2014-12-29 ksrini 8067889: 4 pack200 tests fail on mac since jdk became modular
2013-08-08 sherman 8015666: test/tools/pack200/TimeStamp.java failing
2013-07-02 ksrini 8017463: [TEST_BUG] 2 tests from tools/pack200/ remain about 1 GB of data in work directory after execution
2012-11-02 alanb 7197491: update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository
2011-03-28 ksrini 7031166: (pack200) tools/pack200/CommandLineTests.java fail with testsdk on RO filesystem
2010-08-23 ksrini 6966740: (pack200) need to add the timezone regression test
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