;
     private final boolean constantPool;
-    private final long id;
     private final ArrayList<ValueDescriptor> fields = new ArrayList<>();
     private Boolean simpleType; // calculated lazy
     private boolean remove = true;
+    private long id;
      * Creates a type
@@ -318,4 +319,8 @@
     public boolean getRemove() {
         return remove;
+    public void setId(long id) {
+ = id;
+    }
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 import jdk.jfr.AnnotationElement;
 import jdk.jfr.Description;
-import jdk.jfr.Event;
 import jdk.jfr.Label;
 import jdk.jfr.MetadataDefinition;
 import jdk.jfr.Name;
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@
         // STRUCT
         String superType = null;
         boolean eventType = false;
-        if (Event.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
+        if (jdk.internal.event.Event.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
             superType = Type.SUPER_TYPE_EVENT;
             eventType= true;
@@ -489,4 +488,8 @@
+    public void removeType(long id) {
+        types.remove(id);
+    }
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
         return (long) (nanos * JVM.getJVM().getTimeConversionFactor());
-    static synchronized EventHandler getHandler(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    static synchronized EventHandler getHandler(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
         try {
             Field f = eventClass.getDeclaredField(EventInstrumentation.FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER);
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
-    static synchronized void setHandler(Class<? extends Event> eventClass, EventHandler handler) {
+    static synchronized void setHandler(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass, EventHandler handler) {
         try {
             Field field = eventClass.getDeclaredField(EventInstrumentation.FIELD_EVENT_HANDLER);
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
     static List<Field> getVisibleEventFields(Class<?> clazz) {
         List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (Class<?> c = clazz; c != Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
+        for (Class<?> c = clazz; c != jdk.internal.event.Event.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
             for (Field field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
                 // skip private field in base classes
                 if (c == clazz || !Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers())) {
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@
     public static void ensureValidEventSubclass(Class<?> eventClass) {
-        if (Event.class.isAssignableFrom(eventClass) && Modifier.isAbstract(eventClass.getModifiers())) {
+        if (jdk.internal.event.Event.class.isAssignableFrom(eventClass) && Modifier.isAbstract(eventClass.getModifiers())) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Abstract event classes are not allowed");
-        if (eventClass == Event.class || !Event.class.isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) {
+        if (eventClass == Event.class || eventClass == jdk.internal.event.Event.class || !jdk.internal.event.Event.class.isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a subclass to " + Event.class.getName());
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
-    public static void ensureInitialized(Class<? extends Event> eventClass) {
+    public static void ensureInitialized(Class<? extends jdk.internal.event.Event> eventClass) {
@@ -499,6 +499,50 @@
         return eventName;
+    public static void verifyMirror(Class<?> mirror, Class<?> real) {
+        Class<?> cMirror = Objects.requireNonNull(mirror);
+        Class<?> cReal = Objects.requireNonNull(real);
+        while (cReal != null) {
+            Map<String, Field> mirrorFields = new HashMap<>();
+            if (cMirror != null) {
+                for (Field f : cMirror.getDeclaredFields()) {
+                    if (isSupportedType(f.getType())) {
+                        mirrorFields.put(f.getName(), f);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            for (Field realField : cReal.getDeclaredFields()) {
+                if (isSupportedType(realField.getType())) {
+                    String fieldName = realField.getName();
+                    Field mirrorField = mirrorFields.get(fieldName);
+                    if (mirrorField == null) {
+                        throw new InternalError("Missing mirror field for " + cReal.getName() + "#" + fieldName);
+                    }
+                    if (realField.getModifiers() != mirrorField.getModifiers()) {
+                        throw new InternalError("Incorrect modifier for mirror field "+ cMirror.getName() + "#" + fieldName);
+                    }
+                    mirrorFields.remove(fieldName);
+                }
+            }
+            if (!mirrorFields.isEmpty()) {
+                throw new InternalError(
+                        "Found additional fields in mirror class " + cMirror.getName() + " " + mirrorFields.keySet());
+            }
+            if (cMirror != null) {
+                cMirror = cMirror.getSuperclass();
+            }
+            cReal = cReal.getSuperclass();
+        }
+    }
+    private static boolean isSupportedType(Class<?> type) {
+        if (Modifier.isTransient(type.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(type.getModifiers())) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return Type.isValidJavaFieldType(type.getName());
+    }
     public static String makeFilename(Recording recording) {
         String pid = JVM.getJVM().getPid();
         String date = Repository.REPO_DATE_FORMAT.format(;
--- a/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/instrument/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/instrument/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
 public final class JDKEvents {
+    private static final Class<?>[] mirrorEventClasses = {
+    };
     private static final Class<?>[] eventClasses = {
@@ -90,6 +93,9 @@
                 Modules.addExports(jdkJfrModule, Utils.EVENTS_PACKAGE_NAME, javaBaseModule);
                 Modules.addExports(jdkJfrModule, Utils.INSTRUMENT_PACKAGE_NAME, javaBaseModule);
                 Modules.addExports(jdkJfrModule, Utils.HANDLERS_PACKAGE_NAME, javaBaseModule);
+                for (Class<?> mirrorEventClass : mirrorEventClasses) {
+                    SecuritySupport.registerMirror(((Class<? extends Event>)mirrorEventClass));
+                }
                 for (Class<?> eventClass : eventClasses) {
                     SecuritySupport.registerEvent((Class<? extends Event>) eventClass);
--- a/test/Makefile	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/Makefile	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2010, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -27,11 +27,16 @@
 # Makefile to run tests from multiple sibling directories
+$(info WARNING: This way of running tests ("cd test && make") is deprecated)
+$(info Please use "make test TEST=..." instead. See doc/ for details)
 # Macro to run a test target in a subdir
 define SUBDIR_TEST # subdirectory target
 if [ -d $1 ] ; then \
   if [ -r $1/Makefile ] ; then \
     $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -k -C $1 $2 ; \
+    echo 'WARNING: This way of running tests ("cd test && make") is deprecated' ; \
+    echo 'Please use "make test TEST=..." instead. See doc/ for details' ; \
   else \
     echo "ERROR: File does not exist: $1/Makefile"; \
     exit 1; \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/gtest/gc/shared/test_gcTimer.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+#include "precompiled.hpp"
+#include "gc/shared/gcTimer.hpp"
+#include "utilities/ticks.hpp"
+#include "unittest.hpp"
+class GCTimerTest {
+ public:
+  static void register_gc_start(GCTimer* const timer, jlong ticks) {
+    timer->register_gc_start(Ticks(ticks));
+  }
+  static void register_gc_end(GCTimer* const timer, jlong ticks) {
+    timer->register_gc_end(Ticks(ticks));
+  }
+TEST(GCTimer, start) {
+  GCTimer gc_timer;
+  GCTimerTest::register_gc_start(&gc_timer, 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, gc_timer.gc_start().value());
+TEST(GCTimer, end) {
+  GCTimer gc_timer;
+  GCTimerTest::register_gc_start(&gc_timer, 1);
+  GCTimerTest::register_gc_end(&gc_timer, 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(2, gc_timer.gc_end().value());
+class TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest {
+ public:
+  static void validate_gc_phase(GCPhase* phase, int level, const char* name, const jlong& start, const jlong& end) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(level, phase->level());
+    EXPECT_STREQ(name, phase->name());
+    EXPECT_EQ(start, phase->start().value());
+    EXPECT_EQ(end, phase->end().value());
+  }
+  static void validate_pauses(const TimePartitions& time_partitions, const Tickspan& expected_sum_of_pauses, const Tickspan& expected_longest_pause) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_sum_of_pauses, time_partitions.sum_of_pauses());
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_longest_pause, time_partitions.longest_pause());
+  }
+  static void validate_pauses(const TimePartitions& time_partitions, const Tickspan& expected_pause) {
+    TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, expected_pause, expected_pause);
+  }
+  static void validate_pauses(const TimePartitions& time_partitions, jlong end, jlong start) {
+    TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, Ticks(end) - Ticks(start));
+  }
+  static void validate_pauses(const TimePartitions& time_partitions, jlong all_end, jlong all_start, jlong longest_end, jlong longest_start) {
+    TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, Ticks(all_end) - Ticks(all_start), Ticks(longest_end) - Ticks(longest_start));
+  }
+  static void report_gc_phase_start(TimePartitions* const partitions, const char* name, jlong ticks, GCPhase::PhaseType type=GCPhase::PausePhaseType) {
+    partitions->report_gc_phase_start(name, Ticks(ticks), type);
+  }
+  static void report_gc_phase_end(TimePartitions* const partitions, jlong ticks, GCPhase::PhaseType type=GCPhase::PausePhaseType) {
+    partitions->report_gc_phase_end(Ticks(ticks), type);
+  }
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, one_pause) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 8);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 8));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 8, 2));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, two_pauses) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase1", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 3);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase2", 4);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 6);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase1", 2, 3));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase2", 4, 6));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 3, 0, 2, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, one_sub_pause_phase) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase", 3);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 4);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 5);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 5));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase", 3, 4));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 3, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, max_nested_pause_phases) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase1", 3);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase2", 4);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase3", 5);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 6);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 7);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 8);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 9);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 9));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 8));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase2", 4, 7));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 3, "SubPhase3", 5, 6));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 7, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, many_sub_pause_phases) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase1", 3);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 4);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase2", 5);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 6);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase3", 7);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 8);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase4", 9);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 10);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 11);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 11));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 4));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase2", 5, 6));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase3", 7, 8));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase4", 9, 10));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 9, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, many_sub_pause_phases2) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "PausePhase", 2);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase1", 3);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase11", 4);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 5);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase12", 6);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 7);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 8);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase2", 9);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase21", 10);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 11);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase22", 12);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 13);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 14);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "SubPhase3", 15);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 16);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 17);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "PausePhase", 2, 17));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase1", 3, 8));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase11", 4, 5));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase12", 6, 7));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase2", 9, 14));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase21", 10, 11));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 2, "SubPhase22", 12, 13));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 1, "SubPhase3", 15, 16));
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, 15, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
+TEST(TimePartitionPhasesIterator, one_concurrent) {
+  TimePartitions time_partitions;
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_start(&time_partitions, "ConcurrentPhase", 2, GCPhase::ConcurrentPhaseType);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::report_gc_phase_end(&time_partitions, 8, GCPhase::ConcurrentPhaseType);
+  TimePartitionPhasesIterator iter(&time_partitions);
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_gc_phase(, 0, "ConcurrentPhase", 2, 8));
+  // ConcurrentPhaseType should not affect to both 'sum_of_pauses()' and 'longest_pause()'.
+  EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TimePartitionPhasesIteratorTest::validate_pauses(time_partitions, Tickspan()));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(iter.has_next()) << "Too many elements";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/gtest/memory/test_metaspace.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+#include "precompiled.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceList.hpp"
+#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
+#include "runtime/os.hpp"
+#include "unittest.hpp"
+using namespace metaspace;
+TEST_VM(MetaspaceUtils, reserved) {
+  size_t reserved = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes();
+  EXPECT_GT(reserved, 0UL);
+  size_t reserved_metadata = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
+  EXPECT_GT(reserved_metadata, 0UL);
+  EXPECT_LE(reserved_metadata, reserved);
+TEST_VM(MetaspaceUtils, reserved_compressed_class_pointers) {
+  if (!UseCompressedClassPointers) {
+    return;
+  }
+  size_t reserved = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes();
+  EXPECT_GT(reserved, 0UL);
+  size_t reserved_class = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
+  EXPECT_GT(reserved_class, 0UL);
+  EXPECT_LE(reserved_class, reserved);
+TEST_VM(MetaspaceUtils, committed) {
+  size_t committed = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
+  EXPECT_GT(committed, 0UL);
+  size_t reserved  = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes();
+  EXPECT_LE(committed, reserved);
+  size_t committed_metadata = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
+  EXPECT_GT(committed_metadata, 0UL);
+  EXPECT_LE(committed_metadata, committed);
+TEST_VM(MetaspaceUtils, committed_compressed_class_pointers) {
+  if (!UseCompressedClassPointers) {
+    return;
+  }
+  size_t committed = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
+  EXPECT_GT(committed, 0UL);
+  size_t committed_class = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
+  EXPECT_GT(committed_class, 0UL);
+  EXPECT_LE(committed_class, committed);
+TEST_VM(MetaspaceUtils, virtual_space_list_large_chunk) {
+  VirtualSpaceList* vs_list = new VirtualSpaceList(os::vm_allocation_granularity());
+  MutexLockerEx cl(MetaspaceExpand_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
+  // A size larger than VirtualSpaceSize (256k) and add one page to make it _not_ be
+  // vm_allocation_granularity aligned on Windows.
+  size_t large_size = (size_t)(2*256*K + (os::vm_page_size() / BytesPerWord));
+  large_size += (os::vm_page_size() / BytesPerWord);
+  vs_list->get_new_chunk(large_size, 0);
--- a/test/hotspot/gtest/utilities/test_globalCounter.cpp	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/hotspot/gtest/utilities/test_globalCounter.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
   void main_run() {
     while (!_exit) {
-      GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(this);
+      GlobalCounter::CSContext cs_context = GlobalCounter::critical_section_begin(this);
       volatile TestData* test = OrderAccess::load_acquire(_test);
       long value = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&test->test_value);
       ASSERT_EQ(value, GOOD_VALUE);
-      GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(this);
+      GlobalCounter::critical_section_end(this, cs_context);
         GlobalCounter::CriticalSection cs(this);
         volatile TestData* test = OrderAccess::load_acquire(_test);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/gtest/utilities/test_globalCounter_nested.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+#include "precompiled.hpp"
+#include "metaprogramming/isRegisteredEnum.hpp"
+#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
+#include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
+#include "runtime/os.hpp"
+#include "utilities/globalCounter.hpp"
+#include "utilities/globalCounter.inline.hpp"
+#include "utilities/spinYield.hpp"
+#include "threadHelper.inline.hpp"
+enum NestedTestState {
+template<> struct IsRegisteredEnum<NestedTestState> : public TrueType {};
+class RCUNestedThread : public JavaTestThread {
+  volatile NestedTestState _state;
+  volatile bool _proceed;
+  RCUNestedThread(Semaphore* post) :
+    JavaTestThread(post),
+    _state(START),
+    _proceed(false)
+  {}
+  ~RCUNestedThread() {}
+  void set_state(NestedTestState new_state) {
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&_state, new_state);
+  }
+  void wait_with_state(NestedTestState new_state) {
+    SpinYield spinner;
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&_state, new_state);
+    while (!OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_proceed)) {
+      spinner.wait();
+    }
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&_proceed, false);
+  }
+  NestedTestState state() const {
+    return OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_state);
+  }
+  void wait_for_state(NestedTestState goal) {
+    SpinYield spinner;
+    while (state() != goal) {
+      spinner.wait();
+    }
+  }
+  void proceed() {
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&_proceed, true);
+  }
+class RCUNestedReaderThread : public RCUNestedThread {
+  RCUNestedReaderThread(Semaphore* post) :
+    RCUNestedThread(post)
+  {}
+  virtual void main_run();
+void RCUNestedReaderThread::main_run() {
+  wait_with_state(START_WAIT);
+  {
+    GlobalCounter::CriticalSection outer(Thread::current());
+    wait_with_state(OUTER_ENTERED);
+    {
+      GlobalCounter::CriticalSection inner(Thread::current());
+      wait_with_state(INNER_ENTERED);
+    }
+    wait_with_state(INNER_EXITED);
+  }
+  wait_with_state(OUTER_EXITED);
+class RCUNestedWriterThread : public RCUNestedThread {
+  RCUNestedWriterThread(Semaphore* post) :
+    RCUNestedThread(post)
+  {}
+  virtual void main_run();
+void RCUNestedWriterThread::main_run() {
+  wait_with_state(START_WAIT);
+  set_state(SYNCHRONIZING);
+  GlobalCounter::write_synchronize();
+  wait_with_state(SYNCHRONIZED);
+TEST_VM(GlobalCounter, nested_critical_section) {
+  Semaphore post;
+  RCUNestedReaderThread* reader = new RCUNestedReaderThread(&post);
+  RCUNestedWriterThread* outer = new RCUNestedWriterThread(&post);
+  RCUNestedWriterThread* inner = new RCUNestedWriterThread(&post);
+  reader->doit();
+  outer->doit();
+  inner->doit();
+  reader->wait_for_state(START_WAIT);
+  outer->wait_for_state(START_WAIT);
+  inner->wait_for_state(START_WAIT);
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, inner->state());
+  reader->proceed();
+  reader->wait_for_state(OUTER_ENTERED);
+  EXPECT_EQ(OUTER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, inner->state());
+  outer->proceed();
+  outer->wait_for_state(SYNCHRONIZING);
+  EXPECT_EQ(OUTER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, inner->state());
+  os::naked_short_sleep(100);   // Give outer time in synchronization.
+  EXPECT_EQ(OUTER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, inner->state());
+  reader->proceed();
+  reader->wait_for_state(INNER_ENTERED);
+  EXPECT_EQ(INNER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(START_WAIT, inner->state());
+  inner->proceed();
+  inner->wait_for_state(SYNCHRONIZING);
+  EXPECT_EQ(INNER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, inner->state());
+  os::naked_short_sleep(100); // Give writers time in synchronization.
+  EXPECT_EQ(INNER_ENTERED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, inner->state());
+  reader->proceed();
+  reader->wait_for_state(INNER_EXITED);
+  // inner does *not* complete synchronization here.
+  EXPECT_EQ(INNER_EXITED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, inner->state());
+  os::naked_short_sleep(100); // Give writers more time in synchronization.
+  EXPECT_EQ(INNER_EXITED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZING, inner->state());
+  reader->proceed();
+  reader->wait_for_state(OUTER_EXITED);
+  // Both inner and outer can synchronize now.
+  outer->wait_for_state(SYNCHRONIZED);
+  inner->wait_for_state(SYNCHRONIZED);
+  EXPECT_EQ(OUTER_EXITED, reader->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZED, outer->state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SYNCHRONIZED, inner->state());
+  // Wait for reader, outer, and inner to complete.
+  reader->proceed();
+  outer->proceed();
+  inner->proceed();
+  for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    post.wait();
+  }
--- a/test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/g1/humongousObjects/objectGraphTest/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/g1/humongousObjects/objectGraphTest/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -56,29 +56,29 @@
  * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
  *                                sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30000 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=100 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=0
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc=info:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_MIXED_GC.gc.log -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1
  * -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=1  -XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent=100 -XX:SurvivorRatio=1 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=0
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC MIXED_GC
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc*=debug:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_YOUNG_GC.gc.log
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC YOUNG_GC
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc=info:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_FULL_GC.gc.log
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC FULL_GC
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc=info:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_FULL_GC_MEMORY_PRESSURE.gc.log
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC FULL_GC_MEMORY_PRESSURE
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc=info:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_CMC.gc.log -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=16
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC CMC
- * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
+ * @run main/othervm -Xms200M -Xmx200M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  * -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1M -Xlog:gc=info:file=TestObjectGraphAfterGC_CMC_NO_SURV_ROOTS.gc.log -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1
  * gc.g1.humongousObjects.objectGraphTest.TestObjectGraphAfterGC CMC_NO_SURV_ROOTS
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/SharedArchiveFile/serviceability/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @summary Tests how CDS works when critical library classes are replaced with JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook
+ * @library /test/lib
+ * @requires vm.cds
+ * @build sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run driver ClassFileInstaller -jar whitebox.jar sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ * @run main/othervm/native ReplaceCriticalClasses
+ */
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import jdk.test.lib.cds.CDSTestUtils;
+import jdk.test.lib.cds.CDSOptions;
+import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
+import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox;
+public class ReplaceCriticalClasses {
+    public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
+        if (args.length == 0) {
+            launchChildProcesses();
+        } else if (args.length == 3 && args[0].equals("child")) {
+            Class klass = Class.forName(args[2].replace("/", "."));
+            if (args[1].equals("-shared")) {
+                testInChild(true, klass);
+            } else if (args[1].equals("-notshared")) {
+                testInChild(false, klass);
+            } else {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown child exec option " + args[1]);
+            }
+            return;
+        } else {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Usage: @run main/othervm/native ReplaceCriticalClasses");
+        }
+    }
+    static void launchChildProcesses() throws Throwable {
+        String tests[] = {
+            // CDS should be disabled -- these critical classes will be replaced
+            // because JvmtiExport::early_class_hook_env() is true.
+            "-early -notshared java/lang/Object",
+            "-early -notshared java/lang/String",
+            "-early -notshared java/lang/Cloneable",
+            "-early -notshared java/io/Serializable",
+            // CDS should not be disabled -- these critical classes cannot be replaced because
+            // JvmtiExport::early_class_hook_env() is false.
+            "java/lang/Object",
+            "java/lang/String",
+            "java/lang/Cloneable",
+            "java/io/Serializable",
+            // Try to replace classes that are used by the archived subgraph graphs.
+            "-subgraph java/util/ArrayList",
+            "-subgraph java/lang/module/ResolvedModule",
+            // Replace classes that are loaded after JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL. It's OK to replace such
+            // classes even when CDS is enabled. Nothing bad should happen.
+            "-notshared jdk/internal/vm/PostVMInitHook",
+            "-notshared java/util/Locale",
+            "-notshared sun/util/locale/BaseLocale",
+            "-notshared java/lang/Readable",
+        };
+        int n = 0;
+        for (String s : tests) {
+            System.out.println("Test case[" + (n++) + "] = \"" + s + "\"");
+            String args[] = s.split("\\s+"); // split by space character
+            launchChild(args);
+        }
+    }
+    static void launchChild(String args[]) throws Throwable {
+        if (args.length < 1) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid test case. Should be <-early> <-subgraph> <-notshared> klassName");
+        }
+        String klassName = null;
+        String early = "";
+        boolean subgraph = false;
+        String shared = "-shared";
+        for (int i=0; i<args.length-1; i++) {
+            String opt = args[i];
+            if (opt.equals("-early")) {
+                early = "-early,";
+            } else if (opt.equals("-subgraph")) {
+                subgraph = true;
+            } else if (opt.equals("-notshared")) {
+                shared = opt;
+            } else {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown option: " + opt);
+            }
+        }
+        klassName = args[args.length-1];
+        Class.forName(klassName.replace("/", ".")); // make sure it's a valid class
+        // We will pass an option like "-agentlib:SimpleClassFileLoadHook=java/util/Locale,XXX,XXX".
+        // The SimpleClassFileLoadHook agent would attempt to hook the java/util/Locale class
+        // but leave the class file bytes unchanged (it replaces all bytes "XXX" with "XXX", i.e.,
+        // a no-op). JVMTI doesn't check the class file bytes returned by the agent, so as long
+        // as the agent returns a buffer, it will not load the class from CDS, and will instead
+        // load the class by parsing the buffer.
+        //
+        // Note that for safety we don't change the contents of the class file bytes. If in the
+        // future JVMTI starts checking the contents of the class file bytes, this test would need
+        // to be updated. (You'd see the test case with java/util/Locale staring to fail).
+        String agent = "-agentlib:SimpleClassFileLoadHook=" + early + klassName + ",XXX,XXX";
+        CDSOptions opts = (new CDSOptions())
+            .setXShareMode("auto")
+            .setUseSystemArchive(true)
+            .setUseVersion(false)
+            .addSuffix("-showversion",
+                       "-Xlog:cds",
+                       "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions",
+                       agent,
+                       "-XX:+WhiteBoxAPI",
+                       "-Xbootclasspath/a:" + ClassFileInstaller.getJarPath("whitebox.jar"));
+        if (subgraph) {
+            opts.addSuffix("-Xlog:cds+heap",
+                           "-Xlog:class+load");
+        }
+        opts.addSuffix("ReplaceCriticalClasses",
+                       "child",
+                       shared,
+                       klassName);
+        final boolean expectDisable = !early.equals("");
+        final boolean checkSubgraph = subgraph;
+ -> {
+                if (expectDisable) {
+                    out.shouldContain("UseSharedSpaces: CDS is disabled because early JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook is in use.");
+                    System.out.println("CDS disabled as expected");
+                }
+                if (checkSubgraph) {
+                    // As of 2018/10/21 the classes in the archived subgraphs won't be
+                    // replaced because all archived subgraphs were loaded in JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL.
+                    //
+                    // This is the first class to be loaded after JVMTI has exited JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL.
+                    // Make sure no subgraphs are loaded afterwards.
+                    //
+                    // Can't use out.shouldNotMatch() because that doesn't match across multiple lines.
+                    String firstNonPrimordialClass = "jdk.jfr.internal.EventWriter";
+                    String regexp = firstNonPrimordialClass + ".*initialize_from_archived_subgraph";
+                    Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(regexp, Pattern.DOTALL);
+                    Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(out.getStdout());
+                    if (matcher.find()) {
+                        out.reportDiagnosticSummary();
+                        throw new RuntimeException("'" + regexp
+                                                   + "' found in stdout: '" + + "' \n");
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+    }
+    static void testInChild(boolean shouldBeShared, Class klass) {
+        WhiteBox wb = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
+        if (shouldBeShared && !wb.isSharedClass(klass)) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(klass + " should be shared but but actually is not.");
+        }
+        if (!shouldBeShared && wb.isSharedClass(klass)) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(klass + " should not be shared but actually is.");
+        }
+        System.out.println("wb.isSharedClass(klass): " + wb.isSharedClass(klass) + " == " + shouldBeShared);
+        String strings[] = {
+            // interned strings from j.l.Object
+            "@",
+            "nanosecond timeout value out of range",
+            "timeoutMillis value is negative",
+            // interned strings from j.l.Integer
+            "0",
+            "0X",
+            "0x",
+            "int"
+        };
+        // Make sure the interned string table is same
+        for (String s : strings) {
+            String i = s.intern();
+            if (s != i) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Interned string mismatch: \"" + s + "\" @ " + System.identityHashCode(s) +
+                                           " vs \"" + i + "\" @ " + System.identityHashCode(i));
+            }
+        }
+        // We have tried to use ClassFileLoadHook to replace critical library classes (which may
+        // may not have succeeded, depending on whether the agent has requested
+        // can_generate_all_class_hook_events/can_generate_early_class_hook_events capabilities).
+        //
+        // In any case, the JVM should have started properly (perhaps with CDS disabled) and
+        // the above operations should succeed.
+        System.out.println("If I can come to here without crashing, things should be OK");
+    }
--- a/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/appcds/cacheObject/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/appcds/cacheObject/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
         boolean expectArchivedConfiguration = "yes".equals(args[1]);
         // -XX:+EnableJVMCI adds extra system modules, in which case the system
         // module objects are not archived.
-        if (wb.getBooleanVMFlag("EnableJVMCI")) {
+        Boolean enableJVMCI = wb.getBooleanVMFlag("EnableJVMCI");
+        if (enableJVMCI != null && enableJVMCI) {
             expectArchivedDescriptors = false;
             expectArchivedConfiguration = false;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/handshake/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+ * @test HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest
+ * @summary This test tries to stress the handshakes with new and exiting threads while suspending them.
+ * @library /testlibrary /test/lib
+ * @build HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest
+ * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
+ *                              sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest
+ */
+import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
+import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox;
+public class HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest  implements Runnable {
+    static final int _test_threads = 8;
+    static final int _test_exit_threads = 128;
+    static Thread[] _threads = new Thread[_test_threads];
+    static volatile boolean exit_now = false;
+    static java.util.concurrent.Semaphore _sem = new java.util.concurrent.Semaphore(0);
+    @Override
+    public void run() {
+        WhiteBox wb = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
+        while (!exit_now) {
+            _sem.release();
+            // We only suspend threads on even index and not ourself.
+            // Otherwise we can accidentially suspend all threads.
+            for (int i = 0; i < _threads.length; i += 2) {
+                wb.handshakeWalkStack(null /* ignored */, true /* stackwalk all threads */);
+                if (Thread.currentThread() != _threads[i]) {
+                    _threads[i].suspend();
+                    _threads[i].resume();
+                }
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < _threads.length; i += 2) {
+                wb.handshakeWalkStack(_threads[i] /* thread to stackwalk */, false /* stackwalk one thread */);
+                if (Thread.currentThread() != _threads[i]) {
+                    _threads[i].suspend();
+                    _threads[i].resume();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
+        HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest test = new HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest();
+        for (int i = 0; i < _threads.length; i++) {
+            _threads[i] = new Thread(test);
+            _threads[i].start();
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < _test_threads; i++) {
+            _sem.acquire();
+        }
+        Thread[] exit_threads = new Thread[_test_exit_threads];
+        for (int i = 0; i < _test_exit_threads; i++) {
+            exit_threads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() {} });
+            exit_threads[i].start();
+        }
+        exit_now = true;
+        for (int i = 0; i < _threads.length; i++) {
+            _threads[i].join();
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < exit_threads.length; i++) {
+            exit_threads[i].join();
+        }
+    }
--- a/test/hotspot/jtreg/testlibrary/jvmti/libSimpleClassFileLoadHook.c	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/testlibrary/jvmti/libSimpleClassFileLoadHook.c	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -91,17 +91,23 @@
         *new_class_data_len = class_data_len;
         *new_class_data = new_data;
-        fprintf(stderr, "Rewriting done. Replaced %d occurrence(s)\n", count);
+        fprintf(stderr, "Rewriting done. Replaced %d occurrence(s) of \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", count, FROM, TO);
+static int early = 0;
 static jint init_options(char *options) {
   char* class_name;
   char* from;
   char* to;
   fprintf(stderr, "Agent library loaded with options = %s\n", options);
+  if (options != NULL && strncmp(options, "-early,", 7) == 0) {
+    early = 1;
+    options += 7;
+  }
   if ((class_name = options) != NULL &&
       (from = strchr(class_name, ',')) != NULL && (from[1] != 0)) {
     *from = 0;
@@ -132,6 +138,7 @@
 static jint Agent_Initialize(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) {
   int rc;
+  jvmtiCapabilities caps;
   if ((rc = (*jvm)->GetEnv(jvm, (void **)&jvmti, JVMTI_VERSION_1_1)) != JNI_OK) {
     fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create jvmtiEnv, GetEnv failed, error = %d\n", rc);
@@ -141,6 +148,19 @@
     return JNI_ERR;
+  memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
+  caps.can_redefine_classes = 1;
+  if (early) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "can_generate_all_class_hook_events/can_generate_early_vmstart/can_generate_early_class_hook_events == 1\n");
+    caps.can_generate_all_class_hook_events = 1;
+    caps.can_generate_early_class_hook_events = 1;
+  }
+  if ((rc = (*jvmti)->AddCapabilities(jvmti, &caps)) != JNI_OK) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "AddCapabilities failed, error = %d\n", rc);
+    return JNI_ERR;
+  }
   (void) memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
   callbacks.ClassFileLoadHook = &ClassFileLoadHook;
   if ((rc = (*jvmti)->SetEventCallbacks(jvmti, &callbacks, sizeof(callbacks))) != JNI_OK) {
--- a/test/jdk/java/security/KeyAgreement/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/jdk/java/security/KeyAgreement/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  * @test
- * @bug 4936763 8184359
+ * @bug 4936763 8184359 8205476
  * @summary KeyAgreement Test with all supported algorithms from JCE.
  *          Arguments order <KeyExchangeAlgorithm> <KeyGenAlgorithm> <Provider>
  *          It removes com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/
@@ -150,5 +150,17 @@
         if (!Arrays.equals(secret1, secret2)) {
             throw new Exception("KeyAgreement secret mismatch.");
+        // ensure that a new secret cannot be produced before the next doPhase
+        try {
+            ka2.generateSecret();
+            throw new RuntimeException("state not reset");
+        } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
+            // this is expected
+        }
+        // calling doPhase and then generateSecret should succeed
+        ka2.doPhase(kp1.getPublic(), true);
+        ka2.generateSecret();
--- a/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@
+    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
     private static void assertEvents(JVM jvm, boolean inclusion, Class<? extends Event>... targetEvents) {
-        final List<Class<? extends Event>> list = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
+        final List list = jvm.getAllEventClasses();
         for (Class<? extends Event> ev : targetEvents) {
            if (list.contains(ev)) {
                if (inclusion) {
--- a/test/langtools/ProblemList.txt	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/langtools/ProblemList.txt	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@
 tools/javac/modules/                                    8180263    windows-all    fails when run on a subst drive
 tools/javac/importscope/                                           8203925    generic-all    the test requires too much memory
-tools/javac/options/smokeTests/                             8205493    generic-all    hard-coded release values in strings
-tools/javac/file/zip/8003512/              8206874    generic-all    test requires a JDK 6 environment to be useful
 # javap
--- a/test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testTaglets/TestTaglets.out	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testTaglets/TestTaglets.out	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
              @throws: ........ ...... ....... .... constructor method ..... ...... ........
      @treatAsPrivate: ........ ...... ....... type ........... method field ...... ........
                @uses: ........ module ....... .... ........... ...... ..... ...... ........
-            {@value}: overview ...... package type constructor method field inline ........
+            {@value}: overview module package type constructor method field inline ........
             @version: overview module package type ........... ...... ..... ...... disabled
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testValueTag/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8210244
+ * @summary {@value} should be permitted in module documentation
+ * @library /tools/lib ../lib
+ * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
+ * @build JavadocTester
+ * @run main TestValueTagInModule
+ */
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import toolbox.ModuleBuilder;
+import toolbox.ToolBox;
+public class TestValueTagInModule extends JavadocTester {
+    final ToolBox tb;
+    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
+        TestValueTagInModule tester = new TestValueTagInModule();
+        tester.runTests(m -> new Object[]{Paths.get(m.getName())});
+    }
+    TestValueTagInModule() {
+        tb = new ToolBox();
+    }
+    @Test
+    void test(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        createTestClass(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "--module-source-path", srcDir.toString(),
+                "--module", "m1");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOutput("m1/module-summary.html", true,
+                "<a id=\"module.description\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">value of field CONS : <a href=\"pkg/A.html#CONS\">100</a></div>");
+    }
+    void createTestClass(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m1")
+                .comment("value of field CONS : {@value pkg.A#CONS}")
+                .exports("pkg")
+                .classes("package pkg; public class A{ public static final int CONS = 100;}")
+                .write(srcDir);
+    }
--- a/test/langtools/tools/javac/options/smokeTests/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/langtools/tools/javac/options/smokeTests/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@
  *          jdk.compiler/
  *          jdk.jdeps/
  * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask toolbox.TestRunner
- * @run main OptionSmokeTest
+ * @run main/othervm OptionSmokeTest
+import java.util.Locale;
 import java.nio.file.Path;
 import java.nio.file.Paths;
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@
     public OptionSmokeTest() {
+        Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
     protected void runTests() throws Exception {
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@
     public void requiresArg(Path base) throws Exception {
-        doTestNoSource(base, "error: -target requires an argument", "-target");
+        doTestNoSource(base, "error: --target requires an argument", "-target");
@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@
     public void optionCantBeUsedWithRelease(Path base) throws Exception {
-        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option -source cannot be used together with --release",
+        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option --source cannot be used together with --release",
                 String.format("--release %s -source %s",,;
@@ -232,9 +235,9 @@
                 String.format("--release %s -endorseddirs any",;
         doTestNoSource(base, "error: option -extdirs cannot be used together with --release",
                 String.format("--release %s -extdirs any",;
-        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option -source cannot be used together with --release",
+        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option --source cannot be used together with --release",
                 String.format("--release %s -source %s",,;
-        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option -target cannot be used together with --release",
+        doTestNoSource(base, "error: option --target cannot be used together with --release",
                 String.format("--release %s -target %s",,;
         doTestNoSource(base, "error: option --system cannot be used together with --release",
                 String.format("--release %s --system none",;
--- a/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/cds/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/cds/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
     public String archiveName;
     public ArrayList<String> prefix = new ArrayList<String>();
     public ArrayList<String> suffix = new ArrayList<String>();
+    public boolean useSystemArchive = false;
     // Indicate whether to append "-version" when using CDS Archive.
     // Most of tests will use '-version'
@@ -68,4 +69,9 @@
         this.useVersion = use;
         return this;
+    public CDSOptions setUseSystemArchive(boolean use) {
+        this.useSystemArchive = use;
+        return this;
+    }
--- a/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/cds/	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/cds/	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -82,21 +82,21 @@
      * Instead, the test case should be written as
-     *"Hi");
+     *"Hi");
      * 1. For simple substring matching:
-     *"Hi");
-     *"a", "b", "x");
-     *"failure 1", "failure2");
+     *"Hi");
+     *"a", "b", "x");
+     *"failure 1", "failure2");
      * 2. For more complex output matching: using Lambda expressions
-     *
+     *
      *         .assertNormalExit(output -> output.shouldNotContain("this should not be printed");
-     *
+     *
      *         .assertAbnormalExit(output -> {
      *             output.shouldNotContain("this should not be printed");
      *             output.shouldHaveExitValue(123);
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@
      * 3. Chaining several checks:
-     *
+     *
      *         .assertNormalExit(output -> output.shouldNotContain("this should not be printed")
      *         .assertNormalExit("should have this", "should have that");
      * 4. [Rare use case] if a test sometimes exit normally, and sometimes abnormally:
-     *
+     *
      *         .ifNormalExit("ths string is printed when exiting with 0")
      *         .ifAbNormalExit("ths string is printed when exiting with 1");
@@ -388,9 +388,11 @@
         cmd.add("-Xshare:" + opts.xShareMode);
         cmd.add("-Dtest.timeout.factor=" + TestTimeoutFactor);
-        if (opts.archiveName == null)
-            opts.archiveName = getDefaultArchiveName();
-        cmd.add("-XX:SharedArchiveFile=" + opts.archiveName);
+        if (!opts.useSystemArchive) {
+            if (opts.archiveName == null)
+                opts.archiveName = getDefaultArchiveName();
+            cmd.add("-XX:SharedArchiveFile=" + opts.archiveName);
+        }
         if (opts.useVersion)
--- a/test/make/TestMake.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/make/TestMake.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -36,13 +36,17 @@
 	+$(MAKE) -f TestCopyFiles.gmk $(TEST_SUBTARGET)
 	+$(MAKE) -f TestIdea.gmk $(TEST_SUBTARGET)
 	+$(MAKE) -f TestCompileCommands.gmk $(TEST_SUBTARGET)
+TARGETS += make-base java-compilation copy-files idea compile-commands
-all: make-base java-compilation copy-files test-idea
+all: $(TARGETS)
-.PHONY: default all make-base java-compilation copy-files test-idea test-compile-commands
+	$(ECHO) "$(TARGETS)"
+.PHONY: default all $(TARGETS)
--- a/test/make/TestMakeBase.gmk	Tue Oct 30 10:39:19 2018 -0400
+++ b/test/make/TestMakeBase.gmk	Wed Oct 31 10:48:13 2018 -0400
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
 KWBASE := APA=banan;GURKA=tomat;COUNT=1%202%203%204%205;SUM=1+2+3+4+5;MANY_WORDS=I have the best words.
 $(eval $(call ParseKeywordVariable, KWBASE, \
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
 KWBASE_WEIRD := ;;APA=banan;;;GURKA=apelsin;APA=skansen;;
 $(eval $(call ParseKeywordVariable, KWBASE_WEIRD, \