2011-04-26 ohair 6631003: Add hg tip changeset to build image
2011-04-22 ohair 6595663: Manifest on jars contain JavaBeans entries
2011-04-01 lana Merge
2011-03-22 dholmes 7025066: Build systems changes to support SE Embedded Integration
2011-03-30 ohair Merge
2011-03-29 ohair 7011718: VS2010, remove makefile logic with regards to use of VC6, VS2003, VS2005, VS2008
2011-03-24 jrose Merge
2011-03-22 asaha 7029704: JFB: Refix JFB Custom Revision Version Build/Makefile changes
2011-03-24 jrose 7012648: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names
2011-03-15 ohair Merge
2011-03-11 lana Merge
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-02-25 mchung 7021939: com.oracle.net is not a NON_CORE_PKGS
2011-03-14 asaha Merge
2011-03-10 asaha 6908562: JFB Custom Revision Version Build/Makefile changes
2011-03-10 mchung 7025631: Remove the modules build support from jdk 7
2011-03-09 ohair Merge
2011-03-01 herrick 7021567: need to create jnlp javadoc for 64 bit bundles.
2011-02-26 ohair 7022237: Fix use of \" in the new "release" file at the top of the install, windows issues
2011-02-23 andrew 7021314: Build should not install javaws man page
2011-02-02 ohair Merge
2011-01-07 alanb 6993732: Remove the HPI
2011-01-11 ohair 6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the install image
2011-01-08 ohair 6980024: Rebranding jre7/jdk7 License, Copyright, Readme
2011-01-05 ohair 6975326: Problem in install/make/rebase/Makefile, grep on empty pattern
2010-12-28 ohair 6962318: Update copyright year
2010-12-24 ohair 7008723: Remove binary plugs creation and use from openjdk
2010-09-07 alanb 6971706: sun/nio/cs/ext/* classes are duplicated between rt.jar, charsets.jar, and localedata.jar
2010-07-16 sherman 6964313: Find sun/nio/cs/ext issue with CreateSymbols, then move sun/nio/cs/ext to charset.jar
2010-06-25 ohair 6964311: Build regression due to rt.jar contents change
2010-06-23 ohair 6933622: Duplicate class files in rt.jar and charsets.jar
2010-06-16 lana Merge
2010-06-14 mchung 6960789: com.sun.servicetag API needs to be added in ct.sym
2010-06-08 lana Merge
2010-05-28 ohair 6955707: Correct addNotices.sh logic in Makefiles
2010-06-01 lana Merge
2010-05-28 peterz 6929507: Build error on file swing.plaf.synth.SynthUI
2010-05-25 ohair 6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices
2010-05-11 prr 6931180: Migration to recent versions of MS Platform SDK
2009-10-28 ohair 6888701: Change all template java source files to a .java-template file suffix
2009-07-28 xdono 6862919: Update copyright year
2009-07-06 herrick Merge
2009-06-29 herrick Merge
2009-06-12 herrick 6797688: Umbrella: Merge all JDK 6u4 - 6u12 deployment code into JDK7
2009-06-23 martin 6853806: Prefer (cd $dir && jar) to jar -C for performance reasons
2009-05-29 jjg 6838199: remove support for old javap
2009-05-12 jrose 6839802: java.dyn needs to be on the CORE_PKGS list
2009-01-19 amenkov 6702956: OpenJDK: replace encumbered code (software synthesizer)
2008-08-08 ohair Merge
2008-08-06 ohair 6728161: Add SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE feature to create boot jdk and use it during build
2008-08-08 ohair 6734977: Fix build failure regarding the now deleted file jdk/README.html
2008-07-02 xdono 6719955: Update copyright year
2008-06-17 tbell Merge
2008-06-03 jjg 6708729: update jdk Makefiles for new javap
2008-06-10 martin 6704165: JDK_DEBUG_IMAGE_DIR used in jdk/make/common/Release.gmk but not defined
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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