2016-03-31 darcy 8151763: Use more informative format for problem list
2016-03-29 mchung 8153027: Exclude tools/jimage/JImageTest.java
2016-03-25 amlu 8152749: Mark AdaptorCloseAndInterrupt.java as intermittently failing
2016-04-02 jwilhelm Merge
2016-03-24 mchung 8152715: Problem list tools/pack200/Pack200Props.java
2016-03-24 akulyakh 8147987: Remove sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JMXInterfaceBindingTest.java from problemList
2016-03-24 coleenp 8152719: ignore this com/sun/jdi/InterfaceMehtodsTest.java until bug is fix
2016-03-17 alanb 8142968: Module System implementation
2016-03-03 thartmann 8151024: Remove TCKJapaneseChronology.java from the problem list
2016-02-26 amlu 8150608: Mark BashStreams.java as intermittently failing and put to ProblemList
2015-12-28 jbachorik 8145919: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiSslBootstrapTest failed with Connection failed for no credentials
2016-02-18 amlu 8149922: Remove intermittent key from security tests
2016-02-12 darcy 8149616: Problem list RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh
2016-02-09 darcy 8149492: Problem list CheckEncodings.sh
2016-02-02 bpb 8148891: Multiple failing javax/imageio/plugins after client integration
2016-02-02 amlu 8148710: Remove FlatMapOpTest.java from ProblemList.txt
2016-01-21 amurillo 8147985: Exclude sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JMXInterfaceBindingTest.java on jdk9/dev
2016-01-11 darcy 8146745: Problem list SessionCacheSizeTests.java
2016-01-10 darcy 8146744: Remove LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java from windows problem list
2016-01-09 darcy 8146724: Problem list jdk/internal/jimage/JImageReadTest.java
2015-12-22 prr Merge
2015-12-11 bpb 8144245: [PIT] javax/imageio/plugins/shared/WriteAfterAbort.java
2015-12-18 chegar 8145589: Test6277246.java fails to compile after JDK-8144479
2015-12-16 darcy 8145605: Problem list Test6277246.java until a fix for JDK-8145589
2015-12-09 robm 8141370: com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed intermittently
2015-12-03 darcy 8144627: Problem list WriteAfterAbort.java
2015-11-25 amjiang 8143377: Test PKCS8Test.java fails
2015-11-23 darcy 8143813: Problem list PKCS8Test.java
2015-11-17 weijun 8143138: Move sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/LoadKeystore.java to problem list
2015-11-13 darcy 8142363: Remove LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java from windows problem list
2015-11-05 jwilhelm Merge
2015-10-29 jwilhelm Merge
2015-10-28 ctornqvi 8140647: [TESTBUG] Add failing JDK jtreg tests to ProblemList
2015-10-29 ascarpino 8139859: TestRSA.java: 'message larger than modulus' using SunRsaSign KeyFactory
2015-10-20 amurillo Merge
2015-10-01 dsamersoff 8133063: Remove BasicLauncherTest from the problem list
2015-10-20 ascarpino 8139860: Add ucrypto/TestRSA.java to ProblemList: Message is larger than modulus
2015-10-19 darcy 8139925: Problem list LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java on windows
2015-09-11 rriggs 8133552: java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java fails intermittently - incorrect user
2015-09-09 dholmes 8133611: Remove java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/TimeoutLockLoops.java from problem list
2015-09-04 jbachorik 8134420: sun/tools/jps/TestJpsClass fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: The line 'line 2' does not match pattern '^\\d+\\s+.*': expected true, was false
2015-09-02 darcy 8134982: Problem list TCKJapaneseChronology.java
2015-09-02 ptbrunet 8134682: Remove com.sun.java.accessibility from jdk/src/closed/java.base/share/conf/security/restricted.pkgs
2015-08-28 sla 8134686: Exclude sun/tools/jps/ tests
2015-08-28 darcy 8134678: Problem list SecurityManager/CheckPackageAccess.java
2015-08-26 darcy 8134521: Problem list failing java/beans/Introspector test
2015-08-18 darcy 8133808: Place java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java on the Problem List
2015-08-14 darcy 8133588: Place TimeoutLockLoops.java on the problem list
2015-08-05 darcy 8133060: Problem list BasicLauncherTest until fix for JDK-8132648 propagates
2015-07-31 amurillo Merge
2015-07-28 olagneau 8131783: Put LowMemoryTest.java in quarantine
2015-07-24 ykantser 8062938: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/CR6672135.java: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not map vmid to user name
2015-07-17 amurillo Merge
2015-07-14 vinnie 8131184: Add test sun/security/pkcs11/rsa/TestKeyPairGenerator.java to the problem list
2015-07-10 ykantser 8076471: Remove hprof agent tests in JDK
2015-07-02 vinnie 8130151: Exclude sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/StrongSecureRandom.java from testruns on MacOSX 10.10
2015-07-01 darcy 8081547: Prepare client libs regression tests for running in a concurrent, headless jtreg environment
2015-06-29 weijun 8058849: test/sun/security/krb5/config/dns.sh needs to re-examined or replaced
2015-06-15 aeriksso 8081412: Remove MHIllegalAccess.java from the problem list
2015-05-29 weijun 8051952: Unreachable.java test failing on Windows
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