2010-12-14 flar 6766342: Improve performance of Ductus rasterizer
2010-12-07 flar 6775317: Improve performance of non-AA transformed rectangles and single wide lines in software pipelines
2009-12-24 uta 4874070: invoking DragSource's startDrag with an Image renders no image on drag
2009-08-07 rkennke 6795908: Refactor FontManager
2009-03-26 anthony 6693253: Security Warning appearance requires enhancements
2009-03-10 ant 6806217: implement synthetic focus model for MS Windows
2009-02-11 art 6633275: Need to support shaped/translucent windows
2008-08-26 art 6585765: RFE: Remove Unicows-related code from AWT
2008-07-18 tdv 6725214: D3D: forward-port the new pipeline from 6u10
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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