diff -r a430a9a81c77 -r 3adf4782de94 jaxp/build.properties
--- a/jaxp/build.properties	Thu Jun 17 10:43:17 2010 -0700
+++ b/jaxp/build.properties	Thu Jun 17 10:50:14 2010 -0700
@@ -104,4 +104,24 @@
+# Failure messages when source cannot be found on the file system
+ERROR: Cannot find source for project ${ant.project.name}.\
+HINT: Try setting drops.dir to indicate where the bundles can be found, \
+or try setting the ant property allow.downloads=true to download the bundle from the URL.\
+e.g. ant -Dallow.downloads=true -OR- ant -Ddrops.dir=some_directory \
+# Failure message when source cannot be downloaded
+ERROR: Cannot find source for project ${ant.project.name}.\
+HINT: Try setting drops.dir to indicate where the bundles can be found, \
+or try checking the URL with your browser.\
+e.g. ant -Ddrops.dir=some_directory \