Fri, 29 May 2015 19:20:22 +0300 8081027: Create a common test to check adequacy of initial size of static HashMap/ArrayList fields
igerasim [Fri, 29 May 2015 19:20:22 +0300] rev 30897
8081027: Create a common test to check adequacy of initial size of static HashMap/ArrayList fields Reviewed-by: martin
Fri, 29 May 2015 09:08:36 -0700 8081452: Move sun.nio.cs.AbstractCharsetProvider into jdk.charset/sun.nio.cs.ext
sherman [Fri, 29 May 2015 09:08:36 -0700] rev 30896
8081452: Move sun.nio.cs.AbstractCharsetProvider into jdk.charset/sun.nio.cs.ext Summary: to AbstractCharsetProvider class from module to jdk.charsets module Reviewed-by: alanb
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