2009-12-08 | martin | 6900043: Add method to return line.separator property | file | diff | annotate |
2009-07-28 | xdono | 6862919: Update copyright year | file | diff | annotate |
2009-06-29 | herrick | Merge | file | diff | annotate |
2009-06-12 | herrick | 6797688: Umbrella: Merge all JDK 6u4 - 6u12 deployment code into JDK7 | file | diff | annotate |
2009-06-14 | martin | 6511515: poor performance of LogRecord.inferCaller depending on java.lang.Throwable.getStackTraceElement | file | diff | annotate |
2009-04-27 | mchung | 6829503: addShutdownHook fails if called after shutdown has commenced. | file | diff | annotate |
2009-03-24 | alanb | 6807702: Integer.valueOf cache should be configurable | file | diff | annotate |
2009-03-19 | mchung | 6817246: Redundant call to set InetAddressCachePolicy to FOREVER if not set during initialization | file | diff | annotate |
2009-03-12 | mchung | 6810254: Lazily instantiate the shared secret access objects | file | diff | annotate |
2007-12-01 | duke | Initial load | file | diff | annotate |